Core Java for the Impatient (2013)
Chapter 6. Generic Programming
Topics in This Chapter
6.1 Generic Classes
6.2 Generic Methods
6.3 Type Bounds
6.4 Type Variance and Wildcards
6.5 Generics in the Java Virtual Machine
6.6 Restrictions on Generics
6.7 Reflection and Generics
You often need to implement classes and methods that work with multiple types. For example, an ArrayList<T> stores elements of an arbitrary class T. We say that the ArrayList class is generic, and T is a type parameter. The basic idea is very simple and incredibly useful. The first two sections of this chapter cover the simple part.
In any programming language with generic types, the details get tricky when you restrict or vary type parameters. For example, suppose you want to sort elements. Then you must specify that T provides an ordering. Furthermore, if the type parameter varies, what does that mean for the generic type? For example, what should be the relationship between ArrayList<String> to a method that expects an ArrayList<Object>? Section 6.3, “Type Bounds,” on p. 202 and Section 6.4, “Type Variance and Wildcards,” on p. 203 show you how Java deals with these issues.
In Java, generic programming is more complex than it perhaps should be, because generics were added when Java had been around for a while, and they were designed to be backward-compatible. As a consequence, there are a number of unfortunate restrictions, some of which affect every Java programmer. Others are only of interest to implementors of generic classes. See Section 6.5, “Generics in the Java Virtual Machine,” on p. 208 and Section 6.6, “Restrictions on Generics,” on p. 211 for the details. The final section covers generics and reflection, and you can safely skip it if you are not using reflection in your own programs.
The key points of this chapter are:
1. A generic class is a class with one or more type parameters.
2. A generic method is a method with type parameters.
3. You can require a type parameter to be a subtype of one or more types.
4. Generic types are invariant: When S is a subtype of T, there is no relationship between G<S> and G<T>.
5. By using wildcards G<? extends T> or G<? super T>, you can specify that a method can accept an instantiation of a generic type with a subclass or superclass argument.
6. Type parameters are erased when generic classes and methods are compiled.
7. Erasure puts many restrictions on generic types. In particular, you can’t instantiate generic classes or arrays, cast to a generic type, or throw an object of a generic type.
8. The Class<T> class is generic, which is useful because methods such as newInstance are declared to produce a value of type T.
9. Even though generic classes and methods are erased in the virtual machine, you can find out at runtime how they were declared.
6.1 Generic Classes
A generic class is a class with one or more type parameters. As a simple example, consider this class for storing key/value pairs:
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public class Entry<K, V> {
private K key;
private V value;
public Entry(K key, V value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public K getKey() { return key; }
public V getValue() { return value; }
As you can see, the type parameters K and V are specified inside angle brackets after the name of the class. In the definitions of class members, they are used as types for instance variables, method parameters, and return values.
You instantiate the generic class by substituting types for the type variables. For example, Entry<String, Integer> is an ordinary class with methods String getKey() and Integer getValue().
Type parameters cannot be instantiated with primitive types. For example, Entry<String, int> is not valid in Java.
When you construct an object of a generic class, you can omit the type parameters from the constructor. For example,
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Entry<String, Integer> entry = new Entry<>("Fred", 42);
// Same as new Entry<String, Integer>("Fred", 42)
Note that you still provide an empty pair of angle brackets before the construction arguments. Some people call this empty bracket pair a diamond. When you use the diamond syntax, the type parameters for the constructor are inferred.
6.2 Generic Methods
Just like a generic class is a class with type parameters, a generic method is a method with type parameters. A generic method can be a method of a regular class or a generic class. Here is an example of a generic method in a class that is not generic:
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public class Arrays {
public static <T> void swap(T[] array, int i, int j) {
T temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
This swap method can be used to swap elements in an arbitrary array, as long as the array element type is not a primitive type.
String[] friends = ...;
Arrays.swap(friends, 0, 1);
When you declare a generic method, the type parameter is placed after the modifiers (such as public and static) and before the return type:
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public static <T> void swap(T[] array, int i, int j)
When calling a generic method, you do not need to specify the type parameter. It is inferred from the method parameter and return types. For example, in the call Arrays.swap(friends, 0, 1), the type of friends is String[], and the compiler can infer that T should be String.
You can, if you like, supply the type explicitly, before the method name, like this:
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Arrays.<String>swap(friends, 0, 1);
One reason why you might want to do this is to get better error messages when something goes wrong—see Exercise 5.
Before plunging into the morass of technical details in the sections that follow, it is worth contemplating the examples of the Entry class and the swap method and to admire how useful and natural generic types are. With the Entry class, the key and value types can be arbitrary. With the swap method, the array type can be arbitrary. That is plainly expressed with type variables.
6.3 Type Bounds
Sometimes, the type parameters of a generic class or method need to fulfill certain requirements. You can specify a type bound to require that the type extends certain classes or implements certain interfaces.
Suppose, for example, you have an ArrayList of objects of a class that implements the AutoCloseable interface, and you want to close them all:
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public static <T extends AutoCloseable> void closeAll(ArrayList<T> elems)
throws Exception {
for (T elem : elems) elem.close();
The type bound extends AutoCloseable ensures that the element type is a subtype of AutoCloseable. Therefore, the call elem.close() is valid. You can pass an ArrayList<PrintStream> to this method, but not an ArrayList<String>. Note that the extends keyword in a type bound actually means “subtype”—the Java designers just used the existing extends keyword instead of coming up with another keyword or symbol.
Exercise 14 has a more interesting variant of this method.
In this example, we need a type bound because the parameter is of type ArrayList. If the method accepted an array, you wouldn’t need a generic method. You could simply use a regular method
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public static void closeAll(AutoCloseable[] elems) throws Exception
This works because an array type such as PrintStream[] is a subtype of AutoCloseable[]. However, as you will see in the following section, an ArrayList<PrintStream> is not a subtype of ArrayList<AutoCloseable>. Using a bounded type parameter solves this problem.
A type parameter can have multiple bounds, such as
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T extends Runnable & AutoCloseable
This syntax is similar to that for catching multiple exceptions.
You can have as many interface bounds as you like, but at most one of the bounds can be a class. If you have a class as a bound, it must be the first one in the bounds list.
6.4 Type Variance and Wildcards
Suppose you need to implement a method that processes an array of objects that are subclasses of the class Employee. You simply declare the parameter to have type Employee[]:
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public static void process(Employee[] staff) { ... }
If Manager is a subclass of Employee, you can pass a Manager[] array to the method since Manager[] is a subtype of Employee[]. This behavior is called covariance. Arrays vary in the same way as the element types.
Now, suppose you want to process an array list instead. However, there is a problem: The type ArrayList<Manager> is not a subtype of ArrayList<Employee>.
There is a reason for this restriction. If it were legal to assign an ArrayList<Manager> to a variable of type ArrayList<Employee>, you could corrupt the array list by storing nonmanagerial employees:
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ArrayList<Manager> bosses = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Employee> empls = bosses; // Not legal, but suppose it is...
empls.add(new Employee(...)); // A nonmanager in bosses!
Since conversion from ArrayList<Manager> to ArrayList<Employee> is disallowed, this error cannot occur.
Can you generate the same error with arrays, where the conversion from Manager[] to Employee[] is permitted? Sure you can, as you saw in Chapter 4. Java arrays are covariant, which is convenient but unsound. When you store a mere Employee in a Manager[] array, an ArrayStoreException is thrown. In contrast, all generic types in Java are invariant.
In Java, you use wildcards to specify how method parameter and return types should be allowed to vary. This mechanism is sometimes called use-site variance. You will see the details in the following sections.
6.4.1 Subtype Wildcards
In many situations it is perfectly safe to convert between different array lists. Suppose a method never writes to the array list, so it cannot corrupt its argument. Use a wildcard to express this fact:
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public static void printNames(ArrayList<? extends Employee> staff) {
for (int i = 0; i < staff.size(); i++) {
Employee e = staff.get(i);
The wildcard type ? extends Employee indicates some unknown subtype of Employee. You can call this method with an ArrayList<Employee> or an array list of a subtype, such as ArrayList<Manager>.
The get method of the class ArrayList<? extends Employee> has return type ? extends Employee. The statement
Employee e = staff.get(i);
is perfectly legal. Whatever type ? denotes, it is a subtype of Employee, and the result of staff.get(i) can be assigned to the Employee variable e. (I didn’t use an enhanced for loop in this example to show exactly how the elements are fetched from the array list.)
What happens if you try to store an element into an ArrayList<? extends Employee>? That would not work. Consider a call
The add method has parameter type ? extends Employee, and there is no object that you can pass to this method. If you pass, say, a Manager object, the compiler will refuse. After all, ? could refer to any subclass, perhaps Janitor, and you can’t add a Manager to an ArrayList<Janitor>.
You can, of course, pass null, but that’s not an object.
In summary, you can convert from ? extends Employee to Employee, but you can never convert anything to ? extends Employee. This explains why you can read from an ArrayList<? extends Employee> but cannot write to it.
6.4.2 Supertype Wildcards
The wildcard type ? extends Employee denotes an arbitrary subtype of Employee. The converse is the wildcard type ? super Employee which denotes a supertype of Employee. These wildcards are often useful as parameters in functional objects. Here is a typical example. The Predicate interface has a method for testing whether an object of type T has a particular property:
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public interface Predicate<T> {
boolean test(T arg);
This method prints the names of all employees with a given property:
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public static void printAll(Employee[] staff, Predicate<Employee> filter) {
for (Employee e : staff)
if (filter.test(e))
You can call this method with an object of type Predicate<Employee>. Since that is a functional interface, you can also pass a lambda expression:
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printAll(employees, e -> e.getSalary() > 100000);
Now suppose you want to use a Predicate<Object> instead, for example
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printAll(employees, e -> e.toString().length() % 2 == 0);
This should not be a problem. After all, every Employee is an Object with a toString method. However, like all generic types, the Predicate interface is invariant, and there is no relationship between Predicate<Employee> and Predicate<Object>.
The remedy is to allow any Predicate<? super Employee>:
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public static void printAll(Employee[] staff, Predicate<? super Employee> filter) {
for (Employee e : staff)
if (filter.test(e))
Have a close look at the call filter.test(e). Since the parameter of test has a type that is some supertype of Employee, it is safe to pass an Employee object.
This situation is typical. Functions are naturally contravariant in their parameter types. For example, when a function is expected that can process employees, it is OK to give one that is willing to process arbitrary objects.
In general, when you specify a generic functional interface as a method parameter, you should use a super wildcard.
Some programmers like the “PECS” mnemonic for wildcards: producer extends, consumer super. An ArrayList from which you read values is a producer, so you use an extends wildcard. A Predicate to which you give values for testing is a consumer, and you use super.
6.4.3 Wildcards with Type Variables
Consider a generalization of the method of the preceding section that prints arbitrary elements fulfilling a condition:
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public static <T> void printAll(T[] elements, Predicate<T> filter) {
for (T e : elements)
if (filter.test(e))
This is a generic method that works for arrays of any type. The type parameter is the type of the array that is being passed. However, it suffers from the limitation that you saw in the preceding section. The type parameter of Predicate must exactly match the type parameter of the method.
The solution is the same that you already saw—but this time, the bound of the wildcard is a type variable:
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public static <T> void printAll(T[] elements, Predicate<? super T> filter)
This method takes a filter for elements of type T or any supertype of T.
Here is another example. The Collection<E> interface, which you will see in detail in the following chapter, describes a collection of elements of type E. It has a method
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public void addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)
You can add all elements from another collection whose element type is also E or some subtype. With this method, you can add a collection of managers to a collection of employees, but not the other way around.
To see how complex type declarations can get, consider the definition of the Collections.sort method:
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public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list)
The List interface, covered in detail in the next chapter, describes a sequence of elements, such as a linked list or ArrayList. The sort method is willing to sort any List<T>, provided T is a subtype of Comparable. But the Comparable interface is again generic:
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public interface Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T other);
Its type parameter specifies the argument type of the compareTo method. So, it would seem that Collections.sort could be declared as
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public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void sort(List<T> list)
But that is too restrictive. Suppose that the Employee class implements Comparable<Employee>, comparing employees by salary. And suppose that the Manager class extends Employee. Note that it implements Comparable<Employee>, and not Comparable<Manager>. Therefore, Manager is not a subtype of Comparable<Manager>, but it is a subtype of Comparable<? super Manager>.
In some programming languages (such as C# and Scala), you can declare type parameters to be covariant or contravariant. For example, by declaring the type parameter of Comparable to be contravariant, one doesn’t have to use a wildcard for each Comparable parameter. This “declaration-site variance” is convenient, but it is less powerful than the “use-site variance” of Java wildcards.
6.4.4 Unbounded Wildcards
It is possible to have unbounded wildcards for situations where you only do very generic operations. For example, here is a method to check whether an ArrayList has any null elements:
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public static boolean hasNulls(ArrayList<?> elements) {
for (Object e : elements) {
if (e == null) return true;
return false;
Since the type parameter of the ArrayList doesn’t matter, it makes sense to use an ArrayList<?>. One could equally well have made hasNulls into a generic method:
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public static <T> boolean hasNulls(ArrayList<T> elements)
But the wildcard is easy to understand, so that’s the preferred approach.
6.4.5 Wildcard Capture
Let’s try to define a swap method using wildcards:
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public static void swap(ArrayList<?> elements, int i, int j) {
? temp = elements.get(i); // Won't work
elements.set(i, elements.get(j));
elements.set(j, temp);
That won’t work. You can use ? as a type argument, but not as a type.
However, there is a workaround. Add a helper method, like this:
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public static void swap(ArrayList<?> elements, int i, int j) {
swapHelper(elements, i, j);
private static <T> void swapHelper(ArrayList<T> elements, int i, int j) {
T temp = elements.get(i);
elements.set(i, elements.get(j));
elements.set(j, temp);
The call to swapHelper is valid because of a special rule called wildcard capture. The compiler doesn’t know what ? is, but it stands for some type, so it is OK to call a generic method. The type parameter T of swapHelper “captures” the wildcard type. Since swapHelper is a generic method, not a method with wildcards in parameters, it can make use of the type variable T to declare variables.
What have we gained? The user of the API sees an easy-to-understand ArrayList<?> instead of a generic method.
6.5 Generics in the Java Virtual Machine
When generic types and methods were added to Java, the Java designers wanted the generic forms of classes to be compatible with their preexisting versions. For example, it should be possible to pass an ArrayList<String> to a method from pregeneric days that accepted the ArrayList class, which collects elements of type Object. The language designers decided on an implementation that “erases” the types in the virtual machine. This was very popular at the time since it enabled Java users to gradually migrate to using generics. As you can imagine, there are drawbacks to this scheme, and, as so often happens with compromises made in the interest of compatibility, the drawbacks remain long after the migration has successfully completed.
In this section, you will what goes on in the virtual machine, and the next section examines the consequences.
6.5.1 Type Erasure
When you define a generic type, it is compiled into a raw type. For example, the Entry<K, V> class of Section 6.1, “Generic Classes,” on p. 200 turns into
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public class Entry {
private Object key;
private Object value;
public Entry(Object key, Object value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public Object getKey() { return key; }
public Object getValue() { return value; }
Every K and V is replaced by Object.
If a type variable has bounds, it is replaced with the first bound. Suppose we declare the Entry class as
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public class Entry<K extends Comparable<? super K> & Serializable,
V extends Serializable>
Then it is erased to a class
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public class Entry {
private Comparable key;
private Serializable value;
6.5.2 Cast Insertion
Erasure sounds somehow dangerous, but it is actually perfectly safe. Suppose for example, you used an Entry<String, Integer> object. When you construct the object, you must provide a key that is a String and a value that is an Integer or is converted to one. Otherwise, your program does not even compile. You are therefore guaranteed that the getKey method returns a String.
However, suppose your program compiled with “unchecked” warnings, perhaps because you used casts or mixed generic and raw Entry types. Then it is possible for an Entry<String, Integer> to have a key of a different type.
Therefore, it is also necessary to have safety checks at runtime. The compiler inserts a cast whenever one reads from an expression with erased type. Consider, for example,
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Entry<String, Integer> entry = ...;
String key = entry.getKey();
Since the erased getKey method returns an Object, the compiler generates code equivalent to
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String key = (String) entry.getKey();
6.5.3 Bridge Methods
In the preceding sections, you have seen the basics of what erasure does. It is simple and safe. Well, almost simple. When erasing method parameter and return types, it is sometimes necessary for the compiler to synthesize bridge methods. This is an implementation detail, and you don’t need to know about it unless you want to know why such a method shows up in a stack trace, or you want an explanation for one of the more obscure limitations on Java generics (see Section 6.6.6, “Methods May Not Clash after Erasure,” on p. 216).
Consider this example:
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public class WordList extends ArrayList<String> {
public void add(String e) {
return isBadWord(e) ? false : super.add(e);
Now consider this code fragment:
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WordList words = ...;
ArrayList<String> strings = words; // OK—conversion to superclass
The last method call invokes the (erased) add(Object) method of the ArrayList class.
One would reasonably expect dynamic method lookup to work in this case so that the add method of WordList, not the add method of ArrayList, is called when add is invoked on a WordList object.
To make this work, the compiler synthesizes a bridge method in the WordList class:
public void add(Object e) {
add((String) e);
In the call strings.add("C++"), the add(Object) method is called, and it calls the add(String) method of the WordList class.
Bridge methods can also be called when the return type varies. Consider this method:
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public class WordList extends ArrayList<String> {
public String get(int i) {
return super.get(i).toLowerCase();
In the WordList class, there are two get methods:
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String get(int) // Defined in WordList
Object get(int) // Overrides the method defined in ArrayList
The second method is synthesized by the compiler, and it calls the first. This is again done to make dynamic method lookup work.
These methods have the same parameter types but different return types. In the Java language, you cannot implement such a pair of methods. But in the virtual machine, a method is specified by its name, the parameter types, and the return type, which allows the compiler to generate this method pair.
Bridge methods are not only used for generic types. They are also used to implement covariant return types. For example, in Chapter 4, you saw how you should declare a clone method with the appropriate return type:
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public class Employee implements Cloneable {
public Employee clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { ... }
In this case, the Employee class has two clone methods:
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Employee clone() // Defined above
Object clone() // Synthesized bridge method
The bridge method, again generated to make dynamic method lookup work, calls the first method.
6.6 Restrictions on Generics
There are several restrictions when using generic types and methods in Java—some merely surprising and others genuinely inconvenient. Most of them are consequences of type erasure. The following sections show you those that you will most likely encounter in practice.
6.6.1 No Primitive Type Arguments
A type parameter can never be a primitive type. For example, you cannot form an ArrayList<int>. As you have seen, in the virtual machine there is only one type, the raw ArrayList that stores elements of type Object. An int is not an object.
When generics were first introduced, this was not considered a big deal. After all, one can form an ArrayList<Integer> and rely on autoboxing. Now that generics are more commonly used, however, the pain is increasing. There is a profusion of functional interfaces such as IntFunction, LongFunction, DoubleFunction, ToIntFunction, ToLongFunction, ToDoubleFunction—and that only takes care of unary functions and three of the eight primitive types.
6.6.2 At Runtime, All Types Are Raw
In the virtual machine, there are only raw types. For example, you cannot inquire at runtime whether an ArrayList contains String objects. A condition such as
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if (a instanceof ArrayList<String>)
is a compile-time error since no such check could ever be executed.
A cast to an instantiation of a generic type is equally ineffective, but it is legal.
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Object result = ...;
ArrayList<String> list = (ArrayList<String>) result;
// Warning—this only checks whether result is a raw ArrayList
Such a cast is allowed because there is sometimes no way to avoid it. If result is the outcome of a very general process (such as calling a method through reflection, see Chapter 4) and its exact type is not known to the compiler, the programmer must use a cast. A cast to ArrayList or ArrayList<?> would not suffice.
To make the warning go away, annotate the variable like this:
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<String> list
= (ArrayList<String>) result;
Abusing the @SuppressWarnings annotation can lead to heap pollution—objects that should belong to a particular generic type instantiation but actually belong to a different one. For example, you can assign an ArrayList<Employee> to an ArrayList<String> reference. The consequence is a ClassCastException when an element of the wrong type is retrieved.
The trouble with heap pollution is that the reported runtime error is far from the source of the problem—the insertion of a wrong element. If you need to debug such a problem, you can use a “checked view.” Where you constructed, say, an ArrayList<String>, instead use
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List<String> strings
= Collections.checkedList(new ArrayList<>(), String.class);
The view monitors all insertions into the list and throws an exception when an object of the wrong type is added.
The getClass method always returns a raw type. For example, if list is an ArrayList<String>, then list.getClass() returns ArrayList.class. In fact, there is no ArrayList<String>.class—such a class literal is a syntax error.
Also, you cannot have type variables in class literals. There is no T.class, T[].class, or ArrayList<T>.class.
6.6.3 You Cannot Instantiate Type Variables
You cannot use type variables in expressions such as new T(...) or new T[...]. These forms are outlawed because they would not do what the programmer intends when T is erased.
If you want to create a generic instance or array, you have to work harder. Suppose you want to provide a repeat method so that Arrays.repeat(n, obj) makes an array containing n copies of obj. Of course, you’d like the element type of the array to be the same as the type of obj. This attempt does not work:
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public static <T> T[] repeat(int n, T obj) {
T[] result = new T[n]; // Error—cannot construct an array new T[...]
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = obj;
return result;
To solve this problem, ask the caller to provide the array constructor as a method reference:
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String[] greetings = Arrays.repeat(10, "Hi", String[]::new);
Here is the implementation of the method:
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public static <T> T[] repeat(int n, T obj, IntFunction<T[]> constr) {
T[] result = constr.apply(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = obj;
return result;
Alternatively, you can ask the user to supply a class object, and use reflection.
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public static <T> T[] repeat(int n, T obj, Class<T> cl) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T[] result
= (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(cl, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = obj;
return result;
This method is called as follows:
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String[] greetings = Arrays.repeat(10, "Hi", String.class);
Another option is to ask the caller to allocate the array. Usually, the caller is allowed to supply an array of any length, even zero. If the supplied array is too short, the method makes a new one, using reflection.
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public static <T> T[] repeat(int n, T obj, T[] array) {
T[] result;
if (array.length >= n)
result = array;
else {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T[] newArray
= (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(
array.getClass().getComponentType(), n);
result = newArray;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = obj;
return result;
You can instantiate an ArrayList with a type variable. For example, the following is entirely legal:
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public static <T> ArrayList<T> repeat(int n, T obj) {
ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); // OK
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result.add(obj);
return result;
This is much simpler than the workarounds you just saw, and I recommend it whenever you don’t have a compelling reason for producing an array.
If a generic class needs a generic array that is a private part of the implementation, you can get away with just constructing an Object[] array. This is what the ArrayList class does:
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public class ArrayList<E> {
private Object[] elementData;
public E get(int index) {
return (E) elementData[index];
6.6.4 You Cannot Construct Arrays of Parameterized Types
Suppose you want to create an array of Entry objects:
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Entry<String, Integer>[] entries = new Entry<String, Integer>[100];
// Error—cannot construct an array with generic component type
This is a syntax error. The construction is outlawed because, after erasure, the array constructor would create a raw Entry array. It would then be possible to add Entry objects of any type (such as Entry<Employee, Manager>) without an ArrayStoreException.
Note that the type Entry<String, Integer>[] is perfectly legal. You can declare a variable of that type. If you really want to initialize it, you can, like this:
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Entry<String, Integer>[] entries
= (Entry<String, Integer>[]) new Entry<?, ?>[100];
But it is simpler to use an array list:
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ArrayList<Entry<String, Integer>> entries = new ArrayList<>(100);
Recall that a varargs parameter is an array in disguise. If such a parameter is generic, you can bypass the restriction against generic array creation. Consider this method:
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public static <T> ArrayList<T> asList(T... elements) {
ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (T e : elements) result.add(e);
return result;
Now consider this call:
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Entry<String, Integer> entry1 = ...;
Entry<String, Integer> entry2 = ...;
ArrayList<Entry<String, Integer>> entries = Lists.asList(entry1, entry2);
The inferred type for T is the generic type Entry<String, Integer>, and therefore elements is an array of type Entry<String, Integer>. That is just the kind of array creation that you cannot do yourself!
In this case, the compiler reports a warning, not an error. If your method only reads elements from the parameter array, it should use the @SafeVarargs annotation to suppress the warning:
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@SafeVarargs public static <T> ArrayList<T> asList(T... elements)
6.6.5 Class Type Variables Are Not Valid in Static Contexts
Consider a generic class with type variables, such as Entry<K, V>. You cannot use the type variables K and V with static variables or methods. For example, the following does not work:
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public class Entry<K, V> {
private static V defaultValue;
// Error—V in static context
public static void setDefault(V value) { defaultValue = value; }
// Error—V in static context
After all, type erasure means there is only one such variable or method in the erased Entry class, and not one for each K and V.
6.6.6 Methods May Not Clash after Erasure
You may not declare methods that would cause clashes after erasure. For example, the following would be an error:
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public interface Ordered<T> extends Comparable<T> {
public default boolean equals(T value) {
// Error—erasure clashes with Object.equals
return compareTo(value) == 0;
The equals(T value) method erases to equals(Object value), which clashes with the same method from Object.
Sometimes the cause for a clash is more subtle. Here is a nasty situation:
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public class Employee implements Comparable<Employee> {
public int compareTo(Employee other) {
return name.compareTo(;
public class Manager extends Employee implements Comparable<Manager> {
// Error—cannot have two instantiations of Comparable as supertypes
public int compareTo(Manager other) {
return, other.salary);
The class Manager extends Employee and therefore picks up the supertype Comparable<Employee>. Naturally, managers want to compare each other by salary, not by name. And why not? There is no erasure. Just two methods
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public int compareTo(Employee other)
public int compareTo(Manager other)
The problem is that the bridge methods clash. Recall from Section 6.5.3, “Bridge Methods,” on p. 210 that both of these methods yield a bridge method
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public int compareTo(Object other)
6.6.7 Exceptions and Generics
You cannot throw or catch objects of a generic class. In fact, you cannot even form a generic subclass of Throwable:
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public class Problem<T> extends Exception
// Error—a generic class can't be a subtype of Throwable
You cannot use a type variable in a catch clause:
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public static <T extends Throwable> void doWork(Runnable r, Class<T> cl) {
try {;
} catch (T ex) { // Error—can't catch type variable
Logger.getGlobal().log(..., ..., ex);
However, you can have a type variable in the throws declaration:
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public static <V, T> V doWork(Callable<V> c, T ex) throws T {
try {
} catch (Throwable realEx) {
throw ex;
You can use generics to remove the distinction between checked and unchecked exceptions. The key ingredient is this pair of methods:
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public class Exceptions {
private static <T extends Throwable>
void throwAs(Throwable e) throws T {
throw (T) e; // The cast is erased to (Throwable) e
public static <V> V doWork(Callable<V> c) {
try {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return null;
Now consider this method:
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public static String readAll(Path path) {
return doWork(() -> new String(Files.readAllBytes(path)));
Even though Files.readAllBytes throws a checked exception when the path is not found, that exception is neither declared nor caught in the readAll method!
6.7 Reflection and Generics
In the following sections, you will see what you can do with the generic classes in the reflection package and how you can find out the small amount of generic type information in the virtual machine that survives the erasure process.
6.7.1 The Class<T> Class
The Class class has a type parameter, namely the class that the Class object describes. Huh? Let’s do this slowly.
Consider the String class. In the virtual machine, there is a Class object for this class, which you can obtain as "Fred".getClass() or, more directly, as the class literal String.class. You can use that object to find out what methods the class has, or to construct an instance.
The type parameter helps with the latter. The newInstance method is declared as
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public Class<T> {
public T newInstance() throws ... { ... }
That is, it returns an object of type T. That’s why String.class has type Class<String>: Its newInstance method returns a String.
That information can save you a cast. Consider this method:
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public static <T> ArrayList<T> repeat(int n, Class<T> cl)
throws ReflectiveOperationException {
ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result.add(cl.newInstance());
return result;
The method compiles since cl.newInstance() returns a result of type T.
Suppose you call this method as repeat(10, Employee.class). Then T is inferred to be the type Employee since Employee.class has type Class<Employee>. Therefore, the return type is ArrayList<Employee>.
In addition to the newInstance method, there are several other methods of the Class class that use the type parameter. They are:
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Class<? super T> getSuperclass()
<U> Class<? extends U> asSubclass(Class<U> clazz)
T cast(Object obj)
Constructor<T> getConstructor(Class<?>... parameterTypes)
Constructor<T> getDeclaredConstructor(Class<?>... parameterTypes)
T[] getEnumConstants()
As you have seen in Chapter 4, there are many situations where you know nothing about the class that a Class object describes. Then, you can simply use the wildcard type Class<?>.
6.7.2 Generic Type Information in the Virtual Machine
Erasure only affects instantiated type parameters. Complete information about the declaration of generic classes and methods is available at runtime.
For example, suppose a call obj.getClass() yields ArrayList.class. You cannot tell whether obj was constructed as an ArrayList<String> or ArrayList<Employee>. But you can tell that the class ArrayList is a generic class with a type parameter E that has no bounds.
Similarly, consider the method
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static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list)
of the Collections class. As you saw in Chapter 4, you can get the corresponding Method object as
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Method m = Collections.class.getMethod("sort", List.class);
From this Method object, you can recover the entire method signature.
The interface Type in the java.lang.reflect package represents generic type declarations. The interface has the following subtypes:
1. The Class class, describing concrete types
2. The TypeVariable interface, describing type variables (such as T extends Comparable<? super T>)
3. The WildcardType interface, describing wildcards (such as ? super T)
4. The ParameterizedType interface, describing generic class or interface types (such as Comparable<? super T>)
5. The GenericArrayType interface, describing generic arrays (such as T[])
Note that the last four subtypes are interfaces—the virtual machine instantiates suitable classes that implement these interfaces.
Both classes and methods can have type variables. Technically speaking, constructors are not methods, and they are represented by a separate class in the reflection library. They too can be generic. To find out whether a Class, Method, or Constructor object comes from a generic declaration, call the getTypeParameters method. You get an array of TypeVariable instances, one for each type variable in the declaration, or an array of length 0 if the declaration was not generic.
The TypeVariable<D> interface is generic. The type parameter is Class<T>, Method, or Constructor<T>, depending on where the type variable was declared. For example, here is how you get the type variable of the ArrayList class:
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TypeVariable<Class<ArrayList>>[] vars = ArrayList.class.getTypeParameters();
String name = vars[0].getName(); // "E"
And here is the type variable of the Collections.sort method:
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Method m = Collections.class.getMethod("sort", List.class);
TypeVariable<Method>[] vars = m.getTypeParameters();
String name = vars[0].getName(); // "T"
The latter variable has a bound, which you can process like this:
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Type[] bounds = vars[0].getBounds();
if (bounds[0] instanceof ParameterizedType) { // Comparable<? super T>
ParameterizedType p = (ParameterizedType) bounds[0];
Type[] typeArguments = p.getActualTypeArguments();
if (typeArguments[0] instanceof WildcardType) { // ? super T
WildcardType t = (WildCardType) typeArguments[0];
Type[] upper = t.getUpperBounds(); // ? extends ... & ...
Type[] lower = t.getLowerBounds(); // ? super ... & ...
if (lower.length > 0) {
String description = lower[0].getTypeName(); // "T"
This gives you a flavor of how you can analyze generic declarations. I won’t dwell on the details since this is not something that commonly comes up in practice. The key point is that the declarations of generic classes and methods are not erased and you have access to them through reflection.
1. Implement a class Stack<E> that manages an array list of elements of type E. Provide methods push, pop, and isEmpty.
2. Reimplement the Stack<E> class, using an array to hold the elements. If necessary, grow the array in the push method. Provide two solutions, one with an E[] array and one with an Object[] array. Both solutions should compile without warnings. Which do you prefer, and why?
3. Implement a class Table<K, V> that manages an array list of Entry<K, V> elements. Supply methods to get the value associated with a key, to put a value for a key, and to remove a key.
4. In the previous exercise, make Entry into a nested class. Should that class be generic?
5. Consider this variant of the swap method where the array can be supplied with varargs:
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public static <T> T[] swap(int i, int j, T... values) {
T temp = values[i];
values[i] = values[j];
values[j] = temp;
return values;
Now have a look at the call
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Double[] result = Arrays.swap(0, 1, 1.5, 2, 3);
What error message do you get? Now call
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Double[] result = Arrays.<Double>swap(0, 1, 1.5, 2, 3);
Has the error message improved? What do you do to fix the problem?
6. Implement a generic method that appends all elements from one array list to another. Use a wildcard for one of the type arguments. Provide two equivalent solutions, one with a ? extends E wildcard and one with ? super E.
7. Implement a class Pair<E> that stores a pair of elements of type E. Provide accessors to get the first and second element.
8. Modify the class of the preceding exercise by adding methods max and min, getting the larger or smaller of the two elements. Supply an appropriate type bound for E.
9. In a utility class Arrays, supply a method
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public static <E> Pair<E> firstLast(ArrayList<___> a)
that returns a pair consisting of the first and last element of a. Supply an appropriate type argument.
10. Provide generic methods min and max in an Arrays utility class that yield the smallest and largest element in an array.
11. Continue the preceding exercise and provide a method minMax that yields a Pair with the minimum and maximum.
12. Implement the following method that stores the smallest and largest element in elements in the result list:
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public static <T> void minmax(List<T> elements,
Comparator<? super T> comp, List<? super T> result)
Note the wildcard in the last parameter—any supertype of T will do to hold the result.
13. Given the method from the preceding exercise, consider this method:
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public static <T> void maxmin(List<T> elements,
Comparator<? super T> comp, List<? super T> result) {
minmax(elements, comp, result);
Lists.swapHelper(result, 0, 1);
Why would this method not compile without wildcard capture? Hint: Try to supply an explicit type Lists.<___>swapHelper(result, 0, 1).
14. Implement an improved version of the closeAll method in Section 6.3, “Type Bounds,” on p. 202. Close all elements even if some of them throw an exception. In that case, throw an exception afterwards. If two or more calls throw an exception, chain them together.
15. Implement a method map that receives an array list and a Function<T, R> object (see Chapter 3), and that returns an array list consisting of the results of applying the function to the given elements.
16. What is the erasure of the following methods in the Collection class?
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public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
void sort(List<T> list)
public static <T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>>
T max(Collection<? extends T> coll)
17. Define a class Employee that implements Comparable<Employee>. Using the javap utility, demonstrate that a bridge method has been synthesized. What does it do?
18. Consider the method
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public static <T> T[] repeat(int n, T obj, IntFunction<T[]> constr)
in Section 6.6.3, “You Cannot Instantiate Type Variables,” on p. 213. The call Arrays.repeat(10, 42, int[]::new) will fail. Why? How can you fix that? What do you need to do for the other primitive types?
19. Consider the method
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public static <T> ArrayList<T> repeat(int n, T obj)
in Section 6.6.3, “You Cannot Instantiate Type Variables,” on p. 213. This method had no trouble constructing an ArrayList<T> which contains an array of T values. Can you produce a T[] array from that array list without using a Class value or a constructor reference? If not, why not?
20. Implement the method
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@SafeVarargs public static final <T> T[] repeat(int n, T... objs)
Return an array with n copies of the given objects. Note that no Class value or constructor reference is required since you can reflectively increase objs.
21. Using the @SafeVarargs annotation, write a method that can construct arrays of generic types. For example,
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List<String>[] result = Arrays.<List<String>>construct(10);
// Sets result to a List<String>[] of size 10
22. Improve the method public static <V, T> V doWork(Callable<V> c, T ex) throws T of Section 6.6.7, “Exceptions and Generics,” on p. 217 so that one doesn’t have to pass an exception object, which may never get used. Instead, accept a constructor reference for the exception class.
23. In the cautionary note at the end of Section 6.6.7, “Exceptions and Generics,” on p. 217, the throwAs helper method is used to “cast” ex into a RuntimeException and rethrow it. Why can’t you use a regular cast, i.e. throw (RuntimeException) ex?
24. Which methods can you call on a variable of type Class<?> without using casts?
25. Write a method public static String genericDeclaration(Method m) that returns the declaration of the method m listing the type parameters with their bounds and the types of the method parameters, including their type arguments if they are generic types.