SEP, REP, and Other Details - Tutorial - Programming the 65816 Including the 6502, 65C02, and 65802 (1986)

Programming the 65816 Including the 6502, 65C02, and 65802 (1986)

Part III. Tutorial

5. SEP, REP, and Other Details

Part Three is devoted to a step by step survey of all 92 different 65816 instructions and the 25 different types of addressing modes which, together, account for the 256 operation codes of the 65802 and 65816. As a matter of course, this survey naturally embraces the instruction sets of the 6502 and 65C02 as well.

The instructions are grouped into six categories: data movement, flow of control, arithmetic, logical and bit manipulation, subroutine calls, and system control instructions. A separate chapter is devoted to each group, and all of the instructions in a group are presented in their respective chapter.

The addressing modes are divided into two classes, simple and complex. The simple addressing modes are those that form their effective address directly—that is, without requiring any, or only minimal, combination or addition of partial addresses from several sources. The complex addressing modes are those that combine two or more of the basic addressing concepts, such as indirection and indexing, as part of the effective address calculation.

Almost all of the examples found in this book are intended to be executed on a system with either a 65802 or 65816 processor, and most include 65816 instructions, although there are some examples that are intentionally restricted to either the 6502 or 65C02 instruction set for purposes of comparison.

Because of the easy availability of the pin-compatible 65802, there is a good chance that you may, in fact, be executing your first sample programs on a system originally designed as a 6502-based system, with system software such as machine-level monitors and operating systems that naturally support 6502 code only. All of the software in this book was developed and tested on just such systems (Apple // computers with either 65802s replacing the 6502, or with 65816 processor cards installed).

It is assumed that you will have some kind of support environment allowing you to develop programs and load them into memory, as well as a monitor program that lets you examine and modify memory, such as that found in the Apple // firmware. Since such programs were originally designed to support 6502 code, the case of calling a 65816 program from a 6502-based system program must be given special attention.

A 65802 or 65816 system is in the 6502 emulation mode when first initialized at power-up. This is quite appropriate if the system software you are using to load and execute the sample programs is 6502-based, as it would probably not execute correctly in the native 65816 mode.

Even though almost all of the examples are for the 65816 native mode of operation, the early examples assume that the direct page register, program counter bank register, and data bank register are all in their default condition—set to zero—in which case they provide an environment that corresponds to the 64K programming space and zero page addressing of the 6502 and 65C02. Aside from keeping the examples simple, it permits easy switching between the native mode and the emulation mode. If you have just powered up your 65816 or 65802 system, nothing need be done to alter these default values.

The one initialization you must do is to switch from the emulation to the native mode. To switch out of the 6502 emulation mode, which is the default condition upon powering up a system, the code in Fragment 5.1 must be executed once.

Fragment 5.1.

This clears the special e flag, putting the processor into the 65816 native mode.

If you are using a 65802 processor in an old 6502 system, the above code needs to be executed each time an example is called. Further, before exiting a 65816 program to return to a 6502 calling program, the opposite sequence in Fragment 5.2 must be executed.

Fragment 5.2.

Even if you are running your test programs from a fully supported 65816 or 65802 environment, you should include the first mode-switching fragment, since the operating mode may be undefined on entry to a program. Execution of the second should be acceptable since the system program should reinitialize itself to the native mode upon return from a called program.

A further requirement to successfully execute the example programs is to provide a means for returning control to the calling monitor program. In the examples, the RTS (return from subroutine) instruction is used. The RTS instruction is not explained in detail until Chapter 12; however, by coding it at the end of each example, control will normally return to the system program that called the example program. So to exit a program, you will always code the sequence in Fragment 5.3.

Fragment 5.3.

Some systems may have a mechanism other than RTS to return control to the system; consult your system documentation.

In addition to these two details, a final pair of housekeeping instructions must be mastered early in order to understand the examples.

These two instructions are SEP and REP (set P and reset P). Although they are not formally introduced until Chapter 13, their use is essential to effective use of the 65802 and 65816. The SEP and REP instructions have many uses, but their primary use is to change the value of the m and x flags in the status register. As you recall from Chapter 4, the m and x registers determine the size of the accumulator and index registers, respectively. When a flag is set (has a value of one), the corresponding register is eight bits; when a flag is clear, the corresponding register is sixteen bits. SEP, which sets bits in the status register, is used to change either the accumulator, or index registers, or both, to eight bits; REP, which clears bits, is used to change either or both to sixteen bits. Whenever a register changes size, all of the operations that move data in and out of the register are affected as well. In this sense, the flag bits are extensions to the opcode, changing their interpretation by the processor.

The operand following the SEP and REP instructions is a "mask" of the flags to be modified. Since bit five of the status register is the m memory/accumulator select flag, an instruction of the form;


#% 00100000

makes the accumulator size sixteen bits; a SEP instruction with the same argument (or its hexadecimal equivalent, $20) would make it eight bits. The binary value for modifying the x flag is % 00010000, or $10; the value for modifying both flags at once is %00110000, or $30. The sharp (#) preceding the operand signifies the operand is immediate data, stored in the byte following the opcode in program memory; the percent(%) and dollar ($) signs are special symbols signifying either binary or hexadecimal number representation, respectively, as explained in Chapter 1.

Understanding the basic operation of SEP and REP is relatively simple. What takes more skill is to develop a sense of their appropriate use, since there is always more than one way to do things. Although there is an immediate impulse to want to use the sixteen-bit modes for everything, it should be fairly obvious that the eight-bit accumulator mode will, for example, be more appropriate to applications such as character manipulation. Old 6502 programmers should resist the feeling that if they're not using the sixteen-bit modes “all the time" they're not getting full advantage from their 65802 or 65816. The eight-bit accumulator and index register size modes, which correspond to the 6502 architecture, can be used to do some of the kinds of things the 6502 was doing successfully before the option of using sixteen-bit registers was provided by the 65816. Even in eight-bit mode, the 65802 or 65816 will provide numerous advantages over the 6502.

What is most important is to develop a sense of rhythm; it is undesirable to be constantly switching modes. Since the exact order in which a short sequence of loosely related instructions is executed is somewhat arbitrary, try to do as many operations in a single mode as possible before switching modes. At the same time, you should be aware that the point at which an efficiency gain is made by switching to a more appropriate mode is reached very quickly. By examining the various possibilities, and experimenting with them, a sense that translates into an effective rhythm in coding can be developed.

Finally, a word about the examples as they appear in this book. Two different styles are used: Code Fragments, and complete Code Listings.

Code Fragments are the kinds of examples used so far in this chapter. Code Listings, on the other hand, are self-contained programs, ready to be executed. Both appear in boxes, and are listed with the generated object code as produced by the assembler. Single-line listings are included in the text.

The Assembler Used in This Book

The assembly syntax used in this book is that recommended by the Western Design Center in their data sheet (see Appendix F). The assembler actually used is the ProDOS ORCA/M assembler for the Apple // computer, by Byteworks, Inc. Before learning how to code the 65816, a few details about some of the assembler directives need to be explained.

Full-line comments are indicated by starting a line with an asterisk or a semicolon.

If no starting address is specified, programs begin by default at $2000. That address can be changed by using the origin directive, ORG. The statement when included in a source program, will cause the next byte of code generated to be located at memory location $7000, with subsequently generated bytes following it.



Values can be assigned labels with the global equate directive, GEQU. For example, in a card-playing program, spades might be represented by the value $7F; the program is much easier to code (and read) if you can use the label SPADE instead of remembering which of four values goes with which of the four suits, as seen in Fragment 5.4.

Fragment 5.4.

Now rather than loading the A accumulator by specifying a hard-to-remember value,

you can load it by specifying the easier-to-remember label:

Once you have defined a label using GEQU, the assembler automatically substitutes the value assigned whenever the label is encountered.

The # sharp or pound sign is used to indicate that the accumulator is to be loaded with an immediate constant.

In addition to being defined by GEQU statements, labels are also defined by being coded in the label field—starting in the first column of a source line, right in front of an instruction or storage-defining directive. When coded in front of an instruction:

the label defines an entry point for a branch or jump to go to; when an instruction such as

is assembled, the assembler automatically calculates the value of BEGIN and uses that value as the operand of the JMP instruction.

Variable and array space can be set aside and optionally labelled with the define storage directive, DS. In the example in Fragment 5.5, the first DS directive sets aside one byte at $1000 for the variable FLAG1; the second DS directive sets aside 20 bytes starting at $1001 forARRAY1.

Fragment 5.5.

The value stored at FLAG1 can be loaded into the accumulator by specifying FLAG1 as the operand of the LDA instruction:

Program constants, primarily default values for initializing variables, prompts, and messages, are located in memory and optionally given a label by the declare constant directive, DC. The first character(s) of its operand specifies a type (A for two-byte addresses, I1 for one-byte integers, Hfor hex bytes and C for character strings, for example) followed by the value or values to be stored, which are delimited by single quotes.

Fragment 5.6 gives an example. The first constant, DFLAG1, is a default value for code in the program to assign to the variable FLAG1. You may realize that DFLAG1 could be used as a variable; with a label, later values of the flag could be stored here and then there would be no need for any initialization code. But good programming practice suggests otherwise: once another value is stored into DFLAG1, its initial value is lost, which keeps the program from being restarted from memory. On the other hand, using a GEQU to set up DFLAG1 would prevent you from patching the location with a different value should you change your mind about its initial value after the code has been assembled.

Fragment 5.6.

Defining COUNT as a declared constant allows it, too, to be patched in object as well as edited in source.

PROMPT is a message to be written to the screen when the program is running. The assembler lists only the first four object bytes generated ('496E7365') to save room, but generates them all. The zero on the next line acts as a string terminator.

Sometimes it is useful to define a label at a given point in the code, but not associate it with a particular source line; the ANOP (assembler no-operation) instruction does this. The value of the label will be the location of the code resulting from the next code-generating source line. One use of this feature is to define two labels with the same value, as shown in Fragment 5.7.

Fragment 5.7.

The two bytes of variable storage reserved may now be referred to as either BLACK or WHITE; their value is the same.

Address Notation

The 16-megabyte address space of the 65816 is divided into 256 64K banks. Although it is possible to treat the address space in a linear fashion—the range of bytes from $000000 to $FFFFFF—it is often desirable and almost always easier to read if you distinguish the bank component of a 24-bit address by separating it with a colon:

In these examples, the x characters indicate that that address component can be any legal value; the thing of interest is the specified component.

Similarly, when specifying direct page addresses, remember that a direct page address is only an offset; it must be added to the value in the direct page register:

The dp in the first example is used to simply indicate the contents of the direct page register, whatever it may be; in the second case, the value in the direct page register is given as $1000. Note that this notation is distinguished from the previous one by the fact that the address to the left of the colon is a sixteen-bit value, the address on the right is eight. Twenty-four-bit addresses are the other way around.

A third notation used in this book describes ranges of address. Whenever two addresses appear together separated by a single dot, the entire range of memory location between and including the two addresses is being referred to. For example, $2000.2001 refers to the double-byte starting at $2000. If high bytes of the second address are omitted, they are assumed to have the same value as the first address. Thus, $2000.03 refers to the addresses between $2000 and $2003 inclusive.