Operators - Python Academy: The Stress Free Way To Learning Python Inside & Out (2014)

Python Academy: The Stress Free Way To Learning Python Inside & Out (2014)

Chapter 4. Operators

The values of your operands are manipulated by operators. There are seven types of operators used in the Python programming language. The following tables display these operators and provide brief explanations regarding their function.

Arithmetic Operators



Addition ( + )

It adds the values.

Subtraction ( - )

It subtracts the second operand from the previous operand.

Multiplication ( * )

It multiples the values.

Division ( / )

It divides the first operand by the second operand.

Modulus ( % )

It divides the first operand by the second operand and returns the remainder

Exponent ( ** )

It performs exponential calculation on the operators.

Floor Division

( // )

It divides the operands but eliminates the decimal points after the result.

Comparison Operators or Relational Operators




If the values of both operands are equal, the condition is true.


If the values of both operands are not equal, the condition is true.


If the values of both operands are not equal, the condition is true.


If the value of the left operand is bigger than the value of the right operand, the condition is true.


If the value of the left operand is less than the value of the right operand, the condition is true.


If the value of the left operand is bigger or equal to the value of the right operand, the condition is true.


If the value of the left operand is less than or equal to the value of the right operand, the condition is true.

Assignment Operators




It assigns values from the right operand to the left operand.

+= add AND

It adds the right operand to the left operand, and then allocates the result to the left operand.

-= subtract AND

It subtracts the right operand from the left operand, and then allocates the result to the left operand.

*= multiply AND

It multiples the left operand and the right operand, and then allocates the result to the left operand.

/= divide AND

It divides the left operand with the right operand, and then allocates the result to the left operand.

%= modulus AND

It uses the two operands to find the modulus, and then allocates the result to the left operand.

**= exponent AND

It performs exponential computation on the operators and then assigns the value to the left operand.

//= floor division

It performs floor division on the operators and assigns the value to the left operand.

Bitwise Operators



& binary AND

It copies the bit if it is present in both operands.

| binary OR

It copies the bit if it is present in either operand.

^ binary XOR

It copies the bit if it is present in one operand, but not both.

~ binary ones complement

It flips bits.

<< binary left shift

It moves the value of the left operand towards the left based on the number of bits assigned by the right operand.

>> binary right shift

It moves the value of the left operand towards the right based on the number of bits assigned by the right operand.

Logical Operators



And logical AND

The condition is true if both operands are true.

Or logical OR

The condition is true if an operand is non-zero.

Not logical NOT

It reverses the logical state of the operand.

Membership Operators




If the variables on either side of the operator point toward the same object, it evaluates to true. Otherwise, it evaluates to false.

Not in

If it does not find a variable in a particular sequence, it evaluates to true. Otherwise, it evaluates to false.

Identity Operators




If the variables on either side of the operator point towards the same object, it evaluates to true. Otherwise, it evaluates to false.

Is not

If the variables on either side of the operator point towards the same object, it evaluates to false. Otherwise, it evaluates to true.