Easier Text Handling - The Language - 21st Century C (2015)

21st Century C (2015)

Part II. The Language

Chapter 9. Easier Text Handling

I believe that in the end the word will break cement.

Pussy Riot, paraphrasing Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in a statement on August 8, 2012

A string of letters is an array of indeterminate length, and automatically allocated arrays (allocated on the stack) can’t be resized, and that in a nutshell is the problem with text in C. Fortunately, many others before us have already faced this problem and produced at least partial solutions. A handful of C-standard and POSIX-standard functions are sufficient to handle many of our string-building needs.

Also, C was designed in the 1970s, before the invention of non-English languages. Again, with the right functions (and the right understanding of how language is encoded), C’s original focus on English is not a real problem.

Making String Handling Less Painful with asprintf

The asprintf function allocates the amount of string space you will need, and then fills the string. That means you never really have to worry about string-allocating again.

asprintf is not part of the C standard, but it’s available on systems with the GNU or BSD standard library, which covers a big range of users. Further, the GNU Libiberty library provides a version of asprintf that you can either cut and paste into your own code base or call from the library with a -liberty flag for the linker. Libiberty ships with some systems with no native asprintf, like MSYS for Windows. And if cutting and pasting from libiberty is not an option, I’ll present a quick reimplementation using the standard vsnprintf function.

The old way made people homicidal (or suicidal, depending on temperament), because they first had to get the length of the string they were about to fill, allocate space, and then actually write to the space. Don’t forget the extra slot for the null terminator!

Example 9-1 demonstrates the painful way of setting up a string, for the purpose of using C’s system command to run an external utility. The thematically appropriate utility, strings, searches a binary for printable plain text. The get_strings function will receive argv[0], the name of the program itself, so the program searches itself for strings. This is perhaps amusing, which is all we can ask of demo code.

Example 9-1. The tedious way of setting up strings (sadstrings.c)

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h> //strlen

#include <stdlib.h> //malloc, free, system

void get_strings(char const *in){

char *cmd;

int len = strlen("strings ") + strlen(in) + 1; 1

cmd = malloc(len); 2

snprintf(cmd, len, "strings %s", in);

if (system(cmd)) fprintf(stderr, "something went wrong running %s.\n", cmd);



int main(int argc, char **argv){




Premeasuring lengths is such a waste of time.


The C standard says sizeof(char)==1, so we at least don’t need malloc(len*sizeof(char)).

Example 9-2 uses asprintf, so malloc gets called for you, which means that you also don’t need the step where you measure the length of the string.

Example 9-2. This version cuts only two lines from Example 9-1, but they’re the most misery-inducing lines (getstrings.c)

#define _GNU_SOURCE //cause stdio.h to include asprintf

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //free

void get_strings(char const *in){

char *cmd;

asprintf(&cmd, "strings %s", in);

if (system(cmd)) fprintf(stderr, "something went wrong running %s.\n", cmd);



int main(int argc, char **argv){



The actual call to asprintf looks a lot like the call to sprintf, except you need to send the location of the string, not the string itself, because new space will be malloced and the location written into the char ** you input.

Say that, for whatever reason, the GNU asprintf isn’t available for your use. Counting the length that a printf statement and its arguments will eventually expand to is error-prone, so how can we get the computer to do it for us? The answer has been staring at us all along, in C99 § and C11 § “The vsnprintf function returns the number of characters that would have been written had n been sufficiently large, not counting the terminating null character, or a negative value if an encoding error occurred.” The snprintf function also returns a would-have-been value.

So if we do a test run with vsnprintf on a 1-byte string, we can get a return value with the length that the string should be. Then we can allocate the string to that length and run vsnprintf for real. We’re running the function twice, so it may take twice as long to work, but it’s worth it for the safety and convenience.

Example 9-3 presents an implementation of asprintf via this procedure of running vsnprintf twice. I wrapped it in a HAVE_ASPRINTF check to be Autoconf-friendly; see below.

Example 9-3. An alternative implementation of asprintf (asprintf.c)



#include <stdio.h> //vsnprintf

#include <stdlib.h> //malloc

#include <stdarg.h> //va_start et al

/* The declaration, to put into a .h file. The __attribute___ tells the compiler to check printf-style type-compliance. It's not C-standard, but a lot of compilers

support it; just remove it if yours doesn't. */

int asprintf(char **str, char* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf,2,3)));

int asprintf(char **str, char* fmt, ...){

va_list argp;

va_start(argp, fmt);

char one_char[1];

int len = vsnprintf(one_char, 1, fmt, argp);

if (len < 1){

fprintf(stderr, "An encoding error occurred. Setting the input pointer to NULL.\n");

*str = NULL;

return len;



*str = malloc(len+1);

if (!str) {

fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate %i bytes.\n", len+1);

return -1;


va_start(argp, fmt);

vsnprintf(*str, len+1, fmt, argp);


return len;



#ifdef Test_asprintf

int main(){

char *s;

asprintf(&s, "hello, %s.", "—Reader—");

printf("%s\n", s);

asprintf(&s, "%c", '\0');

printf("blank string: [%s]\n", s);

int i = 0;

asprintf(&s, "%i", i++);

printf("Zero: %s\n", s);




If you have a string of predetermined length, str, and write data of unknown length to it using sprintf, then you might find that data gets written to whatever is adjacent to str—a classic security breach. Thus, sprintf is effectively deprecated in favor of snprintf, which limits the amount of data written.

Using asprintf effectively prevents this problem, because as much memory as is needed will get written. It’s not perfect: eventually, whatever mangled and improper input string will hit a \0 somewhere, but the amount of data could conceivably exceed the amount of free memory, or the additional data written to str might be sensitive information like a password.

If memory is exceeded, then asprintf will return -1, so in a situation involving user inputs, the careful author would use something like the Stopif macro (which I introduce in “Variadic Macros”) with a form like:

Stopif(asprintf(&str, "%s", user_input)==-1, return -1, "asprintf failed.")

But if you got as far as sending an unchecked string to asprintf, you’ve already lost. Check that strings from untrusted inputs are of a sane length beforehand. The function might also fail on a string of reasonable length because the computer is out of memory or is being eaten by gremlins.

C11 (Appendix K) also offers all the usual formatted printing functions with an _s attached: printf_s, snprintf_s, fprintf_s, and so on. They are intended to be more secure than the no-_s versions. Input strings may not be NULL, and if an attempt is made to write more thanRINT_MAX bytes to a string, (where RINT_MAX is intended to be half the maximum capacity of a size_t) the function fails with a “runtime constraint violation.” However, support for these functions in the standard C libraries is still spotty.

Constant Strings

Here is a program that sets up two strings and prints them to the screen:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char *s1 = "Thread";

char *s2;

asprintf(&s2, "Floss");

printf("%s\n", s1);

printf("%s\n", s2);


Both forms will leave a single word in the given string. However, the C compiler treats them in a very different manner, which can trip up the unaware.

Did you try the earlier sample code that showed what strings are embedded into the program binary? In the example here, Thread would be such an embedded string, and s1 could thus point to a location in the executable program itself. How efficient—you don’t need to spend runtime having the system count characters or waste memory repeating information already in the binary. I suppose in the 1970s, this mattered.

Both the baked-in s1 and the allocated-on-demand s2 behave identically for reading purposes, but you can’t modify or free s1. Here are some lines you could add to the example, and their effects:

s2[0]='f'; //Switch Floss to lowercase.

s1[0]='t'; //Segfault.

free(s2); //Clean up.

free(s1); //Segfault.

Your system may point directly to the string embedded in the executable, or it may copy the string to a read-only data segment; in fact, C99 §6.4.5(6) and C11 §6.4.5(7) say the method of storing constant strings is unspecified, and what happens if they are modified is undefined. Because that undefined behavior could be and often is a segfault, that means we should take s1’s contents as read-only.

The difference between constant and variable strings is subtle and error-prone, and it makes hardcoded strings useful only in limited contexts. I can’t think of a scripting language where you would need to care about this distinction.

But here is one simple solution: strdup, which is POSIX-standard, and is short for string duplicate. It works like this:

char *s3 = strdup("Thread");

The string Thread is still hardcoded into the program, but s3 is a copy of that constant blob, and so can be freely modified as you wish. With liberal use of strdup, you can treat all strings equally, without worrying about which are constant and which are pointers.

If you are unable to use the POSIX standard and are worried that you don’t have a copy of strdup on your machine, it’s easy enough to write a version for yourself. For example, we can once again use asprintf:


char *strdup(char const* in){

if (!in) return NULL;

char *out;

asprintf(&out, "%s", in);

return out;



And where does that HAVE_STRDUP macro come from? If you are using Autotools, then putting this line:

AC_CHECK_FUNCS([asprintf strdup])

into configure.ac would produce a segment in the configure script that generates a configure.h with HAVE_STRDUP and HAVE_ASPRINTF defined or not defined as appropriate.

Extending Strings with asprintf

Here is an example of the basic form for appending another bit of text to a string using asprintf:

asprintf(&q, "%s and another clause %s", q, addme);

I use this for generating database queries. I would put together a chain, such as this contrived example:

int col_number=3, person_number=27;

char *q =strdup("select ");

asprintf(&q, "%scol%i \n", q, col_number);

asprintf(&q, "%sfrom tab \n", q);

asprintf(&q, "%swhere person_id = %i", q, person_number);

And in the end I have:

select col3

from tab

where person_id = 27

This is a rather nice way of putting together a long and painful string, which becomes essential as the subclauses get convoluted.

But it’s a memory leak, because the blob at the original address of q isn’t released when q is given a new location by asprintf. For one-off string generation, it’s not even worth caring about—you can drop a few million query-length strings on the floor before anything noticeable happens.

If you are in a situation where you might produce an unknown number of strings of unknown length, then you will need a form like that in Example 9-4.

Example 9-4. A macro to cleanly extend strings (sasprintf.c)

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //free

//Safer asprintf macro

#define Sasprintf(write_to, ...) { \

char *tmp_string_for_extend = (write_to); \

asprintf(&(write_to), __VA_ARGS__); \

free(tmp_string_for_extend); \


//sample usage:

int main(){

int i=3;

char *q = NULL;

Sasprintf(q, "select * from tab");

Sasprintf(q, "%s where col%i is not null", q, i);

printf("%s\n", q);


The Sasprintf macro, plus occasional use of strdup, may be enough for all of your string-handling needs. Except for one glitch and the occasional free, you don’t have to think about memory issues at all.

The glitch is that if you forget to initialize q to NULL or via strdup, then the first use of the Sasprintf macro will be freeing whatever junk happened to be in the uninitialized location q—a segfault.

For example, the following fails—wrap that declaration in strdup to make it work:

char *q = "select * from"; //fails—needs strdup().

Sasprintf(q, "%s %s where col%i is not null", q, tablename, i);

In extensive usage, this sort of string concatenation can theoretically cause slowdowns, as the first part of the string gets rewritten over and over. In this case, you can use C as a prototyping language for C: if and only if the technique here proves to be too slow, take the time to replace it with more traditional snprintfs.

A Pæan to strtok

Tokenizing is the simplest and most common parsing problem, in which we split a string into parts at delimiters. This definition covers all sorts of tasks:

§ Splitting words at whitespace delimiters such as one of " \t\n\r"

§ Given a path such as "/usr/include:/usr/local/include:.", cutting it at the colons into the individual directories

§ Splitting a string into lines using a simple newline delimiter, "\n"

§ You might have a configuration file with lines of the form value = key, in which case your delimiter is "="

§ Comma-delimited values in a datafile are of course cut at the comma

Two levels of splitting will get you still further, such as reading a full configuration file by first splitting at newlines, then splitting each line at the =.


If your needs are more complex than splitting at single-character delimiters, you may need regular expressions. See “Parsing Regular Expressions” for a discussion of the POSIX-standard regular expression parsers and how they can pull subsections of strings for you.

Tokenizing comes up often enough that there’s a standard C library function to do it, strtok (string tokenize), which is one of those neat little functions that does its job quietly and well.

The basic working of strtok is to step through the string you input until it hits the first delimiter, then overwrite the delimiter with a '\0'. Now the first part of the input string is a valid string representing the first token, and strtok returns a pointer to the head of that substring for your use. The function holds the original string’s information internally, so when you call strtok again, it can search for the end of the next token, nullify that end, and return the head of that token as a valid string.

The head of each substring is a pointer to a spot within an already-allocated string, so the tokenizing does a minimum of data writing (just those \0s) and no copying. The immediate implication is that the string you input is mangled, and because substrings are pointers to the original string, you can’t free the input string until you are done using the substrings (or, you can use strdup to copy out the substrings as they come out).

The strtok function holds the rest of the string you first input in a single static internal pointer, meaning that it is limited to tokenizing one string (with one set of delimiters) at a time, and it can’t be used while threading. Therefore, consider strtok to be deprecated.

Instead, use strtok_r or strtok_s, which are threading-friendly versions of strtok. The POSIX standard provides strtok_r, and the C11 standard provides strtok_s. The use of either is a little awkward, because the first call is different from the subsequent calls.

§ The first time you call the function, send in the string to be parsed as the first argument.

§ On subsequent calls, send in NULL as the first argument.

§ The last argument is the scratch string. You don’t have to initialize it on first use; on subsequent uses it will hold the string as parsed so far.

Here’s a line counter for you (actually, a counter of nonblank lines; see warning later on). Tokenizing is often a one-liner in scripting languages, but this is about as brief as it gets with strtok_r. Notice the if ? then : else to send in the original string only on the first use.

#include <string.h> //strtok_r

int count_lines(char *instring){

int counter = 0;

char *scratch, *txt, *delimiter = "\n";

while ((txt = strtok_r(!counter ? instring : NULL, delimiter, &scratch)))


return counter;


The Unicode section will give a full example, as will the Cetology example of “Count References”.

The C11-standard strtok_s works just like strtok_r, but has an extra argument (the second) which gives the length of the input string, and is updated to shrink to the length of the remaining string on each call. If the input string is not \0-delimited, this extra element would be useful. We could redo the earlier example with:

#include <string.h> //strtok_s

//first use

size_t len = strlen(instring);

txt = strtok_s(instring, &len, delimiter, &scratch);

//subsequent use:

txt = strtok_s(NULL, &len, delimiter, &scratch);


Two or more delimiters in a row are treated as a single delimiter, meaning that blank tokens are simply ignored. For example, if your delimiter is ":" and you are asking strtok_r or strtok_s to break down /bin:/usr/bin::/opt/bin, then you will get the three directories in sequence—the :: is treated like a :. This is also why the preceding line counter is actually a nonblank line counter, as the double newline in a string like one \n\n three \n four (indicating that line two is blank) would be treated by strtok and its variants as a single newline.

Ignoring double delimiters is often what you want (as in the path example), but sometimes it isn’t, in which case you’ll need to think about how to detect double delimiters. If the string to be split was written by you, then be sure to generate the string with a marker for intentionally blank tokens. Writing a function to precheck strings for doubled delimiters is not too difficult (or try the BSD/GNU-standard strsep). For inputs from users, you can add stern warnings about not allowing delimiters to double up, and warn them of what to expect, like how the line-counter here ignores blank lines.

Example 9-6 presents a small library of string utilities that might be useful to you, including some of the macros from earlier in this book.

There are two key functions: string_from_file reads a complete file into a string. This saves us all the hassle of trying to read and process smaller chunks of a file. If you routinely deal with text files larger than a few gigabytes, you won’t be able to rely on this, but for situations in which text files never make it past a few megabytes, there’s no point screwing around with incrementally reading a text file one chunk at a time. I’ll use this function for several examples over the course of the book.

The second key function is ok_array_new, which tokenizes a string and writes the output to a struct, an ok_array.

Example 9-5 is the header.

Example 9-5. A header for a small set of string utilities (string_utilities.h)

#include <string.h>

#define _GNU_SOURCE //asks stdio.h to include asprintf

#include <stdio.h>

//Safe asprintf macro

#define Sasprintf(write_to, ...) { \ 1

char *tmp_string_for_extend = write_to; \

asprintf(&(write_to), __VA_ARGS__); \

free(tmp_string_for_extend); \


char *string_from_file(char const *filename);

typedef struct ok_array {

char **elements;

char *base_string;

int length;

} ok_array; 2

ok_array *ok_array_new(char *instring, char const *delimiters); 3

void ok_array_free(ok_array *ok_in);


This is the Sasprintf macro from earlier, reprinted for your convenience.


This is an array of tokens, which you get when you call ok_array_new to tokenize a string.


This is the wrapper to strtok_r that will produce the ok_array.

Example 9-6 does the work of having GLib read a file into a string and using strtok_r to turn a single string into an array of strings. You’ll see some examples of usage in Example 9-7, Example 12-2, and Example 12-3.

Example 9-6. Some useful string utilities (string_utilities.c)

#include <glib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "string_utilities.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include <assert.h>

#include <stdlib.h> //abort

char *string_from_file(char const *filename){

char *out;

GError *e = NULL;

GIOChannel *f = g_io_channel_new_file(filename, "r", &e); 1

if (!f) {

fprintf(stderr, "failed to open file '%s'.\n", filename);

return NULL;


if (g_io_channel_read_to_end(f, &out, NULL, &e) != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL){

fprintf(stderr, "found file '%s' but couldn't read it.\n", filename);

return NULL;


return out;


ok_array *ok_array_new(char *instring, char const *delimiters){ 2

ok_array *out= malloc(sizeof(ok_array));

*out = (ok_array){.base_string=instring};

char *scratch = NULL;

char *txt = strtok_r(instring, delimiters, &scratch);

if (!txt) return NULL;

while (txt) {

out->elements = realloc(out->elements, sizeof(char*)*++(out->length));

out->elements[out->length-1] = txt;

txt = strtok_r(NULL, delimiters, &scratch);


return out;


/* Frees the original string, because strtok_r mangled it, so it

isn't useful for any other purpose. */

void ok_array_free(ok_array *ok_in){

if (ok_in == NULL) return;





#ifdef test_ok_array

int main (){ 3

char *delimiters = " `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={[]}|\\;:\",<>./?\n";

ok_array *o = ok_array_new(strdup("Hello, reader. This is text."), delimiters);


assert(!strcmp(o->elements[1], "reader"));

assert(!strcmp(o->elements[4], "text"));






Although it doesn’t work in all situations, I’ve grown enamored of just reading an entire text file into memory at once, which is a fine example of eliminating programmer annoyances by throwing hardware at the problem. If we expect files to be too big for memory, we could use mmap(q.v.) to the same effect.


This is the wrapper to strtok_r. If you’ve read to this point, you are familiar with the while loop that is all but obligatory in its use, and the function here records the results from it into an ok_array struct.


If test_ok_array is not set, then this is a library for use elsewhere. If it is set (CFLAGS=-Dtest_ok_array), then it is a program that tests that ok_array_new works, by splitting the sample string at nonalphanumeric characters.


Back when all the computing action was in the United States, ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) defined a numeric code for all of the usual letters and symbols printed on a standard US QWERTY keyboard, which I will refer to as the naïve English character set. A C char is 8 bits (binary digits) = 1 byte = 256 possible values. ASCII defined 128 characters, so it fit into a single char with even a bit to spare. That is, the eighth bit of every ASCII character will be zero, which will turn out to be serendipitously useful later.

Unicode follows the same basic premise, assigning a hexadecimal numeric value, typically between 0000 and FFFF, to every glyph used for human communication.19 By custom, these code points are written in the form U+0000. The work is much more ambitious and challenging, because it requires cataloging all the usual Western letters, tens of thousands of Chinese and Japanese characters, all the requisite glyphs for Ugaritic, Deseret, and so on, throughout the world and throughout human history.

The next question is how it is to be encoded, and at this point, things start to fall apart. The primary question is how many bytes to set as the unit of analysis. UTF-32 (UTF stands for UCS Transformation Format; UCS stands for Universal Character Set) specifies 32 bits = 4 bytes as the basic unit, which means that every character can be encoded in a single unit, at the cost of a voluminous amount of empty padding, given that naïve English can be written with only 7 bits. UTF-16 uses 2 bytes as the basic unit, which handles most characters comfortably with a single unit but requires that some characters be written down using two. UTF-8 uses 1 byte as its unit, meaning still more code points written down via multiunit amalgams.

I like to think about the UTF encodings as a sort of trivial encryption. For every code point, there is a single byte sequence in UTF-8, a single byte sequence in UTF-16, and a single byte sequence in UTF-32, none of which are necessarily related. Barring an exception discussed below, there is no reason to expect that the code point and any of the encrypted values are numerically the same, or even related in an obvious way, but I know that a properly programmed decoder can easily and unambiguously translate among the UTF encodings and the correct Unicode code point.

What do the machines of the world choose? On the Web, there is a clear winner: as of this writing over 81% of websites use UTF-8.20 Also, Mac and Linux boxes default to using UTF-8 for everything, so you have good odds that an unmarked text file on a Mac or Linux box is in UTF-8.

About 10% of the world’s websites still aren’t using Unicode at all, but are using a relatively archaic format, ISO/IEC 8859 (which has code pages, with names like Latin-1). And Windows, the free-thinking flipping-off-the-POSIX-man operating system, uses UTF-16.

Displaying Unicode is up to your host operating system, and it already has a lot of work to do. For example, when printing the naïve English set, each character gets one spot on the line of text, but the Hebrew בּ = b, for instance, can be written as a combination of ב (U+05D1) and ּ (U+05BC). Vowels are added to the consonant to further build the character: בָּ = ba (U+05D1 and U+05BC and U+05B8). And how many bytes it takes to express these three code points in UTF-8 (in this case, six) is another unrelated layer. Now, when we talk about string length, we could mean number of code points, width on the screen, or the number of bytes required to express the string.

So, as the author of a program that needs to communicate with humans who speak all kinds of languages, what are your responsibilities? You need to:

§ Work out what encoding the host system is using, so that you aren’t fooled into using the wrong encoding to read inputs and can send back outputs that the host can correctly decode

§ Successfully store text somewhere, unmangled

§ Recognize that one character is not a fixed number of bytes, so any base-plus-offset code you write (given a Unicode string us, things like us++) may give you fragments of a code point

§ Have on hand utilities to do any sort of comprehension of text: toupper and tolower work only for naïve English, so we will need replacements

Meeting these responsibilities will require picking the right internal encoding to prevent mangling, and having on hand a good library to help us when we need to decode.

The Encoding for C Code

The choice of internal coding is especially easy. UTF-8 was designed for you, the C programmer.

§ The UTF-8 unit is 8 bits: a char.21 It is entirely valid to write a UTF-8 string to a char * string, as with naïve English text.

§ The first 128 Unicode code points exactly match ASCII. For example, A is 41 (hexadecimal) in ASCII and is Unicode code point U+0041. Therefore, if your Unicode text happens to consist entirely of naïve English, then you can use the usual ASCII-oriented utilities on them, or UTF-8 utilities. If the eighth bit of a char is 0, then the char represents an ASCII character; if it is 1, then that char is one chunk of a multibyte character. Thus, no part of a UTF-8 non-ASCII Unicode character will ever match an ASCII character.

§ U+0000 is a valid code point, which we C authors like to write as '\0'. Because \0 is the ASCII zero as well, this rule is a special case of the last one. This is important because a UTF-8 string with one \0 at the end is exactly what we need for a valid C char * string. Recall how the unit for UTF-16 and UTF-32 is several bytes long, and for naïve English, there will be padding for most of the unit; that means that the first 8 bits have very good odds of being entirely zero, which means that dumping UTF-16 or UTF-32 text to a char * variable is likely to give you a string littered with null bytes.

So we C coders have been well taken care of: UTF-8 encoded text can be stored and copied with the char * string type we have been using all along. Now that one character may be several bytes long, be careful not to change the order of any of the bytes and to never split a multibyte character. If you aren’t doing these things, you’re as OK as you would be if the string were naïve English. Therefore, here is a partial list of standard library functions that are UTF-8 safe:

§ strdup and strndup

§ strcat and strncat

§ strcpy and strncpy

§ The POSIX basename and dirname

§ strcmp and strncmp, but only if you use them as zero/nonzero functions to determine whether two strings are equal. If you want to meaningfully sort, you will need a collation function; see the next section.

§ strstr

§ printf and family, including sprintf, where %s is still the marker to use for a string

§ strtok_r, strtok_s and strsep, provided that you are splitting at an ASCII character like one of " \t\n\r:|;,"

§ strlen and strnlen, but recognize that you will get the number of bytes, which is not the number of Unicode code points or width on the screen. For these you’ll need a new library function, as discussed in the next section.

These are pure byte-slinging functions, but most of what we want to do with text requires decoding it, which brings us to the libraries.

Unicode Libraries

Our first order of business is to convert from whatever the rest of the world dumped on us to UTF-8 so that we can use the data internally. That is, you’ll need gatekeeper functions that encode incoming strings to UTF-8, and decode outgoing strings from UTF-8 to whatever the recipient wants on the other end, leaving you safe to do all internal work in one sensible encoding.

This is how Libxml (which we’ll meet in “libxml and cURL”) works: a well-formed XML document states its encoding at the header (and the library has a set of rules for guessing if the encoding declaration is missing), so Libxml knows what translation to do. Libxml parses the document into an internal format, and then you can query and edit that internal format. Barring errors, you are guaranteed that the internal format will be UTF-8, because Libxml doesn’t want to deal with alternate encodings either.

If you have to do your own translations at the door, then you have the POSIX-standard iconv function. This is going to be an unbelievably complicated function, given that there are so many encodings to deal with. The GNU provides a portable libiconv in case your computer doesn’t have the function on hand.


The POSIX standard also specifies that there be a command-line iconv program, a shell-friendly wrapper to the C function.

GLib provides a few wrappers to iconv, and the ones you’re going to care about are g_locale_to_utf8 and g_locale_from_utf8. And while you’re in the GLib manual, you’ll see a long section on Unicode manipulation tools. You’ll see that there are two types: those that act on UTF-8 and those that act on UTF-32 (which GLib stores via a gunichar).

Recall that 8 bits is not nearly enough to express all characters in one unit, so a single character is between one and six units long. Thus, UTF-8 counts as a multibyte encoding, and therefore, the problems you’ll have are getting the true length of the string (using a character-count or screen-width definition of length), getting the next full character, getting a substring, or getting a comparison for sorting purposes (a.k.a. collating).

UTF-32 has enough padding to express any character with the same number of blocks, and so it is called a wide character. You’ll often see reference to multibyte-to-wide conversions; this is the sort of thing they’re talking about.

Once you have a single character in UTF-32 (GLib’s gunichar), you’ll have no problem doing character-content things with it, like getting its type (alpha, numeric, …), converting it to upper- or lowercase, et cetera.

If you read the C standard, you no doubt noticed that it includes a wide character type, and all sorts of functions to go with it. The wchar_t is from C89, and therefore predates the publication of the first Unicode standard. I’m not sure what it’s useful for anymore. The width of a wchar_tisn’t fixed by the standard, so it could mean 32-bit or 16-bit (or anything else). Compilers on Windows machines like to set it at 16-bit, to accommodate Microsoft’s preference for UTF-16, but UTF-16 is still a multibyte encoding, so we need yet another type to guarantee a true fixed-width encoding. C11 fixes this by providing a char16_t and char32_t, but we don’t have much code written around those types yet.

The Sample Code

Example 9-7 presents a program to take in a file and break it into “words,” by which I mean use strtok_r to break it at spaces and newlines, which are pretty universal. For each word, I use GLib to convert the first character from multibyte UTF-8 to wide character UTF-32, and then comment on whether that first character is a letter, a number, or a CJK-type wide symbol (where CJK stands for Chinese/Japanese/Korean, which are often printed with more space per character).

The string_from_file function reads the whole input file to a string, then localstring_to_utf8 converts it from the locale of your machine to UTF-8. The notable thing about my use of strtok_r is that there is nothing notable. If I’m splitting at spaces and newlines, then I can guarantee you that I’m not splitting a multibyte character in half.

I output to HTML, because then I can specify UTF-8 and not worry about the encoding on the output side. If you have a UTF-16 host, open the output file in your browser.

Because this program uses GLib and string_utilities, my makefile looks like:

CFLAGS==`pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` -g -Wall -O3

LDADD=`pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`



unicode: $(objects)

For another example of Unicode character dealings, see Example 10-21, which enumerates every character in every UTF-8-valid file in a directory.

Example 9-7. Take in a text file and print some useful information about its characters (unicode.c)

#include <glib.h>

#include <locale.h> //setlocale

#include "string_utilities.h"

#include "stopif.h"

//Frees instring for you—we can't use it for anything else.

char *localstring_to_utf8(char *instring){ 1

GError *e=NULL;

setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); //get the OS's locale.

char *out = g_locale_to_utf8(instring, -1, NULL, NULL, &e);

free(instring); //done with the original

Stopif(!g_utf8_validate(out, -1, NULL), free(out); return NULL,

"Trouble: I couldn't convert your file to a valid UTF-8 string.");

return out;


int main(int argc, char **argv){

Stopif(argc==1, return 1, "Please give a filename as an argument. "

"I will print useful info about it to uout.html.");

char *ucs = localstring_to_utf8(string_from_file(argv[1]));

Stopif(!ucs, return 1, "Exiting.");

FILE *out = fopen("uout.html", "w");

Stopif(!out, return 1, "Couldn't open uout.html for writing.");

fprintf(out, "<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "

"content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n");

fprintf(out, "This document has %li characters.<br>",

g_utf8_strlen(ucs, -1)); 2

fprintf(out, "Its Unicode encoding required %zu bytes.<br>", strlen(ucs));

fprintf(out, "Here it is, with each space-delimited element on a line "

"(with commentary on the first character):<br>");

ok_array *spaced = ok_array_new(ucs, " \n"); 3

for (int i=0; i< spaced->length; i++, (spaced->elements)++){

fprintf(out, "%s", *spaced->elements);

gunichar c = g_utf8_get_char(*spaced->elements); 4

if (g_unichar_isalpha(c)) fprintf(out, " (a letter)");

if (g_unichar_isdigit(c)) fprintf(out, " (a digit)");

if (g_unichar_iswide(c)) fprintf(out, " (wide, CJK)");

fprintf(out, "<br>");



printf("Info printed to uout.html. Have a look at it in your browser.\n");



This is the incoming gateway, which converts from whatever it is that your box likes to use to UTF-8. There’s no outgoing gateway because I write to an HTML file, and browsers know how to deal with UTF-8. An outgoing gateway would look a lot like this function, but useg_locale_from_utf8.


strlen is one of those functions that assumes one character equals 1 byte, and so we need a replacement for it.


Use the ok_array_new function from earlier in the chapter to split at spaces and newlines.


Here are some per-character operations, which will only work after you convert from the multibyte UTF-8 to a fixed-width (wide-character) encoding.


Your program probably writes a lot of messages to readers, such as error messages and prompts for user input. Truly user-friendly software has translations of these bits of text in as many human languages as possible. GNU Gettext provides a framework for organizing the translations. The Gettext manual is pretty readable, so I refer you there for details, but here is a rough overview of the procedure to give you a sense of the system:

§ Replace every instance of "Human message" in your code with _("Human message"). The underscore is a macro that will eventually expand to a function call that selects the right string given the user’s runtime locale.

§ Run xgettext to produce an index of strings that need translating, in the form of a portable object template (.pot) file.

§ Send the .pot file to your colleagues around the globe who speak diverse languages, so they can send you .po files providing translations of the strings for their language.

§ Add AM_GNU_GETTEXT to your configure.ac (along with any optional macros to specify where to find the .po files and other such details).

19 The range from 0000 to FFFF is the basic multilingual plane (BMP), and includes most but not all of the characters used in modern languages. Later code points (conceivably from 10000 to 10FFFF) are in the supplementary planes, including mathematical symbols (like the symbol for the real numbers, ℝ) and a unified set of CJK ideographs. If you are one of the ten million Chinese Miao, or one of the hundreds of thousands of Indian Sora Sompeng or Chakma speakers, your language is here. Yes, the great majority of text can be expressed with the BMP, but rest assured that if you assume that all text is in the Unicode range below FFFF, then you will be wrong on a regular basis.

20 See Web Technology Surveys

21 There may once have been ASCII-oriented machines where compilers used 7-bit chars, but C99 and C11 § define CHAR_BIT to be 8 or more; see also §, which defines a byte as CHAR_BIT bits.