Instruction Lists - Reference - Programming the 65816 Including the 6502, 65C02, and 65802 (1986)

Programming the 65816 Including the 6502, 65C02, and 65802 (1986)

Part V. Reference

19. Instruction Lists

* Add 1 byte if m = 0 (16-bit memory/accumulator)

* * opcode is 1 byte, but program counter value pushed onto stack is incremented by 2 allowing for optional signature byte

+ Add 1 byte if x = 0 (16-bit index registers)

1 Add 1 cycle if m = 0 (16-bit memory/accumulafor)

2 Add 1 cycle if low byte of Direct Page register is other than zero (DL< >0)

3 Add 1 cycle if adding index crosses a page boundary

4 Add 1 cycle if 65C02 and d = 1 (decimal mode, 65C02)

5 Add 2 cycles if m = 0 (16-bit memory/accumulator)

6 Subtract 1 cycle if 65C02 and no page boundary crossed

7 Add 1 cycle if branch is taken

8 Add 1 more cycle if branch taken crosses page boundary on 6502, 65C02, or 65816/65802's 6502 emulation mode (e = 1)

9 Add 1 cycle for 65802/65816 native mode (e = 0)

10 Add 1 cycle if x = 0 (16-bit index registers)

11 Add 1 cycle if 65C02

12 6502: If low byte of operand is $FF ( i.e., operand is SxxFF): yields incorrect result

13 7 cycles per byte moved

14 Uses 3 cycles to shut the processor down; additional cycles are required by reset to restart it

15 Uses 3 cycles to shut the processor down; additional cycles are required by interrupt to restart it

10 Byte and cycle counts subject to change in future processors which expand WDM into 2-byte opcode portions of instructions of varying lengths

Opcodes Reference Chart


* Opcode or instruction first introduced on the 65C02

* Opcode or instruction first introduced on the 65816/65802 (not marked: first introduced on the NMOS 6502)

Addressing mode box:

Operation column:




Index register X


Index register Y


Contents of memory location specified by effective address


Contents of direct page memory location pointed to by operand


Contents of memory location pointed to by stack pointer


Current opcode pointed to by the program counter


Memory location of current opcode pointed to by the program counter


Two-byte operand of relative long addressing mode instruction






Exclusive Or

Logical complement of a value or status bit (A indicates the complement of the value in the accumulator)


Phase 2 clock (hardware signal)


Ready (hardware signal)

Bytes, cycles, and status codes:

* Add 1 byte if M = 0 (16-bit memory accumulator)

** opcode is 1 byte, but program counter value pushed onto stack is incremented by 2 allowing for optional signature byte

+ Add 1 byte if x = 0 (16-bit index registers)

n number of bytes moved

1 Add 1 cycle if m = 0 (16-bit memory accumulator)

2 Add 1 cycle if low byte of Direct Page register is other than zero (D L <> 0)

3 Add 1 cycle if adding index crosses a page boundary

4 Add 1 cycle if 65C02 and d = 1 (decimal mode, 65C02)

5 Add 2 cycles if m = 0 (16-bit memory/accumulator)

6 Subtract 1 cycle if 65C02 and no page boundary crossed

7 Add 1 cycle if branch is taken

8 Add 1 more cycle if branch taken crosses page boundary on 6502, 65C02, or 65816/65802's 6502 emulation mode (e= 1)

9 Add 1 cycle for 65802 65816 native mode (e= 0)

10 Add 1 cycle if x = 0 (16-bit index registers)

11 Add 1 cycle if 65C02

12 6502: If low byte of addr is $FF (i.e., addr is $xxFF): yields incorrect result

13 7 cycles per byte moved

14 Uses 3 cycles to shut the processor down; additional cycles are required by reset to restart it

15 Uses 3 cycles to shut the processor down; additional cycles are required by interrupt to restart it

16 Byte and cycle counts subject to change in future processors which expand WDM into 2-byte opcode portions of instructions of varying lengths

17 BIT: immediate n and v flags not affected; if m = 0, m(15) —»n and M(14) —>v; if m = 1, M(7) —>n and M(6) —*v

18 BRK: if b = 1 in pushed status register (6502, 65C02 and emulation mode e = 1), then interrupt was caused by

software BRK;

if 6502, d is unaffected by BRK; if 65C02 or 65816/65802, d is 0 after BRK