Miscellaneous Nmap Options - Nmap 6 Cookbook: The Fat Free Guide to Network Security Scanning (2015)

Nmap 6 Cookbook: The Fat Free Guide to Network Security Scanning (2015)

Appendix B - Miscellaneous Nmap Options

In the interest of being a complete (but also fat-free) guide to Nmap, the rarely used options listed here are not covered in this book but are mentioned below for your reference.

Specify a specific nsock engine (see nmap -V for a list of available engines)

Resume an aborted scan (requires -oN or -oG logs)

Scan ports in the nmap-services file greater than the specified ratio

Override the default Nmap data directory

Override the default nmap-services file

Override the default nmap-service-probes file

Assume that the user has the required privileges for raw socket sniffing

Assume that the user does not have the required privileges for raw socket sniffing

Used for memory leak debugging

Instructs Nmap to use raw ethernet frames while scanning

Instructs Nmap to use IP packets while scanning

Specify IP options in IP packets

Spoof the specified IP address

Use an HTTP or SOCKS4 proxy for TCP connections (this feature is still under development)

Perform an SCTP INIT scan

Perform a SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan

Perform an SCTP INIT Ping

Calculate SCTP checksums using Adler32 algorithm

Perform a TCP Window scan

Perform a TCP Maimon scan

Force Reverse DNS Lookup