Advanced Client-Side Exploitation with BeEF - From Vulnerability to Exploit - Praise for Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook, Fourth Edition (2015)

Praise for Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook, Fourth Edition (2015)

PART II. From Vulnerability to Exploit

CHAPTER 18. Advanced Client-Side Exploitation with BeEF

The Browser Exploitation Framework, or BeEF for short, is a penetration testing tool designed for testing and attacking web browsers. Using BeEF, we can fingerprint web browsers, profile users, and attack the browser to further our access on target systems.

In this chapter, we cover the following topics:

• Hooking browsers

• Fingerprinting with BeEF

• Browser exploitation

• Automating attacks

BeEF Basics

The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) is a framework built in Ruby that is aimed at evaluating browser security. The BeEF framework leverages a number of different techniques to do this, but it all starts with hooking a browser.

When we say “hooking,” we are talking about creating a connection between the browser and our BeEF server. This connection takes the form of a JavaScript hook that creates a heartbeat between the browser and the server. This heartbeat allows us to send the browser JavaScript-based commands to execute, and then allows the browser to report the information back to us.

Because these are just web requests, these types of activities will be able to happen over the proxies configured in a browser and can traverse networks, meaning that once a browser is running the JavaScript hook, the attacker has significant control over what the browser does. Anything that can be done in JavaScript can be done within the context of the site where the JavaScript hook was loaded.

The JavaScript hook has to be implanted into a page that a target will visit. We will dig deeper into how to specifically hook browsers in the next section, but before we do that, let’s dig more into the BeEF interface itself.

The BeEF project page can be found at The project page has a number of useful resources, from links to the blog to download links. Because BeEF is a very dynamic toolkit and reacts to browser patches and new bypasses quickly, using the latest code from the BeEF project will ensure we have the latest techniques applied for maintaining browsers we’ve hooked as well as having the most flexibility for evaluation and exploitation of those browsers.

image Lab 18-1: Setting Up Beef

imageNOTE This lab, like all of the labs, has a unique README file with instructions for setup. See the Appendix for more information.

On the BeEF Project page, we see that a git link is listed under the Contribute To BeEF subtitle. To ensure we have the latest version of BeEF, in our Kali VM, we will need to clone the latest repository and then configure BeEF:


We can see that when we use the git clone command, it will download the latest code from the BeEF Project and put it in a subdirectory called beef. This pulls the code itself down, but does not do any of the initial configuration or setup of initial requirements. To set up the requirements, we leverage the Ruby Gem bundler to pull down all the requirements and set them up:


Using the command bundle install, the bundler gem will go through the requirements for BeEF, download the required gems to allow BeEF to run, and then install them. If everything is successful and all the requirements have been met, the final “bundle is complete” message will display.

imageNOTE If there are any errors while installing software, review the lab setup instructions to ensure that all the prerequisite libraries are installed.

Starting BeEF once the prerequisites are in place is very easy. There is a script already in the source directory to start the server once bundle install has been run. The beef script will bring up the server and display the configuration information:


When BeEF starts, a number of important pieces of data are output to the screen. The first is the version numberimage. This indicates what branch of source you have downloaded as well as serves as a common comparison point in case of bugs or problems. If you ever file a bug report for BeEF, having this information will be important for the bug report.

The second item is the moduleimage and extension load information. This section shows how many extensions and modules have been loaded. When you add new modules or extensions, this number should grow; if it doesn’t, this may indicate that new modules have not been added successfully. New modules may be ones that you build, as we will do later in the chapter, or they can come from third parties that post modules to the Internet.

To interact with BeEF, we need to know where to access the console. The console for BeEF is web based and, as such, needs to be accessed via a browser. The interface sectionimage of the output shows for both the loopback and primary IP addresses what URLs to use to access the BeEF hook and admin interface. These will be critical for accessing the server as well as attacking other systems.

In this section, we downloaded BeEF from the github repository, and then installed the prerequisite modules using Bundler. Bundler pulled the prerequisite modules needed for BeEF to run, and when we see the success message, we know that BeEF has all the prerequisites and is ready to go.

Lab 18-2: Using the BeEF Console

Now that BeEF is running, the next step is to launch a browser to access the admin console. Using the URL from the last lab, we can start our Iceweasel browser and visit This should redirect the browser to the authentication page for BeEF with the login box shown in Figure 18-1.


Figure 18-1 The BeEF login screen

The default credentials for BeEF are “beef” for the username and “beef” for the password. Once these are entered, the BeEF console should be displayed with the default right pane containing the “Getting Started” information. To really explore BeEF, we need to have a browser hooked. To hook the browser, click the link for the “basic demo page,” which should load in a new tab. When you click back on the BeEF tab, you should now have a populated browser, and we can explore the framework further.

imageCAUTION If you are going to use this anywhere public, the default credentials should be changed in the config.yaml file before BeEF is launched. Otherwise, other parties may be able to easily gain access to your BeEF instance.

With the browser hooked, the left panel should be updated to show the new hooked browser, as in Figure 18-2. You can see from the figure that the browser has been hooked and that the IP address is Also, there are additional icons that list profiled browser information: The Firefox icon lets us know this is a Firefox or Iceweasel browser, the penguin icon indicates that the browser is running on Linux, and the VM icon indicates that this browser is likely operating inside a virtual machine. This information is important when we are looking for targets to exploit because certain exploits will only work with certain browser/OS combinations. Therefore, the Hooked Browsers pane provides a quick overview of what we have access to.


Figure 18-2 The Hooked Browsers pane inside of BeEF

Additional information can be gained from clicking the hooked browser in the Hooked Browsers pane. When the hooked browser is clicked, a new tab is displayed within BeEF that has more details about the browser. Figure 18-3 shows this additional information about the browser, including type, version, user agent, and plug-ins. Additionally, a separate section lists the browser components.


Figure 18-3 The current browser, detailed display

When you scroll down in the window, you can even see information about the page the browser is visiting, including the URL, title, and cookies. Finally, host information is displayed. The host information is incorporated into other places as well, but the new information includes CPU architecture, the default browser, and whether or not the system is a touch screen. This information is helpful for determining how to deliver exploits.

In addition to the Details tab, Figure 18-3 shows a number of other tabs related to the current browser. These tabs are Logs, Commands, Rider, XssRays, and Ipec. The Logs tab shows logs of all events relating to a browser, including becoming a hooked “zombie,” commands that were executed, and disconnect messages.

The Commands tab (shown in Figure 18-4) is where the majority of the tasks are executed within BeEF. The Module Tree frame allows navigation of the BeEF modules. Each folder contains other folders and modules specific to the category of module in that folder. For instance, Browser modules all relate to browser profiling, and the Hooked Domain subfolder queries information specific to the domain the browser is visiting. Inside the folders, the modules have colored indicators that specify the visibility and usability of the module.


Figure 18-4 The Commands tab display

Green lights indicate that the module will work on the hooked browser, and there should not be a visible impact to the person using the browser. Orange indicates that there may be some limitations, and the browser’s user may see a visible impact from running a module. Grey means that it is unknown whether the module will work, and if it does the results will be unknown. Finally, red means that the module will likely not work. These indicators are a good gauge of which modules will work and which ones won’t; they also indicate which modules you can run quietly without tipping off the victim.

The Rider tab is for leveraging the Browser Rider functionality, which was originally designed by Benjamin Mosse. Browser Rider allows us to use a hooked browser as a proxy, and proxy queries through that browser to websites in the hooked site’s domain. This means that while the browser is hooked, we can point our web browser at BeEF as a proxy to browse the site the user is on as the user, including built-in credentials. In addition, the Rider tab allows for specific page queries, so you can send a custom request through the browser that will then return the HTML data in the History tab.

Along with the Rider tab is the XssRays tab. The XssRays tab allows us to target the domain of the site where the browser was hooked and search for cross-site scripting through BeEF. This may allow us to find a persistent XSS vector on the hooked site, or if there is a permissive Cross-Origin Request Policy set, we may be able to perform XSS scanning on other internal resources.

Finally, the Ipec tab is for Inter-Protocol Exploitation, an area that Wade Alcorn spent significant time researching where protocols other than HTTP can be exploited with HTTP requests. Two of the more common examples are IMAP and Asterisk VOIP gateways. If HTTP headers are sent, they will be ignored by the protocol, but the body of the HTTP request can be used to issue IMAP and Asterisk commands that allow vulnerabilities to be exploited. Using BeEF, we can attack these types of protocols and deploy shells; then, using the Ipec console, we can issue commands to the shells.

We have explored the BeEF console and looked at the different tabs that can impact a hooked browser. From viewing logs, to scanning for XSS on the hooked domain, BeEF can easily identify browser information and then run modules against the browser to leverage the BeEF hook to interact with the browser, domain, and even other services on the network. Using these items is anywhere from completely transparent to noisy, and the impact can easily be seen from the colored indicator beside each module.

Hooking Browsers

Before we can do more advanced things with browsers, first we need to hook one. In the initial exercises we used the BeEF test page, but to interact with browsers in real life, we typically have to convince the browser to execute our JavaScript hook. This can be done through phishing using a reflected XSS vulnerability, phishing using a cloned site, DNS spoofing, or packet injection. Although there are additional ways to do this, these are the most common. We know what the hook’s JavaScript URL is because it’s listed in the BeEF startup screen. Now we need to determine how to hook our target Windows 7 system.

Lab 18-3: The Basic XSS Hook

Using XSS is one of the common ways to trick users into running a hook. For this example, we use an overly simple hook to get the basics down; then later in this chapter, we’ll perform more sophisticated attacks. Let’s set up our Apache server in Kali and create a simple example page:


Now that our Apache server is started, we can test the page. The echo.php file should be created with the content listed and be placed in the /var/www directory. Then, from our Windows box, we can visit the page at and submit the following in the text box:


The page should pop up an alert message. Now that we know we have a page that is vulnerable to XSS, let’s formulate a URL that can be sent to our target for hooking the browser. Our URL will look like this:


There shouldn’t be an obvious change to the page except for a formatting difference, but when we look in our BeEF window inside Kali, we should see the new browser. When we click the browser, our summary page updates, and as shown in Figure 18-5, we can see information about the newly hooked browser.


Figure 18-5 The newly hooked Windows browser

The new browser shows up with a Windows icon, and we can see from the plug-ins list on the Details panel that a number of browser plugins are installed as well. Now that this browser has been hooked, it’s ready for future attacks.

Using a basic XSS vulnerability, we can formulate a URL that can be sent to our target browser. When the user clicks the URL or pastes it into the URL bar, the code is executed, and although there isn’t any obvious impact on the browser side, the hook is running in the background, and we can profile the browser and communicate over our BeEF hook.

Lab 18-4: Hooking Browsers with Site Spoofing

The basic XSS example works well for individuals who may not be paying attention, but frequently we will have to up the sophistication of the attack to hook more observant users. To do this, we can leverage BeEF’s cloning capabilities combined with DNS spoofing using Ettercap to keep users on our page for longer periods of time and hide the fact that they have even been hooked.

To start with, we’ll need to make some configuration changes to BeEF so that it isn’t obvious that we’re doing something strange. BeEF by default runs on port 3000, but not many websites we visit are on 3000. Therefore, let’s make some configuration changes to cause BeEF to listen on port 80, the standard web port. We do this by modifying the config.yaml file in the BeEF root directory. First, we kill the BeEF server by pressing CTRL-C in the BeEF command-line terminal. Then we edit config.yaml by finding the following HTML section and changing it to specify our IP address and port 80:


Now that we have this set, we need to stop Apache and restart BeEF:


Now that we have our BeEF loading on port 80 and bound to our IP address, we can leverage BeEF’s web-cloning API to target a site for cloning. For this example, we know that our victim will be visiting the BeEF blog to learn more. The BeEF blog is at To clone the page, we need to leverage the RESTful API key along with curl to tell BeEF to clone the page and mount it at the root of the web server:


When we run our curl command, we specify the website we want to cloneimage and where the website should be “mounted” on our serverimage. When we “mount” a web page, we make the mount point where the site will be cloned. Finally, we specify our API tokenimage that we saw when BeEF started. Now, we should be able to re-launch our BeEF console at and log back in to the console. When we log back in using the default credentials, we should see that all the browsers are offline. This is because we changed the port that BeEF is listening on, so they are no longer able to communicate back with the server. For this example, though, it will make it easier to see that our hooked clone site is working.

Open the URL in another tab in Kali. You should see the BeEF blog page. When looking back in the BeEF console tab, you should see an active hooked browser from our IP. This shows that the page has been successfully cloned and the BeEF hook has automatically been injected into the page. Therefore, when our target visits the page, they will become automatically hooked. Blogs are great for this because people tend to linger on blogs, giving us longer to send modules and other attacks.

imageNOTE For this attack, we assume access to the network somewhere between the victim and the DNS server of the site they are targeting. This could be the local network, an upstream network, or even on the victim’s network.

Now that we have a page for the target to arrive at, we need to start DNS poisoning our target. To begin with, we need to set up our etter.dns file with our new DNS record. We set up an A record that points to our IP address by running the following command:


imageNOTE We covered Ettercap in depth in Chapter 8. Additional information about using Ettercap and the basics behind ARP spoofing can be found there.

Next, we start up Ettercap, targeting our Windows VM ( and our gateway ( We are going to be running an ARP spoofing attack that will allow us to rewrite DNS requests as we see them if they match an entry in our etter.dns file.


We see that when we ran Ettercap with the dns_spoof plug-in, Ettercap started and successfully poisoned both the gateway and the target system. We know that the dns_spoof plug-in loaded successfully by the “Activating dns_spoof” message at the end of the output. Now we are rewriting any DNS traffic for to point to our IP address.

From our Windows system, we visit and we see that the page successfully loads. When we look at our Kali system, though, we see some positive indicators that the attack has worked. First, we notice within Ettercap that the DNS request was rewritten:

dns_spoof: [] spoofed to []

In our BeEF console, we see that the request was made and that our target was successfully hooked:


Finally, we look in our BeEF console and see that the target is hooked. When we look at the Hooked Pages section of our Current Browser tab, as shown in Figure 18-6, we can see that the page the browser is on is the page.


Figure 18-6 The BeEF console showing the hooked target on the page

Using Ettercap for DNS rewriting along with BeEF’s web page cloning functionality, we can trick users into visiting our malicious web server instead of the intended web server. This allows us to inject a BeEF hook automatically in the cloned page, and hook the user without the user ever having to click a phishing email or malicious link.

Lab 18-5: Automatically Injecting Hooks with Shank

Another way we can get browsers hooked is by modifying network traffic to add our hook into pages that users visit. By leveraging the Beef Injection Framework that was released at BlackHat USA 2012 by Ryan Linn, Steve Ocepek, and Mike Ryan (see “For Further Reading”), we can automatically rewrite web traffic so that it includes our BeEF hook.

To begin the process, we first need to grab the latest code from github:


Next, we make sure that we have the latest version of the pcaprub gem and the packetfu gems that are required for shank to run:

# gem install packetfu pcaprub

Once these are installed, we just need to run shank.rb with the appropriate options. Because everyone’s BeEF configuration is going to be different, shank requires the URL for the BeEF site so that it can know where to send traffic. To run shank, we do the following:


Shank was called with the -U option for the URL for our BeEF is server, and the second option is the CIDR address that we want to poison. In this case, we are going to poison the entire network; however, in practice, it’s better to target smaller segments to make sure you don’t overwhelm the network link and cause network problems. We know that it started successfully because we see the “BeEF Thread Started” message as well as a poison message going out to let us know shank is actively poisoning the ARP tables on the network.

Next, we test to verify that shank is working. By default, shank will send an alert box in addition to the BeEF hook so that the user knows they have been hooked. This is easily removed from the shank source, but for our purposes it does not matter. In our Windows VM, we should visit a site over HTTP such as When we do, we should see a popup that says “inject.” When we click OK, we should be presented with the normal web page.

When we look over at our BeEF console, we should see output similar to Figure 18-7. We can see that the browser is hooked, and the URL now shows that the hooked URL is We’ve now hooked a browser without impacting the user, except for our debugging pop-up box.


Figure 18-7 The BeEF console showing our hooked browser

Using shank, we can quickly ARP spoof a local network and then modify HTTP requests in transit to automatically inject our BeEF hook. By default, it will show the user an “injected” message so that the user can see that it’s working. However, if we remove the message from the shank.rb source, network traffic can be transparently modified to inject BeEF hooks on almost any web page.

Fingerprinting with BeEF

Fingerprinting, much like with humans, is the act of determining what makes a browser unique. In our case, we will be looking for IP addresses, versions, plug-ins, extensions, and other types of identifying information about browsers. This will allow us to understand everything from what a browser is running, to where it has been, to potentially even who is on it. All of these things will aid in exploitation of the browser, the user, or the network where the browser lives.

In BeEF, some of these profiling steps are done for us as soon as a browser is hooked. We have looked at the summary page to see IP addresses and browser and plug-in information. Not all of the things we may be interested in are going to be part of that information, however.

Lab 18-6: Fingerprinting Browsers with BeEF

We have looked some at the fingerprinting that happens when a browser is hooked. The tasks that are fingerprinted are the ones that will be low impact and not obvious to the user. This ensures that when a browser is hooked, we don’t immediately give ourselves away. To do additional digging into what features a browser has, we will need to run some additional command modules inside BeEF.

By default, BeEF remembers browsers that are no longer hooked. To clean up the list, we need to clean out the database. First, close any browsers that may be open on the Windows box. By killing BeEF and restarting it with the -x flag, we can clean out the database and start BeEF with a fresh console. After BeEF is re-launched, log back in to the BeEF console and it should now have an empty hooked browsers list.

Now, we launch an Internet Explorer browser on the Windows 7 system to This is the BeEF basic demo page, and when we look back in our BeEF console, we should see that the browser has been hooked again. Looking in the details pane, we can see some of the basics about the browser, including the fact that the system it’s on has Windows Media Player installed as well as Web Sockets support.

These things aren’t really enough to know whether the browser might be vulnerable, though, so there are other BeEF modules that will check for plug-ins that may be more noticeable to the victim, but will provide more thorough intelligence about the target. When we go to the Commands tab for the selected browser and click the browser folder, we see a number of items with the green light, indicating that they should work for our browser.

Let’s check for the VLC plug-in. To do this, we select the VLC check that can be seen in Figure 18-8. When the plug-in is set, we click the execute button, and the module will run. As the module runs, a new entry will pop up in the Module Results History box. After waiting a few seconds, we can click that and see that the system does have VLC installed. Figure 18-9 shows the successful results.


Figure 18-8 Selecting the VLC plug-in check


Figure 18-9 Retrieving the VLC check output

We can get more information about what is running within a browser using additional BeEF modules. In this section, we hooked our IE browser and then checked for the presence of the VLC plug-in. By going to the Commands tab inside BeEF for a hooked browser, we can send additional command modules by selecting the modules and clicking execute. Once the module has run, the results will appear in the Module Results History pane, and we can determine the results by clicking the entry.

Lab 18-7: Fingerprinting Users with BeEF

In addition to being able to view information about the browser, we can also see information about the person using the browser. This includes information about cookies on the hooked site, links that are in the browser history, and other session information. These things can combine to create a link back to the person using the browser as well as give us an idea about where that person has been and what they’re up to currently.

To do this, we are going to start by switching over to the advanced version of the BeEF demo page. In IE, visit From here, we can do a few things to help provide sample things for us to query about the browser. To begin with, once the demo page loads, click Order Your BeEF-Hamper and fill in sample information (but don’t click submit).

Now, from our BeEF console, let’s see what information we can retrieve about the user. Begin by going to the Commands tab and choosing the Browser tree. Next, click the Hooked Domain subtree under the Browser tree. Click the Get Cookie module and then click execute. This will send a request to the browser to send back cookies that are accessible from the DOM.

imageNOTE Not all cookies are accessible through the DOM. Cookies set as HTTPOnly are only sent as part of HTTP headers and are not visible with JavaScript, and they therefore won’t be gathered by this process.

When the browser returns information, it will be returned in this History tab, as can be seen in Figure 18-10. In the results, we see the BEEF cookie, which is being used as part of our hook to identify unique clients. Frequently, websites include other session information in cookies such as email addresses, which would identify the individual behind the browser.


Figure 18-10 Browser cookies returned

Although there were no cookies to help us get more information, there is a form that we left filled out on the sample page. Using BeEF, we can retrieve the information from that form, even though it hasn’t been submitted. To do this, we can use the Get Form Values module. It is in the same folder as the Get Cookie module. When we run the module by clicking execute, the values returned are the values we put into our form, as can be seen in Figure 18-11.


Figure 18-11 Form variables being displayed through BeEF

These are just some examples of the types of things that can be retrieved from sites. More advanced sites will frequently have more identifying bits of information to steal, so working through the Hooked Domain folder looking for other useful modules is recommended while profiling users.

Through this lab, we have worked with a hooked browser to try to grab more information about the person using it. By leveraging form fields, cookies, and other data, we can use BeEF to gather information about the person using the browser in addition to the sites the person is visiting. Although we just covered two of the modules that can be used for gathering this information within BeEF, over a dozen modules are designed for interacting with data on hooked pages.

Lab 18-8: Fingerprinting Computers with BeEF

BeEF includes a handful of modules that will allow us to pierce the veil of the browser itself and get information on the underlying host. These modules are important for knowing more information about the source network that the computer comes from, as well as for helping to identify features of the operating system where the user resides.

To begin with, we are going to try to find out as much information about the underlying operating system as possible. Because we know that Java is installed on our hooked IE browser, we can use the Get System Info module to grab additional host details. This module is part of the Host tree under the Commands tab. When we click execute, a Java applet will be used to try to gather system information.

imageNOTE Java payloads may display a warning to the victim that a Java applet is trying to run. In this case, the victim will need to accept the Java payload in order for it to run. This is true not only of the “Get System Info” Java payload, but of any payload we deliver. However, in many cases, once the person accepts a Java applet on a hooked site, our other Java payloads will also be able to run.

Figure 18-12 shows the output from the Java module. We can see that the memory shown doesn’t seem to make sense, but this is the memory that was granted to the Java applet, not the system itself. The information we see that is accurate is the operating system, Java versions, and IP addresses. The IP address listing shares some important details about the network of the hooked browser. For instance, if more than one private IP address space is listed, the machine is part of two networks, but depending on what these networks are, a quick Google search may indicate they are commonly used virtualization networks.


Figure 18-12 The output from the Get System Info module

If we were looking to pursue a specific set of targets within an organization, we might initially kick off a phishing campaign targeted at some of those members. Through correlating IP addresses we see, we can frequently identify a common network space where that type of user resides within an organization. In addition, if we combine that attack with credential theft or other types of attacks, we will know where they are located as well as possibly having credentials for other systems in that network.

By combining Java and BeEF together again, we can determine other active hosts on the network. Using the “Ping Sweep (Java)” module under the network folder, we can specify other systems in the network. In this case, we will specify a range of– This module behaves a bit differently than the other modules we’ve executed in that two separate returns are done.

We can see in Figure 18-13 that the first results message indicates that the module was run and that it would take approximately 40 seconds to run. A little bit later, the actual results were submitted in a second result entry. This shows that, .2, .10, and .20 were found on the network. Because this is in our virtualized network, is the VM host, .2 is the gateway, and .10 is our BeEF server.


Figure 18-13 The output from the Ping Sweep module

These are just some of the actions we can perform against the network by leveraging the browser through BeEF. When we encounter an older browser, even more options are possible. We just have to look at the indicators by the modules to see which ones will be effective against the hooked browser.

Leveraging BeEF, we can interrogate browsers and the underlying host and network. Using the Get System Info module and the Ping Sweep module, we can gather host information, get network information, and then follow up by determining other active hosts on the network. Depending on the browser, even more modules can be used to interrogate the network.

Browser Exploitation

One of the primary benefits of using BeEF instead of just manually staging exploits and recon steps is that the dynamic nature of BeEF will let us target specific aspects of the browser. BeEF contains two main categories of exploits: web-based exploits and browser-based exploits. Many of the exploits contained in BeEF allow us to target specific web applications such as the web front end for home routers, the Tomcat admin panel, and more. We are going to focus on the second category, though, and look at how to gain access to underlying operating systems by using BeEF to target the browser.

Lab 18-9: Exploiting Browsers with BeEF and Java

BeEF has a built-in module that will send a signed Java payload to our victim browser and then execute it in the DOM. This will allow us to get a specialized shell from within the browser, giving us access to the system as the person using the browser. To do this, we need to set up a Java-based listener and then send the module to the browser. When the browser runs the Java applet, it will call back to our listener and give us our shell.

BeEF doesn’t contain all the pieces we need. Therefore, before we get started, we need to build the Java payload and sign it. In this example, we’re going to use a self-signed certificate; however, if we were going to use this for social engineering, we would likely purchase a signing certificate to eliminate warnings in the browser. To get started, we need to download and build the JavaPayload module:



Now that we have the code built, we need to set up our JAR. To do this, we start by building our new JAR with ant. Once that’s done, we use the JAR created to build a reverse TCP JAR for use in BeEF. Reverse TCP means that the JAR file will connect back to our system.


Next, we need to sign the binary. Using the Java keytool command, we create a new keystore called tmp and generate a new key. It will ask us for information for our certificate. Normally, this would be information that we supplied to a well-known Certificate Authority, but for our purposes self-signed will work.


Now that we have a keystore set up, we need to sign the JAR file. We use jarsigner for this, and specify our keystore and the key that we want to use to sign the JAR file. We need to re-type our password from the initial key setup. The output will be our signed JAR file. Once it has been created, we need to copy it back into BeEF so that our signed version will be the version that is delivered.


The final stage before we deliver the payload to the browser is to set up our listener. To do this, we call our payload handler. We specify that we’re using a ReverseTCP handler, our listening port (our BeEF server IP address), and the port we want to use. The default port is 6666, so we are going to use that for ease of use. Finally, we have to specify that we want to use our Java Shell (JSh). This will give us a specialized Java-based shell when we receive our callback.


Now we have all of our prerequisites set up for the exploit. It’s time to send the BeEF payload to our hooked browser. We go to the Commands tab of the hooked browser, select the Exploits folder, and then the Local Host subfolder. We select the Java Payload module, and then fill in the required information. As shown in Figure 18-14, we can use the default options for the module and click exploit.


Figure 18-14 The module settings for the Java Payload module

When the module runs, because the payload is self-signed, we will get a pop-up in the IE browser. Once we click Run, our listening shell displays the ! symbol, the prompt of the Java Shell. No other information should be seen in the browser, but when we type net user into our shell, we can see the users on the system.


The Java Shell commands include exec to execute shell commands, ls to list files, cat to show text files, wget to download files, and more. All of these commands can be seen with the help command.

With the Java Payload module within BeEF, we can use the browser to launch a specialized Java Shell. We do this by first building out the JAR for the exploit using the Java Shell code. Next, we sign the code and copy it back into the BeEF module’s directory. Finally, we launch a listener and then send the exploit. When the shell connects back to us, we have access to the target system as the user running the browser. This specialized shell allows us to view files, execute commands, and get additional system information.

Exploiting Browsers with BeEF and Metasploit

BeEF has the ability to interact with Metasploit to call modules and exploits and deliver them directly to the browser. This capability exists due to the interoperability of Metasploit through the msgpack interface. The BeEF Metasploit extension isn’t enabled by default, however, because additional setup needs to occur. To connect the two together, we first need to set up Metasploit so that it will be ready for our connection:


Now that Metasploit is listening, we need to kill BeEF and restart it with the Metasploit extension enabled. To do this, we modify the config.yaml file and modify the Metasploit option under the Extensions heading to set it to true, as shown here:


Then, we reset the BeEF database again and reload BeEF. When BeEF loads this time, it should list the number of Metasploit modules that were loaded. This number will be different depending on how many web-based modules exist at the time BeEF is loaded.


Next, in our Windows 7 VM, we need to relaunch our Firefox browser and point it at the demo page at Once connected, we can log into our BeEF console again.

Inside the BeEF console, we can see our hooked browser rejoined. When we click the Command tab, we can see that the Metasploit modules folder has now been populated and the relevant modules are available to be used inside of BeEF. Using these modules, we can leverage the Metasploit modules through BeEF to launch a module and then send the browser to the Metasploit listener. When the Metasploit listener sees the connection, it launches the attack and, if successful, handles the resulting shell.

For a quick example, we’ll navigate down to the Java 7 Applet Remote Code Execution module. When we select the module, a number of things will be preset, but we want to verify the core components. We set the SRVHOST to, and then we need to choose a payload.

Metasploit has a number of different payload types, but in this case we are going to use the java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp module. Figure 18-15 shows the module selected in the Module Tree pane as well as the list of payloads. Once we select the payload, the additional required options will be displayed in the pane. We set our LHOST to and our LPORT to 8675. After clicking Execute in BeEF, we wait in our Metasploit console window.


Figure 18-15 The Java 7 Applet Remote Code Execution Metasploit module in BeEF



When the browser visits the Metasploit page, we should see the “java_jre17_exec - Sending Applet.jar” message. If the exploit is successful, we’ll see a new session open. To interact with the session, we type in sessions -i <session number>, and then to verify the shell is working we can issue commands. Typing help will show all the options, and typing sysinfo will show the system information for the box we have exploited.

Sometimes it isn’t always straightforward what exploit we need to send. In those cases, Metasploit has a module that will launch dozens of common browser exploits. The Browser Autopwn module in Metasploit will try as many options as possible to try to find some way to exploit the system. We launched Browser Autopwn automatically as part of our Metasploit startup script from earlier in this lab, so we don’t have to do any additional setup; we just have to send our hooked browser over to the listener.

To do this, we’re going to launch an invisible Iframe on the hooked site. In BeEF, we select the Misc module tree and choose Create Invisible Iframe. For the URL, we will specify the URL to our Metasploit Browser Autopwn listener: Figure 18-16 shows the Create Hidden Iframe module. When we click execute, we switch back over to our Metasploit console, and we will see commands execute.


Figure 18-16 The Create Hidden Iframe module


We see each of the requests that the hooked browser makes. If any of the modules are successful, we will see the new Meterpreter sessions created. After each new session, the module will auto-migrate out of the browser process in order to be able to persist in the event that the browser crashes. Using Browser Autopwn is much more likely to cause an impact to the browser than individual modules, so migrating out of the process is critical to ensure that we don’t lose all the sessions and have to hook our target again.

It is entirely possible that many of these modules will work. This will result in more than one shell being returned. To view the list of shells after the browser is finished, we can use the sessions command in Metasploit to view the sessions. Issuing sessions -l will display all the sessions that exist, and then they can be used individually.


Notice that this indicates that each session is a Java meterpreter in this example. Other types of payloads may include x86 Meterpreter, Linux Shells, and other Metasploit payloads. If we are looking for specific capabilities, we choose the session that has the capabilities we want in order to maximize our exploitation capabilities.

Using BeEF and Metasploit together, we have many more exploitation capabilities. The BeEF and Metasploit integration allows for the easy launch of targeted attacks through BeEF as well as the creation of hidden Iframes that will launch many exploits at the same time. The successful shells will be managed through Metasploit, and using the sessions command, we can interact with those shells as well as view the number and type of the successful shells we have created.

Automating Attacks

When we are dealing with attacks, the faster we can run modules and get the information we need out of the browser, the better. If someone closes a tab or navigates away from the page, we may lose the hook. Because of this, manually doing all the tasks doesn’t really make any sense, so the BeEF REST API is an ideal way to interact with the hooked browsers automatically so that as soon as a browser is hooked, we can go from profiling to exploitation in a very brief time period.

Using the BeEF Injection Framework, we can set up an automatic script to run using Ruby to detect when new browsers are hooked, and then run modules against them automatically. The best part is, the modules we run and the order of the modules is completely customizable, allowing us to highly customize the order using Ruby and additional checks.

The Autorun script that comes with the BeEF Injection Framework will connect to the BeEF server and poll for newly hooked browsers. When a new browser is detected, it will launch a list of modules that we specify. For this lab, we will do some profiling and then send the newly hooked browser to Metasploit’s Browser Autopwn from the previous lab in order to profile the browser and work to get a shell.

Before we get started, we need to set up the Autorun Ruby script to have the proper settings. We edit the autorun.rb script and modify the configuration parameters to customize them for our setup, as follows:


The first step is to update the ATTACK_DOMAINimage parameter to the IP address of our BeEF server. In this case, we just specify our IP address, but if we were doing this on a port other than port 80, we would need to specify the value as IP:PORT. This value enables the setup of the endpoints for the BeEF REST queries to allow the rest of the script to run.

Next, we need to set our login credentialsimage. Remember, if this is on the Internet, we should be using different credentials than the default, so we would need to update this to our custom credentials. Because our server is still using the defaults, this can be left with the original settings.

The autorun_modsimage array controls what modules we will be executing. The name from the modules is taken from the module names inside of BeEF, so it should match up with the tools that we have been running throughout this chapter. In this case, we are going to run Browser Fingerprinting and then retrieve the cookies with Get Cookie. Finally, we will get the system information, including network adapters with Get System Info. This will create a profile of the browser, the session information from the page that has been hooked, and then the profile of the operating system that the browser runs on.

This information will be available in the BeEF console after all the tasks have run and can be viewed at any time. Although once the browser is profiled, our next step would be to try to get a shell in many cases. We can query BeEF to customize the script for targeted exploits, but for ease of use, leveraging Browser Autopwn is easier.

To automatically direct the browser to our Autopwn URL, we specify the Create Hidden Iframe module. This module requires an argument called target to be specified in order to know where the Iframe should be pointed. In this case, we point it at the URL for Browser Autopwn from the automatic Metasploit start script we used in the previous lab. Now that all of our setup is done, we can save the file.

With BeEF still running, we will execute autorun.rb. The script logs into BeEF, retrieves the REST API key, and then begins to query for newly hooked browsers. We re-hook our browser on the Windows 7 system by going to and then look back to our Kali system for the modules to run.

Figure 18-17 shows the Autorun module running tasks against our newly hooked browser ( We see that Autorun returns four module results labeled cmd 1-4. Shortly after we see the message, the Metasploit window begins to scroll with Browser Autopwn traffic, and when it’s done, we can see the shells that have been created. This all happens within a few seconds of visiting the BeEF demo hook page, and happens much faster than we would have been able to do manually.


Figure 18-17 Autorun and Metasploit running side-by-side

While the shells are available in Metasploit, we may want to go and view the results from the profiling tasks. To do this, we go back into the BeEF console. By selecting the offline browser and then going to the modules that we ran in the Command tab, we can retrieve the results of the modules.

We can see in Figure 18-18 that although the browser is offline, the modules that we ran through Autorun are still available. We can go back through and review these results at any time unless we reset our database by starting BeEF with the -x option.


Figure 18-18 Viewing cookies retrieved using Autorun

Although the Autorun commands that we used here are very straightforward, the robust REST API of BeEF means we can retrieve more information about the results of these modules to highly customize the automatic activities. Some of the other Browser Injection Framework tools have some of this functionality already, so some simple scripting can help combine aspects of the tools to create a more customized attack path.

Using BeEF with the Browser Injection Framework, we can automate activities on hooked browsers. Leveraging a list of modules, when a new browser is hooked, we can automatically launch the modules against the target and store the results in the BeEF console. We can also launch attacks automatically through the Autorun script, allowing for custom and targeted exploitation or leveraging Browser Autopwn after browser interrogation has been completed.

These tools working together help create an automated approach toward profiling and exploitation that happens much faster than any individual can click within the console. Leveraging the BeEF REST API, we can further enhance these tools for even more customized activities and responses.


The Browser Exploitation Framework is a framework that facilitates testing and exploitation of browsers using a powerful JavaScript hook and profiling and attacking modules. By causing a browser to execute our “hook,” we can send commands for the browser to run behind the scenes that allows for browser profiling and exploitation. By learning more about the browser, the person using the browser, and the operating system, we can target our attacks to individuals or browser vulnerabilities to maximize the impact of our testing.

Leveraging other frameworks such as the Metasploit Framework and the BeEF Injection Framework, we can hook browsers on the network without phishing, automatically run modules against them, and then send them to Metasploit’s Browser Autopwn in order to try a broad array of attacks. Once the scripts are done, we’ll have profiled the browser and possibly gotten a shell before most people can click off a page.

These tools together allow testers to easily demonstrate the impact of browser-based weaknesses as well as phishing and other social engineering techniques.

For Further Reading

BeEF Injection Framework

“BeEF Injection with MITM” (Trustwave)

Browser Exploitation Framework

Browser Hacker’s Handbook (Wade Alcorn) Wiley, 2014.


Metasploit Unleashed