Self-test Answers - Learning Heroku Postgres (2015)

Learning Heroku Postgres (2015)

Appendix B. Self-test Answers

Chapter 1: Getting Started with Heroku Postgres

1. Is Heroku a multilanguage platform?

Answer: TRUE

2. Using Heroku, does a developer have many concerns about infrastructure?

Answer: FALSE

3. Is Heroku Toolbelt the most powerful way to manage your apps on Heroku?

Answer: TRUE

4. Is it possible to deploy applications on Heroku via FTP?

Answer: FALSE

5. Is dyno a virtualization of a Unix container?

Answer: TRUE

6. Does Heroku always support the latest 10 versions of PostgreSQL?

Answer: FALSE

7. Do the plans of the Premium tier tolerate 30 minutes of downtime?

Answer: FALSE

8. Do all plans of Heroku run a 64-bit architecture?

Answer: TRUE

9. Do only Standard plans have the capability of High Availability?

Answer: FALSE

10. When a new database is built upon failure access, are the credentials changed?

Answer: TRUE

Chapter 2: Heroku Toolbelt

1. When installing Heroku Toolbelt Standalone, is Git also provided?

Answer: FALSE

2. Does Heroku also support web frameworks of languages such as Ruby, Java, Python, Clojure, Scala, and Node.js?

Answer: TRUE

3. Is Foreman a tool provided to run applications locally?

Answer: TRUE

4. To deploy a Heroku app, do we require only the source code and the dependencies file?

Answer: FALSE

5. Does Heroku provide a web address to see apps?

Answer: TRUE

Chapter 3: Postgres Add-on

1. Does Heroku allow duplicate application names?

Answer: FALSE

2. Is it possible to create an application via Heroku Client and Heroku dashboard?

Answer: TRUE

3. Is the Heroku Postgres add-on available to install in the add-ons page gallery?

Answer: TRUE

4. When the Heroku Postgres add-on is installed, is it necessary to manually create the first database?

Answer: FALSE

5. Does the DATABASE_URL variable contain information regarding the database connection?

Answer: TRUE

6. Does the Heroku Client provide commands to work with PostgreSQL?

Answer: FALSE

7. Is it possible to copy the Heroku database through the heroku pg:pull command?

Answer: TRUE

8. Is the heroku pg:promote command helpful to define the main database?

Answer: TRUE

9. Does the Heroku Postgres add-on allow connection with programming languages such as Java, Ruby, Python and Node.js?

Answer: FALSE

10. Does Heroku Postgres allow multiple schemas in the database?

Answer: TRUE

Chapter 4: PG Backups

1. Is it only possible to do automated backups on Heroku via add-on PG Backups?

Answer: TRUE

2. Are the backups done by default on the primary database, available on the DATABASE_URL configuration variable?

Answer: TRUE

3. Are all PG backup plans paid?

Answer: FALSE

4. Can you download a backup via the web interface?

Answer: TRUE

5. Are you only able to delete backups via the client?

Answer: FALSE

6. Is the heroku pgbackups:restore command used to restore backups?

Answer: TRUE

7. Is the heroku pgbackups:url command used to change the URL connection to the database?

Answer: FALSE

8. Isn't it possible to restore a Heroku Postgres database locally?

Answer: FALSE

9. Can you remove the PG Backups add-on at any time?

Answer: TRUE

10. When the add-on Heroku Postgres is removed, are the backups kept?

Answer: FALSE

Chapter 5: Dataclips

1. Are dataclips queries of Postgres database on Heroku can be shared?

Answer: TRUE

2. Can dataclips be displayed in the browser?

Answer: FALSE

3. Is it possible to download a dataclip in XLS format?

Answer: TRUE

4. To create a dataclip, is it necessary to access the address

Answer: TRUE

5. Are dataclips not recommended for API prototyping?

Answer: FALSE

6. Can you see the results in JSON format when adding .json in the dataclip URL?

Answer: TRUE

7. Are dataclips shared on Google Drive never updated?

Answer: FALSE

8. Can dataclips return an infinite set of lines?

Answer: FALSE

9. Can you switch a dataclip to another Postgres database at any time?

Answer: TRUE

10. Is Fork the preferred feature when you want to make a copy of a dataclip?

Answer: TRUE

Chapter 6: Rollback, Followers, and Forks

1. Is rollback a feature that allows you to create a database in the previous state of time?

Answer: TRUE

2. Is the --by flag mandatory to create a rollback database?

Answer: FALSE

3. After creating a rollback database, is it necessary to promote a main database to activate it in your application?

Answer: TRUE

4. Is followers an important resource for the horizontal growth of your database as master and slave?

Answer: TRUE

5. Is the follower database synchronized automatically?

Answer: TRUE

6. Can followers be created with different database plans?

Answer: TRUE

7. Are forks an interesting resource for experimenting with a copy of the main database?

Answer: TRUE

8. Does forks allow you to create a new followers and forks database with your content?

Answer: TRUE

9. Is forks a database that is constantly synchronized with the main database?

Answer: FALSE

10. Is the heroku pg:wait command useful in monitoring the new database's creation?

Answer: TRUE

Chapter 7: Understanding Log Statements and Common Errors

1. Are logs an important information source for identifying problems in your database?

Answer: TRUE

2. Does the heroku logs command only show database logs?

Answer: FALSE

3. Is the postgres process necessary to filter the database logs?

Answer: TRUE

4. Is Logplex a feature that allows a unified view of logs?

Answer: TRUE

5. Can errors be divided in three common categories: LOG, FATAL, and PGError?

Answer: TRUE

6. Is there an error that informs users if the query is taking more than 2 seconds?

Answer: TRUE

7. Does the plan in the Hobby tier offer many limitations?

Answer: TRUE

8. Should you always be careful about processes that use the same connection with the database?

Answer: TRUE

9. Can you view important information about database metrics through the heroku logs command using the heroku-postgres filter?

Answer: TRUE

10. Is the metrics data log with sample# information just examples?

Answer: FALSE

Chapter 8: Extensions, PostGIS, Full Text Search Dictionaries, Data Caching, and Tuning

1. Are extensions functionalities that add new features in your database?

Answer: TRUE

2. Is the extension cube used to remove accents?

Answer: FALSE

3. Is the extension HStore useful to work with key value data?

Answer: TRUE

4. Can you store book numbers (ISBN) in your database through the product numbering extension?

Answer: TRUE

5. Does the PLV8 extension allow you to fire queries directly from inside your JavaScript code application?

Answer: FALSE

6. Is the full-text extension useful for text searches across dictionaries?

Answer: TRUE

7. Is it rarely possible to achieve 99 percent of data cached in your database on Heroku Postgres?

Answer: FALSE

8. Does Heroku Postgres support PostGIS?

Answer: FALSE

9. Should you always run the VACUUM command to improve the performance of your database?

Answer: FALSE

10. Is Heroku Postgres able to do automatic VACUUM in your database?

Answer: TRUE