Have You Heard About AP Computer Science Principles?

AP Computer Science A Prep, 2024 - Rob Franek 2023

Have You Heard About AP Computer Science Principles?
Part III: About the AP Computer Science A Exam

In the fall of 2017, the College Board rolled out a new AP course and exam, AP Computer Science Principles. As the College Board puts it, “AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the central ideas of computer science, instilling the ideas and practices of computational thinking and inviting students to understand how computing changes the world. Students develop innovative computational artifacts using the same creative processes artists, writers, computer scientists, and engineers use to bring ideas to life.”

This course is a great on-ramp into computer science, a world that has historically been quite daunting to many people. But “comp sci,” as they call it, is more bark than bite: computer science is a program in which you learn how to “speak” (code) a language, just as you might learn French or Spanish or Mandarin. And learning a language probably doesn’t seem quite as intimidating as learning computer science, now does it?

You are probably enrolled in an AP Computer Science A course if you bought this book, but we wanted to tell you a bit more about AP Comp Sci Principles for your edification. It’s useful to know more about this new course so that if a friend ever says to you, “I don’t think that I could handle computer science,” you can say, “Friend! Yes you can! Do you know how to use creative processes or think about patterns or study languages? Computer Science is for everyone!” [stares off into the sunset to let inspiring speech sink in] Well maybe not THAT, but this is just good stuff to know.

The College Board has split up their AP Computer Science Principles curriculum into 5 Big Ideas. Those are:

· Big Idea 1: Creative Development (CRD)

· Big Idea 2: Data (DAT)

· Big Idea 3: Algorithms and Programming (AAP)

· Big Idea 4: Computing Systems and Networks (CSN)

· Big Idea 5: Impact of Computing (IOC)

The College Board isn’t kidding—these are some BIG ideas!

Computational Thinking Practices

The College Board drills down this course into computational thinking practices. Those items are:


Design and evaluate solutions for a purpose.

Students are expected to:

· investigate the situation, context, or task

· determine and design an appropriate method or approach to achieve the purpose

· explain how collaboration affects the development of a solution

· evaluate solution options


Develop and implement algorithms.

Students are expected to:

· represent algorithmic processes without using a programming language

· implement an algorithm in a program


Develop programs that incorporate abstractions.

Students are expected to:

· generalize data sources through variables

· use abstraction to manage complexity in a program

· explain how abstraction manages complexity


Evaluate and test algorithms and programs.

Students are expected to:

· explain how a code segment or program functions

· determine the results of code segments

· identify and correct errors in algorithms and programs, including error discovery through testing


We’ve Got a Book for That

We have another computer science book in our AP suite: Computer Science Principles Prep. Check out that book if you need a guide to the newest AP Comp Sci course on the block.


Investigate computing innovations.

Students are expected to:

· explain how computing systems work

· explain how knowledge can be generated from data

· describe the impact of a computing innovation

· describe the impact of gathering data

· evaluate the use of computing based on legal and ethical factors


Contribute to an inclusive, safe, collaborative, and ethical computing culture.

Students are expected to:

· collaborate in the development of solutions

· use safe and secure methods when using computing devices

· acknowledge the intellectual property of others

Your AP Computer Science Principles teacher has quite a bit of room for interpretation and choice in how to teach these things, so each course will be unique. The Exam, though, is somewhat cut and dried. The College Board maps out the Exam as this:

Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions

70 Multiple-Choice Questions | 2 Hours | 70% of Score

· Single-Select: 57 Questions, select 1 answer from 4 options

· Single-Select with Reading Passage about a Computing Innovation: 5 Questions, select 1 answer from 4 options based on reading passage

· Multi-Select: 8 Questions, select 2 answers from 4 options

Section II: Create Performance Task

1 Task | 30% of Score

· Create applications from ideas

· Develop a computer program of the students’ choice

Please note that the College Board rolled out changes to AP Computer Science Principles very recently and this is the most up-to-date information. This information is correct as of March 2023, so please look at the College Board’s website for any additional information. This is what was available at the time this book went to print.

For the sake of sharing information, let’s do a side-by-side comparison of Comp Sci A versus Principles. Check out the differences in the chart on the next page.

Looking for More Help with Your APs?

We now offer specialized AP tutoring, courses, and cram courses for an assortment of AP subjects. To see which courses are offered and available, visit www.princetonreview.com/college/ap-test-prep

Computer Science A

Computer Science Principles

What it’s about

The fundamentals of programming and problem solving using the JAVA language

The fundamentals of computing, including problem solving, working with data, understanding the Internet, cybersecurity, and programming. Teachers choose the programming language they will use.


Developing skills for future study or a career in computer science or other STEM fields

Broadening your understanding of computer science for use in a diversity of majors and careers

The Exam

One end-of-year exam: multiple choice and free response

· One end-of-year exam: multiple choice questions in single- and multi-select

· One performance task administered by the teacher during the course


We’ve Got a Book for That!

The test prep experts at The Princeton Review wrote a book to help students prepare for AP Computer Science Principles, too! It’s called, unsurprisingly, AP Computer Science Principles Prep, and it’s a page-turner!