AP Computer Science A Prep, 2024 - Rob Franek 2023



== (is equal to): a boolean operator placed between two variables that returns true if the two values have the same value and false otherwise [Chapter 5]

!= (is not equal to): a boolean operator placed between two variables that returns false if the two variables have the same value and true otherwise [Chapter 5]

&& (logical and): an operator placed between two boolean statements that returns true if both statements are true and false otherwise [Chapter 5]

! (logical not): a boolean operator placed before a boolean statement that returns the negation of the statement’s value [Chapter 5]

|| (logical or): an operator placed between two boolean statements that returns false if both statements are false and true otherwise [Chapter 5]


accessor methods: methods used to obtain a value from a data field [Chapter 7]

aggregate class: a class made up of, among other data, instances of other classes [Chapter 7]

array: an ordered list of elements of the same data type [Chapter 8]

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: a run-time error caused by all calling of an index array that is either negative or greater than the highest index of the array [Chapter 8]

ArrayList object: an object of a type that is a subclass of List used on the AP Computer Science A Exam [Chapter 9]

assign: create an identifier by matching a data value to it [Chapter 3]

assignment operator: a single equals sign (“=”) indicating that an identifier should be assigned a particular value [Chapter 3]


base case: the indication that a recursive method should stop executing and return to each prior recursive call [Chapter 12]

binary: a system of 1s and 0s [Chapter 3]

binary search: a search of a sorted array that uses searches beginning in the middle and determines in which direction to sort [Chapter 8]

blocking: a series of statements grouped by {} that indicate a group of statements to be executed when a given condition is satisfied [Chapter 5]

boolean: a primitive data type that can have the value true or false [Chapter 3]

boolean operator ==: an operator that returns true if it is between two variables with the same value and false otherwise [Chapter 5]


casting: forcing a data type to be recognized by the compiler as another data type [Chapter 3]

character: a primitive data type representing any single text symbol, such as a letter, digit, space, or hyphen [Chapter 3]

class: a group of statements, including control structures, assembled into a single unit [Chapters 4, 7]

columns: portions of 2D-arrays that are depicted vertically. These are the elements of each array with the same index. [Chapter 10]

commenting: including portions of the program that do not affect execution but are rather used to make notes for the programmer or for the user [Chapter 3]

compile-time error: a basic programming error identified by the interpreter during compiling [Chapter 3]

compiling: translating a programming language into binary code [Chapter 3]

compound condition: a complicated condition that includes at least one boolean operator [Chapter 5]

Computer Science: different aspects of computing, usually development [Chapter 3]

concatenation operator: a plus sign (“+”) used between two strings indicating that the two string values be outputted next to each other [Chapter 3]

condition: the portion of a conditional statement that has a boolean result and determines whether the statement happens [Chapter 5]

conditional statement: a statement that is executed only if some other condition is met [Chapter 5]

constructor: a method in an object class used to build the object [Chapter 7]


decrement operator (--): a symbol used after a variable to decrease its value by 1 [Chapter 3]

double: a primitive data type representing numbers that can include decimals [Chapter 3]

driver class: a class that is created to control a larger program [Chapter 7]

dynamically sized: having the ability to change length and to insert and remove elements [Chapter 9]


enhanced-for loop: a for loop with a simplified call used to traverse an array [Chapter 8]

escape sequence: a small piece of coding beginning with a backslash to indicate special characters [Chapter 3]


fields: see instance variables

flow control: indication of which lines of programming should be executed in which conditions [Chapter 5]

for loop: a loop with not only a condition but also an initializer and incrementer to control the truth value of the condition [Chapter 6]

full: all values of the array are assigned [Chapter 8]


header: the “title” of a method used to indicate its overall function [Chapter 7]


identifiers: names given to indicate data stored in memory [Chapter 3]

if: a reserved word in Java indicating the condition by which a statement will be executed [Chapter 5]

immutable: having no mutator methods [Chapter 4]

increment operator (++): a symbol used after a variable to increase its value by 1 [Chapter 3]

index numbers: integers, beginning with 0, used to indicate the order of the elements of an array [Chapter 8]

infinite loop: a programming error in which a loop never terminates because the condition is never false [Chapter 6]

inheritance: the quintessential way to create relationships between classes [Chapter 11]

inheritance hierarchy: the quantification of relationships between classes by using “parent” and “child” classes [Chapter 11]

initializer list: known values used to assign the initial values of all the elements of an array [Chapter 8]

in-line comments (short comments): comments preceded by two forward slashes (“//”) indicating that the rest of the line of text will not be executed [Chapter 3]

insertion sort: a sorting algorithm in which smaller elements are inserted before larger elements [Chapter 8]

instance variables (fields): variables, listed immediately after the class heading, of an object that are accessible by all of the object’s methods [Chapter 7]

integer: a primitive data type representing positive numbers, negative numbers, and 0 with no fractions or decimals [Chapter 3]

interpreter: the part of the developer environment that enables the computer to understand the Java code [Chapter 3]


list object: an object form of an array with a dynamic size that can store multiple types of data

logical error: an error that lies in the desired output/purpose of the program rather than in the syntax of the code itself [Chapter 3]

long comments: comments that use (“/*”) to indicate the beginning of the comment and (“*/”) to indicate the end [Chapter 3]

loop: a portion of code that is to be executed repeatedly [Chapter 6]


merge sort: a sorting algorithm in which an array is divided and each half of the array is sorted and later merged into one array [Chapter 8]

method: a group of code that performs a specific task [Chapter 7]

method abstraction: a declaration in a superclass that all subclasses must either override the superclass method or declare the subclass method as abstract [Chapter 11]

multiple inheritance: an illegal activity in Java in which a subclass inherits from more than one superclass [Chapter 11]

mutator methods: methods used to change the value of a data field [Chapter 7]


null: the default value of an object that has not yet been assigned a value [Chapter 8]

NullPointerException: a run-time error caused by calling an object with a null value [Chapter 8]


object: an entity or data type created in Java; an instance of a class [Chapter 4]

object class: a class that houses the “guts” of the methods that the driver class calls [Chapter 7]

object reference variable: a variable name [Chapter 7]

overloading: using two methods with the same name but with different numbers and/or types of parameters [Chapter 7]

override: use a method in a subclass that possesses the same name, parameter(s), and return type as a method in the superclass, causing the subclass method to be executed [Chapter 11]


parameters: what types of variables, if any, will be inputted to a method [Chapter 7]

planning: outlining the steps of a proposed program [Chapter 7]

polymorphism: the ability of a subclass object to also take the form as an object of its superclass [Chapter 11]

postcondition: a comment that is intended to guarantee the user calling the method of a result that occurs as the result of calling the method [Chapter 7]

precedence: the order in which Java will execute mathematical operations, starting with parentheses, followed by multiplication and division from left to right, followed by addition and subtraction from left to right [Chapter 3]

precondition: a comment that is intended to inform the user more about the condition of the method and guarantees it to be true [Chapter 7]

primitive data: the four most basic types of data in Java (int, double, boolean, and char) [Chapter 3]

programming style: a particular approach to using a programming language [Chapter 3]


recursion: a flow control structure in which a method calls itself [Chapters 8, 12]

recursive call: the command in which a method calls itself [Chapter 12]

reference: a link created to an object when it is passed to another class and, as a result, received through a parameter [Chapter 7]

return type: what type of data, if any, will be outputted by a method after its commands are executed [Chapter 7]

rows: the portions of 2D-arrays that are depicted horizontally and can be seen as their own arrays [Chapter 10]

run-time error: an error that occurs in the execution of the program [Chapter 3]


search algorithms: methods of finding a particular element in an array [Chapter 8]

selection sort: a sorting algorithm in which the lowest remaining element is swapped with the element at the lowest unsorted index [Chapter 8]

sequential search: a search of all the elements of an array in order until the desired element is found [Chapter 8]

short-circuit: a process by which the second condition of an and or or statement can be skipped when the first statement is enough to determine the truth value of the whole statement [Chapters 5, 6]

short comments: see in-line comments

sorting algorithms: methods of ordering the elements within an array [Chapter 8]

source code: a .java file that defines a program’s actions and functions [Chapter 7]

span: a somewhat dated word that means using a loop to use or change all elements of an array. Now referred to as traverse.

static: when a program is running and there is only one instance of something. A static object is unique: a static variable is allocated to the memory only once (when the class loads). [Chapter 7]

static method: a non-constructor method that is designed to access and/or modify a static variable [Chapter 7]

static variable: an attribute that is shared among all instances of a class [Chapter 7]

string: see string literal

string literal (string): one or more characters combined in a single unit [Chapter 3]

strongly typed: characteristic of a language in which a variable will always keep its type until it is reassigned [Chapter 3]

subclass: a “child” class, with more specific forms of the superclass [Chapter 11]

superclass: a “parent” class, the most general form of a class hierarchy [Chapter 11]

super keyword: a keyword used to call an overridden method [Chapter 11]


traverse: use a loop to use or change all elements of an array [Chapter 8]

trace table: a table used to trace possibilities in conditionals [Chapter 5]

truth value: the indication of whether a statement is true or false [Chapter 5]

two-dimensional array (2D array): an array in two dimensions, with index numbers assigned independently to each row and column location [Chapter 10]

typed ArrayList: an ArrayList that allows only one type of data to be stored [Chapter 9]


variable: an identifier associated with a particular value [Chapter 3]


while loop: a loop that cycles again and again while a condition is true [Chapter 6]

white space: empty space intended to enhance readability [Chapter 3]