Production Deployment - Administration, Monitoring, and Deployment - Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (2015)

Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (2015)

Part VII. Administration, Monitoring, and Deployment

Chapter 45. Production Deployment

If you have made it this far in the book, hopefully you’ve learned a thing or two about Elasticsearch and are ready to deploy your cluster to production. This chapter is not meant to be an exhaustive guide to running your cluster in production, but it covers the key things to consider before putting your cluster live.

Three main areas are covered:

§ Logistical considerations, such as hardware recommendations and deployment strategies

§ Configuration changes that are more suited to a production environment

§ Post-deployment considerations, such as security, maximizing indexing performance, and backups


If you’ve been following the normal development path, you’ve probably been playing with Elasticsearch on your laptop or on a small cluster of machines laying around. But when it comes time to deploy Elasticsearch to production, there are a few recommendations that you should consider. Nothing is a hard-and-fast rule; Elasticsearch is used for a wide range of tasks and on a bewildering array of machines. But these recommendations provide good starting points based on our experience with production clusters.


If there is one resource that you will run out of first, it will likely be memory. Sorting and aggregations can both be memory hungry, so enough heap space to accommodate these is important. Even when the heap is comparatively small, extra memory can be given to the OS filesystem cache. Because many data structures used by Lucene are disk-based formats, Elasticsearch leverages the OS cache to great effect.

A machine with 64 GB of RAM is the ideal sweet spot, but 32 GB and 16 GB machines are also common. Less than 8 GB tends to be counterproductive (you end up needing many, many small machines), and greater than 64 GB has problems that we will discuss in “Heap: Sizing and Swapping”.


Most Elasticsearch deployments tend to be rather light on CPU requirements. As such, the exact processor setup matters less than the other resources. You should choose a modern processor with multiple cores. Common clusters utilize two to eight core machines.

If you need to choose between faster CPUs or more cores, choose more cores. The extra concurrency that multiple cores offers will far outweigh a slightly faster clock speed.


Disks are important for all clusters, and doubly so for indexing-heavy clusters (such as those that ingest log data). Disks are the slowest subsystem in a server, which means that write-heavy clusters can easily saturate their disks, which in turn become the bottleneck of the cluster.

If you can afford SSDs, they are by far superior to any spinning media. SSD-backed nodes see boosts in both query and indexing performance. If you can afford it, SSDs are the way to go.


If you are using SSDs, make sure your OS I/O scheduler is configured correctly. When you write data to disk, the I/O scheduler decides when that data is actually sent to the disk. The default under most *nix distributions is a scheduler called cfq (Completely Fair Queuing).

This scheduler allocates time slices to each process, and then optimizes the delivery of these various queues to the disk. It is optimized for spinning media: the nature of rotating platters means it is more efficient to write data to disk based on physical layout.

This is inefficient for SSD, however, since there are no spinning platters involved. Instead, deadline or noop should be used instead. The deadline scheduler optimizes based on how long writes have been pending, while noop is just a simple FIFO queue.

This simple change can have dramatic impacts. We’ve seen a 500-fold improvement to write throughput just by using the correct scheduler.

If you use spinning media, try to obtain the fastest disks possible (high-performance server disks, 15k RPM drives).

Using RAID 0 is an effective way to increase disk speed, for both spinning disks and SSD. There is no need to use mirroring or parity variants of RAID, since high availability is built into Elasticsearch via replicas.

Finally, avoid network-attached storage (NAS). People routinely claim their NAS solution is faster and more reliable than local drives. Despite these claims, we have never seen NAS live up to its hype. NAS is often slower, displays larger latencies with a wider deviation in average latency, and is a single point of failure.


A fast and reliable network is obviously important to performance in a distributed system. Low latency helps ensure that nodes can communicate easily, while high bandwidth helps shard movement and recovery. Modern data-center networking (1 GbE, 10 GbE) is sufficient for the vast majority of clusters.

Avoid clusters that span multiple data centers, even if the data centers are colocated in close proximity. Definitely avoid clusters that span large geographic distances.

Elasticsearch clusters assume that all nodes are equal—not that half the nodes are actually 150ms distant in another data center. Larger latencies tend to exacerbate problems in distributed systems and make debugging and resolution more difficult.

Similar to the NAS argument, everyone claims that their pipe between data centers is robust and low latency. This is true—until it isn’t (a network failure will happen eventually; you can count on it). From our experience, the hassle of managing cross–data center clusters is simply not worth the cost.

General Considerations

It is possible nowadays to obtain truly enormous machines: hundreds of gigabytes of RAM with dozens of CPU cores. Conversely, it is also possible to spin up thousands of small virtual machines in cloud platforms such as EC2. Which approach is best?

In general, it is better to prefer medium-to-large boxes. Avoid small machines, because you don’t want to manage a cluster with a thousand nodes, and the overhead of simply running Elasticsearch is more apparent on such small boxes.

At the same time, avoid the truly enormous machines. They often lead to imbalanced resource usage (for example, all the memory is being used, but none of the CPU) and can add logistical complexity if you have to run multiple nodes per machine.

Java Virtual Machine

You should always run the most recent version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), unless otherwise stated on the Elasticsearch website. Elasticsearch, and in particular Lucene, is a demanding piece of software. The unit and integration tests from Lucene often expose bugs in the JVM itself. These bugs range from mild annoyances to serious segfaults, so it is best to use the latest version of the JVM where possible.

Java 7 is strongly preferred over Java 6. Either Oracle or OpenJDK are acceptable. They are comparable in performance and stability.

If your application is written in Java and you are using the transport client or node client, make sure the JVM running your application is identical to the server JVM. In few locations in Elasticsearch, Java’s native serialization is used (IP addresses, exceptions, and so forth). Unfortunately, Oracle has been known to change the serialization format between minor releases, leading to strange errors. This happens rarely, but it is best practice to keep the JVM versions identical between client and server.


The JVM exposes dozens (hundreds even!) of settings, parameters, and configurations. They allow you to tweak and tune almost every aspect of the JVM.

When a knob is encountered, it is human nature to want to turn it. We implore you to squash this desire and not use custom JVM settings. Elasticsearch is a complex piece of software, and the current JVM settings have been tuned over years of real-world usage.

It is easy to start turning knobs, producing opaque effects that are hard to measure, and eventually detune your cluster into a slow, unstable mess. When debugging clusters, the first step is often to remove all custom configurations. About half the time, this alone restores stability and performance.

Transport Client Versus Node Client

If you are using Java, you may wonder when to use the transport client versus the node client. As discussed at the beginning of the book, the transport client acts as a communication layer between the cluster and your application. It knows the API and can automatically round-robin between nodes, sniff the cluster for you, and more. But it is external to the cluster, similar to the REST clients.

The node client, on the other hand, is actually a node within the cluster (but does not hold data, and cannot become master). Because it is a node, it knows the entire cluster state (where all the nodes reside, which shards live in which nodes, and so forth). This means it can execute APIs with one less network hop.

There are uses-cases for both clients:

§ The transport client is ideal if you want to decouple your application from the cluster. For example, if your application quickly creates and destroys connections to the cluster, a transport client is much “lighter” than a node client, since it is not part of a cluster.

Similarly, if you need to create thousands of connections, you don’t want to have thousands of node clients join the cluster. The TC will be a better choice.

§ On the flipside, if you need only a few long-lived, persistent connection objects to the cluster, a node client can be a bit more efficient since it knows the cluster layout. But it ties your application into the cluster, so it may pose problems from a firewall perspective.

Configuration Management

If you use configuration management already (Puppet, Chef, Ansible), you can skip this tip.

If you don’t use configuration management tools yet, you should! Managing a handful of servers by parallel-ssh may work now, but it will become a nightmare as you grow your cluster. It is almost impossible to edit 30 configuration files by hand without making a mistake.

Configuration management tools help make your cluster consistent by automating the process of config changes. It may take a little time to set up and learn, but it will pay itself off handsomely over time.

Important Configuration Changes

Elasticsearch ships with very good defaults, especially when it comes to performance- related settings and options. When in doubt, just leave the settings alone. We have witnessed countless dozens of clusters ruined by errant settings because the administrator thought he could turn a knob and gain 100-fold improvement.


Please read this entire section! All configurations presented are equally important, and are not listed in any particular order. Please read through all configuration options and apply them to your cluster.

Other databases may require tuning, but by and large, Elasticsearch does not. If you are hitting performance problems, the solution is usually better data layout or more nodes. There are very few “magic knobs” in Elasticsearch. If there were, we’d have turned them already!

With that said, there are some logistical configurations that should be changed for production. These changes are necessary either to make your life easier, or because there is no way to set a good default (because it depends on your cluster layout).

Assign Names

Elasticseach by default starts a cluster named elasticsearch. It is wise to rename your production cluster to something else, simply to prevent accidents whereby someone’s laptop joins the cluster. A simple change to elasticsearch_production can save a lot of heartache.

This can be changed in your elasticsearch.yml file: elasticsearch_production

Similarly, it is wise to change the names of your nodes. As you’ve probably noticed by now, Elasticsearch assigns a random Marvel superhero name to your nodes at startup. This is cute in development—but less cute when it is 3a.m. and you are trying to remember which physical machine was Tagak the Leopard Lord.

More important, since these names are generated on startup, each time you restart your node, it will get a new name. This can make logs confusing, since the names of all the nodes are constantly changing.

Boring as it might be, we recommend you give each node a name that makes sense to you—a plain, descriptive name. This is also configured in your elasticsearch.yml: elasticsearch_005_data


By default, Elasticsearch will place the plug-ins, logs, and—most important—your data in the installation directory. This can lead to unfortunate accidents, whereby the installation directory is accidentally overwritten by a new installation of Elasticsearch. If you aren’t careful, you can erase all your data.

Don’t laugh—we’ve seen it happen more than a few times.

The best thing to do is relocate your data directory outside the installation location. You can optionally move your plug-in and log directories as well.

This can be changed as follows: /path/to/data1,/path/to/data2 1

# Path to log files:

path.logs: /path/to/logs

# Path to where plugins are installed:

path.plugins: /path/to/plugins


Notice that you can specify more than one directory for data by using comma-separated lists.

Data can be saved to multiple directories, and if each directory is mounted on a different hard drive, this is a simple and effective way to set up a software RAID 0. Elasticsearch will automatically stripe data between the different directories, boosting performance

Minimum Master Nodes

The minimum_master_nodes setting is extremely important to the stability of your cluster. This setting helps prevent split brains, the existence of two masters in a single cluster.

When you have a split brain, your cluster is at danger of losing data. Because the master is considered the supreme ruler of the cluster, it decides when new indices can be created, how shards are moved, and so forth. If you have two masters, data integrity becomes perilous, since you have two nodes that think they are in charge.

This setting tells Elasticsearch to not elect a master unless there are enough master-eligible nodes available. Only then will an election take place.

This setting should always be configured to a quorum (majority) of your master-eligible nodes. A quorum is (number of master-eligible nodes / 2) + 1. Here are some examples:

§ If you have ten regular nodes (can hold data, can become master), a quorum is 6.

§ If you have three dedicated master nodes and a hundred data nodes, the quorum is 2, since you need to count only nodes that are master eligible.

§ If you have two regular nodes, you are in a conundrum. A quorum would be 2, but this means a loss of one node will make your cluster inoperable. A setting of 1 will allow your cluster to function, but doesn’t protect against split brain. It is best to have a minimum of three nodes in situations like this.

This setting can be configured in your elasticsearch.yml file:

discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2

But because Elasticsearch clusters are dynamic, you could easily add or remove nodes that will change the quorum. It would be extremely irritating if you had to push new configurations to each node and restart your whole cluster just to change the setting.

For this reason, minimum_master_nodes (and other settings) can be configured via a dynamic API call. You can change the setting while your cluster is online:

PUT /_cluster/settings


"persistent" : {

"discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes" : 2



This will become a persistent setting that takes precedence over whatever is in the static configuration. You should modify this setting whenever you add or remove master-eligible nodes.

Recovery Settings

Several settings affect the behavior of shard recovery when your cluster restarts. First, we need to understand what happens if nothing is configured.

Imagine you have ten nodes, and each node holds a single shard—either a primary or a replica—in a 5 primary / 1 replica index. You take your entire cluster offline for maintenance (installing new drives, for example). When you restart your cluster, it just so happens that five nodes come online before the other five.

Maybe the switch to the other five is being flaky, and they didn’t receive the restart command right away. Whatever the reason, you have five nodes online. These five nodes will gossip with each other, elect a master, and form a cluster. They notice that data is no longer evenly distributed, since five nodes are missing from the cluster, and immediately start replicating new shards between each other.

Finally, your other five nodes turn on and join the cluster. These nodes see that their data is being replicated to other nodes, so they delete their local data (since it is now redundant, and may be outdated). Then the cluster starts to rebalance even more, since the cluster size just went from five to ten.

During this whole process, your nodes are thrashing the disk and network, moving data around—for no good reason. For large clusters with terabytes of data, this useless shuffling of data can take a really long time. If all the nodes had simply waited for the cluster to come online, all the data would have been local and nothing would need to move.

Now that we know the problem, we can configure a few settings to alleviate it. First, we need to give Elasticsearch a hard limit:

gateway.recover_after_nodes: 8

This will prevent Elasticsearch from starting a recovery until at least eight nodes are present. The value for this setting is a matter of personal preference: how many nodes do you want present before you consider your cluster functional? In this case, we are setting it to 8, which means the cluster is inoperable unless there are eight nodes.

Then we tell Elasticsearch how many nodes should be in the cluster, and how long we want to wait for all those nodes:

gateway.expected_nodes: 10

gateway.recover_after_time: 5m

What this means is that Elasticsearch will do the following:

§ Wait for eight nodes to be present

§ Begin recovering after 5 minutes or after ten nodes have joined the cluster, whichever comes first.

These three settings allow you to avoid the excessive shard swapping that can occur on cluster restarts. It can literally make recovery take seconds instead of hours.

Prefer Unicast over Multicast

Elasticsearch is configured to use multicast discovery out of the box. Multicast works by sending UDP pings across your local network to discover nodes. Other Elasticsearch nodes will receive these pings and respond. A cluster is formed shortly after.

Multicast is excellent for development, since you don’t need to do anything. Turn a few nodes on, and they automatically find each other and form a cluster.

This ease of use is the exact reason you should disable it in production. The last thing you want is for nodes to accidentally join your production network, simply because they received an errant multicast ping. There is nothing wrong with multicast per se. Multicast simply leads to silly problems, and can be a bit more fragile (for example, a network engineer fiddles with the network without telling you—and all of a sudden nodes can’t find each other anymore).

In production, it is recommended to use unicast instead of multicast. This works by providing Elasticsearch a list of nodes that it should try to contact. Once the node contacts a member of the unicast list, it will receive a full cluster state that lists all nodes in the cluster. It will then proceed to contact the master and join.

This means your unicast list does not need to hold all the nodes in your cluster. It just needs enough nodes that a new node can find someone to talk to. If you use dedicated masters, just list your three dedicated masters and call it a day. This setting is configured in yourelasticsearch.yml: false 1 ["host1", "host2:port"]


Make sure you disable multicast, since it can operate in parallel with unicast.

Don’t Touch These Settings!

There are a few hotspots in Elasticsearch that people just can’t seem to avoid tweaking. We understand: knobs just beg to be turned. But of all the knobs to turn, these you should really leave alone. They are often abused and will contribute to terrible stability or terrible performance. Or both.

Garbage Collector

As briefly introduced in “Garbage Collection Primer”, the JVM uses a garbage collector to free unused memory. This tip is really an extension of the last tip, but deserves its own section for emphasis:

Do not change the default garbage collector!

The default GC for Elasticsearch is Concurrent-Mark and Sweep (CMS). This GC runs concurrently with the execution of the application so that it can minimize pauses. It does, however, have two stop-the-world phases. It also has trouble collecting large heaps.

Despite these downsides, it is currently the best GC for low-latency server software like Elasticsearch. The official recommendation is to use CMS.

There is a newer GC called the Garbage First GC (G1GC). This newer GC is designed to minimize pausing even more than CMS, and operate on large heaps. It works by dividing the heap into regions and predicting which regions contain the most reclaimable space. By collecting those regions first (garbage first), it can minimize pauses and operate on very large heaps.

Sounds great! Unfortunately, G1GC is still new, and fresh bugs are found routinely. These bugs are usually of the segfault variety, and will cause hard crashes. The Lucene test suite is brutal on GC algorithms, and it seems that G1GC hasn’t had the kinks worked out yet.

We would like to recommend G1GC someday, but for now, it is simply not stable enough to meet the demands of Elasticsearch and Lucene.


Everyone loves to tweak threadpools. For whatever reason, it seems people cannot resist increasing thread counts. Indexing a lot? More threads! Searching a lot? More threads! Node idling 95% of the time? More threads!

The default threadpool settings in Elasticsearch are very sensible. For all threadpools (except search) the threadcount is set to the number of CPU cores. If you have eight cores, you can be running only eight threads simultaneously. It makes sense to assign only eight threads to any particular threadpool.

Search gets a larger threadpool, and is configured to # cores * 3.

You might argue that some threads can block (such as on a disk I/O operation), which is why you need more threads. This is not a problem in Elasticsearch: much of the disk I/O is handled by threads managed by Lucene, not Elasticsearch.

Furthermore, threadpools cooperate by passing work between each other. You don’t need to worry about a networking thread blocking because it is waiting on a disk write. The networking thread will have long since handed off that work unit to another threadpool and gotten back to networking.

Finally, the compute capacity of your process is finite. Having more threads just forces the processor to switch thread contexts. A processor can run only one thread at a time, so when it needs to switch to a different thread, it stores the current state (registers, and so forth) and loads another thread. If you are lucky, the switch will happen on the same core. If you are unlucky, the switch may migrate to a different core and require transport on an inter-core communication bus.

This context switching eats up cycles simply by doing administrative housekeeping; estimates can peg it as high as 30μs on modern CPUs. So unless the thread will be blocked for longer than 30μs, it is highly likely that that time would have been better spent just processing and finishing early.

People routinely set threadpools to silly values. On eight core machines, we have run across configs with 60, 100, or even 1000 threads. These settings will simply thrash the CPU more than getting real work done.

So. Next time you want to tweak a threadpool, please don’t. And if you absolutely cannot resist, please keep your core count in mind and perhaps set the count to double. More than that is just a waste.

Heap: Sizing and Swapping

The default installation of Elasticsearch is configured with a 1 GB heap. For just about every deployment, this number is far too small. If you are using the default heap values, your cluster is probably configured incorrectly.

There are two ways to change the heap size in Elasticsearch. The easiest is to set an environment variable called ES_HEAP_SIZE. When the server process starts, it will read this environment variable and set the heap accordingly. As an example, you can set it via the command line as follows:

export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g

Alternatively, you can pass in the heap size via a command-line argument when starting the process, if that is easier for your setup:

./bin/elasticsearch -Xmx=10g -Xms=10g 1


Ensure that the min (Xms) and max (Xmx) sizes are the same to prevent the heap from resizing at runtime, a very costly process.

Generally, setting the ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable is preferred over setting explicit -Xmx and -Xms values.

Give Half Your Memory to Lucene

A common problem is configuring a heap that is too large. You have a 64 GB machine—and by golly, you want to give Elasticsearch all 64 GB of memory. More is better!

Heap is definitely important to Elasticsearch. It is used by many in-memory data structures to provide fast operation. But with that said, there is another major user of memory that is off heap: Lucene.

Lucene is designed to leverage the underlying OS for caching in-memory data structures. Lucene segments are stored in individual files. Because segments are immutable, these files never change. This makes them very cache friendly, and the underlying OS will happily keep hot segments resident in memory for faster access.

Lucene’s performance relies on this interaction with the OS. But if you give all available memory to Elasticsearch’s heap, there won’t be any left over for Lucene. This can seriously impact the performance of full-text search.

The standard recommendation is to give 50% of the available memory to Elasticsearch heap, while leaving the other 50% free. It won’t go unused; Lucene will happily gobble up whatever is left over.

Don’t Cross 32 GB!

There is another reason to not allocate enormous heaps to Elasticsearch. As it turns out, the JVM uses a trick to compress object pointers when heaps are less than ~32 GB.

In Java, all objects are allocated on the heap and referenced by a pointer. Ordinary object pointers (OOP) point at these objects, and are traditionally the size of the CPU’s native word: either 32 bits or 64 bits, depending on the processor. The pointer references the exact byte location of the value.

For 32-bit systems, this means the maximum heap size is 4 GB. For 64-bit systems, the heap size can get much larger, but the overhead of 64-bit pointers means there is more wasted space simply because the pointer is larger. And worse than wasted space, the larger pointers eat up more bandwidth when moving values between main memory and various caches (LLC, L1, and so forth).

Java uses a trick called compressed oops to get around this problem. Instead of pointing at exact byte locations in memory, the pointers reference object offsets. This means a 32-bit pointer can reference four billion objects, rather than four billion bytes. Ultimately, this means the heap can grow to around 32 GB of physical size while still using a 32-bit pointer.

Once you cross that magical ~30–32 GB boundary, the pointers switch back to ordinary object pointers. The size of each pointer grows, more CPU-memory bandwidth is used, and you effectively lose memory. In fact, it takes until around 40–50 GB of allocated heap before you have the same effective memory of a 32 GB heap using compressed oops.

The moral of the story is this: even when you have memory to spare, try to avoid crossing the 32 GB heap boundary. It wastes memory, reduces CPU performance, and makes the GC struggle with large heaps.


The 32 GB line is fairly important. So what do you do when your machine has a lot of memory? It is becoming increasingly common to see super-servers with 300–500 GB of RAM.

First, we would recommend avoiding such large machines (see “Hardware”).

But if you already have the machines, you have two practical options:

§ Are you doing mostly full-text search? Consider giving 32 GB to Elasticsearch and letting Lucene use the rest of memory via the OS filesystem cache. All that memory will cache segments and lead to blisteringly fast full-text search.

§ Are you doing a lot of sorting/aggregations? You’ll likely want that memory in the heap then. Instead of one node with 32 GB+ of RAM, consider running two or more nodes on a single machine. Still adhere to the 50% rule, though. So if your machine has 128 GB of RAM, run two nodes, each with 32 GB. This means 64 GB will be used for heaps, and 64 will be left over for Lucene.

If you choose this option, set true in your config. This will prevent a primary and a replica shard from colocating to the same physical machine (since this would remove the benefits of replica high availability).

Swapping Is the Death of Performance

It should be obvious, but it bears spelling out clearly: swapping main memory to disk will crush server performance. Think about it: an in-memory operation is one that needs to execute quickly.

If memory swaps to disk, a 100-microsecond operation becomes one that take 10 milliseconds. Now repeat that increase in latency for all other 10us operations. It isn’t difficult to see why swapping is terrible for performance.

The best thing to do is disable swap completely on your system. This can be done temporarily:

sudo swapoff -a

To disable it permanently, you’ll likely need to edit your /etc/fstab. Consult the documentation for your OS.

If disabling swap completely is not an option, you can try to lower swappiness. This value controls how aggressively the OS tries to swap memory. This prevents swapping under normal circumstances, but still allows the OS to swap under emergency memory situations.

For most Linux systems, this is configured using the sysctl value:

vm.swappiness = 1 1


A swappiness of 1 is better than 0, since on some kernel versions a swappiness of 0 can invoke the OOM-killer.

Finally, if neither approach is possible, you should enable mlockall. file. This allows the JVM to lock its memory and prevent it from being swapped by the OS. In your elasticsearch.yml, set this:

bootstrap.mlockall: true

File Descriptors and MMap

Lucene uses a very large number of files. At the same time, Elasticsearch uses a large number of sockets to communicate between nodes and HTTP clients. All of this requires available file descriptors.

Sadly, many modern Linux distributions ship with a paltry 1,024 file descriptors allowed per process. This is far too low for even a small Elasticsearch node, let alone one that is handling hundreds of indices.

You should increase your file descriptor count to something very large, such as 64,000. This process is irritatingly difficult and highly dependent on your particular OS and distribution. Consult the documentation for your OS to determine how best to change the allowed file descriptor count.

Once you think you’ve changed it, check Elasticsearch to make sure it really does have enough file descriptors:

GET /_nodes/process


"cluster_name": "elasticsearch__zach",

"nodes": {

"TGn9iO2_QQKb0kavcLbnDw": {

"name": "Zach",

"transport_address": "inet[/]",

"host": "zacharys-air",

"ip": "",

"version": "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",

"build": "612f461",

"http_address": "inet[/]",

"process": {

"refresh_interval_in_millis": 1000,

"id": 19808,

"max_file_descriptors": 64000, 1

"mlockall": true






The max_file_descriptors field shows the number of available descriptors that the Elasticsearch process can access.

Elasticsearch also uses a mix of NioFS and MMapFS for the various files. Ensure that you configure the maximum map count so that there is ample virtual memory available for mmapped files. This can be set temporarily:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Or you can set it permanently by modifying vm.max_map_count setting in your /etc/sysctl.conf.

Revisit This List Before Production

You are likely reading this section before you go into production. The details covered in this chapter are good to be generally aware of, but it is critical to revisit this entire list right before deploying to production.

Some of the topics will simply stop you cold (such as too few available file descriptors). These are easy enough to debug because they are quickly apparent. Other issues, such as split brains and memory settings, are visible only after something bad happens. At that point, the resolution is often messy and tedious.

It is much better to proactively prevent these situations from occurring by configuring your cluster appropriately before disaster strikes. So if you are going to dog-ear (or bookmark) one section from the entire book, this chapter would be a good candidate. The week before deploying to production, simply flip through the list presented here and check off all the recommendations.