Symbols - Speaking JavaScript (2014)

Speaking JavaScript (2014)


! (exclamation mark)

!= (inequality) operator, Equality Operators, Equality Operators: === Versus ==, Lenient inequality (!=)

!== (strict inequality) operator, Equality Operators, Equality Operators: === Versus ==, Strict inequality (!==), Commonly Accepted Best Practices

checking for NaN, Pitfall: checking whether a value is NaN

logical NOT operator, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Logical Not (!)

" " (quotation marks, double)

best practice in JavaScript, Commonly Accepted Best Practices

for string literals, Strings, String Literals

$ (dollar sign)

in a replacement string, Test, Match, and Replace with Regular Expressions

% (percent sign)

%= compound assignment operator, Compound Assignment Operators

remainder operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Arithmetic Operators

& (ampersand)

& (bitwise AND) operator, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Binary Bitwise Operators

&& (logical AND) operator, Binary Logical Operators, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Binary Logical Operators: And (&&) and Or (||), Logical And (&&)

&= (bitwise AND and assignment) operator, Compound Assignment Operators

' ' (quotation marks, single)

best practice in JavaScript, Commonly Accepted Best Practices

for string literals, Strings, String Literals

* (asterisk)

*= compound assignment operator, Compound Assignment Operators

multiplication operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators

+ (plus sign)

++ (increment) operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Increment operator

+= compound assignment operator, Compound Assignment Operators

+= operator, concatenating strings, String Operators

addition operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators

string concatenation operator, String Operators, Escaping in String Literals, Concatenation: The Plus (+) Operator

performance of, Concatenation: Joining an Array of String Fragments

, (comma) operator, The Comma Operator

- (minus sign)

-- (decrement operator), Increment operator

-- (decrement) operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators

-= compound assignment operator, Compound Assignment Operators

negation operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators

subtraction operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators

. (comma), trailing commas in object literals and array literals, Syntactic Changes

. (dot operator), Values

calling methods with, Calling methods

using to access properties, Values, Dot Operator (.): Accessing Properties via Fixed Keys

working with objects, Cheat Sheet: Working with Objects

/ (slash)

/* and */ delimiting multiline comments, Comments

// delimiting single-line comments, Comments

/= compound assignment operator, Compound Assignment Operators

division operator, Operators, Arithmetic Operators

0 (zero), positive and negative, Two ZerosDistinguishing the two zeros

1TBS (One True Brace Style), 1TBS (One True Brace Style)

32-bit integers, Integers in JavaScript

signed, Signed 32-bit integers

via bitwise operators, 32-bit Integers via Bitwise Operators

64-bit precision, JavaScript numbers, The Internal Representation of Numbers

; (semicolon)

always using, best practice, Commonly Accepted Best Practices

in JavaScript code, Semicolons, Rules for Using SemicolonsPitfall: ASI might unexpectedly not be triggered

terminating semicolon for IIFEs, Introducing a New Scope via an IIFE

< (less than)

< (less than) operator, Ordering Operators, Comparing Strings

<< (bitwise left shift) operator, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Shift operators, Bitwise Shift Operators

<<= (bitwise left shift and assignment operator), Compound Assignment Operators

<= (less than or equal to) operator, Ordering Operators, Comparing Strings

= (equals sign)

== (equality) operator, Equality Operators, Equality Operators: === Versus ==, Normal (Lenient) Equality (==, !=)

no valid use cases for, There Are No Valid Use Cases for ==

pitfalls of, Pitfall: lenient equality is different from conversion to boolean

=== (strict equality) operator, Equality Operators, Equality Operators: === Versus ==, Searching for Values (Nondestructive), Commonly Accepted Best Practices

checking for undefined or null values, Checking for null

checking if value is NaN, Pitfall: checking whether a value is NaN

object vs. primitive value comparisons, Primitive Values Versus Objects

assignment (=) versus equality comparison (===), An Overview of the Syntax, An Overview of the Syntax

assignment operator, Assignment Operators

setting object properties, Setting properties

> (greater than)

> (greater than) operator, Ordering Operators, Comparing Strings

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, Ordering Operators, Comparing Strings

>> (bitwise right shift) operator, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Shift operators, Bitwise Shift Operators

>>= (bitwise right shift and assignment operator), Compound Assignment Operators

>>> (bitwise right shift with zero fill) operator, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Shift operators, Bitwise Shift Operators

>>>= (bitwise right shift with zero fill and assignment operator), Compound Assignment Operators

? (question mark)

? : (conditional) operator, Conditional statement versus conditional expressions, The Conditional Operator ( ? : ), Comparing Numbers

enclosing in parentheses, Syntax

nesting, Conditional operator

[ ] (square brackets)

accessing array elements, Converting arguments to an Array

accessing characters in strings, Character Access

accessing single character in strings, Strings

bracket operator, Unusual Property Keys, Bracket Operator ([]): Accessing Properties via Computed Keys, Cheat Sheet: Working with Objects

computing a property key, Arbitrary Property Keys

creating arrays and accessing array elements, Array Literals

getting and setting a property, Arbitrary Property Keys

\ (backslash)

beginning character escape sequences, Escaping in String Literals

escaping characters in strings, Strings, Escaping in String Literals

{ } (curly braces)

enclosing blocks, Control Flow Statements and Blocks

in conditional and control flow statements, Conditionals

styles for, Brace Styles

using to prevent dangling else in if statements, Pitfall: dangling else

| (vertical bar)

bitwise OR operator, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Binary Bitwise Operators

converting numbers to integers, Bitwise Or (|)

|= (bitwise OR and assignment) operator, Compound Assignment Operators

|| (logical OR) operator, Binary Logical Operators, Operators for Booleans and Numbers, Binary Logical Operators: And (&&) and Or (||), Logical Or (||), Optional Parameters

pattern, providing a default value, Pattern: providing a default value, Default values

~ (tilde)

bitwise NOT operator, Bitwise Not Operator

“single-line comments”), An Overview of the Syntax

‸ (bitwise XOR) operator, Operators for Booleans and Numbers