Ruby and the Web - Ruby in Its Setting - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide (2013)

Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide (2013)

Part 2. Ruby in Its Setting

Chapter 20. Ruby and the Web

Ruby is no stranger to the Internet. Not only can you write your own SMTP server, FTP daemon, or web server in Ruby, but you can also use Ruby for more usual tasks such as CGI programming or as a replacement for PHP.

Many options are available for using Ruby to implement web applications, and a single chapter can’t do them all justice. Instead, we’ll try to touch some of the highlights and point you toward libraries and resources that can help.

Let’s start with some simple stuff: running Ruby programs as Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs.

20.1 Writing CGI Scripts

You can use Ruby to write CGI scripts quite easily. To have a Ruby script generate HTML output, all you need is something like this:


print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"

print "<html><body>Hello World! It's #{}</body></html>\r\n"

Put this script in a CGI directory, mark it as executable, and you’ll be able to access it via your browser. (If your web server doesn’t automatically add headers, you’ll need to add the response header yourself, as shown in the following code.)


print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"

print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"

print "<html><body>Hello World! It's #{}</body></html>\r\n"

However, that’s hacking around at a pretty low level. You’d need to write your own request parsing, session management, cookie manipulation, output escaping, and so on. Fortunately, options are available to make this easier.

20.2 Using cgi.rb

Class CGI provides support for writing CGI scripts. With it, you can manipulate forms, cookies, and the environment; maintain stateful sessions; and so on. It’s a fairly large class, but we’ll take a quick look at its capabilities here.


When dealing with URLs and HTML code, you must be careful to quote certain characters. For instance, a slash character (/) has special meaning in a URL, so it must be “escaped” if it’s not part of the path name. That is, any / in the query portion of the URL will be translated to the string %2F and must be translated back to a / for you to use it. Space and ampersand are also special characters. To handle this, CGI provides the routines CGI.escape and CGI.unescape:

require 'cgi'

puts CGI.escape("Nicholas Payton/Trumpet & Flugel Horn")



More frequently, you may want to escape HTML special characters:

require 'cgi'

puts CGI.escapeHTML("a < 100 && b > 200")


a < 100 && b > 200

To get really fancy, you can decide to escape only certain HTML elements within a string:

require 'cgi'

puts CGI.escapeElement('<hr><a href="/mp3">Click Here</a><br>','A')


<hr><a href="/mp3">Click Here</a><br>

Here only the <a...> element is escaped; other elements are left alone. Each of these methods has an un- version to restore the original string:

require 'cgi'

puts CGI.unescapeHTML("a < 100 && b > 200")


a < 100 && b > 200

Query Parameters

HTTP requests from the browser to your application may contain parameters, either passed as part of the URL or passed as data embedded in the body of the request.

Processing of these parameters is complicated by the fact that a value with a given name may be returned multiple times in the same request. For example, say we’re writing a survey to find out why folks like Ruby. The HTML for our form looks like the following.



<title>Test Form</title>




I like Ruby because:


<form action="cgi-bin/survey.rb">


<input type="checkbox" name="reason" value="flexible" />

It's flexible



<input type="checkbox" name="reason" value="transparent" />

It's transparent



<input type="checkbox" name="reason" value="perlish" />

It's like Perl



<input type="checkbox" name="reason" value="fun" />

It's fun



Your name: <input type="text" name="name"/>


<input type="submit"/>




When someone fills in this form, they might check multiple reasons for liking Ruby (as shown in the following screenshot):

In this case, the form data corresponding to the name reason will have three values, corresponding to the three checked boxes.

Class CGI gives you access to form data in a couple of ways. First, we can just treat the CGI object as a hash, indexing it with field names and getting back field values.

require 'cgi'

cgi =

cgi['name'] # => "Dave Thomas"

cgi['reason'] # => "flexible"

However, this doesn’t work well with the reason field, because we see only one of the three values. We can ask to see them all by using the CGI#params method. The value returned by params acts like a hash containing the request parameters. You can both read and write this hash (the latter allows you to modify the data associated with a request). Note that each of the values in the hash is actually an array.

cgi =

cgi.params # => {"name"=>["Dave Thomas"], "reason"=>["flexible",

# .. "transparent", "fun"]}

cgi.params['name'] # => ["Dave Thomas"]

cgi.params['reason'] # => ["flexible", "transparent", "fun"]

You can determine whether a particular parameter is present in a request using CGI#has_key?:

require 'cgi'

cgi =

cgi.has_key?('name') # => true

cgi.has_key?('age') # => false

Generating HTML with CGI.rb

CGI contains a huge number of methods that can be used to create HTML—one method per element. To enable these methods, you must create a CGI object by calling, passing in the required version of HTML. In these examples, we’ll use html4.

To make element nesting easier, these methods take their content as code blocks. The code blocks should return a String, which will be used as the content for the element.

require 'cgi'

cgi ="html4") # add HTML generation methods

cgi.out do

cgi.html do

cgi.head { cgi.title { "This Is a Test"} } +

cgi.body do

cgi.form do +

cgi.h1 { "A Form: " } +

cgi.textarea("get_text") + +






Although vaguely interesting, this method of generating HTML is fairly laborious and probably isn’t used much in practice. Most people seem to write the HTML directly, use a templating system, or use an application framework, such as Rails. Unfortunately, we don’t have space here to discuss Rails—take a look at the online documentation at —but we can look at templating (including erb, the templating engine used by Rails).

20.3 Templating Systems

Templating systems let you separate the presentation and logic of your application. It seems that just about everyone who writes a web application using Ruby at some point also writes a templating system; a quick review page written in 2008 by Vidar Hokstad[92] lists nineteen. For now, let’s just look at two: Haml and erb/eruby. Also, remember to look at Builder if you need to generate XHTML or XML.


Haml is a library that generates HTML documents from a template.[93] Unlike many other templating systems, Haml uses indentation to indicate nesting (yup, just like Python). For example, you can represent a <ul> in Haml using this:


%li item one

%li item two

Install Haml using this:

$ gem install haml

The Haml input syntax is rich and powerful, and the example that follows touches on only a subset of the features. Lines starting with % get converted to HTML tags, nested in the output according to their indentation in the input. An equals sign means “substitute in the value of the Ruby code that follows.” A minus sign executes Ruby code but doesn’t substitute the value in—our example uses that to look over the reasons when constructing the table.

There are many ways of getting values passed in to the template. In this example, we chose to pass in a hash as the second parameter to render . This results in local variables getting set as the template is expanded, one variable for each key in the hash:

require 'haml'

engine ={



%p= greeting


As of


the reasons you gave were:



%th Reason

%th Rank

- for reason in reasons


%td= reason[:reason_name]

%td= reason[:rank]


data = {

greeting: 'Hello, Dave Thomas',

reasons: [

{ reason_name: 'flexible', rank: '87' },

{ reason_name: 'transparent', rank: '76' },

{ reason_name: 'fun', rank: '94' },



puts engine.render(nil, data)



<div id='welcome-box'>

<p>Hello, Dave Thomas</p>



As of

2013-05-27 12:31:30 -0500

the reasons you gave were:





















erb and eruby

So far we’ve looked at using Ruby to create HTML output, but we can turn the problem inside out; we can actually embed Ruby in an HTML document.

A number of packages allow you to embed Ruby statements in an HTML document--generically, this markup is known as “eRuby.” There are several different implementations of eRuby , including erubis and erb. erubis is available as a gem, while erb is written in pure Ruby and is included with the standard distribution. We’ll look at erb here.

Embedding Ruby in HTML is a very powerful concept—it basically gives us the equivalent of a tool such as ASP, JSP, or PHP, but with the full power of Ruby.

Using erb

erb is a filter. Input text is passed through untouched, with the following exceptions:



<% ruby code %>

This executes the Ruby code between the delimiters.

<%= ruby expression %>

This evaluates the Ruby expression and replaces the sequence with the expression’s value.

<%# ruby code %>

The Ruby code between the delimiters is ignored (useful for testing).

% line of ruby code

A line that starts with a percent is assumed to contain just Ruby code.

You can run erb from the command line:

erb <options> <document>

If the document is omitted, erb will read from standard input. The command-line options for erb are:




Sets $DEBUG to true

-E ext[:int]

Sets the default external/internal encodings


Displays resulting Ruby script (with line numbers)

-r library

Loads the named library


Doesn’t do erb processing on lines starting %

-S level

Sets the safe level

-T mode

Sets the trim mode


Sets default encoding to UTF-8


Enables verbose mode


Displays resulting Ruby script

Let’s look at some simple examples. We’ll run the erb executable on the following input:


% 99.downto(96) do |number|

<%= number %> bottles of beer...

% end

The lines starting with the percent sign simply execute the given Ruby. In this case, it’s a loop that iterates the line between them. The sequence <%= number %> in the middle line substitutes in the value of number into the output.

$ erb f1.erb

99 bottles of beer...

98 bottles of beer...

97 bottles of beer...

96 bottles of beer...

erb works by rewriting its input as a Ruby script and then executing that script. You can see the Ruby that erb generates using the -n or -x option:

$ erb -x f1.erb


_erbout = ''; 99.downto(96) do |number|

_erbout.concat(( number ).to_s); _erbout.concat " bottles of beer...\n"

; end


Notice how erb builds a string, _erbout, containing both the static strings from the template and the results of executing expressions (in this case the value of number).

Embedding erb in Your Code

So far we’ve shown erb running as a command-line filter. However, the most common use is to use it as a library in your own code. (This is what Rails does with its erb templates.)

require 'erb'


%{<% for number in min..max %>

The number is <%= number %>

<% end %>


erb =

min = 4

max = 6

puts erb.result(binding)


The number is 4

The number is 5

The number is 6

Notice how we can use local variables within the erb template. This works because we pass the current binding to the result method. erb can use this binding to make it look as if the template is being evaluated in the context of the calling code.

erb comes with excellent documentation: use ri to read it. One thing that Rails users should know is that in the standard version of erb, you can’t use the -%> trick to suppress blank lines. (In the previous example, that’s why we have the extra blank lines in the output.) Take a look at the description of trim modes in the documentation of for alternatives.

20.4 Cookies

Cookies are a way of letting web applications store their state on the user’s machine. Frowned upon by some, cookies are still a convenient (if unreliable) way of remembering session information.

The Ruby CGI class handles the loading and saving of cookies for you. You can access the cookies associated with the current request using the CGI#cookies method, and you can set cookies back into the browser by setting the cookie parameter of CGI#out to reference either a single cookie or an array of cookies:



require 'cgi'

COOKIE_NAME = 'chocolate chip'

cgi =

values = cgi.cookies[COOKIE_NAME]

if values.empty?

msg = "It looks as if you haven't visited recently"


msg = "You last visited #{values[0]}"


cookie =,

cookie.expires = + 30*24*3600 # 30 days

cgi.out("cookie" => cookie ) { msg }


Cookies by themselves still need a bit of work to be useful. We really want sessions: information that persists between requests from a particular web browser. Sessions are handled by class CGI::Session, which uses cookies but provides a higher-level abstraction.

As with cookies, sessions emulate a hashlike behavior, letting you associate values with keys. Unlike cookies, sessions store the majority of their data on the server, using the browser-resident cookie simply as a way of uniquely identifying the server-side data. Sessions also give you a choice of storage techniques for this data: it can be held in regular files, in a PStore (see the description), in memory, or even in your own customized store.

Sessions should be closed after use, because this ensures that their data is written out to the store. When you’ve permanently finished with a session, you should delete it.


require 'cgi'

require 'cgi/session'

cgi ="html4")

sess =, "session_key" => "rubyweb",

"prefix" => "web-session.")

if sess['lastaccess']

msg = "<p>You were last here #{sess['lastaccess']}.</p>"


msg = "<p>Looks like you haven't been here for a while</p>"


count = (sess["accesscount"] || 0).to_i

count += 1

msg << "<p>Number of visits: #{count}</p>"

sess["accesscount"] = count

sess["lastaccess"] =


cgi.out {

cgi.html {

cgi.body {





The code in the previous example used the default storage mechanism for sessions: persistent data was stored in files in your default temporary directory (see Dir.tmpdir). The filenames will all start with web-session. and will end with a hashed version of the session number. See the documentation for CGI::Session for more information.

20.5 Choice of Web Servers

So far, we’ve been running Ruby scripts under the Apache web server. However, Ruby comes bundled with WEBrick, a flexible, pure-Ruby HTTP server toolkit. WEBrick is an extensible plug-in--based framework that lets you write servers to handle HTTP requests and responses. The following is a basic HTTP server that serves documents and directory indexes:



require 'webrick'

include WEBrick

s = 2000,DocumentRoot: File.join(Dir.pwd, "/html"))

trap("INT") { s.shutdown }


The HTTPServer constructor creates a new web server on port 2000. The code sets the document root to be the html/ subdirectory of the current directory. It then uses Object#trap to arrange to shut down tidily on interrupts before starting the server running. If you point your browser at http://localhost:2000 , you should see a listing of your html subdirectory.

WEBrick can do far more than serve static content. You can use it just like a Java servlet container. The following code mounts a simple servlet at the location /hello. As requests arrive, the do_GET method is invoked. It uses the response object to display the user agent information and parameters from the request.



require 'webrick'

include WEBrick

s = 2000)

class HelloServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet

def do_GET(req, res)

res['Content-Type'] = "text/html"

res.body = %{


<p>Hello. You're calling from a #{req['User-Agent']}</p>

<p>I see parameters: #{req.query.keys.join(', ')}</p>




s.mount("/hello", HelloServlet)

trap("INT"){ s.shutdown }


20.6 Frameworks

In reality, almost no one uses CGI to write web-based Ruby applications any more. Most of the real action these days is with frameworks. Frameworks abstract away all this low-level detail and also help you structure your code into something that is both easy to write and (probably more importantly) easy to maintain.

At the time of writing, Ruby on Rails[94] is the leading web framework for Ruby. It has an incredibly active community and a vast set of plug-ins, so the chances are good you’ll find a lot of preexisting code to help you kick-start your application. Other alternatives include Camping, Padrino, Sinatra, and Ramaze.[95] By the time you read this, the list will have grown. And, if you fancy writing your own framework, consider making it independent of the underlying web server by building it on top of Rack.[96]





[95] , , , and
