Working With Dictionaries - Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well (2015)

Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well (2015)

Appendix D: Working With Dictionaries

=> marks the start of the output

clear( )

Removes all elements of the dictionary, returning an empty dictionary


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}

print (dic1)

=> {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}


print (dic1)

=> { }


Delete the entire dictionary


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}

del dic1

print (dic1)

=> NameError: name 'dic1' is not defined

get( )

Returns a value for the given key.

If the key is not found, it’ll return the keyword None.

Alternatively, you can state the value to return if the key is not found.


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}


=> ‘one’


=> None

dic1.get(5, “Not Found”)

=> ‘Not Found’


Check if an item is in a dictionary


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}

# based on the key

1 in dic1

=> True

3 in dic1

=> False

# based on the value

‘one’ in dic1.values()

=> True

‘three’ in dic1.values()

=> False

items( )

Returns a list of dictionary’s pairs as tuples


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}


=> dict_items([(1, 'one'), (2, 'two')])

keys( )

Returns list of the dictionary's keys


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}


=> dict_keys([1, 2])

len( )

Find the number of items in a dictionary


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}

print (len(dic1))

=> 2

update( )

Adds one dictionary’s key-values pairs to another. Duplicates are removed.


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}

dic2 = {1: ‘one’, 3: ‘three’}


print (dic1)

=> {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}

print (dic2) #no change

=> {1: ‘one’, 3: ‘three’}

values( )

Returns list of the dictionary's values


dic1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}


=> dict_values(['one', 'two'])

Appendix E: Project Answers

Exercise 1

from random import randint

from os import remove, rename

Exercise 2

def getUserScore(userName):


input = open('userScores.txt', 'r')

for line in input:

content = line.split(',')

if content[0] == userName:


return content[1]


return "-1"

except IOError:

print ("\nFile userScores.txt not found. A new file will be created.")

input = open('userScores.txt', 'w')


return "-1"

Exercise 3

def updateUserPoints(newUser, userName, score):

if newUser:

input = open('userScores.txt', 'a')

input.write(‘\n’ + userName + ', ' + score)



input = open('userScores.txt', 'r')

output = open('userScores.tmp', 'w')

for line in input:

content = line.split(',')

if content[0] == userName:

content[1] = score

line = content[0] + ', ' + content[1] + '\n'





rename('userScores.tmp', 'userScores.txt')

Exercise 4

def generateQuestion():

operandList = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

operatorList = ['', '', '', '']

operatorDict = {1:' + ', 2:' - ', 3:'*', 4:'**'}

for index in range(0, 5):

operandList[index] = randint(1, 9)

for index in range(0, 4):

if index > 0 and operatorList[index-1] != '**':

operator = operatorDict[randint(1, 4)]


operator = operatorDict[randint(1, 3)]

operatorList[index] = operator

questionString = str(operandList[0])

for index in range(1, 5):

questionString = questionString + operatorList[index-1] + str(operandList[index])

result = eval(questionString)

questionString = questionString.replace("**", "^")

print ('\n' + questionString)

userResult = input('Answer: ')

while True:


if int(userResult) == result:

print ("So Smart")

return 1


print ("Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is", result)

return 0

except Exception as e:

print ("You did not enter a number. Please try again.")

userResult = input('Answer: ')

[Explanation for Exercise 4.2]

Starting from the second item (i.e. index = 1) in operatorList, the line if index > 0 and operatorList[index-1] != '**': checks if the previous item in operatorList is the ‘**’ symbol..

If it is not, the statement operator = operatorDict[randint(1, 4)] will execute. Since the range given to the randint function is 1 to 4, the numbers 1, 2, 3 or 4 will be generated. Hence, the symbols ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’ or ‘**’ will be assigned to the variableoperator.

However, if the previous symbol is ‘**’, the else statement (operator = operatorDict[randint(1, 3)]) will execute. In this case, the range given to the randint function is from 1 to 3. Hence, the ‘**’ symbol, which has a key of 4 in operatorDict will NOT be assigned to the operator variable.

Exercise 5


import myPythonFunctions as m

userName = input('''Please enter your user name or

create a new one if this is the first time

you are running the program: ''')

userScore = int(m.getUserScore(userName))

if userScore == -1:

newUser = True

userScore = 0


newUser = False

userChoice = 0

while userChoice != '-1':

userScore += m.generateQuestion()

print ("Current Score = ", userScore)

userChoice = input("Press Enter To Continue or -1 to Exit: ")

m.updateUserPoints(newUser, userName, str(userScore))

except Exception as e:

print ("An unexpected error occurred. Program will be exited.")

Challenge Yourself

You only need to change the function generateQuestion() for all the challenges. Here’s the suggested solution.

def generateQuestion():

operandList = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

operatorList = ['', '', '', '']

operatorDict = {1:' + ', 2:' - ', 3:'*', 4:'/', 5:'**'}

result = 500001

while result > 50000 or result < -50000:

for index in range(0, 5):

operandList[index] = randint(1, 9)

for index in range(0, 4):

if index > 0 and operatorList[index-1] != '**':

operator = operatorDict[randint(1, 4)]


operator = operatorDict[randint(1, 5)]

operatorList[index] = operator


Randomly generate the positions of ( and )

E.g. If openBracket = 2, the ( symbol will be placed in front of the third number

If closeBracket = 3, the ) symbol will be placed behind the fourth number

Since the closing bracket cannot be before the opening bracket, we have to generate the position for the closing bracket from openBracket + 1 onwards


openBracket = randint(0, 3)

closeBracket = randint(openBracket+1, 4)

if openBracket == 0:

questionString = '(' + str(operandList[0])


questionString = str(operandList[0])

for index in range(1, 5):

if index == openBracket:

questionString = questionString + operatorList[index-1] + '(' + str(operandList[index])

elif index == closeBracket:

questionString = questionString + operatorList[index-1] + str(operandList[index]) + ')'


questionString = questionString + operatorList[index-1] + str(operandList[index])

result = round(eval(questionString), 2)

#End of While Loop

questionString = questionString.replace("**", "^")

print ('\n' + questionString)

userResult = input('Answer (correct to 2 d.p. if not an integer): ')

while True:


if float(userResult) == result:

print ("So Smart")

return 1


print ("Sorry, wrong answer. The correct answer is", result)

return 0

except Exception as e:

print ("You did not enter a number. Please try again.")

userResult = input('Answer (correct to 2 d.p. if not an integer): ')

One Last Thing…

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To me, programming is an art and a science. It is highly addictive and enjoyable. It is my hope to share this passion with as many people as possible.

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