Creating Types in C# - C# 5.0 in a Nutshell (2012)

C# 5.0 in a Nutshell (2012)

Chapter 3. Creating Types in C#

In this chapter, we will delve into types and type members.


A class is the most common kind of reference type. The simplest possible class declaration is as follows:

class YourClassName



A more complex class optionally has the following:

Preceding the keyword class

Attributes and class modifiers. The non-nested class modifiers are public, internal, abstract, sealed, static, unsafe, and partial

Following YourClassName

Generic type parameters, a base class, and interfaces

Within the braces

Class members (these are methods, properties, indexers, events, fields, constructors, overloaded operators, nested types, and a finalizer)

This chapter covers all of these constructs except attributes, operator functions, and the unsafe keyword, which are covered in Chapter 4. The following sections enumerate each of the class members.


A field is a variable that is a member of a class or struct. For example:

class Octopus


string name;

public int Age = 10;


Fields allow the following modifiers:

Static modifier


Access modifiers

public internal private protected

Inheritance modifier


Unsafe code modifier


Read-only modifier


Threading modifier


The readonly modifier

The readonly modifier prevents a field from being modified after construction. A read-only field can be assigned only in its declaration or within the enclosing type’s constructor.

Field initialization

Field initialization is optional. An uninitialized field has a default value (0, \0, null, false). Field initializers run before constructors:

public int Age = 10;

Declaring multiple fields together

For convenience, you may declare multiple fields of the same type in a comma-separated list. This is a convenient way for all the fields to share the same attributes and field modifiers. For example:

static readonly int legs = 8,

eyes = 2;


A method performs an action in a series of statements. A method can receive input data from the caller by specifying parameters and output data back to the caller by specifying a return type. A method can specify a void return type, indicating that it doesn’t return any value to its caller. A method can also output data back to the caller via ref/out parameters.

A method’s signature must be unique within the type. A method’s signature comprises its name and parameter types (but not the parameter names, nor the return type). Methods allow the following modifiers:

Static modifier


Access modifiers

public internal private protected

Inheritance modifiers

new virtual abstract override sealed

Partial method modifier


Unmanaged code modifiers

unsafe extern

Overloading methods

A type may overload methods (have multiple methods with the same name), as long as the signatures are different. For example, the following methods can all coexist in the same type:

void Foo (int x) {...}

void Foo (double x) {...}

void Foo (int x, float y) {...}

void Foo (float x, int y) {...}

However, the following pairs of methods cannot coexist in the same type, since the return type and the params modifier are not part of a method’s signature:

void Foo (int x) {...}

float Foo (int x) {...} // Compile-time error

void Goo (int[] x) {...}

void Goo (params int[] x) {...} // Compile-time error

Pass-by-value versus pass-by-reference

Whether a parameter is pass-by-value or pass-by-reference is also part of the signature. For example, Foo(int) can coexist with either Foo(ref int) or Foo(out int). However, Foo(ref int) and Foo(out int) cannot coexist:

void Foo (int x) {...}

void Foo (ref int x) {...} // OK so far

void Foo (out int x) {...} // Compile-time error

Instance Constructors

Constructors run initialization code on a class or struct. A constructor is defined like a method, except that the method name and return type are reduced to the name of the enclosing type:

public class Panda


string name; // Define field

public Panda (string n) // Define constructor


name = n; // Initialization code (set up field)




Panda p = new Panda ("Petey"); // Call constructor

Instance constructors allow the following modifiers:

Access modifiers

public internal private protected

Unmanaged code modifiers

unsafe extern

Overloading constructors

A class or struct may overload constructors. To avoid code duplication, one constructor may call another, using the this keyword:

using System;

public class Wine


public decimal Price;

public int Year;

public Wine (decimal price) { Price = price; }

public Wine (decimal price, int year) : this (price) { Year = year; }


When one constructor calls another, the called constructor executes first.

You can pass an expression into another constructor as follows:

public Wine (decimal price, DateTime year) : this (price, year.Year) { }

The expression itself cannot make use of the this reference, for example, to call an instance method. (This is enforced because the object has not been initialized by the constructor at this stage, so any methods that you call on it are likely to fail.) It can, however, call static methods.

Implicit parameterless constructors

For classes, the C# compiler automatically generates a parameterless public constructor if and only if you do not define any constructors. However, as soon as you define at least one constructor, the parameterless constructor is no longer automatically generated.

For structs, a parameterless constructor is intrinsic to the struct; therefore, you cannot define your own. The role of a struct’s implicit parameterless constructor is to initialize each field with default values.

Constructor and field initialization order

We saw previously that fields can be initialized with default values in their declaration:

class Player


int shields = 50; // Initialized first

int health = 100; // Initialized second


Field initializations occur before the constructor is executed, and in the declaration order of the fields.

Nonpublic constructors

Constructors do not need to be public. A common reason to have a nonpublic constructor is to control instance creation via a static method call. The static method could be used to return an object from a pool rather than necessarily creating a new object, or return various subclasses based on input arguments:

public class Class1


Class1() {} // Private constructor

public static Class1 Create (...)


// Perform custom logic here to return an instance of Class1




Object Initializers

To simplify object initialization, any accessible fields or properties of an object can be set via an object initializer directly after construction. For example, consider the following class:

public class Bunny


public string Name;

public bool LikesCarrots;

public bool LikesHumans;

public Bunny () {}

public Bunny (string n) { Name = n; }


Using object initializers, you can instantiate Bunny objects as follows:

// Note parameterless constructors can omit empty parentheses

Bunny b1 = new Bunny { Name="Bo", LikesCarrots=true, LikesHumans=false };

Bunny b2 = new Bunny ("Bo") { LikesCarrots=true, LikesHumans=false };

The code to construct b1 and b2 is precisely equivalent to:

Bunny temp1 = new Bunny(); // temp1 is a compiler-generated name

temp1.Name = "Bo";

temp1.LikesCarrots = true;

temp1.LikesHumans = false;

Bunny b1 = temp1;

Bunny temp2 = new Bunny ("Bo");

temp2.LikesCarrots = true;

temp2.LikesHumans = false;

Bunny b2 = temp2;

The temporary variables are to ensure that if an exception is thrown during initialization, you can’t end up with a half-initialized object.

Object initializers were introduced in C# 3.0.


Instead of using object initializers, we could make Bunny’s constructor accept optional parameters:

public Bunny (string name,

bool likesCarrots = false,

bool likesHumans = false)


Name = name;

LikesCarrots = likesCarrots;

LikesHumans = likesHumans;


This would allow us to construct a Bunny as follows:

Bunny b1 = new Bunny (name: "Bo",

likesCarrots: true);

An advantage of this approach is that we could make Bunny’s fields (or properties, as we’ll explain shortly) read-only if we choose. Making fields or properties read-only is good practice when there’s no valid reason for them to change throughout the life of the object.

The disadvantage in this approach is that each optional parameter value is baked into the calling site. In other words, C# translates our constructor call into this:

Bunny b1 = new Bunny ("Bo", true, false);

This can be problematic if we instantiate the Bunny class from another assembly, and later modify Bunny by adding another optional parameter—such as likesCats. Unless the referencing assembly is also recompiled, it will continue to call the (now nonexistent) constructor with three parameters and fail at runtime. (A subtler problem is that if we changed the value of one of the optional parameters, callers in other assemblies would continue to use the old optional value until they were recompiled.)

Hence, optional parameters are best avoided in public functions if you want to offer binary compatibility between assembly versions.

The this Reference

The this reference refers to the instance itself. In the following example, the Marry method uses this to set the partner’s mate field:

public class Panda


public Panda Mate;

public void Marry (Panda partner)


Mate = partner;

partner.Mate = this;



The this reference also disambiguates a local variable or parameter from a field. For example:

public class Test


string name;

public Test (string name) { = name; }


The this reference is valid only within nonstatic members of a class or struct.


Properties look like fields from the outside, but internally they contain logic, like methods do. For example, you can’t tell by looking at the following code whether CurrentPrice is a field or a property:

Stock msft = new Stock();

msft.CurrentPrice = 30;

msft.CurrentPrice -= 3;

Console.WriteLine (msft.CurrentPrice);

A property is declared like a field, but with a get/set block added. Here’s how to implement CurrentPrice as a property:

public class Stock


decimal currentPrice; // The private "backing" field

public decimal CurrentPrice // The public property


get { return currentPrice; } set { currentPrice = value; }



get and set denote property accessors. The get accessor runs when the property is read. It must return a value of the property’s type. The set accessor runs when the property is assigned. It has an implicit parameter named value of the property’s type that you typically assign to a private field (in this case, currentPrice).

Although properties are accessed in the same way as fields, they differ in that they give the implementer complete control over getting and setting its value. This control enables the implementer to choose whatever internal representation is needed, without exposing the internal details to the user of the property. In this example, the set method could throw an exception if value was outside a valid range of values.


Throughout this book, we use public fields extensively to keep the examples free of distraction. In a real application, you would typically favor public properties over public fields, in order to promote encapsulation.

Properties allow the following modifiers:

Static modifier


Access modifiers

public internal private protected

Inheritance modifiers

new virtual abstract override sealed

Unmanaged code modifiers

unsafe extern

Read-only and calculated properties

A property is read-only if it specifies only a get accessor, and it is write-only if it specifies only a set accessor. Write-only properties are rarely used.

A property typically has a dedicated backing field to store the underlying data. However, a property can also be computed from other data. For example:

decimal currentPrice, sharesOwned;

public decimal Worth


get { return currentPrice * sharesOwned; }


Automatic properties

The most common implementation for a property is a getter and/or setter that simply reads and writes to a private field of the same type as the property. An automatic property declaration instructs the compiler to provide this implementation. We can redeclare the first example in this section as follows:

public class Stock



public decimal CurrentPrice { get; set; }


The compiler automatically generates a private backing field of a compiler-generated name that cannot be referred to. The set accessor can be marked private if you want to expose the property as read-only to other types. Automatic properties were introduced in C# 3.0.

get and set accessibility

The get and set accessors can have different access levels. The typical use case for this is to have a public property with an internal or private access modifier on the setter:

public class Foo


private decimal x;

public decimal X


get { return x; }

private set { x = Math.Round (value, 2); }



Notice that you declare the property itself with the more permissive access level (public, in this case), and add the modifier to the accessor you want to be less accessible.

CLR property implementation

C# property accessors internally compile to methods called get_XXX and set_XXX:

public decimal get_CurrentPrice {...}

public void set_CurrentPrice (decimal value) {...}

Simple nonvirtual property accessors are inlined by the JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, eliminating any performance difference between accessing a property and a field. Inlining is an optimization in which a method call is replaced with the body of that method.

With WinRT properties, the compiler assumes the put_XXX naming convention rather than set_XXX.


Indexers provide a natural syntax for accessing elements in a class or struct that encapsulate a list or dictionary of values. Indexers are similar to properties, but are accessed via an index argument rather than a property name. The string class has an indexer that lets you access each of itschar values via an int index:

string s = "hello";

Console.WriteLine (s[0]); // 'h'

Console.WriteLine (s[3]); // 'l'

The syntax for using indexers is like that for using arrays, except that the index argument(s) can be of any type(s).


Indexers have the same modifiers as properties (see Properties).

Implementing an indexer

To write an indexer, define a property called this, specifying the arguments in square brackets. For instance:

class Sentence


string[] words = "The quick brown fox".Split();

public string this [int wordNum] // indexer


get { return words [wordNum]; }

set { words [wordNum] = value; }



Here’s how we could use this indexer:

Sentence s = new Sentence();

Console.WriteLine (s[3]); // fox

s[3] = "kangaroo";

Console.WriteLine (s[3]); // kangaroo

A type may declare multiple indexers, each with parameters of different types. An indexer can also take more than one parameter:

public string this [int arg1, string arg2]


get { ... } set { ... }


If you omit the set accessor, an indexer becomes read-only.

CLR indexer implementation

Indexers internally compile to methods called get_Item and set_Item, as follows:

public string get_Item (int wordNum) {...}

public void set_Item (int wordNum, string value) {...}


A constant is a static field whose value can never change. A constant is evaluated statically at compile time and the compiler literally substitutes its value whenever used (rather like a macro in C++). A constant can be any of the built-in numeric types, bool, char, string, or an enum type.

A constant is declared with the const keyword and must be initialized with a value. For example:

public class Test


public const string Message = "Hello World";


A constant is much more restrictive than a static readonly field—both in the types you can use and in field initialization semantics. A constant also differs from a static readonly field in that the evaluation of the constant occurs at compile time. For example:

public static double Circumference (double radius)


return 2 * System.Math.PI * radius;


is compiled to:

public static double Circumference (double radius)


return 6.2831853071795862 * radius;


It makes sense for PI to be a constant, since it can never change. In contrast, a static readonly field can have a different value per application.


A static readonly field is also advantageous when exposing to other assemblies a value that might change in a later version. For instance, suppose assembly X exposes a constant as follows:

public const decimal ProgramVersion = 2.3;

If assembly Y references X and uses this constant, the value 2.3 will be baked into assembly Y when compiled. This means that if X is later recompiled with the constant set to 2.4, Y will still use the old value of 2.3 until Y is recompiled. A static readonly field avoids this problem.

Another way of looking at this is that any value that might change in the future is not constant by definition, and so should not be represented as one.

Constants can also be declared local to a method. For example:

static void Main()


const double twoPI = 2 * System.Math.PI;



Non-local constants allow the following modifiers:

Access modifiers

public internal private protected

Inheritance modifier


Static Constructors

A static constructor executes once per type, rather than once per instance. A type can define only one static constructor, and it must be parameterless and have the same name as the type:

class Test


static Test() { Console.WriteLine ("Type Initialized"); }


The runtime automatically invokes a static constructor just prior to the type being used. Two things trigger this:

§ Instantiating the type

§ Accessing a static member in the type

The only modifiers allowed by static constructors are unsafe and extern.


If a static constructor throws an unhandled exception (Chapter 4), that type becomes unusable for the life of the application.

Static constructors and field initialization order

Static field initializers run just before the static constructor is called. If a type has no static constructor, field initializers will execute just prior to the type being used—or anytime earlier at the whim of the runtime. (This means that the presence of a static constructor may cause field initializers to execute later in the program than they would otherwise.)

Static field initializers run in the order in which the fields are declared. The following example illustrates this: X is initialized to 0 and Y is initialized to 3.

class Foo


public static int X = Y; // 0

public static int Y = 3; // 3


If we swap the two field initializers around, both fields are initialized to 3. The next example prints 0 followed by 3 because the field initializer that instantiates a Foo executes before X is initialized to 3:

class Program


static void Main() { Console.WriteLine (Foo.X); } // 3


class Foo


public static Foo Instance = new Foo();

public static int X = 3;

Foo() { Console.WriteLine (X); } // 0


If we swap the two lines in boldface, the example prints 3 followed by 3.

Static Classes

A class can be marked static, indicating that it must be composed solely of static members and cannot be subclassed. The System.Console and System.Math classes are good examples of static classes.


Finalizers are class-only methods that execute before the garbage collector reclaims the memory for an unreferenced object. The syntax for a finalizer is the name of the class prefixed with the ~ symbol:

class Class1







This is actually C# syntax for overriding Object’s Finalize method, and the compiler expands it into the following method declaration:

protected override void Finalize()





We discuss garbage collection and finalizers fully in Chapter 12.

Finalizers allow the following modifier:

Unmanaged code modifier


Partial Types and Methods

Partial types allow a type definition to be split—typically across multiple files. A common scenario is for a partial class to be auto-generated from some other source (such as a Visual Studio template or designer), and for that class to be augmented with additional hand-authored methods. For example:

// PaymentFormGen.cs - auto-generated

partial class PaymentForm { ... }

// PaymentForm.cs - hand-authored

partial class PaymentForm { ... }

Each participant must have the partial declaration; the following is illegal:

partial class PaymentForm {}

class PaymentForm {}

Participants cannot have conflicting members. A constructor with the same parameters, for instance, cannot be repeated. Partial types are resolved entirely by the compiler, which means that each participant must be available at compile time and must reside in the same assembly.

There are two ways to specify a base class with partial classes:

§ Specify the (same) base class on each participant. For example:

§ partial class PaymentForm : ModalForm {}

partial class PaymentForm : ModalForm {}

§ Specify the base class on just one participant. For example:

§ partial class PaymentForm : ModalForm {}

partial class PaymentForm {}

In addition, each participant can independently specify interfaces to implement. We cover base classes and interfaces in Inheritance and Interfaces.

Partial methods

A partial type may contain partial methods. These let an auto-generated partial type provide customizable hooks for manual authoring. For example:

partial class PaymentForm // In auto-generated file



partial void ValidatePayment (decimal amount);


partial class PaymentForm // In hand-authored file



partial void ValidatePayment (decimal amount)


if (amount > 100)




A partial method consists of two parts: a definition and an implementation. The definition is typically written by a code generator, and the implementation is typically manually authored. If an implementation is not provided, the definition of the partial method is compiled away (as is the code that calls it). This allows auto-generated code to be liberal in providing hooks, without having to worry about bloat. Partial methods must be void and are implicitly private.

Partial methods were introduced in C# 3.0.


A class can inherit from another class to extend or customize the original class. Inheriting from a class lets you reuse the functionality in that class instead of building it from scratch. A class can inherit from only a single class, but can itself be inherited by many classes, thus forming a class hierarchy. In this example, we start by defining a class called Asset:

public class Asset


public string Name;


Next, we define classes called Stock and House, which will inherit from Asset. Stock and House get everything an Asset has, plus any additional members that they define:

public class Stock : Asset // inherits from Asset


public long SharesOwned;


public class House : Asset // inherits from Asset


public decimal Mortgage;


Here’s how we can use these classes:

Stock msft = new Stock { Name="MSFT",

SharesOwned=1000 };

Console.WriteLine (msft.Name); // MSFT

Console.WriteLine (msft.SharesOwned); // 1000

House mansion = new House { Name="Mansion",

Mortgage=250000 };

Console.WriteLine (mansion.Name); // Mansion

Console.WriteLine (mansion.Mortgage); // 250000

The derived classes, Stock and House, inherit the Name property from the base class, Asset.


A derived class is also called a subclass.

A base class is also called a superclass.


References are polymorphic. This means a variable of type x can refer to an object that subclasses x. For instance, consider the following method:

public static void Display (Asset asset)


System.Console.WriteLine (asset.Name);


This method can display both a Stock and a House, since they are both Assets:

Stock msft = new Stock ... ;

House mansion = new House ... ;

Display (msft);

Display (mansion);

Polymorphism works on the basis that subclasses (Stock and House) have all the features of their base class (Asset). The converse, however, is not true. If Display was modified to accept a House, you could not pass in an Asset:

static void Main() { Display (new Asset()); } // Compile-time error

public static void Display (House house) // Will not accept Asset


System.Console.WriteLine (house.Mortgage);


Casting and Reference Conversions

An object reference can be:

§ Implicitly upcast to a base class reference

§ Explicitly downcast to a subclass reference

Upcasting and downcasting between compatible reference types performs reference conversions: a new reference is (logically) created that points to the same object. An upcast always succeeds; a downcast succeeds only if the object is suitably typed.


An upcast operation creates a base class reference from a subclass reference. For example:

Stock msft = new Stock();

Asset a = msft; // Upcast

After the upcast, variable a still references the same Stock object as variable msft. The object being referenced is not itself altered or converted:

Console.WriteLine (a == msft); // True

Although a and msft refer to the identical object, a has a more restrictive view on that object:

Console.WriteLine (a.Name); // OK

Console.WriteLine (a.SharesOwned); // Error: SharesOwned undefined

The last line generates a compile-time error because the variable a is of type Asset, even though it refers to an object of type Stock. To get to its SharesOwned field, you must downcast the Asset to a Stock.


A downcast operation creates a subclass reference from a base class reference. For example:

Stock msft = new Stock();

Asset a = msft; // Upcast

Stock s = (Stock)a; // Downcast

Console.WriteLine (s.SharesOwned); // <No error>

Console.WriteLine (s == a); // True

Console.WriteLine (s == msft); // True

As with an upcast, only references are affected—not the underlying object. A downcast requires an explicit cast because it can potentially fail at runtime:

House h = new House();

Asset a = h; // Upcast always succeeds

Stock s = (Stock)a; // Downcast fails: a is not a Stock

If a downcast fails, an InvalidCastException is thrown. This is an example of runtime type checking (we will elaborate on this concept in Static and Runtime Type Checking).

The as operator

The as operator performs a downcast that evaluates to null (rather than throwing an exception) if the downcast fails:

Asset a = new Asset();

Stock s = a as Stock; // s is null; no exception thrown

This is useful when you’re going to subsequently test whether the result is null:

if (s != null) Console.WriteLine (s.SharesOwned);


Without such a test, a cast is advantageous, because if it fails, a more helpful exception is thrown. We can illustrate by comparing the following two lines of code:

int shares = ((Stock)a).SharesOwned; // Approach #1

int shares = (a as Stock).SharesOwned; // Approach #2

If a is not a Stock, the first line throws an InvalidCastException, which is an accurate description of what went wrong. The second line throws a NullReferenceException, which is ambiguous. Was a not a Stock or was a null?

Another way of looking at it is that with the cast operator, you’re saying to the compiler: “I’m certain of a value’s type; if I’m wrong, there’s a bug in my code, so throw an exception!” Whereas with the as operator, you’re uncertain of its type and want to branch according to the outcome at runtime.

The as operator cannot perform custom conversions (see Operator Overloading in Chapter 4) and it cannot do numeric conversions:

long x = 3 as long; // Compile-time error


The as and cast operators will also perform upcasts, although this is not terribly useful because an implicit conversion will do the job.

The is operator

The is operator tests whether a reference conversion would succeed; in other words, whether an object derives from a specified class (or implements an interface). It is often used to test before downcasting.

if (a is Stock)

Console.WriteLine (((Stock)a).SharesOwned);

The is operator does not consider custom or numeric conversions, but it does consider unboxing conversions (see The object Type).

Virtual Function Members

A function marked as virtual can be overridden by subclasses wanting to provide a specialized implementation. Methods, properties, indexers, and events can all be declared virtual:

public class Asset


public string Name;

public virtual decimal Liability { get { return 0; } }


A subclass overrides a virtual method by applying the override modifier:

public class Stock : Asset


public long SharesOwned;


public class House : Asset


public decimal Mortgage;

public override decimal Liability { get { return Mortgage; } }


By default, the Liability of an Asset is 0. A Stock does not need to specialize this behavior. However, the House specializes the Liability property to return the value of the Mortgage:

House mansion = new House { Name="McMansion", Mortgage=250000 };

Asset a = mansion;

Console.WriteLine (mansion.Liability); // 250000

Console.WriteLine (a.Liability); // 250000

The signatures, return types, and accessibility of the virtual and overridden methods must be identical. An overridden method can call its base class implementation via the base keyword (we will cover this in The base Keyword).


Calling virtual methods from a constructor is potentially dangerous because authors of subclasses are unlikely to know, when overriding the method, that they are working with a partially initialized object. In other words, the overriding method may end up accessing methods or properties which rely on fields not yet initialized by the constructor.

Abstract Classes and Abstract Members

A class declared as abstract can never be instantiated. Instead, only its concrete subclasses can be instantiated.

Abstract classes are able to define abstract members. Abstract members are like virtual members, except they don’t provide a default implementation.

That implementation must be provided by the subclass, unless that subclass is also declared abstract:

public abstract class Asset


// Note empty implementation

public abstract decimal NetValue { get; }


public class Stock : Asset


public long SharesOwned;

public decimal CurrentPrice;

// Override like a virtual method.

public override decimal NetValue


get { return CurrentPrice * SharesOwned; }



Hiding Inherited Members

A base class and a subclass may define identical members. For example:

public class A { public int Counter = 1; }

public class B : A { public int Counter = 2; }

The Counter field in class B is said to hide the Counter field in class A. Usually, this happens by accident, when a member is added to the base type after an identical member was added to the subtype. For this reason, the compiler generates a warning, and then resolves the ambiguity as follows:

§ References to A (at compile time) bind to A.Counter.

§ References to B (at compile time) bind to B.Counter.

Occasionally, you want to hide a member deliberately, in which case you can apply the new modifier to the member in the subclass. The new modifier does nothing more than suppress the compiler warning that would otherwise result:

public class A { public int Counter = 1; }

public class B : A { public new int Counter = 2; }

The new modifier communicates your intent to the compiler—and other programmers—that the duplicate member is not an accident.


C# overloads the new keyword to have independent meanings in different contexts. Specifically, the new operator is different from the new member modifier.

new versus override

Consider the following class hierarchy:

public class BaseClass


public virtual void Foo() { Console.WriteLine ("BaseClass.Foo"); }


public class Overrider : BaseClass


public override void Foo() { Console.WriteLine ("Overrider.Foo"); }


public class Hider : BaseClass


public new void Foo() { Console.WriteLine ("Hider.Foo"); }


The differences in behavior between Overrider and Hider are demonstrated in the following code:

Overrider over = new Overrider();

BaseClass b1 = over;

over.Foo(); // Overrider.Foo

b1.Foo(); // Overrider.Foo

Hider h = new Hider();

BaseClass b2 = h;

h.Foo(); // Hider.Foo

b2.Foo(); // BaseClass.Foo

Sealing Functions and Classes

An overridden function member may seal its implementation with the sealed keyword to prevent it from being overridden by further subclasses. In our earlier virtual function member example, we could have sealed House’s implementation of Liability, preventing a class that derives from House from overriding Liability, as follows:

public sealed override decimal Liability { get { return Mortgage; } }

You can also seal the class itself, implicitly sealing all the virtual functions, by applying the sealed modifier to the class itself. Sealing a class is more common than sealing a function member.

Although you can seal against overriding, you can’t seal a member against being hidden.

The base Keyword

The base keyword is similar to the this keyword. It serves two essential purposes:

§ Accessing an overridden function member from the subclass

§ Calling a base-class constructor (see the next section)

In this example, House uses the base keyword to access Asset’s implementation of Liability:

public class House : Asset



public override decimal Liability


get { return base.Liability + Mortgage; }



With the base keyword, we access Asset’s Liability property nonvirtually. This means we will always access Asset’s version of this property—regardless of the instance’s actual runtime type.

The same approach works if Liability is hidden rather than overridden. (You can also access hidden members by casting to the base class before invoking the function.)

Constructors and Inheritance

A subclass must declare its own constructors. The base class’s constructors are accessible to the derived class, but are never automatically inherited. For example, if we define Baseclass and Subclass as follows:

public class Baseclass


public int X;

public Baseclass () { }

public Baseclass (int x) { this.X = x; }


public class Subclass : Baseclass { }

the following is illegal:

Subclass s = new Subclass (123);

Subclass must hence “redefine” any constructors it wants to expose. In doing so, however, it can call any of the base class’s constructors with the base keyword:

public class Subclass : Baseclass


public Subclass (int x) : base (x) { }


The base keyword works rather like the this keyword, except that it calls a constructor in the base class.

Base-class constructors always execute first; this ensures that base initialization occurs before specialized initialization.

Implicit calling of the parameterless base-class constructor

If a constructor in a subclass omits the base keyword, the base type’s parameterless constructor is implicitly called:

public class BaseClass


public int X;

public BaseClass() { X = 1; }


public class Subclass : BaseClass


public Subclass() { Console.WriteLine (X); } // 1


If the base class has no accessible parameterless constructor, subclasses are forced to use the base keyword in their constructors.

Constructor and field initialization order

When an object is instantiated, initialization takes place in the following order:

1. From subclass to base class:

a. Fields are initialized.

b. Arguments to base-class constructor calls are evaluated.

2. From base class to subclass:

a. Constructor bodies execute.

The following code demonstrates:

public class B


int x = 1; // Executes 3rd

public B (int x)


... // Executes 4th



public class D : B


int y = 1; // Executes 1st

public D (int x)

: base (x + 1) // Executes 2nd


... // Executes 5th



Overloading and Resolution

Inheritance has an interesting impact on method overloading. Consider the following two overloads:

static void Foo (Asset a) { }

static void Foo (House h) { }

When an overload is called, the most specific type has precedence:

House h = new House (...);

Foo(h); // Calls Foo(House)

The particular overload to call is determined statically (at compile time) rather than at runtime.

The following code calls Foo(Asset), even though the runtime type of a is House:

Asset a = new House (...);

Foo(a); // Calls Foo(Asset)


If you cast Asset to dynamic (Chapter 4), the decision as to which overload to call is deferred until runtime, and is then based on the object’s actual type:

Asset a = new House (...);

Foo ((dynamic)a); // Calls Foo(House)

The object Type

object (System.Object) is the ultimate base class for all types. Any type can be upcast to object.

To illustrate how this is useful, consider a general-purpose stack. A stack is a data structure based on the principle of LIFO—“Last-In First-Out.” A stack has two operations: push an object on the stack, and pop an object off the stack. Here is a simple implementation that can hold up to 10 objects:

public class Stack


int position;

object[] data = new object[10];

public void Push (object obj) { data[position++] = obj; }

public object Pop() { return data[--position]; }


Because Stack works with the object type, we can Push and Pop instances of any type to and from the Stack:

Stack stack = new Stack();

stack.Push ("sausage");

string s = (string) stack.Pop(); // Downcast, so explicit cast is needed

Console.WriteLine (s); // sausage

object is a reference type, by virtue of being a class. Despite this, value types, such as int, can also be cast to and from object, and so be added to our stack. This feature of C# is called type unification and is demonstrated here:

stack.Push (3);

int three = (int) stack.Pop();

When you cast between a value type and object, the CLR must perform some special work to bridge the difference in semantics between value and reference types. This process is called boxing and unboxing.


In Generics, we’ll describe how to improve our Stack class to better handle stacks with same-typed elements.

Boxing and Unboxing

Boxing is the act of converting a value-type instance to a reference-type instance. The reference type may be either the object class or an interface (which we will visit later in the chapter).[5] In this example, we box an int into an object:

int x = 9;

object obj = x; // Box the int

Unboxing reverses the operation, by casting the object back to the original value type:

int y = (int)obj; // Unbox the int

Unboxing requires an explicit cast. The runtime checks that the stated value type matches the actual object type, and throws an InvalidCastException if the check fails. For instance, the following throws an exception, because long does not exactly match int:

object obj = 9; // 9 is inferred to be of type int

long x = (long) obj; // InvalidCastException

The following succeeds, however:

object obj = 9;

long x = (int) obj;

As does this:

object obj = 3.5; // 3.5 is inferred to be of type double

int x = (int) (double) obj; // x is now 3

In the last example, (double) performs an unboxing and then (int) performs a numeric conversion.


Boxing conversions are crucial in providing a unified type system. The system is not perfect, however: we’ll see in Generics that variance with arrays and generics supports only reference conversions and not boxing conversions:

object[] a1 = new string[3]; // Legal

object[] a2 = new int[3]; // Error

Copying semantics of boxing and unboxing

Boxing copies the value-type instance into the new object, and unboxing copies the contents of the object back into a value-type instance. In the following example, changing the value of i doesn’t change its previously boxed copy:

int i = 3;

object boxed = i;

i = 5;

Console.WriteLine (boxed); // 3

Static and Runtime Type Checking

C# programs are type-checked both statically (at compile time) and at runtime (by the CLR).

Static type checking enables the compiler to verify the correctness of your program without running it. The following code will fail because the compiler enforces static typing:

int x = "5";

Runtime type checking is performed by the CLR when you downcast via a reference conversion or unboxing. For example:

object y = "5";

int z = (int) y; // Runtime error, downcast failed

Runtime type checking is possible because each object on the heap internally stores a little type token. This token can be retrieved by calling the GetType method of object.

The GetType Method and typeof Operator

All types in C# are represented at runtime with an instance of System.Type. There are two basic ways to get a System.Type object:

§ Call GetType on the instance.

§ Use the typeof operator on a type name.

GetType is evaluated at runtime; typeof is evaluated statically at compile time (when generic type parameters are involved, it’s resolved by the just-in-time compiler).

System.Type has properties for such things as the type’s name, assembly, base type, and so on.

For example:

using System;

public class Point { public int X, Y; }

class Test


static void Main()


Point p = new Point();

Console.WriteLine (p.GetType().Name); // Point

Console.WriteLine (typeof (Point).Name); // Point

Console.WriteLine (p.GetType() == typeof(Point)); // True

Console.WriteLine (p.X.GetType().Name); // Int32

Console.WriteLine (p.Y.GetType().FullName); // System.Int32



System.Type also has methods that act as a gateway to the runtime’s reflection model, described in Chapter 19.

The ToString Method

The ToString method returns the default textual representation of a type instance. This method is overridden by all built-in types. Here is an example of using the int type’s ToString method:

int x = 1;

string s = x.ToString(); // s is "1"

You can override the ToString method on custom types as follows:

public class Panda


public string Name;

public override string ToString() { return Name; }



Panda p = new Panda { Name = "Petey" };

Console.WriteLine (p); // Petey

If you don’t override ToString, the method returns the type name.


When you call an overridden object member such as ToString directly on a value type, boxing doesn’t occur. Boxing then occurs only if you cast:

int x = 1;

string s1 = x.ToString(); // Calling on nonboxed value

object box = x;

string s2 = box.ToString(); // Calling on boxed value

Object Member Listing

Here are all the members of object:

public class Object


public Object();

public extern Type GetType();

public virtual bool Equals (object obj);

public static bool Equals (object objA, object objB);

public static bool ReferenceEquals (object objA, object objB);

public virtual int GetHashCode();

public virtual string ToString();

protected virtual void Finalize();

protected extern object MemberwiseClone();


We describe the Equals, ReferenceEquals, and GetHashCode methods in Equality Comparison in Chapter 6.


A struct is similar to a class, with the following key differences:

§ A struct is a value type, whereas a class is a reference type.

§ A struct does not support inheritance (other than implicitly deriving from object, or more precisely, System.ValueType).

A struct can have all the members a class can, except the following:

§ A parameterless constructor

§ A finalizer

§ Virtual members

A struct is used instead of a class when value-type semantics are desirable. Good examples of structs are numeric types, where it is more natural for assignment to copy a value rather than a reference. Because a struct is a value type, each instance does not require instantiation of an object on the heap; this incurs a useful savings when creating many instances of a type. For instance, creating an array of value type requires only a single heap allocation.

Struct Construction Semantics

The construction semantics of a struct are as follows:

§ A parameterless constructor that you can’t override implicitly exists. This performs a bitwise-zeroing of its fields.

§ When you define a struct constructor, you must explicitly assign every field.

§ You can’t have field initializers in a struct.

Here is an example of declaring and calling struct constructors:

public struct Point


int x, y;

public Point (int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }



Point p1 = new Point (); // p1.x and p1.y will be 0

Point p2 = new Point (1, 1); // p1.x and p1.y will be 1

The next example generates three compile-time errors:

public struct Point


int x = 1; // Illegal: cannot initialize field

int y;

public Point() {} // Illegal: cannot have

// parameterless constructor

public Point (int x) {this.x = x;} // Illegal: must assign field y


Changing struct to class makes this example legal.

Access Modifiers

To promote encapsulation, a type or type member may limit its accessibility to other types and other assemblies by adding one of five access modifiers to the declaration:


Fully accessible. This is the implicit accessibility for members of an enum or interface.


Accessible only within containing assembly or friend assemblies. This is the default accessibility for non-nested types.


Accessible only within containing type. This is the default accessibility for members of a class or struct.


Accessible only within containing type or subclasses.

protected internal

The union of protected and internal accessibility. Eric Lippert explains it as follows: Everything is as private as possible by default, and each modifier makes the thing more accessible. So something that is protected internal is made more accessible in two ways.


The CLR has the concept of the intersection of protected and internal accessibility, but C# does not support this.


Class2 is accessible from outside its assembly; Class1 is not:

class Class1 {} // Class1 is internal (default)

public class Class2 {}

ClassB exposes field x to other types in the same assembly; ClassA does not:

class ClassA { int x; } // x is private (default)

class ClassB { internal int x; }

Functions within Subclass can call Bar but not Foo:

class BaseClass


void Foo() {} // Foo is private (default)

protected void Bar() {}


class Subclass : BaseClass


void Test1() { Foo(); } // Error - cannot access Foo

void Test2() { Bar(); } // OK


Friend Assemblies

In advanced scenarios, you can expose internal members to other friend assemblies by adding the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo assembly attribute, specifying the name of the friend assembly as follows:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo ("Friend")]

If the friend assembly has a strong name (see Chapter 18), you must specify its full 160-byte public key:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo ("StrongFriend, PublicKey=0024f000048c...")]

You can extract the full public key from a strongly named assembly with a LINQ query (we explain LINQ in detail in Chapter 8):

string key = string.Join ("",


.Select (b => b.ToString ("x2"))



The companion sample in LINQPad invites you to browse to an assembly and then copies the assembly’s full public key to the clipboard.

Accessibility Capping

A type caps the accessibility of its declared members. The most common example of capping is when you have an internal type with public members. For example:

class C { public void Foo() {} }

C’s (default) internal accessibility caps Foo’s accessibility, effectively making Foo internal. A common reason Foo would be marked public is to make for easier refactoring, should C later be changed to public.

Restrictions on Access Modifiers

When overriding a base class function, accessibility must be identical on the overridden function. For example:

class BaseClass { protected virtual void Foo() {} }

class Subclass1 : BaseClass { protected override void Foo() {} } // OK

class Subclass2 : BaseClass { public override void Foo() {} } // Error

(An exception is when overriding a protected internal method in another assembly, in which case the override must simply be protected.)

The compiler prevents any inconsistent use of access modifiers. For example, a subclass itself can be less accessible than a base class, but not more:

internal class A {}

public class B : A {} // Error


An interface is similar to a class, but it provides a specification rather than an implementation for its members. An interface is special in the following ways:

§ Interface members are all implicitly abstract. In contrast, a class can provide both abstract members and concrete members with implementations.

§ A class (or struct) can implement multiple interfaces. In contrast, a class can inherit from only a single class, and a struct cannot inherit at all (aside from deriving from System.ValueType).

An interface declaration is like a class declaration, but it provides no implementation for its members, since all its members are implicitly abstract. These members will be implemented by the classes and structs that implement the interface. An interface can contain only methods, properties, events, and indexers, which noncoincidentally are precisely the members of a class that can be abstract.

Here is the definition of the IEnumerator interface, defined in System.Collections:

public interface IEnumerator


bool MoveNext();

object Current { get; }

void Reset();


Interface members are always implicitly public and cannot declare an access modifier. Implementing an interface means providing a public implementation for all its members:

internal class Countdown : IEnumerator


int count = 11;

public bool MoveNext () { return count-- > 0 ; }

public object Current { get { return count; } }

public void Reset() { throw new NotSupportedException(); }


You can implicitly cast an object to any interface that it implements. For example:

IEnumerator e = new Countdown();

while (e.MoveNext())

Console.Write (e.Current); // 109876543210


Even though Countdown is an internal class, its members that implement IEnumerator can be called publicly by casting an instance of Countdown to IEnumerator. For instance, if a public type in the same assembly defined a method as follows:

public static class Util


public static object GetCountDown()


return new CountDown();



a caller from another assembly could do this:

IEnumerator e = (IEnumerator) Util.GetCountDown();


If IEnumerator was itself defined as internal, this wouldn’t be possible.

Extending an Interface

Interfaces may derive from other interfaces. For instance:

public interface IUndoable { void Undo(); }

public interface IRedoable : IUndoable { void Redo(); }

IRedoable “inherits” all the members of IUndoable. In other words, types that implement IRedoable must also implement the members of IUndoable.

Explicit Interface Implementation

Implementing multiple interfaces can sometimes result in a collision between member signatures. You can resolve such collisions by explicitly implementing an interface member.

Consider the following example:

interface I1 { void Foo(); }

interface I2 { int Foo(); }

public class Widget : I1, I2


public void Foo ()


Console.WriteLine ("Widget's implementation of I1.Foo");


int I2.Foo()


Console.WriteLine ("Widget's implementation of I2.Foo");

return 42;



Because both I1 and I2 have conflicting Foo signatures, Widget explicitly implements I2’s Foo method. This lets the two methods coexist in one class. The only way to call an explicitly implemented member is to cast to its interface:

Widget w = new Widget();

w.Foo(); // Widget's implementation of I1.Foo

((I1)w).Foo(); // Widget's implementation of I1.Foo

((I2)w).Foo(); // Widget's implementation of I2.Foo

Another reason to explicitly implement interface members is to hide members that are highly specialized and distracting to a type’s normal use case. For example, a type that implements ISerializable would typically want to avoid flaunting its ISerializable members unless explicitly cast to that interface.

Implementing Interface Members Virtually

An implicitly implemented interface member is, by default, sealed. It must be marked virtual or abstract in the base class in order to be overridden. For example:

public interface IUndoable { void Undo(); }

public class TextBox : IUndoable


public virtual void Undo()


Console.WriteLine ("TextBox.Undo");



public class RichTextBox : TextBox


public override void Undo()


Console.WriteLine ("RichTextBox.Undo");



Calling the interface member through either the base class or the interface calls the subclass’s implementation:

RichTextBox r = new RichTextBox();

r.Undo(); // RichTextBox.Undo

((IUndoable)r).Undo(); // RichTextBox.Undo

((TextBox)r).Undo(); // RichTextBox.Undo

An explicitly implemented interface member cannot be marked virtual, nor can it be overridden in the usual manner. It can, however, be reimplemented.

Reimplementing an Interface in a Subclass

A subclass can reimplement any interface member already implemented by a base class. Reimplementation hijacks a member implementation (when called through the interface) and works whether or not the member is virtual in the base class. It also works whether a member is implemented implicitly or explicitly—although it works best in the latter case, as we will demonstrate.

In the following example, TextBox implements IUndoable.Undo explicitly, and so it cannot be marked as virtual. In order to “override” it, RichTextBox must reimplement IUndoable’s Undo method:

public interface IUndoable { void Undo(); }

public class TextBox : IUndoable


void IUndoable.Undo() { Console.WriteLine ("TextBox.Undo"); }


public class RichTextBox : TextBox, IUndoable


public new void Undo() { Console.WriteLine ("RichTextBox.Undo"); }


Calling the reimplemented member through the interface calls the subclass’s implementation:

RichTextBox r = new RichTextBox();

r.Undo(); // RichTextBox.Undo Case 1

((IUndoable)r).Undo(); // RichTextBox.Undo Case 2

Assuming the same RichTextBox definition, suppose that TextBox implemented Undo implicitly:

public class TextBox : IUndoable


public void Undo() { Console.WriteLine ("TextBox.Undo"); }


This would give us another way to call Undo, which would “break” the system, as shown in Case 3:

RichTextBox r = new RichTextBox();

r.Undo(); // RichTextBox.Undo Case 1

((IUndoable)r).Undo(); // RichTextBox.Undo Case 2

((TextBox)r).Undo(); // TextBox.Undo

Case 3

Case 3 demonstrates that reimplementation hijacking is effective only when a member is called through the interface and not through the base class. This is usually undesirable as it can mean inconsistent semantics. This makes reimplementation most appropriate as a strategy for overridingexplicitly implemented interface members.

Alternatives to interface reimplementation

Even with explicit member implementation, interface reimplementation is problematic for a couple of reasons:

§ The subclass has no way to call the base class method.

§ The base class author may not anticipate that a method be reimplemented and may not allow for the potential consequences.

Reimplementation can be a good last resort when subclassing hasn’t been anticipated. A better option, however, is to design a base class such that reimplementation will never be required. There are two ways to achieve this:

§ When implicitly implementing a member, mark it virtual if appropriate.

§ When explicitly implementing a member, use the following pattern if you anticipate that subclasses might need to override any logic:

§ public class TextBox : IUndoable

§ {

§ void IUndoable.Undo() { Undo(); } // Calls method below

§ protected virtual void Undo() { Console.WriteLine ("TextBox.Undo"); }

§ }


§ public class RichTextBox : TextBox

§ {

§ protected override void Undo() { Console.WriteLine("RichTextBox.Undo"); }


If you don’t anticipate any subclassing, you can mark the class as sealed to preempt interface reimplementation.

Interfaces and Boxing

Converting a struct to an interface causes boxing. Calling an implicitly implemented member on a struct does not cause boxing:

interface I { void Foo(); }

struct S : I { public void Foo() {} }


S s = new S();

s.Foo(); // No boxing.

I i = s; // Box occurs when casting to interface.



As a guideline:

§ Use classes and subclasses for types that naturally share an implementation.

§ Use interfaces for types that have independent implementations.

Consider the following classes:

abstract class Animal {}

abstract class Bird : Animal {}

abstract class Insect : Animal {}

abstract class FlyingCreature : Animal {}

abstract class Carnivore : Animal {}

// Concrete classes:

class Ostrich : Bird {}

class Eagle : Bird, FlyingCreature, Carnivore {} // Illegal

class Bee : Insect, FlyingCreature {} // Illegal

class Flea : Insect, Carnivore {} // Illegal

The Eagle, Bee, and Flea classes do not compile because inheriting from multiple classes is prohibited. To resolve this, we must convert some of the types to interfaces. The question then arises, which types? Following our general rule, we could say that insects share an implementation, and birds share an implementation, so they remain classes. In contrast, flying creatures have independent mechanisms for flying, and carnivores have independent strategies for eating animals, so we would convert FlyingCreature and Carnivore to interfaces:

interface IFlyingCreature {}

interface ICarnivore {}

In a typical scenario, Bird and Insect might correspond to a Windows control and a web control; FlyingCreature and Carnivore might correspond to IPrintable and IUndoable.


An enum is a special value type that lets you specify a group of named numeric constants. For example:

public enum BorderSide { Left, Right, Top, Bottom }

We can use this enum type as follows:

BorderSide topSide = BorderSide.Top;

bool isTop = (topSide == BorderSide.Top); // true

Each enum member has an underlying integral value. By default:

§ Underlying values are of type int.

§ The constants 0, 1, 2... are automatically assigned, in the declaration order of the enum members.

You may specify an alternative integral type, as follows:

public enum BorderSide : byte { Left, Right, Top, Bottom }

You may also specify an explicit underlying value for each enum member:

public enum BorderSide : byte { Left=1, Right=2, Top=10, Bottom=11 }


The compiler also lets you explicitly assign some of the enum members. The unassigned enum members keep incrementing from the last explicit value. The preceding example is equivalent to the following:

public enum BorderSide : byte

{ Left=1, Right, Top=10, Bottom }

Enum Conversions

You can convert an enum instance to and from its underlying integral value with an explicit cast:

int i = (int) BorderSide.Left;

BorderSide side = (BorderSide) i;

bool leftOrRight = (int) side <= 2;

You can also explicitly cast one enum type to another. Suppose HorizontalAlignment is defined as follows:

public enum HorizontalAlignment


Left = BorderSide.Left,

Right = BorderSide.Right,



A translation between the enum types uses the underlying integral values:

HorizontalAlignment h = (HorizontalAlignment) BorderSide.Right;

// same as:

HorizontalAlignment h = (HorizontalAlignment) (int) BorderSide.Right;

The numeric literal 0 is treated specially by the compiler in an enum expression and does not require an explicit cast:

BorderSide b = 0; // No cast required

if (b == 0) ...

There are two reasons for the special treatment of 0:

§ The first member of an enum is often used as the “default” value.

§ For combined enum types, 0 means “no flags.”

Flags Enums

You can combine enum members. To prevent ambiguities, members of a combinable enum require explicitly assigned values, typically in powers of two. For example:


public enum BorderSides { None=0, Left=1, Right=2, Top=4, Bottom=8 }

To work with combined enum values, you use bitwise operators, such as | and &. These operate on the underlying integral values:

BorderSides leftRight = BorderSides.Left | BorderSides.Right;

if ((leftRight & BorderSides.Left) != 0)

Console.WriteLine ("Includes Left"); // Includes Left

string formatted = leftRight.ToString(); // "Left, Right"

BorderSides s = BorderSides.Left;

s |= BorderSides.Right;

Console.WriteLine (s == leftRight); // True

s ^= BorderSides.Right; // Toggles BorderSides.Right

Console.WriteLine (s); // Left

By convention, the Flags attribute should always be applied to an enum type when its members are combinable. If you declare such an enum without the Flags attribute, you can still combine members, but calling ToString on an enum instance will emit a number rather than a series of names.

By convention, a combinable enum type is given a plural rather than singular name.

For convenience, you can include combination members within an enum declaration itself:


public enum BorderSides



Left=1, Right=2, Top=4, Bottom=8,

LeftRight = Left | Right,

TopBottom = Top | Bottom,

All = LeftRight | TopBottom


Enum Operators

The operators that work with enums are:

= == != < > <= >= + - ^ & | ˜

+= -= ++ -- sizeof

The bitwise, arithmetic, and comparison operators return the result of processing the underlying integral values. Addition is permitted between an enum and an integral type, but not between two enums.

Type-Safety Issues

Consider the following enum:

public enum BorderSide { Left, Right, Top, Bottom }

Since an enum can be cast to and from its underlying integral type, the actual value it may have may fall outside the bounds of a legal enum member. For example:

BorderSide b = (BorderSide) 12345;

Console.WriteLine (b); // 12345

The bitwise and arithmetic operators can produce similarly invalid values:

BorderSide b = BorderSide.Bottom;

b++; // No errors

An invalid BorderSide would break the following code:

void Draw (BorderSide side)


if (side == BorderSide.Left) {...}

else if (side == BorderSide.Right) {...}

else if (side == BorderSide.Top) {...}

else {...} // Assume BorderSide.Bottom


One solution is to add another else clause:


else if (side == BorderSide.Bottom) ...

else throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid BorderSide: " + side, "side");

Another workaround is to explicitly check an enum value for validity. The static Enum.IsDefined method does this job:

BorderSide side = (BorderSide) 12345;

Console.WriteLine (Enum.IsDefined (typeof (BorderSide), side)); // False

Unfortunately, Enum.IsDefined does not work for flagged enums. However, the following helper method (a trick dependent on the behavior of Enum.ToString()) returns true if a given flagged enum is valid:

static bool IsFlagDefined (Enum e)


decimal d;

return !decimal.TryParse(e.ToString(), out d);



public enum BorderSides { Left=1, Right=2, Top=4, Bottom=8 }

static void Main()


for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i++)


BorderSides side = (BorderSides)i;

Console.WriteLine (IsFlagDefined (side) + " " + side);



Nested Types

A nested type is declared within the scope of another type. For example:

public class TopLevel


public class Nested { } // Nested class

public enum Color { Red, Blue, Tan } // Nested enum


A nested type has the following features:

§ It can access the enclosing type’s private members and everything else the enclosing type can access.

§ It can be declared with the full range of access modifiers, rather than just public and internal.

§ The default accessibility for a nested type is private rather than internal.

§ Accessing a nested type from outside the enclosing type requires qualification with the enclosing type’s name (like when accessing static members).

For example, to access Color.Red from outside our TopLevel class, we’d have to do this:

TopLevel.Color color = TopLevel.Color.Red;

All types (classes, structs, interfaces, delegates and enums) can be nested inside either a class or a struct.

Here is an example of accessing a private member of a type from a nested type:

public class TopLevel


static int x;

class Nested


static void Foo() { Console.WriteLine (TopLevel.x); }



Here is an example of applying the protected access modifier to a nested type:

public class TopLevel


protected class Nested { }


public class SubTopLevel : TopLevel


static void Foo() { new TopLevel.Nested(); }


Here is an example of referring to a nested type from outside the enclosing type:

public class TopLevel


public class Nested { }


class Test


TopLevel.Nested n;


Nested types are used heavily by the compiler itself when it generates private classes that capture state for constructs such as iterators and anonymous methods.


If the sole reason for using a nested type is to avoid cluttering a namespace with too many types, consider using a nested namespace instead. A nested type should be used because of its stronger access control restrictions, or when the nested class must access private members of the containing class.


C# has two separate mechanisms for writing code that is reusable across different types: inheritance and generics. Whereas inheritance expresses reusability with a base type, generics express reusability with a “template” that contains “placeholder” types. Generics, when compared to inheritance, can increase type safety and reduce casting and boxing.


C# generics and C++ templates are similar concepts, but they work differently. We explain this difference in C# Generics Versus C++ Templates.

Generic Types

A generic type declares type parameters—placeholder types to be filled in by the consumer of the generic type, which supplies the type arguments. Here is a generic type Stack<T>, designed to stack instances of type T. Stack<T> declares a single type parameter T:

public class Stack<T>


int position;

T[] data = new T[100];

public void Push (T obj) { data[position++] = obj; }

public T Pop() { return data[--position]; }


We can use Stack<T> as follows:

Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();



int x = stack.Pop(); // x is 10

int y = stack.Pop(); // y is 5

Stack<int> fills in the type parameter T with the type argument int, implicitly creating a type on the fly (the synthesis occurs at runtime). Stack<int> effectively has the following definition (substitutions appear in bold, with the class name hashed out to avoid confusion):

public class ###


int position;

int[] data;

public void Push (int obj) { data[position++] = obj; }

public int Pop() { return data[--position]; }


Technically, we say that Stack<T> is an open type, whereas Stack<int> is a closed type. At runtime, all generic type instances are closed—with the placeholder types filled in. This means that the following statement is illegal:

var stack = new Stack<T>(); // Illegal: What is T?

unless inside a class or method which itself defines T as a type parameter:

public class Stack<T>



public Stack<T> Clone()


Stack<T> clone = new Stack<T>(); // Legal




Why Generics Exist

Generics exist to write code that is reusable across different types. Suppose we needed a stack of integers, but we didn’t have generic types. One solution would be to hardcode a separate version of the class for every required element type (e.g., IntStack, StringStack, etc.). Clearly, this would cause considerable code duplication. Another solution would be to write a stack that is generalized by using object as the element type:

public class ObjectStack


int position;

object[] data = new object[10];

public void Push (object obj) { data[position++] = obj; }

public object Pop() { return data[--position]; }


An ObjectStack, however, wouldn’t work as well as a hardcoded IntStack for specifically stacking integers. Specifically, an ObjectStack would require boxing and downcasting that could not be checked at compile time:

// Suppose we just want to store integers here:

ObjectStack stack = new ObjectStack();

stack.Push ("s"); // Wrong type, but no error!

int i = (int)stack.Pop(); // Downcast - runtime error

What we need is both a general implementation of a stack that works for all element types, and a way to easily specialize that stack to a specific element type for increased type safety and reduced casting and boxing. Generics give us precisely this, by allowing us to parameterize the element type. Stack<T> has the benefits of both ObjectStack and IntStack. Like ObjectStack, Stack<T> is written once to work generally across all types. Like IntStack, Stack<T> is specialized for a particular type—the beauty is that this type is T, which we substitute on the fly.


ObjectStack is functionally equivalent to Stack<object>.

Generic Methods

A generic method declares type parameters within the signature of a method.

With generic methods, many fundamental algorithms can be implemented in a general-purpose way only. Here is a generic method that swaps the contents of two variables of any type T:

static void Swap<T> (ref T a, ref T b)


T temp = a;

a = b;

b = temp;


Swap<T> can be used as follows:

int x = 5;

int y = 10;

Swap (ref x, ref y);

Generally, there is no need to supply type arguments to a generic method, because the compiler can implicitly infer the type. If there is ambiguity, generic methods can be called with the type arguments as follows:

Swap<int> (ref x, ref y);

Within a generic type, a method is not classed as generic unless it introduces type parameters (with the angle bracket syntax). The Pop method in our generic stack merely uses the type’s existing type parameter, T, and is not classed as a generic method.

Methods and types are the only constructs that can introduce type parameters. Properties, indexers, events, fields, constructors, operators, and so on cannot declare type parameters, although they can partake in any type parameters already declared by their enclosing type. In our generic stack example, for instance, we could write an indexer that returns a generic item:

public T this [int index] { get { return data [index]; } }

Similarly, constructors can partake in existing type parameters, but not introduce them:

public Stack<T>() { } // Illegal

Declaring Type Parameters

Type parameters can be introduced in the declaration of classes, structs, interfaces, delegates (covered in Chapter 4), and methods. Other constructs, such as properties, cannot introduce a type parameter, but can use one. For example, the property Value uses T:

public struct Nullable<T>


public T Value { get; }


A generic type or method can have multiple parameters. For example:

class Dictionary<TKey, TValue> {...}

To instantiate:

Dictionary<int,string> myDic = new Dictionary<int,string>();


var myDic = new Dictionary<int,string>();

Generic type names and method names can be overloaded as long as the number of type parameters is different. For example, the following two type names do not conflict:

class A<T> {}

class A<T1,T2> {}


By convention, generic types and methods with a single type parameter typically name their parameter T, as long as the intent of the parameter is clear. When using multiple type parameters, each parameter is prefixed with T, but has a more descriptive name.

typeof and Unbound Generic Types

Open generic types do not exist at runtime: open generic types are closed as part of compilation. However, it is possible for an unbound generic type to exist at runtime—purely as a Type object. The only way to specify an unbound generic type in C# is with the typeof operator:

class A<T> {}

class A<T1,T2> {}


Type a1 = typeof (A<>); // Unbound type (notice no type arguments).

Type a2 = typeof (A<,>); // Use commas to indicate multiple type args.

Open generic types are used in conjunction with the Reflection API (Chapter 19).

You can also use the typeof operator to specify a closed type:

Type a3 = typeof (A<int,int>);

or an open type (which is closed at runtime):

class B<T> { void X() { Type t = typeof (T); } }

The default Generic Value

The default keyword can be used to get the default value given a generic type parameter. The default value for a reference type is null, and the default value for a value type is the result of bitwise-zeroing the value type’s fields:

static void Zap<T> (T[] array)


for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)

array[i] = default(T);


Generic Constraints

By default, a type parameter can be substituted with any type whatsoever. Constraints can be applied to a type parameter to require more specific type arguments.

These are the possible constraints:

where T : base-class // Base-class constraint

where T : interface // Interface constraint

where T : class // Reference-type constraint

where T : struct // Value-type constraint (excludes Nullable types)

where T : new() // Parameterless constructor constraint

where U : T // Naked type constraint

In the following example, GenericClass<T,U> requires T to derive from (or be identical to) SomeClass and implement Interface1, and requires U to provide a parameterless constructor:

class SomeClass {}

interface Interface1 {}

class GenericClass<T,U> where T : SomeClass, Interface1

where U : new()


Constraints can be applied wherever type parameters are defined, in both methods and type definitions.

A base-class constraint specifies that the type parameter must subclass (or match) a particular class; an interface constraint specifies that the type parameter must implement that interface. These constraints allow instances of the type parameter to be implicitly converted to that class or interface. For example, suppose we want to write a generic Max method, which returns the maximum of two values. We can take advantage of the generic interface defined in the framework called IComparable<T>:

public interface IComparable<T> // Simplified version of interface


int CompareTo (T other);


CompareTo returns a positive number if this is greater than other. Using this interface as a constraint, we can write a Max method as follows (to avoid distraction, null checking is omitted):

static T Max <T> (T a, T b) where T : IComparable<T>


return a.CompareTo (b) > 0 ? a : b;


The Max method can accept arguments of any type implementing IComparable<T> (which includes most built-in types such as int and string):

int z = Max (5, 10); // 10

string last = Max ("ant", "zoo"); // zoo

The class constraint and struct constraint specify that T must be a reference type or (non-nullable) value type. A great example of the struct constraint is the System.Nullable<T> struct (we will discuss this class in depth in Nullable Types in Chapter 4):

struct Nullable<T> where T : struct {...}

The parameterless constructor constraint requires T to have a public parameterless constructor. If this constraint is defined, you can call new() on T:

static void Initialize<T> (T[] array) where T : new()


for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)

array[i] = new T();


The naked type constraint requires one type parameter to derive from (or match) another type parameter. In this example, the method FilteredStack returns another Stack, containing only the subset of elements where the type parameter U is of the type parameter T:

class Stack<T>


Stack<U> FilteredStack<U>() where U : T {...}


Subclassing Generic Types

A generic class can be subclassed just like a nongeneric class. The subclass can leave the base class’s type parameters open, as in the following example:

class Stack<T> {...}

class SpecialStack<T> : Stack<T> {...}

Or the subclass can close the generic type parameters with a concrete type:

class IntStack : Stack<int> {...}

A subtype can also introduce fresh type arguments:

class List<T> {...}

class KeyedList<T,TKey> : List<T> {...}


Technically, all type arguments on a subtype are fresh: you could say that a subtype closes and then reopens the base type arguments. This means that a subclass can give new (and potentially more meaningful) names to the type arguments it reopens:

class List<T> {...}

class KeyedList<TElement,TKey> : List<TElement> {...}

Self-Referencing Generic Declarations

A type can name itself as the concrete type when closing a type argument:

public interface IEquatable<T> { bool Equals (T obj); }

public class Balloon : IEquatable<Balloon>


public string Color { get; set; }

public int CC { get; set; }

public bool Equals (Balloon b)


if (b == null) return false;

return b.Color == Color && b.CC == CC;



The following are also legal:

class Foo<T> where T : IComparable<T> { ... }

class Bar<T> where T : Bar<T> { ... }

Static Data

Static data is unique for each closed type:

class Bob<T> { public static int Count; }

class Test


static void Main()


Console.WriteLine (++Bob<int>.Count); // 1

Console.WriteLine (++Bob<int>.Count); // 2

Console.WriteLine (++Bob<string>.Count); // 1

Console.WriteLine (++Bob<object>.Count); // 1



Type Parameters and Conversions

C#’s cast operator can perform several kinds of conversion, including:

§ Numeric conversion

§ Reference conversion

§ Boxing/unboxing conversion

§ Custom conversion (via operator overloading; see Chapter 4)

The decision as to which kind of conversion will take place happens at compile time, based on the known types of the operands. This creates an interesting scenario with generic type parameters, because the precise operand types are unknown at compile time. If this leads to ambiguity, the compiler generates an error.

The most common scenario is when you want to perform a reference conversion:

StringBuilder Foo<T> (T arg)


if (arg is StringBuilder)

return (StringBuilder) arg; // Will not compile



Without knowledge of T’s actual type, the compiler is concerned that you might have intended this to be a custom conversion. The simplest solution is to instead use the as operator, which is unambiguous because it cannot perform custom conversions:

StringBuilder Foo<T> (T arg)


StringBuilder sb = arg as StringBuilder;

if (sb != null) return sb;



A more general solution is to first cast to object. This works because conversions to/from object are assumed not to be custom conversions, but reference or boxing/unboxing conversions. In this case, StringBuilder is a reference type, so it has to be a reference conversion:

return (StringBuilder) (object) arg;

Unboxing conversions can also introduce ambiguities. The following could be an unboxing, numeric, or custom conversion:

int Foo<T> (T x) { return (int) x; } // Compile-time error

The solution, again, is to first cast to object and then to int (which then unambiguously signals an unboxing conversion in this case):

int Foo<T> (T x) { return (int) (object) x; }


Assuming A is convertible to B, X is covariant if X<A> is convertible to X<B>.


With C#’s notion of covariance (and contravariance), “convertible” means convertible via an implicit reference conversion—such as A subclassing B, or A implementing B. Numeric conversions, boxing conversions, and custom conversions are not included.

For instance, type IFoo<T> is covariant for T if the following is legal:

IFoo<string> s = ...;

IFoo<object> b = s;

From C# 4.0, generic interfaces permit covariance for (as do generic delegates—see Chapter 4), but generic classes do not. Arrays also support covariance (A[] can be converted to B[] if A has an implicit reference conversion to B), and are discussed here for comparison.


Covariance and contravariance (or simply “variance”) are advanced concepts. The motivation behind introducing and enhancing variance in C# was to allow generic interface and generic types (in particular, those defined in the Framework, such as IEnumerable<T>) to work more as you’d expect. You can benefit from this without understanding the details behind covariance and contravariance.


Generic classes are not covariant, to ensure static type safety. Consider the following:

class Animal {}

class Bear : Animal {}

class Camel : Animal {}

public class Stack<T> // A simple Stack implementation


int position;

T[] data = new T[100];

public void Push (T obj) { data[position++] = obj; }

public T Pop() { return data[--position]; }


The following fails to compile:

Stack<Bear> bears = new Stack<Bear>();

Stack<Animal> animals = bears; // Compile-time error

That restriction prevents the possibility of runtime failure with the following code:

animals.Push (new Camel()); // Trying to add Camel to bears

Lack of covariance, however, can hinder reusability. Suppose, for instance, we wanted to write a method to Wash a stack of animals:

public class ZooCleaner


public static void Wash (Stack<Animal> animals) {...}


Calling Wash with a stack of bears would generate a compile-time error. One workaround is to redefine the Wash method with a constraint:

class ZooCleaner


public static void Wash<T> (Stack<T> animals) where T : Animal { ... }


We can now call Wash as follows:

Stack<Bear> bears = new Stack<Bear>();

ZooCleaner.Wash (bears);

Another solution is to have Stack<T> implement a covariant generic interface, as we’ll see shortly.


For historical reasons, array types are covariant. This means that B[] can be cast to A[] if B subclasses A (and both are reference types). For example:

Bear[] bears = new Bear[3];

Animal[] animals = bears; // OK

The downside of this reusability is that element assignments can fail at runtime:

animals[0] = new Camel(); // Runtime error


As of C# 4.0, generic interfaces support covariance for type parameters marked with the out modifier. This modifier ensures that, unlike with arrays, covariance with interfaces is fully type-safe. To illustrate, suppose that our Stack class implements the following interface:

public interface IPoppable<out T> { T Pop(); }

The out modifier on T indicates that T is used only in output positions (e.g., return types for methods). The out modifier flags the interface as covariant and allows us to do this:

var bears = new Stack<Bear>();

bears.Push (new Bear());

// Bears implements IPoppable<Bear>. We can convert to IPoppable<Animal>:

IPoppable<Animal> animals = bears; // Legal

Animal a = animals.Pop();

The cast from bears to animals is permitted by the compiler—by virtue of the interface being covariant. This is type-safe because the case the compiler is trying to avoid—pushing a Camel onto the stack—can’t occur as there’s no way to feed a Camel into an interface where T can appear only in output positions.


Covariance (and contravariance) in interfaces is something that you typically consume: it’s less common that you need to write variant interfaces. Curiously, method parameters marked as out are not eligible for covariance, due to a limitation in the CLR.

We can leverage the ability to cast covariantly to solve the reusability problem described earlier:

public class ZooCleaner


public static void Wash (IPoppable<Animal> animals) { ... }



The IEnumerator<T> and IEnumerable<T> interfaces described in Chapter 7 are marked as covariant. This allows you to cast IEnumerable<string> to IEnumerable<object>, for instance.

The compiler will generate an error if you use a covariant type parameter in an input position (e.g., a parameter to a method or a writable property).


With both generic types and arrays, covariance (and contravariance) is valid only for elements with reference conversions—not boxing conversions. So, if you wrote a method that accepted a parameter of type IPoppable<object>, you could call it with IPoppable<string>, but not IPoppable<int>.


We previously saw that, assuming that A allows an implicit reference conversion to B, a type X is covariant if X<A> allows a reference conversion to X<B>. A type is contravariant when you can convert in the reverse direction—from X<B> to X<A>. This is supported with generic interfaces—when the generic type parameter only appears in input positions, designated with the in modifier. Extending our previous example, if the Stack<T> class implements the following interface:

public interface IPushable<in T> { void Push (T obj); }

we can legally do this:

IPushable<Animal> animals = new Stack<Animal>();

IPushable<Bear> bears = animals; // Legal

bears.Push (new Bear());

No member in IPushable outputs a T, so we can’t get into trouble by casting animals to bears (there’s no way to Pop, for instance, through that interface).


Our Stack<T> class can implement both IPushable<T> and IPoppable<T>—despite T having opposing variance annotations in the two interfaces! This works because you can exercise variance only through an interface; therefore, you must commit to the lens of either IPoppable or IPushable before performing a variant conversion. This lens then restricts you to the operations that are legal under the appropriate variance rules.

This also illustrates why it would usually make no sense for classes (such as Stack<T>) to be variant: concrete implementations typically require data to flow in both directions.

To give another example, consider the following interface, defined as part of the .NET Framework:

public interface IComparer<in T>


// Returns a value indicating the relative ordering of a and b

int Compare (T a, T b);


Because the interface is contravariant, we can use an IComparer<object> to compare two strings:

var objectComparer = Comparer<object>.Default;

// objectComparer implements IComparer<object>

IComparer<string> stringComparer = objectComparer;

int result = stringComparer.Compare ("Brett", "Jemaine");

Mirroring covariance, the compiler will report an error if you try to use a contravariant parameter in an output position (e.g., as a return value, or in a readable property).

C# Generics Versus C++ Templates

C# generics are similar in application to C++ templates, but they work very differently. In both cases, a synthesis between the producer and consumer must take place, where the placeholder types of the producer are filled in by the consumer. However, with C# generics, producer types (i.e., open types such as List<T>) can be compiled into a library (such as mscorlib.dll). This works because the synthesis between the producer and the consumer that produces closed types doesn’t actually happen until runtime. With C++ templates, this synthesis is performed at compile time. This means that in C++ you don’t deploy template libraries as .dlls—they exist only as source code. It also makes it difficult to dynamically inspect, let alone create, parameterized types on the fly.

To dig deeper into why this is the case, consider the Max method in C#, once more:

static T Max <T> (T a, T b) where T : IComparable<T>


return a.CompareTo (b) > 0 ? a : b;


Why couldn’t we have implemented it like this?

static T Max <T> (T a, T b)


return a > b ? a : b; // Compile error


The reason is that Max needs to be compiled once and work for all possible values of T. Compilation cannot succeed, because there is no single meaning for > across all values of T—in fact, not every T even has a > operator. In contrast, the following code shows the same Max method written with C++ templates. This code will be compiled separately for each value of T, taking on whatever semantics > has for a particular T, failing to compile if a particular T does not support the > operator:

template <class T> T Max (T a, T b)


return a > b ? a : b;


[5] The reference type may also be System.ValueType or System.Enum (Chapter 6).