WCF via Web API - ASP.NET Web API 2: Beginner Guide (2015)

ASP.NET Web API 2: Beginner Guide (2015)

WCF via Web API

WCF supports numerous protocols and messaging formats. With Web API, we can create only HTTP-based services. Obviously, we can create HTTP services with WCF, but they’re hidden inside different abstraction layers. In addition, implementation is more complex with WCF than with Web API. HTTP implemented on WCF uses the HTTP post model, and we may not be able to use the main features associated with HTTP protocols such as Caching and Status Code. By using Web API, we can perform all activities like get, post, and put, and we can use different HTTP protocol features.

WCF requires complex binding and address manipulation and configurations, but Web API is straightforward and simple to use. Web API is also a better choice for RESTfull service creation. You can find a detailed comparison between WCF and Web API in the MSDN article “WCF and ASP.NET Web API.”


1. [Different Approaches of Entity Framework]


2. [WCF and ASP.NET Web API]
