Chapter 1. Introduction

I bet most of you are really excited to get started. But, before we actually move on to learning how to hack, let us begin to understand what hacking really means.


In the field of computer security, hacking simply refers to the act of exploiting the weakness that exists in a computer system or a computer network.

In other works, a hacker is someone who has developed a deeper interest in understanding how the computer system or the software program works, so that he can take control of the computer by exploiting any of the existing vulnerabilities in it.


Based on the attitude and skill level they possess, hackers are classified into the following types:

· White Hat Hacker: A white hat hacker (also known as ethical hacker) is someone who uses his skills only for defensive purposes such as penetration testing. These type of hackers are often hired by many organizations in order to ensure the security of their information systems.

· Black Hat Hacker: A black hat hacker (also known as cracker) is someone who always uses his skills for offensive purposes. The intention of black hat hackers is to gain money or take personal revenge by causing damage to information systems.

· Grey Hat Hacker: A grey hat hacker is someone who falls in between the white hat and black hat category. This type of hacker may use his skills both for defensive and offensive purposes.

· Script Kiddie: A script kiddie is a wannabe hacker. These are the ones who lack the knowledge of how a computer system really works but use ready-made programs, tools and scripts to break into computers.


Before proceeding further, the following are some of the essential terminologies in the field of hacking that one should be aware of:

· Vulnerability: A vulnerability is an existing weakness that can allow the attacker to compromise the security of the system.

· Exploit: An exploit is a defined way (piece of software, set of commands etc.) that takes advantage of an existing vulnerability to breach the security of an IT system.

· Threat: A threat is a possible danger that can exploit an existing vulnerability to cause possible harm.

· Attack: An attack is any action that violates the security of the system. In other words, it is an assault on the system security that is derived from an existing threat.


Here is a small list of some of the frequently asked questions about hacking:

How long does it take to become a hacker?

Hacking is not something that can be mastered overnight. It really takes quite some time to understand and implement the skills that actually put you in the hacker's shoes.

So, for anyone who is wanting to become a hacker, all it takes is some creativity, willingness to learn and perseverance.

What skills do I need to become a hacker?

In order to become a hacker, it is essential to have a basic understanding of how a computer system works. For example, you may start off with basics of operating system, computer networks and some programming.

At this point in time, you need not worry much about this question as this book will take you through all those necessary concepts to establish the skills that you need to possess as a hacker.

What is the best way to learn hacking?

As said earlier, the best way to learn hacking is to start off with the basics. Once you have established the basic skills, you can take it even further by going through the books that discuss individual topics in a much detailed fashion. Do not forget the power of Internet when it comes to acquiring and expanding your knowledge.