Make Use of Security Weaknesses - Hacking: Tapping into the Matrix: Step by Step Guide on How to Hack, including Tips, Secrets, Steps, and Hidden Traps! (2014)

Hacking: Tapping into the Matrix: Step by Step Guide on How to Hack, including Tips, Secrets, Steps, and Hidden Traps! (2014)

Chapter 2. Make Use of Security Weaknesses

Before you hack into just about any system, you at least need to make sure that it contains a lot of weaknesses. As a beginner, it’s best that you hack weak systems first so that it would be easy for you to see the hacks coming to life.

Here are those security weaknesses that you have to be aware of:

1. Network perimeters that have little to no firewall protection;

2. Documents that have not been shredded;

3. Disks that have not been destroyed;

4. Systems that have not been properly patched;

5. Missing, inappropriate, and poor access controls;

6. Easily guessed passwords;

7. Computers with no drive encryption;

8. Mobile devices with easy to crack or no passwords;

9. Wireless networks that run with WPA2 or WPA enabled, and;

10. Web applications with weak authentication mechanisms.