A Modern C++ Primer - Multiplayer Game Programming: Architecting Networked Games (2016)

Multiplayer Game Programming: Architecting Networked Games (2016)

Appendix A. A Modern C++ Primer

C++ is the video game industry standard programming language. While many game companies might use higher-level languages for gameplay logic, lower-level code such as networking logic is almost exclusively written in C++. The code throughout this book uses concepts relatively new to the C++ language, and this appendix covers these concepts.


Ratified in 2011, C++11 introduced many changes to C++ standard. Several major features were added in C++11, including both fundamental language constructs (such as lambda expressions) and new libraries (such as one for threading). Although a large number of concepts were added to C++11 this book only uses a handful of them. That being said, it is a worthwhile exercise to peruse additional references to get a sense of all of the additions that were made to the language. This section covers some general C++11 concepts that did not really fit in the other sections of this appendix.

One caveat is that since the C++11 standard is still relatively new, not all compilers are fully C++11-compliant. However, all the C++11 concepts used in this book work in three of the most popular compilers in use today: Microsoft Visual Studio, Clang, and GCC.

It should also be noted that there is a newer version of the C++ standard called C++14. However, C++14 is more of an incremental update, so there are not nearly as many language additions as in C++11. The next major revision to the standard is slated for release in 2017.


While the auto keyword existed in previous versions of C++, in C++11 it takes on a new meaning. Specifically, this keyword is used in place of a type, and instructs the compiler to deduce the type at compile time. Since the type is deduced at compile time, this means that there is no runtime cost for using auto—but it certainly allows for more succinct code to be written.

For example, one headache in old C++ is declaring an iterator (if you are fuzzy on the concept iterators, you can read about them later in this appendix):

//Declare a vector of ints
std::vector<int> myVect;
//Declare an iterator referring to begin
std::vector<int>::iterator iter = myVect.begin();

However, in C++11 you can replace the complicated type for the iterator with auto:

//Declare a vector of ints
std::vector<int> myVect;
//Declare an iterator referring to begin (using auto)
auto iter = myVect.begin();

Since the return type of myVect.begin() is known at compile time, it is possible for the compiler to deduce the appropriate type for iter. The auto keyword can even be used for basic types such as integers or floats, but the value in these cases is rather questionable. One caveat to keep in mind is that auto does not default to a reference nor is it const—if these properties are desired, auto&, const auto, or even const auto& can be specified.


Prior to C++11, the way a pointer was set to null was either with the number 0 or the macro NULL (which is just a #define for the number 0). However, one major issue with this approach is that 0 is first and foremost treated as an integer. This can be a problem in the case of function overloading. For example, suppose the following two functions were defined:

void myFunc(int* ptr)
//Do stuff
void myFunc(int a)
//Do stuff

An issue comes up if myFunc is called with NULL passed as the parameter. Although one might expect that the first version would be called, this is not the case. That’s because NULL is 0, and 0 is treated as an integer. If, on the other hand, nullptr is passed as the parameter, it will call the first version, as nullptr is treated as a pointer.

Although this example is a bit contrived, the point holds that nullptr is strongly typed as a pointer, whereas NULL or 0 is not. There’s a further benefit that nullptr can be easily searched for in a file without any false positives, whereas 0 may appear in many cases where there is not a pointer in use.


A reference is a variable type that refers to another variable. This means that modifying the reference will modify the original variable. The most basic usage case of references is when writing a function that modifies function parameters. For example, the following function would swap the two parameters a and b:

void swap(int& a, int& b)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

Thus if the swap function is called on two integer variables, upon completion of the function, these two variables would have their values swapped. This is because a and b are references to the original variables. Were the swap function written in C, we would have to use pointers instead of references. Internally, a reference is in fact implemented as a pointer—however, the semantics of using a reference are simpler because dereferences are implicit. References are also generally safer to use as function parameters, because it can be assumed that a reference will never be null (though it is technically possible to write malformed code where a reference is null).

Const References

Modifying parameters is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to references. For nonbasic types (such as classes and structs), passing by reference is almost always going to be more efficient than passing by value. This is because passing by value necessitates creating a copy of the variable—in the case of nonbasic type such as a vector or a string, creating the copy requires a dynamic allocation which adds a huge amount of overhead.

Of course, if the vector or string were just passed into a function by reference, this would mean that the function would be free to modify the original variable. What about the cases where this should be disallowed, such as when the variable is data encapsulated in a class? The solution to this is what’s called a const reference. A const reference is still passed by reference, but it can only be accessed—no modification is allowed. This is the best of both worlds—a copy is avoided and the function can’t modify the data. The following print function is one example of passing a parameter by const reference:

void print(const std::string& toPrint)
std::cout << toPrint << std::endl;

In general, for nonbasic types it is a good idea to pass them into functions by const reference, unless the function intends to modify the original variable, in which case a normal reference should be used. However, for basic types (such as integers and floats) it generally is slower to use references as opposed to making a copy. Thus, for basic types it’s preferred to pass by value, unless the function intends to modify the original variable, in which case a non-const reference should be used.

Const Member Functions

Member functions and parameters should follow the same rules as standalone functions. So nonbasic types should generally be passed by const reference and basic types should generally be passed by value. It gets a little bit trickier for the return type of so-called getter functions—functions that return encapsulated data. Generally, such functions should return const references to the member data—this is to prevent the caller from violating encapsulation and modifying the data.

However, once const references are being used with classes, it is very important that any member functions that do not modify member data are designated as const member functions. A const member function guarantees that the member function in question does not modify internal class data (and it is strictly enforced). This is important because given a const reference to an object, only const member functions can be called on said object. If you attempt to call a non-const function on a const reference, it causes a compile error.

To designate a member function as const, the const keyword appears in the declaration, after the closing parenthesis for the function’s parameters. The following Student class demonstrates proper usage of references as well as const member functions. Using const appropriately in this manner is often referred to as const-correctness.

class Student
std::string mName;
int mAge;
Student(const std::string& name, int age)
: mName(name)
, mAge(age)
{ }

const std::string& getName() const {return mName;}
void setName(const std::string& name) {mName = name;}

int getAge() const {return mAge;}
void setAge(int age) {mAge = age;}


A template is a way to declare a function or class such that it can generically apply to any type. For example, this templated max function would support any type that supports the greater than operator:

template <typename T>
T max(const T& a, const T& b)
return ((a > b) ? a : b);

When the compiler sees a call to max, it instantiates a version of the template for the type in question. So if there are two calls to max—one with integers and one with floats—the compiler would create two corresponding versions of max. This means that the executable size and execution performance will be identical to code where two versions of max were manually declared.

An approach similar to this can be applied to classes and/or structs, and it is used extensively in STL (covered later in this appendix). However, as with references there are quite a few additional possible uses of templates.

Template Specialization

Suppose there is a templated function called copyToBuffer that takes in two parameters: a pointer to the buffer to write to, and the (templated) variable that should be written. One way to write this function might be:

template <typename T>
void copyToBuffer(char* buffer, const T& value)
std::memcpy(buffer, &value, sizeof(T));

However, there is a fundamental problem with this function. While it’ll work perfectly fine for basic types, nonbasic types such as string will not function properly. This is because the function will perform a shallow copy as opposed to a deep copy of the underlying data. To solve this issue, a specialized version of copyToBuffer can be created that performs the deep copy for strings:

template <>
void copyToBuffer<std::string>(char* buffer, const std::string& value)
std::memcpy(buffer, value.c_str(), value.length());

Then, when copyToBuffer is invoked in code, if the type of value is a string it will choose the specialized version. This sort of specialization can also be applied to a template that takes in multiple template parameters—in which case it is possible to specialize on any number of the template parameters.

Static Assertions and Type Traits

Runtime assertions are very useful for validation of values. In games, assertions are often preferred over exceptions both because there is less overhead and the assertions can be easily removed for an optimized release build.

A static assertion is a type of assertion that is performed at compile time. Since this assertion is during compilation, the Boolean expression to be validated must also be known at compilation. Here’s a very simple example of a function which will not compile due to the static assertion:

void test()
static_assert(false, "Doesn't compile!");

Of course, a static assert with a false condition doesn’t really accomplish much other than halt compilation. An actual usage case is combining static assertions with the C++11 type_traits header in order to disallow templated functions on certain types. Returning to the earliercopyToBuffer example, it would be preferable if the generic version of the function only worked on basic types. This could be accomplished with a static assertion, like so:

template <typename T>
void copyToBuffer(char* buffer, const T& value)
"copyToBuffer requires specialization for non-basic types.");
std::memcpy(buffer, &value, sizeof(T));

The is_fundamental value will only be true in the case where T is a basic type. This means that any calls to the generic version of copyToBuffer will not compile if T is nonbasic. Where this gets interesting is when specializations are thrown into the mix—if the type in question has a template specialization associated with it, then the generic version is ignored, thus skipping the static assertion. This means that if the string version of copyToBuffer were still written as in that earlier example, calls to the function with a string as the second parameter would work just fine.

Smart Pointers

A pointer is a type of variable that stores a memory address, and is a fundamental construct used by C/C++ programmers. However, there are a few common issues that can crop up when using pointers incorrectly. One such issue is a memory leak—when memory is dynamically allocated on the heap, but never deleted. For example, the following class leaks memory:

class Texture
struct ImageData
ImageData* mData;
Texture(const char* filename)
mData = new ImageData;
//Load ImageData from the file

Notice how there is memory dynamically allocated in the constructor of the class, but that memory is not deleted in the destructor. To fix this memory leak, we need to add a destructor that deletes mData. The corrected version of Texture follows:

class Texture
struct ImageData
ImageData* mData;
Texture(const char* fileName)
mData = new ImageData;
//Load ImageData from the file
delete mData; //Fix memory leak

A second, more insidious, issue can crop up when multiple objects have pointers to the same variable that was dynamically allocated. For example, suppose there is the following Button class (that uses the previously declared Texture class):

class Button
Texture* mTexture;
Button(Texture* texture)
: mTexture(texture)
delete mTexture;

The idea is that each Button should display a Texture, and the Texture must have been dynamically allocated beforehand. However, what happens if two instances of Button are created, both pointing to the same Texture? As long as both buttons are active, everything will work fine. But once the first Button instance is destructed, the Texture will no longer be valid. But the second Button instance would still have a pointer to that newly deleted Texture, which in the best case causes some graphical corruption, and in the worst case causes the program to crash. This issue is not easily solvable with normal pointers.

Smart pointers are a way to solve both of these issues, and as of C++11 they are now part of the standard library (in the memory header file).

Shared Pointers

A shared pointer is a type of smart pointer that allows for multiple pointers to the same dynamically allocated variable. Behind the scenes, a shared pointer tracks the number of pointers to the underlying variable, which is a process called reference counting. The underlying variable is only deleted once the reference count hits zero. In this way, a shared pointer can ensure that a variable that’s still being pointed at is not deleted prematurely.

To construct a shared pointer, it is preferred to use the make_shared templated function. Here’s a simple example of using shared pointers:

//Construct a shared pointer to an int
//Initialize underlying variable to 50
//Reference count is 1
std::shared_ptr<int> p1 = std::make_shared<int>(50);
//Make a new shared pointer that's set to the
//same underlying variable.
//Reference count is now 2
std::shared_ptr<int> p2 = p1;

//Dereference a shared_ptr just like a regular one
*p2 = 100;
std::cout << *p2 << std::endl;
} //p2 destructed, reference count now 1
} //p1 destructed, reference count 0, so underlying variable is deleted

Note that both the shared_ptr itself and the make_shared function are templated by the type of the underlying dynamically allocated variable. The make_shared function automatically performs the actual dynamic allocation—notice how there are no direct calls to either new ordelete in this code. It is possible to directly pass a memory address into the constructor of a shared_ptr, but this approach is not recommended unless absolutely necessary, as it is less efficient and more error-prone than using make_shared.

If you want to pass a shared pointer as a parameter to a function, it should always be passed by value, as if it were a basic type. This is contrary to the usual rules of passing by reference, but it is the only way to ensure the reference count of the shared pointer is correct.

Putting this all together, it means that the Button class from earlier in this section could be rewritten to instead use a shared_ptr to a Texture, as shown in the following code. In this way, the underlying Texture data is guaranteed to never be deleted as long as there are active shared pointers to that Texture.

class Button
std::shared_ptr<Texture> mTexture;
Button(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture)
: mTexture(texture)
//No destructor needed, b/c smart pointer!

There’s another related feature of shared_ptr that bears mentioning. If a class needs to get a shared_ptr to itself, it should not manually construct a new shared_ptr from the this pointer, as this would not take into account any existing references. Instead, there is a template class you can inherit from called enable_shared_from_this. For example, if Texture needs to be able to get a shared_ptr to itself, it could inherit from enable_shared_from_this as follows:

class Texture: public std::enable_shared_from_this<Texture>

Then, inside any of Texture’s member functions, you can call the shared_from_this member function, which will return a shared_ptr with the correct reference count.

There also are templated functions that can be used to cast between shared pointers to different classes in a hierarchy: static_pointer_cast and dynamic_pointer_cast.

Unique Pointer

A unique pointer is similar to a shared pointer, except it guarantees that only one pointer can ever point to the underlying variable. If you try to assign one unique pointer to another, it results in an error. This means that unique pointers don’t need to track a reference count—they simply automatically delete the underlying variable when the unique pointer is destructed.

For unique pointers, use unique_ptr and make_unique—beyond the lack of reference counting, the code for using unique_ptr is very similar to code for using shared_ptr.

Weak Pointer

Behind the scenes, a shared_ptr actually has two types of reference counts: a strong reference count and a weak reference count. When the strong reference count hits zero, the underlying object is destroyed. However, the weak reference count has no bearing on whether or not the underlying object is destroyed. This leads to a weak pointer, which holds a weak reference to the object controlled by a shared pointer. The basic idea of a weak pointer is it allows code that doesn’t actually want to own an object to safely check whether or not said object still exists. The class used for this in C++11 is weak_ptr.

Suppose sp is already declared as a shared_ptr<int>. You could then create a weak_ptr directly from the shared_ptr as follows:

std::weak_ptr<int> wp = sp;

You can then use the expired function to test whether or not the weak pointer still exists. And if it’s not expired, you can use lock to reacquire a shared_ptr, which will increase the strong reference count. This would look like:

if (!wp.expired())
//This will increase the strong reference count
std::shared_ptr<int> sp2 = wp.lock();
//Now use sp2 like a shared_ptr

Weak pointers can also be used to avoid a circular reference. Specifically, if object A has a shared_ptr to object B, and object B has a shared_ptr to object A, there is no way object A or B can ever be deleted. However, if one of them has a weak_ptr, then the circular reference is avoided.


There are a couple of things to watch out for with regards to smart pointers as implemented in C++11. First of all, they are difficult to use correctly with dynamically allocated arrays. If you want to use a smart pointer to an array, it is generally simpler to use an STL container array. It should also be noted that in comparison to normal pointers, smart pointers do come with a slight added memory overhead and performance cost. So for code that needs to be absolutely as fast as possible, it is not wise to use smart pointers. But for most typical usage cases, it’s safer and easier (and thus, likely preferred) to use smart pointers.

STL Containers

The C++ standard template library (STL) contains a large number of container data structures. This section summarizes the most commonly used containers and their typical usage cases. Each container is declared in a header file corresponding to the container name, so it’s not uncommon to need to include several headers to support several containers.


The array container (added in C++11) is essentially a wrapper for a constant size array. Because it is constant size, there are no push_back member functions or the like. Indices into the array can be accessed using the standard array subscript operator []. Recall that the main advantage of arrays (in general) is that random access can be performed with an algorithmic complexity of O(1).

While C-style arrays serve the same purpose, one advantage of using the array container is that it supports iterator semantics. Furthermore, it is possible to employ bounds checking if the at member function is used instead of the array subscript operator.


The vector container is a dynamically sized array. Elements can be added and removed from the back of a vector using push_back and pop_back, with O(1) algorithmic complexity. It is also possible to use insert and remove at any arbitrary location in the vector. However, these operations require copying some or all of the data in the array, which can make them computationally expensive. Resizing a vector is expensive for the same reason, in spite of its O(n) algorithmic complexity. This further means that even though push_back is considered O(1), calling it on a full vector will incur copying costs. As with array, bounds checking is performed if the at member function is used.

If you know how many elements you need to place in the vector, you can use the reserve member function to allocate space to fit that many elements. This will avoid any cost of growing and copying the vector as you add elements, and can save a tremendous amount of time.

For adding elements to a vector, C++11 provides a new member function emplace_back. The difference between emplace_back and push_back is apparent when you have a vector of a nonbasic type. Suppose you have a vector of a custom class Student. Suppose that the constructor of Student takes in the name of the student and their grade. If you were to use push_back, you might write code like this:

students.push_back(Student("John", 100));

This code first constructs a temporary instance of the Student class, and then makes a copy of this temporary instance in order to add it to the vector. However, emplace_back can construct the object in place, which avoids creating a temporary. You would call emplace_back as follows:

students.emplace_back("John", 100);

Notice how the call to emplace_back does not explicitly mention the Student type. This is called perfect forwarding, because the parameters are forwarded to the Student that is constructed in the vector.

There is no disadvantage of using emplace_back in lieu of push_back. All the other STL containers (other than array) support emplace functionality, as well, so you should get into the habit of using emplace functions to add elements to containers.


The list container is a doubly linked list. Elements can be added/removed from the front and back with guaranteed O(1) algorithmic complexity. Furthermore, given an iterator at an arbitrary location in the list, it is possible to insert and remove with O(1) complexity. Recall that lists do not support random access of specific elements. One advantage of a linked list is that it can never really be “full”—elements are added one at a time, so there is no need to worry about resizing a linked list. However, it should be noted that one disadvantage of a linked list is that because elements are not next to each other in memory, they are not as cache-friendly as an array. It turns out that cache performance is actually a significant bottleneck on modern computers. So as long as the size of each element is relatively small (64 bytes or less), a vector will almost always outperform a list.


The forward_list container (added in C++11) is a singly linked list. This means that forward_list only supports O(1) addition and removal from the front of the list. The advantage of this is that it uses less memory per node in the list.


A map is an ordered container of {key, value} pairs, that are ordered by the key. Each key in the map must be unique and support strict weak ordering, meaning that if key A is less than B, then key B cannot be less than or equal to A. If you wish to use a custom type as a key, typically you override the less than operator. A map is implemented as a type of binary search tree, which means that lookup by key has an average algorithmic complexity of O(log(n)). Since it is ordered, iterating through the map is guaranteed to be sorted in ascending order.


A set is like map, except there is no pair—the key is simply also the value. All other behavior is identical.


The unordered_map container (added in C++11) is a hash table of {key, value} pairs. Each key must be unique. Since it is a hash table, lookup can be performed with an algorithmic complexity of O(1). However, it’s unordered which means iterating through an unordered_map will not yield any meaningful order. Similarly, there is a hash set container called unordered_set. For both unordered_map and unordered_set, hashing functions are provided for built-in types. If you wish to hash a custom type, you must provide your own specialization of the templatedstd::hash function.


An iterator is a type of object whose intent is to allow for traversal through a container. All STL containers support iterators, and this section covers the common usage cases.

The following code snippet constructs a vector, adds the first five Fibonacci numbers to the vector, and then uses iterators to print out each element in the vector:

std::vector<int> myVec;
myVec.emplace_back(3 );

//Iterate through vector, and output each element
for(auto iter = myVec.begin();
iter != myVec.end();
std::cout << *iter << std::endl;

To grab an iterator to the first element in an STL container, the begin member function is used, and likewise the end member function grabs an iterator to one past the last element. Notice that the code used auto to declare the type of the iterator, in order to avoid needing to spell out the full type (which in this case is std::vector<int>::iterator).

Also notice that the iterator is incremented to the next element by using the prefix ++ operator—for performance reasons, the prefix operator should be used in lieu of the postfix operator. Finally, iterators are dereferenced like pointers are dereferenced—this is how the underlying data at the element is accessed. This can be tricky if the underlying element is a pointer, because there are two dereferences: first of the iterator and then of the pointer itself.

All STL containers also support two kinds of iterators: the normal iterator as shown earlier, and a const_iterator. The difference is that a const_iterator does not allow modification of the data in the container, whereas a normal iterator does. This means that if code has a const reference to an STL container, it is only allowed to use a const_iterator.

Range-Based For Loop

In the case where it is simply desired to loop through an entire container, it is simpler to use a new C++11 addition called the range-based for loop. The loop just mentioned could instead be rewritten as follows:

//Iterate using a range-based for
for (auto i : myVec)
std::cout << i << std::endl;

A range-based for loop looks much like what a foreach might look like in other languages such as Java or C#. This code grabs each element in the container, and saves it into the temporary variable i. The loop ends only once all elements have been visited. In a range-based for, it is possible to grab each element by value or by reference. This means that if it is desired to modify elements in the container, references should be used, and furthermore for nonbasic types either references or const references should always be used.

Internally, a range-based for will work on any container that supports STL-style iterator semantics (e.g., there is an iterator member, a begin, an end, the iterator can be incremented, dereferenced, and so on). This means that it is possible to create a custom container that supports the range-based for loop.

Other Uses of Iterators

There are a multitude of functions in the algorithm header that use iterators in one way or another. However, one other common use of iterators is the find member function that map, set, and unordered_map support. The find member function searches through the container for the specified key, and returns an iterator to the corresponding element in the container. If the key is not found, find will instead return an iterator equal to the end iterator.

Additional Readings

Meyers, Scott. (2014, December). Effective Modern C++. O’Reilly Media.

Stroustrup, Bjarne. (2013, May). The C++ Programming Language, 4th ed. Addison-Wesley.