Security Resources - Network Security Overview - Introduction To Network Security: Theory And Practice (2015)

Introduction To Network Security: Theory And Practice (2015)

Chapter 1. Network Security Overview

1.5 Security Resources

Network security is not something that can be taken care of once and for all, because when old security problems are solved, new security problems will appear. Thus, network security defenders will have to fight against the attackers continuously. Network security is an art of defense in digital form. This book covers basic principles, methods, and techniques of network security. It does not and cannot cover every aspect of the area. It does not and cannot tell you what the new attacks are going to be. Fortunately, there are many online security resources available to help you win this fight. The following are a few popular resources.

1.5.1 CERT

Founded in 1988, CERT is a research institute affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University. Its full name is Computer Emergency Response Team. Its budget comes mainly from the U.S. government.

CERT was the earliest organization devoted to studying security problems and offering practical solutions to system administrators to help secure their computer systems. It sends monthly reports to subscribers, free of charge, of any security breach identified in the current month, with recommended solutions. In addition, CERT also trains computer security personnel. Its Website is

1.5.2 SANS Institute

Founded in 1989, SANS Institute is a nonprofit organization devoted to collecting, archiving, and publishing computer security information. It provides this information to users free of charge. SANS stands for SysAdmin, Audit, Network, and Security. In addition, SANS Institute also offers computer security training, issues certification, and funds research. Its Website is

1.5.3 Microsoft Security

Microsoft security is Microsoft's official Website devoted to providing security information for Microsoft products. It provides security updates to Microsoft users. Its Website is

1.5.4 NTBugtraq

NTBugtraq is a moderated open list service for users to post and discuss security exploits and bugs in Microsoft's products. Its Website is

1.5.5 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database is a free database maintained by the Mitre Corporation. CVE tracks software vulnerabilities across all major software products from all major vendors. This is the most widely used collection of information on security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities contained within the database are scored and ranked using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), a standard maintained by NIST. The CVE Web site is