Using MySQL-Based Web Session Management - MySQL Cookbook (2007)

MySQL Cookbook (2007)

Chapter 20. Using MySQL-Based Web Session Management


Many web applications interact with users over a series of requests and, as a result, need to remember information from one request to the next. A set of related requests is called a session. Sessions are useful for activities such as performing login operations and associating a logged-in user with subsequent requests, managing a multiple-stage online ordering process, gathering input from a user in stages (possibly tailoring the questions asked to the user’s earlier responses), and remembering user preferences from visit to visit. Unfortunately, HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means that web servers treat each request independently of any other—unless you take steps to ensure otherwise.

This chapter shows how to make information persist across multiple requests, which will help you develop applications for which one request retains memory of previous ones. The techniques shown here are general enough that you should be able to adapt them to a variety of state-maintaining web applications.

Session Management Issues

Some session management methods rely on information stored on the client. One way to implement client-side storage is to use cookies, which are implemented as information that is transmitted back and forth in special request and response headers. When a session begins, the application generates and sends the client a cookie containing the initial information to be stored. The client returns the cookie to the server with each subsequent request to identify itself and to enable the application to associate the requests as belonging to the same client session. At each stage of the session, the application uses the data in the cookie to determine the state (or status) of the client. To modify the session state, the application sends the client a new cookie containing updated information to replace the old cookie. This mechanism allows data to persist across requests while still affording the application the opportunity to update the information as necessary. Cookies are easy to use, but have some disadvantages. For example, it’s possible for the client to modify cookie contents, possibly tricking the application into misbehaving. Other client-side session storage techniques suffer the same drawback.

The alternative to client-side storage is to maintain the state of a multiple-request session on the server side. With this approach, information about what the client is doing is stored somewhere on the server, such as in a file, in shared memory, or in a database. The only information maintained on the client side is a unique identifier that the server generates and sends to the client when the session begins. The client sends this value to the server with each subsequent request so that the server can associate the client with the appropriate session. Common techniques for tracking the session ID are to store it in a cookie or to encode it in request URLs. (The latter is useful for clients that have cookies disabled.) The server can get the ID as the cookie value or by extracting it from the URL.

Server-side session storage is more secure than storing information on the client because the application maintains control over the contents of the session. The only value present on the client side is the session ID, so the client can’t modify session data unless the application permits it. It’s still possible for a client to tinker with the ID and send back a different one, but if IDs are unique and selected from a very large pool of possible values, it’s extremely unlikely that a malicious client will be able to guess the ID of another valid session. If you are concerned about other clients stealing valid session IDs by network snooping, you should set up a secure connection (for example, by using SSL). But that is beyond the scope of this book.

Server-side methods for managing sessions commonly store session contents in persistent storage such as a file or a database. Database-backed storage has different characteristics from file-based storage, such as that you eliminate the filesystem clutter that results from having many session files, and you can use the same MySQL server to handle session traffic for multiple web servers. If this appeals to you, the techniques shown in the chapter will help you integrate MySQL-based session management into your applications. The chapter shows how to implement server-side database-backed session management for several of our API languages:

§ For Perl, the Apache::Session module includes most of the capabilities that you need for managing sessions. It can store session information in files or in any of several database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

§ The Ruby CGI::Session class provides a session-handling capability that uses temporary files by default. However, the implementation allows other storage managers to be used. One such is the mysql-session package that enables session storage via MySQL.

§ PHP includes native session support. The implementation uses temporary files by default, but is sufficiently flexible that applications can supply their own handler routines for session storage. This makes it possible to plug in a storage module that writes information to MySQL.

§ For Java-based web applications running under the Tomcat web server, Tomcat provides session support at the server level. All you need to do is modify the server configuration to use MySQL for session storage. Application programs need do nothing to take advantage of this capability, so there are no changes at the application level.

Session support for different APIs can use very different approaches. For Perl, the language itself provides no session support, so a script must include a module such as Apache::Session explicitly if it wants to implement a session. Ruby is similar. In PHP, the session manager is built in. Scripts can use it with no special preparation, but only as long as they want to use the default storage method, which is to save session information in files. To use an alternative method (such as storing sessions in MySQL), an application must provide its own routines for the session manager to use. Still another approach is used for Java applications running under Tomcat, because Tomcat itself manages many of the details associated with session management, including where to store session data. Individual applications need not know or care where this information is stored.

Python is not discussed in this chapter. I have not found a standalone Python session management module that I felt was suitable for discussion here, and I didn’t want to write one from scratch. If you’re writing Python applications that require session support, you might want to look into a toolkit such as Zope, WebWare, or Albatross.

Despite the differing implementations, session management typically involves a common set of tasks:

§ Determine whether the client provided a session ID. If not, it’s necessary to generate a unique session ID and send it to the client. Some session managers figure out how to transmit the session ID between the server and the client automatically. PHP does this, as does Tomcat for Java programs. The Perl Apache::Session module leaves it up to the application developer to manage ID transmission.

§ Store values into the session for use by later requests and retrieve values placed into the session by earlier requests. This involves performing whatever actions are necessary that involve session data: incrementing a counter, validating a login request, updating a shopping cart, and so forth.

§ Terminate the session when it’s no longer needed. Some session managers make provision for expiring sessions automatically after a certain period of inactivity. Sessions may also be ended explicitly, if the request indicates that the session should terminate (such as when the client selects a logout action). In response, the session manager destroys the session record. It might also be necessary to tell the client to release information. If the client sends the session identifier by means of a cookie, the application should instruct the client to discard the cookie. Otherwise, the client may continue to submit it after its usefulness has ended. Another approach to session “termination” is to delete all information from the session record. In effect, this causes the session to restart with the client’s next request because none of the previous session information is available.

Session managers impose little constraint on what applications can store in session records. Sessions usually can accommodate relatively arbitrary data, such as scalars, arrays, or objects. To make it easy to store and retrieve session data, session managers typically serialize session information by converting it to a coded scalar string value before storing it and unserialize it after retrieval. The conversion to and from serialized strings generally is not something you must deal with when providing storage routines. It’s necessary only to make sure the storage manager has a large enough repository in which to store the serialized strings. For backing store implemented using MySQL, this means you use one of the BLOB data types. Our session managers use MEDIUMBLOB, which is large enough to hold session records up to 16 MB. (When assessing storage needs, remember that stored data is serialized, which takes more space than raw data.)

The rest of the chapter shows a session-based script for each API. Each script performs two tasks. It maintains a counter value that indicates how many requests have been received during the current session, and records a timestamp for each request. In this way, the scripts illustrate how to store and retrieve a scalar value (the counter) and a nonscalar value (the timestamp array). They require very little user interaction. You just reload the page to issue the next request, which results in extremely simple code.

Session-based applications often include some way for the user to log out explicitly and terminate the session. The example scripts implement a form of “logout,” but it is based on an implicit mechanism: sessions are given a limit of 10 requests. As you reinvoke a script, it checks the counter to see whether the limit has been reached and destroys the session data if so. The effect is that the session values will not be present on the next request, so the script starts a new session.

The example session scripts for Perl, Ruby, and PHP can be found under the apache directory of the recipes distribution; the PHP session module is located in the lib directory; and the JSP examples are under the tomcat directory. The SQL scripts for creating the session storage tables are located in the tables directory. As used here, the session tables are created in the cookbook database and accessed through the same MySQL account as that used elsewhere in this book. If you don’t want to mix session management activities with those pertaining to the other cookbooktables, consider setting up a separate database and MySQL account to be used only for session data. This is true particularly for Tomcat, where session management takes place above the application level. You might not want the Tomcat server storing information in “your” database; if not, give the server its own database.

Using MySQL-Based Sessions in Perl Applications


You want to use session storage for Perl scripts.


The Apache::Session module provides a convenient way to use several different storage types, including one based on MySQL.


Apache::Session is an easy-to-use Perl module for maintaining state information across multiple web requests. Despite the name, this module is not dependent on Apache and can be used in nonweb contexts—for example, to maintain persistent state across multiple invocations of a command-line script. On the other hand, Apache::Session doesn’t handle any of the issues associated with tracking the session ID (sending it to the client in response to the initial request and extracting it from subsequent requests). The example application shown here uses cookies to pass the session ID, on the assumption that the client has cookies enabled.

Installing Apache::Session

If you don’t have Apache::Session, you can get it from CPAN (visit Installation is straightforward, although Apache::Session does require several other modules that you may need to get first. (When you install it, Apache::Session should tell you which required modules you need if any are missing. If you install it using a cpan install Apache::Session command, that should install it and take care of the dependencies.) After you have everything installed, create a table in which to store session records. The specification for the table comes from the MySQL storage handler documentation, which you can read using this command:

%perldoc Apache::Session::Store::MySQL

The table can be placed in any database you like (we’ll use cookbook). By default, the table is named sessions, but recent versions of Apache::Session enable you to specify the table name. We’ll use a table named perl_session that has the following structure:

CREATE TABLE perl_session


id CHAR(32) NOT NULL, # session identifier

a_session MEDIUMBLOB, # session data



The id column holds session identifiers, which are 32-character MD5 values generated by Apache::Session. The a_session column holds session data in the form of serialized strings. Apache::Session uses the Storable module to serialize and unserialize session data. (The Apache::Session::Store::MySQL documentation indicates that a_session is a TEXT column, but any BLOB or TEXT data type large enough to hold the anticipated session records should work.)

The Apache::Session interface

To use the perl_session table in a script, access the MySQL-related session module:

use Apache::Session::MySQL;

Apache::Session represents session information using a hash. It uses Perl’s tie mechanism to map hash operations onto the storage and retrieval methods used by the underlying storage manager. Thus, to open a session, you should declare a hash variable and pass it to tie. The other arguments to tie are the name of the session module, the session ID, and information about the database to use. There are two ways to specify the database connection. One method is to pass a reference to a hash that contains connection parameters (and the session table name if you do not use the default name):

my %session;

tie %session,




DataSource => "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=cookbook",

UserName => "cbuser",

Password => "cbpass",

LockDataSource => "DBI:mysql:host=localhost;database=cookbook",

LockUserName => "cbuser",

LockPassword => "cbpass",

TableName => "perl_session"


In this case, Apache::Session uses the parameters to open its own connection to MySQL, which it closes when you close or destroy the session.

The other method is to pass the handle for an already open database connection (represented here by $dbh):

my %session;

tie %session,




Handle => $dbh,

LockHandle => $dbh,

TableName => "perl_session"


If you pass a handle to an open connection as just shown, Apache::Session leaves it open when you close or destroy the session, on the assumption that you’re using the handle for other purposes elsewhere in the script. You should close the connection yourself when you’re done with it.

The $sess_id argument to tie represents the session identifier. Its value should be either undef to begin a new session, or a valid ID corresponding to an existing session record. In the latter case, the value should match that of the id column in some existing perl_session table row.

After the session has been opened, you can access its contents. For example, after opening a new session, you’ll want to determine what its identifier is so that you can send it to the client. That value can be obtained like this:

$sess_id = $session{_session_id};

Session hash element names that begin with an underscore (such as _session_id) are reserved by Apache::Session for internal use. Other than that, you can use names of your own choosing for storing session values.

To save a scalar value in the session, store it by value. To access a scalar, read the value directly. For example, you might maintain a scalar counter value as follows, where the counter is initialized if the session is new, and then incremented and retrieved for display:

$session{count} = 0 if !exists ($session{count}); # initialize counter

++$session{count}; # increment counter

print "counter value: $session{count}\n"; # print value

To save a nonscalar value such as an array or a hash into the session record, store a reference to it:

$session{my_array} = \@my_array;

$session{my_hash} = \%my_hash;

In this case, changes made to @my_array or %my_hash before you close the session will be reflected in the session contents. To save an independent copy of an array or hash in the session that will not change when you modify the original, create a reference to the copy like this:

$session{my_array} = [ @my_array ];

$session{my_hash} = { %my_hash };

To retrieve a nonscalar value, dereference the reference stored in the session:

@my_array = @{$session{my_array}};

%my_hash = %{$session{my_hash}};

To close a session when you’re done with it, pass it to untie:

untie (%session);

When you close a session, Apache::Session saves it to the perl_session table if you’ve made changes to it. This also makes the session values inaccessible, so don’t close the session until you’re done accessing it.


Apache::Session notices changes to “top-level” session record values, but might not detect a change to a member of a value stored by reference (such as an array element). If this is a problem, you can force Apache::Session to save a session when you close it by assigning any top-level session element a value. The session ID is always present in the session hash, so the following idiom provides a convenient way to force session saving:

$session{_session_id} = $session{_session_id};

An open session can be terminated rather than closed. Doing so removes the corresponding row from the perl_session table, so that it can no longer be used:

tied (%session)->delete ();

A sample application

The following script,, is a short but complete implementation of an application that uses a session. It uses Apache::Session to keep track of the number of requests in the session and the time of each request, updating and displaying the information each time it is uses a cookie named PERLSESSID to pass the session ID. This is done by means of the cookie management interface.[22]


# - session request counting/timestamping demonstration

use strict;

use warnings;

use CGI qw(:standard);

use Cookbook;

use Apache::Session::MySQL;

my $title = "Perl Session Tracker";

my $dbh = Cookbook::connect (); # connection to MySQL

my $sess_id = cookie ("PERLSESSID"); # session ID (undef if new session)

my %session; # session hash

my $cookie; # cookie to send to client

# open the session

tie %session, "Apache::Session::MySQL", $sess_id,


Handle => $dbh,

LockHandle => $dbh,

TableName => "perl_session"


if (!defined ($sess_id)) # this is a new session


# get new session ID, initialize session data, create cookie for client

$sess_id = $session{_session_id};

$session{count} = 0; # initialize counter

$session{timestamp} = [ ]; # initialize timestamp array

$cookie = cookie (-name => "PERLSESSID", -value => $sess_id);


# increment counter and add current timestamp to timestamp array


push (@{$session{timestamp}}, scalar (localtime (time ())));

# construct content of page body

my $page_body =

p ("This session has been active for $session{count} requests.")

. p ("The requests occurred at these times:")

. ul (li ($session{timestamp}));

if ($session{count} < 10) # close (and save) session


untie (%session);


else # destroy session after 10 invocations


tied (%session)->delete ();

# reset cookie to tell browser to discard session cookie

$cookie = cookie (-name => "PERLSESSID",

-value => $sess_id,

-expires => "-1d"); # "expire yesterday"


$dbh->disconnect ();

# generate the output page; include cookie in headers if it's defined


header (-cookie => $cookie)

. start_html (-title => $title, -bgcolor => "white")

. $page_body

. end_html ();

Try the script by installing it in your cgi-bin directory and requesting it from your browser. To reinvoke it, use your browser’s Reload function. opens the session and increments the counter prior to generating any page output. This is necessary because the client must be sent a cookie containing the session name and identifier if the session is new. Any cookie sent must be part of the response headers, so the page body cannot be printed until after the headers are sent.

The script also generates the part of the page body that uses session data but saves it in a variable rather than writing it immediately. The reason for this is that, should the session need to be terminated, the script resets the cookie to be one that tells the browser to discard the session it has. This must be determined prior to sending the headers or any page content.

Session expiration

The Apache::Session module requires only the id and a_session columns in the perl_session table, and makes no provision for timing out or expiring sessions. On the other hand, the module doesn’t restrict you from adding other columns, so you could include a TIMESTAMP column in the table to record the time of each session’s last update. For example, you can add a TIMESTAMP column t to the perl_session table using ALTER TABLE:


Then you’d be able to expire sessions by running a statement periodically to sweep the table and remove old records. The following statement uses an expiration time of four hours:


The ALTER TABLE statement indexes t to make the DELETE operation faster.

[22] For information about cookie support, use the following command and read the section describing the cookie() function:

%perldoc CGI

Using MySQL-Based Storage in Ruby Applications


You want to use session storage for Ruby scripts.


Use the CGI::Session class interface. By default, it uses temporary files for backing store, but you can configure it to use MySQL instead.


The CGI::Session class manages session storage. It identifies sessions by means of cookies, which it adds transparently to the responses sent to the client. CGI::Session allows you to supply a storage-management class to be used in place of the default manager that uses temporary files. We’ll use the mysql-session package, which is based on the Ruby DBI interface and stores session records using MySQL. mysql-session is available from the Ruby Application Archive. See Appendix A for information about obtaining and installing it.

To use mysql-session in a script, you need to access these modules:

require "cgi"

require "cgi/session"

require "mysqlstore"

To create a session, first create a CGI object . Then invoke, which takes several arguments. The first is a CGI object associated with the script. (This object must exist before you can open the session.) Other arguments provide information about the session itself. Those following are relevant no matter which storage manager you use:


The session key that the session manager uses as the name of the cookie to be sent to the client. The default key value is _session_key; we will use RUBYSESSID.


This argument should be true to force a new session to be created, or false to use an existing session, which is assumed to have already been created during a previous request. It’s also possible to create a session if it does not exist and use the current session if it does. To enable that behavior, omit the new_session argument (which is what the example script in this recipe does).


The name of the class that provides storage management for session records. If this argument is omitted, the session manager uses temporary files.

To use the mysql-session package as the storage manager, the database_manager argument should be CGI::Session::MySQLStore. In that case, mysql-session enables several other arguments for the method. You can pass in arguments that instruct the session manager to establish its own connection to MySQL, or you can open your own connection and pass its database handle to the session manager.

The following discussion shows both approaches, but either way, we’ll need a table for storing session records. For mysql-session, create a table named ruby_session with the following structure:

CREATE TABLE ruby_session


session_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

session_value MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL,

update_time DATETIME NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY (session_id)


Now we return to session creation. To have the session manager open its own connection to MySQL, create the session like this:

cgi ="html4")

sess_id = cgi.cookies["RUBYSESSID"]

session =


"session_key" => "RUBYSESSID",

"database_manager" => CGI::Session::MySQLStore,

"" => "",

"db.user" => "cbuser",

"db.pass" => "cbpass",

"" => "cookbook",

"db.table" => "ruby_session",

"db.hold_conn" => 1


The db. xxx parameters used in that code tell mysql-session how to connect to the server, as well as the database and table to use for session records:

The host where the MySQL server is running.

db.user, db.pass

The username and password of the MySQL account to use., db.table

The database and table name for the session table.


By default, mysql-session opens and closes a connection each time it needs to send a statement to the MySQL server. If you supply the db.hold_conn parameter with a value of 1, mysql-session opens the connection only once and holds it open until the session ends.

Another way to create a session is to open your own database connection first and pass the database handle as a parameter:

cgi ="html4")

sess_id = cgi.cookies["RUBYSESSID"]

session =


"session_key" => "RUBYSESSID",

"database_manager" => CGI::Session::MySQLStore,

"db.dbh" => dbh,

"" => "cookbook",

"db.table" => "ruby_session"


In this case, the, db.user, db.pass, and db.hold_conn parameters are not used. In addition, you are responsible for closing the connection after the session is no longer needed.

Whichever way you create the session, its ID is available while it is open as the session.session_id attribute.

To close the session, invoke the close method of the session object. If you want to destroy the session instead, invoke its delete method.

The session manager stores data using key/value pairs, using strings for the values. It does not know the types of the values that you store. I find the following strategy useful for dealing with type-conversion issues:

1. After opening the session, extract values from the session and convert them from “generic” string form to properly typed values.

2. Work with the typed values until it is time to close the session.

3. Convert the typed values to string form, store them in the session, and close it.

The following script uses the CGI::Session session manager to track the number of requests in a session and the time of each request. After 10 requests, the script deletes the session to cause a new session to begin for the next request:

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w

# sess_track.rb - session request counting/timestamping demonstration

require "Cookbook"

require "cgi"

require "cgi/session"

require "mysqlstore"

title = "Ruby Session Tracker";

dbh = Cookbook::connect

cgi ="html4")

session =


"session_key" => "RUBYSESSID",

"database_manager" => CGI::Session::MySQLStore,

"db.dbh" => dbh,

"" => "cookbook",

"db.table" => "ruby_session"


# extract string values from session

count = session["count"]

timestamp = session["timestamp"]

# convert variables to proper types

count = (count.nil? ? 0 : count.to_i)

timestamp = "" if timestamp.nil?

timestamp = timestamp.split(",")

# increment counter and add current timestamp to timestamp array

count = count + 1

timestamp <<"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

# construct content of page body

page = ""

page << cgi.p {"This session has been active for #{count} requests."}

page << cgi.p {"The requests occurred at these times:"}

list = ""

timestamp.each do |t|

list << { t.to_s }


page << cgi.ul { list }

if count < 10

# convert session variables to strings, store them back

# into the session, and close (and save) the session

session["count"] = count.to_s

session["timestamp"] = timestamp.join(",")



# destroy session after 10 invocations




# generate the output page

cgi.out {

cgi.html {

cgi.head { cgi.title { title } } +

cgi.body("bgcolor" => "white") { page }



CGI::Session makes no provision for expiring sessions, but you can discard old session records using the technique discussed in Using MySQL-Based Sessions in Perl Applications. If you do this, you should index the update_time column to make DELETE statements faster:

ALTER TABLE ruby_session ADD INDEX (update_time);

Using MySQL-Based Storage with the PHP Session Manager


You want to use session storage for PHP scripts.


PHP includes session management. By default, it uses temporary files for backing store, but you can configure it to use MySQL instead.


This section shows how to use the PHP native session manager and how to extend it by implementing a storage module that saves session data in MySQL. If your PHP configuration has the track_vars configuration variable enabled, session variables are available as elements of the$HTTP_SESSION_VARS global array or the $_SESSION superglobal array. track_vars is always enabled as of PHP 4.0.3, so I’ll assume that this is true for your PHP installation. If the register_globals configuration variable is enabled as well, session variables also exist in your script as global variables of the same names. However, this is less secure, so this variable is assumed not to be enabled here. (Collecting Web Input discusses PHP’s global and superglobal arrays and the security implications of register_globals.)

The PHP session management interface

PHP’s session management capabilities are based on a small set of functions, all of which are documented in the PHP manual. The following list describes those likely to be most useful for day-to-day session programming:

session_start ()

Opens a session and extracts any variables previously stored in it, making them available in the script’s global namespace. For example, a session variable named x becomes available as $_SESSION[ "x" ] or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[ "x" ]. This function must be called first before using the relevant session variable array.

session_register ( var_name )

Registers a variable in the session by setting up an association between the session record and a variable in your script. For example, to register $count, do this:

session_register ("count");

If you make any changes to the variable while the session remains open, the new value is saved to the session record when the session is closed.

However, I mention this function only to point out that we will not use it. session_register() is effective only if register_globals is enabled, which is a security risk. To avoid reliance on register_globals, we will get session variables from either the $_SESSION array or the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS array.

session_unregister ( var_name )

Unregisters a session variable so that it is not saved to the session record. Unlike session_register(), this function is not dependent on the register_globals setting.

session_write_close ()

Writes the session data and closes the session. The PHP documentation indicates that normally you need not call this function because PHP saves an open session automatically when your script ends. However, it appears that in PHP 5, that might not always be true when you provide your own session handler. To be safe, call this function to save your changes.

session_destroy ()

Removes the session and any data associated with it.

session_name ($name)

The PHP session manager determines which session to use by means of the session identifier. It looks for the identifier by checking the following sources: a global variable named $PHPSESSID; a cookie, get, or post variable named PHPSESSID; or a URL parameter of the formPHPSESSID= value. (If none of these are found, the session manager generates a new identifier and begins a new session.) The default identifier name is PHPSESSID, but you can change it. To make a global (site-wide) change, edit the configuration variable in php.ini. To make the change for an individual script, call session_name($name) before starting the session, where $name represents the session name to use. To determine the current session identifier name, call session_name() with no argument.

Specifying a user-defined storage module

The PHP session management interface just described makes no reference to any kind of backing store. That is, the description specifies nothing about how session information actually gets saved. By default, PHP uses temporary files to store session data, but the session interface is extensible so that other storage modules can be defined. To override the default storage method and store session data in MySQL, you must do several things:

1. Set up a table to hold session records and write the routines that implement the storage module. This is done once, prior to writing any scripts that use the new module.

2. Tell PHP that you’re supplying a user-defined storage manager. You can do this globally in php.ini (in which case you make the change once), or within individual scripts (in which case it’s necessary to declare your intent in each script).

3. Register the storage module routines within each script that wants to use the module.

Creating the session table. Any MySQL-based storage module needs a database table in which to store session information. Create a table named php_session that includes the following columns:

CREATE TABLE php_session








You’ll recognize the structure of this table as quite similar to the perl_session table used in Using MySQL-Based Sessions in Perl Applications for the Apache::Session Perl module. The id column holds session identifiers, which are unique 32-character strings (they look suspiciously like Apache::Session identifiers, which is not surprising, given that PHP uses MD5 values, just like the Perl module). The data column holds session information. PHP serializes session data into a string before storing it, so php_session needs only a large generic string column to hold the resulting serialized value. The t column is a TIMESTAMP that MySQL updates automatically whenever a session record is updated. This column is not required, but it’s useful for implementing a garbage collection policy based on each session’s last update time.

A small set of statements suffices to manage the contents of the php_session table as we have defined it:

§ To retrieve a session’s data, issue a simple SELECT based on the session identifier:

SELECT data FROM php_session WHERE id = 'sess_id';

§ To write session data, a REPLACE serves to update an existing row (or to create a new one if no such row exists):

REPLACE INTO php_session (id,data) VALUES('sess_id','sess_data');

REPLACE also updates the timestamp in the row when creating or updating a row, which is important for garbage collection.

Some storage manager implementations use a combination of INSERT and a fallback to UPDATE if the INSERT fails because a row with the given session ID already exists (or an UPDATE with a fallback to INSERT if the UPDATE fails because a row with the ID does not exist). In MySQL, a dual-statement approach is unnecessary; REPLACE performs the required task with a single statement.

§ To destroy a session, delete the corresponding row:

DELETE FROM php_session WHERE id = 'sess_id';

§ Garbage collection is performed by removing old rows. The following statement deletes rows that have a timestamp value more than sess_life seconds old:

DELETE FROM php_session WHERE t < NOW() - INTERVALsess_life SECOND;

The PHP session manager supplies the value of sess_life when it invokes the garbage collection routine. (The table definition for php_session indexes t to make DELETE statements faster.)

These statements form the basis of the routines that make up our MySQL-backed storage module. The primary function of the module is to open and close MySQL connections and to issue the proper statements at the appropriate times.

Writing the storage management routines. User-defined session storage modules have a specific interface, implemented as a set of handler routines that you register with PHP’s session manager by calling session_set_save_handler(). The format of the function is as follows, where each argument is a handler routine name specified as a string:

session_set_save_handler (

"mysql_sess_open", # function to open a session

"mysql_sess_close", # function to close a session

"mysql_sess_read", # function to read session data

"mysql_sess_write", # function to write session data

"mysql_sess_destroy", # function to destroy a session

"mysql_sess_gc" # function to garbage-collect old sessions


The order of the handler routines must be as shown, but you can name them as you like. They need not necessarily be named mysql_sess_open(), mysql_sess_close(), and so forth. The routines should be written according to the following specifications:

mysql_sess_open ($save_path, $sess_name)

Performs whatever actions are necessary to begin a session. $save_path is the name of the location where sessions should be stored; this is useful for file storage only. $sess_name indicates the name of the session identifier (for example, PHPSESSID). For a MySQL-based storage manager, both arguments can be ignored. The function should return TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the session was opened successfully.

mysql_sess_close ()

Closes the session, returning TRUE for success or FALSE for failure.

mysql_sess_read ($sess_id)

Retrieves the data associated with the session identifier and returns it as a string. If there is no such session, the function should return an empty string. If an error occurs, it should return FALSE.

mysql_sess_write ($sess_id, $sess_data)

Saves the data associated with the session identifier, returning TRUE for success or FALSE for failure. PHP itself takes care of serializing and unserializing the session contents, so the read and write functions need deal only with serialized strings.

mysql_sess_destroy ($sess_id)

Destroys the session and any data associated with it, returning TRUE for success or FALSE for failure. For MySQL-based storage, destroying a session amounts to deleting the row from the php_session table that is associated with the session ID.

mysql_sess_gc ($gc_maxlife)

Performs garbage collection to remove old sessions. This function is invoked on a probabilistic basis. When PHP receives a request for a page that uses sessions, it calls the garbage collector with a probability defined by the session.gc_probability configuration variable in php.ini. For example, if the probability value is 1 (that is, 1%), PHP calls the collector approximately once every hundred requests. If the value is 100, it calls the collector for every request—which probably would result in more processing overhead than you’d want.

The argument to gc() is the maximum session lifetime in seconds. Sessions older than that should be considered subject to removal. The function should return TRUE for success or FALSE for failure.

To register the handler routines, call session_set_save_handler(), which should be done in conjunction with informing PHP that you’ll be using a user-defined storage module. The default storage management method is defined by the session.save_handler configuration variable. You can change the method globally by modifying the php.ini initialization file, or within individual scripts:

§ To change the storage method globally, edit php.ini. The default configuration setting specifies the use of file-based session storage management:

session.save_handler = files;

Modify this to indicate that sessions will be handled by a user-level mechanism:

session.save_handler = user;

If you’re using PHP as an Apache module, you need to restart Apache after modifying php.ini so that PHP notices the changes.

The problem with making a global change is that every PHP script that uses sessions will be expected to provide its own storage management routines. This may have unintended side effects for other script writers if they are unaware of the change. For example, other developers that use the web server may want to continue using file-based sessions.

§ The alternative to making a global change is to specify a different storage method by calling ini_set() on a per-script basis:

ini_set ("session.save_handler", "user");

ini_set() is less intrusive than a global configuration change. The storage manager we’ll develop here uses ini_set() so that database-backed session storage is triggered only for those scripts that request it.

To make it easy to access an alternative session storage module, it’s useful to create a library file, Cookbook_Session.php. The only thing a script need do to use the library file is to include it prior to starting the session. The outline of the file looks like this:


# Cookbook_Session.php - MySQL-based session storage module

require_once "Cookbook.php";

# Define the handler routines

function mysql_sess_open ($save_path, $sess_name) ...

function mysql_sess_close () ...

function mysql_sess_read ($sess_id) ...

function mysql_sess_write ($sess_id, $sess_data) ...

function mysql_sess_destroy ($sess_id) ...

function mysql_sess_gc ($gc_maxlife) ...

# Initialize the connection identifier, select user-defined

# session handling and register the handler routines

$mysql_sess_conn = FALSE;

ini_set ("session.save_handler", "user");

session_set_save_handler (









The library file includes Cookbook.php so that it can access the connection routine for opening a connection to the cookbook database. Then it defines the handler routines (we’ll get to the details of these functions shortly). Finally, it initializes the connection identifier, tells PHP to get ready to use a user-defined session storage manager, and registers the handler functions. Thus, a PHP script that wants to store sessions in MySQL performs all the necessary setup simply by including the Cookbook_Session.php file:

require_once "Cookbook_Session.php";


The interface provided by the Cookbook_Session.php library file exposes a global database connection identifier variable ($mysql_sess_conn) as well as a set of handler routines named mysql_sess_open(), mysql_sess_close(), and so forth. Scripts that use the library should avoid using these global names for other purposes.

Now let’s see how to implement each handler routine:

Opening a session

PHP passes two arguments to this function: the save path and the session name. The save path is used for file-based storage, and we don’t need to know the session name, so both arguments are irrelevant for our purposes and can be ignored. The function therefore need do nothing but open a connection to MySQL:

function mysql_sess_open ($save_path, $sess_name)


global $mysql_sess_conn;

# open connection to MySQL if it's not already open

if (!$mysql_sess_conn)


# Do NOT use =& operator here!

$mysql_sess_conn = Cookbook::connect ();

if (PEAR::isError ($mysql_sess_conn))


$mysql_sess_conn = FALSE;

return (FALSE);



return (TRUE);


mysql_session_open() uses = rather than =& to assign the result of the connection call, to ensure that the connection handler value doesn’t disappear when the function returns.

Closing a session

The close handler checks whether a connection to MySQL is open and closes it if so:

function mysql_sess_close ()


global $mysql_sess_conn;

if ($mysql_sess_conn) # close connection if it's open


$mysql_sess_conn->disconnect ();

$mysql_sess_conn = FALSE;


return (TRUE);


Reading session data

The mysql_sess_read() function uses the session ID to look up the data for the corresponding session record and returns it. It returns the empty string if no such record exists. If an error occurs, it returns FALSE:

function mysql_sess_read ($sess_id)


global $mysql_sess_conn;

$stmt = "SELECT data FROM php_session WHERE id = ?";

$result =& $mysql_sess_conn->query ($stmt, array ($sess_id));

if (!PEAR::isError ($result))


list ($data) = $result->fetchRow ();

$result->free ();

if (isset ($data))

return ($data);

return ("");


return (FALSE);


Writing session data

mysql_sess_write() creates a new record if there is none for the session yet, or replaces the existing record if there is one:

function mysql_sess_write ($sess_id, $sess_data)


global $mysql_sess_conn;

$stmt = "REPLACE php_session (id, data) VALUES(?,?)";

$result =& $mysql_sess_conn->query ($stmt, array ($sess_id, $sess_data));

return (!PEAR::isError ($result));


Destroying a session

When a session is no longer needed, mysql_sess_destroy() removes the corresponding record:

function mysql_sess_destroy ($sess_id)


global $mysql_sess_conn;

$stmt = "DELETE FROM php_session WHERE id = ?";

$result =& $mysql_sess_conn->query ($stmt, array ($sess_id));

return (!PEAR::isError ($result));


Performing garbage collection

The TIMESTAMP column t in each session record indicates when the session was last updated. mysql_sess_gc() uses this value to implement garbage collection. The argument $sess_maxlife specifies how old sessions can be (in seconds). Older sessions are considered expired and candidates for removal, which is easily done by deleting session records having a timestamp that differs from the current time by more than the allowed lifetime:

function mysql_sess_gc ($sess_maxlife)


global $mysql_sess_conn;

$stmt = "DELETE FROM php_session WHERE t < NOW() - INTERVAL ? SECOND";

$result =& $mysql_sess_conn->query ($stmt, array ($sess_maxlife));

return (TRUE); # ignore errors


Using the storage module.  Install the Cookbook_Session.php file in a public library directory accessible to your scripts. (On my system, I put PHP library files in /usr/local/lib/mcb and modify php.ini so that the include_path variable names that directory. See Writing Library Files.) To try the storage module, install the following example script, sess_track.php, in your web tree and invoke it a few times to see how the information display changes:


# sess_track.php - session request counting/timestamping demonstration

require_once "Cookbook_Session.php";

# needed for make_unordered_list(), get_session_val(), set_session_val()

require_once "Cookbook_Webutils.php";

$title = "PHP Session Tracker";

# Open session and extract session values

session_start ();

$count = get_session_val ("count");

$timestamp = get_session_val ("timestamp");

# If the session is new, initialize the variables

if (!isset ($count))

$count = 0;

if (!isset ($timestamp))

$timestamp = array ();

# Increment counter, add current timestamp to timestamp array


$timestamp[] = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s T");

if ($count < 10) # save modified values into session variable array


set_session_val ("count", $count);

set_session_val ("timestamp", $timestamp);


else # destroy session variables after 10 invocations


session_unregister ("count");

session_unregister ("timestamp");


session_write_close (); # save session changes

# Produce the output page




<title><?php print ($title); ?></title>


<body bgcolor="white">


print ("<p>This session has been active for $count requests.</p>\n");

print ("<p>The requests occurred at these times:</p>\n");

print make_unordered_list ($timestamp);




The script includes the Cookbook_Session.php library file to enable the MySQL-based storage module, and then uses the PHP session manager interface in typical fashion. First, it opens the session and attempts to extract the session variables. For the first request, the session variables will not be set and must be initialized. This is determined by the isset() tests. The scalar variable $count starts out at zero, and the nonscalar variable $timestamp starts out as an empty array. For successive requests, the session variables will have the values assigned to them by the previous request.

Next, the script increments the counter, adds the current timestamp to the end of the timestamp array, and produces an output page that displays the count and the access times. If the session limit of 10 invocations has been reached, the script unregisters the session variables, which causes$count and $timestamp not to be saved to the session record. The effect is that the session restarts on the next request.

Finally, sess_track.php calls session_write_close() to write out the changes to session data.

The output page is produced only after updating the session record because PHP might determine that a cookie containing the session ID needs to be sent to the client. That determination must be made before generating the page body because cookies are sent in the headers.

As mentioned earlier, we assume that register_globals is not enabled. Thus, we cannot use the PHP session_register() function to register session variables and it is necessary to access session variables another way. The two possibilities are to use the $HTTP_SESSION_VARSglobal array or (as of PHP 4.1) the $_SESSION superglobal array. For example, after calling session_start(), a session variable named count will be available as $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[ "count" ] or $_SESSION[ "count" ].

It’s possible to adopt an approach that uses the PHP session variable arrays but still enables you to work with simple variable names to manipulate session variables:

1. Don’t use session_register(). Instead, copy session variables directly from a global session variable array into the $count and $timestamp variables.

2. After you’re done using your session variables, copy them back into the session variable array before writing the session.

However, it’s messy to determine which global array to use for session variable storage because that may depend on your version of PHP. Instead of making this determination each time you want to access a session variable, it’s easier to write a couple of utility functions that do the work. That is the purpose of the get_session_val() and set_session_val() functions used in the script. They access session variables for the counter value and timestamp array and store modified values back into the session:

function get_session_val ($name)



$val = NULL;

if (isset ($_SESSION[$name]))

$val = $_SESSION[$name];

else if (isset ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$name]))

$val = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$name];

return ($val);


function set_session_val ($name, $val)



if (isset ($_SESSION))

$_SESSION[$name] = $val;

$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$name] = $val;


These routines can be found in the Cookbook_Webutils.php library file, along with the routines that get other kinds of web script parameter values (see Collecting Web Input). They are in Cookbook_Webutils.php rather than in Cookbook_Session.php so that you can call them even if you elect not to use the MySQL-based session storage that Cookbook_Session.php implements.

Using MySQL for Session-Backing Store with Tomcat


You want to use session storage for Java-based scripts.


Tomcat handles session management for you. By default, it uses temporary files for backing store, but you can configure it to use MySQL instead by supplying the appropriate JDBC parameters in Tomcat’s server.xml configuration file.


The Perl, Ruby, and PHP session mechanisms described earlier in this chapter require applications to indicate explicitly that they want to use MySQL-based session storage. For Perl and Ruby, a script must state that it wants to use the appropriate session module. For PHP, the session manager is built into the language, but each application that wants to use a MySQL storage module must register it.

For Java applications that run under Tomcat, a different framework applies. Tomcat itself manages sessions, so if you want to store session information in MySQL, you do so by reconfiguring Tomcat, not your applications. In other words, web-based Java programs are relieved of some of the messy session-related details that must be handled at the application level in other languages. For example, session IDs are handled by the Tomcat server rather than at the application level. If cookies are enabled, Tomcat uses them. Otherwise, it uses URL rewriting to encode the session ID in the URL. Application developers need not care which method is used because the ID is available to them the same way regardless of how it’s transmitted.

To illustrate the independence of applications from the session management method used by Tomcat, this section shows a simple JSP application that uses a session. Then it shows how to reconfigure Tomcat to store session information in MySQL rather than in the default session store—without requiring any changes at all to the application. First, though, it’s necessary to describe the session interface.

The Servlet and JSP Session Interface

Tomcat uses the standard session interface described in the Java Servlet Specification. This interface can be used both by servlets and by JSP pages. Within a servlet, you gain access to the session by importing the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession class and invoking thegetSession() method of your HttpRequest object:

import javax.servlet.http.*;

HttpSession session = request.getSession ();

In JSP pages, session support is enabled by default, so it’s as though those statements have already been issued by the time the page begins executing. That is, the session is available implicitly through a session variable that’s already been set up for you.

The complete session interface is defined in the HttpSession section of the Java Servlet Specification (see Appendix D). Some representative methods of session objects are listed here:

isNew ()

Returns true or false to indicate whether the session has just begun with the current request.

getAttribute (String attrName)

Session contents consist of attributes, which are objects that are bound to names. To access a session attribute, specify its name. The getAttribute() method returns the Object bound to the given name, or null if there is no object with that name.

setAttribute (String attrName, Object obj)

Adds the object to the session and binds it to the given name.

removeAttribute (String attrName)

Removes the attribute with the given name from the session.

invalidate ()

Invalidates the session and any data associated with it. The next request from the client will begin a new session.

A sample JSP session application

The following example shows a JSP page, sess_track.jsp, that maintains a session request counter and a log of the request times. To illustrate the session-related operations more explicitly, this page consists primarily of embedded Java code that uses the HttpSession session interface directly:


sess_track.jsp - session request counting/timestamping demonstration


<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>


// get session variables, initializing them if not present

int count;

Object obj = session.getAttribute ("count");

if (obj == null)

count = 0;


count = Integer.parseInt (obj.toString ());

ArrayList timestamp = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute ("timestamp");

if (timestamp == null)

timestamp = new ArrayList ();

// increment counter, add current timestamp to timestamp array

count = count + 1;

timestamp.add (new Date ());

if (count < 10) // save updated values in session object


session.setAttribute ("count", String.valueOf (count));

session.setAttribute ("timestamp", timestamp);


else // restart session after 10 requests


session.removeAttribute ("count");

session.removeAttribute ("timestamp");





<title>JSP Session Tracker</title>


<body bgcolor="white">

<p>This session has been active for <%= count %> requests.</p>

<p>The requests occurred at these times:</p>



for (int i = 0; i < timestamp.size (); i++)

out.println ("<li>" + timestamp.get (i) + "</li>");





Invoke sess_track.jsp a few times from your browser to see how the display changes.

The session.setAttribute() method used in sess_track.jsp places information into the session so that it can be found by later invocations of the script. But session attributes also can be shared with other scripts. To see this, make a copy of sess_track.jsp and invoke the copy from your browser. You’ll see that it accesses the same session information as sess_track.jsp (scripts in the same application context access the same information).

Some of the session-related operations shown in sess_track.jsp can be done using tags from JSTL, which provides a sessionScope variable for getting at the implicit JSP session object:


sess_track2.jsp - session request counting/timestamping demonstration


<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

<c:if test="${empty sessionScope.count}">

<c:set var="count" scope="session" value="0"/>


<c:set var="count" scope="session" value="${sessionScope.count+1}"/>


ArrayList timestamp = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute ("timestamp");

if (timestamp == null)

timestamp = new ArrayList ();

// add current timestamp to timestamp array, store result in session

timestamp.add (new Date ());

session.setAttribute ("timestamp", timestamp);




<title>JSP Session Tracker</title>


<body bgcolor="white">

<p>This session has been active for

<c:out value="${sessionScope.count}"/>


<p>The requests occurred at these times:</p>


<c:forEach items="${sessionScope.timestamp}" var="t">

<li><c:out value="${t}"/></li>



<%-- has session limit of 10 requests been reached? --%>

<c:if test="${sessionScope.count ge 10}">

<c:remove var="count" scope="session"/>

<c:remove var="timestamp" scope="session"/>




Telling Tomcat to save session records in MySQL

The Tomcat documentation pertaining to session management can be found at:

Tomcat has its own default session storage mechanism (temporary files). To override the default and save sessions in MySQL via JDBC instead, use the following procedure:

1. Create a table to hold session records.

2. Make sure that Tomcat has access to the proper JDBC driver.

3. Modify Tomcat’s server.xml configuration file to specify use of a persistent session manager for the relevant application context or contexts.

None of these steps involve modifying the sample session application in any way, which is a reflection of how Tomcat implements session support above the application level.

Creating the Tomcat session table. Tomcat stores several types of information into the session table:

§ The session ID. By default, IDs are 32-character MD5 values.

§ The application name.

§ The session data. This is a serialized string.

§ Whether the session is valid, as a single byte.

§ The maximum inactivity time allowed, as a 32-bit integer measured in seconds.

§ The last access time, as a 64-bit integer.

These specifications are satisfied by the following table, which you should create before proceeding to the next section:

CREATE TABLE tomcat_session



app VARCHAR(255),


valid_session CHAR(1) NOT NULL,

max_inactive INT NOT NULL,

last_access BIGINT NOT NULL,


INDEX (app)


Placing the JDBC driver where Tomcat can find it. Because Tomcat itself manages sessions, it must be able to access the JDBC driver used to store sessions in a database. It’s common to store drivers in the lib directory of the Tomcat tree so that all applications have access to them. But for a driver to be accessible to Tomcat as well, it should go in the common/lib directory. (Thus, if you have the MySQL Connector/J driver installed in lib, move it to common/lib.) After a restart, Tomcat will be able to use it. For more information about using MySQL Connector/J with Tomcat, seeUsing Tomcat to Run Web Scripts.

Modifying the Tomcat configuration file. To tell Tomcat to use the tomcat_session table, it’s necessary to modify the server.xml file in Tomcat’s conf directory. Do this by placing a <Manager> element in the body of the <Context> element of each application context that should use MySQL-based session storage. (If a context has no such element, create one.) For the mcb application context, the <Context> element can be created like this:

<Context path="/mcb" docBase="mcb" debug="0" reloadable="true">























The <Manager> element attributes specify general session-related options. Within the <Manager> element body, the <Store> element attributes provide the specifics pertaining to the JDBC driver. The following discussion focuses on the attributes shown in the example, but there are others that you can use. See the Tomcat session-management documentation for more information.

The <Manager> attributes shown in the example have the following meanings:


Indicates the Java class that implements persistent session storage. It must be org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager.


Indicates the logging detail level. A value of zero disables debug output; higher numbers generate more output.


Enables application sessions to survive server restarts. It should be true if you want Tomcat to save current sessions when it shuts down (and reload them when it starts up).


Indicates the number of seconds before inactive sessions are eligible for being saved to MySQL. A value of -1 means “never.”


Indicates how many seconds a session can be idle before becoming eligible to be swapped (saved to MySQL and passivated out of server memory). A value of -1 means “never.”


Indicates how many seconds a session can be idle before it should be swapped. A value of -1 means “never.” If this feature is enabled, the value should be greater than minIdleSwap and maxIdleBackup.

Within the body of the <Manager> element, the <Store> element indicates how to connect to the database server, which database and table to use for storing session records, and the names of the columns in the table:


The name of a class that implements the org.apache.catalina.Store interface. For JDBC-based storage managers, the value of this attribute must be org.apache.catalina.session.JDBCStore.


The class name for the JDBC driver. For the MySQL Connector/J driver, the attribute value should be com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.


Indicates how to connect to the database server. The following URL connects to the MySQL server on the local host, using a database, username, and password of cookbook, cbuser, and cbpass, respectively:


However, server.xml entries are written in XML, so the & character that separates the user and password connection parameters must be written as the & entity, like so:


When Tomcat reads the server.xml file, the XML parser converts & back to &, which is what gets passed to the JDBC driver.


Names the table in which to store session records. For our example, this is the tomcat_session table described earlier. (The database that contains the table is given in the connectionURL value.)

The remaining <Store> attributes in the example indicate the column names in the session table. These attributes are sessionIdCol, sessionAppCol, sessionDataCol, sessionValidCol, sessionMaxInactiveCol, and sessionLastAccessedCol, which correspond in the obvious way to the columns contained in the tomcat_session table.

After you modify the server.xml file, restart Tomcat. Then invoke the sess_track.jsp or sess_track2.jsp scripts a few times to initiate a session. Each should behave the same way as before you reconfigured Tomcat. After a period of inactivity equal to the <Manager> element maxIdleBackupattribute value, you should see a session record appear in the tomcat_session table. If you watch the MySQL query log, you should also see sessions being saved to MySQL when you shut down Tomcat.

Changing server.xml is a global change, somewhat similar to changing session.save_handler in PHP’s php.ini file. However, unlike PHP, in which modifying the global initialization file affects other developers on the same host in such a way that they may have to change their session-based scripts, modifying Tomcat’s configuration to use JDBC-based backing store for session management is completely invisible to servlets and JSP pages. Thus, you can make the change without worrying that other developers who use the same Tomcat server will accuse you of acting toward them with malice aforethought.

Session expiration in Tomcat

Session persistence is 60 minutes by default. To provide an explicit duration for a session manager, add a maxInactiveInterval to the appropriate <Manager> element in the server’s conf/server.xml file. To provide a duration that is specific to a particular application context, add a<session-config> element to the context’s WEB-INF/web.xml file. For example, to use a value of 30 minutes, specify it like this:




If you modify either server.xml or web.xml, restart Tomcat.

Session tracking in Tomcat

Although your JSP pages need do nothing to have Tomcat set up sessions or to use JDBC for session storage, they may need to take a small step to make sure that sessions move from request to request properly. This is necessary if you generate pages that contain hyperlinks to other pages that participate in the same session.

Tomcat automatically generates a session identifier and tracks the session using cookies if it receives a cookie from the client that contains the session ID. If the client has cookies disabled, Tomcat tracks the session by rewriting URLs to include the session ID. You need not determine which method Tomcat is using, but you should take care to ensure proper propagation of the session ID in case it is being passed by URL rewriting. This means that if you create a page that includes a link to another page that is part of the session, you should not just list the path to the page like this:

To go to the next page,

<a href="nextpage.jsp">click here</a>.

This link doesn’t contain the session ID. If Tomcat happens to be tracking the session using URL rewriting, you’ll lose the ID when the user selects the link. Instead, pass the link to encodeURL() to enable Tomcat to add the session ID to the URL as necessary:

To go to the next page,

<a href="<%= response.encodeURL ("nextpage.jsp") %>">click here</a>.

If Tomcat is tracking the session with cookies, encodeURL() returns the URL unchanged. However, if Tomcat is tracking the session by means of URL rewriting, encodeURL() adds the session ID to the page path automatically, so that it looks something like this:


You should generate URLs using encodeURL() like this for links in any tag that takes the user to a page in the current session. This includes <a>, <form>, and <frame> tags, and possibly even <img> tags, if for some reason those tags invoke a script that generates images on a session-specific basis.

It’s probably best to develop the habit of using encodeURL() as a matter of routine when writing URLs for session-based applications. Even if you think everyone who uses the application will have cookies enabled, your assumption may prove incorrect some day.

The method has a name similar to encodeURL(), but it’s different. It converts special characters to % xx notation to make them safe for use in URLs.