
Python Mastery: From Beginner to Expert - Sykalo Eugene 2023

Object-oriented programming

The Syntax and Mechanics of Inheritance in Python

In Python, inheritance is implemented using the following syntax:

class ChildClass(ParentClass):
 # ChildClass definition

Here, ChildClass is the new class that is being created, and ParentClass is the class that the new class is based on.

When a new instance of the child class is created, it inherits all the attributes and methods of the parent class. These inherited attributes and methods can be used in the child class just like they would be in the parent class.

In Python, a child class can override any methods or attributes inherited from the parent class by defining its own version of the method or attribute.

To access the methods and attributes of the parent class from the child class, you can use the super() function. The super() function returns a temporary object of the superclass, which allows you to call its methods.

class ChildClass(ParentClass):
 def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
 self.arg2 = arg2

In this example, the __init__() method of the parent class is called using super().__init__(), and a new attribute arg2 is defined for the child class.

In Python, multiple inheritance is also possible. This means that a new class can inherit from multiple parent classes.

class ChildClass(ParentClass1, ParentClass2):
 # ChildClass definition

When a new instance of the child class is created, it inherits all the attributes and methods of both parent classes.

It is important to use inheritance carefully and thoughtfully in your code. Overuse of inheritance can lead to complex and difficult-to-maintain code, while underuse of inheritance can result in code duplication and inefficiency. As with all programming concepts, it is important to understand the trade-offs and choose the right approach for your specific situation.

Understanding the Concept of Parent and Child Classes

In object-oriented programming, a parent class is a class that another class, called a child class, is based on. The parent class is also known as the base class or superclass, while the child class is also known as the derived class or subclass.

The child class inherits all the attributes and methods of the parent class, which means that it can use them as if they were its own. The child class can also add new attributes and methods, or override existing ones.

Using inheritance in this way allows for code reuse and can make it easier to maintain and extend your code. For example, if you have a parent class that defines a generic shape, you can create child classes that inherit from it and define specific shapes like rectangles, circles, and triangles.

In Python, you can define a child class by using the following syntax:

class ChildClass(ParentClass):
 # ChildClass definition

Here, ChildClass is the name of the child class, and ParentClass is the name of the parent class that the child class is based on.

When you create an instance of the child class, it inherits all the attributes and methods of the parent class. You can then use these attributes and methods in the child class just like you would in the parent class.

For example, let's say you have a Person class that defines a person's name and age:

class Person:
 def __init__(self, name, age): = name
 self.age = age

You can then create a Student class that inherits from Person and adds a student_id attribute:

class Student(Person):
 def __init__(self, name, age, student_id):
 super().__init__(name, age)
 self.student_id = student_id

In this example, the Student class inherits the __init__ method from the Person class using the super() function. It then adds a student_id attribute to the child class.

When you create an instance of the Student class, you can access the name, age, and student_id attributes:

student = Student("Alice", 20, 12345)
print( # "Alice"
print(student.age) # 20
print(student.student_id) # 12345

Understanding the concept of parent and child classes is essential for using inheritance effectively in your Python code. It enables you to create more complex and flexible code structures, while still maintaining code readability and ease of maintenance.

How to Override Methods in a Child Class

One of the main benefits of inheritance is the ability to override methods and attributes inherited from the parent class in the child class. To override a method in a child class, you simply define a new method with the same name in the child class. When the method is called on an instance of the child class, the child class method will be executed instead of the parent class method.

class ParentClass:
 def method(self):
 print("ParentClass method")

class ChildClass(ParentClass):
 def method(self):
 print("ChildClass method")

In this example, the ChildClass defines its own method() that overrides the method() defined in the ParentClass. When method() is called on an instance of the ChildClass, the ChildClass method will be executed:

obj = ChildClass()
obj.method() # "ChildClass method"

It is important to note that when you override a method in a child class, the parent class method is no longer accessible from instances of the child class. If you want to call the parent class method from the child class method, you can use the super() function.

class ParentClass:
 def method(self):
 print("ParentClass method")

class ChildClass(ParentClass):
 def method(self):
 print("ChildClass method")

In this example, the ChildClass method calls the method() of the ParentClass using super().method(). This allows the ParentClass method to be executed before the ChildClass method.

obj = ChildClass()
# "ParentClass method"
# "ChildClass method"

Overriding methods in child classes is a powerful tool for customizing the behavior of your objects. It allows you to create variations of objects that share common behavior, without having to rewrite the same code for each variation. However, it is important to use this tool carefully and thoughtfully, and to ensure that your code remains readable and maintainable.

The Use of the super() Function to Call Methods in a Parent Class

In Python, you can use the super() function to call a method in a parent class from a child class. This can be useful when you want to add functionality to a method in the child class, but still want to use the original implementation of the method in the parent class.

The super() function returns a temporary object of the parent class, which allows you to call its methods. You can then call the method you want to use on the super() object, passing any arguments that are required.

For example, let's say you have a ParentClass with a method called method():

class ParentClass:
 def method(self):
 print("ParentClass method")

You can then create a ChildClass that inherits from ParentClass and overrides the method():

class ChildClass(ParentClass):
 def method(self):
 print("ChildClass method")

In this example, the ChildClass method calls the method() of the ParentClass using super().method(). This allows the ParentClass method to be executed before the ChildClass method.

When you create an instance of the ChildClass, you can call the method():

obj = ChildClass()
# Output:
# ParentClass method
# ChildClass method

Using the super() function can be a powerful tool for calling methods in parent classes from child classes. It allows you to reuse code from the parent class, while still customizing the behavior in the child class. However, it is important to use this tool carefully and thoughtfully, and to ensure that your code remains readable and maintainable.

Multiple Inheritance and Its Implementation in Python

In Python, it is possible for a new class to inherit from multiple parent classes. This is known as multiple inheritance, and it allows you to combine the attributes and methods of multiple classes into a single new class.

To create a new class with multiple inheritance, you simply list the parent classes in the class definition, separated by commas:

class ChildClass(ParentClass1, ParentClass2, ...):
 # ChildClass definition

When a new instance of the child class is created, it inherits all the attributes and methods of both parent classes. If the same attribute or method is defined in both parent classes, the version from the first parent class listed in the definition will be used.

For example, let's say you have two parent classes, Dog and Bird, that both have a method called speak():

class Dog:
 def speak(self):

class Bird:
 def speak(self):

You can then create a DogBird class that inherits from both Dog and Bird:

class DogBird(Dog, Bird):

When you create an instance of DogBird and call the speak() method, the version from the Dog class will be used:

dog_bird = DogBird()
dog_bird.speak() # "Woof"

It is important to use multiple inheritance carefully and thoughtfully in your code. Overuse of multiple inheritance can lead to complex and difficult-to-understand code, while underuse of multiple inheritance can result in code duplication and inefficiency. As with all programming concepts, it is important to understand the trade-offs and choose the right approach for your specific situation.

Best Practices for Using Inheritance in Python

Inheritance can be a powerful tool for code reuse and organization, but it can also lead to complex and difficult-to-maintain code if used improperly. Here are some best practices for using inheritance in Python:

1. Use Inheritance Sparingly

Inheritance should be used sparingly and only when it makes sense for the design of your code. Overuse of inheritance can lead to complex and difficult-to-understand code, while underuse of inheritance can result in code duplication and inefficiency. It is important to strike a balance between code reuse and code clarity.

2. Favor Composition Over Inheritance

In many cases, composition can be a better alternative to inheritance. Composition involves creating objects that contain other objects, rather than inheriting from them. This can lead to more flexible and modular code, as objects can be easily swapped out or replaced.

3. Follow the Liskov Substitution Principle

The Liskov Substitution Principle is a fundamental principle of object-oriented programming that states that objects of a superclass should be able to be replaced with objects of any of its subclasses without affecting the correctness of the program. In other words, a subclass should be able to be used wherever its parent class is used.

4. Avoid Deep Inheritance Hierarchies

Deep inheritance hierarchies can lead to complex and difficult-to-understand code. It is generally recommended to keep inheritance hierarchies shallow, with no more than a few levels of inheritance.

5. Use Abstract Base Classes for Polymorphism

Polymorphism is the ability to use objects of different classes interchangeably. In Python, this is often achieved using abstract base classes. Abstract base classes provide a way to define a common interface for a group of related classes, allowing them to be used interchangeably.

6. Document Inherited Methods

When inheriting from a parent class, it is important to document any methods that are overridden or added in the child class. This can help ensure that the code remains readable and maintainable.

By following these best practices, you can use inheritance effectively in your Python code, while avoiding the pitfalls that can lead to complex and difficult-to-understand code.