Q&A - Lesson 2 - Advanced ActionScript 3: Design Patterns, Second Edition (2015)

Advanced ActionScript 3: Design Patterns, Second Edition (2015)

Chapter 9. Q&A

The previous chapters on design patterns have covered an enormous amount, and now you get an opportunity to use that information. This chapter provides a quiz consisting of 25 questions, to provide you with immediate feedback on your understanding of the material. These questions pertain to design patterns (creational, behavioral and structural) as covered in this book.

You won’t be scored or judged on your answers, so do your best to use this chapter as a way to further understand and practice using design patterns.

Notes: 1. For formatting reasons, the quiz questions don’t include packages. External definitions must always have a package keyword. 2. Some questions are straightforward, and others require you to supply the implementations for incomplete listings.

Design Pattern Quiz

1. The common prefixes make, create, and get reflect which specific design pattern?


2. Primitive operations, which are prefixed with do, are used by which pattern?


3. Separate the instantiation from its assembly to promote flexibility in Listing 9-1.

Listing 9-1. AbstractClass

public class AbstractClass extends Sprite
public function AbstractClass()
var someMovieClip : MovieClip = new ConcreteMovieClip();
someMovieClip.y = 25;
someMovieClip.x = 40;
addChild( someMovieClip );

Listing 9-2. AbstractClass


Listing 9-3. FactoryMethodClass.as


4. Design a decorator that enhances a bitmap with a scrollRect that can scroll to reveal concealed areas of the image using the mouse. The bitmap interface is IBitmap in Listing 9-4.

Listing 9-4. IBitmap

public interface IBitmap
function get bitmapData() : BitmapData;
function set bitmapData( value : BitmapData ) : void;
function get pixelSnapping() : String;
function set pixelSnapping( value : String ) : void;
function get smoothing() : Boolean;
function set smoothing( value : Boolean ) : void;

Listing 9-5. DecoratorAbstract.as


Listing 9-6. MouseScrollingDecorator.as

protected var _viewport : Rectangle;
protected var _pixelsPerWide : int;
protected var _pixelsPerTall : int;
private var _rectTall : int = 400;
private var _rectWide : int = 400;

5. Explain how you can subclass a method and provide it with an implementation without disturbing the algorithm in which the implementation is required.


6. Explain the benefits of an Iterator in an aggregate.


7. Define a component interface that favors transparency over safety in all of its components.

Listing 9-7. IComponent.as


8. This pattern ensures state synchronization. ____________________

9. Mushroomy Kingdom uses the console platform and its power to revisit stage 1-1 with dreamy textures. Table 9-1 lists the names that reference the linked images of the .fla.

Table 9-1. Stage 1-1 concretes revisited

New stone floor tile: StoneFlooring

New money box tile: MoneyBox

New brick tile: WhiteStone

New pipe tile: IndustrialPlumbing

Cloud: AlphaCloud

Hill terrain: HillSide

Using the AbstractMarioLevelDirector and the AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor code and the reference names from Table 9-1, write the implementations to populate this scene. The dimensions aren’t important.

Listing 9-8. AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor.as

public class AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor
private var _bitmapD : BitmapData;
private var _backgroundColor : uint;
private var _width : int;
private var _height : int;
private var _pt : Point;
private var _tile : Shape;

public function AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor()
_tile = new Shape();
_pt = new Point( 0 , 0 );

final public function createMap() : void
bitmap = doCreateMap();

final public function getLevel() : BitmapData
return _bitmapD;

final public function createStone( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateStone() , rect );

final public function createSolidBrick( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateSolidBrick() , rect );

final public function createBreakableBrick( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateBreakableBrick() , rect );

final public function createMoneyBox( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateMoneyBox() , rect );

final public function createCloud( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateCloud() , rect );

final public function createHill( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateHill() , rect );

final public function createBush( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateBush() , rect );

final public function createCastle( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateCastle() , rect );

final public function createPipe( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreatePipe() , rect );

final public function get width() : int
return _width;

final public function set width( width : int ) : void
_width = width;

final public function get height() : int
return _height;

final public function set height( height : int ) : void
_height = height;

final public function get backgroundColor() : uint
return _backgroundColor;

final public function set backgroundColor( backgroundColor : uint ) : void
_backgroundColor = backgroundColor;

final public function get bitmap() : BitmapData
return _bitmapD;

final public function set bitmap( bitmap : BitmapData ) : void
_bitmapD = bitmap;

protected function doCreateMap() : BitmapData
return new BitmapData( width , height , false , backgroundColor );

protected function doCreateStone() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateStone must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateSolidBrick() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateSolidBrick must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateBreakableBrick() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateBreakableBrick must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateMoneyBox() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateMoneyBox must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateCloud() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateCloud must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateHill() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateHill must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateBush() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateBush must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateCastle() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateCastle must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreatePipe() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreatePipe must be overridden' );
return null;

private function addTile( dO : DisplayObject , rect : Rectangle ) : void
var sprite : BitmapData = snapShot( dO );
_pt.x = rect.x;
_pt.y = rect.y;
if (rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0)
sprite = tile( sprite , rect );
bitmap.copyPixels( sprite , sprite.rect , _pt );

private function snapShot( dO : DisplayObject ) : BitmapData
var snapshot : BitmapData = new BitmapData( dO.width , dO.height , true , 0 );
snapshot.draw( dO );
return snapshot;

private function tile( bmpd : BitmapData , rect : Rectangle ) : BitmapData
var _t : Shape = _tile;
var g : Graphics = _t.graphics;
g.beginBitmapFill( bmpd , null , true , false );
g.drawRect( 0 , 0 , rect.width , rect.height );
return snapShot( _t );

Listing 9-9. QuizLevelEditor.as


Listing 9-10. AbstractMarioLevelDirector.as

public class AbstractMarioLevelDirector
protected const _width : int = 400;
protected const _height : int = 300;
protected const _bgColor : uint = 0xacccff;
protected var _builder : AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor;

public function AbstractMarioLevelDirector( builder:AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor );
_builder = builder;
public function getLevel() : BitmapData
return _builder.getLevel();

Listing 9-11. QuizLevelDirector.as


10.Explain why it’s unwise to use a Simple Singleton in an application.


11.The following code is from an unrevealed class.

Listing 9-12. Unrevealed class

public function makeFastFoodSandwich( menu_number : int ) : ValueMeal
case 1:
return new DoubleStack();
case 2 :
return new ChickenSandwich();
case 3:
return new ChickenNuggets();
case 4:
return new Frosty();

The code in Listing 9-12 uses the Factory Method pattern? True False

12.Twitter is the epitome of which design pattern? ____________________

13.Having parallel hierarchies means you use fewer classes than when using orthogonal hierarchies. True False

14.These three patterns can optionally intercept a request before passing it on.


15.Show a loose composite that stops all MovieClips in the DisplayList.


16.Re-create the display list from AS3 as a composite.

Listing 9-13. IComponent.as (DisplayObject) interface


Listing 9-14. IComposite.as (DisplayObjectContainer) interface


Listing 9-15. Leaf.as (DisplayObject)

public class Leaf implements __________________

17.What are the two most significant differences between the State pattern and the Strategy pattern?


18.Suppose a loader uses the following states: Closed, OpeningConnection, Loading, and Loaded. Given the interface of ILoader shown in Listing 9-16, assemble a loader using only the State pattern, ensuring that the loader can load a new request at any given point in time, as well as be destroyed, without using any conditional statements.

Listing 9-16. Loader interface

public interface ILoader
function close();

function load( request : URLRequest , context : LoaderContext = null ) : void;

function loadBytes( bytes : ByteArray , context : LoaderContext = null ) : void;

function get content() : DisplayObject;

function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo;

function get ldr() : Loader;

function dispose() : void;

Listing 9-17. AbstractLoadersContext.as

public class AbstractLoadersContext extends Sprite implements ILoader
private var _ldr : Loader;
protected var _stateLoader : ALoaderStateObject;

public function AbstractLoadersContext()
addChild( _ldr = new Loader() );
_stateLoader = createState( this );

Listing 9-18. LoadersContext.as


Listing 9-19. ALoaderStateObject.as extends Object


Listing 9-20. EmptyLoaderStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject


Listing 9-21. OpeningConnectionStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject

Listing 9-22. LoadingStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject

Listing 9-23. LoadedStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject


19.Write an AbstractShape class and its subclasses, Square and Circle, so they can be drawn and cleared. Additionally, construct an AbstractCommand class that can execute and un-do said executed code. There are two possible solutions; write both.

Listing 9-24. IGraphics.as interface


Listing 9-25. AbstractShape.as constants WIDE and TALL are both 20 pixels. FILL_COLOR is yellow.

protected const WIDE : int = 20;
protected const TALL : int = 20;
private const FILL_COLOR : uint = 0xfff000;

Listing 9-26. CircleShape.as


Listing 9-27. SquareShape.as


Listing 9-28. AbstractShapeCommand.as


Listing 9-29. ShapeCommandDraw.as


Listing 9-30. ShapeCommandUndo.as


Listing 9-31. AbstractShapeUndoCommand.as


Listing 9-32. ShapeCommandWithUndo.as


20.The Execute method accompanies which design pattern?


21.Explain the advantage of the Abstract Factory pattern over the Factory Method pattern.


22.In ActionScript 3.0, what are the three design patterns used in the EventSystem to carry out events of DisplayObjects?


23.Three objects make up an image loader in an application: a loader, an image mask, and a description box. Using these three objects, the sequence must occur in the following order:

An image loads.

The mask transitions to reveal the image.

Text appears, giving a description.

Demonstrate how the Chain of Responsibility pattern can properly compliment the output of the following client code in Listing 9-33.

Listing 9-33. DocumentClass using the Chain of Responsibility pattern to accomplish its sequence

public function DocumentClass()
var img : AbstractView = new ImageView();

var mask : AbstractView = new MaskView();
img.addHandler( mask );

var tf : AbstractView = new TextFieldView();
mask.addHandler( tf );

tf.addHandler( IHandler( new NullHandler() ) );
//... [object ImageView] target hit;
//... [object MaskView] target hit;
//... [object TextFieldView] target hit;
//... [object NullHandler] target hit: end of Chain;

Listing 9-34. IHandler interface


Listing 9-35. AbstractView


Listing 9-36. ImageView.as loads the following image: www.spilled-milk.com/000.jpg.

ldr.load( new URLRequest( "http://www.spilled-milk.com/000.jpg" ) );

Listing 9-37. MaskView


Listing 9-38. DescriptionView


24.What pattern decouples multiple subsystems from client messaging by funneling those implementations into a simpler interface? The façade pattern

25.Choose the appropriate associations.


Composite pattern


Subject pattern


Observer pattern

Strategy pattern

Answers to Design Patterns Quiz

1. The common prefixes make, create, and get reflect which specific design pattern?

The Factory Method pattern

2. Primitive operations, which are prefixed with do, are used by which pattern?

The Template Method pattern

3. Separate the instantiation from its assembly to promote flexibility in Listing 9-1.

Listing 9-1. AbstractClass

public class AbstractClass extends Sprite
public function AbstractClass()
var someMovieClip : MovieClip = new ConcreteMovieClip();
someMovieClip.y = 25;
someMovieClip.x = 40;
addChild( someMovieClip );

Listing 9-2. AbstractClass
public class AbstractClass extends Sprite

public function AbstractClass ()
var mc : MovieClip = createMovie();
mc.y = 25;
mc.x = 40;
addChild( mc );

protected function createMovie() : MovieClip
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'createMovie must be overridden' );
return null;

Listing 9-3. FactoryMethodClass.as

public class FactoryMethodClass extends AbstractClass
override protected function createMovie() : MovieClip
return new ConcreteMovieClip();

4. Design a decorator that enhances a bitmap with a scrollRect that can scroll to reveal concealed areas of the image using the mouse. The bitmap interface is IBitmap in Listing 9-4.

Listing 9-4. IBitmap

public interface IBitmap
function get bitmapData() : BitmapData;
function set bitmapData( value : BitmapData ) : void;
function get pixelSnapping() : String;
function set pixelSnapping( value : String ) : void;
function get smoothing() : Boolean;
function set smoothing( value : Boolean ) : void;

Listing 9-5. DecoratorAbstract.as

public class DecoratorAbstract extends Sprite implements IBitmap
protected var _decoratee : Bitmap;

public function DecoratorAbstract( decoratee : Bitmap ) : void
_decoratee = decoratee;
addChild( decoratee );

public function get bitmapData() : BitmapData
return _decoratee.bitmapData;

public function set bitmapData( value : BitmapData ) : void
_decoratee.bitmapData = value;

public function get pixelSnapping() : String
return _decoratee.pixelSnapping;

public function set pixelSnapping( value : String ) : void
_decoratee.pixelSnapping = value;

public function get smoothing() : Boolean
return _decoratee.smoothing;

public function set smoothing( value : Boolean ) : void
_decoratee.smoothing = value;

Listing 9-6. MouseScrollingDecorator.as

public class MouseScrollingDecorator extends DecoratorAbstract
protected var _viewport : Rectangle;
protected var _pixelsPerWide : int;
protected var _pixelsPerTall : int;
private var _rectTall : int = 400;
private var _rectWide : int = 400;

public function MouseScrollingDecorator( bitmap : Bitmap )
super( bitmap );
addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE , onMovement );
_decoratee.scrollRect = new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , _rectWide , _rectTall );

_pixelsPerWide = bitmap.width / _rectWide;
_pixelsPerTall = bitmap.height / _rectTall;
cacheAsBitmap = true;

private function onMovement( event : MouseEvent ) : void
var localRect : Rectangle = this._decoratee.scrollRect;
localRect.x = event.localX * _pixelsPerWide;
localRect.y = event.localY;
_decoratee.scrollRect = localRect;

5. Explain how you can subclass a method and provide it with an implementation without disturbing the algorithm in which the implementation is required.

The Template Method pattern offers the solution by marking the as final the method that defines the primitive operations that make up an algorithm. The primitive operations reveal hooks for which a subclass can provide implementations, while protecting the default implementation of the superclass.

6. Explain the benefits of an Iterator and an aggregate.

Using an iterator along with an aggregate conceals the logic that necessitates element retrieval from the aggregate, which would otherwise pollute a client with unnecessary details.

7. Define a component interface that favors transparency over safety in all of its components and leaves.

Listing 9-7. IComponent.as
public interface IComponent

function addComponent( cmpt : Component ) : void;
function removeComponent( cmpt : Component ) : void;
function operation() : void;

8. This pattern ensures state synchronization. The Observer pattern

9. Mushroomy Kingdom uses the console platform and its power to revisit stage 1-1 with dreamy textures. Table 9-1 lists the names that reference the linked images of the .fla.

Table 9-1. Stage 1-1 concretes revisited

New stone floor tile: StoneFlooring

New money box tile: MoneyBox

New brick tile: WhiteStone

New pipe tile: IndustrialPlumbing

Cloud: AlphaCloud

Hill terrain: HillSide

Using the AbstractMarioLevelDirector.as and the AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor.as code and the reference names from Table 9-1, write the implementations to populate this scene. The dimensions aren’t important.

Listing 9-8. AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor.as

public class AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor
private var _bitmapD : BitmapData;
private var _backgroundColor : uint;
private var _width : int;
private var _height : int;
private var _pt : Point;
private var _tile : Shape;

public function AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor()
_tile = new Shape();
_pt = new Point( 0 , 0 );

final public function createMap() : void
bitmap = doCreateMap();

final public function getLevel() : BitmapData
return _bitmapD;

final public function createStone( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateStone() , rect );

final public function createSolidBrick( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateSolidBrick() , rect );

final public function createBreakableBrick( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateBreakableBrick() , rect );

final public function createMoneyBox( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateMoneyBox() , rect );

final public function createCloud( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateCloud() , rect );

final public function createHill( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateHill() , rect );

final public function createBush( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateBush() , rect );

final public function createCastle( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreateCastle() , rect );

final public function createPipe( rect : Rectangle ) : void
addTile( doCreatePipe() , rect );

final public function get width() : int
return _width;

final public function set width( width : int ) : void
_width = width;

final public function get height() : int
return _height;

final public function set height( height : int ) : void
_height = height;

final public function get backgroundColor() : uint
return _backgroundColor;

final public function set backgroundColor( backgroundColor : uint ) : void
_backgroundColor = backgroundColor;

final public function get bitmap() : BitmapData
return _bitmapD;

final public function set bitmap( bitmap : BitmapData ) : void
_bitmapD = bitmap;

protected function doCreateMap() : BitmapData
return new BitmapData( width , height , false , backgroundColor );

protected function doCreateStone() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateStone must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateSolidBrick() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateSolidBrick must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateBreakableBrick() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError('doCreateBreakableBrick must be
return null;

protected function doCreateMoneyBox() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateMoneyBox must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateCloud() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateCloud must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateHill() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateHill must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateBush() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateBush must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreateCastle() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreateCastle must be overridden' );
return null;

protected function doCreatePipe() : DisplayObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doCreatePipe must be overridden' );
return null;

private function addTile( dO : DisplayObject , rect : Rectangle ) : void
var sprite : BitmapData = snapShot( dO );
_pt.x = rect.x;
_pt.y = rect.y;
if (rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0)
sprite = tile( sprite , rect );
bitmap.copyPixels( sprite , sprite.rect , _pt );

private function snapShot( dO : DisplayObject ) : BitmapData
var snapshot : BitmapData = new BitmapData( dO.width, dO.height , true , 0 );
snapshot.draw( dO );
return snapshot;

private function tile( bmpd : BitmapData , rect : Rectangle ) : BitmapData
var _t : Shape = _tile;
var g : Graphics = _t.graphics;
g.beginBitmapFill( bmpd , null , true , false );
g.drawRect( 0 , 0 , rect.width , rect.height );
return snapShot( _t );

Listing 9-9. QuizLevelEditor.as

public class QuizLevelEditor extends AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor
public function QuizLevelEditor()

override protected function doCreateMap() : BitmapData
return new BitmapData( width , height , false , backgroundColor );

override protected function doCreateStone() : BitmapData
return new Stone();

override protected function doCreateSolidBrick() : DisplayObject
return new StoneFlooring();

override protected function doCreateBreakableBrick() : DisplayObject
return new WhiteStone();

override protected function doCreateMoneyBox() : DisplayObject
return new MoneyBox();

override protected function doCreateCloud() : DisplayObject
return new AlphaClouds();

override protected function doCreateHill() : DisplayObject
return new HillSide();

override protected function doCreateBush() : DisplayObject
return new Bush();

override protected function doCreateCastle() : DisplayObject
return new Castle();

override protected function doCreatePipe() : DisplayObject
return new IndustrialPlumbing();

Listing 9-10. AbstractMarioLevelDirector.as

public class AbstractMarioLevelDirector
protected const _width : int = 400;
protected const _height : int = 300;
protected const _bgColor : uint = 0xacccff;
protected var _builder : AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor;

public function AbstractMarioLevelDirector( builder : image
AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor )
_builder = builder;

public function getLevel() : BitmapData
return _builder.getLevel();

Listing 9-11. QuizLevelDirector.as

public class QuizLevelDirector extends AbstractMarioLevelDirector
private var rect : Rectangle = new Rectangle( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )

public function QuizLevelDirector( builder : AbstractMarioEsqueLevelEditor )
super( builder );

override public function getLevel() : BitmapData
_builder.width = _width;
_builder.height = _height;
_builder.backgroundColor = _bgColor;

return _builder.getLevel();

private function buildMoneyBox() : void
assignRect( 210 , 40 );
_builder.createMoneyBox( rect );
assignRect( 80 , 130 );
_builder.createMoneyBox( rect );
assignRect( 180 , 130 );
_builder.createMoneyBox( rect );
assignRect( 230 , 130 );
_builder.createMoneyBox( rect );

private function buildScenicBricks() : void
assignRect( 155 , 130 , 120 , 23 );
_builder.createBreakableBrick( rect );

private function buildPipes() : void
assignRect( 330 , _height - 15 * 2 - 65 );
_builder.createPipe( rect );

private function buildFloor() : void
assignRect( 0 , _height - 56 , _width , _height - 56 );
_builder.createSolidBrick( rect );

private function buildScenicTerrain() : void
assignRect( 0 , 90 , _width , _height - 56 );
_builder.createHill( rect );

private function buildScenicClouds() : void
assignRect( 0 , 0 , _width , 1 );
_builder.createCloud( rect );

private function assignRect( x : int=0, y :
int=0, w : int=0, h : int=0 ) : void
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
rect.width = w;
rect.height = h;

10.Explain why it’s unwise to use a Simple Singleton in an application.

Using a Simple Singleton in AS3 is a bad idea because it doesn’t give you the ability to extend the static instance. Additionally, the Simple Singleton tightly couples code with a static reference, which makes it difficult, or slower, to reuse code in the future.

11.The following code is from an unrevealed class.

Listing 9-12. UnRevealed class

public function makeFastFoodSandwich( menu_number : int ) : ValueMeal
case 1:
return new DoubleStack();
case 2 :
return new ChickenSandwich();
case 3:
return new ChickenNuggets();
case 4:
return new Frosty();

The code in Listing 9-12 is a factory method. True image

12.Twitter is the epitome of which design pattern? The Observer pattern

13.Having parallel hierarchies means you use fewer classes than when using orthogonal hierarchies. True image

Quite the contrary. Any time you have parallel hierarchies, you multiply your system by the number of parallel hierarchies.

14.These three patterns can optionally intercept a request before passing it on.

Decorator pattern

Chain of Responsibility pattern

Adapter pattern

15.Show a loose composite that stops all MovieClips in the DisplayList.

public function traverse( mc : DisplayObjectContainer ) : void
if (mc is MovieClip)
MovieClip( mc ).stop();

if (mc.numChildren > 0)
for ( var i : int = 0; i < mc.numChildren; i++ )
var innards : DisplayObject = mc.getChildAt( i );

if ( innards is MovieClip)
traverse( MovieClip( innards ) );

16.Re-create the display list from AS3 as a composite.

Listing 9-13. IComponent.as (DisplayObject) interface

public interface IComponent
function get parentComposite() : Component;
function set parentComposite( parentComposite : Component ) : void;

Listing 9-14. IComposite.as (DisplayObjectContainer) interface

public interface IComposite
function addChild( child : DisplayObject ) : DisplayObject;
function addChildAt( child : DisplayObject , index : int ) : DisplayObject;
function getChildAt( index : int ) : DisplayObject;
function getChildByName( name : String ) : DisplayObject;
function getChildIndex( child : DisplayObject ) : int;
function removeChild( child : DisplayObject ) : DisplayObject;
function removeChildAt( index : int ) : DisplayObject;
function setChildIndex( child : DisplayObject , index : int ) : void;
function swapChildren( child1 : DisplayObject , child2 : DisplayObject ) : void;
function swapChildrenAt( index1 : int , index2 : int ) : void;

Listing 9-15. Leaf.as (DisplayObject)

public class Leaf implements IComponent

17.What are the two most significant differences between the State pattern and the Strategy pattern?

1. The Strategy pattern requires the client to change behaviors, whereas the State pattern conceals the behaviors from the client for uniformity. (The state changes itself; the strategy is changed by the client).

2. The change in behaviors in the Strategy pattern reflects the needs of the client, whereas the change in behaviors in the State pattern reflects the change in the context’s state.

18.Suppose a loader uses the following states: Closed, OpeningConnection, Loading, and Loaded. Given the interface of ILoader shown in Listing 9-16, assemble a loader using only the State pattern, ensuring that the loader can load a new request at any given point in time, as well as be destroyed, without using any conditional statements.

Listing 9-16. Loader interface

public interface ILoader
function close();

function load( request : URLRequest , context : LoaderContext = null ) : void;

function loadBytes( bytes : ByteArray , context : LoaderContext = null ) : void;

function get content() : DisplayObject;

function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo;

function get ldr() : Loader;

function dispose() : void;

Listing 9-17. AbstractLoadersContext.as

public class AbstractLoadersContext extends Sprite implements ILoader
private var _ldr : Loader;
protected var _stateLoader : ALoaderStateObject;

public function AbstractLoadersContext()
addChild( _ldr = new Loader() );
_stateLoader = createState( this );

public function changeState( state : ALoaderStateObject ) : void
_stateLoader = state;

public function close() : void

public function get content() : DisplayObject
return _stateLoader.content;

public function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo
return _stateLoader.contentLoaderInfo;

public function load( request:URLRequest, context:LoaderContext = null ) : void
_stateLoader.load( request , context );

public function loadBytes( bytes:ByteArray, context:LoaderContext = null ) : void
_stateLoader.loadBytes( bytes , context );

public function get ldr() : Loader
return _ldr;

public function dispose() : void

protected function createState( abstractLoadersContext : image
AbstractLoadersContext) : ALoaderStateObject
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'createState must be overridden' )
return null;

Listing 9-18. LoadersContext.as

public class LoadersContext extends AbstractLoadersContext
public function LoadersContext()

override protected function createState( abstractLoadersContext : image
AbstractLoadersContext ) : ALoaderStateObject
return EmptyLoaderStateObject( abstractLoadersContext );

Explanation: LoadersContext uses a factory method, whereas the StateObjects don’t, because LoadersContext declares the initial StateObject. This is subject to change more than the StateObjects because the individual states typically have a particular successor.

Listing 9-19. ALoaderStateObject.as extends Object

public class ALoaderStateObject extends Object
protected var _ldrContext : LoadersContext;
protected var _ldr : Loader;

public function ALoaderStateObject( context : LoadersContext )
_ldrContext = context;
_ldr = context.ldr;

public function close() : void

public function get content() : DisplayObject
return null;

public function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo
return null;

public function load( request:URLRequest , context:LoaderContext = null ) : void

public function loadBytes( bytes:ByteArray, context:LoaderContext = null ) : void

public function unload() : void

public function unloadAndStop( gc : Boolean = true ) : void

public function get ldr() : Loader
return _ldr;

public function set ldr( ldr : Loader ) : void
_ldr = ldr;

public function dispose() : void
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'dispose must be overridden' );

Listing 9-20. EmptyLoaderStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject

public class EmptyLoaderStateObject extends ALoaderStateObject
public function EmptyLoaderStateObject( context : LoadersContext )
super( context );

override public function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo
return _ldr.loaderInfo;

override public function load( request:URLRequest , context:LoaderContext = null ) : void
_ldr.load( request , context );
_ldrContext.changeState( new OpeningConnectionStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function loadBytes( bytes:ByteArray , context:LoaderContext = null ) : void
_ldr.loadBytes( bytes , context );
_ldrContext.changeState( new OpeningConnectionStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function dispose() : void
_ldr = null;
_ldrContext = null;

Listing 9-21. OpeningConnectionStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject

public class OpeningConnectionStateObject extends ALoaderStateObject
public function OpeningConnectionStateObject( context : LoadersContext )
super( context );
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.OPEN , onConnectionOpen );

private function onConnectionOpen( event : Event ) : void
_ldrContext.changeState( new LoadingStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo
return ldr.loaderInfo

override public function dispose() : void
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener( Event.OPEN , onConnectionOpen );
_ldr = null;
_ldrContext = null;

Listing 9-22. LoadingStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject

public class LoadingStateObject extends ALoaderStateObject
public function LoadingStateObject( context : LoadersContext )
super( context );
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , onComplete );

private function onComplete( event : Event ) : void
_ldrContext.changeState( new LoadedStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function close() : void

override public function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo
return ldr.loaderInfo;

override public function load( request:URLRequest, context:LoaderContext ) : void

_ldr.load( request , context );
_ldrContext.changeState( new OpeningConnectionStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function loadBytes( bytes:ByteArray,context:LoaderContext ) : void
_ldr.loadBytes( bytes , context );
_ldrContext.changeState( new OpeningConnectionStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function dispose() : void
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , onComplete );
_ldr = null;
_ldrContext = null;

Listing 9-23. LoadedStateObject.as extends ALoaderStateObject

public class LoadedStateObject extends ALoaderStateObject
public function LoadedStateObject( context : LoadersContext )
super( context );

override public function close() : void

override public function get contentLoaderInfo() : LoaderInfo
return _ldr.loaderInfo;

override public function load( request:URLRequest , context:LoaderContext = null ) : void
_ldr.load( request , context );
_ldrContext.changeState( new OpeningConnectionStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function loadBytes( bytes:ByteArray , context:LoaderContext = null) : void
_ldr.loadBytes( bytes , context );
_ldrContext.changeState( new OpeningConnectionStateObject( _ldrContext ) );

override public function dispose() : void
_ldr = null;
_ldrContext = null;

19.Write an AbstractShape class and its subclasses, Square and Circle, so they can be drawn and cleared. Additionally, construct an AbstractCommand class that can execute and unexecute code. There are two possible solutions; write both.

Listing 9-24. IGraphics.as interface

public interface IGraphics
function draw() : void;
function clear() : void;
function get parent() : DisplayObjectContainer;

Listing 9-25. AbstractShape.as constants WIDE and TALL are both 20 pixels. FILL_COLOR is yellow.

public class AbstractShape extends Shape implements IGraphics
protected const WIDE : int = 20;
protected const TALL : int = 20;
private const FILL_COLOR : uint = 0xfff000;

final public function draw() : void

final public function clear() : void

protected function doDraw() : void
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doDraw must be overridden' );

private function addColor() : void
this.graphics.beginFill( FILL_COLOR , 1 );

private function endFill() : void

Listing 9-26. CircleShape.as

public class CircleShape extends AbstractShape
override protected function doDraw() : void
var radius : Number = Math.sqrt( WIDE * WIDE + TALL * TALL );
this.graphics.drawCircle( 0 , 0 , radius );

Listing 9-27. SquareShape.as

public class SquareShape extends AbstractShape

override protected function doDraw() : void
this.graphics.drawRect( 0 , 0 , WIDE , TALL );

Listing 9-28. AbstractShapeCommand.as

public class AbstractShapeCommand
protected var _receiver : IGraphics;

public function AbstractShapeCommand( rcvr : IGraphics )
_receiver = rcvr;

final public function execute() : void

protected function doExecute() : void
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doExecute must be overridden' );

Listing 9-29. ShapeCommandDraw.as

public class ShapeCommandDraw extends AbstractShapeCommand
override protected function doExecute() : void

Listing 9-30. ShapeCommandUndo.as

public class ShapeCommandUndo extends AbstractShapeCommand
override protected function doExecute() : void
_receiver.parent.removeChild( DisplayObject( _receiver ) );

Listing 9-31. AbstractShapeUndoCommand.as

public class AbstractShapeUndoCommand extends AbstractShapeCommand
public function undo() : void

protected function doUndo() : void
throw new IllegalOperationError( 'doUndo must be overridden' );

Listing 9-32. ShapeCommandWithUndo.as

public class ShapeCommandWithUndo extends AbstractShapeUndoCommand
override protected function doExecute() : void

override protected function doUndo() : void
_receiver.parent.removeChild( DisplayObject( _receiver ) );

20.The Execute method accompanies which design pattern?

The Command pattern

21.Explain the advantage of the Abstract Factory pattern over the Factory Method pattern

Unlike a factory method, an abstract factory is an object that manufactures products. This allows the abstract factory to be parameterized among other objects to which the manufacturing request can be delegated.

22.In ActionScript 3.0, what are the three design patterns used in the EventSystem to carry out events of DisplayObjects?

Composite pattern

Chain of Responsibility pattern

Observer pattern

23.Three objects make up an image loader in an application: a loader, an image mask, and a description box. Using these three objects, the sequence must occur in the following order:

a. An image loads.

b. The mask transitions to reveal the image.

c. Text appears, giving a description.

Demonstrate how the Chain of Responsibility pattern can properly compliment the output of the following client code in Listing 9-33.

Listing 9-33. DocumentClass using the Chain of Responsibility pattern to accomplish its sequence

public function DocumentClass()
var img : AbstractView = new ImageView();

var mask : AbstractView = new MaskView();
img.addHandler( mask );

var tf : AbstractView = new TextFieldView();
mask.addHandler( tf );

tf.addHandler( IHandler( new NullHandler() ) );
//... [object ImageView] target hit;
//... [object MaskView] target hit;
//... [object TextFieldView] target hit;
//... [object NullHandler] target hit: end of Chain;

Listing 9-34. IHandler interface

public interface IHandler
function addHandler( successor : IHandler ) : void;

function forward() : void;

Listing 9-35. AbstractView

public class AbstractView extends Sprite implements IHandler
protected var _handler : IHandler;

public function AbstractView()

public function addHandler( successor : IHandler ) : void
_handler = successor;

final public function forward() : void

protected function doForward() : void
trace( this + ' target hit' );

Listing 9-36. ImageView.as loads the following image: www.spilled-milk.com/000.jpg.

public class ImageView extends AbstractView
protected var ldr : Loader

public function ImageView()
ldr = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , onImageLoad ) ;
ldr.load( new URLRequest( "http://www.spilled-milk.com/000.jpg" ) );
addChild( ldr );

public function onImageLoad( event : Event ) : void

Listing 9-37. MaskView

public class MaskView extends AbstractView
public function MaskView()

Listing 9-38. TextFieldView

public class TextFieldView extends AbstractView
public function TextFieldView()

24.What pattern decouples multiple subsystems from client messaging by funneling those implementations into a simpler interface? The façade pattern

25.Choose the appropriate associations:
