Autodesk Inventor 2015 Certification - Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2015 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2015 (2014)

Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2015 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2015 (2014)

Appendix B. Autodesk Inventor 2015 Certification

Autodesk certifications are industry-recognized credentials that can help you succeed in your design career, providing benefits to both you and your employer. Getting certified is a reliable validation of skills and knowledge, and it can lead to accelerated professional development, improved productivity, and enhanced credibility.

This Autodesk Official Press guide can be an effective component of your exam preparation. Autodesk highly recommends (and we agree!) that you schedule regular time to prepare, review the most current exam preparation roadmap available, use Autodesk Official Press guides, take a class at an Authorized Training Center (find one near you:, and use a variety of resources to prepare for your certification, including plenty of actual hands-on experience.

To help you focus your studies on the skills you'll need for these exams, the following tables show the objectives that could appear on an exam and in what chapter you can find information on that topic—and when you go to that chapter, you'll find certification icons like the one in the margin here.

Table B.1 is for the Autodesk Inventor 2015 Certified Associate Exam and lists the section, exam objectives, and chapter where the information is found. Table B.2 is for the Autodesk Inventor 2015 Certified Professional Exam.

Table B.1 Autodesk Inventor 2015 Certified Associate Exam


Learning Objective


User Interface: Primary Environments

Name the four primary environments: Parts, Assemblies, Presentations, and Drawings.

Chapters 1, 2

User Interface: UI Navigation/Interaction

Name the key features of the user interface (ribbon panels tabs).

Chapter 1

Describe the listing in the browser for an assembly file.

Chapter 8

Demonstrate how to use the context (right-click) menus.

Chapter 1

Demonstrate how to use the menus.

Chapter 1

Demonstrate how to add Redo to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Chapter 1

User Interface: Graphics Window Display

Describe the steps required to change the background color of the graphics window.

N/A (Tools tab Application Options Colors tab)

Use Application Options Display.

N/A (Tools tab Application Options Display tab)

Demonstrate how to turn on/off the 3D Indicator.

N/A (Tools tab Application Options Display Tab

Name the key elements of the ribbon.

Chapter 1

User Interface: Navigation Control

Describe the functionality of the ViewCube.

Chapter 1

Describe the Navigation bar.

Chapter 1

Name the navigation tools started by the F2 to F6 shortcut keys.

Pan (F2)
Zoom (F3)
Orbit (F4)
Previous View (F5)
Home View (F6)

File Management: Project Files

Name the file extension of a project file (.ipj).

Chapter 1

List the types of project files that can be created.

Chapter 1

Define the term workspace.

Chapter 1

List the types of files stored in a library.

Chapter 1

List the three categories in Folder Options.

Chapter 1

Describe how to set the active project.

Chapter 1

Sketches: Creating 2D Sketches

Name the file extension of a part file (.ipt).

Chapter 1

Describe the purpose of a template file in the sketch environment.

Chapter 3

Describe the function of the 3D Coordinate System icon.

N/A (Use the 3D Coordinate System to realign the sketch coordinate system.)

Define a sketch plane.

Chapter 3

Label the entries on the browser.

Chapter 3

Sketches: Draw Tools

Complete a 2D sketch using the appropriate draw tools: Line, Arc, Circle, Rectangle, Point, Fillet, Polygon.

Chapter 3 (The Fillet tool is used to round corners between sketch lines.)

Sketches: Sketch Constraints

List the available geometric constraints: coincident, colinear, concentric, fixed, parallel, perpendicular, horizontal, vertical, tangent, symmetric, smooth (G2), and equal.

Chapter 3

Describe parametric dimensions (general and automatic).

Chapter 3

Describe how to control the visibility of constraints.

Chapter 3

Describe the degrees of freedom on a sketch and how they can be displayed.

Chapter 3

Sketches: Pattern Sketches

Demonstrate how to pattern a sketch (rectangular and circular).

N/A (Generally speaking, it is best to create a model feature and then pattern it at the feature level rather than to create a sketch entity and pattern it in the sketch. However, you can use the pattern tools found in the sketch environment if needed.)

Sketches: Modify Sketches

Demonstrate how to move a sketch.

Chapter 3

Demonstrate how to copy a sketch.

Chapter 3

Demonstrate how to rotate a sketch.

N/A (The sketch Rotate tool rotates sketch geometry relative to a specified center point. Results are impacted by constraints and dimensions.)

Demonstrate how to trim a sketch.

Chapter 3

Demonstrate how to extend a sketch.

N/A (Use the Extend tool to extend curves to other curves. In a 3D sketch, extend curves to intersections with a face, work plane, or surface.)

Demonstrate how to offset a sketch.

Chapter 3

Sketches: Format Sketches

Describe how to format sketch line types.

Chapter 3

Sketches: Sketch Doctor

Examine a sketch for errors.

Chapter 4

Sketches: Shared Sketches

Describe the function of a shared sketch.

N/A (Shared sketches can be used by more than one feature. To share a sketch, make it visible or right-click it in the browser and choose Share Sketch.)

Sketches: Sketch Parameters

Describe how parameters define the size and shape of features.

Chapter 3

Parts: Creating Parts

Name the file extension of a part file (.ipt).

Chapter 4

Label the entries on the browser.

Chapter 4

Define a base feature.

Chapter 4

Define an unconsumed sketch.

Chapter 4 (An unconsumed sketch is any sketch that is not used by a feature, such as an extrusion.)

Demonstrate how to create an extruded part.

Chapter 4

Demonstrate how to create a revolved part.

Chapter 4

Demonstrate how to create a lofted part.

Chapter 5

Describe the termination options for a feature.

Chapter 4

Demonstrate how to create a hole feature.

Chapter 4

Demonstrate how to create a fillet feature.

Chapter 4

Demonstrate how to create a chamfer feature.

Chapter 4

Demonstrate how to create a shell feature.

Chapter 5

Demonstrate how to create a thread feature.

Chapter 4

Parts: Work Features

Describe the use of work features (plane, point, axis) in the part-creation workflow.

Chapter 4

Parts: Pattern Features

Demonstrate how to create a rectangular pattern.

Chapter 5

Demonstrate how to create a circular pattern.

Chapter 5

Demonstrate how to mirror features.

Chapter 5

Parts: Part Properties

Describe part properties and how they are applied.

Chapter 5

Assemblies: Creating Assemblies

Name the file extension of an assembly file (.iam).

Chapter 8

Label the entries on the browser.

Chapter 8

Name the six degrees of freedom on a component.

Chapter 8

Demonstrate how to place a part in an assembly.

Chapter 8

Discuss degrees of freedom and a grounded part.

Chapter 8

Demonstrate how to apply various Assembly constraints.

Chapter 8

Describe the various assembly environment techniques (top-down, bottom-up, and middle-out).

Chapter 8

Demonstrate how to create a new part in the assembly environment.

Chapter 8

Demonstrate how to place a Content Center part in an assembly.

Chapter 8

Assemblies: Viewing Assemblies

Label the entries on the browser.

Chapter 8

Assemblies: Animation Assemblies

Demonstrate how to animate an assembly using drive constraints.

Chapter 8

Assemblies: Adaptive Features, Parts, and Subassemblies

Demonstrate how to make and use an adaptive part.

Chapter 8

Presentations: Creating Presentations

Name the file extension of a presentation file (.ipn).

Chapter 11

Label the entries on the browser.

Chapter 11

Discuss the various uses of Presentation files.

Chapter 11

Demonstrate how to apply tweaks to a part.

Chapter 11

Demonstrate how to apply trails to a part.

Chapter 11

Demonstrate how to animate an assembly.

Chapter 11

Drawings: Creating Drawings

Name the file extension of a drawing file (.idw).

Chapter 12

Describe the use of template files.

Chapter 12

Label the entries on the browser.

Chapter 12

Describe the content within Drawing Resources.

Chapter 12

Demonstrate how to create a part drawing.

Chapter 12

Demonstrate how to create an assembly drawing.

Chapter 12

Describe the various annotation options.

Chapter 12

Demonstrate how to add balloons to an assembly.

Chapter 12

Sheet Metal: Creating Sheet Metal Parts

Name the file extension of a sheet-metal part file (.ipt).

Chapter 6

Discuss the use of sheet metal defaults.

Chapter 6

Demonstrate the creation of a sheet metal bend.

Chapter 6

Sheet Metal: Modify Sheet Metal Parts

Demonstrate the creation of a corner seam.

Chapter 6

Demonstrate the creation of a punch tool.

Chapter 6

Demonstrate the creation of a cut across a bend.

Chapter 6

Sheet Metal: Flat Pattern

Demonstrate how to create a flat pattern.

Chapter 6

Demonstrate how to insert a flat pattern in a drawing.

Chapter 6

Demonstrate how to export a flat pattern.

Chapter 6

Visualization: Create Rendered Images

Describe the process to activate Inventor Studio.

Chapter 16

Demonstrate how to create a new camera.

Chapter 16

Demonstrate how to create a rendered image.

Chapter 16

Visualization: Animate an Assembly

Demonstrate how to create a new animation.

Chapter 16

Demonstrate how to create an animation by animating a camera.

Chapter 16

Demonstrate how to create an animation by animating a constraint.

Chapter 16

Demonstrate how to create an animation by animating a fade.

Chapter 16

Table B.2 Autodesk Inventor 2015 Certified Professional Exam


Learning Objective


Advanced Modeling

Create a 3D path using the Intersection Curve and the Project to Surface commands.

Chapter 3

Create a loft feature.

Chapter 5

Create a multi-body part.

Chapter 5

Create a part using surfaces.

Chapters 4, 5, 19

Create a sweep feature.

Chapter 5

Create an iPart.

Chapter 7

Create and constrain sketch blocks.

Chapter 8

Use iLogic.

Chapter 20

Emboss text and a profile.

N/A (Create a sketch with text and then go to the 3D Model tab Create panel Emboss button.)

Assembly Modeling

Apply and use assembly constraints.

Chapter 8

Apply and use assembly joints.

Chapter 8

Create a level of detail.

Chapter 9

Create a part in the context of an assembly.

Chapter 8

Describe and use Shrinkwrap.

Chapter 9

Create a positional representation.

Chapter 8

Create components using the Design Accelerator commands.

Chapter 8

Modify a bill of materials.

Chapter 8

Find minimum distance between parts and components.

Chapter 8

Use the Frame Generator commands.

Chapter 15


Edit a section view.

Chapter 12

Modify a style in a drawing.

Chapter 12

Edit a hole table.

Chapter 12

Part Modeling

Create a pattern of features.

Chapter 5

Create a shell feature.

Chapter 5

Create extrude features.

Chapter 4

Create hole features.

Chapter 4

Create revolve features.

Chapter 4

Create work features.

Chapter 4

Use the Project Geometry and Project Cut Edges commands.

Chapter 3

Edit existing parts using Direct Manipulation.

Chapter 4

Presentation Files

Animate a presentation file.

Chapter 11

Project Files

Control a project file.

Chapter 1

Sheet Metal

Create sheet metal features.

Chapter 6


Create dynamic input dimensions.

Chapter 3

Use sketch constraints.

Chapter 3

Sketch using Relax Mode.

Chapter 3


Create a weldment.

Chapter 10