Tutorial - The Go Programming Language (2016)

The Go Programming Language (2016)

1. Tutorial

This chapter is a tour of the basic components of Go. We hope to provide enough information and examples to get you off the ground and doing useful things as quickly as possible. The examples here, and indeed in the whole book, are aimed at tasks that you might have to do in the real world. In this chapter we’ll try to give you a taste of the diversity of programs that one might write in Go, ranging from simple file processing and a bit of graphics to concurrent Internet clients and servers. We certainly won’t explain everything in the first chapter, but studying such programs in a new language can be an effective way to get started.

When you’re learning a new language, there’s a natural tendency to write code as you would have written it in a language you already know. Be aware of this bias as you learn Go and try to avoid it. We’ve tried to illustrate and explain how to write good Go, so use the code here as a guide when you’re writing your own.

1.1 Hello, World

We’ll start with the now-traditional “hello, world” example, which appears at the beginning of The C Programming Language, published in 1978. C is one of the most direct influences on Go, and “hello, world” illustrates a number of central ideas.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

fmt.Println("Hello, Image")


Go is a compiled language. The Go toolchain converts a source program and the things it depends on into instructions in the native machine language of a computer. These tools are accessed through a single command called go that has a number of subcommands. The simplest of these subcommands is run, which compiles the source code from one or more source files whose names end in .go, links it with libraries, then runs the resulting executable file. (We will use $ as the command prompt throughout the book.)

$ go run helloworld.go

Not surprisingly, this prints

Hello, Image

Go natively handles Unicode, so it can process text in all the world’s languages.

If the program is more than a one-shot experiment, it’s likely that you would want to compile it once and save the compiled result for later use. That is done with go build:

$ go build helloworld.go

This creates an executable binary file called helloworld that can be run any time without further processing:

$ ./helloworld

Hello, Image

We have labeled each significant example as a reminder that you can obtain the code from the book’s source code repository at gopl.io:


If you run go get gopl.io/ch1/helloworld, it will fetch the source code and place it in the corresponding directory. There’s more about this topic in Section 2.6 and Section 10.7.

Let’s now talk about the program itself. Go code is organized into packages, which are similar to libraries or modules in other languages. A package consists of one or more .go source files in a single directory that define what the package does. Each source file begins with a packagedeclaration, here package main, that states which package the file belongs to, followed by a list of other packages that it imports, and then the declarations of the program that are stored in that file.

The Go standard library has over 100 packages for common tasks like input and output, sorting, and text manipulation. For instance, the fmt package contains functions for printing formatted output and scanning input. Println is one of the basic output functions in fmt; it prints one or more values, separated by spaces, with a newline character at the end so that the values appear as a single line of output.

Package main is special. It defines a standalone executable program, not a library. Within package main the function main is also special—it’s where execution of the program begins. Whatever main does is what the program does. Of course, main will normally call upon functions in other packages to do much of the work, such as the function fmt.Println.

We must tell the compiler what packages are needed by this source file; that’s the role of the import declaration that follows the package declaration. The “hello, world” program uses only one function from one other package, but most programs will import more packages.

You must import exactly the packages you need. A program will not compile if there are missing imports or if there are unnecessary ones. This strict requirement prevents references to unused packages from accumulating as programs evolve.

The import declarations must follow the package declaration. After that, a program consists of the declarations of functions, variables, constants, and types (introduced by the keywords func, var, const, and type); for the most part, the order of declarations does not matter. This program is about as short as possible since it declares only one function, which in turn calls only one other function. To save space, we will sometimes not show the package and import declarations when presenting examples, but they are in the source file and must be there to compile the code.

A function declaration consists of the keyword func, the name of the function, a parameter list (empty for main), a result list (also empty here), and the body of the function—the statements that define what it does—enclosed in braces. We’ll take a closer look at functions in Chapter 5.

Go does not require semicolons at the ends of statements or declarations, except where two or more appear on the same line. In effect, newlines following certain tokens are converted into semicolons, so where newlines are placed matters to proper parsing of Go code. For instance, the opening brace { of the function must be on the same line as the end of the func declaration, not on a line by itself, and in the expression x + y, a newline is permitted after but not before the + operator.

Go takes a strong stance on code formatting. The gofmt tool rewrites code into the standard format, and the go tool’s fmt subcommand applies gofmt to all the files in the specified package, or the ones in the current directory by default. All Go source files in the book have been run through gofmt, and you should get into the habit of doing the same for your own code. Declaring a standard format by fiat eliminates a lot of pointless debate about trivia and, more importantly, enables a variety of automated source code transformations that would be infeasible if arbitrary formatting were allowed.

Many text editors can be configured to run gofmt each time you save a file, so that your source code is always properly formatted. A related tool, goimports, additionally manages the insertion and removal of import declarations as needed. It is not part of the standard distribution but you can obtain it with this command:

$ go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports

For most users, the usual way to download and build packages, run their tests, show their documentation, and so on, is with the go tool, which we’ll look at in Section 10.7.

1.2 Command-Line Arguments

Most programs process some input to produce some output; that’s pretty much the definition of computing. But how does a program get input data on which to operate? Some programs generate their own data, but more often, input comes from an external source: a file, a network connection, the output of another program, a user at a keyboard, command-line arguments, or the like. The next few examples will discuss some of these alternatives, starting with command-line arguments.

The os package provides functions and other values for dealing with the operating system in a platform-independent fashion. Command-line arguments are available to a program in a variable named Args that is part of the os package; thus its name anywhere outside the os package isos.Args.

The variable os.Args is a slice of strings. Slices are a fundamental notion in Go, and we’ll talk a lot more about them soon. For now, think of a slice as a dynamically sized sequence s of array elements where individual elements can be accessed as s[i] and a contiguous subsequence ass[m:n]. The number of elements is given by len(s). As in most other programming languages, all indexing in Go uses half-open intervals that include the first index but exclude the last, because it simplifies logic. For example, the slice s[m:n], where 0 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ len(s), contains n-m elements.

The first element of os.Args, os.Args[0], is the name of the command itself; the other elements are the arguments that were presented to the program when it started execution. A slice expression of the form s[m:n] yields a slice that refers to elements m through n-1, so the elements we need for our next example are those in the slice os.Args[1:len(os.Args)]. If m or n is omitted, it defaults to 0 or len(s) respectively, so we can abbreviate the desired slice as os.Args[1:].

Here’s an implementation of the Unix echo command, which prints its command-line arguments on a single line. It imports two packages, which are given as a parenthesized list rather than as individual import declarations. Either form is legal, but conventionally the list form is used. The order of imports doesn’t matter; the gofmt tool sorts the package names into alphabetical order. (When there are several versions of an example, we will often number them so you can be sure of which one we’re talking about.)


// Echo1 prints its command-line arguments.

package main

import (




func main() {

var s, sep string

for i := 1; i < len(os.Args); i++ {

s += sep + os.Args[i]

sep = " "




Comments begin with //. All text from a // to the end of the line is commentary for programmers and is ignored by the compiler. By convention, we describe each package in a comment immediately preceding its package declaration; for a main package, this comment is one or more complete sentences that describe the program as a whole.

The var declaration declares two variables s and sep, of type string. A variable can be initialized as part of its declaration. If it is not explicitly initialized, it is implicitly initialized to the zero value for its type, which is 0 for numeric types and the empty string "" for strings. Thus in this example, the declaration implicitly initializes s and sep to empty strings. We’ll have more to say about variables and declarations in Chapter 2.

For numbers, Go provides the usual arithmetic and logical operators. When applied to strings, however, the + operator concatenates the values, so the expression

sep + os.Args[i]

represents the concatenation of the strings sep and os.Args[i]. The statement we used in the program,

s += sep + os.Args[i]

is an assignment statement that concatenates the old value of s with sep and os.Args[i] and assigns it back to s; it is equivalent to

s = s + sep + os.Args[i]

The operator += is an assignment operator. Each arithmetic and logical operator like + or * has a corresponding assignment operator.

The echo program could have printed its output in a loop one piece at a time, but this version instead builds up a string by repeatedly appending new text to the end. The string s starts life empty, that is, with value "", and each trip through the loop adds some text to it; after the first iteration, a space is also inserted so that when the loop is finished, there is one space between each argument. This is a quadratic process that could be costly if the number of arguments is large, but for echo, that’s unlikely. We’ll show a number of improved versions of echo in this chapter and the next that will deal with any real inefficiency.

The loop index variable i is declared in the first part of the for loop. The := symbol is part of a short variable declaration, a statement that declares one or more variables and gives them appropriate types based on the initializer values; there’s more about this in the next chapter.

The increment statement i++ adds 1 to i; it’s equivalent to i += 1 which is in turn equivalent to i = i + 1. There’s a corresponding decrement statement i-- that subtracts 1. These are statements, not expressions as they are in most languages in the C family, so j = i++ is illegal, and they are postfix only, so --i is not legal either.

The for loop is the only loop statement in Go. It has a number of forms, one of which is illustrated here:

for initialization; condition; post {

// zero or more statements


Parentheses are never used around the three components of a for loop. The braces are mandatory, however, and the opening brace must be on the same line as the post statement.

The optional initialization statement is executed before the loop starts. If it is present, it must be a simple statement, that is, a short variable declaration, an increment or assignment statement, or a function call. The condition is a boolean expression that is evaluated at the beginning of each iteration of the loop; if it evaluates to true, the statements controlled by the loop are executed. The post statement is executed after the body of the loop, then the condition is evaluated again. The loop ends when the condition becomes false.

Any of these parts may be omitted. If there is no initialization and no post, the semicolons may also be omitted:

// a traditional "while" loop

for condition {

// ...


If the condition is omitted entirely in any of these forms, for example in

// a traditional infinite loop

for {

// ...


the loop is infinite, though loops of this form may be terminated in some other way, like a break or return statement.

Another form of the for loop iterates over a range of values from a data type like a string or a slice. To illustrate, here’s a second version of echo:


// Echo2 prints its command-line arguments.

package main

import (




func main() {

s, sep := "", ""

for _, arg := range os.Args[1:] {

s += sep + arg

sep = " "




In each iteration of the loop, range produces a pair of values: the index and the value of the element at that index. In this example, we don’t need the index, but the syntax of a range loop requires that if we deal with the element, we must deal with the index too. One idea would be to assign the index to an obviously temporary variable like temp and ignore its value, but Go does not permit unused local variables, so this would result in a compilation error.

The solution is to use the blank identifier, whose name is _ (that is, an underscore). The blank identifier may be used whenever syntax requires a variable name but program logic does not, for instance to discard an unwanted loop index when we require only the element value. Most Go programmers would likely use range and _ to write the echo program as above, since the indexing over os.Args is implicit, not explicit, and thus easier to get right.

This version of the program uses a short variable declaration to declare and initialize s and sep, but we could equally well have declared the variables separately. There are several ways to declare a string variable; these are all equivalent:

s := ""

var s string

var s = ""

var s string = ""

Why should you prefer one form to another? The first form, a short variable declaration, is the most compact, but it may be used only within a function, not for package-level variables. The second form relies on default initialization to the zero value for strings, which is "". The third form is rarely used except when declaring multiple variables. The fourth form is explicit about the variable’s type, which is redundant when it is the same as that of the initial value but necessary in other cases where they are not of the same type. In practice, you should generally use one of the first two forms, with explicit initialization to say that the initial value is important and implicit initialization to say that the initial value doesn’t matter.

As noted above, each time around the loop, the string s gets completely new contents. The += statement makes a new string by concatenating the old string, a space character, and the next argument, then assigns the new string to s. The old contents of s are no longer in use, so they will be garbage-collected in due course.

If the amount of data involved is large, this could be costly. A simpler and more efficient solution would be to use the Join function from the strings package:


func main() {

fmt.Println(strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " "))


Finally, if we don’t care about format but just want to see the values, perhaps for debugging, we can let Println format the results for us:


The output of this statement is like what we would get from strings.Join, but with surrounding brackets. Any slice may be printed this way.

Exercise 1.1: Modify the echo program to also print os.Args[0], the name of the command that invoked it.

Exercise 1.2: Modify the echo program to print the index and value of each of its arguments, one per line.

Exercise 1.3: Experiment to measure the difference in running time between our potentially inefficient versions and the one that uses strings.Join. (Section 1.6 illustrates part of the time package, and Section 11.4 shows how to write benchmark tests for systematic performance evaluation.)

1.3 Finding Duplicate Lines

Programs for file copying, printing, searching, sorting, counting, and the like all have a similar structure: a loop over the input, some computation on each element, and generation of output on the fly or at the end. We’ll show three variants of a program called dup; it is partly inspired by the Unix uniq command, which looks for adjacent duplicate lines. The structures and packages used are models that can be easily adapted.

The first version of dup prints each line that appears more than once in the standard input, preceded by its count. This program introduces the if statement, the map data type, and the bufio package.


// Dup1 prints the text of each line that appears more than

// once in the standard input, preceded by its count.

package main

import (





func main() {

counts := make(map[string]int)

input := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)

for input.Scan() {



// NOTE: ignoring potential errors from input.Err()

for line, n := range counts {

if n > 1 {

fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n", n, line)




As with for, parentheses are never used around the condition in an if statement, but braces are required for the body. There can be an optional else part that is executed if the condition is false.

A map holds a set of key/value pairs and provides constant-time operations to store, retrieve, or test for an item in the set. The key may be of any type whose values can be compared with ==, strings being the most common example; the value may be of any type at all. In this example, the keys are strings and the values are ints. The built-in function make creates a new empty map; it has other uses too. Maps are discussed at length in Section 4.3.

Each time dup reads a line of input, the line is used as a key into the map and the corresponding value is incremented. The statement counts[input.Text()]++ is equivalent to these two statements:

line := input.Text()

counts[line] = counts[line] + 1

It’s not a problem if the map doesn’t yet contain that key. The first time a new line is seen, the expression counts[line] on the right-hand side evaluates to the zero value for its type, which is 0 for int.

To print the results, we use another range-based for loop, this time over the counts map. As before, each iteration produces two results, a key and the value of the map element for that key. The order of map iteration is not specified, but in practice it is random, varying from one run to another. This design is intentional, since it prevents programs from relying on any particular ordering where none is guaranteed.

Onward to the bufio package, which helps make input and output efficient and convenient. One of its most useful features is a type called Scanner that reads input and breaks it into lines or words; it’s often the easiest way to process input that comes naturally in lines.

The program uses a short variable declaration to create a new variable input that refers to a bufio.Scanner:

input := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)

The scanner reads from the program’s standard input. Each call to input.Scan() reads the next line and removes the newline character from the end; the result can be retrieved by calling input.Text(). The Scan function returns true if there is a line and false when there is no more input.

The function fmt.Printf, like printf in C and other languages, produces formatted output from a list of expressions. Its first argument is a format string that specifies how subsequent arguments should be formatted. The format of each argument is determined by a conversion character, a letter following a percent sign. For example, %d formats an integer operand using decimal notation, and %s expands to the value of a string operand.

Printf has over a dozen such conversions, which Go programmers call verbs. This table is far from a complete specification but illustrates many of the features that are available:

View table image


decimal integer

%x, %o, %b

integer in hexadecimal, octal, binary

%f, %g, %e

floating-point number: 3.141593 3.141592653589793 3.141593e+00


boolean: true or false


rune (Unicode code point)




quoted string "abc" or rune 'c'


any value in a natural format


type of any value


literal percent sign (no operand)

The format string in dup1 also contains a tab \t and a newline \n. String literals may contain such escape sequences for representing otherwise invisible characters. Printf does not write a newline by default. By convention, formatting functions whose names end in f, such aslog.Printf and fmt.Errorf, use the formatting rules of fmt.Printf, whereas those whose names end in ln follow Println, formatting their arguments as if by %v, followed by a newline.

Many programs read either from their standard input, as above, or from a sequence of named files. The next version of dup can read from the standard input or handle a list of file names, using os.Open to open each one:


// Dup2 prints the count and text of lines that appear more than once

// in the input. It reads from stdin or from a list of named files.

package main

import (





func main() {

counts := make(map[string]int)

files := os.Args[1:]

if len(files) == 0 {

countLines(os.Stdin, counts)

} else {

for _, arg := range files {

f, err := os.Open(arg)

if err != nil {

fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "dup2: %v\n", err)



countLines(f, counts)




for line, n := range counts {

if n > 1 {

fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n", n, line)




func countLines(f *os.File, counts map[string]int) {

input := bufio.NewScanner(f)

for input.Scan() {



// NOTE: ignoring potential errors from input.Err()


The function os.Open returns two values. The first is an open file (*os.File) that is used in subsequent reads by the Scanner.

The second result of os.Open is a value of the built-in error type. If err equals the special built-in value nil, the file was opened successfully. The file is read, and when the end of the input is reached, Close closes the file and releases any resources. On the other hand, if err is notnil, something went wrong. In that case, the error value describes the problem. Our simple-minded error handling prints a message on the standard error stream using Fprintf and the verb %v, which displays a value of any type in a default format, and dup then carries on with the next file; the continue statement goes to the next iteration of the enclosing for loop.

In the interests of keeping code samples to a reasonable size, our early examples are intentionally somewhat cavalier about error handling. Clearly we must check for an error from os.Open; however, we are ignoring the less likely possibility that an error could occur while reading the file with input.Scan. We will note places where we’ve skipped error checking, and we will go into the details of error handling in Section 5.4.

Notice that the call to countLines precedes its declaration. Functions and other package-level entities may be declared in any order.

A map is a reference to the data structure created by make. When a map is passed to a function, the function receives a copy of the reference, so any changes the called function makes to the underlying data structure will be visible through the caller’s map reference too. In our example, the values inserted into the counts map by countLines are seen by main.

The versions of dup above operate in a “streaming” mode in which input is read and broken into lines as needed, so in principle these programs can handle an arbitrary amount of input. An alternative approach is to read the entire input into memory in one big gulp, split it into lines all at once, then process the lines. The following version, dup3, operates in that fashion. It introduces the function ReadFile (from the io/ioutil package), which reads the entire contents of a named file, and strings.Split, which splits a string into a slice of substrings. (Split is the opposite of strings.Join, which we saw earlier.)

We’ve simplified dup3 somewhat. First, it only reads named files, not the standard input, since ReadFile requires a file name argument. Second, we moved the counting of the lines back into main, since it is now needed in only one place.


package main

import (






func main() {

counts := make(map[string]int)

for _, filename := range os.Args[1:] {

data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)

if err != nil {

fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "dup3: %v\n", err)



for _, line := range strings.Split(string(data), "\n") {




for line, n := range counts {

if n > 1 {

fmt.Printf("%d\t%s\n", n, line)




ReadFile returns a byte slice that must be converted into a string so it can be split by strings.Split. We will discuss strings and byte slices at length in Section 3.5.4.

Under the covers, bufio.Scanner, ioutil.ReadFile, and ioutil.WriteFile use the Read and Write methods of *os.File, but it’s rare that most programmers need to access those lower-level routines directly. The higher-level functions like those from bufio andio/ioutil are easier to use.

Exercise 1.4: Modify dup2 to print the names of all files in which each duplicated line occurs.

1.4 Animated GIFs

The next program demonstrates basic usage of Go’s standard image packages, which we’ll use to create a sequence of bit-mapped images and then encode the sequence as a GIF animation. The images, called Lissajous figures, were a staple visual effect in sci-fi films of the 1960s. They are the parametric curves produced by harmonic oscillation in two dimensions, such as two sine waves fed into the x and y inputs of an oscilloscope. Figure 1.1 shows some examples.

Four Lissajous figures.

Figure 1.1. Four Lissajous figures.

There are several new constructs in this code, including const declarations, struct types, and composite literals. Unlike most of our examples, this one also involves floating-point computations. We’ll discuss these topics only briefly here, pushing most details off to later chapters, since the primary goal right now is to give you an idea of what Go looks like and the kinds of things that can be done easily with the language and its libraries.


// Lissajous generates GIF animations of random Lissajous figures.

package main

import (









var palette = []color.Color{color.White, color.Black}

const (

whiteIndex = 0 // first color in palette

blackIndex = 1 // next color in palette


func main() {



func lissajous(out io.Writer) {

const (

cycles = 5 // number of complete x oscillator revolutions

res = 0.001 // angular resolution

size = 100 // image canvas covers [-size..+size]

nframes = 64 // number of animation frames

delay = 8 // delay between frames in 10ms units


freq := rand.Float64() * 3.0 // relative frequency of y oscillator

anim := gif.GIF{LoopCount: nframes}

phase := 0.0 // phase difference

for i := 0; i < nframes; i++ {

rect := image.Rect(0, 0, 2*size+1, 2*size+1)

img := image.NewPaletted(rect, palette)

for t := 0.0; t < cycles*2*math.Pi; t += res {

x := math.Sin(t)

y := math.Sin(t*freq + phase)

img.SetColorIndex(size+int(x*size+0.5), size+int(y*size+0.5),



phase += 0.1

anim.Delay = append(anim.Delay, delay)

anim.Image = append(anim.Image, img)


gif.EncodeAll(out, &anim) // NOTE: ignoring encoding errors


After importing a package whose path has multiple components, like image/color, we refer to the package with a name that comes from the last component. Thus the variable color.White belongs to the image/color package and gif.GIF belongs to image/gif.

A const declaration (§3.6) gives names to constants, that is, values that are fixed at compile time, such as the numerical parameters for cycles, frames, and delay. Like var declarations, const declarations may appear at package level (so the names are visible throughout the package) or within a function (so the names are visible only within that function). The value of a constant must be a number, string, or boolean.

The expressions []color.Color{...} and gif.GIF{...} are composite literals (§4.2, §4.4.1), a compact notation for instantiating any of Go’s composite types from a sequence of element values. Here, the first one is a slice and the second one is a struct.

The type gif.GIF is a struct type (§4.4). A struct is a group of values called fields, often of different types, that are collected together in a single object that can be treated as a unit. The variable anim is a struct of type gif.GIF. The struct literal creates a struct value whose LoopCountfield is set to nframes; all other fields have the zero value for their type. The individual fields of a struct can be accessed using dot notation, as in the final two assignments which explicitly update the Delay and Image fields of anim.

The lissajous function has two nested loops. The outer loop runs for 64 iterations, each producing a single frame of the animation. It creates a new 201×201 image with a palette of two colors, white and black. All pixels are initially set to the palette’s zero value (the zeroth color in the palette), which we set to white. Each pass through the inner loop generates a new image by setting some pixels to black. The result is appended, using the built-in append function (§4.2.1), to a list of frames in anim, along with a specified delay of 80ms. Finally the sequence of frames and delays is encoded into GIF format and written to the output stream out. The type of out is io.Writer, which lets us write to a wide range of possible destinations, as we’ll show soon.

The inner loop runs the two oscillators. The x oscillator is just the sine function. The y oscillator is also a sinusoid, but its frequency relative to the x oscillator is a random number between 0 and 3, and its phase relative to the x oscillator is initially zero but increases with each frame of the animation. The loop runs until the x oscillator has completed five full cycles. At each step, it calls SetColorIndex to color the pixel corresponding to (x, y) black, which is at position 1 in the palette.

The main function calls the lissajous function, directing it to write to the standard output, so this command produces an animated GIF with frames like those in Figure 1.1:

$ go build gopl.io/ch1/lissajous

$ ./lissajous >out.gif

Exercise 1.5: Change the Lissajous program’s color palette to green on black, for added authenticity. To create the web color #RRGGBB, use color.RGBA{0xRR, 0xGG, 0xBB, 0xff}, where each pair of hexadecimal digits represents the intensity of the red, green, or blue component of the pixel.

Exercise 1.6: Modify the Lissajous program to produce images in multiple colors by adding more values to palette and then displaying them by changing the third argument of SetColorIndex in some interesting way.

1.5 Fetching a URL

For many applications, access to information from the Internet is as important as access to the local file system. Go provides a collection of packages, grouped under net, that make it easy to send and receive information through the Internet, make low-level network connections, and set up servers, for which Go’s concurrency features (introduced in Chapter 8) are particularly useful.

To illustrate the minimum necessary to retrieve information over HTTP, here’s a simple program called fetch that fetches the content of each specified URL and prints it as uninterpreted text; it’s inspired by the invaluable utility curl. Obviously one would usually do more with such data, but this shows the basic idea. We will use this program frequently in the book.


// Fetch prints the content found at a URL.

package main

import (






func main() {

for _, url := range os.Args[1:] {

resp, err := http.Get(url)

if err != nil {

fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fetch: %v\n", err)



b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)


if err != nil {

fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fetch: reading %s: %v\n", url, err)



fmt.Printf("%s", b)



This program introduces functions from two packages, net/http and io/ioutil. The http.Get function makes an HTTP request and, if there is no error, returns the result in the response struct resp. The Body field of resp contains the server response as a readable stream. Next,ioutil.ReadAll reads the entire response; the result is stored in b. The Body stream is closed to avoid leaking resources, and Printf writes the response to the standard output.

$ go build gopl.io/ch1/fetch

$ ./fetch http://gopl.io



<title>The Go Programming Language</title>


If the HTTP request fails, fetch reports the failure instead:

$ ./fetch http://bad.gopl.io

fetch: Get http://bad.gopl.io: dial tcp: lookup bad.gopl.io: no such host

In either error case, os.Exit(1) causes the process to exit with a status code of 1.

Exercise 1.7: The function call io.Copy(dst, src) reads from src and writes to dst. Use it instead of ioutil.ReadAll to copy the response body to os.Stdout without requiring a buffer large enough to hold the entire stream. Be sure to check the error result of io.Copy.

Exercise 1.8: Modify fetch to add the prefix http:// to each argument URL if it is missing. You might want to use strings.HasPrefix.

Exercise 1.9: Modify fetch to also print the HTTP status code, found in resp.Status.

1.6 Fetching URLs Concurrently

One of the most interesting and novel aspects of Go is its support for concurrent programming. This is a large topic, to which Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are devoted, so for now we’ll give you just a taste of Go’s main concurrency mechanisms, goroutines and channels.

The next program, fetchall, does the same fetch of a URL’s contents as the previous example, but it fetches many URLs, all concurrently, so that the process will take no longer than the longest fetch rather than the sum of all the fetch times. This version of fetchall discards the responses but reports the size and elapsed time for each one:


// Fetchall fetches URLs in parallel and reports their times and sizes.

package main

import (








func main() {

start := time.Now()

ch := make(chan string)

for _, url := range os.Args[1:] {

go fetch(url, ch) // start a goroutine


for range os.Args[1:] {

fmt.Println(<-ch) // receive from channel ch


fmt.Printf("%.2fs elapsed\n", time.Since(start).Seconds())


func fetch(url string, ch chan<- string) {

start := time.Now()

resp, err := http.Get(url)

if err != nil {

ch <- fmt.Sprint(err) // send to channel ch



nbytes, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body)

resp.Body.Close() // don't leak resources

if err != nil {

ch <- fmt.Sprintf("while reading %s: %v", url, err)



secs := time.Since(start).Seconds()

ch <- fmt.Sprintf("%.2fs %7d %s", secs, nbytes, url)


Here’s an example:

$ go build gopl.io/ch1/fetchall

$ ./fetchall https://golang.org http://gopl.io https://godoc.org

0.14s 6852 https://godoc.org

0.16s 7261 https://golang.org

0.48s 2475 http://gopl.io

0.48s elapsed

A goroutine is a concurrent function execution. A channel is a communication mechanism that allows one goroutine to pass values of a specified type to another goroutine. The function main runs in a goroutine and the go statement creates additional goroutines.

The main function creates a channel of strings using make. For each command-line argument, the go statement in the first range loop starts a new goroutine that calls fetch asynchronously to fetch the URL using http.Get. The io.Copy function reads the body of the response and discards it by writing to the ioutil.Discard output stream. Copy returns the byte count, along with any error that occurred. As each result arrives, fetch sends a summary line on the channel ch. The second range loop in main receives and prints those lines.

When one goroutine attempts a send or receive on a channel, it blocks until another goroutine attempts the corresponding receive or send operation, at which point the value is transferred and both goroutines proceed. In this example, each fetch sends a value (ch <- expression) on the channel ch, and main receives all of them (<-ch). Having main do all the printing ensures that output from each goroutine is processed as a unit, with no danger of interleaving if two goroutines finish at the same time.

Exercise 1.10: Find a web site that produces a large amount of data. Investigate caching by running fetchall twice in succession to see whether the reported time changes much. Do you get the same content each time? Modify fetchall to print its output to a file so it can be examined.

Exercise 1.11: Try fetchall with longer argument lists, such as samples from the top million web sites available at alexa.com. How does the program behave if a web site just doesn’t respond? (Section 8.9 describes mechanisms for coping in such cases.)

1.7 A Web Server

Go’s libraries makes it easy to write a web server that responds to client requests like those made by fetch. In this section, we’ll show a minimal server that returns the path component of the URL used to access the server. That is, if the request is for http://localhost:8000/hello, the response will be URL.Path = "/hello".


// Server1 is a minimal "echo" server.

package main

import (





func main() {

http.HandleFunc("/", handler) // each request calls handler

log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8000", nil))


// handler echoes the Path component of the requested URL.

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

fmt.Fprintf(w, "URL.Path = %q\n", r.URL.Path)


The program is only a handful of lines long because library functions do most of the work. The main function connects a handler function to incoming URLs whose path begins with /, which is all URLs, and starts a server listening for incoming requests on port 8000. A request is represented as a struct of type http.Request, which contains a number of related fields, one of which is the URL of the incoming request. When a request arrives, it is given to the handler function, which extracts the path component (/hello) from the request URL and sends it back as the response, using fmt.Fprintf. Web servers will be explained in detail in Section 7.7.

Let’s start the server in the background. On Mac OS X or Linux, add an ampersand (&) to the command; on Microsoft Windows, you will need to run the command without the ampersand in a separate command window.

$ go run src/gopl.io/ch1/server1/main.go &

We can then make client requests from the command line:

$ go build gopl.io/ch1/fetch

$ ./fetch http://localhost:8000

URL.Path = "/"

$ ./fetch http://localhost:8000/help

URL.Path = "/help"

Alternatively, we can access the server from a web browser, as shown in Figure 1.2.

A response from the echo server.

Figure 1.2. A response from the echo server.

It’s easy to add features to the server. One useful addition is a specific URL that returns a status of some sort. For example, this version does the same echo but also counts the number of requests; a request to the URL /count returns the count so far, excluding /count requests themselves:


// Server2 is a minimal "echo" and counter server.

package main

import (






var mu sync.Mutex

var count int

func main() {

http.HandleFunc("/", handler)

http.HandleFunc("/count", counter)

log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8000", nil))


// handler echoes the Path component of the requested URL.

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {




fmt.Fprintf(w, "URL.Path = %q\n", r.URL.Path)


// counter echoes the number of calls so far.

func counter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {


fmt.Fprintf(w, "Count %d\n", count)



The server has two handlers, and the request URL determines which one is called: a request for /count invokes counter and all others invoke handler. A handler pattern that ends with a slash matches any URL that has the pattern as a prefix. Behind the scenes, the server runs the handler for each incoming request in a separate goroutine so that it can serve multiple requests simultaneously. However, if two concurrent requests try to update count at the same time, it might not be incremented consistently; the program would have a serious bug called a race condition(§9.1). To avoid this problem, we must ensure that at most one goroutine accesses the variable at a time, which is the purpose of the mu.Lock() and mu.Unlock() calls that bracket each access of count. We’ll look more closely at concurrency with shared variables in Chapter 9.

As a richer example, the handler function can report on the headers and form data that it receives, making the server useful for inspecting and debugging requests:


// handler echoes the HTTP request.

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s %s\n", r.Method, r.URL, r.Proto)

for k, v := range r.Header {

fmt.Fprintf(w, "Header[%q] = %q\n", k, v)


fmt.Fprintf(w, "Host = %q\n", r.Host)

fmt.Fprintf(w, "RemoteAddr = %q\n", r.RemoteAddr)

if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {



for k, v := range r.Form {

fmt.Fprintf(w, "Form[%q] = %q\n", k, v)



This uses the fields of the http.Request struct to produce output like this:

GET /?q=query HTTP/1.1

Header["Accept-Encoding"] = ["gzip, deflate, sdch"]

Header["Accept-Language"] = ["en-US,en;q=0.8"]

Header["Connection"] = ["keep-alive"]

Header["Accept"] = ["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;..."]

Header["User-Agent"] = ["Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5)..."]

Host = "localhost:8000"

RemoteAddr = ""

Form["q"] = ["query"]

Notice how the call to ParseForm is nested within an if statement. Go allows a simple statement such as a local variable declaration to precede the if condition, which is particularly useful for error handling as in this example. We could have written it as

err := r.ParseForm()

if err != nil {



but combining the statements is shorter and reduces the scope of the variable err, which is good practice. We’ll define scope in Section 2.7.

In these programs, we’ve seen three very different types used as output streams. The fetch program copied HTTP response data to os.Stdout, a file, as did the lissajous program. The fetchall program threw the response away (while counting its length) by copying it to the trivial sink ioutil.Discard. And the web server above used fmt.Fprintf to write to an http.ResponseWriter representing the web browser.

Although these three types differ in the details of what they do, they all satisfy a common interface, allowing any of them to be used wherever an output stream is needed. That interface, called io.Writer, is discussed in Section 7.1.

Go’s interface mechanism is the topic of Chapter 7, but to give an idea of what it’s capable of, let’s see how easy it is to combine the web server with the lissajous function so that animated GIFs are written not to the standard output, but to the HTTP client. Just add these lines to the web server:

handler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {



http.HandleFunc("/", handler)

or equivalently:

http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {



The second argument to the HandleFunc function call immediately above is a function literal, that is, an anonymous function defined at its point of use. We will explain it further in Section 5.6.

Once you’ve made this change, visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser. Each time you load the page, you’ll see a new animation like the one in Figure 1.3.

Exercise 1.12: Modify the Lissajous server to read parameter values from the URL. For example, you might arrange it so that a URL like http://localhost:8000/?cycles=20 sets the number of cycles to 20 instead of the default 5. Use the strconv.Atoi function to convert the string parameter into an integer. You can see its documentation with go doc strconv.Atoi.

Animated Lissajous figures in a browser.

Figure 1.3. Animated Lissajous figures in a browser.

1.8 Loose Ends

There is a lot more to Go than we’ve covered in this quick introduction. Here are some topics we’ve barely touched upon or omitted entirely, with just enough discussion that they will be familiar when they make brief appearances before the full treatment.

Control flow: We covered the two fundamental control-flow statements, if and for, but not the switch statement, which is a multi-way branch. Here’s a small example:

switch coinflip() {

case "heads":


case "tails":



fmt.Println("landed on edge!")


The result of calling coinflip is compared to the value of each case. Cases are evaluated from top to bottom, so the first matching one is executed. The optional default case matches if none of the other cases does; it may be placed anywhere. Cases do not fall through from one to the next as in C-like languages (though there is a rarely used fallthrough statement that overrides this behavior).

A switch does not need an operand; it can just list the cases, each of which is a boolean expression:

func Signum(x int) int {

switch {

case x > 0:

return +1


return 0

case x < 0:

return -1



This form is called a tagless switch; it’s equivalent to switch true.

Like the for and if statements, a switch may include an optional simple statement—a short variable declaration, an increment or assignment statement, or a function call—that can be used to set a value before it is tested.

The break and continue statements modify the flow of control. A break causes control to resume at the next statement after the innermost for, switch, or select statement (which we’ll see later), and as we saw in Section 1.3, a continue causes the innermost for loop to start its next iteration. Statements may be labeled so that break and continue can refer to them, for instance to break out of several nested loops at once or to start the next iteration of the outermost loop. There is even a goto statement, though it’s intended for machine-generated code, not regular use by programmers.

Named types: A type declaration makes it possible to give a name to an existing type. Since struct types are often long, they are nearly always named. A familiar example is the definition of a Point type for a 2-D graphics system:

type Point struct {

X, Y int


var p Point

Type declarations and named types are covered in Chapter 2.

Pointers: Go provides pointers, that is, values that contain the address of a variable. In some languages, notably C, pointers are relatively unconstrained. In other languages, pointers are disguised as “references,” and there’s not much that can be done with them except pass them around. Go takes a position somewhere in the middle. Pointers are explicitly visible. The & operator yields the address of a variable, and the * operator retrieves the variable that the pointer refers to, but there is no pointer arithmetic. We’ll explain pointers in Section 2.3.2.

Methods and interfaces: A method is a function associated with a named type; Go is unusual in that methods may be attached to almost any named type. Methods are covered in Chapter 6. Interfaces are abstract types that let us treat different concrete types in the same way based on what methods they have, not how they are represented or implemented. Interfaces are the subject of Chapter 7.

Packages: Go comes with an extensive standard library of useful packages, and the Go community has created and shared many more. Programming is often more about using existing packages than about writing original code of one’s own. Throughout the book, we will point out a couple of dozen of the most important standard packages, but there are many more we don’t have space to mention, and we cannot provide anything remotely like a complete reference for any package.

Before you embark on any new program, it’s a good idea to see if packages already exist that might help you get your job done more easily. You can find an index of the standard library packages at https://golang.org/pkg and the packages contributed by the community athttps://godoc.org. The go doc tool makes these documents easily accessible from the command line:

$ go doc http.ListenAndServe

package http // import "net/http"

func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error

ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address addr and then

calls Serve with handler to handle requests on incoming connections.


Comments: We have already mentioned documentation comments at the beginning of a program or package. It’s also good style to write a comment before the declaration of each function to specify its behavior. These conventions are important, because they are used by tools like go docand godoc to locate and display documentation (§10.7.4).

For comments that span multiple lines or appear within an expression or statement, there is also the /* ... */ notation familiar from other languages. Such comments are sometimes used at the beginning of a file for a large block of explanatory text to avoid a // on every line. Within a comment, // and /* have no special meaning, so comments do not nest.