Active Support's Concern Module - Metaprogramming in Rails - Metaprogramming Ruby 2: Program Like the Ruby Pros (2014)

Metaprogramming Ruby 2: Program Like the Ruby Pros (2014)

Part 2. Metaprogramming in Rails

Chapter 10. Active Support's Concern Module

In the previous chapter, you saw that the modules in Rails are special: when you include them, you gain both instance and class methods. How does that happen?

The answer comes from yet another module: Concern, in the Active Support library. ActiveSupport::Concern twists and bends the Ruby object model. It encapsulates the “add class methods to your includer” functionality, and it makes it easy to roll that functionality into other modules.

ActiveSupport::Concern is easier to understand if you know how it came to exist in the first place. We’ll start by looking back at Rails’ older versions, before Concern entered the scene.

Rails Before Concern

The Rails source code has changed a lot through the years, but some basic ideas haven’t changed much. One of these is the concept behind ActiveRecord::Base. As you’ve seen in ActiveRecord::Base, this class is an assembly of dozens of modules that define both instance methods and class methods. For example, Base includes ActiveRecord::Validations, and in the process it gets instance and class methods.

The mechanism that rolls those methods into Base, however, has changed. Let’s see how it worked in the beginning.

The Include-and-Extend Trick

Around the times of Rails 2, all validation methods were defined in ActiveRecord::Validations. (Back then, there was no Active Model library.) However, Validations pulled a peculiar trick:


module ActiveRecord

module Validations

# ...

def self.included(base)

base.extend ClassMethods

# ...


module ClassMethods

def validates_length_of(*attrs) # ...

# ...


def valid?

# ...


# ...



Does the code above look familiar? You’ve already seen this technique in The VCR Example. Here’s a quick recap. When ActiveRecord::Base includes Validations, three things happen:

1. The instance methods of Validations, such as valid?, become instance methods of Base. This is just regular module inclusion.

2. Ruby calls the included Hook Method (Hook Method) on Validations, passing ActiveRecord::Base as an argument. (The argument of included is also called base, but that name has nothing to do with the Base class—instead, it comes from the fact that a module’s includer is sometimes called “the base class.”)

3. The hook extends Base with the ActiveRecord::Validations::ClassMethods module. This is a Class Extensions (Class Extension), so the methods in ClassMethods become class methods on Base.

As a result, Base gets both instance methods like valid? and class methods like validates_length_of.

This idiom is so specific that I hesitate to call it a spell. I’ll refer to it as the include-and-extend trick. VCR borrowed it from Rails, as did many other Ruby projects throughout the years. Include-and-extend gives you a powerful way to structure a library: each module contains a well-isolated piece of functionality that you can roll into your classes with a simple include. That functionality can be implemented with instance methods, class methods, or both.

As clever as it is, include-and-extend has its own share of problems. For one, each and every module that defines class methods must also define a similar included hook that extends its includer. In a large codebase such as Rails’, that hook was replicated over dozens of modules. As a result, people often questioned whether include-and-extend was worth the effort. After all, they observed, you can get the same result by adding one line of code to the includer:

class Base

include Validations

extend Validations::ClassMethods

# ...

Include-and-extend allows you to skip the extend line and just write the include line. You might argue that removing this line from Base isn’t worth the additional complexity in Validations.

However, complexity is not include-and-extend’s only shortcoming. The trick also has a deeper issue—one that deserves a close look.

The Problem of Chained Inclusions

Imagine that you include a module that includes another module. You’ve seen an example of this in The Validations Modules: ActiveRecord::Base includes ActiveRecord::Validations, which includes ActiveModel::Validations. What would happen if both modules used the include-and-extend trick? You can find an answer by looking at this minimal example:


module SecondLevelModule

def self.included(base)

base.extend ClassMethods


def second_level_instance_method; 'ok'; end

module ClassMethods

def second_level_class_method; 'ok'; end



module FirstLevelModule

def self.included(base)

base.extend ClassMethods


def first_level_instance_method; 'ok'; end

module ClassMethods

def first_level_class_method; 'ok'; end


include SecondLevelModule


class BaseClass

include FirstLevelModule


BaseClass includes FirstLevelModule, which in turn includes SecondLevelModule. Both modules get in BaseClass’s chain of ancestors, so you can call both modules’ instance methods on an instance of BaseClass: # => "ok" # => "ok"

Thanks to include-and-extend, methods in FirstLevelModule::ClassMethods also become class methods on BaseClass:

BaseClass.first_level_class_method # => "ok"

SecondLevelModule also uses include-and-extend, so you might expect methods in SecondLevelModule::ClassMethods to become class methods on BaseClass. However, the trick doesn’t work in this case:

BaseClass.second_level_class_method # => NoMethodError

Go through the code step by step, and you’ll see where the problem is. When Ruby calls SecondLevelModule.included, the base parameter is not BaseClass, but FirstLevelModule. As a result, the methods in SecondLevelModule::ClassMethods become class methods on FirstLevelModule—which is not what we wanted.

Rails 2 did include a fix to this problem, but the fix wasn’t pretty: instead of using include-and-extend in both the FirstLevelModule and the SecondLevelModule, Rails used it only in the FirstLevelModule. Then FirstLevelModule#included forced the includer to also include theSecondLevelModule, like this:


module FirstLevelModule

def self.included(base)

base.extend ClassMethods


base.send :include, SecondLevelModule


# ...

Distressingly, the code above made the entire system less flexible; it forced Rails to distinguish first-level modules from other modules, and each module had to know whether it was supposed to be first-level. (To make things clumsier, Rails couldn’t call Module#include directly, because it was a private method—so it had to use a Dynamic Dispatch (Dynamic Dispatch) instead. Recent rubies made include public, but we’re talking ancient history here.)

At this point in our story, you’d be forgiven for thinking that include-and-extend created more problems than it solved in the first place. This trick forced multiple modules to contain the same boilerplate code, and it failed if you had more than one level of module inclusions. To address these issues, the authors of Rails crafted ActiveSupport::Concern.


ActiveSupport::Concern encapsulates the include-and-extend trick and fixes the problem of chained inclusions. A module can get this functionality by extending Concern and defining its own ClassMethods module:


require 'active_support'

module MyConcern

extend ActiveSupport::Concern

def an_instance_method; "an instance method"; end

module ClassMethods

def a_class_method; "a class method"; end



class MyClass

include MyConcern

end # => "an instance method"

MyClass.a_class_method # => "a class method"

In the rest of this chapter I’ll use the word “concern” with a lowercase C to mean “a module that extends ActiveSupport::Concern,” like MyConcern does in the example above. In modern Rails, most modules are concerns, including ActiveRecord::Validations and ActiveModel::Validations.

Let’s see how Concern works its magic.

A Look at Concern’s Source Code

The source code of Concern is quite short but also fairly complicated. It defines just two important methods: extended and append_features. Here is extended:


module ActiveSupport

module Concern

class MultipleIncludedBlocks < StandardError #:nodoc:

def initialize

super "Cannot define multiple 'included' blocks for a Concern"



def self.extended(base)

base.instance_variable_set(:@_dependencies, [])


# ...

When a module extends Concern, Ruby calls the extended Hook Method (Hook Method), and extended defines an @_dependencies Class Instance Variable (Class Instance Variable) on the includer. I’ll show you what happens to this variable in a few pages. For now, just remember that all concerns have it, and it’s initially an empty array.

To introduce Concern#append_features, the other important method in Concern, let me take you on a very short side-trip into Ruby’s standard libraries.


Module#append_features is a core Ruby method. It’s similar to Module#included, in that Ruby will call it whenever you include a module. However, there is an important difference between append_features and included: included is a Hook Method that is normally empty, and it exists only in case you want to override it. By contrast, append_features is where the real inclusion happens. append_features checks whether the included module is already in the includer’s chain of ancestors, and if it’s not, it adds the module to the chain.

There is a reason why you didn’t read about append_features in the first part of this book: in your normal coding, you’re supposed to override included, not append_features. If you override append_features, you can get some surprising results, as in the following example:


module M

def self.append_features(base); end


class C

include M


C.ancestors # => [C, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

As the code above shows, by overriding append_features you can prevent a module from being included at all. Interestingly, that’s exactly what Concern wants to do, as we’ll see soon.


Concern defines its own version of append_features.


module ActiveSupport

module Concern

def append_features(base)

# ...

Remember the Class Extension (Class Extension) spell? append_features is an instance method on Concern, so it becomes a class method on modules that extend Concern. For example, if a module named Validations extends Concern, then it gains a Validation.append_features class method. If this sounds confusing, look at this picture showing the relationships between Module, Concern, Validations, and Validation’s singleton class:


Figure 10. ActiveSupport::Concern overrides Module#append_features.

Let’s recap what we’ve learned so far. First, modules that extend Concern get an @_dependencies Class Variable. Second, they get an override of append_features. With those two concepts in place, we can look at the code that makes Concern tick.

Inside Concern#append_features

Here is the code in Concern#append_features:


module ActiveSupport

module Concern

def append_features(base)

if base.instance_variable_defined?(:@_dependencies)

base.instance_variable_get(:@_dependencies) << self

return false


return false if base < self

@_dependencies.each { |dep| base.send(:include, dep) }


base.extend const_get(:ClassMethods) \

if const_defined?(:ClassMethods)

# ...



# ...

This is a hard piece of code to wrap your brain around, but its basic idea is simple: never include a concern in another concern. Instead, when concerns try to include each other, just link them in a graph of dependencies. When a concern is finally included by a module that is not itself a concern, roll all of its dependencies into the includer in one fell swoop.

Let’s look at the code step by step. To understand it, remember that it is executed as a class method of the concern. In this scope, self is the concern, and base is the module that is including it, which might or might not be a concern itself.

When you enter append_features, you want to check whether your includer is itself a concern. If it has an @_dependencies Class Variable, then you know it is a concern. In this case, instead of adding yourself to your includer’s chain of ancestors, you just add yourself to its list of dependencies, and you return false to signal that no inclusion actually happened. For example, this happens if you are ActiveModel::Validations, and you get included by ActiveRecord::Validations.

What happens if your includer is not itself a concern—for example, when you are ActiveRecord::Validations, and you get included by ActiveRecord::Base? In this case, you check whether you’re already an ancestor of this includer, maybe because you were included via another chain of concerns. (That’s the meaning of base < self.) If you are not, you come to the crucial point of the entire exercise: you recursively include your dependencies in your includer. This minimalistic dependency management system solves the issue that you’ve read about in The Problem of Chained Inclusions.

After rolling all your dependent concerns into your includer’s chain of ancestors, you still have a couple of things to do. First, you must add yourself to that chain of ancestors, by calling the standard Module.append_features with super. Finally, don’t forget what this entire machinery is for: you have to extend the includer with your own ClassMethods module, like the include-and-extend trick does. You need Kernel#const_get to get a reference to ClassMethods, because you must read the constant from the scope of self, not the scope of the Concern module, where this code is physically located.

Concern also contains some more functionality, but you’ve seen enough to grasp the idea behind this module.

Concern Wrap-Up

ActiveSupport::Concern is a minimalistic dependency management system, wrapped into a single module with just a few lines of code. That code is complicated, but using Concern is easy, as you can see by looking into Active Model’s source:


module ActiveModel

module Validations

extend ActiveSupport::Concern

# ...

module ClassMethods

def validate(*args, &block)

# ...

Just by doing the above, ActiveModel::Validation adds a validate class method to ActiveRecord::Base, without worrying about the fact that ActiveRecord::Validation happens to be in the middle. Concern will work behind to scenes to sort out the dependencies between concerns.

Is ActiveSupport::Concern too clever for its own good? That’s up to you to decide. Some programmers think that Concern hides too much magic behind a seemingly innocuous call to include, and this hidden complexity carries hidden costs.[10] Other programmers praise Concern for helping to keep Rails’ modules as slim and simple as they can be.

Whatever your take on ActiveSupport::Concern, you can learn a lot by exploring its insides. Here is one lesson I personally took away from this exploration.

A Lesson Learned

In most languages, there aren’t many ways to bind components together. Maybe you inherit from a class or you delegate to an object. If you want to get fancy, then you can use a library that specializes in managing dependencies—or even an entire framework.

Now, see how the authors of Rails bound their framework’s parts together. In the very beginning, they probably just included and extended modules. Later, they sprinkled their code with metaprogramming fairy dust, introducing the include-and-extend idiom. Still later, as Rails kept growing, that idiom started creaking around the edges—so they replaced include-and-extend with the metaprogramming-heavy ActiveSupport::Concern. They evolved their own dependencies management system, one step at a time.

Over the years, we’ve learned that software design is not a “get it right the first time” affair. This is especially true in a malleable language such as Ruby, where you can use metaprogramming to change something as fundamental as the way that modules interact. So here is the main lesson I gained from the story of Concern: metaprogramming is not about being clever—it’s about being flexible.

When I write my code, I don’t strive for a perfect design at the beginning, and I don’t use complex metaprogramming spells before I need them. Instead, I try to keep my code simple, using the most obvious techniques that do the job. Maybe at some point my code gets tangled, or I spot some stubborn duplication. That’s when I reach for sharper tools, such as metaprogramming.

This book is full of metaprogramming success stories, and ActiveSupport::Concern is yet another one of them. However, Concern’s complex code and mildly controversial nature hint at a darker side of metaprogramming. This will be the subject of the next chapter, where we’ll look at the story of Rails’ most infamous methods.

