Classes - Abstraction Mechanisms - The C++ Programming Language (2013)

The C++ Programming Language (2013)

Part III: Abstraction Mechanisms

This part describes C++’s facilities for defining and using new types. Techniques commonly called object-oriented programming and generic programming are presented.


16 Classes

17 Construction, Cleanup, Copy, and Move

18 Operator Overloading

19 Special Operators

20 Derived Classes

21 Class Hierarchies

22 Run-Time Type Information

23 Templates

24 Generic Programming

25 Specialization

26 Instantiation

27 Templates and Hierarchies

28 Metaprogramming

29 A Matrix Design

“... there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer makes enemies of all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order...”

- Niccolò Machiavelli (“The Prince” §vi)

16. Classes

Those types are not “abstract”; they are as real as int and float.

- Doug McIlroy


Class Basics

Member Functions; Default Copying; Access Control; class and struct; Constructors; explicit Constructors; In-Class Initializers; In-Class Function Definitions; Mutability; Self-Reference; Member Access; static Members; Member Types

Concrete Classes

Member Functions; Helper Functions; Overloaded Operators; The Significance of Concrete Classes


16.1. Introduction

C++ classes are a tool for creating new types that can be used as conveniently as the built-in types. In addition, derived classes (§3.2.4, Chapter 20) and templates (§3.4, Chapter 23) allow the programmer to express (hierachical and parametric) relationships among classes and to take advantage of such relationships.

A type is a concrete representation of a concept (an idea, a notion, etc.). For example, the C++ built-in type float with its operations +, -, *, etc., provides a concrete approximation of the mathematical concept of a real number. A class is a user-defined type. We design a new type to provide a definition of a concept that has no direct counterpart among the built-in types. For example, we might provide a type Trunk_line in a program dealing with telephony, a type Explosion for a video game, or a type list<Paragraph> for a text-processing program. A program that provides types that closely match the concepts of the application tends to be easier to understand, easier to reason about, and easier to modify than a program that does not. A well-chosen set of user-defined types also makes a program more concise. In addition, it makes many sorts of code analysis feasible. In particular, it enables the compiler to detect illegal uses of objects that would otherwise be found only through exhaustive testing.

The fundamental idea in defining a new type is to separate the incidental details of the implementation (e.g., the layout of the data used to store an object of the type) from the properties essential to the correct use of it (e.g., the complete list of functions that can access the data). Such a separation is best expressed by channeling all uses of the data structure and its internal housekeeping routines through a specific interface.

This chapter focuses on relatively simple “concrete” user-defined types that logically don’t differ much from built-in types:

§16.2 Class Basics introduces the basic facilities for defining a class and its members.

§16.3 Concrete Classes discusses the design of elegant and efficient concrete classes.

The following chapters go into greater detail and presents abstract classes and class hierarchies:

Chapter 17

Construction, Cleanup, Copy, and Move presents the variety of ways to control initialization of objects of a class, how to copy and move objects, and how to provide “cleanup actions” to be performed when an object is destroyed (e.g., goes out of scope).

Chapter 18

Operator Overloading explains how to define unary and binary operators (such as +, *, and !) for user-defined types and how to use them.

Chapter 19

Special Operators considers how to define and use operators (such as [], (), ->, new) that are “special” in that they are commonly used in ways that differ from arithmetic and logical operators. In particular, this chapter shows how to define a string class.

Chapter 20

Derived Classes introduces the basic language features supporting object-oriented programming. Base and derived classes, virtual functions, and access control are covered.

Chapter 21

Class Hierarchies focuses on the use of base and derived classes to effectively organize code around the notion of class hierarchies. Most of this chapter is devoted to discussion of programming techniques, but technical aspects of multiple inheritance (classes with more than one base class) are also covered.

Chapter 22

Run-Time Type Information describes the techniques for explicitly navigating class hierarchies. In particular, the type conversion operations dynamic_cast and static_cast are presented, as is the operation for determining the type of an object given one of its base classes (typeid).

16.2. Class Basics

Here is a very brief summary of classes:

• A class is a user-defined type.

• A class consists of a set of members. The most common kinds of members are data members and member functions.

• Member functions can define the meaning of initialization (creation), copy, move, and cleanup (destruction).

• Members are accessed using . (dot) for objects and -> (arrow) for pointers.

• Operators, such as +, !, and [], can be defined for a class.

• A class is a namespace containing its members.

• The public members provide the class’s interface and the private members provide implementation details.

• A struct is a class where members are by default public.

For example:

class X {
private: //
the representation (implementation) is private
int m;
public: //
the user interface is public
X(int i =0) :m{i} { } // a constructor (initialize the data member m)

int mf(int i) // a member function
int old = m;
m = i; //
set a new value
return old; // return the old value

X var {7}; // a variable of type X, initialized to 7

int user(X var, X* ptr)
int x =; //
access using . (dot)
int y = ptr->mf(9); // access using -> (arrow)
int z = var.m; // error: cannot access private member

The following sections expand on this and give rationale. The style is tutorial: a gradual development of ideas, with details postponed until later.

16.2.1. Member Functions

Consider implementing the concept of a date using a struct2.3.1, §8.2) to define the representation of a Date and a set of functions for manipulating variables of this type:

struct Date { // representation
int d, m, y;

void init_date(Date& d, int, int, int); // initialize d
void add_year(Date& d, int n); // add n years to d
void add_month(Date& d, int n); // add n months to d
void add_day(Date& d, int n); // add n days to d

There is no explicit connection between the data type, Date, and these functions. Such a connection can be established by declaring the functions as members:

struct Date {
int d, m, y;

void init(int dd, int mm, int yy); // initialize
void add_year(int n); // add n years
void add_month(int n); // add n months
void add_day(int n); // add n days

Functions declared within a class definition (a struct is a kind of class; §16.2.4) are called member functions and can be invoked only for a specific variable of the appropriate type using the standard syntax for structure member access (§8.2). For example:

Date my_birthday;

void f()

Date today;


Date tomorrow = today;

Because different structures can have member functions with the same name, we must specify the structure name when defining a member function:

void Date::init(int dd, int mm, int yy)
d = dd;
m = mm;
y = yy;

In a member function, member names can be used without explicit reference to an object. In that case, the name refers to that member of the object for which the function was invoked. For example, when Date::init() is invoked for today, m=mm assigns to today.m. On the other hand, whenDate::init() is invoked for my_birthday, m=mm assigns to my_birthday.m. A class member function “knows” for which object it was invoked. But see §16.2.12 for the notion of a static member.

16.2.2. Default Copying

By default, objects can be copied. In particular, a class object can be initialized with a copy of an object of its class. For example:

Date d1 = my_birthday; // initialization by copy
Date d2 {my_birthday}; // initialization by copy

By default, the copy of a class object is a copy of each member. If that default is not the behavior wanted for a class X, a more appropriate behavior can be provided (§3.3, §17.5).

Similarly, class objects can by default be copied by assignment. For example:

void f(Date& d)
d = my_birthday;

Again, the default semantics is memberwise copy. If that is not the right choice for a class X, the user can define an appropriate assignment operator (§3.3, §17.5).

16.2.3. Access Control

The declaration of Date in the previous subsection provides a set of functions for manipulating a Date. However, it does not specify that those functions should be the only ones to depend directly on Date’s representation and the only ones to directly access objects of class Date. This restriction can be expressed by using a class instead of a struct:

class Date {
int d, m, y;
void init(int dd, int mm, int yy); //

void add_year(int n); // add n years
void add_month(int n); // add n months
void add_day(int n); // add n days

The public label separates the class body into two parts. The names in the first, private, part can be used only by member functions. The second, public, part constitutes the public interface to objects of the class. A struct is simply a class whose members are public by default (§16.2.4); member functions can be defined and used exactly as before. For example:

void Date::add_year(int n)
y += n;

However, nonmember functions are barred from using private members. For example:

void timewarp(Date& d)
d.y -= 200; //
error: Date::y is private

The init() function is now essential because making the data private forces us to provide a way of initializing members. For example:

Date dx;
dx.m = 3; //
error: m is private
dx.init(25,3,2011); // OK

There are several benefits to be obtained from restricting access to a data structure to an explicitly declared list of functions. For example, any error causing a Date to take on an illegal value (for example, December 36, 2016) must be caused by code in a member function. This implies that the first stage of debugging - localization - is completed before the program is even run. This is a special case of the general observation that any change to the behavior of the type Date can and must be effected by changes to its members. In particular, if we change the representation of a class, we need only change the member functions to take advantage of the new representation. User code directly depends only on the public interface and need not be rewritten (although it may need to be recompiled). Another advantage is that a potential user need examine only the definitions of the member functions in order to learn to use a class. A more subtle, but most significant, advantage is that focusing on the design of a good interface simply leads to better code because thoughts and time otherwise devoted to debugging are expended on concerns related to proper use.

The protection of private data relies on restriction of the use of the class member names. It can therefore be circumvented by address manipulation (§7.4.1) and explicit type conversion (§11.5). But this, of course, is cheating. C++ protects against accident rather than deliberate circumvention (fraud). Only hardware can offer perfect protection against malicious use of a general-purpose language, and even that is hard to do in realistic systems.

16.2.4. class and struct

The construct

class X { ... };

is called a class definition; it defines a type called X. For historical reasons, a class definition is often referred to as a class declaration. Also, like declarations that are not definitions, a class definition can be replicated in different source files using #include without violating the one-definition rule (§15.2.3).

By definition, a struct is a class in which members are by default public; that is,

struct S { /* ... */ };

is simply shorthand for

class S { public: /* ... */ };

These two definitions of S are interchangeable, though it is usually wise to stick to one style. Which style you use depends on circumstances and taste. I tend to use struct for classes that I think of as “just simple data structures.” If I think of a class as “a proper type with an invariant,” I useclass. Constructors and access functions can be quite useful even for structs, but as a shorthand rather than guarantors of invariants (§, §13.4).

By default, members of a class are private:

class Date1 {
int d, m, y; //
private by default
Date1(int dd, int mm, int yy);
void add_year(int n); //
add n years

However, we can also use the access specifier private: to say that the members following are private, just as public: says that the members following are public:

struct Date2 {
int d, m, y;

Date2(int dd, int mm, int yy);
void add_year(int n); //
add n years

Except for the different name, Date1 and Date2 are equivalent.

It is not a requirement to declare data first in a class. In fact, it often makes sense to place data members last to emphasize the functions providing the public user interface. For example:

class Date3 {

Date3(int dd, int mm, int yy);
void add_year(int n); //
add n years
int d, m, y;

In real code, where both the public interface and the implementation details typically are more extensive than in tutorial examples, I usually prefer the style used for Date3.

Access specifiers can be used many times in a single class declaration. For example:

class Date4 {

Date4(int dd, int mm, int yy);
int d, m, y;
void add_year(int n); //
add n years

Having more than one public section, as in Date4, tends to be messy, though, and might affect the object layout (§20.5). So does having more than one private section. However, allowing many access specifiers in a class is useful for machine-generated code.

16.2.5. Constructors

The use of functions such as init() to provide initialization for class objects is inelegant and error-prone. Because it is nowhere stated that an object must be initialized, a programmer can forget to do so - or do so twice (often with equally disastrous results). A better approach is to allow the programmer to declare a function with the explicit purpose of initializing objects. Because such a function constructs values of a given type, it is called a constructor. A constructor is recognized by having the same name as the class itself. For example:

class Date {
int d, m, y;

Date(int dd, int mm, int yy); // constructor
// ...

When a class has a constructor, all objects of that class will be initialized by a constructor call. If the constructor requires arguments, these arguments must be supplied:

Date today = Date(23,6,1983);
Date xmas(25,12,1990); // abbreviated form
Date my_birthday; // error: initializer missing
Date release1_0(10,12); // error: third argument missing

Since a constructor defines initialization for a class, we can use the {}-initializer notation:

Date today = Date {23,6,1983};
Date xmas {25,12,1990}; // abbreviated form
Date release1_0 {10,12}; // error: third argument missing

I recommend the {} notation over the () notation for initialization because it is explicit about what is being done (initialization), avoids some potential mistakes, and can be used consistently (§2.2.2, §6.3.5). There are cases where () notation must be used (§4.4.1, §, but they are rare.

By providing several constructors, we can provide a variety of ways of initializing objects of a type. For example:

class Date {
int d, m, y;

// ...

Date(int, int, int); // day, month, year
Date(int, int); // day, month, today's year
Date(int); // day, today's month and year
Date(); // default Date: today
Date(const char*); // date in string representation

Constructors obey the same overloading rules as do ordinary functions (§12.3). As long as the constructors differ sufficiently in their argument types, the compiler can select the correct one for a use:

Date today {4}; // 4, today.m, today.y
Date july4 {"July 4, 1983"};
Date guy {5,11}; // 5, November, today.y
Date now; // default initialized as today
Date start {}; // default initialized as today

The proliferation of constructors in the Date example is typical. When designing a class, a programmer is always tempted to add features just because somebody might want them. It takes more thought to carefully decide what features are really needed and to include only those. However, that extra thought typically leads to smaller and more comprehensible programs. One way of reducing the number of related functions is to use default arguments (§12.2.5). For Date, each argument can be given a default value interpreted as “pick the default: today.”

class Date {
int d, m, y;

Date(int dd =0, int mm =0, int yy =0);

Date::Date(int dd, int mm, int yy)
d = dd ? dd : today.d;
m = mm ? mm : today.m;
y = yy ? yy : today.y;

// check that the Date is valid

When an argument value is used to indicate “pick the default,” the value chosen must be outside the set of possible values for the argument. For day and month, this is clearly so, but for year, zero may not be an obvious choice. Fortunately, there is no year zero on the European calendar; 1AD (year==1) comes immediately after 1BC (year==-1).

Alternatively, we could use the default values directly as default arguments:

class Date {
int d, m, y;

Date(int dd =today.d, int mm =today.m, int yy =today.y);

Date::Date(int dd, int mm, int yy)

// check that the Date is valid

However, I chose to use 0 to avoid building actual values into Date’s interface. That way, we have the option to later improve the implementation of the default.

Note that by guaranteeing proper initialization of objects, the constructors greatly simplify the implementation of member functions. Given constructors, other member functions no longer have to deal with the possibility of uninitialized data (§16.3.1).

16.2.6. explicit Constructors

By default, a constructor invoked by a single argument acts as an implicit conversion from its argument type to its type. For example:

complex<double> d {1}; // d=={1,0} (§5.6.2)

Such implicit conversions can be extremely useful. Complex numbers are an example: if we leave out the imaginary part, we get a complex number on the real axis. That’s exactly what mathematics requires. However, in many cases, such conversions can be a significant source of confusion and errors. Consider Date:

void my_fct(Date d);

void f()

Date d {15}; // plausible: x becomes {15,today.m,today.y}
// ...
my_fct(15); // obscure
d = 15; // obscure
// ...

At best, this is obscure. There is no clear logical connection between the number 15 and a Date independently of the intricacies of our code.

Fortunately, we can specify that a constructor is not used as an implicit conversion. A constructor declared with the keyword explicit can only be used for initialization and explicit conversions. For example:

class Date {
int d, m, y;
explicit Date(int dd =0, int mm =0, int yy =0);

Date d1 {15}; // OK: considered explicit
Date d2 = Date{15}; // OK: explicit
Date d3 = {15}; // error: = initialization does not do implicit conversions
Date d4 = 15; // error: = initialization does not do implicit conversions

void f()
my_fct(15); //
error: argument passing does not do implicit conversions
my_fct({15}); // error: argument passing does not do implicit conversions
my_fct(Date{15}); // OK: explicit
// ...

An initialization with an = is considered a copy initialization. In principle, a copy of the initializer is placed into the initialized object. However, such a copy may be optimized away (elided), and a move operation (§3.3.2, §17.5.2) may be used if the initializer is an rvalue (§6.4.1). Leaving out the = makes the initialization explicit. Explicit initialization is known as direct initialization.

By default, declare a constructor that can be called with a single argument explicit. You need a good reason not to do so (as for complex). If you define an implicit constructor, it is best to document your reason or a maintainer may suspect that you were forgetful (or ignorant).

If a constructor is declared explicit and defined outside the class, that explicit cannot be repeated:

class Date {
int d, m, y;
explicit Date(int dd);

Date::Date(int dd) { /* ... */ } // OK
explicit Date::Date(int dd) { /* ... */ } // error

Most examples where explicit is important involve a single constructor argument. However, explicit can also be useful for constructors with zero or more than one argument. For example:

struct X {
explicit X();
explicit X(int,int);

X x1 = {}; // error: implicit
X x2 = {1,2}; // error: implicit

X x3 {}; // OK: explicit
X x4 {1,2}; // OK: explicit

int f(X);

int i1 = f({}); // error: implicit
int i2 = f({1,2}); // error: implicit

int i3 = f(X{}); // OK: explicit
int i4 = f(X{1,2}); // OK: explicit

The distinction between direct and copy initialization is maintained for list initialization (§

16.2.7. In-Class Initializers

When we use several constructors, member initialization can become repetitive. For example:

class Date {
int d, m, y;

Date(int, int, int); // day, month, year
Date(int, int); // day, month, today's year
Date(int); // day, today's month and year
Date(); // default Date: today
Date(const char*); // date in string representation
// ...

We can deal with that by introducing default arguments to reduce the number of constructors (§16.2.5). Alternatively, we can add initializers to data members:

class Date {
int d {today.d};
int m {today.m};
int y {today.y};

Date(int, int, int); // day, month, year
Date(int, int); // day, month, today's year
Date(int); // day, today's month and year
Date(); // default Date: today
Date(const char*); // date in string representation
// ...

Now, each constructor has the d, m, and y initialized unless it does it itself. For example:

Date::Date(int dd)

// check that the Date is valid

This is equivalent to:

Date::Date(int dd)
:d{dd}, m{today.m}, y{today.y}

// check that the Date is valid

16.2.8. In-Class Function Definitions

A member function defined within the class definition - rather than simply declared there - is taken to be an inline (§12.1.5) member function. That is, in-class definition of member functions is for small, rarely modified, frequently used functions. Like the class definition it is part of, a member function defined in-class can be replicated in several translation units using #include. Like the class itself, the member function’s meaning must be the same wherever it is #included (§15.2.3).

A member can refer to another member of its class independently of where that member is defined (§6.3.4). Consider:

class Date {
void add_month(int n) { m+=n; } //
increment the Date's m
// ...
int d, m, y;

That is, function and data member declarations are order independent. I could equivalently have written:

class Date {
void add_month(int n) { m+=n; } //
increment the Date's m
// ...
int d, m, y;

inline void Date::add_month(int n) // add n months
m+=n; //
increment the Date's m

This latter style is often used to keep class definitions simple and easy to read. It also provides a textual separation of a class’s interface and implementation.

Obviously, I simplified the definition of Date::add_month; just adding n and hoping to hit a good date is too naive (§16.3.1).

16.2.9. Mutability

We can define a named object as a constant or as a variable. In other words, a name can refer to an object that holds an immutable or a mutable value. Since the precise terminology can be a bit clumsy, we end up referring to some variables as being constant or briefer still to const variables. However odd that may sound to a native English speaker, the concept is useful and deeply embedded in the C++ type system. Systematic use of immutable objects leads to more comprehensible code, to more errors being found early, and sometimes to improved performance. In particular, immutability is a most useful property in a multi-threaded program (§5.3, Chapter 41).

To be useful beyond the definition of simple constants of built-in types, we must be able to define functions that operate on const objects of user-defined types. For freestanding functions that means functions that take const T& arguments. For classes it means that we must be able to define member functions that work on const objects. Constant Member Functions

The Date as defined so far provides member functions for giving a Date a value. Unfortunately, we didn’t provide a way of examining the value of a Date. This problem can easily be remedied by adding functions for reading the day, month, and year:

class Date {
int d, m, y;
int day() const { return d; }
int month() const { return m; }
int year() const;

void add_year(int n); //add n years
// ...

The const after the (empty) argument list in the function declarations indicates that these functions do not modify the state of a Date.

Naturally, the compiler will catch accidental attempts to violate this promise. For example:

int Date::year() const
return ++y; //
error: attempt to change member value in const function

When a const member function is defined outside its class, the const suffix is required:

int Date::year() // error: const missing in member function type
return y;

In other words, const is part of the type of Date::day(), Date::month(), and Date::year().

A const member function can be invoked for both const and non-const objects, whereas a non-const member function can be invoked only for non-const objects. For example:

void f(Date& d, const Date& cd)
int i = d.year(); //
d.add_year(1); // OK

int j = cd.year(); // OK
cd.add_year(1); // error: cannot change value of a const Date
} Physical and Logical Constness

Occasionally, a member function is logically const, but it still needs to change the value of a member. That is, to a user, the function appears not to change the state of its object, but some detail that the user cannot directly observe is updated. This is often called logical constness. For example, the Date class might have a function returning a string representation. Constructing this representation could be a relatively expensive operation. Therefore, it would make sense to keep a copy so that repeated requests would simply return the copy, unless the Date’s value had been changed. Caching values like that is more common for more complicated data structures, but let’s see how it can be achieved for a Date:

class Date {

// ...
string string_rep() const; // string representation
bool cache_valid;
string cache;
void compute_cache_value(); //
fill cache
// ...

From a user’s point of view, string_rep doesn’t change the state of its Date, so it clearly should be a const member function. On the other hand, the cache and cache_valid members must change occasionally for the design to make sense.

Such problems could be solved through brute force using a cast, for example, a const_cast11.5.2). However, there are also reasonably elegant solutions that do not involve messing with type rules. mutable

We can define a member of a class to be mutable, meaning that it can be modified even in a const object:

class Date {

// ...
string string_rep() const; // string representation
mutable bool cache_valid;
mutable string cache;
void compute_cache_value() const; //
fill (mutable) cache
// ...

Now we can define string_rep() in the obvious way:

string Date::string_rep() const
if (!cache_valid) {
cache_valid = true;
return cache;

We can now use string_rep() for both const and non-const objects. For example:

void f(Date d, const Date cd)
string s1 = d.string_rep();
string s2 = cd.string_rep(); //
// ...
} Mutability through Indirection

Declaring a member mutable is most appropriate when only a small part of a representation of a small object is allowed to change. More complicated cases are often better handled by placing the changing data in a separate object and accessing it indirectly. If that technique is used, the string-with-cache example becomes:

struct cache {
bool valid;
string rep;

class Date {

// ...
string string_rep() const; // string representation
cache* c; //
initialize in constructor
void compute_cache_value() const; // fill what cache refers to
// ...

string Date::string_rep() const
if (!c->valid) {
c->valid = true;
return c->rep;

The programming techniques that support a cache generalize to various forms of lazy evaluation.

Note that const does not apply (transitively) to objects accessed through pointers or references. The human reader may consider such an object as “a kind of subobject,” but the compiler does not know such pointers or references to be any different from any others. That is, a member pointer does not have any special semantics that distinguish it from other pointers.

16.2.10. Self-Reference

The state update functions add_year(), add_month(), and add_day()16.2.3) were defined not to return values. For such a set of related update functions, it is often useful to return a reference to the updated object so that the operations can be chained. For example, we would like to write:

void f(Date& d)

// ...

to add a day, a month, and a year to d. To do this, each function must be declared to return a reference to a Date:

class Date {
// ...
Date& add_year(int n); // add n years
Date& add_month(int n); // add n months
Date& add_day(int n); // add n days

Each (non-static) member function knows for which object it was invoked and can explicitly refer to it. For example:

Date& Date::add_year(int n)
if (d==29 && m==2 && !leapyear(y+n)) { //
beware of February 29
d = 1;
m = 3;
y += n;
return *this;

The expression *this refers to the object for which a member function is invoked.

In a non-static member function, the keyword this is a pointer to the object for which the function was invoked. In a non-const member function of class X, the type of this is X*. However, this is considered an rvalue, so it is not possible to take the address of this or to assign to this. In aconst member function of class X, the type of this is const X* to prevent modification of the object itself (see also §7.5).

Most uses of this are implicit. In particular, every reference to a non-static member from within a class relies on an implicit use of this to get the member of the appropriate object. For example, the add_year function could equivalently, but tediously, have been defined like this:

Date& Date::add_year(int n)
if (this->d==29 && this->m==2 && !leapyear(this->y+n)) {
this->d = 1;
this->m = 3;
this->y += n;

One common explicit use of this is in linked-list manipulation. For example:

struct Link {
Link* pre;
Link* suc;
int data;

Link* insert(int x) // insert x before this
return pre = new Link{pre,this,x};

void remove() // remove and destroy this
if (pre) pre->suc = suc;
if (suc) suc->pre = pre;
delete this;

// ...

Explicit use of this is required for access to members of base classes from a derived class that is a template (§26.3.7).

16.2.11. Member Access

A member of a class X can be accessed by applying the . (dot) operator to an object of class X or by applying the -> (arrow) operator to a pointer to an object of class X. For example:

struct X {
void f();
int m;

void user(X x, X* px)
m = 1; //
error: there is no m in scope
x.m = 1; // OK
x->m = 1; // error: x is not a pointer
px->m = 1; // OK
px.m = 1; // error: px is a pointer

Obviously, there is a bit of redundancy here: the compiler knows whether a name refers to an X or to an X*, so a single operator would have been sufficient. However, a programmer might be confused, so from the first days of C the rule has been to use separate operators.

From inside a class no operator is needed. For example:

void X::f()
m = 1; //
OK: "this->m = 1;" (§16.2.10)

That is, an unqualified member name acts as if it had been prefixed by this->. Note that a member function can refer to the name of a member before it has been declared:

struct X {
int f() { return m; } //
fine: return this X's m
int m;

If we want to refer to a member in general, rather than to a member of a particular object, we qualify by the class name followed by ::. For example:

struct S {
int m;
int f();
static int sm;

int X::f() { return m; } // X's f
int X::sm {7}; // X's static member sm (§16.2.12)
int (S::*) pmf() {&S::f}; // X's member f

That last construct (a pointer to member) is fairly rare and esoteric; see §20.6. I mention it here just to emphasize the generality of the rule for ::.

16.2.12. [static] Members

The convenience of a default value for Dates was bought at the cost of a significant hidden problem. Our Date class became dependent on the global variable today. This Date class can be used only in a context in which today is defined and correctly used by every piece of code. This is the kind of constraint that causes a class to be useless outside the context in which it was first written. Users get too many unpleasant surprises trying to use such context-dependent classes, and maintenance becomes messy. Maybe “just one little global variable” isn’t too unmanageable, but that style leads to code that is useless except to its original programmer. It should be avoided.

Fortunately, we can get the convenience without the encumbrance of a publicly accessible global variable. A variable that is part of a class, yet is not part of an object of that class, is called a static member. There is exactly one copy of a static member instead of one copy per object, as for ordinary non-static members (§6.4.2). Similarly, a function that needs access to members of a class, yet doesn’t need to be invoked for a particular object, is called a static member function.

Here is a redesign that preserves the semantics of default constructor values for Date without the problems stemming from reliance on a global:

class Date {
int d, m, y;
static Date default_date;

Date(int dd =0, int mm =0, int yy =0);
static void set_default(int dd, int mm, int yy); // set default_date to Date(dd,mm,yy)

We can now define the Date constructor to use default_date like this:

Date::Date(int dd, int mm, int yy)
d = dd ? dd : default_date.d;
m = mm ? mm : default_date.m;
y = yy ? yy : default_date.y;

// ... check that the Date is valid ...

Using set_default(), we can change the default date when appropriate. A static member can be referred to like any other member. In addition, a static member can be referred to without mentioning an object. Instead, its name is qualified by the name of its class. For example:

void f()

Date::set_default(4,5,1945); // call Date's static member set_default()

If used, a static member - a function or data member - must be defined somewhere. The keyword static is not repeated in the definition of a static member. For example:

Date Date::default_date {16,12,1770}; // definition of Date::default_date

void Date::set_default(int d, int m, int y) // definition of Date::set_default
default_date = {d,m,y}; //
assign new value to default_date

Now, the default value is Beethoven’s birth date - until someone decides otherwise.

Note that Date{} serves as a notation for the value of Date::default_date. For example:

Date copy_of_default_date = Date{};

void f(Date);

void g()

Consequently, we don’t need a separate function for reading the default date. Furthermore, where the target type is unambiguously a Date, plain {} is sufficient. For example:

void f1(Date);

void f2(Date);
void f2(int);

void g()
f1({}); //
OK: equivalent to f1(Date{})
f2({}): // error: ambiguous: f2(int) or f2(Date)?
f2(Date{}); // OK

In multi-threaded code, static data members require some kind of locking or access discipline to avoid race conditions (§5.3.4, §41.2.4). Since multi-threading is now very common, it is unfortunate that use of static data members was quite popular in older code. Older code tends to usestatic members in ways that imply race conditions.

16.2.13. Member Types

Types and type aliases can be members of a class. For example:

template<typename T>
class Tree {
using value_type = T; //
member alias
enum Policy { rb, splay, treeps }; // member enum
class Node { // member class
Node* right;
Node* left;
value_type value;
void f(Tree*);

Node* top;
void g(const T&);

A member class (often called a nested class) can refer to types and static members of its enclosing class. It can only refer to non-static members when it is given an object of the enclosing class to refer to. To avoid getting into the intricacies of binary trees, I use purely technical “f() and g()”-style examples.

A nested class has access to members of its enclosing class, even to private members (just as a member function has), but has no notion of a current object of the enclosing class. For example:

template<typename T>
void Tree::Node::f(Tree* p)
top = right; //
error: no object of type Tree specified
p->top = right; // OK
value_type v = left->value; // OK: value_type is not associated with an object

A class does not have any special access rights to the members of its nested class. For example:

template<typename T>
void Tree::g(Tree::Node* p)
value_type val = right->value; //
error: no object of type Tree::Node
value_type v = p->right->value; // error: Node::right is private
p->f(this); // OK

Member classes are more a notational convenience than a feature of fundamental importance. On the other hand, member aliases are important as the basis of generic programming techniques relying on associated types (§28.2.4, §33.1.3). Member enums are often an alternative to enum classes when it comes to avoiding polluting an enclosing scope with the names of enumerators (§8.4.1).

16.3. Concrete Classes

The previous section discussed bits and pieces of the design of a Date class in the context of introducing the basic language features for defining classes. Here, I reverse the emphasis and discuss the design of a simple and efficient Date class and show how the language features support this design.

Small, heavily used abstractions are common in many applications. Examples are Latin characters, Chinese characters, integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers, points, pointers, coordinates, transforms, (pointer,offset) pairs, dates, times, ranges, links, associations, nodes, (value,unit) pairs, disk locations, source code locations, currency values, lines, rectangles, scaled fixed-point numbers, numbers with fractions, character strings, vectors, and arrays. Every application uses several of these. Often, a few of these simple concrete types are used heavily. A typical application uses a few directly and many more indirectly from libraries.

C++ directly supports a few of these abstractions as built-in types. However, most are not, and cannot be, directly supported by the language because there are too many of them. Furthermore, the designer of a general-purpose programming language cannot foresee the detailed needs of every application. Consequently, mechanisms must be provided for the user to define small concrete types. Such types are called concrete types or concrete classes to distinguish them from abstract classes (§20.4) and classes in class hierarchies (§20.3, §21.2).

A class is called concrete (or a concrete class) if its representation is part of its definition. This distinguishes it from abstract classes (§3.2.2, §20.4) which provide an interface to a variety of implementations. Having the representation available allows us:

• To place objects on the stack, in statically allocated memory, and in other objects

• To copy and move objects (§3.3, §17.5)

• To refer directly to named objects (as opposed to accessing through pointers and references)

This makes concrete classes simple to reason about and easy for the compiler to generate optimal code for. Thus, we prefer concrete classes for small, frequently used, and performance-critical types, such as complex numbers (§5.6.2), smart pointers (§5.2.1), and containers (§4.4).

It was an early explicit aim of C++ to support the definition and efficient use of such user-defined types very well. They are a foundation of elegant programming. As usual, the simple and mundane is statistically far more significant than the complicated and sophisticated. In this light, let us build a better Date class:

namespace Chrono {

enum class Month { jan=1, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec };

class Date {
public: //
public interface:
class Bad_date { }; // exception class

explicit Date(int dd ={}, Month mm ={}, int yy ={}); // {} means "pick a default"
// nonmodifying functions for examining the Date:
int day() const;
Month month() const;
int year() const;

string string_rep() const; // string representation
void char_rep(char s[], in max) const; // C-style string representation

// (modifying) functions for changing the Date:
Date& add_year(int n); // add n years
Date& add_month(int n); // add n months
Date& add_day(int n); // add n days
bool is_valid(); //
check if this Date represents a date
int d, m, y; // representation

bool is_date(int d, Month m, int y); // true for valid date
bool is_leapyear(int y); // true if y is a leap year

bool operator==(const Date& a, const Date& b);
bool operator!=(const Date& a, const Date& b);

const Date& default_date(); // the default date
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Date& d); // print d to os
istream& operator>>(istream& is, Date& d); // read Date from is into d
} // Chrono

This set of operations is fairly typical for a user-defined type:

[1] A constructor specifying how objects/variables of the type are to be initialized (§16.2.5).

[2] A set of functions allowing a user to examine a Date. These functions are marked const to indicate that they don’t modify the state of the object/variable for which they are called.

[3] A set of functions allowing the user to modify Dates without actually having to know the details of the representation or fiddle with the intricacies of the semantics.

[4] Implicitly defined operations that allow Dates to be freely copied (§16.2.2).

[5] A class, Bad_date, to be used for reporting errors as exceptions.

[6] A set of useful helper functions. The helper functions are not members and have no direct access to the representation of a Date, but they are identified as related by the use of the namespace Chrono.

I defined a Month type to cope with the problem of remembering the month/day order, for example, to avoid confusion about whether the 7th of June is written {6,7} (American style) or {7,6} (European style).

I considered introducing separate types Day and Year to cope with possible confusion of Date{1995,Month::jul,27} and Date{27,Month::jul,1995}. However, these types would not be as useful as the Month type. Almost all such errors are caught at run time anyway - the 26th of July year 27 is not a common date in my work. Dealing with historical dates before year 1800 or so is a tricky issue best left to expert historians. Furthermore, the day of the month can’t be properly checked in isolation from its month and year.

To save the user from having to explicitly mention year and month even when they are implied by context, I added a mechanism for providing a default. Note that for Month the {} gives the (default) value 0 just as for integers even though it is not a valid Month8.4). However, in this case, that’s exactly what we want: an otherwise illegal value to represent “pick the default.” Providing a default (e.g., a default value for Date objects) is a tricky design problem. For some types, there is a conventional default (e.g., 0 for integers); for others, no default makes sense; and finally, there are some types (such as Date) where the question of whether to provide a default is nontrivial. In such cases, it is best - at least initially - not to provide a default value. I provide one for Date primarily to be able to discuss how to do so.

I omitted the cache technique from §16.2.9 as unnecessary for a type this simple. If needed, it can be added as an implementation detail without affecting the user interface.

Here is a small - and contrived - example of how Dates can be used:

void f(Date& d)

Date lvb_day {16,Month::dec,d.year()};

if ( && d.month()==Month::feb) {
// ...

if (midnight()) d.add_day(1);

cout << "day after:" << d+1 << '\n';

Date dd; // initialized to the default date
if (dd==d) cout << "Hurray!\n";

This assumes that the addition operator, +, has been declared for Dates. I do that in §16.3.3.

Note the use of explicit qualification of dec and feb by Month. I used an enum class8.4.1) specifically to be able to use short names for the months, yet also ensure that their use would not be obscure or ambiguous.

Why is it worthwhile to define a specific type for something as simple as a date? After all, we could just define a simple data structure:

struct Date {
int day, month, year;

Each programmer could then decide what to do with it. If we did that, though, every user would either have to manipulate the components of Dates directly or provide separate functions for doing so. In effect, the notion of a date would be scattered throughout the system, which would make it hard to understand, document, or change. Inevitably, providing a concept as only a simple structure causes extra work for every user of the structure.

Also, even though the Date type seems simple, it takes some thought to get right. For example, incrementing a Date must deal with leap years, with the fact that months are of different lengths, and so on. Also, the day-month-and-year representation is rather poor for many applications. If we decided to change it, we would need to modify only a designated set of functions. For example, to represent a Date as the number of days before or after January 1, 1970, we would need to change only Date’s member functions.

To simplify, I decided to eliminate the notion of changing the default date. Doing so eliminates some opportunities for confusion and the likelihood of race conditions in a multi-threaded program (§5.3.1). I seriously considered eliminating the notion of a default date altogether. That would have forced users to consistently explicitly initialize their Dates. However, that can be inconvenient and surprising, and more importantly common interfaces used for generic code require default construction (§17.3.3). That means that I, as the designer of Date, have to pick the default date. I chose January 1, 1970, because that is the starting point for the C and C++ standard-library time routines (§35.2, §43.6). Obviously, eliminating set_default_date() caused some loss of generality of Date. However, design - including class design - is about making decisions, rather than just deciding to postpone them or to leave all options open for users.

To preserve an opportunity for future refinement, I declared default_date() as a helper function:

const Date& Chrono::default_date();

That doesn’t say anything about how the default date is actually set.

16.3.1. Member Functions

Naturally, an implementation for each member function must be provided somewhere. For example:

Date::Date(int dd, Month mm, int yy)
:d{dd}, m{mm}, y{yy}
if (y == 0) y = default_date().year();
if (m == Month{}) m = default_date().month();
if (d == 0) d = default_date().day();

if (!is_valid()) throw Bad_date();

The constructor checks that the data supplied denotes a valid Date. If not, say, for {30,Month::feb,1994}, it throws an exception (§, Chapter 13), which indicates that something went wrong. If the data supplied is acceptable, the obvious initialization is done. Initialization is a relatively complicated operation because it involves data validation. This is fairly typical. On the other hand, once a Date has been created, it can be used and copied without further checking. In other words, the constructor establishes the invariant for the class (in this case, that it denotes a valid date). Other member functions can rely on that invariant and must maintain it. This design technique can simplify code immensely (see §, §13.4).

I’m using the value Month{} - which doesn’t represent a month and has the integer value 0 - to represent “pick the default month.” I could have defined an enumerator in Month specifically to represent that. But I decided that it was better to use an obviously anomalous value to represent “pick the default month” rather than give the appearance that there were 13 months in a year. Note that Month{}, meaning 0, can be used because it is within the range guaranteed for the enumeration Month8.4).

I use the member initializer syntax (§17.4) to initialize the members. After that, I check for 0 and modify the values as needed. This clearly does not provide optimal performance in the (hopefully rare) case of an error, but the use of member initializers leaves the structure of the code obvious. This makes the style less error-prone and easier to maintain than alternatives. Had I aimed at optimal performance, I would have used three separate constructors rather than a single constructor with default arguments.

I considered making the validation function is_valid() public. However, I found the resulting user code more complicated and less robust than code relying on catching the exception:

void fill(vector<Date>& aa)
while (cin) {

Date d;
try {
cin >> d;
catch (Date::Bad_date) {

// ... my error handling ...
aa.push_back(d); //
see §4.4.2

However, checking that a {d,m,y} set of values is a valid date is not a computation that depends on the representation of a Date, so I implemented is_valid() in terms of a helper function:

bool Date::is_valid()
return is_date(d,m,y);

Why have both is_valid() and is_date()? In this simple example, we could manage with just one, but I can imagine systems where is_date() (as here) checks that a (d,m,y)-tuple represents a valid date and where is_valid() does an additional check on whether that date can be reasonably represented. For example, is_valid() might reject dates from before the modern calendar became commonly used.

As is common for such simple concrete types, the definitions of Date’s member functions vary between the trivial and the not-too-complicated. For example:

inline int Date::day() const
return d;

Date& Date::add_month(int n)
if (n==0) return *this;

if (n>0) {
int delta_y = n/12; //
number of whole years
int mm = static_cast<int>(m)+n%12; // number of months ahead
if (12 < mm) { // note: dec is represented by 12
mm -= 12;

// ... handle the cases where the month mm doesn't have day d ...

y += delta_y;
m = static_cast<Month>(mm);
return *this;

// ... handle negative n ...

return *this;

I wouldn’t call the code for add_month() pretty. In fact, if I added all the details, it might even approach the complexity of relatively simple real-world code. This points to a problem: adding a month is conceptually simple, so why is our code getting complicated? In this case, the reason is that the d,m,y representation isn’t as convenient for the computer as it is for us. A better representation (for many purposes) would be simply a number of days since a defined “day zero” (e.g., January 1, 1970). That would make computation on Dates simple at the expense of complexity in providing output fit for humans.

Note that assignment and copy initialization are provided by default (§16.2.2). Also, Date doesn’t need a destructor because a Date owns no resources and requires no cleanup when it goes out of scope (§

16.3.2. Helper Functions

Typically, a class has a number of functions associated with it that need not be defined in the class itself because they don’t need direct access to the representation. For example:

int diff(Date a, Date b); // number of days in the range [a,b) or [b,a)

bool is_leapyear(int y);
bool is_date(int d, Month m, int y);

const Date& default_date();
Date next_weekday(Date d);
Date next_saturday(Date d);

Defining such functions in the class itself would complicate the class interface and increase the number of functions that would potentially need to be examined when a change to the representation was considered.

How are such functions “associated” with class Date? In early C++, as in C, their declarations were simply placed in the same file as the declaration of class Date. Users who needed Dates would make them all available by including the file that defined the interface (§15.2.2). For example:

#include "Date.h"

In addition (or alternatively), we can make the association explicit by enclosing the class and its helper functions in a namespace (§14.3.1):

namespace Chrono { // facilities for dealing with time

class Date { /* ... */};

int diff(Date a, Date b);
bool is_leapyear(int y);
bool is_date(int d, Month m, int y);
const Date& default_date();

Date next_weekday(Date d);
Date next_saturday(Date d);

The Chrono namespace would naturally also contain related classes, such as Time and Stopwatch, and their helper functions. Using a namespace to hold a single class is usually an overelaboration that leads to inconvenience.

Naturally, the helper function must be defined somewhere:

bool Chrono::is_date(int d, Month m, int y)
int ndays;

switch (m) {
case Month::feb:
ndays = 28+is_leapyear(y);
case Month::apr: case Month::jun: case Month::sep: case Month::nov:
ndays = 30;
case Month::jan: case Month::mar: case Month::may: case Month::jul:
case Month::aug: case Month::oct: case Month::dec:
ndays = 31;
return false;

return 1<=d && d<=ndays;

I’m deliberately being a bit paranoid here. A Month shouldn’t be outside the jan to dec range, but it is possible (someone might have been sloppy with a cast), so I check.

The troublesome default_date finally becomes:

const Date& Chrono::default_date()
static Date d {1,Month::jan,1970};
return d;

16.3.3. Overloaded Operators

It is often useful to add functions to enable conventional notation. For example, operator==() defines the equality operator, ==, to work for Dates:

inline bool operator==(Date a, Date b) // equality
return && a.month()==b.month() && a.year()==b.year();

Other obvious candidates are:

bool operator!=(Date, Date); // inequality
bool operator<(Date, Date); // less than
bool operator>(Date, Date); // greater than
// ...

Date& operator++(Date& d) { return d.add_day(1); } // increase Date by one day
Date& operator--(Date& d) { return d.add_day(-1); } // decrease Date by one day

Date& operator+=(Date& d, int n) { return d.add_day(n); } // add n days
Date& operator-=(Date& d, int n) { return d.add_day(-n); } // subtract n days

Date operator+(Date d, int n) { return d+=n; } // add n days
Date operator-(Date d, int n) { return d+=n; } // subtract n days

ostream& operator<<(ostream&, Date d); // output d
istream& operator>>(istream&, Date& d); // read into d

These operators are defined in Chrono together with Date to avoid overload problems and to benefit from argument-dependent lookup (§14.2.4).

For Date, these operators can be seen as mere conveniences. However, for many types - such as complex numbers (§18.3), vectors (§4.4.1), and function-like objects (§3.4.3, §19.2.2) - the use of conventional operators is so firmly entrenched in people’s minds that their definition is almost mandatory. Operator overloading is discussed in Chapter 18.

For Date, I was tempted to provide += and -= as member functions instead of add_day(). Had I done so, I would have followed a common idiom (§

Note that assignment and copy initialization are provided by default (§16.3, §17.3.3).

16.3.4. The Significance of Concrete Classes

I call simple user-defined types, such as Date, concrete types to distinguish them from abstract classes (§3.2.2) and class hierarchies (§20.4), and also to emphasize their similarity to built-in types such as int and char. Concrete classes are used just like built-in types. Concrete types have also been called value types and their use value-oriented programming. Their model of use and the “philosophy” behind their design are quite different from what is often called object-oriented programming (§3.2.4, Chapter 21).

The intent of a concrete type is to do a single, relatively simple thing well and efficiently. It is not usually the aim to provide the user with facilities to modify the behavior of a concrete type. In particular, concrete types are not intended to display run-time polymorphic behavior (see §3.2.3, §20.3.2).

If you don’t like some detail of a concrete type, you build a new one with the desired behavior. If you want to “reuse” a concrete type, you use it in the implementation of your new type exactly as you would have used an int. For example:

class Date_and_time {

Date d;
Time t;

Date_and_time(Date d, Time t);
Date_and_time(int d, Date::Month m, int y, Time t);

Alternatively, the derived class mechanism discussed in Chapter 20 can be used to define new types from a concrete class by describing the desired differences. The definition of Vec from vector4.4.1.2) is an example of this. However, derivation from a concrete class should be done with care and only rarely because of the lack of virtual functions and run-time type information (§, Chapter 22).

With a reasonably good compiler, a concrete class such as Date incurs no hidden overhead in time or space. In particular, no indirection through pointers is necessary for access to objects of concrete classes, and no “housekeeping” data is stored in objects of concrete classes. The size of a concrete type is known at compile time so that objects can be allocated on the run-time stack (that is, without free-store operations). The layout of an object is known at compile time so that inlining of operations is trivially achieved. Similarly, layout compatibility with other languages, such as C and Fortran, comes without special effort.

A good set of such types can provide a foundation for applications. In particular, they can be used to make interfaces more specific and less error-prone. For example:

Month do_something(Date d);

This is far less likely to be misunderstood or misused than:

int do_something(int d);

Lack of concrete types can lead to obscure programs and time wasted when each programmer writes code to directly manipulate “simple and frequently used” data structures represented as simple aggregates of built-in types. Alternatively, lack of suitable “small efficient types” in an application can lead to gross run-time and space inefficiencies when overly general and expensive classes are used.

16.4. Advice

[1] Represent concepts as classes; §16.1.

[2] Separate the interface of a class from its implementation; §16.1.

[3] Use public data (structs) only when it really is just data and no invariant is meaningful for the data members; §16.2.4.

[4] Define a constructor to handle initialization of objects; §16.2.5.

[5] By default declare single-argument constructors explicit; §16.2.6.

[6] Declare a member function that does not modify the state of its object const; §16.2.9.

[7] A concrete type is the simplest kind of class. Where applicable, prefer a concrete type over more complicated classes and over plain data structures; §16.3.

[8] Make a function a member only if it needs direct access to the representation of a class; §16.3.2.

[9] Use a namespace to make the association between a class and its helper functions explicit; §16.3.2.

[10] Make a member function that doesn’t modify the value of its object a const member function; §

[11] Make a function that needs access to the representation of a class but needn’t be called for a specific object a static member function; §16.2.12.