More About Methods - Facets of Ruby - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide (2013)

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide (2013)

Part 1. Facets of Ruby

Chapter 8. More About Methods

So far in this book, we’ve been defining and using methods without much thought. Now it’s time to get into the details.

8.1 Defining a Method

As we’ve seen, a method is defined using the keyword def. Method names should begin with a lowercase letter or underscore,[45] followed by letters, digits, and underscores.

A method name may end with one of ?, !, or =. Methods that return a boolean result (so-called predicate methods) are often named with a trailing ?:

1.even? # => false

2.even? # => true

1.instance_of?(Fixnum) # => true

Methods that are “dangerous,” or that modify their receiver, may be named with a trailing exclamation mark, !. These are sometimes called bang methods . For instance, class String provides both chop and chop! methods. The first returns a modified string; the second modifies the receiver in place.

Methods that can appear on the left side of an assignment (a feature we discussed back in the chapter on classes) end with an equal sign (=).

?, !, and = are the only “weird” characters allowed as method name suffixes.

Now that we’ve specified a name for our new method, we may need to declare some parameters. These are simply a list of local variable names in parentheses. (The parentheses around a method’s arguments are optional; our convention is to use them when a method has arguments and omit them when it doesn’t.)

def my_new_method(arg1, arg2, arg3) # 3 arguments

# Code for the method would go here


def my_other_new_method # No arguments

# Code for the method would go here


Ruby lets you specify default values for a method’s arguments—values that will be used if the caller doesn’t pass them explicitly. You do this using an equal sign (=) followed by a Ruby expression. That expression can include references to previous arguments in the list:

def cool_dude(arg1="Miles", arg2="Coltrane", arg3="Roach")

"#{arg1}, #{arg2}, #{arg3}."


cool_dude # => "Miles, Coltrane, Roach."

cool_dude("Bart") # => "Bart, Coltrane, Roach."

cool_dude("Bart", "Elwood") # => "Bart, Elwood, Roach."

cool_dude("Bart", "Elwood", "Linus") # => "Bart, Elwood, Linus."

Here’s an example where the default argument references a previous argument:

def surround(word, pad_width=word.length/2)

"[" * pad_width + word + "]" * pad_width


surround("elephant") # => "[[[[elephant]]]]"

surround("fox") # => "[fox]"

surround("fox", 10) # => "[[[[[[[[[[fox]]]]]]]]]]"

The body of a method contains normal Ruby expressions. The return value of a method is the value of the last expression executed or the argument of an explicit return expression.

Variable-Length Argument Lists

But what if you want to pass in a variable number of arguments or want to capture multiple arguments into a single parameter? Placing an asterisk before the name of the parameter after the “normal” parameters lets you do just that. This is sometimes called splatting an argument (presumably because the asterisk looks somewhat like a bug after hitting the windscreen of a fast-moving car).

def varargs(arg1, *rest)

"arg1=#{arg1}. rest=#{rest.inspect}"


varargs("one") # => arg1=one. rest=[]

varargs("one", "two") # => arg1=one. rest=["two"]

varargs "one", "two", "three" # => arg1=one. rest=["two", "three"]

In this example, the first argument is assigned to the first method parameter as usual. However, the next parameter is prefixed with an asterisk, so all the remaining arguments are bundled into a new Array, which is then assigned to that parameter.

Folks sometimes use a splat to specify arguments that are not used by the method but that are perhaps used by the corresponding method in a superclass. (Note that in this example we call super with no parameters. This is a special case that means “invoke this method in the superclass, passing it all the parameters that were given to the original method.”)

class Child < Parent

def do_something(*not_used)

# our processing




In this case, you can also leave off the name of the parameter and just write an asterisk:

class Child < Parent

def do_something(*)

# our processing




You can put the splat argument anywhere in a method’s parameter list, allowing you to write this:

def split_apart(first, *splat, last)

puts "First: #{first.inspect}, splat: #{splat.inspect}, " +

"last: #{last.inspect}"






First: 1, splat: [], last: 2

First: 1, splat: [2], last: 3

First: 1, splat: [2, 3], last: 4

If you cared only about the first and last parameters, you could define this method using this:

def split_apart(first, *, last)

You can have only one splat argument in a method—if you had two, it would be ambiguous. You also can’t put arguments with default values after the splat argument. In all cases, the splat argument receives the values left over after assigning to the regular arguments.

Methods and Blocks

As we discussed in the section on blocks and iterators, when a method is called it may be associated with a block. Normally, you call the block from within the method using yield:

def double(p1)



double(3) {|val| "I got #{val}" } # => "I got 6"

double("tom") {|val| "Then I got #{val}" } # => "Then I got tomtom"

However, if the last parameter in a method definition is prefixed with an ampersand, any associated block is converted to a Proc object, and that object is assigned to the parameter. This allows you to store the block for use later.

class TaxCalculator

def initialize(name, &block)

@name, @block = name, block


def get_tax(amount)

"#@name on #{amount} = #{ }"



tc ="Sales tax") {|amt| amt * 0.075 }

tc.get_tax(100) # => "Sales tax on 100 = 7.5"

tc.get_tax(250) # => "Sales tax on 250 = 18.75"

8.2 Calling a Method

You call a method by optionally specifying a receiver, giving the name of the method, and optionally passing some parameters and an optional block. Here’s a code fragment that shows us calling a method with a receiver, a parameter, and a block:

connection.download_mp3("jitterbug") {|p| show_progress(p) }

In this example, the object connection is the receiver, download_mp3 is the name of the method, the string "jitterbug" is the parameter, and the stuff between the braces is the associated block. During this method call, Ruby first sets self to the receiver and then invokes the method in that object. For class and module methods, the receiver will be the class or module name.

File.size("testfile") # => 66

Math.sin(Math::PI/4) # => 0.7071067811865475

If you omit the receiver, it defaults to self, the current object.

class InvoiceWriter

def initialize(order)

@order = order


def write_on(output)

write_header_on(output) # called on current object.

write_body_on(output) # self is not changed, as

write_totals_on(output) # there is no receiver


def write_header_on(output)

# ...


def write_body_on(output)

# ...


def write_totals_on(output)

# ...



This defaulting mechanism is how Ruby implements private methods. Private methods may not be called with a receiver, so they must be methods available in the current object. In the previous example, we’d probably want to make the helper methods private, because they shouldn’t be called from outside the InvoiceWriter class:

class InvoiceWriter

def initialize(order)

@order = order


def write_on(output)






def write_header_on(output)

# ...


def write_body_on(output)

# ...


def write_totals_on(output)

# ...



Passing Parameters to a Method

Any parameters follow the method name. If no ambiguity exists, you can omit the parentheses around the argument list when calling a method.[46] However, except in the simplest cases we don’t recommend this—some subtle problems can trip you up.[47] Our rule is simple: if you have any doubt, use parentheses.

# for some suitable value in obj:

a = obj.hash # Same as

a = obj.hash() # this.

obj.some_method "Arg1", arg2, arg3 # Same thing as

obj.some_method("Arg1", arg2, arg3) # with parentheses.

Older Ruby versions compounded the problem by allowing you to put spaces between the method name and the opening parenthesis. This made it hard to parse: is the parenthesis the start of the parameters or the start of an expression? As of Ruby 1.8, you get a warning if you put a space between a method name and an open parenthesis.

Method Return Values

Every method you call returns a value (although there’s no rule that says you have to use that value). The value of a method is the value of the last statement executed by the method:

def meth_one



meth_one # => "one"

def meth_two(arg)


when arg > 0 then "positive"

when arg < 0 then "negative"

else "zero"



meth_two(23) # => "positive"

meth_two(0) # => "zero"

Ruby has a return statement, which exits from the currently executing method. The value of a return is the value of its argument(s). It is idiomatic Ruby to omit the return if it isn’t needed, as shown by the previous two examples.

This next example uses return to exit from a loop inside the method:

def meth_three

100.times do |num|

square = num*num

return num, square if square > 1000



meth_three # => [32, 1024]

As the last case illustrates, if you give return multiple parameters, the method returns them in an array. You can use parallel assignment to collect this return value:

num, square = meth_three

num # => 32

square # => 1024

Splat! Expanding Collections in Method Calls

We’ve seen that if you prefix the name of a parameter with an asterisk, multiple arguments in the call to the method will be passed as an array. Well, the same thing works in reverse.

When you call a method, you can convert any collection or enumerable object into its constituent elements and pass those elements as individual parameters to the method. Do this by prefixing array arguments with an asterisk:

def five(a, b, c, d, e)

"I was passed #{a} #{b} #{c} #{d} #{e}"


five(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) # => "I was passed 1 2 3 4 5"

five(1, 2, 3, *['a', 'b']) # => "I was passed 1 2 3 a b"

five(*['a', 'b'], 1, 2, 3) # => "I was passed a b 1 2 3"

five(*(10..14)) # => "I was passed 10 11 12 13 14"

five(*[1,2], 3, *(4..5)) # => "I was passed 1 2 3 4 5"

As of Ruby 1.9, splat arguments can appear anywhere in the parameter list, and you can intermix splat and regular arguments.

Making Blocks More Dynamic

We’ve already seen how to associate a block with a method call:

collection.each do |member|

# ...


Normally, this is perfectly good enough—you associate a fixed block of code with a method in the same way you’d have a chunk of code after an if or while statement. But sometimes you’d like to be more flexible. Maybe we’re teaching math skills. The student could ask for an n-plus table or an n-times table. If the student asked for a 2-times table, we’d output 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on. (This code does not check its inputs for errors.)

print "(t)imes or (p)lus: "

operator = gets

print "number: "

number = Integer(gets)

if operator =~ /^t/

puts((1..10).collect {|n| n*number }.join(", "))


puts((1..10).collect {|n| n+number }.join(", "))



(t)imes or (p)lus: t

number: 2

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

This works, but it’s ugly, with virtually identical code on each branch of the if statement. It would be nice if we could factor out the block that does the calculation:

print "(t)imes or (p)lus: "

operator = gets

print "number: "

number = Integer(gets)

if operator =~ /^t/

calc = lambda {|n| n*number }


calc = lambda {|n| n+number }


puts((1..10).collect(&calc).join(", "))


(t)imes or (p)lus: t

number: 2

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

If the last argument to a method is preceded by an ampersand, Ruby assumes that it is a Proc object. It removes it from the parameter list, converts the Proc object into a block, and associates it with the method.

Hash and Keyword Arguments

People commonly use hashes as a way of passing optional named arguments to a method. For example, we could consider adding a search facility to an MP3 playlist:

class SongList

def search(field, params)

# ...



list =, { genre: "jazz", duration_less_than: 270 })

The first parameter tells the search what to return. The second parameter is a hash literal of search parameters. (Note how we used symbols as the keys for this options hash. This has become idiomatic in Ruby libraries and frameworks.) The use of a hash means we can simulate keywords: look for songs with a genre of “jazz” and a duration less than 4.5 minutes.

However, this approach is slightly clunky, and that set of braces could easily be mistaken for a block associated with the method. So, Ruby has a shortcut. You can place key => value pairs in an argument list, as long as they follow any normal arguments and precede any splat and block arguments. All these pairs will be collected into a single hash and passed as one argument to the method. No braces are needed., genre: "jazz", duration_less_than: 270)

Keyword Argument Lists

Let’s look inside our search method. It gets passed a field name and an options hash. Maybe we want to default the duration to 120 seconds, and validate that no invalid options are passed. Pre Ruby 2.0, the code would look something like:«2.0»

def search(field, options)

options = { duration: 120 }.merge(options)

if options.has_key?(:duration)

duration = options[:duration]



if options.has_key?(:genre)

genre = options[:genre]



fail "Invalid options: #{options.keys.join(', ')}" unless options.empty?

# rest of method


Do this enough times, and you end up writting a helper function to validate and extract hash parameters to methods.

Ruby 2 to the rescue. You can now define keyword arguments to your methods. You still pass in the hash, but Ruby now matches the hash contents to your keyword argument list. It also validates that you don’t pass in any unknown arguments.

def search(field, genre: nil, duration: 120)

p [field, genre, duration ]



search(:title, duration: 432)

search(:title, duration: 432, genre: "jazz")


[:title, nil, 120]

[:title, nil, 432]

[:title, "jazz", 432]

Pass in an invalid option, and Ruby complains:

def search(field, genre: nil, duration: 120)

p [field, genre, duration ]


search(:title, duraton: 432)


prog.rb:5:in `<main>': unknown keyword: duraton (ArgumentError)

You can collect these extra hash arguments as a hash parameter—just prefix one element of your argument list with two asterisks (a double splat).

def search(field, genre: nil, duration: 120, **rest)

p [field, genre, duration, rest ]


search(:title, duration: 432, stars: 3, genre: "jazz", tempo: "slow")


[:title, "jazz", 432, {:stars=>3, :tempo=>"slow"}]

And, just to prove that all we’re passing in is a hash, here’s the same calling sequence:

def search(field, genre: nil, duration: 120, **rest)

p [field, genre, duration, rest ]


options = { duration: 432, stars: 3, genre: "jazz", tempo: "slow" }

search(:title, options)


[:title, "jazz", 432, {:stars=>3, :tempo=>"slow"}]

A well-written Ruby program will typically contain many methods, each quite small, so it’s worth getting familiar with the options available when defining and using them. At some point you’ll probably want to read Method Arguments to see exactly how arguments in a method call get mapped to the method’s formal parameters when you have combinations of default parameters and splat parameters.



You won’t get an immediate error if you start a method name with an uppercase letter, but when Ruby sees you calling the method, it might guess that it is a constant, not a method invocation, and as a result it may parse the call incorrectly. By convention, methods names starting with an uppercase letter are used for type conversion. The Integer method, for example, converts its parameter to an integer.


Other Ruby documentation sometimes calls these method calls without parentheses commands .


In particular, you must use parentheses on a method call that is itself a parameter to another method call (unless it is the last parameter).