Inheritance, Ontologies, and Semantic Types - JavaScript Spessore: A thick shot of objects, metaobjects, & protocols (2014)

JavaScript Spessore: A thick shot of objects, metaobjects, & protocols (2014)

Inheritance, Ontologies, and Semantic Types


Class Hierarchies

In theory, JavaScript does not have classes. It has “prototypes,” and it is always entertaining to lurk in a programming forum and watch peopel debate the exact definition of the word “class” in computer science, and then debate whether JavaScript has them. We’ve been careful to use the word “metaobject” in this book, mostly because “metaobject” isn’t encumbered with baggage such as the instanceof keyword or specific rules about inheritance and creation of instances.

In practice, the following snippet of code is widely considered to be an example of a “class” in JavaScript:

function Account () {

this._currentBalance = 0;


Account.prototype.balance = function () {

return this._currentBalance;


Account.prototype.deposit = function (howMuch) {

this._currentBalance = this._currentBalance + howMuch;

return this;


// ...

var account = new Account();

The pattern can be extended to provide the notion of subclassing:

function ChequingAccount () {;


ChequingAccount.prototype = Object.create(Account.prototype);

ChequingAccount.prototype.sufficientFunds = function (cheque) {

return this._currentBalance >= cheque.amount();


ChequingAccount.prototype.process = function (cheque) {

this._currentBalance = this._currentBalance - cheque.amount();

return this;


We’ve been calling this pattern “Delegating to Prototypes,” but let’s call them classes and subclasses so that we can align our investiagtion with popular literature. These “classes and subclasses” provide most of the features of classes we find in languages like Smalltalk:

· Classes are responsible for creating objects and initializing them with properties (like the current balance);

· Classes are responsible for and “own” methods, Objects delegate method handling to their classes (and superclasses);

· Methods directly manipulate an object’s properties.

Smalltalk was, of course, invented forty years ago. In those forty years, we’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in object-oriented programming. Unfortunately, this pattern celebrates the things that don’t work, and glosses over or omits the things that work.

the semantic problem with hierarchies

At a semantic level, classes are the building blocks of an ontology. This is often formalized in a diagram:

An ontology of accounts

An ontology of accounts

The idea behind class-based OO is to classify (note the word) our knowledge about objects into a tree. At the top is the most general knowledge about all objects, and as we travel down the tree, we get more and more specific knowledge about specific classes of objects, e.g. objects representing Visa Debit accounts.

Only, the real world doesn’t work that way. It really doesn’t work that way. In morphology, for example, we have penguins, birds that swim. And the bat, a mammal that flies. And monotremes like the platypus, an animal that lays eggs but nurses its young with milk.

It turns out that our knowledge of the behaviour of non-trivial domains (like morphology or banking) does not classify into a nice tree, it forms a directed acyclic graph. Or if we are to stay in the metaphor, it’s a thicket.

Furthermore, the idea of building software on top of a tree-shaped ontology would be suspect even if our knowledge fit neatly into a tree. Ontologies are not used to build the real world, they are used to describe it from observation. As we learn more, we are constantly updating our ontology, sometimes moving everything around.

In software, this is incredibly destructive: Moving everything around breaks everything. In the real world, the humble Platypus does not care if we rearrange the ontology, because we didn’t use the ontology to build Australia, just to describe what we found there. If we started by thinking that Platypus must be a flightless Avian, then later decide that it is a monotreme, we aren’t distrurbing any platypi at all with our rearranging the ontology. Whereas with classes and subclasses, if we rearrange our hierarchy, we are going to have to break and then mend our existing code.

It’s sensible to build an ontology from observation of things like bank accounts. That kind of ontology is useful for writing requirements, use cases, tests, and so on. But that doesn’t mean that it’s useful for writing the code that implements bank accounts.

Class Hierarchies are often the wrong semantic model, and the wisdom of forty years of experience with them is that there are better ways to compose programs.

how does encapsulation help?

As we’ve discussed repeatedly, naïve classes suffer from open recursion. An enrmous amount of coupling takes place between classes in a class hierarchy when each class has full access to an object’s properties through the this keyword. In Encapsulation for MetaObjects, we looked at one possible way to isolate classes from each other, reducing the amount of coupling.

If coupling is dramatically reduced throgh the use of techniques like encapsulation, we can look at a class hierarchy strictly as an excercise in getting the semantics correct.

Getting the Semantics Right

Let’s talk about modelling students at a university. Here are a few things we might need to model:

· Students pursue a degree program such as “Pre-Med,” “Law,” “Pharmacy,” or “Nursing.”

· Students attend on a part-time or full-time schedule.

Should there be a Student class? Certainly. What about subclassing Student with PreMedStudent, LawStudent, PharamcyStudent, and NursingStudent? We use thes eterms in everyday speech, and there are certain behaviours we expect to differ between them. Furthermore, we can expect that we do not have a “many-to-many” relationship between students and programs.

And yet, we could also set up the program as a “has-a” relationship. Maybe each Student has a program property, and delegates behaviour to its program.

Likewise… PartTime and FullTime are disjoint, a student is one or the other but not both. So we could have a PartTimeStudent and a FullTimeStudent. But what if we decide that we also want to have PreMedStudent, LawStudent, PharamcyStudent, and NursingStudent? Are we supposed to set up a two-level hierarchy, with classes like PartTimeNursingStudent and a FullTimeNursingStudent both delegating to NursingStudent, and NursingStudent delegating to Student?

And why not the other way around, e.g. PharmacyPartTimeStudent and NursingPartTimeStudent both delegating to PartTimeStudent that in turn delegates to Student? or likewise, why not make schedule a property, and delegate behaviour to it so that each Student has-a Schedule?

This a strong hint that the program and schedule behaviours should not be placed in a hierarchy with each other: They seem to be peers. They could be implemented by composing metaobjects into prototypes or with delegation to properties.

Now let’s consider this entirely made-up case, salespeople in a company:

· There are inside and outside salespeople.

· Inside salespeople work on Major Accounts or Small/Medium Business (“SMB”)

· Outside salespeople sell to all customers.

· Inside salespeople sell the full range of products.

· Outside salespeople sell electronic components, computer peripherals, or test equipment.

Now there is a natural hierarchy:

· Salesperson

o InsideSalesperson

§ MajorAccountsInsideSalesperson

§ SmallMediumBusinessInsideSalesperson

o OutsideSalesperson

§ ElectronicComponentsOutsideSalesperson

§ ComputerPeripheralsOutsideSalesperson

§ TestEquipmentOutsideSalesperson

This follows from the fact that the variations on an inside salesperson are disjoint from the variations on an outside salesperson. Does this mean that we must organize prototypes into a “class hierarchy?” Not necessarily. There are two major factors affecting our choice:

First, ease of rearrangement vs. likelihood of needing to rearrange: Even with encapsulation, class hierarchies are inflexible relative to composing metaobjects or delegating to properties. That can be a good thing, in that it acts as a road-bump against someone accidentally implementing aMajorAccountsOutsideSalesperson, and it does make our understanding of the constraints of the domain very discoverable in the code.

Second, invariance of class over the lifetime of an entity. Do salespeople move between inside and out? From SMB to Major Accounts? Changing classes is relatively rare in OOP style. In the current release of JavaScript, changing an object’s prototype is unevenly supported, unexpected by programmers, and incurs a heavy performance penalty. It’s usually easier to make a new entity with a new prototype chain that is otherwise a copy of the old entity, or to model something we expect to change as a state machine: If people tend to remain as inside or outside salespeople, but change between Major Accounts and SMB more often, we could model the accountType as a property and delegate or forward behaviour to it.

Ultimately, class hierarchies do make semantic sense for some portions of the behaviour we need to model, but we need to consider the semantics carefully and not try to force everything to fit into a hierarchy. Those things that naturally fit can benefit from being modelled as classes, those that do not should be modelled in another way.

Circling back to our fundamental idea, this is why it is important to (a) Have multiple ways to model behaviour with metaobjects, and (b) design our metaobject protocols (encapsulate, composition, delegation, and so forth) to be compatible with each other. The flexibility of mixing and matching state machines, delegation to properties, composing mixins, and prototype chains permits us to design software that is simpler to read, write, and refactor as needed.

Structural vs. Semantic Typing

A long-cherished principle of dynamic languages is that programs employ “Duck” or “Structural” typing. So if we write:

function deposit (account, instrument) {

account.dollars += instrument.dollars;

account.cents += instrument.cents;

account.dollars += Math.floor(account.cents / 100);

account.cents = account.cents % 100;

return account;


This works for things that look like cheques, and for things that look like money orders:30

cheque = {

dollars: 100,

cents: 0,

number: 6


deposit(currentAccount, cheque);

moneyOrder = {

dollars: 100,

cents: 0,

fee: 1.50


deposit(currentAccount, moneyOrder);

The general idea here is that as long as we pass deposit an instrument that has dollars and cents properties, the function will work. We can think about hasDollarsAndCents as a “type,” and we can say that programming in a dynamic language like JavaScript is programming in a world where there is a many-many relationship between types and entities.

Every single entity that has dollars and cents has the imaginary type hasDollarsAndCents, and every single function that takes a parameter and uses only its dollars and cents properties is a function that requires a parameter of type hasDollarsAndCents.

There is no checking of this in advance, like some other languages, but there also isn’t any explicit declaration of these types. They exist logically in the running system, but not manifestly in the code we write.

This maximizes flexibility, in that it encourages the creation of small, independent pieces work seamlessly together. It also makes it easy to refactor to small, independent pieces. The code above could easily be changed to something like this:

cheque = {

amount: {

dollars: 100,

cents: 0


number: 6


deposit(currentAccount, cheque.amount);

moneyOrder = {

amount: {

dollars: 100,

cents: 0


fee: 1.50


deposit(currentAccount, moneyOrder.amount);


This flexibility has a cost. With our ridiculously simple example above, we can easy deposit new kinds of instruments. But we can also do things like this:

var backTaxesOwed = {

dollars: 10,874,

cents: 06


var rentReceipt = {

dollars: 420,

cents: 0,

unit: 504,

month: 6,

year: 1962


deposit(backTaxesOwed, rentReceipt);

Structurally, deposit is compatible with any two things that haveDollarsAndCents. But not all things that haveDollarsAndCents are semantically appropriate for deposits. This is why some OO language communities work very hard developing and using type systems that incorporate semantics.

This is not just a theoretical concern. Numbers and strings are the ultimate in semantic-free data types. Confusing metric with imperial measures is thought to have caused the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter. To prevent mistakes like this in software, forcing values to have compatible semantics–and not just superficially compatible structure–is thought to help create self-documenting code and to surface bugs.

semantic structs

We’ve already seen Structs:

function Struct (template) {

if (Struct.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this)) {

var struct = this;

Object.keys(template).forEach(function (key) {

Object.defineProperty(struct, key, {

enumerable: true,

writable: true,

value: template[key]



return Object.preventExtensions(struct);


else return new Struct(template);


Struct is a structural type, not a semantic type. But it can be extended to incorporate the notion of semantic types by turning it from and object factory into a “factory-factory.” Here’s a completely new version of Struct, we give it a name and the keys we want, and it gives us a JavaScript constructor function:

function Struct () {

var name = arguments[0],

keys = [], 1),

constructor = eval("(function "+name+"(argument) { return\

his, argument); })");

function initialize (argument) {

if (constructor.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this)) {

var struct = this;

keys.forEach(function (key) {

Object.defineProperty(struct, key, {

enumerable: true,

writable: true,

value: argument[key]



return Object.preventExtensions(struct);


else return new constructor(argument);


return constructor;


var Depositable = Struct('Depositiable', 'dollars', 'cents'),

RecordOfPayment = Struct('RecordOfPayment', 'dollars', 'cents');

var cheque = new Depositable({dollars: 420, cents: 0});


//=> [Function: Depositiable]

cheque instanceof Depositable;

//=> true

cheque instanceof RecordOfPayment;

//=> false

Although Depositable and RecordOfPayment have the same structural type, they are different semantic types, and we can detect the difference with instanceof (and Object.isPrototypeOf).

We can also bake this test into our constructors. The code above uses a pattern borrowed from Effective JavaScript so that you can write either new Depositable(...) or Depositable(...) and always get a new instance of Depositable. This version abandons that convention in favour of making Depositable a prototype check, and adds an explicit assertion method:

function Struct () {

var name = arguments[0],

keys = [], 1),

constructor = eval("(function "+name+"(argument) { return\

his, argument); })");

function initialize (argument) {

if (constructor.prototype.isPrototypeOf(this)) {

var argument = argument,

struct = this;

keys.forEach(function (key) {

Object.defineProperty(struct, key, {

enumerable: true,

writable: true,

value: argument[key]



return Object.preventExtensions(struct);


else return constructor.prototype.isPrototypeOf(argument);


constructor.assertIsPrototypeOf = function (argument) {

if (!constructor.prototype.isPrototypeOf(argument)) {

var name = === ''

? "Struct(" + keys.join(", ") + ")"


throw "Type Error: " + argument + " is not a " + name;


else return argument;


return constructor;


var Depositable = Struct('Depositable', 'dollars', 'cents'),

RecordOfPayment = Struct('RecordOfPayment', 'dollars', 'cents');

var cheque = new Depositable({dollars: 420, cents: 0});


//=> true


//=> Type Error: [object Object] is not a RecordOfPayment

We can use these “semantic” structs by adding assertions to critical functions:

function deposit (account, instrument) {


account.dollars += instrument.dollars;

account.cents += instrument.cents;

account.dollars += Math.floor(account.cents / 100);

account.cents = account.cents % 100;

return account;


This prevents us from accidentally trying to deposit a rent receipt.

is semantic typing worthwhile?

The value of semantic typing is an open question. There are its proponents, and its detractors. One thing to consider is the proposition that with few exceptions, a programming system cannot be improved solely by removing features that can be subject to abuse.

Instead, a system is improved by removing harmful features in such a way that they enable the addition of other, more powerful features that were “blocked” by the existence of harmful features. For example, proper or “pure” functional programming languages do not allow the mutation of values. This does remove a number of harmful possibilities, but in and of itself removing mutation is not a win.

However, once you remove mutation you enable a number of optimization techniques such as lazy evaluation. This frees programmers to do things like write code for data structures that would not be possible in languages (like JavaScript) that have an eager evaluation strategy.

Likewise, in our discussion of encapsulating metaobjects, we introduced private state and private methods. These features take some flexibility away from programmers. But we didn’t just rest on the promise of decreasing coupling: We took advantage of this to introduce a more powerful way to compose metaobjects. Reducing the “surface area” of metaobjects increases their composeability, so we ended up with more flexibility, not less.

If we subscribe to this philosophy about only reducing flexibility when it enables us to make an even greater increase in flexibility, then structural typing cannot be not be a win solely because we can “catch errors earlier” with things like Depositable.assertIsPrototypeOf(instrument). To be of benefit, it must enable some completely new kind of programming paradigm or feature that increases overall flexibility.

We’ll revisit structural typing when we look at The Expression Problem, and in particular we’ll look at using structural typing to implement new dispatching protocols.

Interlude: “is-a” and “was-a”

Words like “delegate” are carefully chosen to say nothing about semantic relationships. Given:

function C () {}

C.prototype.iAm = function () { return "a C"; };

var a = new C();


//=> 'a C'

a instanceof C

//=> true

We can say that the entity a delegates handling of the method iAm to its prototype. But what is the relationship between a and C? What is this “instance of?”

In programming, there are two major kinds relationships between entities and metaobjects (be those metaobjects mixins, classes, prototypes, or anything else). First, there is a semantic relationship. We call this is-a. If we say that a is-a C, we are saying that there is some valuable meaning to the idea that there is a set of all Cs and that a belonging to that set matters.

The second is an implementation relationship. We have various names for this depending on how we implement things. We can say a delegates-to C. We can say a uses C. We sometimes arrange things so that a is-composed-of mixin M.

When we have an implementation relationship, we are saying that there is no meaningful set of entities, the relationship is purely one of convenience. Sometimes, we use physical inheritance, like a prototype, but we don’t care about a semantic relationship, it’s simply a mechanism for sharing some behaviour.

When we use inheritance but don’t care about semantics, we call the relationship was-a. a was-a C means that we are not asserting that it is meaningful to say that a is a member of the set of all Cs.

Semantic typing is all about “is-a,” whereas structural typing is all about “was-a.”

was-a in the physical world

“was-a” happens in the physical world all the time. Here’s an example:

I buy a vintage Volkswagen Beetle. I customize it with racks:

Cargo Bug31

My cargo bug is-a beetle. It’s recognizable as a beetle. And everywhere I could use a beetle, I can use my cargo bug. This is the is-a relationship of programming, there is some set of functions, and they we are saying that they are valid for all “b” where “b is-a beetle.” My cargo bug is a beetle, so we know that our functions are valid when they operate on it.

Now I buy another beetle, but I rip off the bodywork and build a completely different car out of it, a Dune Buggy:

Dune Buggy32

A dune buggy is not a beetle. It doesn’t look like a beetle. It was a beetle, but now it’s a dune buggy. “was-a” is a relationship that describes one object using another object for its implementation, but there is no equivalence implied. “was-a” is a relationship of convenience.

The Expression Problem

The Expression Problem is a programming design challenge: Given two orthogonal concerns of equal importance, how do we express our programming solution in such a way that neither concern becomes secondary?

An example given in the c2 wiki concerns a set of shapes (circle, square) and a set of calculations on those shapes (circumference, area). We could write this using metaobjects:

var Square = encapsulate({

constructor: function (length) {

this.length = length;


circumference: function () {

return this.length * 4;


area: function () {

return this.length * this.length;



var Circle = encapsulate({

constructor: function (radius) {

this.radius = radius;


circumference: function () {

return Math.PI * 2.0 * this.radius;


area: function () {

return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;



Or functions on structs:

var Square = Struct('Square', 'length');

var Circle = Struct('Circle', 'radius');

function circumference(shape) {

if (Square(shape)) {

return shape.length * 4;


else if (Circle(shape)) {

return Math.PI * 2.0 * this.radius;



function area (shape) {

if (Square(shape)) {

return this.length * this.length;


else if (Circle(shape)) {

return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;



Both of these operations make one thing a first-class citizen and the the other a second-class citizen. The object solution makes shapes first-class, and operations second-class. The function solution makes operations first-class, and shapes second-class. We can see this by adding new functionality:

1. If we add a new shape (e.f. Triangle), it’s easy with the object solution: Everything you need to know about a triangle goes in one place. But it’s hard with the function solution: We have to carefully add a case to each function covering triangles.

2. If we add a new operation, (e.g. boundingBox returns the smallest square that encloses the shape), it’s easy with the function solution: we add a new function and make sure it has a case for each kind of shape. But it’s hard with the object solution: We have to make sure that we add a new method to each object.


The expression problem originated as follows: Given a set of entities and a set of operations on those entities, how do we add new entities and new operations, without recompiling, without unsafe operations like casts, and while maintaining type safety?

The general form of the problem does not concern type safety, but does concern the elegance of the design.

In a simple (two objects and two methods) example, the expression problem does not seem like much of a stumbling block. But imagine we are operating at scale, with a hierarchy of classes that have methods at every level of the ontology. Adding new operations can be messy, especially in a language that does not have type checking to make sure we cover all of the appropriate cases.

And the functions-first approach is equally messy in contemporary software. It’s a very sensible technique when we program with a handful of canonical data structures and want to make many operations on those data structures. This is why, despite decades of attempts to write Object-Relational Mapping libraries, PL/SQL is not going away. Given a slowly-changing database schema, it’s far easier to write a new procedure that operates across tables, than to try to write methods on objects representing a single entity in a table.

dispatches from space

There’s a related problem. Consider some kind of game involving meteors that fall from the sky towards the Earth. You have fighters of some kind that fly around and try to shoot the meteors. We have an established way of handling a meteors hitting the Earth or a fighter flying into the ground and crashing: We write a .hitsGround() method for meteors and for fighters.

WHenever something hits the ground, we invoke its .hitsGround() method, and it handles the rest. A fighter hitting the ground will cost so many victory points and trigger a certain animation. A meteor hitting the ground will cost a different number of victory points and trigger a different animation.

And it’s easy to add new kinds of things that can hit the ground. As long as they implement .hitsGround(), we’re good. Each object knows what to do.

This resembles encapsulation, but it’s actually called ad hoc polymorphism. It’s not an object hiding its state from tampering, it’s an object hiding its semantic type from the code that uses it. Fighters and meteors both have the same structural type, but different semantic types and different behaviour.

“Standard” OO, as practiced by Smalltalk and its descendants on down to JavaScript, makes heavy use of polymorphism. The mechanism is known as single dispatch because given an expression like a.b(c,d), The choice of method to invoke given the method b is made based on a single receiver, a. The identities of c and d are irrelevant to choosing the code to handle the method invocation.

Single-dispatch handles crashing into the ground brilliantly. It also handles things like adjusting the balance of a bank account brilliantly. But not everything fits the single dispatch model.

Consider a fighter crashing into a meteor. Or another fighter. Or a meteor crashing into a fighter. Or a meteor crashing into another meteor. If we write a method like .crashInto(otherObject), then right away we have an anti-pattern, there are things that ought to be symmetrical, but we’re forcing an asymmetry on them. This is vaguely like forcing class A to extend B because we don’t have a convenient way to compose metaobjects.

In languages with no other option, we’re forced to do things like have one object’s method know an extraordinary amount of information about another object. For example, if a fighter’s .crashInto(otherObject) method can handle crashing into meteors, we’re imbuing fighters with knowledge about meteors.

double dispatch

Over time, various ways to handle this problem with single dispatch have arisen. One way is to have a polymorphic method invoke another object’s polymorphic methods. For example:

var FighterPrototype = {

crashInto: function (otherObject) {






collide: function () {

// ...


destroyYourself: function () {

// ...



In this scheme, each object knows how to collide and how to destroy itself. So a fighter doesn’t have to know about meteors, just to trust that they implement .collide() and .destroyYourself(). Of course, this presupposes that a collisions between objects can be subdivided into independant behaviour.

What if, for example, we have special scoring for ramming a meteor, or perhaps a sarcastic message to display? What if meteors are unharmed if they hit a fighter but shatter into fragments if they hit each other?

A pattern for handling this is called double-dispatch. It is a little more elegant in manifestly typed languages than in dynamically typed languages, but such superficial elegance is simply masking some underlyin issues. Here’s how we could implement collisions with special cases:

var FighterPrototype = {

crashInto: function (objectThatCrashesIntoFighters) {

return objectThatCrashesIntoFighters.isStruckByAFighter(this)


isStruckByAFighter: function (fighter) {

// handle fighter-fighter collisions


isStruckByAMeteor: function (meteor) {

// handle fighter-meteor collisions



var MeteorPrototype = {

crashInto: function (objectThatCrashesIntoMeteors) {

return objectThatCrashesIntoMeteors.isStruckByAMeteor(this)


isStruckByAFighter: function (fighter) {

// handle meteor-fighter collisions


isStruckByAMeteor: function (meteor) {

// handle meteor-meteor collisions



var someFighter = Object.create(FighterPrototype),

someMeteor = Object.create(MeteorPrototype);


In this scheme, when we call someFighter.crashInto(someMeteor), FighterPrototype.crashInto invokes someMeteor.isStruckByAFighter(someFighter), and that handles the specific case of a meteor being struck by a fighter.

To make this work, both fighters and meteors need to know about each other. They are coupled. And as we add more types of objects (observation balloons? missiles? clouds? bolts of lightning?), our changes must be spread across our prototypes. It is obvious that this system is highly inflexible. The principle of messages and encapsulation is ignored, we are simply using JavaScript’s method dispatch system to achieve a result, rather than modeling entities.

Generally speaking, double dispatch is considered a red flag. Sometimes it’s the best technique to use, but often it’s a sign that we have chosen the wrong abstractions.

Multiple Dispatch

In The Expression Problem, we saw that JavaScript’s single-dispatch system made it difficult to model interactions that varied on two (or more) semantic types. Our example was modeling collisions between fighters and meteors, where we want to have different outcomes depending upon whether a fighter or a meteor collided with another fighter or a meteor.

Languages such as Common Lisp bake support for this problem right in, by supporting multiple dispatch. With multiple dispatch, generic functions can be specialized depending upon any of their arguments. In this example, we’re defining forms of collide to work with a meteors and fighters:

(defmethod collide ((object-1 meteor) (object-2 fighter))

(format t "meteor ~a collides with fighter ~a" object-1 object-2))

(defmethod collide ((object-1 meteor) (object-2 meteor))

(format t "meteor ~a collides with another meteor ~a" object-1 object-2))

Common Lisp’s generic functions use dynamic dispatch on both object-1 and object-2 to determine which body of collide to evaluate. Meaning, both types are checked at run time, at the time when the function is invoked. Since more than one argument is checked dynamically, we say that Common Lisp has multiple dispatch.

Manifestly typed OO languages like Java appear to support multiple dispatch. You can create one method with several signatures, something like this:

interface Collidable {

public void crashInto(Meteor meteor);

public void crashInto(Fighter fighter);


class Meteor implements Collidable {

public void crashInto(Meteor meteor);

public void crashInto(Fighter fighter);


class Fighter implements Collidable {

public void crashInto(Meteor meteor);

public void crashInto(Fighter fighter);


Alas this won’t work. Although we can specialize crashInto by the type of its argument, the Java compiler resolves this specialization at compile time, not run time. It’s early bound. Thus, if we write something like this pseudo-Java:

Collidable thingOne = Math.random() < 0.5 ? new Meteor() : new Fighter(),

Collidable thingTwo = Math.random() < 0.5 ? new Meteor() : new Fighter();


It won’t even compile! The compiler can figure out that thingOne is a Collidable and that it has two different signatures for the crashInto method, but all it knows about thingTwo is that it’s a Collidable, the compiler doesn’t know if it should be compiling an invocation of crashInto(Meteor meteor) or crashInto(Fighter fighter), so it refuses to compile this code.

Java’s system uses dynamic dispatch for the receiver of a method: The class of the receiver is determined at run time and the appropriate method is determined based on that class. But it uses static dispatch for the specialization based on arguments: The compiler sorts out which specialization to invoke based on the declared type of the argument at compile time. If it can’t sort that out, the code does not compile.

Java may have type signatures to specialize methods, but it is still single dispatch, just like JavaScript.

emulating multiple dispatch

Javascript cannot do true multiple dispatch without some ridiculous greenspunning of method invocations. But we can fake it pretty reasonably using the same technique we used for emulating predicate dispatch.

We start with the same convention: Methods and functions must return something if they successfully hand a method invocation, or raise an exception if they catastrophically fail. They cannot return undefined (which in JavaScript, also includes not explicitly returning something).

Recall that this allowed us to write the Match function that took a serious of guards, functions that checked to see if the value of arguments was correct for each case. Our general-purpose guard, when, took all of the arguments as parameters.

function nameAndLength(name, length, body) {

var abcs = [ 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p',

'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l',

'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n', 'm' ],

pars = abcs.slice(0, length),

src = "(function " + name + " (" + pars.join(',') + ") { return body.apply\

(this, arguments); })";

return eval(src);


function imitate(exemplar, body) {

return nameAndLength(, exemplar.length, body);


function getWith (prop, obj) {

function gets (obj) {

return obj[prop];


return obj === undefined

? gets

: gets(obj);


function mapWith (fn, mappable) {

function maps (collection) {



return mappable === undefined

? maps

: maps(collection);


function pluckWith (prop, collection) {

var plucker = mapWith(getWith(prop));

return collection === undefined

? plucker

: plucker(collection);


function Match () {

var fns = [], 0),

lengths = pluckWith('length', fns),

length = Math.min.apply(null, lengths),

names = pluckWith('name', fns).filter(function (name) { return name !== '\

'; }),

name = names.length === 0

? ''

: names[0];

return nameAndLength(name, length, function () {

var i,


for (i in fns) {

value = fns[i].apply(this, arguments);

if (value !== undefined) return value;




What we want is to write guards for each argument. So we’ll write whenArgsAre, a guard that takes predicates for each argument as well as the body of the function case:

function isType (type) {

return function (arg) {

return typeof(arg) === type;



function instanceOf (clazz) {

return function (arg) {

return arg instanceof clazz;



function isPrototypeOf (proto) {

return Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf.bind(proto);


function whenArgsAre () {

var matchers = [], 0, arguments.length - 1),

body = arguments[arguments.length - 1];

function typeChecked () {

var i,



if (arguments.length != matchers.length) return;

for (i in arguments) {

arg = arguments[i];

if (!matchers[i].call(this, arg)) return;


value = body.apply(this, arguments);

return value === undefined

? null

: value;


return imitate(body, typeChecked);


function Fighter () {};

function Meteor () {};

var handlesManyCases = Match(


instanceOf(Fighter), instanceOf(Meteor),

function (fighter, meteor) {

return "a fighter has hit a meteor";




instanceOf(Fighter), instanceOf(Fighter),

function (fighter, fighter) {

return "a fighter has hit another fighter";




instanceOf(Meteor), instanceOf(Fighter),

function (meteor, fighters) {

return "a meteor has hit a fighter";




instanceOf(Meteor), instanceOf(Meteor),

function (meteor, meteor) {

return "a meteor has hit another meteor";




handlesManyCases(new Meteor(), new Meteor());

//=> 'a meteor has hit another meteor'

handlesManyCases(new Fighter(), new Meteor());

//=> 'a fighter has hit a meteor'

Our MultipleDispatch function now allows us to build generic functions that dynamically dispatch on all of their arguments. They work just fine for creating multiply dispatched methods:

var FighterPrototype = {},

MeteorPrototype = {};

FighterPrototype.crashInto = Match(



function (fighter) {

return "fighter(fighter)";





function (fighter) {

return "fighter(meteor)";




MeteorPrototype.crashInto = Match(



function (fighter) {

return "meteor(fighter)";





function (meteor) {

return "meteor(meteor)";




var someFighter = Object.create(FighterPrototype),

someMeteor = Object.create(MeteorPrototype);


//=> 'fighter(meteor)'

We now have usable dynamic multiple dispatch for generic functions and for methods. It’s built on predicate dispatch, so it can be extended to handle other forms of guarding.

the opacity of functional composition

Consider the following problem:

We wish to create a specialized entity, an ArmoredFighter that behaves just like a regular fighter, only when it strikes another fighter it has some special behaviour.

var ArmoredFighterPrototype = Object.create(FighterPrototype);

ArmoredFighterPrototype.crashInto = Match(



function (fighter) {

return "armored-fighter(fighter)";




Our thought is that we are “overriding” the behaviour of crashInto when an armored fighter crashes into any other kind of fighter. But we wish to retain the behaviour we have already designed when an armored fighter crashes into a meteor.

This is not going to work. Although we have written our code such that the various cases and predicates are laid out separately, at run time they are composed opaquely into functions. As far as JavaScript is concerned, we’ve written:

var FighterPrototype = {};

FighterPrototype.crashInto = function (q) {

// black box


var ArmoredFighterPrototype = Object.create(FighterPrototype);

ArmoredFighterPrototype.crashInto = function (q) {

// black box


We’ve written code that composes, but it doesn’t decompose. We’ve made it easy to manually take the code for these functions apart, inspect their contents, and put them back together in new ways, but it’s impossible for us to write code that inspects and decomposes the code.

A better design might incorporate reflection and decomposition at run time.