Ansible: Up and Running (2015)
Appendix A. SSH
Because Ansible uses SSH as its transport mechanism, you’ll need to understand some of SSH’s features to take advantage of them with Ansible.
Native SSH
By default, Ansible uses the native SSH client installed on your operating system. This means that Ansible can take advantage of all of the typical SSH features, including Kerberos and jump hosts. If you have a ~/.ssh/config file with custom configurations for your SSH setup, Ansible will respect these settings.
SSH Agent
There’s a handy program called ssh-agent that simplifies working with SSH private keys.
When ssh-agent is running on your machine, you can add private keys to it using the ssh-add command.
$ ssh-add /path/to/keyfile.pem
The SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable must be set, or the ssh-add command will not be able to communicate with ssh-agent. See “Starting Up ssh-agent”.
You can use the -L flag with the ssh_add program to see which keys have been added to your agent, as shown in Example A-1. This example shows that there are two keys in the agent.
Example A-1. Listing the keys in the agent
$ ssh-add -L
hcsZp4SycZSTy+WqZQhzLogaifvtdgdzaooxNtsm+qRvQJyHkwdoXR6nJgt /Users/lorinhochste
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA6NF8iallvQVp22WDkTkyrtvp9eWW6A8YVr+kz4TjGYe7
HDFIPKcF96hrucXzcWyLbIbEgE98OHlnVYCzRdK8jlqm8tehUc9c9WhQ== insecure_private_key
When you try to make a connection to a remote host, and you have ssh-agent running, the SSH client will try to use the keys stored in ssh-agent to authenticate with the host.
Using an SSH agent has several advantages:
§ The SSH agent makes it easier to work with encrypted SSH private keys. If you use an encrypted SSH private key, then the private key file is protected with a password. When you use this key to make an SSH connection to a host, then you will be prompted to type in the password. With an encrypted private key, even if somebody got access to your private SSH key, they wouldn’t be able to use it without the password. If you use an encrypted SSH private key, and you aren’t using an SSH agent, then you have to type in the encryption password each time you use the private key. If you are using an SSH agent, then you only have to type the private key password when you add the key to the agent.
§ If you are using Ansible to manage hosts that use different SSH keys, using an SSH agent simplifies your Ansible configuration files; you don’t have to explicitly specify the ansible_ssh_private_key_file on your hosts as we did back in Example 1-1.
§ If you need to make an SSH connection from your remote host to a different host (e.g., cloning a private Git repository over SSH), you can take advantage of agent forwarding so that you don’t have to copy private SSH keys over to the remote host. We explain agent forwarding next.
Starting Up ssh-agent
How you start up the SSH agent varies depending on which operating system you’re running.
Mac OS X
Mac OS X comes preconfigured to run ssh-agent, so there’s nothing you need to do.
If you’re running on Linux, you’ll need to start up ssh-agent yourself and ensure its environment variables are set correctly. If you invoke ssh-agent directly, it will output the environment variables you’ll need to set. For example:
$ ssh-agent
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-YI7PBGlkOteo/agent.2547; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
echo Agent pid 2548;
You can automatically export these environment variables by invoking ssh-agent like this:
$ eval $(ssh-agent)
You’ll also want to ensure that you only have one instance of ssh-agent running at a time. There are various helper tools on Linux, such as Keychain and Gnome Keyring, for managing ssh-agent startup for you, or you can modify your .profile file to ensure that ssh-agent starts up exactly once in each login shell. Configuring your account for ssh-agent is beyond the scope of this book, so I recommend you consult your Linux distribution’s documentation for more details on how to set this up.
Agent Forwarding
If you are cloning a Git repository over SSH, you’ll need to use an SSH private key recognized by your Git server. I like to avoid copying private SSH keys to my hosts, in order to limit the damage in case a host ever gets compromised.
One way to avoid copying SSH private keys around is to use the ssh-agent program on your local machine, with agent forwarding. If you SSH from your laptop to host A, and you have agent forwarding enabled, then agent forwarding allows you to SSH from host A to host B using the private key that resides on your laptop.
Figure A-1 shows an example of agent forwarding in action. Let’s say you want to check out a private repository from GitHub, using SSH. You have ssh-agent running on your laptop, and you’ve added your private key using the ssh-add command.
Figure A-1. Agent forwarding in action
If you were manually SSHing to the app server, you would call the ssh command with the -A flag, which enables agent forwarding:
$ ssh -A
On the app server, you check out a Git repository using an SSH URL:
$ git clone
Git will connect via SSH to GitHub. The GitHub SSH server will try to authenticate against the SSH client on the app server. The app server doesn’t know your private key. However, because you enabled agent forwarding, the SSH client on the app server will connect back to ssh-agent running on your laptop, which will handle the authentication.
There are a couple of issues you need to keep in mind in using agent forwarding with Ansible.
First, you need to tell Ansible to enable agent forwarding when it connects to remote machines, because SSH does not enable agent forwarding by default.
You can enable agent forwarding for all nodes you SSH to by adding the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config file on your control machine:
Host *
ForwardAgent yes
Or, if you only want to enable agent forwarding for a specific server, add this:
ForwardAgent yes
If, instead, you only want to enable agent forwarding for Ansible, then you can edit your ansible.cfg file by adding it to the ssh_args parameter in the ssh_connection section:
ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o ForwardAgent=yes
Here, I used the more verbose -o ForwardAgent=yes flag instead of the shorter -A flag, but it does the same thing.
The ControlMaster and ControlPersist settings are needed for a performance optimization called SSH multiplexing. They are on by default, but if you override the ssh_args variable, then you need to explicitly specify them or you will disable this performance boost. We discuss SSH multiplexing in Chapter 9.
Sudo and Agent Forwarding
When you enable agent forwarding, the remote machine sets the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable, which contains a path to a UNIX-domain socket (e.g., /tmp/ssh-FShDVu5924/agent.5924). However, if you do sudo, then the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable won’t carry over unless you explicitly configure sudo to allow this behavior.
To allow the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable to carry over via sudo to the root user, we can add the following line either to the /etc/sudoers file or (on Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu) to its own file in the /etc/sudoers.d directory.
Defaults>root env_keep+=SSH_AUTH_SOCK
Let’s call this file 99-keep-ssh-auth-sock-env and put it in the files directory on our local machine.
The copy and template modules support a validate clause. This clause lets you specify a program to run against the file that Ansible will generate. Use %s as a placeholder for the filename. For example:
validate: visudo -cf %s
When the validate clause is present, Ansible will copy the file to a temporary directory first and then run the specified validation program. If the validation program returns success (0), then Ansible will copy the file from the temporary location to the proper destination. If the validation program returns a non-zero return code, Ansible will return an error that looks like this:
failed: [myhost] => {"checksum": "ac32f572f0a670c3579ac2864cc3069ee8a19588",
"failed": true}
msg: failed to validate: rc:1 error:
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
Since a bad sudoers file can keep us from accessing it as root, it’s always a good idea to validate a sudoers file using the visudo program. For a cautionary tale about invalid sudoers files, see Ansible contributor Jan-Piet Mens’s blog post, “Don’t try this at the office: /etc/sudoers.”.
- name: copy the sudoers file so we can do agent forwarding
src: files/99-keep-ssh-auth-sock-env
dest: /etc/sudoers.d/99-keep-ssh-auth-sock-env
owner: root group=root mode=0440
validate: visudo -cf %s
Unfortunately, it’s not currently possible to sudo as a non-root user and use agent forwarding. For example, let’s say you wanted to sudo from the ubuntu user to a deploy user. The problem is that the UNIX-domain socket pointed to be the SSH_AUTH_SOCK is owned by the ubuntu user and won’t be readable or writeable by the deploy user.
As a workaround, you can always invoke the Git module as root and then change the permissions with the file module, as shown in Example A-2.
Example A-2. Cloning as root and changing permissions
- name: verify the config is valid sudoers file
local_action: command visudo -cf files/99-keep-ssh-auth-sock-env
sudo: True
- name: copy the sudoers file so we can do agent forwarding
copy: >
owner=root group=root mode=0440
validate='visudo -cf %s'
sudo: True
- name: check out my private git repository
git: dest={{ proj_path }}
sudo: True
- name: set file ownership
file: >
path={{ proj_path }} state=directory recurse=yes
owner={{ user }} group={{ user }}
sudo: True
Host Keys
Every host that runs an SSH server has an associated host key. The host key acts like a signature that uniquely identifies the host. Host keys exist to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. If you’re cloning a Git repository over SSH from GitHub, you don’t really know whether the server that claims to be is really GitHub’s server, or is an impostor that used DNS spoofing to pretend to be Host keys allow you to check that the server that claims to be really is This means that you need to have the host key (a copy of what the signature should look like) before you try to connect to the host.
Ansible will check the host key by default, although you can disable this behavior in ansible.cfg, like this:
host_key_checking = False
Host key checking also comes into play with the git module. Recall in Chapter 6 how the git module took an accept_hostkey parameter:
- name: check out the repository on the host
git: repo={{ repo_url }} dest={{ proj_path }} accept_hostkey=yes
The git module can hang when cloning a Git repository using the SSH protocol if host key checking is enabled on the host and the Git server’s SSH host key is not known to the host.
The simplest approach is to use the accept_hostkey parameter to tell Git to automatically accept the host key if it isn’t known, which is the approach we use in Example 6-5.
Many people simply accept the host key and don’t worry about these types of man-in-the-middle attacks. That’s what we did in our playbook, by specifying accept_hostkey=yes as an argument when invoking the git module. However, if you are more security conscious and don’t want to automatically accept the host key, then you can manually retrieve and verify GitHub’s host key, and then add it to the system-wide /etc/ssh/known_hosts file or, for a specific user, to the user’s ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.
To manually verify GitHub’s SSH host key, you’ll need to get the SSH host key fingerprint from the Git server using some kind of out-of-band channel. If you’re using GitHub as your Git server, you can look up its SSH key fingerprint on the GitHub website.
As of this writing, GitHub’s RSA fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48, but don’t take my word for it — go check the website.
Next, you need to retrieve the full SSH host key. You can use the ssh-keyscan program to retrieve the host key associated with the host with hostname I like to put files that Ansible will deal with in the files directory, so let’s do that:
$ mkdir files
$ ssh-keyscan > files/known_hosts
The output looks like this: ssh-rsa
For the more paranoid, the ssh-keyscan command supports an -H flag so that the hostname won’t show up in the known_hosts file. Even if somebody gets access to your known hosts file, they can’t tell what the hostnames are. When using this flag, the output looks like this:
|1|BI+Z8H3hzbcmTWna9R4orrwrNrg=|wCxJf50pTQ83JFzyXG4aNLxEmzc= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y
You then need to verify that the host key in the files/known_hosts file matches the fingerprint you found on GitHub. You can check with the ssh-keygen program:
$ ssh-keygen -lf files/known_hosts
The output should match the RSA fingerprint advertised on the website, like this:
2048 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48 (RSA)
Now that you are confident that you have the correct host key for your Git server, you can use the copy module to copy it to /etc/ssh/known_hosts.
- name: copy system-wide known hosts
copy: src=files/known_hosts dest=/etc/ssh/known_hosts owner=root group=root
Alternatively, you can copy it to a specific user’s ~/.ssh/known_hosts. Example A-3 shows how to copy the known hosts file from the control machine to the remote hosts.
Example A-3. Adding known host
- name: ensure the ~/.ssh directory exists
file: path=~/.ssh state=directory
- name: copy known hosts file
copy: src=files/known_hosts dest=~/.ssh/known_hosts mode=0600
If you have disabled host key checking in Ansible by setting host_key_checking to false in your ansible.cfg file, and the host key for the host that Ansible is trying to connect to does not match the key entry in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, then agent forwarding won’t work. Trying to clone a Git repository will then result in an error that looks like this:
TASK: [check out the repository on the host] ********************************
failed: [web] => {"cmd": "/usr/bin/git ls-remote
mezzanine- example.git -h refs/heads/HEAD", "failed": true, "rc": 128}
stderr: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
msg: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
This can happen if you’re using Vagrant, and you destroy a Vagrant machine and then create a new one, because the host key changes every time you create a new Vagrant machine. You can check if agent forwarding is working by doing this:
$ ansible web -a "ssh-add -l"
If it’s working, you’ll see output like:
web | success | rc=0 >>
2048 e5:ec:48:d3:ec:5e:67:b0:22:32:6e:ab:dd:91:f9:cf /Users/lorinhochstein/
.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
If it’s not working, you’ll see output like:
web | FAILED | rc=2 >>
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
If this happens to you, then delete the appropriate entry from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.
Note that because of SSH multiplexing, Ansible maintains an open SSH connection to the host for 60 seconds, and you need to wait for this connection to expire, or you won’t see the effect of modifying the known_hosts file.
Clearly, there’s a lot more work involved in verifying an SSH host key than blindly accepting it. As is often the case, there’s a trade-off between security and convenience.