The Mediterranean Diet: A Healthy Alternative - The 14 Day Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: The Complete Mediterranean Diet For Beginners (2016)

The 14 Day Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: The Complete Mediterranean Diet For Beginners (2016)

Chapter 1. The Mediterranean Diet: A Healthy Alternative

Studies have demonstrated that the people living in the Mediterranean area have one of the highest living expectancies. This is clearly related to their diet, considered to be a healthy alternative to the modern western diet. There are numerous health benefits that come with choosing the Mediterranean diet, starting with the fact that both the risks of cancer and heart disease are going to be reduced. Moreover, by switching to this diet, one is protected against the appearance of neurodegenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease.

The Mediterranean diet pyramid has physical activity and cooking with other people at its basis. Fresh fruits and vegetables are part of every meal, as well as olive oil and whole grains. Fish and other seafood are recommended to be eaten at least twice per week, while dairy products and wine should be consumed in moderate quantities. Red meat and sweets are at the top of pyramid, which means that they should be consumed less often.

In the situation that you have decided to try out this diet, you will have to get accustomed to fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts representing your basic foods. Butter should be replaced with the healthier olive oil, while herbs and spices are going to be used to add flavor to the prepared meals (as opposed to salt). Bread is an integrate part of the Mediterranean diet but only the one that is made from whole grains. Often times, it is eaten dipped in olive oil, being just taken out of the oven.

Different nuts are consumed as part of the Mediterranean diet, as they contain healthy fats. However, these are recommended to be eaten in moderation. As you will have the opportunity to see for yourself, the purpose is not to eliminate fats altogether but rather to integrate the ones that are healthier in the diet. For example, you will not see foods that contain saturated or trans fats in this diet.

Olive oil remains the primary source of healthy monosaturated fats, having a positive effect on the overall health. The regular consumption of olive oil has been shown to reduce the levels of bad LDL cholesterol; moreover, the extra-virgin olive oil, which is the least processed, contains a high quantity of healthy antioxidants (cancer protection).

Canola oil is also consumed as part of this diet, as it contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids, such as the linolenic acid (also found in nuts). By consuming such types of oil, you will enjoy a lower level of triglycerides, plus reduce the risk of blood clots. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to protect against heart disease, they make the blood vessels stronger and they keep the blood pressure under control. These healthy acids are also found in certain types of fish, often eaten as part of the Mediterranean diet (trout, sardines, mackerel, herring, salmon, tune etc.).

Dairy products, such as eggs, cheese or yoghurt, are part of the healthy Mediterranean diet. However, just as with poultry, it is recommended that they are consumed in moderate portions. As for red meat and sweets, these, as it was said, are the top of the pyramid, which means that they should be consumed the least often.

When it comes to the beverages that are part of the Mediterranean diet, the moderate consumption of wine (red wine in particular) is encouraged, as it has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. For women, the recommended daily amount is of one glass, while gentlemen can enjoy two glasses per day. Water is a basic beverage of this diet and it is recommended to be consumed throughout the entire day.

It is important to understand that the Mediterranean diet is not only about the food but rather about a change in the way you see life. Food is to be enjoyed and prepared together with the loved ones, as this constant interaction ensures a longer and healthier life. Moreover, physical activity matters just as much as keeping a healthy diet and you should always look for opportunities to be more active.

If you have always wanted to lose weight, you should consider trying out this particular diet. Not only it will help you lose weight but it will also guarantee the desired weight management. This diet can help you fight various chronic disease and reduce the risk of asthma attacks. It protects you against serious conditions, such as diabetes or depression. Plus, it will guarantee that you give birth to a healthier and stronger baby.

The Mediterranean diet is not complicated and quite enjoyable. Just imagine the fresh taste and delicious flavor of the veggies and fruits that you are going to consume on a regular basis. It will definitely force you to change the way you think about meat, as it encourages it to be consumed in smaller amounts. On the other hand, it will stimulate your appetite for seafood, such as mussels, oysters or clams, especially when you will find out that they deliver health benefits for both the heart and the brain.

There are simple steps that you can take in order to get accustomed to this new diet. For example, you can start cooking a complete vegetarian meal, once or twice per week. You have a wide range of vegetables to choose from, not to mention beans and whole grains. Plus, the Mediterranean meals are quite flavorful, due to the wide range of herbs and spices that can be used.

Switching to whole grains is also recommended, as these have many health benefits to offer. They contain a lot of nutrients, plus they are rich in fiber, which means that they ensure a sensation of satiety for a prolonged period of time. Among the recommended whole grains, you will find different types of rice, bulgur, faro and barley. Plus, the wholegrain flour can be used for the making of various dishes, ensuring the same health benefits.

When it comes to dessert, this might take some getting used to but, on the long run, it will do you good. Leave the sweets for special occasions and consume fresh fruit for dessert. There are many delicious fruits to choose from, such as figs, pomegranates, apples or grapes, delivering healthy vitamins and nutrients.