I/O Streams - The Standard Library - The C++ Programming Language (2013)

The C++ Programming Language (2013)

Part IV: The Standard Library

38. I/O Streams

What you see is all you get.

– Brian W. Kernighan


The I/O Stream Hierarchy

File Streams; String Streams

Error Handling

I/O Operations

Input Operations; Output Operations; Manipulators; Stream State; Formatting

Stream Iterators


Output Streams and Buffers; Input Streams and Buffers; Buffer Iterators


38.1. Introduction

The I/O stream library provides formatted and unformatted buffered I/O of text and numeric values. The definitions for I/O stream facilities are found in <istream>, <ostream>, etc.; see §30.2.

An ostream converts typed objects to a stream of characters (bytes):


An istream converts a stream of characters (bytes) to typed objects:


An iostream is a stream that can act as both an istream and an ostream. The buffers in the diagrams are stream buffers (streambufs; §38.6). You need them to define a mapping from an iostream to a new kind of device, file, or memory. The operations on istreams and ostreams are described in §38.4.1 and §38.4.2.

Knowledge of the techniques used to implement the stream library is not needed to use the library. So I present only the general ideas needed to understand and use iostreams. If you need to implement the standard streams, provide a new kind of stream, or provide a new locale, you need a copy of the standard, a good systems manual, and examples of working code in addition to what is presented here.

The key components of the stream I/O system can be represented graphically like this:


The solid arrows represent “derived from.” The dotted arrows represent “pointer to.” The classes marked with <> are templates parameterized by a character type and containing a locale.

The I/O stream operations:

• Are type-safe and type sensitive

• Are extensible (when someone designs a new type, matching I/O stream operators can be added without modifying existing code)

• Are locale sensitive (Chapter 39)

• Are efficient (though their potential is not always fully realized)

• Are interoperable with C-style stdio (§43.3)

• Include formatted, unformatted, and character-level operations

The basic_iostream is defined based on basic_istream38.6.2) and basic_ostream38.6.1):

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class basic_iostream :
public basic_istream<C,Tr>, public basic_ostream<C,Tr> {
using char_type = C;
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type;
using pos_type = typename Tr::pos_type;
using off_type = typename Tr::off_type;
using traits_type = Tr;

explicit basic_iostream(basic_streambuf<C,Tr>* sb);
virtual ~basic_iostream();
basic_iostream(const basic_iostream& rhs) = delete;
basic_iostream(basic_iostream&& rhs);

basic_iostream& operator=(const basic_iostream& rhs) = delete;
basic_iostream& operator=(basic_iostream&& rhs);
void swap(basic_iostream& rhs);

The template parameters specify the character type and the traits used to manipulate characters (§36.2.2), respectively.

Note that no copy operations are provided: sharing or cloning the fairly complex state of a stream would be difficult to implement and expensive to use. The move operations are intended for use by derived classes and are therefore protected. Moving an iostream without moving the state of its defining derived class (e.g., an fstream) would lead to errors.

There are three standard streams:


Forward declarations for stream types and stream objects are provided in <iosfwd>.

38.2. The I/O Stream Hierarchy

An istream can be connected to an input device (e.g., a keyboard), a file, or a string. Similarly, an ostream can be connected to an output device (e.g., a text window or an HTML engine), a file, or a string. The I/O stream facilities are organized in a class hierarchy:


The classes suffixed by <> are templates parameterized on the character type. A dotted line indicates a virtual base class (§21.3.5).

The key class is basic_ios in which most of the implementation and many of the operations are defined. However, most casual (and not-so-casual) users never see it: it is mostly an implementation detail of the streams. It is described in §38.4.4. Most of its facilities are described in the context of their function (e.g., formatting; §38.4.5).

38.2.1. File Streams

In <fstream>, the standard library provides streams to and from a file:

ifstreams for reading from a file

ofstreams for writing to a file

fstreams for reading from and writing to a file

The file streams follow a common pattern, so I describe only fstream:

template<typename C, typename Tr=char_traits<C>>
class basic_fstream
: public basic_iostream<C,Tr> {
using char_type = C;
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type;
using pos_type = typename Tr::pos_type; //
for positions in file
using off_type = typename Tr::off_type; // for offsets in file
using traits_type = Tr;

The set of fstream operations is fairly simple:


In addition, the string streams override the basic_ios protected virtual functions underflow(), pback-fail(), overflow(), setbuf(), seekoff(), and seekpos()38.6).

A file stream does not have copy operations. If you want two names to refer to the same file stream, use a reference or a pointer, or carefully manipulate file streambufs (§38.6).

If an fstream fails to open, the stream is in the bad() state (§38.3).

There are six file stream aliases defined in <fstream>:

using ifstream = basic_ifstream<char>;
using wifstream = basic_ifstream<wchar_t>;
using ofstream = basic_ofstream<char>;
using wofstream = basic_ofstream<wchar_t>;
using fstream = basic_fstream<char>;
using wfstream = basic_fstream<wchar_t>;

You can open a file in one of several modes, as specified in ios_base38.4.4):


In each case, the exact effect of opening a file may depend on the operating system, and if an operating system cannot honor a request to open a file in a certain way, the result will be a stream that is in the bad() state (§38.3). For example:

ofstream ofs("target"); // "o" for "output" implying ios::out
if (!ofs)
error("couldn't open 'target' for writing");

fstream ifs; // "i" for "input" implying ios::in
if (!ifs)
error("couldn't open 'source' for reading");

For positioning in a file, see §38.6.1.

38.2.2. String Streams

In <sstream>, the standard library provides streams to and from a string:

istringstreams for reading from a string

ostringstreams for writing to a string

stringstreams for reading from and writing to a string

The string streams follow a common pattern, so I describe only stringstream:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>, typename A = allocator<C>>
class basic_stringstream

: public basic_iostream<C,Tr> {
using char_type = C;
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type;
using pos_type = typename Tr::pos_type; //
for positions in string
using off_type = typename Tr::off_type; // for offsets in string
using traits_type = Tr;
using allocator_type = A;

// ...

The stringstream operations are:


The open modes are described in §38.4.4. For an istringstream, the default mode is ios_base::in. For an ostringstream, the default mode is ios_base::out.

In addition, the string streams override the basic_ios protected virtual functions underflow(), pbackfail(), overflow(), setbuf(), seekoff(), and seekpos()38.6).

A string stream does not have copy operations. If you want two names to refer to the same string stream, use a reference or a pointer.

There are six string stream aliases defined in <sstream>:

using istringstream = basic_istringstream<char>;
using wistringstream = basic_istringstream<wchar_t>;
using ostringstream = basic_ostringstream<char>;
using wostringstream = basic_ostringstream<wchar_t>;
using stringstream = basic_stringstream<char>;
using wstringstream = basic_stringstream<wchar_t>;

For example:

void test()
ostringstream oss {"Label: ",ios::ate}; //
write at end
cout << oss.str() << '\n'; // writes "Label: "
cout << oss.str() << '\n'; //
writes "Label: val" ("val" appended after "Label: ")

ostringstream oss2 {"Label: "}; // write at beginning
cout << oss2.str() << '\n'; // writes "Label: "
cout << oss2.str() << '\n'; //
writes "valel: " (val overwrites "Label: ")

I tend to use str() only to read a result from an istringstream.

It is not possible to directly output a string stream; str() must be used:

void test2()
istringstream iss;
iss.str("Foobar"); //
Fill iss

cout << iss << '\n'; // writes 1
cout << iss.str() << '\n'; // OK: writes "Foobar"

The reason for the probably surprising 1 is that an iostream converts to its state for testing:

if (iss) { // the last operation of iss succeeded; iss's state is good() or eof()
// ...
else {

// handle problem

38.3. Error Handling

An iostream can be in one of four states, defined in basic_ios from <ios>38.4.4):


Any operation attempted on a stream that is not in the good() state has no effect; it is a no-op. An iostream can be used as a condition. In that case, the condition is true (succeeds) if the state of the iostream is good(). That is the basis for the idiom for reading a stream of values:

for (X x; cin>>x;) { // read into an input buffer of type X
// ... do something with x ...
we get here when >> couldn't read another X from cin

After a read failure, we might be able to clear the stream and proceed:

int i;
if (cin>>i) {

// ... use i ...
} else if (cin.fail()){ // possibly a formatting error
string s;
if (cin>>s) { //
we might be able to use a string to recover
// ... use s ...

Alternatively, errors can be handled using exceptions:


For example, we can make cin throw a basic_ios::failure when its state is set to bad() (e.g., by a cin.setstate(ios_base::badbit)):


For example:

struct Io_guard { // RAII class for iostream exceptions
iostream& s;
auto old_e = s.exceptions();

Io_guard(iostream& ss, ios_base::iostate e) :s{ss} { s.exceptions(s.exceptions()|e); }
~Io_guard() { s.exceptions(old_e); }

void use(istream& is)

Io_guard guard(is.ios_base::badbit);
... use is ...
catch (ios_base::badbit) {

// ... bail out! ...

I tend to use exceptions to handle iostream errors that I don’t expect to be able to recover from. That usually means all bad() exceptions.

38.4. I/O Operations

The complexity of the I/O operations reflects tradition, the need for I/O performance, and the variety of human expectations. The description here is based on the conventional English small character set (ASCII). The ways in which different character sets and different natural languages are handled are described in Chapter 39.

38.4.1. Input Operations

Input operations are provided by istream38.6.2), found in <istream> except for the ones reading into a string; those are found in <string>. The basic_istream is primarily intended as a base class for more specific input classes, such as istream and istringstream:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<C,Tr> {
using char_type = C;
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type;
using pos_type = typename Tr::pos_type;
using off_type = typename Tr::off_type;
using traits_type = Tr;

explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<C,Tr>* sb);
virtual ~basic_istream(); //
release all resources

class sentry;
// move but no copy:
basic_istream(const basic_istream& rhs) = delete;
basic_istream(basic_istream&& rhs);
basic_istream& operator=(const basic_istream& rhs) = delete;
basic_istream& operator=(basic_istream&& rhs);

To users of an istream, the sentry class is an implementation detail. It provides common code for standard-library and user-defined input operations. Code that needs to be executed first (the “prefix code”) – such as flushing a tied stream – is provided as the sentry’s constructor. For example:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
basic_ostream<C,Tr>& basic_ostream<C,Tr>::operator<<(int i)
sentry s {*this};
if (!s) { //
check whether all is well for output to start
return *this;

// ... output the int ...
return *this;

A sentry is used by implementers of input operations rather than by their users. Formatted Input

Formatted input is primarily supplied by the >> (“input,” “get,” or “extraction”) operator:


Built-in types are “known” to istream (and ostream), so if x is a built-in type, cin>>x means cin.operator>>(x). If x is a user-defined type, cin>>x, means operator>>(cin,x)18.2.5). That is, iostream input is type sensitive, inherently type-safe, and extensible. A designer of a new type can provide I/O operations without direct access to the implementation of iostream.

If a pointer to a function is the target of >>, that function will be invoked with the istream as its argument. For example, cin>>pf yields pf(cin). This is the basis for the input manipulators, such as skipws38.4.5.2). Output stream manipulators are more common than input stream manipulators, so the technique is explained further in §38.4.3.

Unless otherwise stated, an istream operation returns a reference to its istream, so that we can “chain” operations. For example:

template<typename T1, typename T2>
void read_pair(T1& x, T2& y)
cin >> c1 >> x >> c2 >> y >> c3;
if (c1!='{' || c2!=',' || c3!='}') { //
unrecoverable input format error
cin.setstate(ios_base::badbit); // set badbit
throw runtime_error("bad read of pair");

By default >> skips whitespace. For example:

for (int i; cin>>i && 0<i;)
cout << i << '\n';

This will take a sequence of whitespace-separated positive integers and print them one to a line.

Skipping of whitespace can be suppressed using noskipws38.4.5.2).

The input operations are not virtual. That is, a user cannot do an in>>base where base is a class hierarchy and automatically have the >> resolved to an operation on the appropriate derived class. However, a simple technique can deliver that behavior; see § Furthermore, it is possible to extend such a scheme to be able to read objects of essentially arbitrary types from an input stream; see §22.2.4. Unformatted Input

Unformatted input can be used for finer control of reading and potentially for improved performance. One use of unformatted input is the implementation of formatted input:


If you have a choice, use formatted input (§ instead these low-level input functions.

The simple get(c) is useful when you need to compose your values out of characters. The other get() function and getline() read sequences of characters into a fixed-size area [p:...). They read until they reach the maximum number of characters or find their terminator character (by default'\n'). They place a 0 at the end of the characters (if any) written to; getline() removes its terminator from the input, if found, whereas get() does not. For example:

void f() // low-level, old-style line read
char word[MAX_WORD][MAX_LINE]; //
MAX_WORD arrays of MAX_LINE char each
int i = 0;
while(cin.getline(word[i++],MAX_LINE,'\n') && i<MAX_WORD)

/* do nothing */ ;

For these functions, it is not immediately obvious what terminated the read:

• We found the terminator.

• We read the maximum number of characters.

• We hit end-of-file.

• There was a non-format input error.

The last two alternatives are handled by looking at the file state (§38.3). Typically, the appropriate actions are quite different for these cases.

A read(p,n) does not write a 0 to the array after the characters read. Obviously, the formatted input operators are simpler to use and less error-prone than the unformatted ones.

The following functions depend on the detailed interaction between the stream buffer (§38.6) and the real data source and should be used only if necessary and then very carefully:


38.4.2. Output Operations

Output operations are provided by ostream38.6.1), found in <ostream> except for the ones writing out a string; those are found in <string>:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<C,Tr> {
using char_type = C;
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type;
using pos_type = typename Tr::pos_type;
using off_type = typename Tr::off_type;
using traits_type = Tr;

explicit basic_ostream(basic_streambuf<char_type, Tr>* sb);
virtual ~basic_ostream(); //
release all resources

class sentry; // see §38.4.1
// ...
// move but no copy:
basic_ostream(const basic_ostream& rhs) = delete;
basic_ostream(basic_ostream&& rhs);
basic_ostream& operator=(basic_ostream& rhs) = delete;
basic_ostream& operator=(const basic_ostream&& rhs);

An ostream offers formatted output, unformatted output (output of characters), and simple operations on its streambuf38.6):


Unless otherwise stated, an ostream operation returns a reference to its ostream, so that we can “chain” operations. For example:

cout << "The value of x is " << x << '\n';

Note that char values are output as characters rather than small integers. For example:

void print_val(char ch)
cout << "the value of '" << ch << "' is " << int{ch} << '\n';

void test()

This prints:

the value of 'a' is 97
the value of 'A' is 65

Versions of operator << for user-defined types are usually trivial to write:

template<typename T>
struct Named_val {
string name;
T value;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Named_val& nv)
return os << '{' << nv.name << ':' << nv.value << '}';

This will work for every Named_val<X> where X has a << defined. For full generality, << must be defined for basic_string<C,Tr>. Virtual Output Functions

The ostream members are not virtual. The output operations that a programmer can add are not members, so they cannot be virtual either. One reason for this is to achieve close to optimal performance for simple operations such as putting a character into a buffer. This is a place where runtime efficiency is often crucial so that inlining is a must. Virtual functions are used to achieve flexibility for the operations dealing with buffer overflow and underflow only (§38.6).

However, a programmer sometimes wants to output an object for which only a base class is known. Since the exact type isn’t known, correct output cannot be achieved simply by defining a << for each new type. Instead, a virtual output function can be provided in an abstract base:

class My_base {

// ...
virtual ostream& put(ostream& s) const = 0; // write *this to s

ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const My_base& r)
return r.put(s); //
use the right put()

That is, put() is a virtual function that ensures that the right output operation is used in <<.

Given that, we can write:

class Sometype : public My_base {

// ...
ostream& put(ostream& s) const override; // the real output function

void f(const My_base& r, Sometype& s) // use << which calls the right put()
cout << r << s;

This integrates the virtual put() into the framework provided by ostream and <<. The technique is generally useful to provide operations that act like virtual functions, but with the run-time selection based on their second argument. This is similar to the technique that under the name double dispatch is often used to select an operation based on two dynamic types (§22.3.1). A similar technique can be used to make input operations virtual22.2.4).

38.4.3. Manipulators

If a pointer to function is given as the second argument to <<, the function pointed to is called. For example, cout<<pf means pf(cout). Such a function is called a manipulator. Manipulators that take arguments can be useful. For example:

cout << setprecision(4) << angle;

This prints the value of the floating-point variable angle with four digits.

To do this, setprecision returns an object that is initialized by 4 and calls cout.precision(4) when invoked. Such a manipulator is a function object that is invoked by << rather than by (). The exact type of that function object is implementation-defined, but it might be defined like this:

struct smanip {
ios_base& (*f)(ios_base&,int); //
function to be called
int i; // value to be used
smanip(ios_base&(*ff)(ios_base&,int), int ii) :f{ff}, i{ii} { }

template<typename C, typename Tr>
basic_ostream<C,Tr>& operator<<(basic_ostream<C,Tr>& os, const smanip& m)
m.f(os,m.i); //
call m's f with m's stored value
return os;

We can now define setprecision() like this:

inline smanip setprecision(int n)
auto h = [](ios_base& s, int x) –> ios_base& { s.precision(x); return s; };
return smanip(h,n); //
make the function object

The explicit specification of the return type for the lambda is needed to return a reference. An ios_base cannot be copied by a user.

We can now write:

cout << setprecision(4) << angle;

A programmer can define new manipulators in the style of smanip as needed. Doing this does not require modification of the definitions of standard-library templates and classes.

The standard-library manipulators are described in §

38.4.4. Stream State

In <ios>, the standard library defines the base class ios_base defining most of the interface to a stream class:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class basic_ios : public ios_base {
using char_type = C;
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type;
using pos_type = typename Tr::pos_type;
using off_type = Tr::off_type;
using traits_type = Tr;

The basic_ios class manages the state of a stream:

• The mapping between a stream and its buffers (§38.6)

• The formatting options (§

• The use of locales (Chapter 39)

• Error handling (§38.3)

• Connections to other streams and stdio (§38.4.4)

It might be the most complicated class in the standard library.

The ios_base holds information that does not depend on template arguments:

class ios_base {
using fmtflags = /*
implementation-defined type */;
using iostate = /*
implementation-defined type */;
using openmode = /*
implementation-defined type */;
using seekdir = /*
implementation-defined type */;

class failure; // exception class
class Init; // initialize standard iostreams

The implementation-defined types are all bitmask types; that is, they support bitwise logical operations, such as & and |. Examples are int11.1.2) and bitset34.2.2).

The ios_base controls an iostream’s connection (or lack thereof) to stdio43.3):


A call of sync_with_stdio(true) before the first iostream operation in the execution of a program guarantees that the iostream and stdio (§43.3) I/O operations share buffers. A call of sync_with_stdio(false) before the first stream I/O operation prevents buffer sharing and can improve I/O performance significantly on some implementations.

Note that ios_base has no copy or move operations.


Functions for reading these bits (good(), fail(), etc.) in a stream are provided by basic_ios.


The exact meaning of ios_base::binary is implementation-dependent. However, the usual meaning is that a character gets mapped to a byte. For example:

template<typename T>
char* as_bytes(T& i)
return static_cast<char*>(&i); //
treat that memory as bytes

void test()
ifstream ifs("source",ios_base::binary); //
stream mode is binary
ofstream ofs("target",ios_base::binary); // stream mode is binary

vector<int> v;

for (int i; ifs.read(as_bytes(i),sizeof(i));) // read bytes from binary file

// ... do something with v ...

for (auto i : v) // write bytes to binary file:

Use binary I/O when dealing with objects that are “just bags of bits” and do not have an obvious and reasonable character string representation. Images and sound/video streams are examples.

The seekg()38.6.2) and seekp()38.6.2) operations require a direction:


Classes derived from basic_ios format output and extract objects based on the information stored in their basic_io.

The ios_base operations can be summarized:



The conversion of an ios (including istreams and ostreams) to bool is essential to the usual idiom for reading many values:

for (X x; cin>>x;) {
// ...

Here, the return value of cin>>x is a reference to cin’s ios. This ios is implicitly converted to a bool representing the state of cin. Thus, we could equivalently have written:

for (X x; !(cin>>x).fail();) {
// ...

The tie() is used to ensure that output from a tied stream appears before an input from the stream to which it is tied. For example, cout is tied to cin:

cout << "Please enter a number: ";
int num;
cin >> num;

This code does not explicitly call cout.flush(), so had cout not been tied to cin, the user would see the request for input.


Sometimes, people want to add to the state of a stream. For example, one might want a stream to “know” whether a complex should be output in polar or Cartesian coordinates. Class ios_base provides a function xalloc() to allocate space for such simple state information. The value returned by xalloc() identifies a pair of locations that can be accessed by iword() and pword().

Sometimes, an implementer or a user needs to be notified about a change in a stream’s state. The register_callback() function “registers” a function to be called when its “event” occurs. Thus, a call of imbue(), copyfmt(), or ~ios_base() will call a function “registered” for animbue_event, copyfmt_event, or erase_event, respectively. When the state changes, registered functions are called with the argument i supplied by their register_callback().

The event and event_callback types are defined in ios_base:

enum event {
using event_callback = void (*)(event, ios_base&, int index);

38.4.5. Formatting

The format of stream I/O is controlled by a combination of object type, stream state (§38.4.4), format state (§, locale information (Chapter 39), and explicit operations (e.g., manipulators; § Formatting State

In <ios>, the standard library defines a set of formatting constants of an implementation-defined bit-mask type fmtflags as members of class ios_base:


Curiously, there are no defaultfloat or hexfloat flags. To get the equivalent, use manipulators default-float and hexfloat38.4.5.2), or manipulate the ios_base directly:

ios.unsetf(ios_base::floatfield); // use the default floating-point format
ios.setf(ios_base::fixed | ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield); // use hexadecimal floats

An iostream’s format state can be read and written (set) by operations provided in its ios_base:


Precision is an integer that determines the number of digits used to display a floating-point number:

• The general format (defaultfloat) lets the implementation choose a format that presents a value in the style that best preserves the value in the space available. The precision specifies the maximum number of digits.

• The scientific format (scientific) presents a value with one digit before a decimal point and an exponent. The precision specifies the maximum number of digits after the decimal point.

• The fixed format (fixed) presents a value as an integer part followed by a decimal point and a fractional part. The precision specifies the maximum number of digits after the decimal point. For example, see §

Floating-point values are rounded rather than just truncated, and precision() doesn’t affect integer output. For example:

cout << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 123456 << '\n';

cout << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 1234.56789 << ' ' << 123456 << '\n';

This produces:

1234.5679 1234.5679 123456
1235 1235 123456

The width() function specifies the minimum number of characters to be used for the next standard-library << output operation of a numeric value, bool, C-style string, character, pointer, string, and bitset34.2.2). For example:

cout << 12; //
print 12 preceded by two spaces

The “padding” or “filler” character can be specified by the fill() function. For example:

cout << "ab"; //
print ##ab

The default fill character is the space character, and the default field size is 0, meaning “as many characters as needed.” The field size can be reset to its default value like this:

cout.width(0); // "as many characters as needed"

A call width(n) sets the minimum number of characters to n. If more characters are provided, they will all be printed. For example:

cout << "abcdef"; //
print abcdef

It does not truncate the output to abcd. It is usually better to get the right output looking ugly than to get the wrong output looking just fine.

A width(n) call affects only the immediately following << output operation. For example:

cout << 12 << ':' << 13; //
print ##12:13

This produces ##12:13, rather than ##12###:##13.

If the explicit control of formatting options through many separate operations becomes tedious, we can combine them using a user-defined manipulator (§

An ios_base also allows the programmer to set an iostream’s locale (Chapter 39):

Image Standard Manipulators

The standard library provides manipulators corresponding to the various format states and state changes. The standard manipulators are defined in <ios>, <istream>, <ostream>, and <iomanip> (for manipulators that take arguments):



Each of these operations returns a reference to its first (stream) operand, s. For example:

cout << 1234 << ',' << hex << 1234 << ',' << oct << 1234 << '\n'; // print 1234,4d2,2322

We can explicitly set the output format for floating-point numbers:

constexpr double d = 123.456;

cout << d << "; "
<< scientific << d << "; "
<< hexfloat << d << "; "
<< fixed << d << "; "
<< defaultfloat << d << '\n';

This produces:

123.456; 1.234560e+002; 0x1.edd2f2p+6; 123.456000; 123.456

The floating-point format is “sticky”; that is, it persists for subsequent floating-point operations.


An ostream is flushed when it is destroyed, when a tie()d istream needs input (§38.4.4), and when the implementation finds it advantageous. Explicitly flushing a stream is very rarely necessary. Similarly, <<endl can be considered equivalent to <<'\n', but the latter is probably a bit faster. I find

cout << "Hello, World!\n";

easier to read and write than

cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;

If you have a genuine need for frequent flushing, consider cerr and unitbuf.


The time facets are found in §39.4.4 and the time formats in §43.6.

For example:

cout << '(' << setw(4) << setfill('#') << 12 << ") (" << 12 << ")\n"; // print (##12) (12)


By default >> skips whitespace (§38.4.1). This default can be modified by >>skipws and >>noskipws. For example:

string input {"0 1 2 3 4"};
istringstream iss {input};
string s;
for (char ch; iss>>ch;)
s += ch;
cout << s; //
print "01234"

istringstream iss2 {input};
for (char ch; iss2>>ch;)
s += ch;
cout << s; //
print "0 1 2 3 4"

If you want to explicitly deal with whitespace (e.g., to make a newline significant) and still use >>, noskipws and >>ws become a convenience. User-Defined Manipulators

A programmer can add manipulators in the style of the standard ones. Here, I present an additional style that I have found useful for formatting floating-point numbers.

Formatting is controlled by a confusing multitude of separate functions (§ For example, a precision() persists for all output operations, but a width() applies to the next numeric output operation only. What I want is something that makes it simple to output a floating-point number in a predefined format without affecting future output operations on the stream. The basic idea is to define a class that represents formats, another that represents a format plus a value to be formatted, and then an operator << that outputs the value to an ostream according to the format. For example:

Form gen4 {4}; // general format, precision 4

void f(double d)

Form sci8;
sci8.scientific().precision(8); //
scientific format, precision 8
cout << d << ' ' << gen4(d) << ' ' << sci8(d) << ' ' << d << '\n';

Form sci {10,ios_base::scientific}; // scientific format, precision 10
cout << d << ' ' << gen4(d) << ' ' << sci(d) << ' ' << d << '\n';

A call f(1234.56789) writes:

1234.57 1235 1.23456789e+003 1234.57
1234.57 1235 1.2345678900e+003 1234.57

Note how the use of a Form doesn’t affect the state of the stream, so that the last output of d has the same default format as the first.

Here is a simplified implementation:

class Form; // our formatting type

struct Bound_form { // Form plus value
const Form& f;
double val;

class Form {
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Bound_form&);

int prc; // precision
int wdt; // width 0 means "as wide as necessary"
int fmt; // general, scientific, or fixed (§
// ...
explicit Form(int p =6, ios_base::fmtflags f =0, int w =0) : prc{p}, fmt{f}, wdt{w} {}

Bound_form Form::operator()(double d) const // make a Bound_form for *this and d
return Bound_form{*this,d};

Form& scientific() { fmt = ios_base::scientific; return *this; }
Form& fixed() { fmt = ios_base::fixed; return *this; }

Form& general() { fmt = 0; return *this; }

Form& uppercase();
Form& lowercase();
Form& precision(int p) { prc = p; return *this; }

Form& width(int w) { wdt = w; return *this; } // applies to all types
Form& fill(char);

Form& plus(bool b = true); // explicit plus
Form& trailing_zeros(bool b = true); // print trailing zeros
// ...

The idea is that a Form holds all the information needed to format one data item. The default is chosen to be reasonable for many uses, and the various member functions can be used to reset individual aspects of formatting. The () operator is used to bind a value with the format to be used to output it. A Bound_form (that is, a Form plus a value) can then be output to a given stream by a suitable << function:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Bound_form& bf)
ostringstream s; //
s << bf.val; //
compose string in s
return os << s.str(); // output s to os

Writing a less simplistic implementation of << is left as an exercise.

Note that these declarations make the combination of << and () into a ternary operator; cout<<sci4{d} collects the ostream, the format, and the value into a single function before doing any real computation.

38.5. Stream Iterators

In <iterator>, the standard library provides iterators to allow input and output streams to be viewed as sequences [input-begin:end-of-input) and [output-begin:end-of-output):

template<typename T,
typename C = char,
typename Tr = char_traits<C>,
typename Distance = ptrdiff_t>
class istream_iterator

:public iterator<input_iterator_tag, T, Distance, const T*, const T&> {
using char_type = C;
using traits_type = Tr;
using istream_type = basic_istream<C,Tr>;

template<typename T, typename C = char, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class ostream_iterator: public iterator<output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> {
using char_type = C;
using traits_type = Tr;
using ostream_type = basic_ostream<C,Tr>;

For example:

copy(istream_iterator<double>{cin}, istream_iterator<double,char>{},

When an ostream_iterator is constructed with a second (string) argument, that string is output as a terminator after every element value. So, if you enter 1 2 3 to that call of copy(), the output is:


The operators provided for a stream_iterator are the same as for other iterator adaptors (§33.2.2):


Except for the constructors, these operations are typically used by general algorithms, such as copy(), rather than directly.

38.6. Buffering

Conceptually, an output stream puts characters into a buffer. Sometime later, the characters are then written to (“flushed to”) wherever they are supposed to go. Such a buffer is called a streambuf. Its definition is found in <streambuf>. Different types of streambufs implement different buffering strategies. Typically, the streambuf stores characters in an array until an overflow forces it to write the characters to their real destination. Thus, an ostream can be represented graphically like this:


The set of template arguments for an ostream and its streambuf must be the same, and they determine the type of character used in the character buffer.

An istream is similar, except that the characters flow the other way.

Unbuffered I/O is simply I/O where the streambuf immediately transfers each character, rather than holding on to characters until enough have been gathered for efficient transfer.

The key class in the buffering mechanisms is basic_streambuf:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class basic_streambuf {
using char_type = C; //
the type of a character
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type; // the integer type to which
// a character can be converted
using pos_type = typename Tr::pos_type; // type of position in buffer
using off_type = typename Tr::off_type; // type of offset from position in buffer
using traits_type = Tr;
virtual ~basic_streambuf();

As usual, a couple of aliases are provided for the (supposedly) most common cases:

using streambuf = basic_streambuf<char>;
using wstreambuf = basic_streambuf<wchar_t>;

The basic_streambuf has a host of operations. Many of the public operations simply call a protected virtual function that ensures that a function from a derived class implemented the operation appropriately for the particular kind of buffer:


All constructors are protected because basic_streambuf is designed as a base class.


The exact meaning of the virtual functions are determined by derived classes.

A streambuf has a put area into which << and other output operations write (§38.4.2), and a get area from which >> and other input operations read (§38.4.1). Each area is described by a beginning pointer, current pointer, and one-past-the-end pointer:


Overflow are handled by the virtual functions overflow(), underflow(), and uflow().

For a use of positioning, see §38.6.1.

The put-and-get interface is separated into a public and a protected one:


The protected interface provides simple, efficient, and typically inlined functions manipulating the put and get pointers. In addition, there are virtual functions to be overridden by derived classes.



The showmanyc() (“show how many characters”) function is an odd function intended to allow a user to learn something about the state of a machine’s input system. It returns an estimate of how many characters can be read “soon,” say, by emptying the operating system’s buffers rather than waiting for a disk read. A call to showmanyc() returns –1 if it cannot promise that any character can be read without encountering end-of-file. This is (necessarily) rather low-level and highly implementation-dependent. Don’t use showmanyc() without a careful reading of your system documentation and conducting a few experiments.

38.6.1. Output Streams and Buffers

An ostream provides operations for converting values of various types into character sequences according to conventions (§38.4.2) and explicit formatting directives (§38.4.5). In addition, an ostream provides operations that deal directly with its streambuf:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<C,Tr> {

// ...
explicit basic_ostream(basic_streambuf<C,Tr>* b);

pos_type tellp(); // get current position
basic_ostream& seekp(pos_type); // set current position
basic_ostream& seekp(off_type, ios_base::seekdir); // set current position

basic_ostream& flush(); // empty buffer (to real destination)

basic_ostream& operator<<(basic_streambuf<C,Tr>* b); // write from b

The basic_ostream functions override their equivalents in the basic_ostream’s basic_ios base.

An ostream is constructed with a streambuf argument, which determines how the characters written are handled and where they eventually go. For example, an ostringstream38.2.2) or an ofstream38.2.1) is created by initializing an ostream with a suitable streambuf38.6).

The seekp() functions are used to position an ostream for writing. The p suffix indicates that it is the position used for putting characters into the stream. These functions have no effect unless the stream is attached to something for which positioning is meaningful, such as a file. Thepos_type represents a character position in a file, and the off_type represents an offset from a point indicated by an ios_base::seekdir.

Stream positions start at 0, so we can think of a file as an array of n characters. For example:

int f(ofstream& fout)// fout refers to some file
fout << "0123456789";
fout.seekp(8); //
8 from beginning
fout << '#'; // add '#' and move position (+1)
fout.seekp(–4,ios_base::cur); // 4 backward
fout << '*'; // add '*' and move position (+1)

If the file was initially empty, we get:


There is no similar way to do random access on elements of a plain istream or ostream. Attempting to seek beyond the beginning or the end of a file typically puts the stream into the bad() state (§38.4.4). However, some operating systems have operating modes where the behavior differs (e.g., positioning might resize a file).

The flush() operation allows the user to empty the buffer without waiting for an overflow.

It is possible to use << to write a streambuf directly into an ostream. This is primarily handy for implementers of I/O mechanisms.

38.6.2. Input Streams and Buffers

An istream provides operations for reading characters and converting them into values of various types (§38.4.1). In addition, an istream provides operations that deal directly with its streambuf:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>>
class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<C,Tr> {

// ...
explicit basic_istream(basic_streambuf<C,Tr>* b);
pos_type tellg(); //
get current position
basic_istream& seekg(pos_type); // set current position
basic_istream& seekg(off_type, ios_base::seekdir); // set current position

basic_istream& putback(C c); // put c back into the buffer
basic_istream& unget(); // put back most recent char read
int_type peek(); // look at next character to be read

int sync(); // clear buffer (flush)

basic_istream& operator>>(basic_streambuf<C,Tr>* b); // read into b
basic_istream& get(basic_streambuf<C,Tr>& b, C t = Tr::newline());
streamsize readsome(C* p, streamsize n); // read at most n char

The basic_istream functions override their equivalents in the basic_istream’s basic_ios base.

The positioning functions work like their ostream counterparts (§38.6.1). The g suffix indicates that it is the position used for getting characters from the stream. The p and g suffixes are needed because we can create an iostream derived from both istream and ostream, and such a stream needs to keep track of both a get position and a put position.

The putback() function allows a program to put a character “back” into an istream to be the next character read. The unget() function puts the most recently read character back. Unfortunately, backing up an input stream is not always possible. For example, trying to back up past the first character read will set ios_base::failbit. What is guaranteed is that you can back up one character after a successful read. The peek() function reads the next character and also leaves that character in the streambuf so that it can be read again. Thus, c=peek() is logically equivalent to(c=get(),unget(),c). Setting failbit might trigger an exception (§38.3).

Flushing an istream is done using sync(). This cannot always be done right. For some kinds of streams, we would have to reread characters from the real source – and that is not always possible or desirable (e.g., for a stream attached to a network). Consequently, sync() returns 0 if it succeeded. If it failed, it sets ios_base::badbit38.4.4) and returns –1. Setting badbit might trigger an exception (§38.3). A sync() on a buffer attached to an ostream flushes the buffer to output.

The >> and get() operations that directly reads from a streambuf are primarily useful for implementers of I/O facilities.

The readsome() function is a low-level operation that allows a user to peek at a stream to see if there are any characters available to read. This can be most useful when it is undesirable to wait for input, say, from a keyboard. See also in_avail()38.6).

38.6.3. Buffer Iterators

In <iterator>, the standard library provides istreambuf_iterator and ostreambuf_iterator to allow a user (mostly an implementer of a new kind of iostream) to iterate over the contents of a stream buffer. In particular, these iterators are widely used by locale facets (Chapter 39). istreambuf_iterator

An istreambuf_iterator reads a stream of characters from an istream_buffer:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>> // §iso.24.6.3
class istreambuf_iterator
:public iterator<input_iterator_tag, C, typename Tr::off_type, /*unspecified*/, C> {
using char_type = C;
using traits_type = Tr;
using int_type = typename Tr::int_type;
using streambuf_type = basic_streambuf<C,Tr>;
using istream_type = basic_istream<C,Tr>;

The reference member of the iterator base is not used and is consequently left unspecified.

If you use an istreambuf_iterator as an input iterator, its effect is like that of other input iterators: a stream of characters can be read from input using c=* p++:


Note that any attempt to be clever when comparing istreambuf_iterators will fail: you cannot rely on two iterators referring to the same character while input is going on. ostreambuf_iterator

An ostreambuf_iterator writes a stream of characters to an ostream_buffer:

template<typename C, typename Tr = char_traits<C>> // §iso.24.6.4
class ostreambuf_iterator
:public iterator<output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void> {
using char_type = C;
using traits_type = Tr;
using streambuf_type = basic_streambuf<C,Tr>;
using ostream_type = basic_ostream<C,Tr>;

By most measures, ostreambuf_iterator’s operations are odd, but the net effect is that if you use it as an output iterator, its effect is like that of other output iterators: a stream of characters can be written to output using *p++=c:



38.7. Advice

[1] Define << and >> for user-defined types with values that have meaningful textual representations; §38.1, §38.4.1, §38.4.2.

[2] Use cout for normal output and cerr for errors; §38.1.

[3] There are iostreams for ordinary characters and wide characters, and you can define an iostream for any kind of character; §38.1.

[4] There are standard iostreams for standard I/O streams, files, and strings; §38.2.

[5] Don’t try to copy a file stream; §38.2.1.

[6] Binary I/O is system specific; §38.2.1.

[7] Remember to check that a file stream is attached to a file before using it; §38.2.1.

[8] Prefer ifstreams and ofstreams over the generic fstream; §38.2.1.

[9] Use stringstreams for in-memory formatting; §38.2.2.

[10] Use exceptions to catch rare bad() I/O errors; §38.3.

[11] Use the stream state fail to handle potentially recoverable I/O errors; §38.3.

[12] You don’t need to modify istream or ostream to add new << and >> operators; §38.4.1.

[13] When implementing a iostream primitive operation, use sentry; §38.4.1.

[14] Prefer formatted input over unformatted, low-level input; §38.4.1.

[15] Input into strings does not overflow; §38.4.1.

[16] Be careful with the termination criteria when using get(), getline(), and read(); §38.4.1.

[17] By default >> skips whitespace; §38.4.1.

[18] You can define a << (or a >>) so that it behaves as a virtual function based on its second operand; §

[19] Prefer manipulators to state flags for controlling I/O; §38.4.3.

[20] Use sync_with_stdio(true) if you want to mix C-style and iostream I/O; §38.4.4.

[21] Use sync_with_stdio(false) to optimize iostreams; §38.4.4.

[22] Tie streams used for interactive I/O; §38.4.4.

[23] Use imbue() to make an iostream reflect “cultural differences” of a locale; §38.4.4.

[24] width() specifications apply to the immediately following I/O operation only; §

[25] precision() specifications apply to all following floating-point output operations; §

[26] Floating-point format specifications (e.g., scientific) apply to all following floating-point output operations; §

[27] #include <iomanip> when using standard manipulators taking arguments; §

[28] You hardly ever need to flush(); §

[29] Don’t use endl except possibly for aesthetic reasons; §

[30] If iostream formatting gets too tedious, write your own manipulators; §

[31] You can achieve the effect (and efficiency) of a ternary operator by defining a simple function object; §