Array and Pointer - Learning C by Example (2015)

Learning C by Example (2015)

3. Array and Pointer

This chapter explains how to work with array and Pointer.

3.1 Array

In this section, we build an array using C. For illustration, we develop single and multi dimensional array.

3.1.1 Defining An Array

We can define an array using [] syntax. For instance, we define array of int and char.

int numbers[5];

char chars[10];

We also can construct array from struct.

struct employee{

int id;

char name[10];

char country[5];


struct employee list[5];

3.1.2 Basic Array Operations

After declared an array, we can set and get data on array. For illustration, create a file, called arraydemo.c, and write this code.

#include <stdio.h>

struct employee{

int id;

char name[10];

char country[5];


int main() {

// define array

int numbers[5];

char chars[10];

struct employee list[5];

// insert data

int i;


numbers[i] = i;

list[i].id = i;

sprintf(list[i].name,"usr %d",i);



sprintf(chars,"hello c");

// display data


printf("%d %c\n",numbers[i],chars[i]);

printf("struct. id: %d, name: %s, country: %s \n",




return 0;


Save this code and try to compile and run.

$ gcc -o arraydemo arraydemo.c

$ ./arraydemo

A sample output can be seen in Figure below.


3.2 Multidimensional Array

We can create multidimensional array, for instance two dimensional, we can use [][].

For testing, you can create a file, called multiarray.c and write this code.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

// define Multidimensional demenarray

int matrix[3][5];

// insert data

int i,j;



matrix[i][j] = i+j;



// display data



printf("%d ",matrix[i][j]);




return 0;


Save this. Then, try to compile and run.

$ gcc -o multiarray multiarray.c

$ ./multiarray

A sample output can be seen in Figure below.


3.3 Pointer

A pointer is a programming language object, whose value refers to (or "points to") another value stored elsewhere in the computer memory using its address. A pointer references a location in memory, and obtaining the value stored at that location is known as dereferencing the pointer (source: ).

To obtain memory address of a variable, we can use & syntax. For instance, create a file, called address.c, and write this code.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {

int n;

n = 10;

printf("value n: %d \n",n);

printf("address n: %x \n",&n);

return 0;


Save this file. Then, try to compile and run.

$ gcc -o address address.c

$ ./address

If success, we obtain memory address of variable n. A sample output of program can be seen in Figure below.


3.3.1 Basic Pointer

To declare a pointer of a specific data type, we can use * syntax. This variable consists of memory address of our pointer variable.

For illustration, create a file, called pointer.c, and write this code.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {

int n;

int* nPtr;

n = 10;

nPtr = &n;

printf("value n: %d \n",n);

printf("address n: %x \n",(unsigned int)&n);

printf("value nPtr: %x \n",(unsigned int)nPtr);

printf("address nPtr: %x \n",(unsigned int)&nPtr);

printf("value pointer nPtr: %d \n",*nPtr);

return 0;


Save this file. Then, compile and run this file.

$ gcc -o pointer pointer.c

$ ./pointer

You can see a value of nPtr is memory address of variable n. If n is set value 10, then value of pointer nPtr which we declare as *nPtr is the same value with value of variable n.

A sample of program output is shown in Figure below.


3.3.2 Dynamic Array

In this section, we will create a dynamic array using pointer. In general, we can declare an array using [] with size. Now we can declare our array with dynamic size.

Basically, when we add a new value, we allocate memory and then attach it to array. For illustration, we define array with size 10. Then, we add some values to this array.

Create a file, called dpointer.c, and write this code.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {

// define dynamic array of pointer

int *numbers; // single array pointer

// a number of array

int N = 10;

// allocate memory

numbers = malloc( N * sizeof(int));

// set values

int i;


numbers[i] = i+3;


// display values


printf("%d ",numbers[i]);



// free memory


return 0;


Save this code. Try to compile and run it.

$ gcc -o dpointer dpointer.c

$ ./dpointer

A program output can be seen in Figure below.


Another sample, we also define dynamic array with multidimensional. For instance, we create two dimensional dynamic array. Create a file, called dtwopointer.c, and write this code.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {

// define dynamic array of pointer

int **matrix; // two dimensional array pointer

// a number of array

int M = 3;

int N = 5;

// allocate memory

matrix = malloc( M * sizeof(int*));

// set values

int i,j;


matrix[i] = malloc( N * sizeof(int));


matrix[i][j] = i + j;



// display values



printf("%d ",matrix[i][j]);




// free memory


return 0;


Save this code. Compile and run this file.

$ gcc -o dtwopointer dtwopointer.c

$ ./dtwopointer

A sample output is shown in Figure below.
