Parallel Basics - Concurrency in C# Cookbook (2014)

Concurrency in C# Cookbook (2014)

Chapter 3. Parallel Basics

In this chapter, we’ll cover patterns for parallel programming. Parallel programming is used to split up CPU-bound pieces of work and divide them among multiple threads. These parallel processing recipes only consider CPU-bound work. If you have naturally asynchronous operations (such as I/O-bound work) that you wish to execute in parallel, then see Chapter 2, and Recipe 2.4 in particular.

The parallel processing abstractions covered in this chapter are part of the Task Parallel Library (TPL). This is built in to the .NET framework but is not available on all platforms (see Table 3-1):

Table 3-1. Platform support for TPL


Parallel support

.NET 4.5


.NET 4.0


Mono iOS/Droid


Windows Store


Windows Phone Apps 8.1


Windows Phone SL 8.0


Windows Phone SL 7.1


Silverlight 5


3.1. Parallel Processing of Data


You have a collection of data and you need to perform the same operation on each element of the data. This operation is CPU-bound and may take some time.


The Parallel type contains a ForEach method specifically designed for this. This example takes a collection of matrices and rotates them all:

void RotateMatrices(IEnumerable<Matrix> matrices, float degrees)


Parallel.ForEach(matrices, matrix => matrix.Rotate(degrees));


There are some situations where you’ll want to stop the loop early, such as if you encounter an invalid value. This example inverts each matrix, but if an invalid matrix is encountered, it will abort the loop:

void InvertMatrices(IEnumerable<Matrix> matrices)


Parallel.ForEach(matrices, (matrix, state) =>


if (!matrix.IsInvertible)






A more common situation is when you want the ability to cancel a parallel loop. This is different than stopping the loop; a loop is stopped from inside the loop, and it is canceled from outside the loop. For example, a cancel button may cancel a CancellationTokenSource, canceling a parallel loop like this one:

void RotateMatrices(IEnumerable<Matrix> matrices, float degrees,

CancellationToken token)



new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = token },

matrix => matrix.Rotate(degrees));


One thing to keep in mind is that each parallel task may run on a different thread, so any shared state must be protected. The following example inverts each matrix and counts the number of matrices that could not be inverted:

// Note: this is not the most efficient implementation.

// This is just an example of using a lock to protect shared state.

int InvertMatrices(IEnumerable<Matrix> matrices)


object mutex = new object();

int nonInvertibleCount = 0;

Parallel.ForEach(matrices, matrix =>


if (matrix.IsInvertible)






lock (mutex)






return nonInvertibleCount;



The Parallel.ForEach method allows parallel processing over a sequence of values. A similar solution is Parallel LINQ (PLINQ). Parallel LINQ provides much of the same capabilities with a LINQ-like syntax. One difference between Parallel and PLINQ is that PLINQ assumes it can use all the cores on the computer, while Parallel will dynamically react to changing CPU conditions.

Parallel.ForEach is a parallel foreach loop. If you need to do a parallel for loop, the Parallel class also supports a Parallel.For method. Parallel.For is especially useful if you have multiple arrays of data that all take the same index.

See Also

Recipe 3.2 covers aggregating a series of values in parallel, including sums and averages.

Recipe 3.5 covers the basics of PLINQ.

Chapter 9 covers cancellation.

3.2. Parallel Aggregation


At the conclusion of a parallel operation, you have to aggregate the results. Examples of aggregation are sums, averages, etc.


The Parallel class supports aggregation through the concept of local values, which are variables that exist locally within a parallel loop. This means that the body of the loop can just access the value directly, without having to worry about synchronization. When the loop is ready to aggregate each of its local results, it does so with the localFinally delegate. Note that the localFinally delegate does need to synchronize access to the variable that holds the final result. Here’s an example of a parallel sum:

// Note: this is not the most efficient implementation.

// This is just an example of using a lock to protect shared state.

static int ParallelSum(IEnumerable<int> values)


object mutex = new object();

int result = 0;

Parallel.ForEach(source: values,

localInit: () => 0,

body: (item, state, localValue) => localValue + item,

localFinally: localValue =>


lock (mutex)

result += localValue;


return result;


Parallel LINQ has more natural aggregation support than the Parallel class:

static int ParallelSum(IEnumerable<int> values)


return values.AsParallel().Sum();


OK, that was a cheap shot, since PLINQ has built-in support for many common operators (such as Sum). PLINQ also has generic aggregation support via the Aggregate operator:

static int ParallelSum(IEnumerable<int> values)


return values.AsParallel().Aggregate(

seed: 0,

func: (sum, item) => sum + item




If you are already using the Parallel class, you may want to use its aggregation support. Otherwise, in most scenarios, the PLINQ support is more expressive and has shorter code.

See Also

Recipe 3.5 covers the basics of PLINQ.

3.3. Parallel Invocation


You have a number of methods to call in parallel, and these methods are (mostly) independent of each other.


The Parallel class contains a simple Invoke member that is designed for this scenario. Here’s an example that splits an array in half and processes each half independently:

static void ProcessArray(double[] array)



() => ProcessPartialArray(array, 0, array.Length / 2),

() => ProcessPartialArray(array, array.Length / 2, array.Length)



static void ProcessPartialArray(double[] array, int begin, int end)


// CPU-intensive processing...


You can also pass an array of delegates to the Parallel.Invoke method if the number of invocations is not known until runtime:

static void DoAction20Times(Action action)


Action[] actions = Enumerable.Repeat(action, 20).ToArray();



Parallel.Invoke supports cancellation just like the other members of the Parallel class:

static void DoAction20Times(Action action, CancellationToken token)


Action[] actions = Enumerable.Repeat(action, 20).ToArray();

Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = token }, actions);



Parallel.Invoke is a great solution for simple parallel invocation. However, it’s not a great fit if you want to invoke an action for each item of input data (use Parallel.ForEach instead), or if each action produces some output (use Parallel LINQ instead).

See Also

Recipe 3.1 covers Parallel.ForEach, which invokes an action for each item of data.

Recipe 3.5 covers Parallel LINQ.

3.4. Dynamic Parallelism


You have a more complex parallel situation where the structure and number of parallel tasks depends on information known only at runtime.


The Task Parallel Library (TPL) is centered around the Task type. The Parallel class and Parallel LINQ are just convenience wrappers around the powerful Task. When you need dynamic parallelism, it’s easiest to use the Task type directly.

Here is one example where some expensive processing needs to be done for each node of a binary tree. The structure of the tree won’t be known until runtime, so this is a good scenario for dynamic parallelism. The Traverse method processes the current node and then creates two child tasks, one for each branch underneath the node (for this example, we’re assuming that the parent nodes must be processed before the children). The ProcessTree method starts the processing by creating a top-level parent task and waiting for it to complete:

void Traverse(Node current)



if (current.Left != null)


Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Traverse(current.Left),





if (current.Right != null)


Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Traverse(current.Right),






public void ProcessTree(Node root)


var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Traverse(root),






If you don’t have a parent/child kind of situation, you can schedule any task to run after another by using a task continuation. The continuation is a separate task that executes when the original task completes:

Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(

() => Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)),




Task continuation = task.ContinueWith(

t => Trace.WriteLine("Task is done"),




// The "t" argument to the continuation is the same as "task".


The preceding example code uses CancellationToken.None and TaskScheduler.Default. Cancellation tokens are covered in Recipe 9.2, and task schedulers are covered in Recipe 12.3. It is always a good idea to explicitly specify the TaskScheduler used by StartNew andContinueWith.

This arrangement of parent and child tasks is common with dynamic parallelism; however, it is not required. It is equally possible to store each new task in a threadsafe collection and then wait for them all to complete using Task.WaitAll.


Using Task for parallel processing is completely different than using Task for asynchronous processing. See below.

The Task type serves two purposes in concurrent programming: it can be a parallel task or an asynchronous task. Parallel tasks may use blocking members, such as Task.Wait, Task.Result, Task.WaitAll, and Task.WaitAny. Parallel tasks also commonly use AttachedToParent to create parent/child relationships between tasks. Parallel tasks should be created with Task.Run or Task.Factory.StartNew.

In contrast, asynchronous tasks should avoid blocking members and prefer await, Task.WhenAll, and Task.WhenAny. Asynchronous tasks do not use AttachedToParent, but they can form an implicit kind of parent/child relationship by awaiting another task.

See Also

Recipe 3.3 covers invoking a sequence of methods in parallel, when all the methods are known at the start of the parallel work.

3.5. Parallel LINQ


You have parallel processing to perform on a sequence of data, producing another sequence of data or a summary of that data.


Most developers are familiar with LINQ, which you can use to write pull-based calculations over sequences. Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) extends this LINQ support with parallel processing.

PLINQ works well in streaming scenarios, when you have a sequence of inputs and are producing a sequence of outputs. Here’s a simple example that just multiplies each element in a sequence by two (real-world scenarios will be much more CPU-intensive than a simple multiply):

static IEnumerable<int> MultiplyBy2(IEnumerable<int> values)


return values.AsParallel().Select(item => item * 2);


The example may produce its outputs in any order; this is the default for Parallel LINQ. You can also specify the order to be preserved. The following example is still processed in parallel, but preserves the original order:

static IEnumerable<int> MultiplyBy2(IEnumerable<int> values)


return values.AsParallel().AsOrdered().Select(item => item * 2);


Another natural use of Parallel LINQ is to aggregate or summarize the data in parallel. The following code performs a parallel summation:

static int ParallelSum(IEnumerable<int> values)


return values.AsParallel().Sum();



The Parallel class is good for many scenarios, but PLINQ code is simpler when doing aggregation or transforming one sequence to another. Bear in mind that the Parallel class is more friendly to other processes on the system than PLINQ; this is especially a consideration if the parallel processing is done on a server machine.

PLINQ provides parallel versions of a wide variety of operators, including filtering (Where), projection (Select), and a variety of aggregations, such as Sum, Average, and the more generic Aggregate. In general, anything you can do with regular LINQ you can do in parallel with PLINQ. This makes PLINQ a great choice if you have existing LINQ code that would benefit from running in parallel.

See Also

Recipe 3.1 covers how to use the Parallel class to execute code for each element in a sequence.

Recipe 9.5 covers how to cancel PLINQ queries.