Lexical analysis

The Mastery of Computer Programming: Primary Algorithms - Sykalo Eugene 2023

Lexical analysis
Compiler Techniques

Definition of Lexical Analysis

Lexical analysis, also known as scanning, is the process of breaking down a sequence of characters into meaningful chunks, called tokens. These tokens can then be used by the compiler or interpreter to parse and understand the code.

The goal of lexical analysis is to identify the basic elements of the programming language, such as keywords, operators, and identifiers. Once these elements have been identified, they can be used to build more complex structures, such as expressions and statements.

In addition to identifying the basic elements of the programming language, lexical analysis is also responsible for detecting and reporting errors in the code. For example, if a variable name is misspelled or a symbol is used in an incorrect context, the lexical analyzer will generate an error message to alert the programmer to the issue.

The Role of Lexical Analysis in Compiler Design

Lexical analysis plays a crucial role in the design of a compiler. It is the first step in the compilation process, and is responsible for breaking down the source code into a series of tokens that can be easily processed by the compiler.

One of the key benefits of lexical analysis is that it allows the compiler to separate the concerns of syntax and semantics. By breaking down the code into its basic elements, the compiler can focus on syntax analysis, which involves examining the structure of the code to ensure that it conforms to the rules of the programming language.

Once the code has been analyzed for syntax, the compiler can then move on to semantic analysis, which involves examining the meaning of the code. This is where the compiler will check for things like type errors, undeclared variables, and other semantic issues.

Another important benefit of lexical analysis is that it can help to improve the efficiency of the compilation process. By breaking down the code into its basic elements, the compiler can create a more compact and optimized representation of the code, which can be processed more quickly and efficiently.

Tokenization: Breaking Down Code into Tokens

Tokenization is the process of breaking down a sequence of code into tokens, which are the basic building blocks of a programming language. Tokens are defined as the smallest unit of meaning in a program and include things like keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals.

The tokenization process starts with the source code, which is passed through a lexical analyzer. The lexical analyzer breaks down the code into a series of tokens, which are then passed on to the parser for further analysis.

There are several different types of tokens, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Some of the most common types of tokens include:

  • Keywords: reserved words that have a specific meaning in the programming language (e.g. if, while, for)
  • Identifiers: names given to variables, functions, and other program elements (e.g. x, foo, bar)
  • Operators: symbols used to perform operations on data (e.g. +, -, *, /)
  • Literals: values that are represented directly in the code (e.g. 42, "hello world")

Once the tokens have been identified, the parser can begin to analyze the structure of the code. This involves examining the relationship between the tokens and their position in the code to determine the meaning of the code.

One of the key benefits of tokenization is that it allows for more efficient and effective parsing of the code. By breaking down the code into its basic elements, the parser can quickly and easily identify the structure and meaning of the code, which can help to improve the overall performance of the program.

In addition to improving parsing efficiency, tokenization also helps to reduce errors in the code. By breaking the code down into its smallest meaningful units, the lexical analyzer can identify errors such as misspelled keywords, undefined variables, and other issues that may cause problems during compilation or execution.

Regular expressions and finite automata in lexical analysis

Regular expressions and finite automata are two key concepts in lexical analysis that are used to identify patterns in the source code. A regular expression is a pattern that defines a set of strings, while a finite automaton is a mathematical model of a machine that can recognize those strings.

In lexical analysis, regular expressions are used to define the different types of tokens that can appear in the source code. For example, a regular expression might define the pattern for a numeric literal, or the pattern for a string literal.

Once the regular expressions have been defined, they can be used to construct a finite automaton. The finite automaton is a state machine that can recognize whether a given input string matches the pattern defined by the regular expression.

The use of regular expressions and finite automata in lexical analysis provides several benefits. One of the key benefits is that it allows for more efficient and accurate identification of tokens in the code. By defining the patterns for different types of tokens using regular expressions, the lexical analyzer can quickly and accurately identify those tokens in the source code.

Another benefit of using regular expressions and finite automata is that it allows for more flexibility in the design of the lexical analyzer. Because regular expressions are a standard notation for defining patterns, it is possible to use existing tools and libraries to create and test regular expressions. This can help to speed up the development process and improve the quality of the lexical analyzer.

Error Handling in Lexical Analysis

Error handling is an important aspect of lexical analysis, as it is responsible for detecting and reporting errors in the source code. There are several types of errors that can occur during the lexical analysis process, including:

  • Syntax errors: errors that occur when the code violates the rules of the programming language
  • Semantic errors: errors that occur when the code has valid syntax, but does not have a valid meaning
  • Lexical errors: errors that occur when the code contains invalid characters or tokens that are not recognized by the lexical analyzer

To handle these errors, the lexical analyzer must be designed to detect and report them to the programmer. One common approach to error handling is to use error codes and messages, which are generated by the lexical analyzer when an error is detected.

When an error is detected, the lexical analyzer will typically stop processing the code and generate an error message that describes the nature of the error. This message will typically include information such as the line number where the error occurred, the type of error that was detected, and a description of the error.

In addition to generating error messages, the lexical analyzer may also be designed to recover from errors. Error recovery is the process of attempting to correct errors in the code so that processing can continue.

One common approach to error recovery is to use a technique called resynchronization. Resynchronization involves skipping over tokens in the code until a token that is recognizable is found. This allows the lexical analyzer to continue processing the code, even if errors are present.

Another common approach to error recovery is to use a technique called panic mode. Panic mode involves stopping processing of the code after an error is detected, and then resuming processing at a designated point in the code. This allows the lexical analyzer to continue processing the code, even if errors are present.

Examples of Lexical Analysis in Popular Programming Languages

Lexical analysis is an important concept in all programming languages. Here are a few examples of how lexical analysis is used in some popular programming languages:

C Language

The C programming language is a popular systems programming language that is widely used in a variety of applications, including operating systems and device drivers. In C, the lexical analyzer is responsible for breaking down the code into a series of tokens, which are then passed on to the parser for further analysis.

Some of the key elements that the C lexical analyzer is responsible for identifying include keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals. In addition, the C lexical analyzer must also be able to handle preprocessor directives, which are special commands that are used to modify the source code before compilation.


Python is a popular high-level programming language that is widely used for web development, scientific computing, and other applications. In Python, the lexical analyzer is responsible for breaking down the code into a series of tokens, which are then passed on to the parser for further analysis.

Some of the key elements that the Python lexical analyzer is responsible for identifying include keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals. In addition, the Python lexical analyzer must also be able to handle indentation, which is used to indicate blocks of code.

One of the key benefits of Python's lexical analysis is that it uses whitespace to delimit blocks of code, rather than using explicit braces or keywords. This makes the code easier to read and understand, and reduces the likelihood of errors caused by missing or mismatched braces.


Java is a popular object-oriented programming language that is widely used for web development, enterprise applications, and other applications. In Java, the lexical analyzer is responsible for breaking down the code into a series of tokens, which are then passed on to the parser for further analysis.

Some of the key elements that the Java lexical analyzer is responsible for identifying include keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals. In addition, the Java lexical analyzer must also be able to handle annotations, which are special modifiers that are used to provide additional information about classes, methods, and other program elements.

Overall, the lexical analysis process in Java is similar to that in other programming languages. However, Java's use of annotations and other language features can make the lexical analysis process more complex than in other languages.


JavaScript is a popular scripting language that is widely used for web development and other applications. In JavaScript, the lexical analyzer is responsible for breaking down the code into a series of tokens, which are then passed on to the parser for further analysis.

Some of the key elements that the JavaScript lexical analyzer is responsible for identifying include keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals. In addition, the JavaScript lexical analyzer must also be able to handle regular expressions, which are used to match patterns in the code.

One of the key benefits of JavaScript's lexical analysis is that it allows for dynamic evaluation of code. This means that code can be generated and executed at runtime, which can be useful for implementing complex features and functionality.

Overall, the lexical analysis process in JavaScript is similar to that in other programming languages. However, JavaScript's use of regular expressions and dynamic evaluation can make the lexical analysis process more complex than in other languages.

These are just a few examples of how lexical analysis is used in popular programming languages. By understanding the role of lexical analysis in these languages, programmers can better understand the structure and meaning of their code, and produce more efficient and error-free programs.


This chapter will discuss the fundamental algorithms of computer programming, with a focus on lexical analysis.

Lexical Analysis

  1. Definition of lexical analysis
  2. The role of lexical analysis in compiler design
  3. Tokenization: breaking down code into tokens
  4. Regular expressions and finite automata in lexical analysis
  5. Error handling in lexical analysis
  6. Examples of lexical analysis in popular programming languages


This chapter has provided an overview of the importance of lexical analysis in computer programming and compiler design. By understanding the fundamentals of lexical analysis, programmers can write more efficient and error-free code.