JavaScript and Codes - JavaScript Bootcamp: Learn the Basics of JavaScript Programming in 2 Weeks (2014)

JavaScript Bootcamp: Learn the Basics of JavaScript Programming in 2 Weeks (2014)

Chapter 1. JavaScript and Codes

JavaScript – General Information

JavaScript was launched back in 1995 as a method of adding programs to webpages. Back then, it was exclusively used for a web browser called Netscape Navigator. Because of the success attained by JavaScript, all major browsers are now supporting it. This language allows programmers to create modern web programs – programs you can interact with without reloading webpages for each action. Traditional websites, on the other hand, also use JavaScript to provide different types of functionality and interactivity.

At this point, you should know that JavaScript is not related with Java (i.e. one of the leading programming languages today). JavaScript was called “Mocha” and “LiveScript” during its first year of existence. However, because the Java programming language was extremely popular, the owners of JavaScript decided to adopt its name. It was a marketing maneuver designed to exploit the popularity enjoyed by Java.

Codes – General Information

Codes are the texts that form computer programs and web applications. This eBook contains lots of codes, so you should be familiar with them. Computer experts claim that writing codes and reading codes are important aspects of becoming a programmer. Thus, you should read and understand the codes included in this book. You’ll be robbing yourself of excellent learning opportunities if you will simply glance over the code samples.

Beginners might experience difficulties in analyzing the codes. However, they will surely understand how JavaScript works if they will read the instructions carefully. It would be best if you will try the code samples using a JavaScript interpreter. This way, you can receive instant information about how codes look like once they are compiled as a program.