How To Use Essential Oils - The Complete Guide To Essential Oils: Complete Guide To Essential Oils & Aromatherapy For Weight Loss (2016)

The Complete Guide To Essential Oils: Complete Guide To Essential Oils & Aromatherapy For Weight Loss (2016)

Chapter 2. How To Use Essential Oils

Now that you are aware of the benefits of aromatherapy, it is time we take you through the methods of its application. Learning how to use essential oils is extremely crucial as the technique can have its own risks and side effects. That being said, usage of essential oils is not a difficult task. It just requires care, precaution and adequate knowledge of each application method and the oils which can be used.

Thus we have created a small guide for you which will help you master the art of aromatherapy and incorporate it in your daily lives. Like we said earlier, being a beginner in this technique is completely acceptable. You just have to follow all the guidelines mentioned in this book so you could overpower your worries and live your life in the way you want.

Generally, there are three ways in which you can use these essential oils: aromatically, topically and internally. Each method depends on the problem you have and the oils you use. Some methods can be used for all diseases whereas there are a few methods which are only applicable for certain issues. Thus you must go through each method described below to analyze the method which will work best for you.


You must have often felt bad after smelling an odor, or felt better after smell of rain maybe. This is because aroma has a power to affect our moods, lift our energies or bring us down. In the same way, aroma from the essential oils is powerful enough to affect our brains, release good chemicals and make us feel motivated and determined. This happens when the scent is taken from the nose to the parts of the brain which deal with emotions and feelings. There the aroma interacts with the brain and releases certain hormones from the master gland which then improves our physical and mental well-being.

The interaction of aroma with the brain also improves our blood pressure and heart beat. Apart from the interaction with the brain, the aroma will reach your lungs and treat other physical diseases. Thus, the aroma of essential oils is a powerful tool to remove our anxieties and worries, especially those related to our weight.

Not every aroma will have the same effect however. The aroma of essential oils is different from all other smells because it contains the benefits of the plants the oil is extracted from. Hence the aroma will give you the same benefit as the application of oil itself. There are further ways in which you can inhale the aroma and experience its benefits, the first one being direct inhalation.

Direct Inhalation

To use the essential oils aromatically, one way is to inhale the aroma of the oil directly. This method involves adding a few drops of essential oil on your hands and inhaling the scent arousing from the drops. You may also bring your nose near the end of the bottle of the oil and inhale the aroma directly. Make sure you do not open and close your bottle again and again as exposure to air can cause the oil to deteriorate. You must also be careful with the oils you are using in this method. Some oils, such as Oregano and Cinnamon, are not appropriate for direct inhalation as they must be diluted first. Thus whenever you plan on inhaling the aroma of an essential oil directly, make sure you research whether you can use the oil in concentrated form or not. Regardless of the precautions, however, the method is helpful if you want quick relief from emotional distress or respiratory issues.


This is a popular technique of inhaling the aroma of essential oils. It involves placing the oils in an electric diffuser which then diffuses the oil in the air so you could inhale the aroma. This is a safe practice as it prevents oxidation of the oil after it interacts with the air.

You will have to ensure that your diffuser is of high quality which allows the process of diffusion to be conducted smoothly. This means that your oil should not get destroyed due to heat and it should remain in the air for a long time. Like in direct inhalation, make sure you know if your oil can be used directly in the diffuser or should it be diluted or blended with some other oil before use.

If you are worried about the cost of a diffuser, you must drop all your concerns as these diffusers are easily available in the market at a low cost. You may also find different types of diffusers such as mist diffusers, heat diffusers or passive diffusers. Pay a trip to the market and choose the one which perfectly fits your needs, requirements and budgets.

Inhalation via cotton balls or handkerchief

Another way to inhale the aroma of your favorite essential oils is to place 2-4 drops of the oil on a cotton ball or a handkerchief and inhale the scent by keeping the cloth or ball close to your nose. You may also use any other fabric for this purpose.

Steam inhalation

You might have gone through the process of inhaling the steam to open your blocked nose or your pores for certain facials. What if you add aromatic oil in the steam and then inhale the scent? This method will definitely boost your brain activity and will give you an instant calming effect. You will also note that your respiratory issues will get resolved through this inhalation method. To inhale the aroma this way, add a few (generally five) drops of your essential oil to steaming water and then inhale the steam by dropping a towel over your head. Relax and breathe in slowly for a few minutes to get healed.

Although the method of inhaling the aroma may seem like the easiest way to use the essential oils, it has its own pros and cons. This method, although seemingly harmless, can result in headaches, body pains and other serious issues if the aroma is inhaled excessively. Also, your body may sometimes respond negatively to the aromas of some oils. Hence make sure you research about the oils very well and inhale a small and dilute proportion of the oil to see if your body is fine with it.

Let us now look at another popular way to use the essential oils.


Using the oils topically refers to external usage of the oil where you can massage the oil or apply it directly on your skin. Do not fall into a misconception that this is method is fairly easy and that you can apply any oil in any quantity to your skin. Like we mentioned in the beginning of the book, aromatherapy is a controlled procedure where you must take care of the quantity and type of the oil you are using. Hence always make sure that you follow the guidelines mentioned in each technique before applying the oils topically.


You cannot deny the relaxing effects of a massage. It always feels good when you get a massage done from an outside source, especially after a tiring day at work. Hence you can imagine the benefits you will get if the massage is done with an essential oil which is known to provide even more calming effects. Thus the next time you decide to have a body massage, try doing it with an appropriate essential oil to get enormous physiological and psychological gains.

For the massage, you will often have to blend the oil with carrier oil, which is usually a normal oil like almond oil or shea butter oil. Generally you will add around 15 drops of your oil in 30ml of carrier oil. The best part about this massage is that you do not need the services of a professional to gain therapeutic benefits. You can either do the massage yourself, or ask a loved one to do the massage on your body.

While the method will always calm you down and help you relax, you must make sure that the oil is suitable for your skin. Use a dilute oil to be on the safe side and always test the oil on a small patch of your skin. If you experience irritation, redness or pain, abandon the oil completely.


Another good way to use the essential oil is to add a few drops of your essential oil in warm water, and then soak a cloth into it and compress it on your body parts. You may apply the wet cloth on the areas which need the most relief. To get rid of headaches, for example, apply the cloth on your forehead or on your stomach if you want to get rid of menstrual pains.

Aromatic Baths

What else can be more relaxing then sinking into a bath full of your favorite aroma after a busy day at work? This technique, without a doubt, will fill you up with a positive energy to continue your workouts even after getting tired day at the office. Your fatigue will go away and you will instantly feel refreshed and full of life.

To gain these amazing benefits, blend a few drops of your essential oil in carrier oil and add in your bath tub before submerging yourself in it. Here again, make sure you test whether the mixture is suitable for your skin or not.

While inhalation works through the aromas, topical application works by absorption of the oils through the skin. Our skins allow the oil molecules to penetrate inside our bodies and reach the organs through the blood vessels. It is then that the oil molecules interact with the organs and resolve your issues. This technique, however, requires a lot of care and prior research as each oil has its own risks and problems. Some oils, for example, can be dangerous under the sun and you must avoid going out after your therapy with those oils. Similarly, some oils may be effective on your friend while they may not work out for you at all. Hence you must always know about the possible hazards of the oil you are using and the type of skin you have.


Internal usage of essential oils refers to ingesting the oils directly. Since essential oils can sometimes be very potent, this method is not recommended unless you have a professional with you. Ingestion requires high expertise and knowledge of aromatherapy and hence you must avoid doing it at home unless you have consulted a specialist.

As a precautionary measure, ingest dilute oils and in small quantities as high quantity of essential oils can often damage your body instead of giving relief. You must also make sure that your oil is effective for the disease you are using it for as not all oils will work for your headache or for your depression. The purpose of mentioning these precautions is not to scare you though. The method is still an easy one if only you consult your therapist before doing it at home.

Thus you see, there are many ways in which you can use your essential oils. Each method has their own risks and precautions but they never run out of benefits for your body. Each method will benefit your mental, physical and spiritual health in a different way and will help you overcome your pains and diseases within a short span. At this point, do not haste and start using the oils without any further research. In order to know the most effective blends for your problems, read till the end of the book where we will let you know some amazing and effective recipes for aromatherapy.