Introduction - Lesson 20 - Ketogenic Diet Challenge: Lose Weight Now! Awesome Ketogenic Diet Recipes To Transform Your Life With Maximum Fat Loss And Healthy Living (2016)

Ketogenic Diet Challenge: Lose Weight Now! Awesome Ketogenic Diet Recipes To Transform Your Life With Maximum Fat Loss And Healthy Living (2016)


If you are looking for ways to lose weight by reducing fat, you have probably heard of the Ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a low carb diet, with a high amount of proteins and a lot of fats. This diet is so effective because it forces your body to burn fats for energy, instead of glucose from carbs. This is a must try diet that I guarantee will help you achieve your goals and make you feel amazing in doing so.

The way the Ketogenic diet works is that it forces the body to convert fat into energy instead of using carbs for energy. This provides your organs with energy to function, and is also very good for their health.

It has been a concern of many people that if your body burns too much fat for energy production, being on a low carb diet will result in inadequate glucose levels. This is actually false and has been proven in numerous studies with people on low carb diets. It is important to understand that even though your body converts glucose to fat, the opposite is not true. Your body however, can use the protein you consume and covert some of it into glucose, and glucose is needed by your body.

One of the major benefits of the ketogenic diet is that it gives you a full feeling for much longer, and this is one of the biggest reasons people avoid different diets. In addition, being on the ketogenic diet results in a low consumption of carbohydrates, which results in greater weight loss. This is because low carb diets help eliminate excess water from your body, which increases the speed your kidney’s get rid of sodium.

You may be thinking, how can a high amount of fat be good for you? Many people are unaware that there are two different kinds of fats. There are “bad” fats, which have the tendency to attach to the abdominal organs, and this is some of the hardest fat to lose. Low carb diets help to reduce these fats, and this is important because these fats can cause inflammation, and increase insulin resistance, which will result in long term health issues. Not all fats are bad however. There are plenty of high quality fats that actually are essential in energy production, and these fats can be found in butter, and olive oil.

In addition to helping reduce weight, these diets help to reduce your chance of heart disease by lowering triglycerides levels. This can be caused by eating too many carbohydrates, which are commonly found in our food.

We will now begin our journey through the ketogenic diet and I have complete confidence that if you start this, you will receive tremendous health benefits and feel much better about yourself as well. Let’s get started.

Don’t forget to check out one of my favourite diets at the bottom:

Learn the strategies I used to lose stubborn unwanted fat quickly with the 3 week diet.

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