PROGRAMMING - Hacking: The Art of Exploitation (2008)

Hacking: The Art of Exploitation (2008)

Chapter 0x200. PROGRAMMING

Hacker is a term for both those who write code and those who exploit it. Even though these two groups of hackers have different end goals, both groups use similar problem-solving techniques. Since an understanding of programming helps those who exploit, and an understanding of exploitation helps those who program, many hackers do both. There are interesting hacks found in both the techniques used to write elegant code and the techniques used to exploit programs. Hacking is really just the act of finding a clever and counterintuitive solution to a problem.

The hacks found in program exploits usually use the rules of the computer to bypass security in ways never intended. Programming hacks are similar in that they also use the rules of the computer in new and inventive ways, but the final goal is efficiency or smaller source code, not necessarily a security compromise. There are actually an infinite number of programs that can be written to accomplish any given task, but most of these solutions are unnecessarily large, complex, and sloppy. The few solutions that remain are small, efficient, and neat. Programs that have these qualities are said to have elegance, and the clever and inventive solutions that tend to lead to this efficiency are called hacks. Hackers on both sides of programming appreciate both the beauty of elegant code and the ingenuity of clever hacks.

In the business world, more importance is placed on churning out functional code than on achieving clever hacks and elegance. Because of the tremendous exponential growth of computational power and memory, spending an extra five hours to create a slightly faster and more memory efficient piece of code just doesn't make business sense when dealing with modern computers that have gigahertz of processing cycles and gigabytes of memory. While time and memory optimizations go without notice by all but the most sophisticated of users, a new feature is marketable. When the bottom line is money, spending time on clever hacks for optimization just doesn't make sense.

True appreciation of programming elegance is left for the hackers: computer hobbyists whose end goal isn't to make a profit but to squeeze every possible bit of functionality out of their old Commodore 64s, exploit writers who need to write tiny and amazing pieces of code to slip through narrow security cracks, and anyone else who appreciates the pursuit and the challenge of finding the best possible solution. These are the people who get excited about programming and really appreciate the beauty of an elegant piece of code or the ingenuity of a clever hack. Since an understanding of programming is a prerequisite to understanding how programs can be exploited, programming is a natural starting point.

What Is Programming?

Programming is a very natural and intuitive concept. A program is nothing more than a series of statements written in a specific language. Programs are everywhere, and even the technophobes of the world use programs every day. Driving directions, cooking recipes, football plays, and DNA are all types of programs. A typical program for driving directions might look something like this:

Start out down Main Street headed east. Continue on Main Street until you see

a church on your right. If the street is blocked because of construction, turn

right there at 15th Street, turn left on Pine Street, and then turn right on

16th Street. Otherwise, you can just continue and make a right on 16th Street.

Continue on 16th Street, and turn left onto Destination Road. Drive straight

down Destination Road for 5 miles, and then you'll see the house on the right.

The address is 743 Destination Road.

Anyone who knows English can understand and follow these driving directions, since they're written in English. Granted, they're not eloquent, but each instruction is clear and easy to understand, at least for someone who reads English.

But a computer doesn't natively understand English; it only understands machine language. To instruct a computer to do something, the instructions must be written in its language. However, machine language is arcane and difficult to work with—it consists of raw bits and bytes, and it differs from architecture to architecture. To write a program in machine language for an Intel x86 processor, you would have to figure out the value associated with each instruction, how each instruction interacts, and myriad low-level details. Programming like this is painstaking and cumbersome, and it is certainly not intuitive.

What's needed to overcome the complication of writing machine language is a translator. An assembler is one form of machine-language translator—it is a program that translates assembly language into machine-readable code. Assembly language is less cryptic than machine language, since it uses names for the different instructions and variables, instead of just using numbers. However, assembly language is still far from intuitive. The instruction names are very esoteric, and the language is architecture specific. Just as machine language for Intel x86 processors is different from machine language for Sparc processors, x86 assembly language is different from Sparc assembly language. Any program written using assembly language for one processor's architecture will not work on another processor's architecture. If a program is written in x86 assembly language, it must be rewritten to run on Sparc architecture. In addition, in order to write an effective program in assembly language, you must still know many low-level details of the processor architecture you are writing for.

These problems can be mitigated by yet another form of translator called a compiler. A compiler converts a high-level language into machine language. High-level languages are much more intuitive than assembly language and can be converted into many different types of machine language for different processor architectures. This means that if a program is written in a high level language, the program only needs to be written once; the same piece of program code can be compiled into machine language for various specific architectures. C, C++, and Fortran are all examples of high-level languages. A program written in a high-level language is much more readable and English-like than assembly language or machine language, but it still must follow very strict rules about how the instructions are worded, or the compiler won't be able to understand it.


Programmers have yet another form of programming language called pseudo-code. Pseudo-code is simply English arranged with a general structure similar to a high-level language. It isn't understood by compilers, assemblers, or any computers, but it is a useful way for a programmer to arrange instructions. Pseudo-code isn't well defined; in fact, most people write pseudo-code slightly differently. It's sort of the nebulous missing link between English and high-level programming languages like C. Pseudo-code makes for an excellent introduction to common universal programming concepts.

Control Structures

Without control structures, a program would just be a series of instructions executed in sequential order. This is fine for very simple programs, but most programs, like the driving directions example, aren't that simple. The driving directions included statements like, Continue on Main Street until you see a church on your right and If the street is blocked because of construction…. These statements are known as control structures, and they change the flow of the program's execution from a simple sequential order to a more complex and more useful flow.


In the case of our driving directions, Main Street could be under construction. If it is, a special set of instructions needs to address that situation. Otherwise, the original set of instructions should be followed. These types of special cases can be accounted for in a program with one of the most natural controlstructures: the if-then-else structure. In general, it looks something like this:

If (condition) then


Set of instructions to execute if the condition is met;




Set of instruction to execute if the condition is not met;


For this book, a C-like pseudo-code will be used, so every instruction will end with a semicolon, and the sets of instructions will be grouped with curly braces and indentation. The if-then-else pseudo-code structure of the preceding driving directions might look something like this:

Drive down Main Street;

If (street is blocked)


Turn right on 15th Street;

Turn left on Pine Street;

Turn right on 16th Street;




Turn right on 16th Street;


Each instruction is on its own line, and the various sets of conditional instructions are grouped between curly braces and indented for readability. In C and many other programming languages, the then keyword is implied and therefore left out, so it has also been omitted in the preceding pseudo-code.

Of course, other languages require the then keyword in their syntax— BASIC, Fortran, and even Pascal, for example. These types of syntactical differences in programming languages are only skin deep; the underlying structure is still the same. Once a programmer understands the concepts these languages are trying to convey, learning the various syntactical variations is fairly trivial. Since C will be used in the later sections, the pseudo code used in this book will follow a C-like syntax, but remember that pseudo-code can take on many forms.

Another common rule of C-like syntax is when a set of instructions bounded by curly braces consists of just one instruction, the curly braces are optional. For the sake of readability, it's still a good idea to indent these instructions, but it's not syntactically necessary. The driving directions from before can be rewritten following this rule to produce an equivalent piece of pseudo-code:

Drive down Main Street;

If (street is blocked)


Turn right on 15th Street;

Turn left on Pine Street;

Turn right on 16th Street;



Turn right on 16th Street;

This rule about sets of instructions holds true for all of the control structures mentioned in this book, and the rule itself can be described in pseudo-code.

If (there is only one instruction in a set of instructions)

The use of curly braces to group the instructions is optional;



The use of curly braces is necessary;

Since there must be a logical way to group these instructions;


Even the description of a syntax itself can be thought of as a simple program. There are variations of if-then-else, such as select/case statements, but the logic is still basically the same: If this happens do these things, otherwise do these other things (which could consist of even more if-then statements).

While/Until Loops

Another elementary programming concept is the while control structure, which is a type of loop. A programmer will often want to execute a set of instructions more than once. A program can accomplish this task through looping, but it requires a set of conditions that tells it when to stop looping, lest it continue into infinity. A while loop says to execute the following set of instructions in a loop while a condition is true. A simple program for a hungry mouse could look something like this:

While (you are hungry)


Find some food;

Eat the food;


The set of two instructions following the while statement will be repeated while the mouse is still hungry. The amount of food the mouse finds each time could range from a tiny crumb to an entire loaf of bread. Similarly, the number of times the set of instructions in the while statement is executed changes depending on how much food the mouse finds.

Another variation on the while loop is an until loop, a syntax that is available in the programming language Perl (C doesn't use this syntax). An until loop is simply a while loop with the conditional statement inverted. The same mouse program using an until loop would be:

Until (you are not hungry)


Find some food;

Eat the food;


Logically, any until-like statement can be converted into a while loop. The driving directions from before contained the statement Continue on Main Street until you see a church on your right. This can easily be changed into a standard while loop by simply inverting the condition.

While (there is not a church on the right)

Drive down Main Street;

For Loops

Another looping control structure is the for loop. This is generally used when a programmer wants to loop for a certain number of iterations. The driving direction Drive straight down Destination Road for 5 miles could be converted to a for loop that looks something like this:

For (5 iterations)

Drive straight for 1 mile;

In reality, a for loop is just a while loop with a counter. The same statement can be written as such:

Set the counter to 0;

While (the counter is less than 5)


Drive straight for 1 mile;

Add 1 to the counter;


The C-like pseudo-code syntax of a for loop makes this even more apparent:

For (i=0; i<5; i++)

Drive straight for 1 mile;

In this case, the counter is called i, and the for statement is broken up into three sections, separated by semicolons. The first section declares the counter and sets it to its initial value, in this case 0. The second section is like a while statement using the counter: While the counter meets this condition, keep looping. The third and final section describes what action should be taken on the counter during each iteration. In this case, i++ is a shorthand way of saying, Add 1 to the counter called i.

Using all of the control structures, the driving directions from What Is Programming? can be converted into a C-like pseudo-code that looks something like this:

Begin going East on Main Street;

While (there is not a church on the right)

Drive down Main Street;

If (street is blocked)


Turn right on 15th Street;

Turn left on Pine Street;

Turn right on 16th Street;



Turn right on 16th Street;

Turn left on Destination Road;

For (i=0; i<5; i++)

Drive straight for 1 mile;

Stop at 743 Destination Road;

More Fundamental Programming Concepts

In the following sections, more universal programming concepts will be introduced. These concepts are used in many programming languages, with a few syntactical differences. As I introduce these concepts, I will integrate them into pseudo-code examples using C-like syntax. By the end, the pseudo code should look very similar to C code.


The counter used in the for loop is actually a type of variable. A variable can simply be thought of as an object that holds data that can be changed— hence the name. There are also variables that don't change, which are aptly called constants. Returning to the driving example, the speed of the car would be a variable, while the color of the car would be a constant. In pseudo code, variables are simple abstract concepts, but in C (and in many other languages), variables must be declared and given a type before they can be used. This is because a C program will eventually be compiled into an executable program. Like a cooking recipe that lists all the required ingredients before giving the instructions, variable declarations allow you to make preparations before getting into the meat of the program. Ultimately, all variables are stored in memory somewhere, and their declarations allow the compiler to organize this memory more efficiently. In the end though, despite all of the variable type declarations, everything is all just memory.

In C, each variable is given a type that describes the information that is meant to be stored in that variable. Some of the most common types are int (integer values), float (decimal floating-point values), and char (single character values). Variables are declared simply by using these keywords before listing the variables, as you can see below.

int a, b;

float k;

char z;

The variables a and b are now defined as integers, k can accept floating point values (such as 3.14), and z is expected to hold a character value, like A or w. Variables can be assigned values when they are declared or anytime afterward, using the = operator.

int a = 13, b;

float k;

char z = 'A';

k = 3.14;

z = 'w';

b = a + 5;

After the following instructions are executed, the variable a will contain the value of 13, k will contain the number 3.14, z will contain the character w, and b will contain the value 18, since 13 plus 5 equals 18. Variables are simply a way to remember values; however, with C, you must first declare each variable's type.

Arithmetic Operators

The statement b = a + 7 is an example of a very simple arithmetic operator. In C, the following symbols are used for various arithmetic operations.

The first four operations should look familiar. Modulo reduction may seem like a new concept, but it's really just taking the remainder after division. If a is 13, then 13 divided by 5 equals 2, with a remainder of 3, which means that a % 5 = 3. Also, since the variables a and b are integers, the statement b = a / 5 will result in the value of 2 being stored in b, since that's the integer portion of it. Floating-point variables must be used to retain the more correct answer of 2.6.






b = a + 5



b = a - 5



b = a * 5



b = a / 5

Modulo reduction


b = a % 5

To get a program to use these concepts, you must speak its language. The C language also provides several forms of shorthand for these arithmetic operations. One of these was mentioned earlier and is used commonly in for loops.

Full Expression



i = i + 1

i++ or ++i

Add 1 to the variable.

i = i - 1

i-- or --i

Subtract 1 from the variable.

These shorthand expressions can be combined with other arithmetic operations to produce more complex expressions. This is where the difference between i++ and ++i becomes apparent. The first expression means Increment the value of i by 1 after evaluating the arithmetic operation, while the second expression means Increment the value of i by 1 before evaluating the arithmetic operation. The following example will help clarify.

int a, b;

a = 5;

b = a++ * 6;

At the end of this set of instructions, b will contain 30 and a will contain 6, since the shorthand of b = a++ * 6; is equivalent to the following statements:

b = a * 6;

a = a + 1;

However, if the instruction b = ++a * 6; is used, the order of the addition to a changes, resulting in the following equivalent instructions:

a = a + 1;

b = a * 6;

Since the order has changed, in this case b will contain 36, and a will still contain 6.

Quite often in programs, variables need to be modified in place. For example, you might need to add an arbitrary value like 12 to a variable, and store the result right back in that variable (for example, i = i + 12). This happens commonly enough that shorthand also exists for it.

Full Expression



i = i + 12


Add some value to the variable.

i = i - 12


Subtract some value from the variable.

i = i * 12


Multiply some value by the variable.

i = i / 12


Divide some value from the variable.

Comparison Operators

Variables are frequently used in the conditional statements of the previously explained control structures. These conditional statements are based on some sort of comparison. In C, these comparison operators use a shorthand syntax that is fairly common across many programming languages.




Less than


(a < b)

Greater than


(a > b)

Less than or equal to


(a <= b)

Greater than or equal to


(a >= b)

Equal to


(a == b)

Not equal to


(a != b)

Most of these operators are self-explanatory; however, notice that the shorthand for equal to uses double equal signs. This is an important distinction, since the double equal sign is used to test equivalence, while the single equal sign is used to assign a value to a variable. The statement a = 7 means Put the value 7 in the variable a, while a == 7 means Check to see whether the variable a is equal to 7. (Some programming languages like Pascal actually use := for variable assignment to eliminate visual confusion.) Also, notice that an exclamation point generally means not. This symbol can be used by itself to invert any expression.

!(a < b) is equivalent to (a >= b)

These comparison operators can also be chained together using shorthand for OR and AND.






((a < b) || (a < c))



((a < b) && !(a < c))

The example statement consisting of the two smaller conditions joined with OR logic will fire true if a is less than b, OR if a is less than c. Similarly, the example statement consisting of two smaller comparisons joined with AND logic will fire true if a is less than b AND a is not less than c. These statements should be grouped with parentheses and can contain many different variations.

Many things can be boiled down to variables, comparison operators, and control structures. Returning to the example of the mouse searching for food, hunger can be translated into a Boolean true/false variable. Naturally, 1 means true and 0 means false.

While (hungry == 1)


Find some food;

Eat the food;


Here's another shorthand used by programmers and hackers quite often. C doesn't really have any Boolean operators, so any nonzero value is considered true, and a statement is considered false if it contains 0. In fact, the comparison operators will actually return a value of 1 if the comparison is true and a value of 0 if it is false. Checking to see whether the variable hungry is equal to 1 will return 1 if hungry equals 1 and 0 if hungry equals 0. Since the program only uses these two cases, the comparison operator can be dropped altogether.

While (hungry)


Find some food;

Eat the food;


A smarter mouse program with more inputs demonstrates how comparison operators can be combined with variables.

While ((hungry) && !(cat_present))


Find some food;


Eat the food;


This example assumes there are also variables that describe the presence of a cat and the location of the food, with a value of 1 for true and 0 for false. Just remember that any nonzero value is considered true, and the value of 0 is considered false.


Sometimes there will be a set of instructions the programmer knows he will need several times. These instructions can be grouped into a smaller subprogram called a function. In other languages, functions are known as subroutines or procedures. For example, the action of turning a car actually consists of many smaller instructions: Turn on the appropriate blinker, slow down, check for oncoming traffic, turn the steering wheel in the appropriate direction, and so on. The driving directions from the beginning of this chapter require quite a few turns; however, listing every little instruction for every turn would be tedious (and less readable). You can pass variables as arguments to a function in order to modify the way the function operates. In this case, the function is passed the direction of the turn.

Function Turn(variable_direction)


Activate the variable_direction blinker;

Slow down;

Check for oncoming traffic;

while(there is oncoming traffic)



Watch for oncoming traffic;


Turn the steering wheel to the variable_direction;

while(turn is not complete)


if(speed < 5 mph)



Turn the steering wheel back to the original position;

Turn off the variable_direction blinker;


This function describes all the instructions needed to make a turn. When a program that knows about this function needs to turn, it can just call this function. When the function is called, the instructions found within it are executed with the arguments passed to it; afterward, execution returns to where it was in the program, after the function call. Either left or right can be passed into this function, which causes the function to turn in that direction.

By default in C, functions can return a value to a caller. For those familiar with functions in mathematics, this makes perfect sense. Imagine a function that calculates the factorial of a number—naturally, it returns the result.

In C, functions aren't labeled with a "function" keyword; instead, they are declared by the data type of the variable they are returning. This format looks very similar to variable declaration. If a function is meant to return an integer (perhaps a function that calculates the factorial of some number x), the function could look like this:

int factorial(int x)


int i;

for(i=1; i < x; i++)

x *= i;

return x;


This function is declared as an integer because it multiplies every value from 1 to x and returns the result, which is an integer. The return statement at the end of the function passes back the contents of the variable x and ends the function. This factorial function can then be used like an integer variable in the main part of any program that knows about it.

int a=5, b;

b = factorial(a);

At the end of this short program, the variable b will contain 120, since the factorial function will be called with the argument of 5 and will return 120.

Also in C, the compiler must "know" about functions before it can use them. This can be done by simply writing the entire function before using it later in the program or by using function prototypes. A function prototype is simply a way to tell the compiler to expect a function with this name, this return data type, and these data types as its functional arguments. The actual function can be located near the end of the program, but it can be used anywhere else, since the compiler already knows about it. An example of a function prototype for the factorial() function would look something like this:

int factorial(int);

Usually, function prototypes are located near the beginning of a program. There's no need to actually define any variable names in the prototype, since this is done in the actual function. The only thing the compiler cares about is the function's name, its return data type, and the data types of its functional arguments.

If a function doesn't have any value to return, it should be declared as void, as is the case with the turn() function I used as an example earlier. However, the turn() function doesn't yet capture all the functionality that our driving directions need. Every turn in the directions has both a direction and a street name. This means that a turning function should have two variables: the direction to turn and the street to turn on to. This complicates the function of turning, since the proper street must be located before the turn can be made. A more complete turning function using proper C-like syntax is listed below in pseudo-code.

void turn(variable_direction, target_street_name)


Look for a street sign;

current_intersection_name = read street sign name;

while(current_intersection_name != target_street_name)


Look for another street sign;

current_intersection_name = read street sign name;


Activate the variable_direction blinker;

Slow down;

Check for oncoming traffic;

while(there is oncoming traffic)



Watch for oncoming traffic;


Turn the steering wheel to the variable_direction;

while(turn is not complete)


if(speed < 5 mph)



Turn the steering wheel right back to the original position;

Turn off the variable_direction blinker;


This function includes a section that searches for the proper intersection by looking for street signs, reading the name on each street sign, and storing that name in a variable called current_intersection_name. It will continue to look for and read street signs until the target street is found; at that point, the remaining turning instructions will be executed. The pseudo-code driving instructions can now be changed to use this turning function.

Begin going East on Main Street;

while (there is not a church on the right)

Drive down Main Street;

if (street is blocked)


Turn(right, 15th Street);

Turn(left, Pine Street);

Turn(right, 16th Street);



Turn(right, 16th Street);

Turn(left, Destination Road);

for (i=0; i<5; i++)

Drive straight for 1 mile;

Stop at 743 Destination Road;

Functions aren't commonly used in pseudo-code, since pseudo-code is mostly used as a way for programmers to sketch out program concepts before writing compilable code. Since pseudo-code doesn't actually have to work, full functions don't need to be written out—simply jotting down Do some complex stuff here will suffice. But in a programming language like C, functions are used heavily. Most of the real usefulness of C comes from collections of existing functions called libraries.

Getting Your Hands Dirty

Now that the syntax of C feels more familiar and some fundamental programming concepts have been explained, actually programming in C isn't that big of a step. C compilers exist for just about every operating system and processor architecture out there, but for this book, Linux and an x86-based processor will be used exclusively. Linux is a free operating system that everyone has access to, and x86-based processors are the most popular consumer-grade processor on the planet. Since hacking is really about experimenting, it's probably best if you have a C compiler to follow along with.

Included with this book is a Live CD you can use to follow along if your computer has an x86 processor. Just put the CD in the drive and reboot your computer. It will boot into a Linux environment without modifying your existing operating system. From this Linux environment you can follow along with the book and experiment on your own.

Let's get right to it. The firstprog.c program is a simple piece of C code that will print "Hello, world!" 10 times.

Getting Your Hands Dirty


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i;

for(i=0; i < 10; i++) // Loop 10 times.


puts("Hello, world!\n"); // put the string to the output.


return 0; // Tell OS the program exited without errors.


The main execution of a C program begins in the aptly named main()function. Any text following two forward slashes (//) is a comment, which is ignored by the compiler.

The first line may be confusing, but it's just C syntax that tells the compiler to include headers for a standard input/output (I/O) library named stdio. This header file is added to the program when it is compiled. It is located at /usr/include/stdio.h, and it defines several constants and function prototypes for corresponding functions in the standard I/O library. Since the main() function uses the printf() function from the standard I/O library, a function prototype is needed for printf() before it can be used. This function prototype (along with many others) is included in the stdio.h header file. A lot of the power of C comes from its extensibility and libraries. The rest of the code should make sense and look a lot like the pseudo-code from before. You may have even noticed that there's a set of curly braces that can be eliminated. It should be fairly obvious what this program will do, but let's compile it using GCC and run it just to make sure.

The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a free C compiler that translates C into machine language that a processor can understand. The outputted translation is an executable binary file, which is called a.out by default. Does the compiled program do what you thought it would?

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc firstprog.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l a.out

-rwxr-xr-x 1 reader reader 6621 2007-09-06 22:16 a.out

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, world!

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The Bigger Picture

Okay, this has all been stuff you would learn in an elementary programming class—basic, but essential. Most introductory programming classes just teach how to read and write C. Don't get me wrong, being fluent in C is very useful and is enough to make you a decent programmer, but it's only a piece of the bigger picture. Most programmers learn the language from the top down and never see the big picture. Hackers get their edge from knowing how all the pieces interact within this bigger picture. To see the bigger picture in the realm of programming, simply realize that C code is meant to be compiled. The code can't actually do anything until it's compiled into an executable binary file. Thinking of C-source as a program is a common misconception that is exploited by hackers every day. The binary a.out's instructions are written in machine language, an elementary language the CPU can understand. Compilers are designed to translate the language of C code into machine language for a variety of processor architectures. In this case, the processor is in a family that uses the x86 architecture. There are also Sparc processor architectures (used in Sun Workstations) and the PowerPC processor architecture (used in pre-Intel Macs). Each architecture has a different machine language, so the compiler acts as a middle ground—translating C code into machine language for the target architecture.

As long as the compiled program works, the average programmer is only concerned with source code. But a hacker realizes that the compiled program is what actually gets executed out in the real world. With a better understanding of how the CPU operates, a hacker can manipulate the programs that run on it. We have seen the source code for our first program and compiled it into an executable binary for the x86 architecture. But what does this executable binary look like? The GNU development tools include a program called objdump, which can be used to examine compiled binaries. Let's start by looking at the machine code the main() function was translated into.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ objdump -D a.out | grep -A20 main.:

08048374 <main>:

8048374: 55 push %ebp

8048375: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp

8048377: 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%esp

804837a: 83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffff0,%esp

804837d: b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax

8048382: 29 c4 sub %eax,%esp

8048384: c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0xfffffffc(%ebp)

804838b: 83 7d fc 09 cmpl $0x9,0xfffffffc(%ebp)

804838f: 7e 02 jle 8048393 <main+0x1f>

8048391: eb 13 jmp 80483a6 <main+0x32>

8048393: c7 04 24 84 84 04 08 movl $0x8048484,(%esp)

804839a: e8 01 ff ff ff call 80482a0 <printf@plt>

804839f: 8d 45 fc lea 0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax

80483a2: ff 00 incl (%eax)

80483a4: eb e5 jmp 804838b <main+0x17>

80483a6: c9 leave

80483a7: c3 ret

80483a8: 90 nop

80483a9: 90 nop

80483aa: 90 nop

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The objdump program will spit out far too many lines of output to sensibly examine, so the output is piped into grep with the command-line option to only display 20 lines after the regular expression main.:. Each byte is represented in hexadecimal notation, which is a base-16 numbering system. The numbering system you are most familiar with uses a base-10 system, since at 10 you need to add an extra symbol. Hexadecimal uses 0 through 9 to represent 0 through 9, but it also uses A through F to represent the values 10 through 15. This is a convenient notation since a byte contains 8 bits, each of which can be either true or false. This means a byte has 256 (28) possible values, so each byte can be described with 2 hexadecimal digits.

The hexadecimal numbers—starting with 0x8048374 on the far left—are memory addresses. The bits of the machine language instructions must be put somewhere, and this somewhere is called memory. Memory is just a collection of bytes of temporary storage space that are numbered with addresses.

Like a row of houses on a local street, each with its own address, memory can be thought of as a row of bytes, each with its own memory address. Each byte of memory can be accessed by its address, and in this case the CPU accesses this part of memory to retrieve the machine language instructions that make up the compiled program. Older Intel x86 processors use a 32-bit addressing scheme, while newer ones use a 64-bit one. The 32-bit processors have 232 (or 4,294,967,296) possible addresses, while the 64-bit ones have 264 (1.84467441 x 1019) possible addresses. The 64-bit processors can run in 32-bit compatibility mode, which allows them to run 32-bit code quickly.

The hexadecimal bytes in the middle of the listing above are the machine language instructions for the x86 processor. Of course, these hexadecimal values are only representations of the bytes of binary 1s and 0s the CPU can understand. But since 0101010110001001111001011000001111101100111100001 … isn't very useful to anything other than the processor, the machine code is displayed as hexadecimal bytes and each instruction is put on its own line, like splitting a paragraph into sentences.

Come to think of it, the hexadecimal bytes really aren't very useful themselves, either—that's where assembly language comes in. The instructions on the far right are in assembly language. Assembly language is really just a collection of mnemonics for the corresponding machine language instructions. The instruction ret is far easier to remember and make sense of than 0xc3 or 11000011. Unlike C and other compiled languages, assembly language instructions have a direct one-to-one relationship with their corresponding machine language instructions. This means that since every processor architecture has different machine language instructions, each also has a different form of assembly language. Assembly is just a way for programmers to represent the machine language instructions that are given to the processor. Exactly how these machine language instructions are represented is simply a matter of convention and preference. While you can theoretically create your own x86 assembly language syntax, most people stick with one of the two main types: AT&T syntax and Intel syntax. The assembly shown in the output on The Bigger Picture is AT&T syntax, as just about all of Linux's disassembly tools use this syntax by default. It's easy to recognize AT&T syntax by the cacophony of % and $ symbols prefixing everything (take a look again at the example on The Bigger Picture). The same code can be shown in Intel syntax by providing an additional command-line option, -M intel, to objdump, as shown in the output below.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ objdump -M intel -D a.out | grep -A20 main.:

08048374 <main>:

8048374: 55 push ebp

8048375: 89 e5 mov ebp,esp

8048377: 83 ec 08 sub esp,0x8

804837a: 83 e4 f0 and esp,0xfffffff0

804837d: b8 00 00 00 00 mov eax,0x0

8048382: 29 c4 sub esp,eax

8048384: c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x0

804838b: 83 7d fc 09 cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x9

804838f: 7e 02 jle 8048393 <main+0x1f>

8048391: eb 13 jmp 80483a6 <main+0x32>

8048393: c7 04 24 84 84 04 08 mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048484

804839a: e8 01 ff ff ff call 80482a0 <printf@plt>

804839f: 8d 45 fc lea eax,[ebp-4]

80483a2: ff 00 inc DWORD PTR [eax]

80483a4: eb e5 jmp 804838b <main+0x17>

80483a6: c9 leave

80483a7: c3 ret

80483a8: 90 nop

80483a9: 90 nop

80483aa: 90 nop

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Personally, I think Intel syntax is much more readable and easier to understand, so for the purposes of this book, I will try to stick with this syntax. Regardless of the assembly language representation, the commands a processor understands are quite simple. These instructions consist of an operation and sometimes additional arguments that describe the destination and/or the source for the operation. These operations move memory around, perform some sort of basic math, or interrupt the processor to get it to do something else. In the end, that's all a computer processor can really do. But in the same way millions of books have been written using a relatively small alphabet of letters, an infinite number of possible programs can be created using a relatively small collection of machine instructions.

Processors also have their own set of special variables called registers. Most of the instructions use these registers to read or write data, so understanding the registers of a processor is essential to understanding the instructions. The bigger picture keeps getting bigger….

The x86 Processor

The 8086 CPU was the first x86 processor. It was developed and manufactured by Intel, which later developed more advanced processors in the same family: the 80186, 80286, 80386, and 80486. If you remember people talking about 386 and 486 processors in the '80s and '90s, this is what they were referring to.

The x86 processor has several registers, which are like internal variables for the processor. I could just talk abstractly about these registers now, but I think it's always better to see things for yourself. The GNU development tools also include a debugger called GDB. Debuggers are used by programmers to step through compiled programs, examine program memory, and view processor registers. A programmer who has never used a debugger to look at the inner workings of a program is like a seventeenth-century doctor who has never used a microscope. Similar to a microscope, a debugger allows a hacker to observe the microscopic world of machine code—but a debugger is far more powerful than this metaphor allows. Unlike a microscope, a debugger can view the execution from all angles, pause it, and change anything along the way.

Below, GDB is used to show the state of the processor registers right before the program starts.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./a.out

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) break main

Breakpoint 1 at 0x804837a

(gdb) run

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/a.out

Breakpoint 1, 0x0804837a in main ()

(gdb) info registers

eax 0xbffff894 -1073743724

ecx 0x48e0fe81 1222704769

edx 0x1 1

ebx 0xb7fd6ff4 -1208127500

esp 0xbffff800 0xbffff800

ebp 0xbffff808 0xbffff808

esi 0xb8000ce0 -1207956256

edi 0x0 0

eip 0x804837a 0x804837a <main+6>

eflags 0x286 [ PF SF IF ]

cs 0x73 115

ss 0x7b 123

ds 0x7b 123

es 0x7b 123

fs 0x0 0

gs 0x33 51

(gdb) quit

The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

A breakpoint is set on the main() function so execution will stop right before our code is executed. Then GDB runs the program, stops at the breakpoint, and is told to display all the processor registers and their current states.

The first four registers (EAX, ECX, EDX, and EBX) are known as general purpose registers. These are called the Accumulator, Counter, Data, and Base registers, respectively. They are used for a variety of purposes, but they mainly act as temporary variables for the CPU when it is executing machine instructions.

The second four registers (ESP, EBP, ESI, and EDI) are also general purpose registers, but they are sometimes known as pointers and indexes. These stand for Stack Pointer, Base Pointer, Source Index, and Destination Index, respectively. The first two registers are called pointers because they store 32-bit addresses, which essentially point to that location in memory. These registers are fairly important to program execution and memory management; we will discuss them more later. The last two registers are also technically pointers, which are commonly used to point to the source and destination when data needs to be read from or written to. There are load and store instructions that use these registers, but for the most part, these registers can be thought of as just simple general-purpose registers.

The EIP register is the Instruction Pointer register, which points to the current instruction the processor is reading. Like a child pointing his finger at each word as he reads, the processor reads each instruction using the EIP register as its finger. Naturally, this register is quite important and will be used a lot while debugging. Currently, it points to a memory address at 0x804838a.

The remaining EFLAGS register actually consists of several bit flags that are used for comparisons and memory segmentations. The actual memory is split into several different segments, which will be discussed later, and these registers keep track of that. For the most part, these registers can be ignored since they rarely need to be accessed directly.

Assembly Language

Since we are using Intel syntax assembly language for this book, our tools must be configured to use this syntax. Inside GDB, the disassembly syntax can be set to Intel by simply typing set disassembly intel or set dis intel, for short. You can configure this setting to run every time GDB starts up by putting the command in the file .gdbinit in your home directory.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q

(gdb) set dis intel

(gdb) quit

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ echo "set dis intel" > ~/.gdbinit

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ cat ~/.gdbinit

set dis intel

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Now that GDB is configured to use Intel syntax, let's begin understanding it. The assembly instructions in Intel syntax generally follow this style:

operation <destination>, <source>

The destination and source values will either be a register, a memory address, or a value. The operations are usually intuitive mnemonics: The movoperation will move a value from the source to the destination, sub will subtract, incwill increment, and so forth. For example, the instructions below will move the value from ESP to EBP and then subtract 8 from ESP (storing the result in ESP).

8048375: 89 e5 mov ebp,esp

8048377: 83 ec 08 sub esp,0x8

There are also operations that are used to control the flow of execution. The cmp operation is used to compare values, and basically any operation beginning with j is used to jump to a different part of the code (depending on the result of the comparison). The example below first compares a 4-byte value located at EBP minus 4 with the number 9. The next instruction is shorthand for jump if less than or equal to, referring to the result of the previous comparison. If that value is less than or equal to 9, execution jumps to the instruction at 0x8048393. Otherwise, execution flows to the next instruction with an unconditional jump. If the value isn't less than or equal to 9, execution will jump to 0x80483a6.

804838b: 83 7d fc 09 cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x9

804838f: 7e 02 jle 8048393 <main+0x1f>

8048391: eb 13 jmp 80483a6 <main+0x32>

These examples have been from our previous disassembly, and we have our debugger configured to use Intel syntax, so let's use the debugger to step through the first program at the assembly instruction level.

The -g flag can be used by the GCC compiler to include extra debugging information, which will give GDB access to the source code.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g firstprog.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l a.out

-rwxr-xr-x 1 matrix users 11977 Jul 4 17:29 a.out

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./a.out

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".

(gdb) list

1 #include <stdio.h>


3 int main()

4 {

5 int i;

6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

7 {

8 printf("Hello, world!\n");

9 }

10 }

(gdb) disassemble main

Dump of assembler code for function main():

0x08048384 <main+0>: push ebp

0x08048385 <main+1>: mov ebp,esp

0x08048387 <main+3>: sub esp,0x8

0x0804838a <main+6>: and esp,0xfffffff0

0x0804838d <main+9>: mov eax,0x0

0x08048392 <main+14>: sub esp,eax

0x08048394 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x0

0x0804839b <main+23>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x9

0x0804839f <main+27>: jle 0x80483a3 <main+31>

0x080483a1 <main+29>: jmp 0x80483b6 <main+50>

0x080483a3 <main+31>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x80484d4

0x080483aa <main+38>: call 0x80482a8 <_init+56>

0x080483af <main+43>: lea eax,[ebp-4]

0x080483b2 <main+46>: inc DWORD PTR [eax]

0x080483b4 <main+48>: jmp 0x804839b <main+23>

0x080483b6 <main+50>: leave

0x080483b7 <main+51>: ret

End of assembler dump.

(gdb) break main

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048394: file firstprog.c, line 6.

(gdb) run

Starting program: /hacking/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main() at firstprog.c:6

6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

(gdb) info register eip

eip 0x8048394 0x8048394


First, the source code is listed and the disassembly of the main() function is displayed. Then a breakpoint is set at the start of main(), and the program is run. This breakpoint simply tells the debugger to pause the execution of the program when it gets to that point. Since the breakpoint has been set at the start of the main() function, the program hits the breakpoint and pauses before actually executing any instructions in main(). Then the value of EIP (the Instruction Pointer) is displayed.

Notice that EIP contains a memory address that points to an instruction in the main() function's disassembly (shown in bold). The instructions before this (shown in italics) are collectively known as the function prologue and are generated by the compiler to set up memory for the rest of the main() function's local variables. Part of the reason variables need to be declared in C is to aid the construction of this section of code. The debugger knows this part of the code is automatically generated and is smart enough to skip over it. We'll talk more about the function prologue later, but for now we can take a cue from GDB and skip it.

The GDB debugger provides a direct method to examine memory, using the command x, which is short for examine. Examining memory is a critical skill for any hacker. Most hacker exploits are a lot like magic tricks—they seem amazing and magical, unless you know about sleight of hand and misdirection. In both magic and hacking, if you were to look in just the right spot, the trick would be obvious. That's one of the reasons a good magician never does the same trick twice. But with a debugger like GDB, every aspect of a program's execution can be deterministically examined, paused, stepped through, and repeated as often as needed. Since a running program is mostly just a processor and segments of memory, examining memory is the first way to look at what's really going on.

The examine command in GDB can be used to look at a certain address of memory in a variety of ways. This command expects two arguments when it's used: the location in memory to examine and how to display that memory.

The display format also uses a single-letter shorthand, which is optionally preceded by a count of how many items to examine. Some common format letters are as follows:

o Display in octal.

x Display in hexadecimal.

u Display in unsigned, standard base-10 decimal.

t Display in binary.

These can be used with the examine command to examine a certain memory address. In the following example, the current address of the EIP register is used. Shorthand commands are often used with GDB, and even info register eip can be shortened to just i r eip.

gdb) i r eip

eip 0x8048384 0x8048384 <main+16>

(gdb) x/o 0x8048384

0x8048384 <main+16>: 077042707

(gdb) x/x $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0x00fc45c7

(gdb) x/u $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 16532935

(gdb) x/t $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 00000000111111000100010111000111


The memory the EIP register is pointing to can be examined by using the address stored in EIP. The debugger lets you reference registers directly, so $eip is equivalent to the value EIP contains at that moment. The value 077042707 in octal is the same as 0x00fc45c7 in hexadecimal, which is the same as 16532935 in base-10 decimal, which in turn is the same as 00000000111111000100010111000111 in binary. A number can also be prepended to the format of the examine command to examine multiple units at the target address.

(gdb) x/2x $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0x00fc45c7 0x83000000

(gdb) x/12x $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0x00fc45c7 0x83000000 0x7e09fc7d 0xc713eb02

0x8048394 <main+32>: 0x84842404 0x01e80804 0x8dffffff 0x00fffc45

0x80483a4 <main+48>: 0xc3c9e5eb 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x5de58955


The default size of a single unit is a four-byte unit called a word. The size of the display units for the examine command can be changed by adding a size letter to the end of the format letter. The valid size letters are as follows:

b A single byte

h A halfword, which is two bytes in size

w A word, which is four bytes in size

g A giant, which is eight bytes in size

This is slightly confusing, because sometimes the term word also refers to 2-byte values. In this case a double word or DWORD refers to a 4-byte value. In this book, words and DWORDs both refer to 4-byte values. If I'm talking about a 2-byte value, I'll call it a short or a halfword. The following GDB output shows memory displayed in various sizes.

(gdb) x/8xb $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0xc7 0x45 0xfc 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x83

(gdb) x/8xh $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0x45c7 0x00fc 0x0000 0x8300 0xfc7d 0x7e09 0xeb02 0xc713

(gdb) x/8xw $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0x00fc45c7 0x83000000 0x7e09fc7d 0xc713eb02

0x8048394 <main+32>: 0x84842404 0x01e80804 0x8dffffff 0x00fffc45


If you look closely, you may notice something odd about the data above. The first examine command shows the first eight bytes, and naturally, the examine commands that use bigger units display more data in total. However, the first examine shows the first two bytes to be 0xc7 and 0x45, but when a halfword is examined at the exact same memory address, the value 0x45c7 is shown, with the bytes reversed. This same byte-reversal effect can be seen when a full four-byte word is shown as 0x00fc45c7, but when the first four bytes are shown byte by byte, they are in the order of 0xc7, 0x45, 0xfc, and 0x00.

This is because on the x86 processor values are stored in little-endian byte order, which means the least significant byte is stored first. For example, if four bytes are to be interpreted as a single value, the bytes must be used in reverse order. The GDB debugger is smart enough to know how values are stored, so when a word or halfword is examined, the bytes must be reversed to display the correct values in hexadecimal. Revisiting these values displayed both as hexadecimal and unsigned decimals might help clear up any confusion.

(gdb) x/4xb $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0xc7 0x45 0xfc 0x00

(gdb) x/4ub $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 199 69 252 0

(gdb) x/1xw $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0x00fc45c7

(gdb) x/1uw $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 16532935

(gdb) quit

The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ bc -ql

199*(256^3) + 69*(256^2) + 252*(256^1) + 0*(256^0)


0*(256^3) + 252*(256^2) + 69*(256^1) + 199*(256^0)



reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The first four bytes are shown both in hexadecimal and standard unsigned decimal notation. A command-line calculator program called bc is used to show that if the bytes are interpreted in the incorrect order, a horribly incorrect value of 3343252480 is the result. The byte order of a given architecture is an important detail to be aware of. While most debugging tools and compilers will take care of the details of byte order automatically, eventually you will directly manipulate memory by yourself.

In addition to converting byte order, GDB can do other conversions with the examine command. We've already seen that GDB can disassemble machine language instructions into human-readable assembly instructions. The examine command also accepts the format letter i, short for instruction, to display the memory as disassembled assembly language instructions.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./a.out

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) break main

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048384: file firstprog.c, line 6.

(gdb) run

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main () at firstprog.c:6

6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

(gdb) i r $eip

eip 0x8048384 0x8048384 <main+16>

(gdb) x/i $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x0

(gdb) x/3i $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x0

0x804838b <main+23>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x9

0x804838f <main+27>: jle 0x8048393 <main+31>

(gdb) x/7xb $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: 0xc7 0x45 0xfc 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

(gdb) x/i $eip

0x8048384 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x0


In the output above, the a.out program is run in GDB, with a breakpoint set at main(). Since the EIP register is pointing to memory that actually contains machine language instructions, they disassemble quite nicely.

The previous objdump disassembly confirms that the seven bytes EIP is pointing to actually are machine language for the corresponding assembly instruction.

8048384: c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x0

This assembly instruction will move the value of 0 into memory located at the address stored in the EBP register, minus 4. This is where the C variable i is stored in memory; i was declared as an integer that uses 4 bytes of memory on the x86 processor. Basically, this command will zero out the variable i for the for loop. If that memory is examined right now, it will contain nothing but random garbage. The memory at this location can be examined several different ways.

(gdb) i r ebp

ebp 0xbffff808 0xbffff808

(gdb) x/4xb $ebp - 4

0xbffff804: 0xc0 0x83 0x04 0x08

(gdb) x/4xb 0xbffff804

0xbffff804: 0xc0 0x83 0x04 0x08

(gdb) print $ebp - 4

$1 = (void *) 0xbffff804

(gdb) x/4xb $1

0xbffff804: 0xc0 0x83 0x04 0x08

(gdb) x/xw $1

0xbffff804: 0x080483c0


The EBP register is shown to contain the address 0xbffff808, and the assembly instruction will be writing to a value offset by 4 less than that, 0xbffff804. The examine command can examine this memory address directly or by doing the math on the fly. The print command can also be used to do simple math, but the result is stored in a temporary variable in the debugger. This variable named $1 can be used later to quickly re-access a particular location in memory. Any of the methods shown above will accomplish the same task: displaying the 4 garbage bytes found in memory that will be zeroed out when the current instruction executes.

Let's execute the current instruction using the command nexti, which is short for next instruction. The processor will read the instruction at EIP, execute it, and advance EIP to the next instruction.

(gdb) nexti

0x0804838b 6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

(gdb) x/4xb $1

0xbffff804: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

(gdb) x/dw $1

0xbffff804: 0

(gdb) i r eip

eip 0x804838b 0x804838b <main+23>

(gdb) x/i $eip

0x804838b <main+23>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x9


As predicted, the previous command zeroes out the 4 bytes found at EBP minus 4, which is memory set aside for the C variable i. Then EIP advances to the next instruction. The next few instructions actually make more sense to talk about in a group.

(gdb) x/10i $eip

0x804838b <ma in+23>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x9

0x804838f <main+27>: jle 0x8048393 <main+31>

0x8048391 <main+29>: jmp 0x80483a6 <main+50>

0x8048393 <main+31>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048484

0x804839a <main+38>: call 0x80482a0 <printf@plt>

0x804839f <main+43>: lea eax,[ebp-4]

0x80483a2 <main+46>: inc DWORD PTR [eax]

0x80483a4 <main+48>: jmp 0x804838b <main+23>

0x80483a6 <main+50>: leave

0x80483a7 <main+51>: ret


The first instruction, cmp, is a compare instruction, which will compare the memory used by the C variable i with the value 9. The next instruction, jle stands for jump if less than or equal to. It uses the results of the previous comparison (which are actually stored in the EFLAGS register) to jump EIP to point to a different part of the code if the destination of the previous comparison operation is less than or equal to the source. In this case the instruction says to jump to the address 0x8048393 if the value stored in memory for the C variable i is less than or equal to the value 9. If this isn't the case, the EIP will continue to the next instruction, which is an unconditional jump instruction. This will cause the EIP to jump to the address 0x80483a6. These three instructions combine to create an if-then-else control structure: If the i is less than or equal to 9, then go to the instruction at address 0x8048393; otherwise, go to the instruction at address 0x80483a6. The first address of 0x8048393 (shown in bold) is simply the instruction found after the fixed jump instruction, and the second address of 0x80483a6 (shown in italics) is located at the end of the function.

Since we know the value 0 is stored in the memory location being compared with the value 9, and we know that 0 is less than or equal to 9, EIP should be at 0x8048393 after executing the next two instructions.

(gdb) nexti

0x0804838f 6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

(gdb) x/i $eip

0x804838f <main+27>: jle 0x8048393 <main+31>

(gdb) nexti

8 printf("Hello, world!\n");

(gdb) i r eip

eip 0x8048393 0x8048393 <main+31>

(gdb) x/2i $eip

0x8048393 <main+31>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048484

0x804839a <main+38>: call 0x80482a0 <printf@plt>


As expected, the previous two instructions let the program execution flow down to 0x8048393, which brings us to the next two instructions. The first instruction is another mov instruction that will write the address 0x8048484 into the memory address contained in the ESP register. But what is ESP pointing to?

(gdb) i r esp

esp 0xbffff800 0xbffff800


Currently, ESP points to the memory address 0xbffff800, so when the mov instruction is executed, the address 0x8048484 is written there. But why? What's so special about the memory address 0x8048484? There's one way to find out.

(gdb) x/2xw 0x8048484

0x8048484: 0x6c6c6548 0x6f57206f

(gdb) x/6xb 0x8048484

0x8048484: 0x48 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f 0x20

(gdb) x/6ub 0x8048484

0x8048484: 72 101 108 108 111 32


A trained eye might notice something about the memory here, in particular the range of the bytes. After examining memory for long enough, these types of visual patterns become more apparent. These bytes fall within the printable ASCII range. ASCII is an agreed-upon standard that maps all the characters on your keyboard (and some that aren't) to fixed numbers. The bytes 0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, and 0x6f all correspond to letters in the alphabet on the ASCII table shown below. This table is found in the man page for ASCII, available on most Unix systems by typing man ascii.


Oct Dec Hex Char Oct Dec Hex Char


000 0 00 NUL '\0' 100 64 40 @

001 1 01 SOH 101 65 41 A

002 2 02 STX 102 66 42 B

003 3 03 ETX 103 67 43 C

004 4 04 EOT 104 68 44 D

005 5 05 ENQ 105 69 45 E

006 6 06 ACK 106 70 46 F

007 7 07 BEL '\a' 107 71 47 G

010 8 08 BS '\b' 110 72 48 H

011 9 09 HT '\t' 111 73 49 I

012 10 0A LF '\n' 112 74 4A J

013 11 0B VT '\v' 113 75 4B K

014 12 0C FF '\f' 114 76 4C L

015 13 0D CR '\r' 115 77 4D M

016 14 0E SO 116 78 4E N

017 15 0F SI 117 79 4F O

020 16 10 DLE 120 80 50 P

021 17 11 DC1 121 81 51 Q

022 18 12 DC2 122 82 52 R

023 19 13 DC3 123 83 53 S

024 20 14 DC4 124 84 54 T

025 21 15 NAK 125 85 55 U

026 22 16 SYN 126 86 56 V

027 23 17 ETB 127 87 57 W

030 24 18 CAN 130 88 58 X

031 25 19 EM 131 89 59 Y

032 26 1A SUB 132 90 5A Z

033 27 1B ESC 133 91 5B [

034 28 1C FS 134 92 5C \ '\\'

035 29 1D GS 135 93 5D ]

036 30 1E RS 136 94 5E ^

037 31 1F US 137 95 5F _

040 32 20 SPACE 140 96 60 `

041 33 21 ! 141 97 61 a

042 34 22 " 142 98 62 b

043 35 23 # 143 99 63 c

044 36 24 $ 144 100 64 d

045 37 25 % 145 101 65 e

046 38 26 & 146 102 66 f

047 39 27 ' 147 103 67 g

050 40 28 ( 150 104 68 h

051 41 29 ) 151 105 69 i

052 42 2A * 152 106 6A j

053 43 2B + 153 107 6B k

054 44 2C , 154 108 6C l

055 45 2D - 155 109 6D m

056 46 2E . 156 110 6E n

057 47 2F / 157 111 6F o

060 48 30 0 160 112 70 p

061 49 31 1 161 113 71 q

062 50 32 2 162 114 72 r

063 51 33 3 163 115 73 s

064 52 34 4 164 116 74 t

065 53 35 5 165 117 75 u

066 54 36 6 166 118 76 v

067 55 37 7 167 119 77 w

070 56 38 8 170 120 78 x

071 57 39 9 171 121 79 y

072 58 3A : 172 122 7A z

073 59 3B ; 173 123 7B {

074 60 3C < 174 124 7C |

075 61 3D = 175 125 7D }

076 62 3E > 176 126 7E ~

077 63 3F ? 177 127 7F DEL

Thankfully, GDB's examine command also contains provisions for looking at this type of memory. The c format letter can be used to automatically look up a byte on the ASCII table, and the s format letter will display an entire string of character data.

(gdb) x/6cb 0x8048484

0x8048484: 72 'H' 101 'e' 108 'l' 108 'l' 111 'o' 32 ' '

(gdb) x/s 0x8048484

0x8048484: "Hello, world!\n"


These commands reveal that the data string "Hello, world!\n" is stored at memory address 0x8048484. This string is the argument for the printf() function, which indicates that moving the address of this string to the address tored in ESP (0x8048484) has something to do with this function. The following output shows the data string's address being moved into the address ESP is pointing to.

(gdb) x/2i $eip

0x8048393 <main+31>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048484

0x804839a <main+38>: call 0x80482a0 <printf@plt>

(gdb) x/xw $esp

0xbffff800: 0xb8000ce0

(gdb) nexti

0x0804839a 8 printf("Hello, world!\n");

(gdb) x/xw $esp

0xbffff800: 0x08048484


The next instruction is actually called the printf() function; it prints the data string. The previous instruction was setting up for the function call, and the results of the function call can be seen in the output below in bold.

(gdb) x/i $eip

0x804839a <main+38>: call 0x80482a0 <printf@plt>

(gdb) nexti

Hello, world!

6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)


Continuing to use GDB to debug, let's examine the next two instructions. Once again, they make more sense to look at in a group.

(gdb) x/2i $eip

0x804839f <main+43>: lea eax,[ebp-4]

0x80483a2 <main+46>: inc DWORD PTR [eax]


These two instructions basically just increment the variable i by 1. The lea instruction is an acronym for Load Effective Address, which will load the familiar address of EBP minus 4 into the EAX register. The execution of this instruction is shown below.

(gdb) x/i $eip

0x804839f <main+43>: lea eax,[ebp-4]

(gdb) print $ebp - 4

$2 = (void *) 0xbffff804

(gdb) x/x $2

0xbffff804: 0x00000000

(gdb) i r eax

eax 0xd 13

(gdb) nexti

0x080483a2 6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

(gdb) i r eax

eax 0xbffff804 -1073743868

(gdb) x/xw $eax

0xbffff804: 0x00000000

(gdb) x/dw $eax

0xbffff804: 0


The following inc instruction will increment the value found at this address (now stored in the EAX register) by 1. The execution of this instruction is also shown below.

gdb) x/i $eip

0x80483a2 <main+46>: inc DWORD PTR [eax]

(gdb) x/dw $eax

0xbffff804: 0

(gdb) nexti

0x080483a4 6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

(gdb) x/dw $eax

0xbffff804: 1


The end result is the value stored at the memory address EBP minus 4 (0xbffff804), incremented by 1. This behavior corresponds to a portion of C code in which the variable i is incremented in the for loop.

The next instruction is an unconditional jump instruction.

(gdb) x/i $eip

0x80483a4 <main+48>: jmp 0x804838b <main+23>


When this instruction is executed, it will send the program back to the instruction at address 0x804838b. It does this by simply setting EIP to that value.

Looking at the full disassembly again, you should be able to tell which parts of the C code have been compiled into which machine instructions.

(gdb) disass main

Dump of assembler code for function main:

0x08048374 <main+0>: push ebp

0x08048375 <main+1>: mov ebp,esp

0x08048377 <main+3>: sub esp,0x8

0x0804837a <main+6>: and esp,0xfffffff0

0x0804837d <main+9>: mov eax,0x0

0x08048382 <main+14>: sub esp,eax

0x08048384 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x0

0x0804838b <main+23>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-4],0x9

0x0804838f <main+27>: jle 0x8048393 <main+31>

0x08048391 <main+29>: jmp 0x80483a6 <main+50>

0x08048393 <main+31>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048484

0x0804839a <main+38>: call 0x80482a0 <printf@plt>

0x0804839f <main+43>: lea eax,[ebp-4]

0x080483a2 <main+46>: inc DWORD PTR [eax]

0x080483a4 <main+48>: jmp 0x804838b <main+23>

0x080483a6 <main+50>: leave

0x080483a7 <main+51>: ret

End of assembler dump.

(gdb) list

1 #include <stdio.h>


3 int main()

4 {

5 int i;

6 for(i=0; i < 10; i++)

7 {

8 printf("Hello, world!\n");

9 }

10 }


The instructions shown in bold make up the for loop, and the instructions in italics are the printf() call found within the loop. The program execution will jump back to the compare instruction, continue to execute the printf()call, and increment the counter variable until it finally equals 10. At this point the conditional jle instruction won't execute; instead, the instruction pointer will continue to the unconditional jump instruction, which exits the loop and ends the program.

Back to Basics

Now that the idea of programming is less abstract, there are a few other important concepts to know about C. Assembly language and computer processors existed before higher-level programming languages, and many modern programming concepts have evolved through time. In the same way that knowing a little about Latin can greatly improve one's understanding of the English language, knowledge of low-level programming concepts can assist the comprehension of higher-level ones. When continuing to the next section, remember that C code must be compiled into machine instructions before it can do anything.


The value "Hello, world!\n" passed to the printf() function in the previous program is a string—technically, a character array. In C, an array is simply a list of n elements of a specific data type. A 20-character array is simply 20 adjacent characters located in memory. Arrays are also referred to as buffers. The char_array.c program is an example of a character array.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


char str_a[20];

str_a[0] = 'H';

str_a[1] = 'e';

str_a[2] = 'l';

str_a[3] = 'l';

str_a[4] = 'o';

str_a[5] = ',';

str_a[6] = ' ';

str_a[7] = 'w';

str_a[8] = 'o';

str_a[9] = 'r';

str_a[10] = 'l';

str_a[11] = 'd';

str_a[12] = '!';

str_a[13] = '\n';

str_a[14] = 0;



The GCC compiler can also be given the -o switch to define the output file to compile to. This switch is used below to compile the program into an executable binary called char_array.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o char_array char_array.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./char_array

Hello, world!

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In the preceding program, a 20-element character array is defined as str_a, and each element of the array is written to, one by one. Notice that the number begins at 0, as opposed to 1. Also notice that the last character is a 0. (This is also called a null byte.) The character array was defined, so 20 bytes are allocated for it, but only 12 of these bytes are actually used. The null byte at the end is used as a delimiter character to tell any function that is dealing with the string to stop operations right there. The remaining extra bytes are just garbage and will be ignored. If a null byte is inserted in the fifth element of the character array, only the characters Hello would be printed by the printf()function.

Since setting each character in a character array is painstaking and strings are used fairly often, a set of standard functions was created for string manipulation. For example, the strcpy() function will copy a string from a source to a destination, iterating through the source string and copying each byte to the destination (and stopping after it copies the null termination byte). The order of the function's arguments is similar to Intel assembly syntax: destination first and then source. The char_array.c program can be rewritten using strcpy() to accomplish the same thing using the string library. The next version of the char_array program shown below includes string.h since it uses a string function.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main() {

char str_a[20];

strcpy(str_a, "Hello, world!\n");



Let's take a look at this program with GDB. In the output below, the compiled program is opened with GDB and breakpoints are set before, in, and after the strcpy() call shown in bold. The debugger will pause the program at each breakpoint, giving us a chance to examine registers and memory. The strcpy() function's code comes from a shared library, so the breakpoint in this function can't actually be set until the program is executed.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g -o char_array2 char_array2.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./char_array2

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) list

1 #include <stdio.h>

2 #include <string.h>


4 int main() {

5 char str_a[20];


7 strcpy(str_a, "Hello, world!\n");

8 printf(str_a);

9 }

(gdb) break 6

Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483c4: file char_array2.c, line 6.

(gdb) break strcpy

Function "strcpy" not defined.

Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y

Breakpoint 2 (strcpy) pending.

(gdb) break 8

Breakpoint 3 at 0x80483d7: file char_array2.c, line 8.


When the program is run, the strcpy() breakpoint is resolved. At each breakpoint, we're going to look at EIP and the instructions it points to. Notice that the memory location for EIP at the middle breakpoint is different.

(gdb) run

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/char_array2

Breakpoint 4 at 0xb7f076f4

Pending breakpoint "strcpy" resolved

Breakpoint 1, main () at char_array2.c:7

7 strcpy(str_a, "Hello, world!\n");

(gdb) i r eip

eip 0x80483c4 0x80483c4 <main+16>

(gdb) x/5i $eip

0x80483c4 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+4],0x80484c4

0x80483cc <main+24>: lea eax,[ebp-40]

0x80483cf <main+27>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax

0x80483d2 <main+30>: call 0x80482c4 <strcpy@plt>

0x80483d7 <main+35>: lea eax,[ebp-40]

(gdb) continue


Breakpoint 4, 0xb7f076f4 in strcpy () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

(gdb) i r eip

eip 0xb7f076f4 0xb7f076f4 <strcpy+4>

(gdb) x/5i $eip

0xb7f076f4 <strcpy+4>: mov esi,DWORD PTR [ebp+8]

0xb7f076f7 <strcpy+7>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+12]

0xb7f076fa <strcpy+10>: mov ecx,esi

0xb7f076fc <strcpy+12>: sub ecx,eax

0xb7f076fe <strcpy+14>: mov edx,eax

(gdb) continue


Breakpoint 3, main () at char_array2.c:8

8 printf(str_a);

(gdb) i r eip

eip 0x80483d7 0x80483d7 <main+35>

(gdb) x/5i $eip

0x80483d7 <main+35>: lea eax,[ebp-40]

0x80483da <main+38>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax

0x80483dd <main+41>: call 0x80482d4 <printf@plt>

0x80483e2 <main+46>: leave

0x80483e3 <main+47>: ret


The address in EIP at the middle breakpoint is different because the code for the strcpy() function comes from a loaded library. In fact, the debugger shows EIP for the middle breakpoint in the strcpy() function, while EIP at the other two breakpoints is in the main() function. I'd like to point out that EIP is able to travel from the main code to the strcpy() code and back again. Each time a function is called, a record is kept on a data structure simply called the stack. The stack lets EIP return through long chains of function calls. In GDB, the bt command can be used to backtrace the stack. In the output below, the stack backtrace is shown at each breakpoint.

(gdb) run

The program being debugged has been started already.

Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/char_array2

Error in re-setting breakpoint 4:

Function "strcpy" not defined.

Breakpoint 1, main () at char_array2.c:7

7 strcpy(str_a, "Hello, world!\n");

(gdb) bt

#0 main () at char_array2.c:7

(gdb) cont


Breakpoint 4, 0xb7f076f4 in strcpy () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

(gdb) bt

#0 0xb7f076f4 in strcpy () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

#1 0x080483d7 in main () at char_array2.c:7

(gdb) cont


Breakpoint 3, main () at char_array2.c:8

8 printf(str_a);

(gdb) bt

#0 main () at char_array2.c:8


At the middle breakpoint, the backtrace of the stack shows its record of the strcpy() call. Also, you may notice that the strcpy() function is at a slightly different address during the second run. This is due to an exploit protection method that is turned on by default in the Linux kernel since 2.6.11. We will talk about this protection in more detail later.

Signed, Unsigned, Long, and Short

By default, numerical values in C are signed, which means they can be both negative and positive. In contrast, unsigned values don't allow negative numbers. Since it's all just memory in the end, all numerical values must be stored in binary, and unsigned values make the most sense in binary. A 32-bit unsigned integer can contain values from 0 (all binary 0s) to 4,294,967,295 (all binary 1s). A 32-bit signed integer is still just 32 bits, which means it can only be in one of 232 possible bit combinations. This allows 32-bit signed integers to range from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Essentially, one of the bits is a flag marking the value positive or negative. Positively signed values look the same as unsigned values, but negative numbers are stored differently using a method called two's complement. Two's complement represents negative numbers in a form suited for binary adders—when a negative value in two's complement is added to a positive number of the same magnitude, the result will be 0. This is done by first writing the positive number in binary, then inverting all the bits, and finally adding 1. It sounds strange, but it works and allows negative numbers to be added in combination with positive numbers using simple binary adders.

This can be explored quickly on a smaller scale using pcalc, a simple programmer's calculator that displays results in decimal, hexadecimal, and binary formats. For simplicity's sake, 8-bit numbers are used in this example.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ pcalc 0y01001001

73 0x49 0y1001001

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ pcalc 0y10110110 + 1

183 0xb7 0y10110111

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ pcalc 0y01001001 + 0y10110111

256 0x100 0y100000000

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

First, the binary value 01001001 is shown to be positive 73. Then all the bits are flipped, and 1 is added to result in the two's complement representation for negative 73, 10110111. When these two values are added together, the result of the original 8 bits is 0. The program pcalc shows the value 256 because it's not aware that we're only dealing with 8-bit values. In a binary adder, that carry bit would just be thrown away because the end of the variable's memory would have been reached. This example might shed some light on how two's complement works its magic.

In C, variables can be declared as unsigned by simply prepending the keyword unsigned to the declaration. An unsigned integer would be declared with unsigned int. In addition, the size of numerical variables can be extended or shortened by adding the keywords long or short. The actual sizes will vary depending on the architecture the code is compiled for. The language of C provides a macro called sizeof() that can determine the size of certain data types. This works like a function that takes a data type as its input and returns the size of a variable declared with that data type for the target architecture. The datatype_sizes.c program explores the sizes of various data types, using the sizeof() function.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

printf("The 'int' data type is\t\t %d bytes\n", sizeof(int));

printf("The 'unsigned int' data type is\t %d bytes\n", sizeof(unsigned int));

printf("The 'short int' data type is\t %d bytes\n", sizeof(short int));

printf("The 'long int' data type is\t %d bytes\n", sizeof(long int));

printf("The 'long long int' data type is %d bytes\n", sizeof(long long int));

printf("The 'float' data type is\t %d bytes\n", sizeof(float));

printf("The 'char' data type is\t\t %d bytes\n", sizeof(char));


This piece of code uses the printf() function in a slightly different way. It uses something called a format specifier to display the value returned from the sizeof() function calls. Format specifiers will be explained in depth later, so for now, let's just focus on the program's output.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc datatype_sizes.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

The 'int' data type is 4 bytes

The 'unsigned int' data type is 4 bytes

The 'short int' data type is 2 bytes

The 'long int' data type is 4 bytes

The 'long long int' data type is 8 bytes

The 'float' data type is 4 bytes

The 'char' data type is 1 bytes

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

As previously stated, both signed and unsigned integers are four bytes in size on the x86 architecture. A float is also four bytes, while a char only needs a single byte. The long and short keywords can also be used with floating-point variables to extend and shorten their sizes.


The EIP register is a pointer that "points" to the current instruction during a program's execution by containing its memory address. The idea of pointers is used in C, also. Since the physical memory cannot actually be moved, the information in it must be copied. It can be very computationally expensive to copy large chunks of memory to be used by different functions or in different places. This is also expensive from a memory standpoint, since space for the new destination copy must be saved or allocated before the source can be copied. Pointers are a solution to this problem. Instead of copying a large block of memory, it is much simpler to pass around the address of the beginning of that block of memory.

Pointers in C can be defined and used like any other variable type. Since memory on the x86 architecture uses 32-bit addressing, pointers are also 32 bits in size (4 bytes). Pointers are defined by prepending an asterisk (*) to the variable name. Instead of defining a variable of that type, a pointer is defined as something that points to data of that type. The pointer.c program is an example of a pointer being used with the char data type, which is only 1 byte in size.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main() {

char str_a[20]; // A 20-element character array

char *pointer; // A pointer, meant for a character array

char *pointer2; // And yet another one

strcpy(str_a, "Hello, world!\n");

pointer = str_a; // Set the first pointer to the start of the array.


pointer2 = pointer + 2; // Set the second one 2 bytes further in.

printf(pointer2); // Print it.

strcpy(pointer2, "y you guys!\n"); // Copy into that spot.

printf(pointer); // Print again.


As the comments in the code indicate, the first pointer is set at the beginning of the character array. When the character array is referenced like this, it is actually a pointer itself. This is how this buffer was passed as a pointer to the printf() and strcpy() functions earlier. The second pointer is set to the first pointer's address plus two, and then some things are printed (shown in the output below).

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o pointer pointer.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./pointer

Hello, world!

llo, world!

Hey you guys!

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Let's take a look at this with GDB. The program is recompiled, and a breakpoint is set on the tenth line of the source code. This will stop the program after the "Hello, world!\n" string has been copied into the str_abuffer and the pointer variable is set to the beginning of it.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g -o pointer pointer.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./pointer

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) list

1 #include <stdio.h>

2 #include <string.h>


4 int main() {

5 char str_a[20]; // A 20-element character array

6 char *pointer; // A pointer, meant for a character array

7 char *pointer2; // And yet another one


9 strcpy(str_a, "Hello, world!\n");

10 pointer = str_a; // Set the first pointer to the start of the array.


11 printf(pointer);


13 pointer2 = pointer + 2; // Set the second one 2 bytes further in.

14 printf(pointer2); // Print it.

15 strcpy(pointer2, "y you guys!\n"); // Copy into that spot.

16 printf(pointer); // Print again.

17 }

(gdb) break 11

Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483dd: file pointer.c, line 11.

(gdb) run

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/pointer

Breakpoint 1, main () at pointer.c:11

11 printf(pointer);

(gdb) x/xw pointer

0xbffff7e0: 0x6c6c6548

(gdb) x/s pointer

0xbffff7e0: "Hello, world!\n"


When the pointer is examined as a string, it's apparent that the given string is there and is located at memory address 0xbffff7e0. Remember that the string itself isn't stored in the pointer variable—only the memory address 0xbffff7e0 is stored there.

In order to see the actual data stored in the pointer variable, you must use the address-of operator. The address-of operator is a unary operator, which simply means it operates on a single argument. This operator is just an ampersand (&) prepended to a variable name. When it's used, the address of that variable is returned, instead of the variable itself. This operator exists both in GDB and in the C programming language.

(gdb) x/xw &pointer

0xbffff7dc: 0xbffff7e0

(gdb) print &pointer

$1 = (char **) 0xbffff7dc

(gdb) print pointer

$2 = 0xbffff7e0 "Hello, world!\n"


When the address-of operator is used, the pointer variable is shown to be located at the address 0xbffff7dc in memory, and it contains the address 0xbffff7e0.

The address-of operator is often used in conjunction with pointers, since pointers contain memory addresses. The addressof.c program demonstrates the address-of operator being used to put the address of an integer variable into a pointer. This line is shown in bold below.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int int_var = 5;

int *int_ptr;

int_ptr = &int_var; // put the address of int_var into int_ptr


The program itself doesn't actually output anything, but you can probably guess what happens, even before debugging with GDB.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g addressof.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./a.out

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) list

1 #include <stdio.h>


3 int main() {

4 int int_var = 5;

5 int *int_ptr;


7 int_ptr = &int_var; // Put the address of int_var into int_ptr.

8 }

(gdb) break 8

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048361: file addressof.c, line 8.

(gdb) run

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main () at addressof.c:8

8 }

(gdb) print int_var

$1 = 5

(gdb) print &int_var

$2 = (int *) 0xbffff804

(gdb) print int_ptr

$3 = (int *) 0xbffff804

(gdb) print &int_ptr

$4 = (int **) 0xbffff800


As usual, a breakpoint is set and the program is executed in the debugger. At this point the majority of the program has executed. The first print command shows the value of int_var, and the second shows its address using the address-of operator. The next two print commands show that int_ptr contains the address of int_var, and they also show the address of the int_ptr for good measure.

An additional unary operator called the dereference operator exists for use with pointers. This operator will return the data found in the address the pointer is pointing to, instead of the address itself. It takes the form of an asterisk in front of the variable name, similar to the declaration of a pointer. Once again, the dereference operator exists both in GDB and in C. Used in GDB, it can retrieve the integer value int_ptr points to.

(gdb) print *int_ptr

$5 = 5

A few additions to the addressof.c code (shown in addressof2.c) will demonstrate all of these concepts. The added printf() functions use format parameters, which I'll explain in the next section. For now, just focus on the program's output.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int int_var = 5;

int *int_ptr;

int_ptr = &int_var; // Put the address of int_var into int_ptr.

printf("int_ptr = 0x%08x\n", int_ptr);

printf("&int_ptr = 0x%08x\n", &int_ptr);

printf("*int_ptr = 0x%08x\n\n", *int_ptr);

printf("int_var is located at 0x%08x and contains %d\n", &int_var, int_var);

printf("int_ptr is located at 0x%08x, contains 0x%08x, and points to %d\n\n",

&int_ptr, int_ptr, *int_ptr);


The results of compiling and executing addressof2.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc addressof2.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

int_ptr = 0xbffff834

&int_ptr = 0xbffff830

*int_ptr = 0x00000005

int_var is located at 0xbffff834 and contains 5

int_ptr is located at 0xbffff830, contains 0xbffff834, and points to 5

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

When the unary operators are used with pointers, the address-of operator can be thought of as moving backward, while the dereference operator moves forward in the direction the pointer is pointing.

Format Strings

The printf() function can be used to print more than just fixed strings. This function can also use format strings to print variables in many different formats. A format string is just a character string with special escape sequences that tell the function to insert variables printed in a specific format in place of the escape sequence. The way the printf() function has been used in the previous programs, the "Hello, world!\n" string technically is the format string; however, it is devoid of special escape sequences. These escape sequences are also called format parameters, and for each one found in the format string, the function is expected to take an additional argument. Each format parameter begins with a percent sign (%) and uses a single-character shorthand very similar to formatting characters used by GDB's examine command.


Output Type




Unsigned decimal



All of the preceding format parameters receive their data as values, not pointers to values. There are also some format parameters that expect pointers, such as the following.


Output Type




Number of bytes written so far

The %s format parameter expects to be given a memory address; it prints the data at that memory address until a null byte is encountered. The %nformat parameter is unique in that it actually writes data. It also expects to be given a memory address, and it writes the number of bytes that have been written so far into that memory address.

For now, our focus will just be the format parameters used for displaying data. The fmt_strings.c program shows some examples of different format parameters.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

char string[10];

int A = -73;

unsigned int B = 31337;

strcpy(string, "sample");

// Example of printing with different format string

printf("[A] Dec: %d, Hex: %x, Unsigned: %u\n", A, A, A);

printf("[B] Dec: %d, Hex: %x, Unsigned: %u\n", B, B, B);

printf("[field width on B] 3: '%3u', 10: '%10u', '%08u'\n", B, B, B);

printf("[string] %s Address %08x\n", string, string);

// Example of unary address operator (dereferencing) and a %x format string

printf("variable A is at address: %08x\n", &A);


In the preceding code, additional variable arguments are passed to each printf() call for every format parameter in the format string. The final printf() call uses the argument A, which will provide the address of the variable A. The program's compilation and execution are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o fmt_strings fmt_strings.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./fmt_strings

[A] Dec: -73, Hex: ffffffb7, Unsigned: 4294967223

[B] Dec: 31337, Hex: 7a69, Unsigned: 31337

[field width on B] 3: '31337', 10: ' 31337', '00031337'

[string] sample Address bffff870

variable A is at address: bffff86c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The first two calls to printf() demonstrate the printing of variables A and B, using different format parameters. Since there are three format parameters in each line, the variables A and B need to be supplied three times each. The %d format parameter allows for negative values, while %u does not, since it is expecting unsigned values.

When the variable A is printed using the %u format parameter, it appears as a very high value. This is because A is a negative number stored in two's complement, and the format parameter is trying to print it as if it were an unsigned value. Since two's complement flips all the bits and adds one, the very high bits that used to be zero are now one.

The third line in the example, labeled [field width on B], shows the use of the field-width option in a format parameter. This is just an integer that designates the minimum field width for that format parameter. However, this is not a maximum field width—if the value to be outputted is greater than the field width, the field width will be exceeded. This happens when 3 is used, since the output data needs 5 bytes. When 10 is used as the field width, 5 bytes of blank space are outputted before the output data. Additionally, if a field width value begins with a 0, this means the field should be padded with zeros. When 08 is used, for example, the output is 00031337.

The fourth line, labeled [string], simply shows the use of the %s format parameter. Remember that the variable string is actually a pointer containing the address of the string, which works out wonderfully, since the %s format parameter expects its data to be passed by reference.

The final line just shows the address of the variable A, using the unary address operator to dereference the variable. This value is displayed as eight hexadecimal digits, padded by zeros.

As these examples show, you should use %d for decimal, %u for unsigned, and %x for hexadecimal values. Minimum field widths can be set by putting a number right after the percent sign, and if the field width begins with 0, it will be padded with zeros. The %s parameter can be used to print strings and should be passed the address of the string. So far, so good.

Format strings are used by an entire family of standard I/O functions, including scanf(), which basically works like printf() but is used for input instead of output. One key difference is that the scanf() function expects all of its arguments to be pointers, so the arguments must actually be variable addresses—not the variables themselves. This can be done using pointer variables or by using the unary address operator to retrieve the address of the normal variables. The input.c program and execution should help explain.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main() {

char message[10];

int count, i;

strcpy(message, "Hello, world!");

printf("Repeat how many times? ");

scanf("%d", &count);

for(i=0; i < count; i++)

printf("%3d - %s\n", i, message);


In input.c, the scanf() function is used to set the count variable. The output below demonstrates its use.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o input input.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./input

Repeat how many times? 3

0 - Hello, world!

1 - Hello, world!

2 - Hello, world!

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./input

Repeat how many times? 12

0 - Hello, world!

1 - Hello, world!

2 - Hello, world!

3 - Hello, world!

4 - Hello, world!

5 - Hello, world!

6 - Hello, world!

7 - Hello, world!

8 - Hello, world!

9 - Hello, world!

10 - Hello, world!

11 - Hello, world!

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Format strings are used quite often, so familiarity with them is valuable. In addition, the ability to output the values of variables allows for debugging in the program, without the use of a debugger. Having some form of immediate feedback is fairly vital to the hacker's learning process, and something as simple as printing the value of a variable can allow for lots of exploitation.


Typecasting is simply a way to temporarily change a variable's data type, despite how it was originally defined. When a variable is typecast into a different type, the compiler is basically told to treat that variable as if it were the new data type, but only for that operation. The syntax for typecasting is as follows:

(typecast_data_type) variable

This can be used when dealing with integers and floating-point variables, as typecasting.c demonstrates.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int a, b;

float c, d;

a = 13;

b = 5;

c = a / b; // Divide using integers.

d = (float) a / (float) b; // Divide integers typecast as floats.

printf("[integers]\t a = %d\t b = %d\n", a, b);

printf("[floats]\t c = %f\t d = %f\n", c, d);


The results of compiling and executing typecasting.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc typecasting.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[integers] a = 13 b = 5

[floats] c = 2.000000 d = 2.600000

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

As discussed earlier, dividing the integer 13 by 5 will round down to the incorrect answer of 2, even if this value is being stored into a floating-point variable. However, if these integer variables are typecast into floats, they will be treated as such. This allows for the correct calculation of 2.6.

This example is illustrative, but where typecasting really shines is when it is used with pointer variables. Even though a pointer is just a memory address, the C compiler still demands a data type for every pointer. One reason for this is to try to limit programming errors. An integer pointer should only point to integer data, while a character pointer should only point to character data. Another reason is for pointer arithmetic. An integer is four bytes in size, while a character only takes up a single byte. The pointer_types.c program will demonstrate and explain these concepts further. This code uses the format parameter %p to output memory addresses. This is shorthand meant for displaying pointers and is basically equivalent to 0x%08x.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int i;

char char_array[5] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};

int int_array[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

char *char_pointer;

int *int_pointer;

char_pointer = char_array;

int_pointer = int_array;

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the int array with the int_pointer.

printf("[integer pointer] points to %p, which contains the integer %d\n",

int_pointer, *int_pointer);

int_pointer = int_pointer + 1;


for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the char array with the char_pointer.

printf("[char pointer] points to %p, which contains the char '%c'\n",

char_pointer, *char_pointer);

char_pointer = char_pointer + 1;



In this code two arrays are defined in memory—one containing integer data and the other containing character data. Two pointers are also defined, one with the integer data type and one with the character data type, and they are set to point at the start of the corresponding data arrays. Two separate for loops iterate through the arrays using pointer arithmetic to adjust the pointer to point at the next value. In the loops, when the integer and character values are actually printed with the %d and %c format parameters, notice that the corresponding printf() arguments must dereference the pointer variables. This is done using the unary * operator and has been marked above in bold.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc pointer_types.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7f0, which contains the integer 1

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7f4, which contains the integer 2

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7f8, which contains the integer 3

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7fc, which contains the integer 4

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff800, which contains the integer 5

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff810, which contains the char 'a'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff811, which contains the char 'b'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff812, which contains the char 'c'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff813, which contains the char 'd'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff814, which contains the char 'e'

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Even though the same value of 1 is added to int_pointer and char_pointer in their respective loops, the compiler increments the pointer's addresses by different amounts. Since a char is only 1 byte, the pointer to the next char would naturally also be 1 byte over. But since an integer is 4 bytes, a pointer to the next integer has to be 4 bytes over.

In pointer_types2.c, the pointers are juxtaposed such that the int_pointer points to the character data and vice versa. The major changes to the code are marked in bold.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int i;

char char_array[5] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};

int int_array[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

char *char_pointer;

int *int_pointer;

char_pointer = int_array; // The char_pointer and int_pointer now

int_pointer = char_array; // point to incompatible data types.

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the int array with the int_pointer.

printf("[integer pointer] points to %p, which contains the char '%c'\n",

int_pointer, *int_pointer);

int_pointer = int_pointer + 1;


for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the char array with the char_pointer.

printf("[char pointer] points to %p, which contains the integer %d\n",

char_pointer, *char_pointer);

char_pointer = char_pointer + 1;



The output below shows the warnings spewed forth from the compiler.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc pointer_types2.c

pointer_types2.c: In function `main':

pointer_types2.c:12: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

pointer_types2.c:13: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In an attempt to prevent programming mistakes, the compiler gives warnings about pointers that point to incompatible data types. But the compiler and perhaps the programmer are the only ones that care about a pointer's type. In the compiled code, a pointer is nothing more than a memory address, so the compiler will still compile the code if a pointer points to an incompatible data type—it simply warns the programmer to anticipate unexpected results.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff810, which contains the char 'a'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff814, which contains the char 'e'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff818, which contains the char '8'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff81c, which contains the char '

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff820, which contains the char '?'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f0, which contains the integer 1

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f1, which contains the integer 0

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f2, which contains the integer 0

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f3, which contains the integer 0

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f4, which contains the integer 2

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Even though the int_pointer points to character data that only contains 5 bytes of data, it is still typed as an integer. This means that adding 1 to the pointer will increment the address by 4 each time. Similarly, the char_pointer's address is only incremented by 1 each time, stepping through the 20 bytes of integer data (five 4-byte integers), one byte at a time. Once again, the littleendian byte order of the integer data is apparent when the 4-byte integer is examined one byte at a time. The 4-byte value of 0x00000001 is actually stored in memory as 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00.

There will be situations like this in which you are using a pointer that points to data with a conflicting type. Since the pointer type determines the size of the data it points to, it's important that the type is correct. As you can see in pointer_types3.c below, typecasting is just a way to change the type of a variable on the fly.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int i;

char char_array[5] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};

int int_array[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

char *char_pointer;

int *int_pointer;

char_pointer = (char *) int_array; // Typecast into the

int_pointer = (int *) char_array; // pointer's data type.

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the int array with the int_pointer.

printf("[integer pointer] points to %p, which contains the char '%c'\n",

int_pointer, *int_pointer);

int_pointer = (int *) ((char *) int_pointer + 1);


for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the char array with the char_pointer.

printf("[char pointer] points to %p, which contains the integer %d\n",

char_pointer, *char_pointer);

char_pointer = (char *) ((int *) char_pointer + 1);



In this code, when the pointers are initially set, the data is typecast into the pointer's data type. This will prevent the C compiler from complaining about the conflicting data types; however, any pointer arithmetic will still be incorrect. To fix that, when 1 is added to the pointers, they must first be typecast into the correct data type so the address is incremented by the correct amount. Then this pointer needs to be typecast back into the pointer's data type once again. It doesn't look too pretty, but it works.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc pointer_types3.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff810, which contains the char 'a'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff811, which contains the char 'b'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff812, which contains the char 'c'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff813, which contains the char 'd'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff814, which contains the char 'e'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f0, which contains the integer 1

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f4, which contains the integer 2

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7f8, which contains the integer 3

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff7fc, which contains the integer 4

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff800, which contains the integer 5

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Naturally, it is far easier just to use the correct data type for pointers in the first place; however, sometimes a generic, typeless pointer is desired. In C, a void pointer is a typeless pointer, defined by the void keyword. Experimenting with void pointers quickly reveals a few things about typeless pointers. First, pointers cannot be de-referenced unless they have a type. In order to retrieve the value stored in the pointer's memory address, the compiler must first know what type of data it is. Secondly, void pointers must also be typecast before doing pointer arithmetic. These are fairly intuitive limitations, which means that a void pointer's main purpose is to simply hold a memory address.

The pointer_types3.c program can be modified to use a single void pointer by typecasting it to the proper type each time it's used. The compiler knows that a void pointer is typeless, so any type of pointer can be stored in a void pointer without typecasting. This also means a void pointer must always be typecast when dereferencing it, however. These differences can be seen in pointer_types4.c, which uses a void pointer.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int i;

char char_array[5] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};

int int_array[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

void *void_pointer;

void_pointer = (void *) char_array;

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the int array with the int_pointer.

printf("[char pointer] points to %p, which contains the char '%c'\n",

void_pointer, *((char *) void_pointer));

void_pointer = (void *) ((char *) void_pointer + 1);


void_pointer = (void *) int_array;

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the int array with the int_pointer.

printf("[integer pointer] points to %p, which contains the integer %d\n",

void_pointer, *((int *) void_pointer));

void_pointer = (void *) ((int *) void_pointer + 1);



The results of compiling and executing pointer_types4.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc pointer_types4.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff810, which contains the char 'a'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff811, which contains the char 'b'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff812, which contains the char 'c'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff813, which contains the char 'd'

[char pointer] points to 0xbffff814, which contains the char 'e'

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7f0, which contains the integer 1

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7f4, which contains the integer 2

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7f8, which contains the integer 3

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff7fc, which contains the integer 4

[integer pointer] points to 0xbffff800, which contains the integer 5

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The compilation and output of this pointer_types4.c is basically the same as that for pointer_types3.c. The void pointer is really just holding the memory addresses, while the hard-coded typecasting is telling the compiler to use the proper types whenever the pointer is used.

Since the type is taken care of by the typecasts, the void pointer is truly nothing more than a memory address. With the data types defined by typecasting, anything that is big enough to hold a four-byte value can work the same way as a void pointer. In pointer_types5.c, an unsigned integer is used to store this address.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int i;

char char_array[5] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};

int int_array[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

unsigned int hacky_nonpointer;

hacky_nonpointer = (unsigned int) char_array;

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the int array with the int_pointer.

printf("[hacky_nonpointer] points to %p, which contains the char '%c'\n",

hacky_nonpointer, *((char *) hacky_nonpointer));

hacky_nonpointer = hacky_nonpointer + sizeof(char);


hacky_nonpointer = (unsigned int) int_array;

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Iterate through the int array with the int_pointer.

printf("[hacky_nonpointer] points to %p, which contains the integer %d\n",

hacky_nonpointer, *((int *) hacky_nonpointer));

hacky_nonpointer = hacky_nonpointer + sizeof(int);



This is rather hacky, but since this integer value is typecast into the proper pointer types when it is assigned and de-referenced, the end result is the same. Notice that instead of typecasting multiple times to do pointer arithmetic on an unsigned integer (which isn't even a pointer), the sizeof() function is used to achieve the same result using normal arithmetic.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc pointer_types5.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff810, which contains the char 'a'

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff811, which contains the char 'b'

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff812, which contains the char 'c'

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff813, which contains the char 'd'

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff814, which contains the char 'e'

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff7f0, which contains the integer 1

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff7f4, which contains the integer 2

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff7f8, which contains the integer 3

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff7fc, which contains the integer 4

[hacky_nonpointer] points to 0xbffff800, which contains the integer 5

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The important thing to remember about variables in C is that the compiler is the only thing that cares about a variable's type. In the end, after the program has been compiled, the variables are nothing more than memory addresses. This means that variables of one type can easily be coerced into behaving like another type by telling the compiler to typecast them into the desired type.

Command-Line Arguments

Many nongraphical programs receive input in the form of command-line arguments. Unlike inputting with scanf(), command-line arguments don't require user interaction after the program has begun execution. This tends to be more efficient and is a useful input method.

In C, command-line arguments can be accessed in the main() function by including two additional arguments to the function: an integer and a pointer to an array of strings. The integer will contain the number of arguments, and the array of strings will contain each of those arguments. The commandline.c program and its execution should explain things.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int arg_count, char *arg_list[]) {

int i;

printf("There were %d arguments provided:\n", arg_count);

for(i=0; i < arg_count; i++)

printf("argument #%d\t-\t%s\n", i, arg_list[i]);


reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o commandline commandline.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./commandline

There were 1 arguments provided:

argument #0 - ./commandline

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./commandline this is a test

There were 5 arguments provided:

argument #0 - ./commandline

argument #1 - this

argument #2 - is

argument #3 - a

argument #4 - test

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The zeroth argument is always the name of the executing binary, and the rest of the argument array (often called an argument vector) contains the remaining arguments as strings.

Sometimes a program will want to use a command-line argument as an integer as opposed to a string. Regardless of this, the argument is passed in as a string; however, there are standard conversion functions. Unlike simple typecasting, these functions can actually convert character arrays containing numbers into actual integers. The most common of these functions is atoi(), which is short for ASCII to integer. This function accepts a pointer to a string as its argument and returns the integer value it represents. Observe its usage in convert.c.


#include <stdio.h>

void usage(char *program_name) {

printf("Usage: %s <message> <# of times to repeat>\n", program_name);



int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int i, count;

if(argc < 3) // If fewer than 3 arguments are used,

usage(argv[0]); // display usage message and exit.

count = atoi(argv[2]); // Convert the 2nd arg into an integer.

printf("Repeating %d times..\n", count);

for(i=0; i < count; i++)

printf("%3d - %s\n", i, argv[1]); // Print the 1st arg.


The results of compiling and executing convert.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc convert.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

Usage: ./a.out <message> <# of times to repeat>

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out 'Hello, world!' 3

Repeating 3 times..

0 - Hello, world!

1 - Hello, world!

2 - Hello, world!

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In the preceding code, an if statement makes sure that three arguments are used before these strings are accessed. If the program tries to access memory that doesn't exist or that the program doesn't have permission to read, the program will crash. In C it's important to check for these types of conditions and handle them in program logic. If the error-checking if statement is commented out, this memory violation can be explored. The convert2.c program should make this more clear.


#include <stdio.h>

void usage(char *program_name) {

printf("Usage: %s <message> <# of times to repeat>\n", program_name);



int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int i, count;

// if(argc < 3) // If fewer than 3 arguments are used,

// usage(argv[0]); // display usage message and exit.

count = atoi(argv[2]); // Convert the 2nd arg into an integer.

printf("Repeating %d times..\n", count);

for(i=0; i < count; i++)

printf("%3d - %s\n", i, argv[1]); // Print the 1st arg.


The results of compiling and executing convert2.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc convert2.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out test

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

When the program isn't given enough command-line arguments, it still tries to access elements of the argument array, even though they don't exist. This results in the program crashing due to a segmentation fault.

Memory is split into segments (which will be discussed later), and some memory addresses aren't within the boundaries of the memory segments the program is given access to. When the program attempts to access an address that is out of bounds, it will crash and die in what's called a segmentation fault. This effect can be explored further with GDB.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g convert2.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./a.out

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) run test

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/a.out test

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

0xb7ec819b in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

(gdb) where

#0 0xb7ec819b in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

#1 0xb800183c in ?? ()

#2 0x00000000 in ?? ()

(gdb) break main

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048419: file convert2.c, line 14.

(gdb) run test

The program being debugged has been started already.

Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/a.out test

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=2, argv=0xbffff894) at convert2.c:14

14 count = atoi(argv[2]); // convert the 2nd arg into an integer

(gdb) cont


Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

0xb7ec819b in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

(gdb) x/3xw 0xbffff894

0xbffff894: 0xbffff9b3 0xbffff9ce 0x00000000

(gdb) x/s 0xbffff9b3

0xbffff9b3: "/home/reader/booksrc/a.out"

(gdb) x/s 0xbffff9ce

0xbffff9ce: "test"

(gdb) x/s 0x00000000

0x0: <Address 0x0 out of bounds>

(gdb) quit

The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The program is executed with a single command-line argument of test within GDB, which causes the program to crash. The where command will sometimes show a useful backtrace of the stack; however, in this case, the stack was too badly mangled in the crash. A breakpoint is set on main and the program is re-executed to get the value of the argument vector (shown in bold). Since the argument vector is a pointer to list of strings, it is actually a pointer to a list of pointers. Using the command x/3xw to examine the first three memory addresses stored at the argument vector's address shows that they are themselves pointers to strings. The first one is the zeroth argument, the second is the test argument, and the third is zero, which is out of bounds. When the program tries to access this memory address, it crashes with a segmentation fault.

Variable Scoping

Another interesting concept regarding memory in C is variable scoping or context—in particular, the contexts of variables within functions. Each function has its own set of local variables, which are independent of everything else. In fact, multiple calls to the same function all have their own contexts. You can use the printf() function with format strings to quickly explore this;check it out in scope.c.


#include <stdio.h>

void func3() {

int i = 11;

printf("\t\t\t[in func3] i = %d\n", i);


void func2() {

int i = 7;

printf("\t\t[in func2] i = %d\n", i);


printf("\t\t[back in func2] i = %d\n", i);


void func1() {

int i = 5;

printf("\t[in func1] i = %d\n", i);


printf("\t[back in func1] i = %d\n", i);


int main() {

int i = 3;

printf("[in main] i = %d\n", i);


printf("[back in main] i = %d\n", i);


The output of this simple program demonstrates nested function calls.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc scope.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[in main] i = 3

[in func1] i = 5

[in func2] i = 7

[in func3] i = 11

[back in func2] i = 7

[back in func1] i = 5

[back in main] i = 3

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In each function, the variable i is set to a different value and printed. Notice that within the main() function, the variable i is 3, even after calling func1() where the variable i is 5. Similarly, within func1() the variable iremains 5, even after calling func2() where i is 7, and so forth. The best way to think of this is that each function call has its own version of the variable i.

Variables can also have a global scope, which means they will persist across all functions. Variables are global if they are defined at the beginning of the code, outside of any functions. In the scope2.c example code shown below, the variable j is declared globally and set to 42. This variable can be read from and written to by any function, and the changes to it will persist between functions.


#include <stdio.h>

int j = 42; // j is a global variable.

void func3() {

int i = 11, j = 999; // Here, j is a local variable of func3().

printf("\t\t\t[in func3] i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);


void func2() {

int i = 7;

printf("\t\t[in func2] i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);

printf("\t\t[in func2] setting j = 1337\n");

j = 1337; // Writing to j


printf("\t\t[back in func2] i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);


void func1() {

int i = 5;

printf("\t[in func1] i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);


printf("\t[back in func1] i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);


int main() {

int i = 3;

printf("[in main] i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);


printf("[back in main] i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);


The results of compiling and executing scope2.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc scope2.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[in main] i = 3, j = 42

[in func1] i = 5, j = 42

[in func2] i = 7, j = 42

[in func2] setting j = 1337

[in func3] i = 11, j = 999

[back in func2] i = 7, j = 1337

[back in func1] i = 5, j = 1337

[back in main] i = 3, j = 1337

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In the output, the global variable j is written to in func2(), and the change persists in all functions except func3(), which has its own local variable called j. In this case, the compiler prefers to use the local variable. With all these variables using the same names, it can be a little confusing, but remember that in the end, it's all just memory. The global variable j is just stored in memory, and every function is able to access that memory. The local variables for each function are each stored in their own places in memory, regardless of the identical names. Printing the memory addresses of these variables will give a clearer picture of what's going on. In the scope3.c example code below, the variable addresses are printed using the unary address-of operator.


#include <stdio.h>

int j = 42; // j is a global variable.

void func3() {

int i = 11, j = 999; // Here, j is a local variable of func3().

printf("\t\t\t[in func3] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

printf("\t\t\t[in func3] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);


void func2() {

int i = 7;

printf("\t\t[in func2] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

printf("\t\t[in func2] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);

printf("\t\t[in func2] setting j = 1337\n");

j = 1337; // Writing to j


printf("\t\t[back in func2] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

printf("\t\t[back in func2] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);


void func1() {

int i = 5;

printf("\t[in func1] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

printf("\t[in func1] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);


printf("\t[back in func1] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

printf("\t[back in func1] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);


int main() {

int i = 3;

printf("[in main] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

printf("[in main] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);


printf("[back in main] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

printf("[back in main] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);


The results of compiling and executing scope3.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc scope3.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[in main] i @ 0xbffff834 = 3

[in main] j @ 0x08049988 = 42

[in func1] i @ 0xbffff814 = 5

[in func1] j @ 0x08049988 = 42

[in func2] i @ 0xbffff7f4 = 7

[in func2] j @ 0x08049988 = 42

[in func2] setting j = 1337

[in func3] i @ 0xbffff7d4 = 11

[in func3] j @ 0xbffff7d0 = 999

[back in func2] i @ 0xbffff7f4 = 7

[back in func2] j @ 0x08049988 = 1337

[back in func1] i @ 0xbffff814 = 5

[back in func1] j @ 0x08049988 = 1337

[back in main] i @ 0xbffff834 = 3

[back in main] j @ 0x08049988 = 1337

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In this output, it is obvious that the variable j used by func3() is different than the j used by the other functions. The j used by func3() is located at 0xbffff7d0, while the j used by the other functions is located at 0x08049988. Also, notice that the variable i is actually a different memory address for each function.

In the following output, GDB is used to stop execution at a breakpoint in func3(). Then the backtrace command shows the record of each function call on the stack.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g scope3.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./a.out

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) list 1

1 #include <stdio.h>


3 int j = 42; // j is a global variable.


5 void func3() {

6 int i = 11, j = 999; // Here, j is a local variable of func3().

7 printf("\t\t\t[in func3] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

8 printf("\t\t\t[in func3] j @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &j, j);

9 }


(gdb) break 7

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048388: file scope3.c, line 7.

(gdb) run

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/a.out

[in main] i @ 0xbffff804 = 3

[in main] j @ 0x08049988 = 42

[in func1] i @ 0xbffff7e4 = 5

[in func1] j @ 0x08049988 = 42

[in func2] i @ 0xbffff7c4 = 7

[in func2] j @ 0x08049988 = 42

[in func2] setting j = 1337

Breakpoint 1, func3 () at scope3.c:7

7 printf("\t\t\t[in func3] i @ 0x%08x = %d\n", &i, i);

(gdb) bt

#0 func3 () at scope3.c:7

#1 0x0804841d in func2 () at scope3.c:17

#2 0x0804849f in func1 () at scope3.c:26

#3 0x0804852b in main () at scope3.c:35


The backtrace also shows the nested function calls by looking at records kept on the stack. Each time a function is called, a record called a stack frame is put on the stack. Each line in the backtrace corresponds to a stack frame. Each stack frame also contains the local variables for that context. The local variables contained in each stack frame can be shown in GDB by adding the word full to the backtrace command.

(gdb) bt full

#0 func3 () at scope3.c:7

i = 11

j = 999

#1 0x0804841d in func2 () at scope3.c:17

i = 7

#2 0x0804849f in func1 () at scope3.c:26

i = 5

#3 0x0804852b in main () at scope3.c:35

i = 3


The full backtrace clearly shows that the local variable j only exists in func3()'s context. The global version of the variable j is used in the other function's contexts.

In addition to globals, variables can also be defined as static variables by prepending the keyword static to the variable definition. Similar to global variables, a static variable remains intact between function calls; however, static variables are also akin to local variables since they remain local within a particular function context. One different and unique feature of static variables is that they are only initialized once. The code in static.c will help explain these concepts.


#include <stdio.h>

void function() { // An example function, with its own context

int var = 5;

static int static_var = 5; // Static variable initialization

printf("\t[in function] var = %d\n", var);

printf("\t[in function] static_var = %d\n", static_var);

var++; // Add one to var.

static_var++; // Add one to static_var.


int main() { // The main function, with its own context

int i;

static int static_var = 1337; // Another static, in a different context

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Loop 5 times.

printf("[in main] static_var = %d\n", static_var);

function(); // Call the function.



The aptly named static_var is defined as a static variable in two places: within the context of main() and within the context of function(). Since static variables are local within a particular functional context, these variables can have the same name, but they actually represent two different locations in memory. The function simply prints the values of the two variables in its context and then adds 1 to both of them. Compiling and executing this code will show the difference between the static and nonstatic variables.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc static.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[in main] static_var = 1337

[in function] var = 5

[in function] static_var = 5

[in main] static_var = 1337

[in function] var = 5

[in function] static_var = 6

[in main] static_var = 1337

[in function] var = 5

[in function] static_var = 7

[in main] static_var = 1337

[in function] var = 5

[in function] static_var = 8

[in main] static_var = 1337

[in function] var = 5

[in function] static_var = 9

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Notice that the static_var retains its value between subsequent calls to function(). This is because static variables retain their values, but also because they are only initialized once. In addition, since the static variables are local to a particular functional context, the static_var in the context of main() retains its value of 1337 the entire time.

Once again, printing the addresses of these variables by dereferencing them with the unary address operator will provide greater viability into what's really going on. Take a look at static2.c for an example.


#include <stdio.h>

void function() { // An example function, with its own context

int var = 5;

static int static_var = 5; // Static variable initialization

printf("\t[in function] var @ %p = %d\n", &var, var);

printf("\t[in function] static_var @ %p = %d\n", &static_var, static_var);

var++; // Add 1 to var.

static_var++; // Add 1 to static_var.


int main() { // The main function, with its own context

int i;

static int static_var = 1337; // Another static, in a different context

for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { // loop 5 times

printf("[in main] static_var @ %p = %d\n", &static_var, static_var);

function(); // Call the function.



The results of compiling and executing static2.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc static2.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

[in main] static_var @ 0x804968c = 1337

[in function] var @ 0xbffff814 = 5

[in function] static_var @ 0x8049688 = 5

[in main] static_var @ 0x804968c = 1337

[in function] var @ 0xbffff814 = 5

[in function] static_var @ 0x8049688 = 6

[in main] static_var @ 0x804968c = 1337

[in function] var @ 0xbffff814 = 5

[in function] static_var @ 0x8049688 = 7

[in main] static_var @ 0x804968c = 1337

[in function] var @ 0xbffff814 = 5

[in function] static_var @ 0x8049688 = 8

[in main] static_var @ 0x804968c = 1337

[in function] var @ 0xbffff814 = 5

[in function] static_var @ 0x8049688 = 9

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

With the addresses of the variables displayed, it is apparent that the static_var in main() is different than the one found in function(), since they are located at different memory addresses (0x804968c and 0x8049688, respectively). You may have noticed that the addresses of the local variables all have very high addresses, like 0xbffff814, while the global and static variables all have very low memory addresses, like 0x0804968c and 0x8049688. That's very astute of you—noticing details like this and asking why is one of the cornerstones of hacking. Read on for your answers.

Memory Segmentation

A compiled program's memory is divided into five segments: text, data, bss, heap, and stack. Each segment represents a special portion of memory that is set aside for a certain purpose.

The text segment is also sometimes called the code segment. This is where the assembled machine language instructions of the program are located. The execution of instructions in this segment is nonlinear, thanks to the aforementioned high-level control structures and functions, which compile into branch, jump, and call instructions in assembly language. As a program executes, the EIP is set to the first instruction in the text segment. The processor then follows an execution loop that does the following:

1. Reads the instruction that EIP is pointing to

2. Adds the byte length of the instruction to EIP

3. Executes the instruction that was read in step 1

4. Goes back to step 1

Sometimes the instruction will be a jump or a call instruction, which changes the EIP to a different address of memory. The processor doesn't care about the change, because it's expecting the execution to be nonlinear anyway. If EIP is changed in step 3, the processor will just go back to step 1 and read the instruction found at the address of whatever EIP was changed to.

Write permission is disabled in the text segment, as it is not used to store variables, only code. This prevents people from actually modifying the program code; any attempt to write to this segment of memory will cause the program to alert the user that something bad happened, and the program will be killed. Another advantage of this segment being read-only is that it can be shared among different copies of the program, allowing multiple executions of the program at the same time without any problems. It should also be noted that this memory segment has a fixed size, since nothing ever changes in it.

The data and bss segments are used to store global and static program variables. The data segment is filled with the initialized global and static variables, while the bss segment is filled with their uninitialized counterparts. Although these segments are writable, they also have a fixed size. Remember that global variables persist, despite the functional context (like the variable j in the previous examples). Both global and static variables are able to persist because they are stored in their own memory segments.

The heap segment is a segment of memory a programmer can directly control. Blocks of memory in this segment can be allocated and used for whatever the programmer might need. One notable point about the heap segment is that it isn't of fixed size, so it can grow larger or smaller as needed. All of the memory within the heap is managed by allocator and deallocator algorithms, which respectively reserve a region of memory in the heap for use and remove reservations to allow that portion of memory to be reused for later reservations. The heap will grow and shrink depending on how much memory is reserved for use. This means a programmer using the heap allocation functions can reserve and free memory on the fly. The growth of the heap moves downward toward higher memory addresses.

The stack segment also has variable size and is used as a temporary scratch pad to store local function variables and context during function calls. This is what GDB's backtrace command looks at. When a program calls a function, that function will have its own set of passed variables, and the function's code will be at a different memory location in the text (or code) segment. Since the context and the EIP must change when a function is called, the stack is used to remember all of the passed variables, the location the EIP should return to after the function is finished, and all the local variables used by that function. All of this information is stored together on the stack in what is collectively called a stack frame. The stack contains many stack frames.

In general computer science terms, a stack is an abstract data structure that is used frequently. It has first-in, last-out (FILO) ordering, which means the first item that is put into a stack is the last item to come out of it. Think of it as putting beads on a piece of string that has a knot on one end—you can't get the first bead off until you have removed all the other beads. When an item is placed into a stack, it's known as pushing, and when an item is removed from a stack, it's called popping.

As the name implies, the stack segment of memory is, in fact, a stack data structure, which contains stack frames. The ESP register is used to keep track of the address of the end of the stack, which is constantly changing as items are pushed into and popped off of it. Since this is very dynamic behavior, it makes sense that the stack is also not of a fixed size. Opposite to the dynamic growth of the heap, as the stack changes in size, it grows upward in a visual listing of memory, toward lower memory addresses.

The FILO nature of a stack might seem odd, but since the stack is used to store context, it's very useful. When a function is called, several things are pushed to the stack together in a stack frame. The EBP register—sometimes called the frame pointer (FP) or local base (LB) pointer— is used to reference local function variables in the current stack frame. Each stack frame contains the parameters to the function, its local variables, and two pointers that are necessary to put things back the way they were: the saved frame pointer (SFP) and the return address. The SFP is used to restore EBP to its previous value, and the return address is used to restore EIP to the next instruction found after the function call. This restores the functional context of the previous stack frame.

The following stack_example.c code has two functions: main() and test_function().

Memory Segmentation


void test_function(int a, int b, int c, int d) {

int flag;

char buffer[10];

flag = 31337;

buffer[0] = 'A';


int main() {

test_function(1, 2, 3, 4);


This program first declares a test function that has four arguments, which are all declared as integers: a, b, c, and d. The local variables for the function include a single character called flag and a 10-character buffer called buffer. The memory for these variables is in the stack segment, while the machine instructions for the function's code is stored in the text segment. After compiling the program, its inner workings can be examined with GDB. The following output shows the disassembled machine instructions for main() and test_function(). The main() function starts at 0x08048357 and test_function()starts at 0x08048344. The first few instructions of each function (shown in bold below) set up the stack frame. These instructions are collectively called the procedure prologue or function prologue. They save the frame pointer on the stack, and they save stack memory for the local function variables. Sometimes the function prologue will handle some stack alignment as well. The exact prologue instructions will vary greatly depending on the compiler and compiler options, but in general these instructions build the stack frame.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g stack_example.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gdb -q ./a.out

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".

(gdb) disass main

Dump of assembler code for function main():

0x08048357 <main+0>: push ebp

0x08048358 <main+1>: mov ebp,esp

0x0804835a <main+3>: sub esp,0x18

0x0804835d <main+6>: and esp,0xfffffff0

0x08048360 <main+9>: mov eax,0x0

0x08048365 <main+14>: sub esp,eax

0x08048367 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+12],0x4

0x0804836f <main+24>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+8],0x3

0x08048377 <main+32>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+4],0x2

0x0804837f <main+40>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x1

0x08048386 <main+47>: call 0x8048344 <test_function>

0x0804838b <main+52>: leave

0x0804838c <main+53>: ret

End of assembler dump

(gdb) disass test_function()

Dump of assembler code for function test_function:

0x08048344 <test_function+0>: push ebp

0x08048345 <test_function+1>: mov ebp,esp

0x08048347 <test_function+3>: sub esp,0x28

0x0804834a <test_function+6>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-12],0x7a69

0x08048351 <test_function+13>: mov BYTE PTR [ebp-40],0x41

0x08048355 <test_function+17>: leave

0x08048356 <test_function+18>: ret

End of assembler dump


When the program is run, the main() function is called, which simply calls test_function().

When the test_function() is called from the main() function, the various values are pushed to the stack to create the start of the stack frame as follows. When test_function() is called, the function arguments are pushed onto the stack in reverse order (since it's FILO). The arguments for the function are 1, 2, 3, and 4, so the subsequent push instructions push 4, 3, 2, and finally 1 onto the stack. These values correspond to the variables d, c, b, and a in the function. The instructions that put these values on the stack are shown in bold in the main() function's disassembly below.

(gdb) disass main

Dump of assembler code for function main:

0x08048357 <main+0>: push ebp

0x08048358 <main+1>: mov ebp,esp

0x0804835a <main+3>: sub esp,0x18

0x0804835d <main+6>: and esp,0xfffffff0

0x08048360 <main+9>: mov eax,0x0

0x08048365 <main+14>: sub esp,eax

0x08048367 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+12],0x4

0x0804836f <main+24>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+8],0x3

0x08048377 <main+32>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+4],0x2

0x0804837f <main+40>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x1

0x08048386 <main+47>: call 0x8048344 <test_function>

0x0804838b <main+52>: leave

0x0804838c <main+53>: ret

End of assembler dump


Next, when the assembly call instruction is executed, the return address is pushed onto the stack and the execution flow jumps to the start of test_function() at 0x08048344. The return address value will be the location of the instruction following the current EIP—specifically, the value stored during step 3 of the previously mentioned execution loop. In this case, the return address would point to the leave instruction in main() at 0x0804838b.

The call instruction both stores the return address on the stack and jumps EIP to the beginning of test_function(), so test_function()'s procedure prologue instructions finish building the stack frame. In this step, the current value of EBP is pushed to the stack. This value is called the saved frame pointer (SFP) and is later used to restore EBP back to its original state. The current value of ESP is then copied into EBP to set the new frame pointer. This frame pointer is used to reference the local variables of the function (flag and buffer). Memory is saved for these variables by subtracting fromESP. In the end, the stack frame looks something like this:

Figure 0x200-1.

We can watch the stack frame construction on the stack using GDB. In the following output, a breakpoint is set in main() before the call to test_function()and also at the beginning of test_function(). GDB will put the first breakpoint before the function arguments are pushed to the stack, and the second breakpoint after test_function()'s procedure prologue. When the program is run, execution stops at the breakpoint, where the register's ESP (stack pointer), EBP (frame pointer), and EIP (execution pointer) are examined.

(gdb) list main


5 flag = 31337;

6 buffer[0] = 'A';

7 }


9 int main() {

10 test_function(1, 2, 3, 4);

11 }

(gdb) break 10

Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048367: file stack_example.c, line 10.

(gdb) break test_function

Breakpoint 2 at 0x804834a: file stack_example.c, line 5.

(gdb) run

Starting program: /home/reader/booksrc/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main () at stack_example.c:10

10 test_function(1, 2, 3, 4);

(gdb) i r esp ebp eip

esp 0xbffff7f0 0xbffff7f0

ebp 0xbffff808 0xbffff808

eip 0x8048367 0x8048367 <main+16>

(gdb) x/5i $eip

0x8048367 <main+16>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+12],0x4

0x804836f <main+24>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+8],0x3

0x8048377 <main+32>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+4],0x2

0x804837f <main+40>: mov DWORD PTR [esp],0x1

0x8048386 <main+47>: call 0x8048344 <test_function>


This breakpoint is right before the stack frame for the test_function() call is created. This means the bottom of this new stack frame is at the current value of ESP, 0xbffff7f0. The next breakpoint is right after the procedure prologue for test_function(), so continuing will build the stack frame. The output below shows similar information at the second breakpoint. The local variables (flag and buffer) are referenced relative to the frame pointer (EBP).

(gdb) cont


Breakpoint 2, test_function (a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4) at stack_example.c:5

5 flag = 31337;

(gdb) i r esp ebp eip

esp 0xbffff7c0 0xbffff7c0

ebp 0xbffff7e8 0xbffff7e8

eip 0x804834a 0x804834a <test_function+6>

(gdb) disass test_function

Dump of assembler code for function test_function:

0x08048344 <test_function+0>: push ebp

0x08048345 <test_function+1>: mov ebp,esp

0x08048347 <test_function+3>: sub esp,0x28

0x0804834a <test_function+6>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-12],0x7a69

0x08048351 <test_function+13>: mov BYTE PTR [ebp-40],0x41

0x08048355 <test_function+17>: leave

0x08048356 <test_function+18>: ret

End of assembler dump.

(gdb) print $ebp-12

$1 = (void *) 0xbffff7dc

(gdb) print $ebp-40

$2 = (void *) 0xbffff7c0

(gdb) x/16xw $esp

0xbffff7c0: 0x00000000 0x08049548 0xbffff7d8 0x08048249

0xbffff7d0: 0xb7f9f729 0xb7fd6ff4 0xbffff808 0x080483b9

0xbffff7e0: 0xb7fd6ff4 0xbffff89c 0xbffff808 0x0804838b

0xbffff7f0: 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000003 0x00000004


The stack frame is shown on the stack at the end. The four arguments to the function can be seen at the bottom of the stack frame ( ), with the return address found directly on top (). Above that is the saved frame pointer of 0xbffff808 (), which is what EBP was in the previous stack frame. The rest of the memory is saved for the local stack variables: flag and buffer. Calculating their relative addresses to EBP show their exact locations in the stack frame. Memory for the flag variable is shown at and memory for the buffer variable is shown at . The extra space in the stack frame is just padding.

After the execution finishes, the entire stack frame is popped off of the stack, and the EIP is set to the return address so the program can continue execution. If another function was called within the function, another stack frame would be pushed onto the stack, and so on. As each function ends, its stack frame is popped off of the stack so execution can be returned to the previous function. This behavior is the reason this segment of memory is organized in a FILO data structure.

The various segments of memory are arranged in the order they were presented, from the lower memory addresses to the higher memory addresses. Since most people are familiar with seeing numbered lists that count downward, the smaller memory addresses are shown at the top. Some texts have this reversed, which can be very confusing; so for this book, smaller memory addresses are always shown at the top. Most debuggers also display memory in this style, with the smaller memory addresses at the top and the higher ones at the bottom.

Since the heap and the stack are both dynamic, they both grow in different directions toward each other. This minimizes wasted space, allowing the stack to be larger if the heap is small and vice versa.

Figure 0x200-2.

Memory Segments in C

In C, as in other compiled languages, the compiled code goes into the text segment, while the variables reside in the remaining segments. Exactly which memory segment a variable will be stored in depends on how the variable is defined. Variables that are defined outside of any functions are considered to be global. The static keyword can also be prepended to any variable declaration to make the variable static. If static or global variables are initialized with data, they are stored in the data memory segment; otherwise, these variables are put in the bss memory segment. Memory on the heap memory segment must first be allocated using a memory allocation function called malloc(). Usually, pointers are used to reference memory on the heap. Finally, the remaining function variables are stored in the stack memory segment. Since the stack can contain many different stack frames, stack variables can maintain uniqueness within different functional contexts. The memory_segments.c program will help explain these concepts in C.


#include <stdio.h>

int global_var;

int global_initialized_var = 5;

void function() { // This is just a demo function.

int stack_var; // Notice this variable has the same name as the one in main().

printf("the function's stack_var is at address 0x%08x\n", &stack_var);


int main() {

int stack_var; // Same name as the variable in function()

static int static_initialized_var = 5;

static int static_var;

int *heap_var_ptr;

heap_var_ptr = (int *) malloc(4);

// These variables are in the data segment.

printf("global_initialized_var is at address 0x%08x\n", &global_initialized_var);

printf("static_initialized_var is at address 0x%08x\n\n", &static_initialized_var);

// These variables are in the bss segment.

printf("static_var is at address 0x%08x\n", &static_var);

printf("global_var is at address 0x%08x\n\n", &global_var);

// This variable is in the heap segment.

printf("heap_var is at address 0x%08x\n\n", heap_var_ptr);

// These variables are in the stack segment.

printf("stack_var is at address 0x%08x\n", &stack_var);



Most of this code is fairly self-explanatory because of the descriptive variable names. The global and static variables are declared as described earlier, and initialized counterparts are also declared. The stack variable is declared both in main() and in function() to showcase the effect of functional contexts. The heap variable is actually declared as an integer pointer, which will point to memory allocated on the heap memory segment. The malloc()function is called to allocate four bytes on the heap. Since the newly allocated memory could be of any data type, the malloc() function returns a void pointer, which needs to be typecast into an integer pointer.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc memory_segments.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

global_initialized_var is at address 0x080497ec

static_initialized_var is at address 0x080497f0

static_var is at address 0x080497f8

global_var is at address 0x080497fc

heap_var is at address 0x0804a008

stack_var is at address 0xbffff834

the function's stack_var is at address 0xbffff814

reader@hack ing:~/booksrc $

The first two initialized variables have the lowest memory addresses, since they are located in the data memory segment. The next two variables, static_var and global_var, are stored in the bss memory segment, since they aren't initialized. These memory addresses are slightly larger than the previous variables' addresses, since the bss segment is located below the data segment. Since both of these memory segments have a fixed size after compilation, there is little wasted space, and the addresses aren't very far apart.

The heap variable is stored in space allocated on the heap segment, which is located just below the bss segment. Remember that memory in this segment isn't fixed, and more space can be dynamically allocated later. Finally, the last two stack_vars have very large memory addresses, since they are located in the stack segment. Memory in the stack isn't fixed, either; however, this memory starts at the bottom and grows backward toward the heap segment. This allows both memory segments to be dynamic without wasting space in memory. The first stack_var in the main() function's context is stored in the stack segment within a stack frame. The second stack_var in function()has its own unique context, so that variable is stored within a different stack frame in the stack segment. When function() is called near the end of the program, a new stack frame is created to store (among other things) the stack_var for function()'s context. Since the stack grows back up toward the heap segment with each new stack frame, the memory address for the second stack_var(0xbffff814) is smaller than the address for the first stack_var (0xbffff834) found within main()'s context.

Using the Heap

Using the other memory segments is simply a matter of how you declare variables. However, using the heap requires a bit more effort. As previously demonstrated, allocating memory on the heap is done using the malloc()function. This function accepts a size as its only argument and reserves that much space in the heap segment, returning the address to the start of this memory as a void pointer. If the malloc() function can't allocate memory for some reason, it will simply return a NULL pointer with a value of 0. The corresponding deallocation function is free(). This function accepts a pointer as its only argument and frees that memory space on the heap so it can be used again later. These relatively simple functions are demonstrated in heap_example.c.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

char *char_ptr; // A char pointer

int *int_ptr; // An integer pointer

int mem_size;

if (argc < 2) // If there aren't command-line arguments,

mem_size = 50; // use 50 as the default value.


mem_size = atoi(argv[1]);

printf("\t[+] allocating %d bytes of memory on the heap for char_ptr\n", mem_size);

char_ptr = (char *) malloc(mem_size); // Allocating heap memory

if(char_ptr == NULL) { // Error checking, in case malloc() fails

fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not allocate heap memory.\n");



strcpy(char_ptr, "This is memory is located on the heap.");

printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr);

printf("\t[+] allocating 12 bytes of memory on the heap for int_ptr\n");

int_ptr = (int *) malloc(12); // Allocated heap memory again

if(int_ptr == NULL) { // Error checking, in case malloc() fails

fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not allocate heap memory.\n");



*int_ptr = 31337; // Put the value of 31337 where int_ptr is pointing.

printf("int_ptr (%p) --> %d\n", int_ptr, *int_ptr);

printf("\t[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...\n");

free(char_ptr); // Freeing heap memory

printf("\t[+] allocating another 15 bytes for char_ptr\n");

char_ptr = (char *) malloc(15); // Allocating more heap memory

if(char_ptr == NULL) { // Error checking, in case malloc() fails

fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not allocate heap memory.\n");



strcpy(char_ptr, "new memory");

printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr);

printf("\t[-] freeing int_ptr's heap memory...\n");

free(int_ptr); // Freeing heap memory

printf("\t[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...\n");

free(char_ptr); // Freeing the other block of heap memory


This program accepts a command-line argument for the size of the first memory allocation, with a default value of 50. Then it uses the malloc() and free() functions to allocate and deallocate memory on the heap. There are plenty of printf() statements to debug what is actually happening when the program is executed. Since malloc() doesn't know what type of memory it's allocating, it returns a void pointer to the newly allocated heap memory, which must be typecast into the appropriate type. After every malloc() call, there is an error-checking block that checks whether or not the allocation failed. If the allocation fails and the pointer is NULL, fprintf() is used to print an error message to standard error and the program exits. The fprintf() function is very similar to printf(); however, its first argument is stderr, which is a standard filestream meant for displaying errors. This function will be explained more later, but for now, it's just used as a way to properly display an error. The rest of the program is pretty straightforward.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o heap_example heap_example.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./heap_example

[+] allocating 50 bytes of memory on the heap for char_ptr

char_ptr (0x804a008) --> 'This is memory is located on the heap.'

[+] allocating 12 bytes of memory on the heap for int_ptr

int_ptr (0x804a040) --> 31337

[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...

[+] allocating another 15 bytes for char_ptr

char_ptr (0x804a050) --> 'new memory'

[-] freeing int_ptr's heap memory...

[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In the preceding output, notice that each block of memory has an incrementally higher memory address in the heap. Even though the first 50 bytes were deallocated, when 15 more bytes are requested, they are put after the 12 bytes allocated for the int_ptr. The heap allocation functions control this behavior, which can be explored by changing the size of the initial memory allocation.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./heap_example 100

[+] allocating 100 bytes of memory on the heap for char_ptr

char_ptr (0x804a008) --> 'This is memory is located on the heap.'

[+] allocating 12 bytes of memory on the heap for int_ptr

int_ptr (0x804a070) --> 31337

[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...

[+] allocating another 15 bytes for char_ptr

char_ptr (0x804a008) --> 'new memory'

[-] freeing int_ptr's heap memory...

[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

If a larger block of memory is allocated and then deallocated, the final 15-byte allocation will occur in that freed memory space, instead. By experimenting with different values, you can figure out exactly when the allocation function chooses to reclaim freed space for new allocations. Often, simple informative printf() statements and a little experimentation can reveal many things about the underlying system.

Error-Checked malloc()

In heap_example.c, there were several error checks for the malloc() calls. Even though the malloc() calls never failed, it's important to handle all potential cases when coding in C. But with multiple malloc() calls, this error-checking code needs to appear in multiple places. This usually makes the code look sloppy, and it's inconvenient if changes need to be made to the error-checking code or if new malloc() calls are needed. Since all the error-checking code is basically the same for every malloc() call, this is a perfect place to use a function instead of repeating the same instructions in multiple places. Take a look at errorchecked_heap.c for an example.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

void *errorchecked_malloc(unsigned int); // Function prototype for errorchecked_malloc()

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

char *char_ptr; // A char pointer

int *int_ptr; // An integer pointer

int mem_size;

if (argc < 2) // If there aren't command-line arguments,

mem_size = 50; // use 50 as the default value.


mem_size = atoi(argv[1]);

printf("\t[+] allocating %d bytes of memory on the heap for char_ptr\n", mem_size);

char_ptr = (char *) errorchecked_malloc(mem_size); // Allocating heap memory

strcpy(char_ptr, "This is memory is located on the heap.");

printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr);

printf("\t[+] allocating 12 bytes of memory on the heap for int_ptr\n");

int_ptr = (int *) errorchecked_malloc(12); // Allocated heap memory again

*int_ptr = 31337; // Put the value of 31337 where int_ptr is pointing.

printf("int_ptr (%p) --> %d\n", int_ptr, *int_ptr);

printf("\t[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...\n");

free(char_ptr); // Freeing heap memory

printf("\t[+] allocating another 15 bytes for char_ptr\n");

char_ptr = (char *) errorchecked_malloc(15); // Allocating more heap memory

strcpy(char_ptr, "new memory");

printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr);

printf("\t[-] freeing int_ptr's heap memory...\n");

free(int_ptr); // Freeing heap memory

printf("\t[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...\n");

free(char_ptr); // Freeing the other block of heap memory


void *errorchecked_malloc(unsigned int size) { // An error-checked malloc() function

void *ptr;

ptr = malloc(size);

if(ptr == NULL) {

fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not allocate heap memory.\n");



return ptr;


The errorchecked_heap.c program is basically equivalent to the previous heap_example.c code, except the heap memory allocation and error checking has been gathered into a single function. The first line of code [void *errorchecked_malloc(unsigned int);] is the function prototype. This lets the compiler know that there will be a function called errorchecked_malloc() that expects a single, unsigned integer argument and returns a void pointer. The actual function can then be anywhere; in this case it is after the main() function. The function itself is quite simple; it just accepts the size in bytes to allocate and attempts to allocate that much memory using malloc(). If the allocation fails, the error-checking code displays an error and the program exits; otherwise, it returns the pointer to the newly allocated heap memory. This way, the custom errorchecked_malloc() function can be used in place of a normal malloc(), eliminating the need for repetitious error checking afterward. This should begin to highlight the usefulness of programming with functions.

Building on Basics

Once you understand the basic concepts of C programming, the rest is pretty easy. The bulk of the power of C comes from using other functions. In fact, if the functions were removed from any of the preceding programs, all that would remain are very basic statements.

File Access

There are two primary ways to access files in C: file descriptors and filestreams. File descriptors use a set of low-level I/O functions, and filestreams are a higher-level form of buffered I/O that is built on the lower-level functions. Some consider the filestream functions easier to program with; however, file descriptors are more direct. In this book, the focus will be on the low-level I/O functions that use file descriptors.

The bar code on the back of this book represents a number. Because this number is unique among the other books in a bookstore, the cashier can scan the number at checkout and use it to reference information about this book in the store's database. Similarly, a file descriptor is a number that is used to reference open files. Four common functions that use file descriptors are open(), close(), read(), and write(). All of these functions will return –1 if there is an error. The open() function opens a file for reading and/or writing and returns a file descriptor. The returned file descriptor is just an integer value, but it is unique among open files. The file descriptor is passed as an argument to the other functions like a pointer to the opened file. For the close() function, the file descriptor is the only argument. The read() and write() functions' arguments are the file descriptor, a pointer to the data to read or write, and the number of bytes to read or write from that location. The arguments to the open() function are a pointer to the filename to open and a series of predefined flags that specify the access mode. These flags and their usage will be explained in depth later, but for now let's take a look at a simple note-taking program that uses file descriptors—simplenote.c. This program accepts a note as a command-line argument and then adds it to the end of the file /tmp/notes. This program uses several functions, including a familiar looking error-checked heap memory allocation function. Other functions are used to display a usage message and to handle fatal errors. The usage() function is simply defined before main(), so it doesn't need a function prototype.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

void usage(char *prog_name, char *filename) {

printf("Usage: %s <data to add to %s>\n", prog_name, filename);



void fatal(char *); // A function for fatal errors

void *ec_malloc(unsigned int); // An error-checked malloc() wrapper

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int fd; // file descriptor

char *buffer, *datafile;

buffer = (char *) ec_malloc(100);

datafile = (char *) ec_malloc(20);

strcpy(datafile, "/tmp/notes");

if(argc < 2) // If there aren't command-line arguments,

usage(argv[0], datafile); // display usage message and exit.

strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); // Copy into buffer.

printf("[DEBUG] buffer @ %p: \'%s\'\n", buffer, buffer);

printf("[DEBUG] data file @ %p: \'%s\'\n", datafile, datafile);

strncat(buffer, "\n", 1); // Add a newline on the end.

// Opening file

fd = open(datafile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);

if(fd == -1)

fatal("in main() while opening file");

printf("[DEBUG] file descriptor is %d\n", fd);

// Writing data

if(write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)) == -1)

fatal("in main() while writing buffer to file");

// Closing file

if(close(fd) == -1)

fatal("in main() while closing file");

printf("Note has been saved.\n");




// A function to display an error message and then exit

void fatal(char *message) {

char error_message[100];

strcpy(error_message, "[!!] Fatal Error ");

strncat(error_message, message, 83);




// An error-checked malloc() wrapper function

void *ec_malloc(unsigned int size) {

void *ptr;

ptr = malloc(size);

if(ptr == NULL)

fatal("in ec_malloc() on memory allocation");

return ptr;


Besides the strange-looking flags used in the open() function, most of this code should be readable. There are also a few standard functions that we haven't used before. The strlen() function accepts a string and returns its length. It's used in combination with the write() function, since it needs to know how many bytes to write. The perror() function is short for print error and is used in fatal() to print an additional error message (if it exists) before exiting.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o simplenote simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./simplenote

Usage: ./simplenote <data to add to /tmp/notes>

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./simplenote "this is a test note"

[DEBUG] buffer @ 0x804a008: 'this is a test note'

[DEBUG] data file @ 0x804a070: '/tmp/notes'

[DEBUG] file descriptor is 3

Note has been saved.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ cat /tmp/notes

this is a test note

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./simplenote "great, it works"

[DEBUG] buffer @ 0x804a008: 'great, it works'

[DEBUG] datafile @ 0x804a070: '/tmp/notes'

[DEBUG] file descriptor is 3

Note has been saved.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ cat /tmp/notes

this is a test note

great, it works

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The output of the program's execution is pretty self-explanatory, but there are some things about the source code that need further explanation. The files fcntl.h and sys/stat.h had to be included, since those files define the flags used with the open() function. The first set of flags is found in fcntl.h and is used to set the access mode. The access mode must use at least one of the following three flags:

O_RDONLY Open file for read-only access.

O_WRONLY Open file for write-only access.

O_RDWR Open file for both read and write access.

These flags can be combined with several other optional flags using thebitwise OR operator. A few of the more common and useful of these flags areas follows:

O_APPEND Write data at the end of the file.

O_TRUNC If the file already exists, truncate the file to 0 length.

O_CREAT Create the file if it doesn't exist.

Bitwise operations combine bits using standard logic gates such as OR and AND. When two bits enter an OR gate, the result is 1 if either the first bit or the second bit is 1. If two bits enter an AND gate, the result is 1 only if both the first bit and the second bit are 1. Full 32-bit values can use these bitwise operators to perform logic operations on each corresponding bit. The source code of bitwise.c and the program output demonstrate these bitwise operations.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int i, bit_a, bit_b;

printf("bitwise OR operator |\n");

for(i=0; i < 4; i++) {

bit_a = (i & 2) / 2; // Get the second bit.

bit_b = (i & 1); // Get the first bit.

printf("%d | %d = %d\n", bit_a, bit_b, bit_a | bit_b);


printf("\nbitwise AND operator &\n");

for(i=0; i < 4; i++) {

bit_a = (i & 2) / 2; // Get the second bit.

bit_b = (i & 1); // Get the first bit.

printf("%d & %d = %d\n", bit_a, bit_b, bit_a & bit_b);



The results of compiling and executing bitwise.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc bitwise.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

bitwise OR operator |

0 | 0 = 0

0 | 1 = 1

1 | 0 = 1

1 | 1 = 1

bitwise AND operator &

0 & 0 = 0

0 & 1 = 0

1 & 0 = 0

1 & 1 = 1

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The flags used for the open() function have values that correspond to single bits. This way, flags can be combined using OR logic without destroying any information. The fcntl_flags.c program and its output explore some of the flag values defined by fcntl.h and how they combine with each other.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

void display_flags(char *, unsigned int);

void binary_print(unsigned int);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

display_flags("O_RDONLY\t\t", O_RDONLY);

display_flags("O_WRONLY\t\t", O_WRONLY);

display_flags("O_RDWR\t\t\t", O_RDWR);


display_flags("O_APPEND\t\t", O_APPEND);

display_flags("O_TRUNC\t\t\t", O_TRUNC);

display_flags("O_CREAT\t\t\t", O_CREAT);




void display_flags(char *label, unsigned int value) {

printf("%s\t: %d\t:", label, value);




void binary_print(unsigned int value) {

unsigned int mask = 0xff000000; // Start with a mask for the highest byte.

unsigned int shift = 256*256*256; // Start with a shift for the highest byte.

unsigned int byte, byte_iterator, bit_iterator;

for(byte_iterator=0; byte_iterator < 4; byte_iterator++) {

byte = (value & mask) / shift; // Isolate each byte.

printf(" ");

for(bit_iterator=0; bit_iterator < 8; bit_iterator++) { // Print the byte's bits.

if(byte & 0x80) // If the highest bit in the byte isn't 0,

printf("1"); // print a 1.


printf("0"); // Otherwise, print a 0.

byte *= 2; // Move all the bits to the left by 1.


mask /= 256; // Move the bits in mask right by 8.

shift /= 256; // Move the bits in shift right by 8.



The results of compiling and executing fcntl_flags.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc fcntl_flags.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

O_RDONLY : 0 : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

O_WRONLY : 1 : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001

O_RDWR : 2 : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010

O_APPEND : 1024 : 00000000 00000000 00000100 00000000

O_TRUNC : 512 : 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000

O_CREAT : 64 : 00000000 00000000 00000000 01000000

O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT : 1089 : 00000000 00000000 00000100 01000001


Using bit flags in combination with bitwise logic is an efficient and commonly used technique. As long as each flag is a number that only has unique bits turned on, the effect of doing a bitwise OR on these values is the same as adding them. In fcntl_flags.c, 1 + 1024 + 64 = 1089. This technique only works when all the bits are unique, though.

File Permissions

If the O_CREAT flag is used in access mode for the open() function, an additional argument is needed to define the file permissions of the newly created file. This argument uses bit flags defined in sys/stat.h, which can be combined with each other using bitwise OR logic.

S_IRUSR Give the file read permission for the user (owner).

S_IWUSR Give the file write permission for the user (owner).

S_IXUSR Give the file execute permission for the user (owner).

S_IRGRP Give the file read permission for the group.

S_IWGRP Give the file write permission for the group.

S_IXGRP Give the file execute permission for the group.

S_IROTH Give the file read permission for other (anyone).

S_IWOTH Give the file write permission for other (anyone).

S_IXOTH Give the file execute permission for other (anyone).

If you are already familiar with Unix file permissions, those flags should make perfect sense to you. If they don't make sense, here's a crash course in Unix file permissions.

Every file has an owner and a group. These values can be displayed using ls -l and are shown below in the following output.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l /etc/passwd simplenote*

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1424 2007-09-06 09:45 /etc/passwd

-rwxr-xr-x 1 reader reader 8457 2007-09-07 02:51 simplenote

-rw------- 1 reader reader 1872 2007-09-07 02:51 simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

For the /etc/passwd file, the owner is root and the group is also root. For the other two simplenote files, the owner is reader and the group is users.

Read, write, and execute permissions can be turned on and off for three different fields: user, group, and other. User permissions describe what the owner of the file can do (read, write, and/or execute), group permissions describe what users in that group can do, and other permissions describe what everyone else can do. These fields are also displayed in the front of the ls -l output. First, the user read/write/execute permissions are displayed, using r for read, w for write, x for execute, and - for off. The next three characters display the group permissions, and the last three characters are for the other permissions. In the output above, the simplenote program has all three user permissions turned on (shown in bold). Each permission corresponds to a bit flag; read is 4 (100 in binary), write is 2 (010 in binary), and execute is 1 (001 in binary). Since each value only contains unique bits, a bitwise OR operation achieves the same result as adding these numbers together does. These values can be added together to define permissions for user, group, and other using the chmod command.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ chmod 731 simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l simplenote.c

-rwx-wx--x 1 reader reader 1826 2007-09-07 02:51 simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ chmod ugo-wx simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l simplenote.c

-r-------- 1 reader reader 1826 2007-09-07 02:51 simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ chmod u+w simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l simplenote.c

-rw------- 1 reader reader 1826 2007-09-07 02:51 simplenote.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The first command (chmod 721) gives read, write, and execute permissions to the user, since the first number is 7 (4 + 2 + 1), write and execute permissions to group, since the second number is 3 (2 + 1), and only execute permission to other, since the third number is 1. Permissions can also be added or subtracted using chmod. In the next chmod command, the argument ugo-wx means Subtract write and execute permissions from user, group, and other. The final chmod u+w command gives write permission to user.

In the simplenote program, the open() function uses S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR for its additional permission argument, which means the /tmp/notes file should only have user read and write permission when it is created.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l /tmp/notes

-rw------- 1 reader reader 36 2007-09-07 02:52 /tmp/notes

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

User IDs

Every user on a Unix system has a unique user ID number. This user ID can be displayed using the id command.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ id reader

uid=999(reader) gid=999(reader)




reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ id matrix

uid=500(matrix) gid=500(matrix) groups=500(matrix)

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ id root

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The root user with user ID 0 is like the administrator account, which has full access to the system. The su command can be used to switch to a different user, and if this command is run as root, it can be done without a password. The sudo command allows a single command to be run as the root user. On the LiveCD, sudo has been configured so it can be executed without a password, for simplicity's sake. These commands provide a simple method to quickly switch between users.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo su jose

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ id

uid=501(jose) gid=501(jose) groups=501(jose)

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $

As the user jose, the simplenote program will run as jose if it is executed, but it won't have access to the /tmp/notes file. This file is owned by the user reader, and it only allows read and write permission to its owner.

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ ls -l /tmp/notes

-rw------- 1 reader reader 36 2007-09-07 05:20 /tmp/notes

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ ./simplenote "a note for jose"

[DEBUG] buffer @ 0x804a008: 'a note for jose'

[DEBUG] datafile @ 0x804a070: '/tmp/notes'

[!!] Fatal Error in main() while opening file: Permission denied

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ cat /tmp/notes

cat: /tmp/notes: Permission denied

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ exit


reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

This is fine if reader is the only user of the simplenote program; however, there are many times when multiple users need to be able to access certain portions of the same file. For example, the /etc/passwd file contains account information for every user on the system, including each user's default login shell. The command chsh allows any user to change his or her own login shell. This program needs to be able to make changes to the /etc/passwd file, but only on the line that pertains to the current user's account. The solution to this problem in Unix is the set user ID (setuid) permission. This is an additional file permission bit that can be set using chmod. When a program with this flag is executed, it runs as the user ID of the file's owner.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ which chsh


reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l /usr/bin/chsh /etc/passwd

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1424 2007-09-06 21:05 /etc/passwd

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 23920 2006-12-19 20:35 /usr/bin/chsh

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The chsh program has the setuid flag set, which is indicated by an s in the ls output above. Since this file is owned by root and has the setuid permission set, the program will run as the root user when any user runs this program. The /etc/passwd file that chsh writes to is also owned by root and only allows the owner to write to it. The program logic in chsh is designed to only allow writing to the line in /etc/passwd that corresponds to the user running the program, even though the program is effectively running as root. This means that a running program has both a real user ID and an effective user ID. These IDs can be retrieved using the functions getuid() and geteuid(), respectively, as shown in uid_demo.c.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

printf("real uid: %d\n", getuid());

printf("effective uid: %d\n", geteuid());


The results of compiling and executing uid_demo.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o uid_demo uid_demo.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l uid_demo

-rwxr-xr-x 1 reader reader 6825 2007-09-07 05:32 uid_demo

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./uid_demo

real uid: 999

effective uid: 999

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chown root:root ./uid_demo

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l uid_demo

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6825 2007-09-07 05:32 uid_demo

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./uid_demo

real uid: 999

effective uid: 999

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In the output for uid_demo.c, both user IDs are shown to be 999 when uid_demo is executed, since 999 is the user ID for reader. Next, the sudo command is used with the chown command to change the owner and group of uid_demo to root. The program can still be executed, since it has execute permission for other, and it shows that both user IDs remain 999, since that's still the ID of the user.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ chmod u+s ./uid_demo

chmod: changing permissions of `./uid_demo': Operation not permitted

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chmod u+s ./uid_demo

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l uid_demo

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 6825 2007-09-07 05:32 uid_demo

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./uid_demo

real uid: 999

effective uid: 0

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Since the program is owned by root now, sudo must be used to change file permissions on it. The chmod u+s command turns on the setuid permission, which can be seen in the following ls -l output. Now when the user reader executes uid_demo, the effective user ID is 0 for root, which means the program can access files as root. This is how the chsh program is able to allow any user to change his or her login shell stored in /etc/passwd.

This same technique can be used in a multiuser note-taking program. The next program will be a modification of the simplenote program; it will also record the user ID of each note's original author. In addition, a new syntax for #include will be introduced.

The ec_malloc() and fatal() functions have been useful in many of our programs. Rather than copy and paste these functions into each program, they can be put in a separate include file.


// A function to display an error message and then exit

void fatal(char *message) {

char error_message[100];

strcpy(error_message, "[!!] Fatal Error ");

strncat(error_message, message, 83);




// An error-checked malloc() wrapper function

void *ec_malloc(unsigned int size) {

void *ptr;

ptr = malloc(size);

if(ptr == NULL)

fatal("in ec_malloc() on memory allocation");

return ptr;


In this new program, hacking.h, the functions can just be included. In C, when the filename for a #include is surrounded by < and >, the compiler looks for this file in standard include paths, such as /usr/include/. If the filename is surrounded by quotes, the compiler looks in the current directory. Therefore, if hacking.h is in the same directory as a program, it can be included with that program by typing #include "hacking.h".

The changed lines for the new notetaker program (notetaker.c) are displayed in bold.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "hacking.h"

void usage(char *prog_name, char *filename) {

printf("Usage: %s <data to add to %s>\n", prog_name, filename);



void fatal(char *); // A function for fatal errors

void *ec_malloc(unsigned int); // An error-checked malloc() wrapper

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int userid, fd; // File descriptor

char *buffer, *datafile;

buffer = (char *) ec_malloc(100);

datafile = (char *) ec_malloc(20);

strcpy(datafile, "/var/notes");

if(argc < 2) // If there aren't command-line arguments,

usage(argv[0], datafile); // display usage message and exit.

strcpy(buffer, argv[1]); // Copy into buffer.

printf("[DEBUG] buffer @ %p: \'%s\'\n", buffer, buffer);

printf("[DEBUG] datafile @ %p: \'%s\'\n", datafile, datafile);

// Opening the file

fd = open(datafile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);

if(fd == -1)

fatal("in main() while opening file");

printf("[DEBUG] file descriptor is %d\n", fd);

userid = getuid(); // Get the real user ID.

// Writing data

if(write(fd, &userid, 4) == -1) // Write user ID before note data.

fatal("in main() while writing userid to file");

write(fd, "\n", 1); // Terminate line.

if(write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)) == -1) // Write note.

fatal("in main() while writing buffer to file");

write(fd, "\n", 1); // Terminate line.

// Closing file

if(close(fd) == -1)

fatal("in main() while closing file");

printf("Note has been saved.\n");




The output file has been changed from /tmp/notes to /var/notes, so the data is now stored in a more permanent place. The getuid() function is used to get the real user ID, which is written to the datafile on the line before the note's line is written. Since the write() function is expecting a pointer for its source, the & operator is used on the integer value userid to provide its address.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o notetaker notetaker.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chown root:root ./notetaker

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chmod u+s ./notetaker

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l ./notetaker

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 9015 2007-09-07 05:48 ./notetaker

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./notetaker "this is a test of multiuser notes"

[DEBUG] buffer @ 0x804a008: 'this is a test of multiuser notes'

[DEBUG] datafile @ 0x804a070: '/var/notes'

[DEBUG] file descriptor is 3

Note has been saved.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ls -l /var/notes

-rw------- 1 root reader 39 2007-09-07 05:49 /var/notes

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

In the preceding output, the notetaker program is compiled and changed to be owned by root, and the setuid permission is set. Now when the program is executed, the program runs as the root user, so the file /var/notes is also owned by root when it is created.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ cat /var/notes

cat: /var/notes: Permission denied

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo cat /var/notes


this is a test of multiuser notes

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo hexdump -C /var/notes

00000000 e7 03 00 00 0a 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 |.....this is a t|

00000010 65 73 74 20 6f 66 20 6d 75 6c 74 69 75 73 65 72 |est of multiuser|

00000020 20 6e 6f 74 65 73 0a | notes.|


reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ pcalc 0x03e7

999 0x3e7 0y1111100111

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The /var/notes file contains the user ID of reader (999) and the note. Because of little-endian architecture, the 4 bytes of the integer 999 appear reversed in hexadecimal (shown in bold above).

In order for a normal user to be able to read the note data, a corresponding setuid root program is needed. The notesearch.c program will read the note data and only display the notes written by that user ID. Additionally, an optional command-line argument can be supplied for a search string. When this is used, only notes matching the search string will be displayed.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "hacking.h"

#define FILENAME "/var/notes"

int print_notes(int, int, char *); // Note printing function.

int find_user_note(int, int); // Seek in file for a note for user.

int search_note(char *, char *); // Search for keyword function.

void fatal(char *); // Fatal error handler

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int userid, printing=1, fd; // File descriptor

char searchstring[100];

if(argc > 1) // If there is an arg,

strcpy(searchstring, argv[1]); // that is the search string;

else // otherwise,

searchstring[0] = 0; // search string is empty.

userid = getuid();

fd = open(FILENAME, O_RDONLY); // Open the file for read-only access.

if(fd == -1)

fatal("in main() while opening file for reading");


printing = print_notes(fd, userid, searchstring);

printf("-------[ end of note data ]-------\n");



// A function to print the notes for a given uid that match

// an optional search string;

// returns 0 at end of file, 1 if there are still more notes.

int print_notes(int fd, int uid, char *searchstring) {

int note_length;

char byte=0, note_buffer[100];

note_length = find_user_note(fd, uid);

if(note_length == -1) // If end of file reached,

return 0; // return 0.

read(fd, note_buffer, note_length); // Read note data.

note_buffer[note_length] = 0; // Terminate the string.

if(search_note(note_buffer, searchstring)) // If searchstring found,

printf(note_buffer); // print the note.

return 1;


// A function to find the next note for a given userID;

// returns -1 if the end of the file is reached;

// otherwise, it returns the length of the found note.

int find_user_note(int fd, int user_uid) {

int note_uid=-1;

unsigned char byte;

int length;

while(note_uid != user_uid) { // Loop until a note for user_uid is found.

if(read(fd, &note_uid, 4) != 4) // Read the uid data.

return -1; // If 4 bytes aren't read, return end of file code.

if(read(fd, &byte, 1) != 1) // Read the newline separator.

return -1;

byte = length = 0;

while(byte != '\n') { // Figure out how many bytes to the end of line.

if(read(fd, &byte, 1) != 1) // Read a single byte.

return -1; // If byte isn't read, return end of file code.




lseek(fd, length * -1, SEEK_CUR); // Rewind file reading by length bytes.

printf("[DEBUG] found a %d byte note for user id %d\n", length, note_uid);

return length;


// A function to search a note for a given keyword;

// returns 1 if a match is found, 0 if there is no match.

int search_note(char *note, char *keyword) {

int i, keyword_length, match=0;

keyword_length = strlen(keyword);

if(keyword_length == 0) // If there is no search string,

return 1; // always "match".

for(i=0; i < strlen(note); i++) { // Iterate over bytes in note.

if(note[i] == keyword[match]) // If byte matches keyword,

match++; // get ready to check the next byte;

else { // otherwise,

if(note[i] == keyword[0]) // if that byte matches first keyword byte,

match = 1; // start the match count at 1.


match = 0; // Otherwise it is zero.


if(match == keyword_length) // If there is a full match,

return 1; // return matched.


return 0; // Return not matched.


Most of this code should make sense, but there are some new concepts. The filename is defined at the top instead of using heap memory. Also, the function lseek() is used to rewind the read position in the file. The function call of lseek(fd, length * -1, SEEK_CUR); tells the program to move the read position forward from the current position in the file by length * -1 bytes. Since this turns out to be a negative number, the position is moved backward by length bytes.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o notesearch notesearch.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chown root:root ./notesearch

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chmod u+s ./notesearch

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./notesearch

[DEBUG] found a 34 byte note for user id 999

this is a test of multiuser notes

-------[ end of note data ]-------

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

When compiled and setuid root, the notesearch program works as expected. But this is just a single user; what happens if a different user uses the notetaker and notesearch programs?

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo su jose

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ ./notetaker "This is a note for jose"

[DEBUG] buffer @ 0x804a008: 'This is a note for jose'

[DEBUG] datafile @ 0x804a070: '/var/notes'

[DEBUG] file descriptor is 3

Note has been saved.

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ ./notesearch

[DEBUG] found a 24 byte note for user id 501

This is a note for jose

-------[ end of note data ]-------

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $

When the user jose uses these programs, the real user ID is 501. This means that value is added to all notes written with notetaker, and only notes with a matching user ID will be displayed by the notesearch program.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./notetaker "This is another note for the reader user"

[DEBUG] buffer @ 0x804a008: 'This is another note for the reader user'

[DEBUG] datafile @ 0x804a070: '/var/notes'

[DEBUG] file descriptor is 3

Note has been saved.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./notesearch

[DEBUG] found a 34 byte note for user id 999

this is a test of multiuser notes

[DEBUG] found a 41 byte note for user id 999

This is another note for the reader user

-------[ end of note data ]-------

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Similarly, all notes for the user reader have the user ID 999 attached to them. Even though both the notetaker and notesearch programs are suidroot and have full read and write access to the /var/notes datafile, the program logic in the notesearch program prevents the current user from viewing other users' notes. This is very similar to how the /etc/passwd file stores user information for all users, yet programs like chsh and passwd allow any user to change his own shell or password.


Sometimes there are multiple variables that should be grouped together and treated like one. In C, structs are variables that can contain many other variables. Structs are often used by various system functions and libraries, so understanding how to use structs is a prerequisite to using these functions.

A simple example will suffice for now. When dealing with many time functions, these functions use a time struct called tm, which is defined in /usr/include/time.h. The struct's definition is as follows.

struct tm {

int tm_sec; /* seconds */

int tm_min; /* minutes */

int tm_hour; /* hours */

int tm_mday; /* day of the month */

int tm_mon; /* month */

int tm_year; /* year */

int tm_wday; /* day of the week */

int tm_yday; /* day in the year */

int tm_isdst; /* daylight saving time */


After this struct is defined, struct tm becomes a usable variable type, which can be used to declare variables and pointers with the data type of the tm struct. The time_example.c program demonstrates this. When time.h is included, the tm struct is defined, which is later used to declare the current_time and time_ptr variables.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <time.h>

int main() {

long int seconds_since_epoch;

struct tm current_time, *time_ptr;

int hour, minute, second, day, month, year;

seconds_since_epoch = time(0); // Pass time a null pointer as argument.

printf("time() - seconds since epoch: %ld\n", seconds_since_epoch);

time_ptr = &current_time; // Set time_ptr to the address of

// the current_time struct.

localtime_r(&seconds_since_epoch, time_ptr);

// Three different ways to access struct elements:

hour = current_time.tm_hour; // Direct access

minute = time_ptr->tm_min; // Access via pointer

second = *((int *) time_ptr); // Hacky pointer access

printf("Current time is: %02d:%02d:%02d\n", hour, minute, second);


The time() function will return the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. Time on Unix systems is kept relative to this rather arbitrary point in time, which is also known as the epoch. The localtime_r() function expects two pointers as arguments: one to the number of seconds since epoch and the other to a tm struct. The pointer time_ptr has already been set to the address of current_time, an empty tm struct. The address-of operator is used to provide a pointer to seconds_since_epoch for the other argument to localtime_r(), which fills the elements of the tm struct. The elements of structs can be accessed in three different ways; the first two are the proper ways to access struct elements, and the third is a hacked solution. If a struct variable is used, its elements can be accessed by adding the elements' names to the end of the variable name with a period. Therefore, current_time.tm_hourwill access just the tm_hour element of the tm struct called current_time. Pointers to structs are often used, since it is much more efficient to pass a four-byte pointer than an entire data structure. Struct pointers are so common that C has a built-in method to access struct elements from a struct pointer without needing to dereference the pointer. When using a struct pointer like time_ptr, struct elements can be similarly accessed by the struct element's name, but using a series of characters that looks like an arrow pointing right. Therefore, time_ptr->tm_min will access the tm_min element of the tm struct that is pointed to by time_ptr. The seconds could be accessed via either of these proper methods, using the tm_sec element or the tm struct, but a third method is used. Can you figure out how this third method works?

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc time_example.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

time() - seconds since epoch: 1189311588

Current time is: 04:19:48

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

time() - seconds since epoch: 1189311600

Current time is: 04:20:00

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The program works as expected, but how are the seconds being accessed in the tm struct? Remember that in the end, it's all just memory. Since tm_sec is defined at the beginning of the tm struct, that integer value is also found at the beginning. In the line second = *((int *) time_ptr), the variable time_ptr is typecast from a tm struct pointer to an integer pointer. Then this typecast pointer is dereferenced, returning the data at the pointer's address. Since the address to the tm struct also points to the first element of this struct, this will retrieve the integer value for tm_sec in the struct. The following addition to the time_example.c code (time_example2.c) also dumps the bytes of the current_time. This shows that the elements of tm struct are right next to each other in memory. The elements further down in the struct can also be directly accessed with pointers by simply adding to the address of the pointer.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <time.h>

void dump_time_struct_bytes(struct tm *time_ptr, int size) {

int i;

unsigned char *raw_ptr;

printf("bytes of struct located at 0x%08x\n", time_ptr);

raw_ptr = (unsigned char *) time_ptr;

for(i=0; i < size; i++)


printf("%02x ", raw_ptr[i]);

if(i%16 == 15) // Print a newline every 16 bytes.





int main() {

long int seconds_since_epoch;

struct tm current_time, *time_ptr;

int hour, minute, second, i, *int_ptr;

seconds_since_epoch = time(0); // Pass time a null pointer as argument.

printf("time() - seconds since epoch: %ld\n", seconds_since_epoch);

time_ptr = &current_time; // Set time_ptr to the address of

// the current_time struct.

localtime_r(&seconds_since_epoch, time_ptr);

// Three different ways to access struct elements:

hour = current_time.tm_hour; // Direct access

minute = time_ptr->tm_min; // Access via pointer

second = *((int *) time_ptr); // Hacky pointer access

printf("Current time is: %02d:%02d:%02d\n", hour, minute, second);

dump_time_struct_bytes(time_ptr, sizeof(struct tm));

minute = hour = 0; // Clear out minute and hour.

int_ptr = (int *) time_ptr;

for(i=0; i < 3; i++) {

printf("int_ptr @ 0x%08x : %d\n", int_ptr, *int_ptr);

int_ptr++; // Adding 1 to int_ptr adds 4 to the address,

} // since an int is 4 bytes in size.


The results of compiling and executing time_example2.c are as follows.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -g time_example2.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

time() - seconds since epoch: 1189311744

Current time is: 04:22:24

bytes of struct located at 0xbffff7f0

18 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 09 00 00 00

08 00 00 00 6b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 fb 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 a0 04 08

int_ptr @ 0xbffff7f0 : 24

int_ptr @ 0xbffff7f4 : 22

int_ptr @ 0xbffff7f8 : 4

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

While struct memory can be accessed this way, assumptions are made about the type of variables in the struct and the lack of any padding between variables. Since the data types of a struct's elements are also stored in the struct, using proper methods to access struct elements is much easier.

Function Pointers

A pointer simply contains a memory address and is given a data type that describes where it points. Usually, pointers are used for variables; however, they can also be used for functions. The funcptr_example.c program demonstrates the use of function pointers.


#include <stdio.h>

int func_one() {

printf("This is function one\n");

return 1;


int func_two() {

printf("This is function two\n");

return 2;


int main() {

int value;

int (*function_ptr) ();

function_ptr = func_one;

printf("function_ptr is 0x%08x\n", function_ptr);

value = function_ptr();

printf("value returned was %d\n", value);

function_ptr = func_two;

printf("function_ptr is 0x%08x\n", function_ptr);

value = function_ptr();

printf("value returned was %d\n", value);


In this program, a function pointer aptly named function_ptr is declared in main(). This pointer is then set to point at the function func_one() and is called; then it is set again and used to call func_two(). The output below shows the compilation and execution of this source code.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc funcptr_example.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

function_ptr is 0x08048374

This is function one

value returned was 1

function_ptr is 0x0804838d

This is function two

value returned was 2

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Pseudo-random Numbers

Since computers are deterministic machines, it is impossible for them to produce truly random numbers. But many applications require some form of randomness. The pseudo-random number generator functions fill this need by generating a stream of numbers that is pseudo-random. These functions can produce a seemingly random sequence of numbers started from a seed number; however, the same exact sequence can be generated again with the same seed. Deterministic machines cannot produce true randomness, but if the seed value of the pseudo-random generation function isn't known, the sequence will seem random. The generator must be seeded with a value using the function srand(), and from that point on, the function rand() will return a pseudo-random number from 0 to RAND_MAX. These functions and RAND_MAX are defined in stdlib.h. While the numbers rand() returns will appear to be random, they are dependent on the seed value provided to srand(). To maintain pseudo-randomness between subsequent program executions, the randomizer must be seeded with a different value each time. One common practice is to use the number of seconds since epoch (returned from the time() function) as the seed. The rand_example.c program demonstrates this technique.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

int i;

printf("RAND_MAX is %u\n", RAND_MAX);


printf("random values from 0 to RAND_MAX\n");

for(i=0; i < 8; i++)

printf("%d\n", rand());

printf("random values from 1 to 20\n");

for(i=0; i < 8; i++)

printf("%d\n", (rand()%20)+1);


Notice how the modulus operator is used to obtain random values from 1 to 20.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc rand_example.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

RAND_MAX is 2147483647

random values from 0 to RAND_MAX









random values from 1 to 20









reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./a.out

RAND_MAX is 2147483647

random values from 0 to RAND_MAX









random values from 1 to 20









reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

The program's output just displays random numbers. Pseudo-randomness can also be used for more complex programs, as you will see in this section's final script.

A Game of Chance

The final program in this section is a set of games of chance that use many of the concepts we've discussed. The program uses pseudo-random number generator functions to provide the element of chance. It has three different game functions, which are called using a single global function pointer, and it uses structs to hold data for the player, which is saved in a file. Multi-user file permissions and user IDs allow multiple users to play and maintain their own account data. The game_of_chance.c program code is heavily documented, and you should be able to understand it at this point.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "hacking.h"

#define DATAFILE "/var/" // File to store user data

// Custom user struct to store information about users

struct user {

int uid;

int credits;

int highscore;

char name[100];

int (*current_game) ();


// Function prototypes

int get_player_data();

void register_new_player();

void update_player_data();

void show_highscore();

void jackpot();

void input_name();

void print_cards(char *, char *, int);

int take_wager(int, int);

void play_the_game();

int pick_a_number();

int dealer_no_match();

int find_the_ace();

void fatal(char *);

// Global variables

struct user player; // Player struct

int main() {

int choice, last_game;

srand(time(0)); // Seed the randomizer with the current time.

if(get_player_data() == -1) // Try to read player data from file.

register_new_player(); // If there is no data, register a new player.

while(choice != 7) {

printf("-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-\n");

printf("1 - Play the Pick a Number game\n");

printf("2 - Play the No Match Dealer game\n");

printf("3 - Play the Find the Ace game\n");

printf("4 - View current high score\n");

printf("5 - Change your user name\n");

printf("6 - Reset your account at 100 credits\n");

printf("7 - Quit\n");

printf("[Name: %s]\n",;

printf("[You have %u credits] -> ", player.credits);

scanf("%d", &choice);

if((choice < 1) || (choice > 7))

printf("\n[!!] The number %d is an invalid selection.\n\n", choice);

else if (choice < 4) { // Otherwise, choice was a game of some sort.

if(choice != last_game) { // If the function ptr isn't set

if(choice == 1) // then point it at the selected game

player.current_game = pick_a_number;

else if(choice == 2)

player.current_game = dealer_no_match;


player.current_game = find_the_ace;

last_game = choice; // and set last_game.


play_the_game(); // Play the game.


else if (choice == 4)


else if (choice == 5) {

printf("\nChange user name\n");

printf("Enter your new name: ");


printf("Your name has been changed.\n\n");


else if (choice == 6) {

printf("\nYour account has been reset with 100 credits.\n\n");

player.credits = 100;




printf("\nThanks for playing! Bye.\n");


// This function reads the player data for the current uid

// from the file. It returns -1 if it is unable to find player

// data for the current uid.

int get_player_data() {

int fd, uid, read_bytes;

struct user entry;

uid = getuid();

fd = open(DATAFILE, O_RDONLY);

if(fd == -1) // Can't open the file, maybe it doesn't exist

return -1;

read_bytes = read(fd, &entry, sizeof(struct user)); // Read the first chunk.

while(entry.uid != uid && read_bytes > 0) { // Loop until proper uid is found.

read_bytes = read(fd, &entry, sizeof(struct user)); // Keep reading.


close(fd); // Close the file.

if(read_bytes < sizeof(struct user)) // This means that the end of file was reached.

return -1;


player = entry; // Copy the read entry into the player struct.

return 1; // Return a success.


// This is the new user registration function.

// It will create a new player account and append it to the file.

void register_new_player() {

int fd;

printf("-=-={ New Player Registration }=-=-\n");

printf("Enter your name: ");


player.uid = getuid();

player.highscore = player.credits = 100;


if(fd == -1)

fatal("in register_new_player() while opening file");

write(fd, &player, sizeof(struct user));


printf("\nWelcome to the Game of Chance %s.\n",;

printf("You have been given %u credits.\n", player.credits);


// This function writes the current player data to the file.

// It is used primarily for updating the credits after games.

void update_player_data() {

int fd, i, read_uid;

char burned_byte;

fd = open(DATAFILE, O_RDWR);

if(fd == -1) // If open fails here, something is really wrong.

fatal("in update_player_data() while opening file");

read(fd, &read_uid, 4); // Read the uid from the first struct.

while(read_uid != player.uid) { // Loop until correct uid is found.

for(i=0; i < sizeof(struct user) - 4; i++) // Read through the

read(fd, &burned_byte, 1); // rest of that struct.

read(fd, &read_uid, 4); // Read the uid from the next struct.


write(fd, &(player.credits), 4); // Update credits.

write(fd, &(player.highscore), 4); // Update highscore.

write(fd, &(, 100); // Update name.



// This function will display the current high score and

// the name of the person who set that high score.

void show_highscore() {

unsigned int top_score = 0;

char top_name[100];

struct user entry;

int fd;

printf("\n====================| HIGH SCORE |====================\n");

fd = open(DATAFILE, O_RDONLY);

if(fd == -1)

fatal("in show_highscore() while opening file");

while(read(fd, &entry, sizeof(struct user)) > 0) { // Loop until end of file.

if(entry.highscore > top_score) { // If there is a higher score,

top_score = entry.highscore; // set top_score to that score

strcpy(top_name,; // and top_name to that username.




if(top_score > player.highscore)

printf("%s has the high score of %u\n", top_name, top_score);


printf("You currently have the high score of %u credits!\n", player.highscore);



// This function simply awards the jackpot for the Pick a Number game.

void jackpot() {

printf("*+*+*+*+*+* JACKPOT *+*+*+*+*+*\n");

printf("You have won the jackpot of 100 credits!\n");

player.credits += 100;


// This function is used to input the player name, since

// scanf("%s", &whatever) will stop input at the first space.

void input_name() {

char *name_ptr, input_char='\n';

while(input_char == '\n') // Flush any leftover

scanf("%c", &input_char); // newline chars.

name_ptr = (char *) &(; // name_ptr = player name's address

while(input_char != '\n') { // Loop until newline.

*name_ptr = input_char; // Put the input char into name field.

scanf("%c", &input_char); // Get the next char.

name_ptr++; // Increment the name pointer.


*name_ptr = 0; // Terminate the string.


// This function prints the 3 cards for the Find the Ace game.

// It expects a message to display, a pointer to the cards array,

// and the card the user has picked as input. If the user_pick is

// -1, then the selection numbers are displayed.

void print_cards(char *message, char *cards, int user_pick) {

int i;

printf("\n\t*** %s ***\n", message);

printf(" \t._.\t._.\t._.\n");

printf("Cards:\t|%c|\t|%c|\t|%c|\n\t", cards[0], cards[1], cards[2]);

if(user_pick == -1)

printf(" 1 \t 2 \t 3\n");

else {

for(i=0; i < user_pick; i++)


printf(" ^-- your pick\n");



// This function inputs wagers for both the No Match Dealer and

// Find the Ace games. It expects the available credits and the

// previous wager as arguments. The previous_wager is only important

// for the second wager in the Find the Ace game. The function

// returns -1 if the wager is too big or too little, and it returns

// the wager amount otherwise.

int take_wager(int available_credits, int previous_wager) {

int wager, total_wager;

printf("How many of your %d credits would you like to wager? ", available_credits);

scanf("%d", &wager);

if(wager < 1) { // Make sure the wager is greater than 0.

printf("Nice try, but you must wager a positive number!\n");

return -1;


total_wager = previous_wager + wager;

if(total_wager > available_credits) { // Confirm available credits

printf("Your total wager of %d is more than you have!\n", total_wager);

printf("You only have %d available credits, try again.\n", available_credits);

return -1;


return wager;


// This function contains a loop to allow the current game to be

// played again. It also writes the new credit totals to file

// after each game is played.

void play_the_game() {

int play_again = 1;

int (*game) ();

char selection;

while(play_again) {

printf("\n[DEBUG] current_game pointer @ 0x%08x\n", player.current_game);

if(player.current_game() != -1) { // If the game plays without error and

if(player.credits > player.highscore) // a new high score is set,

player.highscore = player.credits; // update the highscore.

printf("\nYou now have %u credits\n", player.credits);

update_player_data(); // Write the new credit total to file.

printf("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ");

selection = '\n';

while(selection == '\n') // Flush any extra newlines.

scanf("%c", &selection);

if(selection == 'n')

play_again = 0;


else // This means the game returned an error,

play_again = 0; // so return to main menu.



// This function is the Pick a Number game.

// It returns -1 if the player doesn't have enough credits.

int pick_a_number() {

int pick, winning_number;

printf("\n####### Pick a Number ######\n");

printf("This game costs 10 credits to play. Simply pick a number\n");

printf("between 1 and 20, and if you pick the winning number, you\n");

printf("will win the jackpot of 100 credits!\n\n");

winning_number = (rand() % 20) + 1; // Pick a number between 1 and 20.

if(player.credits < 10) {

printf("You only have %d credits. That's not enough to play!\n\n", player.credits);

return -1; // Not enough credits to play


player.credits -= 10; // Deduct 10 credits.

printf("10 credits have been deducted from your account.\n");

printf("Pick a number between 1 and 20: ");

scanf("%d", &pick);

printf("The winning number is %d\n", winning_number);

if(pick == winning_number)



printf("Sorry, you didn't win.\n");

return 0;


// This is the No Match Dealer game.

// It returns -1 if the player has 0 credits.

int dealer_no_match() {

int i, j, numbers[16], wager = -1, match = -1;

printf("\n::::::: No Match Dealer :::::::\n");

printf("In this game, you can wager up to all of your credits.\n");

printf("The dealer will deal out 16 random numbers between 0 and 99.\n");

printf("If there are no matches among them, you double your money!\n\n");

if(player.credits == 0) {

printf("You don't have any credits to wager!\n\n");

return -1;


while(wager == -1)

wager = take_wager(player.credits, 0);

printf("\t\t::: Dealing out 16 random numbers :::\n");

for(i=0; i < 16; i++) {

numbers[i] = rand() % 100; // Pick a number between 0 and 99.

printf("%2d\t", numbers[i]);

if(i%8 == 7) // Print a line break every 8 numbers.



for(i=0; i < 15; i++) { // Loop looking for matches.

j = i + 1;

while(j < 16) {

if(numbers[i] == numbers[j])

match = numbers[i];




if(match != -1) {

printf("The dealer matched the number %d!\n", match);

printf("You lose %d credits.\n", wager);

player.credits -= wager;

} else {

printf("There were no matches! You win %d credits!\n", wager);

player.credits += wager;


return 0;


// This is the Find the Ace game.

// It returns -1 if the player has 0 credits.

int find_the_ace() {

int i, ace, total_wager;

int invalid_choice, pick = -1, wager_one = -1, wager_two = -1;

char choice_two, cards[3] = {'X', 'X', 'X'};

ace = rand()%3; // Place the ace randomly.

printf("******* Find the Ace *******\n");

printf("In this game, you can wager up to all of your credits.\n");

printf("Three cards will be dealt out, two queens and one ace.\n");

printf("If you find the ace, you will win your wager.\n");

printf("After choosing a card, one of the queens will be revealed.\n");

printf("At this point, you may either select a different card or\n");

printf("increase your wager.\n\n");

if(player.credits == 0) {

printf("You don't have any credits to wager!\n\n");

return -1;


while(wager_one == -1) // Loop until valid wager is made.

wager_one = take_wager(player.credits, 0);

print_cards("Dealing cards", cards, -1);

pick = -1;

while((pick < 1) || (pick > 3)) { // Loop until valid pick is made.

printf("Select a card: 1, 2, or 3 ");

scanf("%d", &pick);


pick--; // Adjust the pick since card numbering starts at 0.


while(i == ace || i == pick) // Keep looping until

i++; // we find a valid queen to reveal.

cards[i] = 'Q';

print_cards("Revealing a queen", cards, pick);

invalid_choice = 1;

while(invalid_choice) { // Loop until valid choice is made.

printf("Would you like to:\n[c]hange your pick\tor\t[i]ncrease your wager?\n");

printf("Select c or i: ");

choice_two = '\n';

while(choice_two == '\n') // Flush extra newlines.

scanf("%c", &choice_two);

if(choice_two == 'i') { // Increase wager.

invalid_choice=0; // This is a valid choice.

while(wager_two == -1) // Loop until valid second wager is made.

wager_two = take_wager(player.credits, wager_one);


if(choice_two == 'c') { // Change pick.

i = invalid_choice = 0; // Valid choice

while(i == pick || cards[i] == 'Q') // Loop until the other card

i++; // is found,

pick = i; // and then swap pick.

printf("Your card pick has been changed to card %d\n", pick+1);



for(i=0; i < 3; i++) { // Reveal all of the cards.

if(ace == i)

cards[i] = 'A';


cards[i] = 'Q';


print_cards("End result", cards, pick);

if(pick == ace) { // Handle win.

printf("You have won %d credits from your first wager\n", wager_one);

player.credits += wager_one;

if(wager_two != -1) {

printf("and an additional %d credits from your second wager!\n", wager_two);

player.credits += wager_two;


} else { // Handle loss.

printf("You have lost %d credits from your first wager\n", wager_one);

player.credits -= wager_one;

if(wager_two != -1) {

printf("and an additional %d credits from your second wager!\n", wager_two);

player.credits -= wager_two;



return 0;


Since this is a multi-user program that writes to a file in the /var directory, it must be suid root.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ gcc -o game_of_chance game_of_chance.c

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chown root:root ./game_of_chance

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo chmod u+s ./game_of_chance

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ ./game_of_chance

-=-={ New Player Registration }=-=-

Enter your name: Jon Erickson

Welcome to the Game of Chance, Jon Erickson.

You have been given 100 credits.

-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-

1 - Play the Pick a Number game

2 - Play the No Match Dealer game

3 - Play the Find the Ace game

4 - View current high score

5 - Change your username

6 - Reset your account at 100 credits

7 - Quit

[Name: Jon Erickson]

[You have 100 credits] -> 1

[DEBUG] current_game pointer @ 0x08048e6e

####### Pick a Number ######

This game costs 10 credits to play. Simply pick a number

between 1 and 20, and if you pick the winning number, you

will win the jackpot of 100 credits!

10 credits have been deducted from your account.

Pick a number between 1 and 20: 7

The winning number is 14.

Sorry, you didn't win.

You now have 90 credits.

Would you like to play again? (y/n) n

-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-

1 - Play the Pick a Number game

2 - Play the No Match Dealer game

3 - Play the Find the Ace game

4 - View current high score

5 - Change your username

6 - Reset your account at 100 credits

7 - Quit

[Name: Jon Erickson]

[You have 90 credits] -> 2

[DEBUG] current_game pointer @ 0x08048f61

::::::: No Match Dealer :::::::

In this game you can wager up to all of your credits.

The dealer will deal out 16 random numbers between 0 and 99.

If there are no matches among them, you double your money!

How many of your 90 credits would you like to wager? 30

::: Dealing out 16 random numbers :::

88 68 82 51 21 73 80 50

11 64 78 85 39 42 40 95

There were no matches! You win 30 credits!

You now have 120 credits

Would you like to play again? (y/n) n

-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-

1 - Play the Pick a Number game

2 - Play the No Match Dealer game

3 - Play the Find the Ace game

4 - View current high score

5 - Change your username

6 - Reset your account at 100 credits

7 - Quit

[Name: Jon Erickson]

[You have 120 credits] -> 3

[DEBUG] current_game pointer @ 0x0804914c

******* Find the Ace *******

In this game you can wager up to all of your credits.

Three cards will be dealt: two queens and one ace.

If you find the ace, you will win your wager.

After choosing a card, one of the queens will be revealed.

At this point you may either select a different card or

increase your wager.

How many of your 120 credits would you like to wager? 50

*** Dealing cards ***

._. ._. ._.

Cards: |X| |X| |X|

1 2 3

Select a card: 1, 2, or 3: 2

*** Revealing a queen ***

._. ._. ._.

Cards: |X| |X| |Q|

^-- your pick

Would you like to

[c]hange your pick or [i]ncrease your wager?

Select c or i: c

Your card pick has been changed to card 1.

*** End result ***

._. ._. ._.

Cards: |A| |Q| |Q|

^-- your pick

You have won 50 credits from your first wager.

You now have 170 credits.

Would you like to play again? (y/n) n

-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-

1 - Play the Pick a Number game

2 - Play the No Match Dealer game

3 - Play the Find the Ace game

4 - View current high score

5 - Change your username

6 - Reset your account at 100 credits

7 - Quit

[Name: Jon Erickson]

[You have 170 credits] -> 4

====================| HIGH SCORE |====================

You currently have the high score of 170 credits!


-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-

1 - Play the Pick a Number game

2 - Play the No Match Dealer game

3 - Play the Find the Ace game

4 - View current high score

5 - Change your username

6 - Reset your account at 100 credits

7 - Quit

[Name: Jon Erickson]

[You have 170 credits] -> 7

Thanks for playing! Bye.

reader@hacking:~/booksrc $ sudo su jose

jose@hacking:/home/reader/booksrc $ ./game_of_chance

-=-={ New Player Registration }=-=-

Enter your name: Jose Ronnick

Welcome to the Game of Chance Jose Ronnick.

You have been given 100 credits.

-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-

1 - Play the Pick a Number game

2 - Play the No Match Dealer game

3 - Play the Find the Ace game

4 - View current high score 5 - Change your username

6 - Reset your account at 100 credits

7 - Quit

[Name: Jose Ronnick]

[You have 100 credits] -> 4

====================| HIGH SCORE |====================

Jon Erickson has the high score of 170.


-=[ Game of Chance Menu ]=-

1 - Play the Pick a Number game

2 - Play the No Match Dealer game

3 - Play the Find the Ace game

4 - View current high score

5 - Change your username

6 - Reset your account at 100 credits

7 - Quit

[Name: Jose Ronnick]

[You have 100 credits] -> 7

Thanks for playing! Bye.

jose@hacking:~/booksrc $ exit


reader@hacking:~/booksrc $

Play around with this program a little bit. The Find the Ace game is a demonstration of a principle of conditional probability; although it is counterintuitive, changing your pick will increase your chances of finding the ace from 33 percent to 50 percent. Many people have difficulty understanding this truth—that's why it's counterintuitive. The secret of hacking is understanding little-known truths like this and using them to produce seemingly magical results.