Shell Scripting - Command Line Kung Fu (2014)

Command Line Kung Fu (2014)

Shell Scripting

Use a for Loop at the Command Line

$ for VAR in LIST

> do

> # use $VAR

> done

When you need to perform the same action for a list of items, you can use a for loop right from your shell.

$ for USER in bob jill fred

> do

> sudo passwd -l $USER

> logger -t naughty-user $USER

> done

Locking password for user bob.

passwd: Success

Locking password for user jill.

passwd: Success

Locking password for user fred.

passwd: Success

$ sudo tail -3 /var/log/messages

Apr 8 19:29:03 linuxserver naughty-user: bob

Apr 8 19:29:03 linuxserver naughty-user: jill

Apr 8 19:29:03 linuxserver naughty-user: fred

You can also type entire loop on one command line

$ for USER in bob jill fred; do sudo passwd -l $USER; logger -t naughty-user $USER; done


Command Substitution

$ VAR=`command`

$ VAR=$(command)

There are two forms of command substitution. The first form uses backticks (`) to surround a command while the second form uses a dollar sign followed by parenthesis that surround a command. They are functionally equivalent with the backtick form being the older style. The output of the command can be used as an argument to another command, to set a variable, or for generating the argument list for a for loop.

$ EXT_FILESYSTEMS=$(grep ext fstab | awk '{print $2}')


/ /boot

$ cp file.txt file.txt.`date +%F`

$ ls file.txt*

file.txt file.txt.2014-04-08

$ ps -fp $(cat /var/run/


ntp 1210 1 0 Apr06 ? 00:00:05 ntpd -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ntpd

$ sudo kill -9 $(cat /var/run/

$ for x in $(cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd); do groups $x; done

jason : jason sales

bobdjr : sales

jim : jim

Store Command Line Output as a Variable to Use Later

$ for VAR in LIST

> do

> VAR2=$(command)

> VAR3=$(command)

> echo "$VAR2 VAR3"

> done

Command substitution can be used to assign values to variables. If you need to reuse the output of a command multiple times, assign it to a variable once and reuse the variable. This example shows how the output of the id command is used multiple times in one script.

$ for USER in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd)

> do

> UID_MIN=$(grep ^UID_MIN /etc/login.defs | awk '{print $NF}')

> USERID=$(id -u $USER)

> [ $USERID -lt $UID_MIN ] || {

> echo "Forcing password expiration for $USER with UID of $USERID."

> sudo passwd -e $USER

> }

> done

Forcing password expiration for bob with UID of 1000.

Forcing password expiration for bobdjr with UID of 1001.

Forcing password expiration for bobh with UID of 1002.

Read in Input One Line at a Time

$ while read LINE

> do

> # Do something with $LINE

> done < file.txt

$ command | while read LINE

> do

> # Do something with $LINE

> done

If you want to iterate over a list of words, use a for loop. If you want to iterate over a line, use a while loop in combination with a read statement and redirection.

Let's look for file systems that are over 90% utilized. If we try to use an if statement it will break up the output into word chunks like this.

$ df | head -1

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

$ for x in $(df)

> do

> echo $x

> done









We need to read in entire lines at a time like this.

$ df | while read LINE

> do

> echo $LINE

> done

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on


Here is one way to find file systems that are over 90% utilized.

$ df

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda2 28891260 3270340 25327536 12% /

tmpfs 515320 72 515248 1% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1 495844 453683 16561 97% /boot

$ df | grep [0-9]% | while read LINE

> do

> use=$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $5}' | tr -d '%')

> mountpoint=$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $6}')

> [ $use -gt 90 ] && echo "$mountpoint is over 90% utilized."

> done

/boot is over 90% utilized.


Instead of assigning variables within the while loop, you can assign them with the read statement. Here is how this method looks.

$ df | grep [0-9]% | while read fs blocks used available use mountpoint

> do

> use=$(echo $use | tr -d '%')

> [ $use -gt 90 ] && echo "$mountpoint is over 90% utilized."

> done

/boot is over 90% utilized.

Accept User Input and Store It in a Variable

$ read VAR

$ read -n 1 VAR

$ read -p "Prompt text" VAR

To accept user input from a user, use the read command. Read will accept an entire line of input and store it into a variable. You can force read to only read a limited number of characters by using the -n option. Instead of using echo statements before a read command, you can supply a prompt by using the -p option. Here is a sample script that uses these techniques.

The contents of


while true


read -p "What server would you like to backup? " SERVER

echo "Backing up $SERVER"

/usr/local/bin/backup $SERVER

read -p "Backup another server? (y/n) " -n 1 BACKUP_AGAIN


[ "$BACKUP_AGAIN" = "y" ] || break


$ ./

What server would you like to backup? thor

Backing up thor

Backup another server? (y/n) y

What server would you like to backup? loki

Backing up loki

Backup another server? (y/n) n


Sum All the Numbers in a given Column of a Text

$ awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }' file

$ cat file | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }

Awk can be used to tally up a column of values. You can use this trick to add up all the disk space used across all the file systems on a given system, for example.

$ df -mt ext4

Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_root 28215 3285 24644 12% /

/dev/sda1 485 55 406 12% /boot

$ df -mt ext4 | awk '{ sum += $3 } END {print sum}'


$ sudo dmidecode --type memory

Size: No Module Installed

Size: 4096 MB

Size: No Module Installed

Size: 4096 MB

$ sudo dmidecode --type memory | grep 'Size:' | awk '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}'



Automatically Answer Yes to Any Command

$ yes | command

$ yes "string" | command

If you are trying to automate a process that requires user input, check out the yes command. By default yes simply prints out "y" until it is killed. You can make yes repeat any string. If you wanted to automatically answer "no" you could run "yes no."

$ ./

Are you sure you want to install my-app? (y/n) y

Ok, my-app installed.

$ yes | ./

Ok, my-app installed.
