The Prime Directive - Learn Ruby The Beginner Guide An Introduction to Ruby Programming (2015)

Learn Ruby The Beginner Guide An Introduction to Ruby Programming (2015)

The Prime Directive

An easy method to build and understand is a prime number checker. We want to check to see if a number is prime. Look at the following code:

def is_prime(par)

prime = true

for num in 2...par

if par % num ==0

prime = false



if prime

puts "Yes"


puts "No"





Now we're going to break it down:

Define a method using def.

Give it a name of is_prime.

Give it a parameter name of par.

def is_prime(par)

Create a boolean called prime and set it to true.

def is_prime(par)

prime = true

Create a for loop and run a modulo operation using par with each number between 2 and the number we set as our par.

def is_prime(par)

prime = true

for num in 2...par

if par % num == 0

prime = false



Explained: If we set par to 8, the first if check will look like this: 8 % 2 = 0. Two goes into eight four times with no remainder. Remember that modulo returns remainders. Here's another: 9 % 2 = 1. Great. We're still in the for loop and now need to check the next number. 9 % 3 = 0. We said if par modulo num is ever equal to zero then set is_prime to false. Let's check a prime number now:

5 % 2 = 1

5 % 3 = 2

5 % 4 = 1

Great! Five must be prime. (We start at 2 because we know 5 % 1 would be zero.)

Moving on. If prime is true, puts "Yes", else puts "No".

def is_prime(par)

prime = true

for num in 2...par

if par % num == 0

prime = false



if prime #Shorthand for if prime == true

puts "Yes"


puts "No"



is_prime(137) #Check any number here.
