R Data Types and Basic Operations - Data Manipulation with R (2014)

Data Manipulation with R (2014)

Chapter 1. R Data Types and Basic Operations

R is an object-oriented programming language that is a variation of the S language, and was written by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman (hence the name R), the R Core Development Team, and an army of volunteers. What can we do using R? The answer is we can do anything we can think of that is logical and/or structural. With R, we can perform data processing, write functions, produce graphs, perform complex data analysis, and also produce our own customized packages (a collection of functions for performing specified tasks) to solve specific problems. We can develop up-to-date statistical techniques through R packages, and most importantly, R is open source and a freely available software and it will remain free.

Assuming you have preliminary knowledge on where to get R and how to install it, we will discuss R data types and different operations related to data types. But before introducing data types, we will briefly discuss R objects, modes, and classes because whenever we work in R, we have to deal with these three terminologies frequently. In this chapter, we are going to discuss the following:

· Modes and classes of R objects

· R object structure and mode conversion

· Vector

· Factor and its types

· Data frames, matrices, and arrays

· Lists

· Missing values in R

Modes and classes of R objects

Whatever we do in R, R stores as objects. An R object is anything that can be assigned to a variable of interest. This could be a single number or a set of numbers, characters, and special characters; for example, TRUE, FALSE, NA, NaN, and Inf. Also, these can be the things that are already defined in R as functions, such as seq (to generate a sequence of numbers with a specified increment), names (to extract names such as variable names from a dataset), row.names (to extract the row names of the data, if any), or col.names (this is equivalent to names and it extracts column names from a matrix or data frame). Some of the examples of R objects are as shown in the following code:

# Constant


[1] 2


[1] "July"




[1] NA


[1] NaN


[1] Inf

# Object can be created from existing object

# to make the result reproducible means every time we run the# following code we will get the same results # we need to set # a seed value



[1] -0.2325549 0.7243262 2.4482476 0.7633118 0.7697945 2.7093348 1.1166220 -0.5565308 -0.1427868


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One important thing about objects in R is that if we do not assign an object to any variable, we will not able to re-use it and it does not store the object internally. In the preceding example, all are different objects, but they are not assigned to any variable so they are not stored and we cannot use them later until we enter the object's value itself. So whenever we deal with an object, we will assign it to an appropriate variable, and interestingly the assigned variable is also an object in R!

To assign an object in R to a variable, we can define the variable name in various ways, such as lowercase, uppercase, a combination of upper and lowercase, or even a combination of uppercase, lowercase, and a number and/or a dot; but there are some rules to define variable names. For example, the name cannot start with numbers; it will start with a character or underscore. There is no special character allowed in variable names, such as @, #, $, and *. Though R does not have a standard guideline for naming conventions, according to Bååth (in the paper The State of Naming Conventions in R, which can be found at http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2012-2/RJournal_2012-2_Baaaath.pdf), the most popular function naming convention is lower CamelCase while the most popular naming convention for arguments is period separated. For a variable name, we can use the same naming convention as that of arguments, but again there is no strict rule for naming conventions in R. The following table is reconstructed from the same article by Bååth to give you an idea of the different naming conventions used in R and their popularity:

Object type

Naming conventions















Parameter (argument)













Once we store the R object into a variable, it is still treated as an R object. Each and every object in R has some attributes to describe the nature of the information contained in it. The mode and class are the most important attributes of an R object. Commonly encountered modes of an individual R object are numeric, character, and logical. When we work with data in R, problems might arise due to incorrect operations in incorrect object modes. So before working with data, we should study the mode; we need to know what type of operation is applicable.

The mode function returns the mode of R objects. The following example code describes how we can investigate the mode of an R object:

# Storing R object into a variable and then viewing the mode

num.obj <- seq(from=1,to=10,by=2)


[1] "numeric"



[1] "logical"

character.obj <- c("a","b","c")


[1] "character"

For the numeric mode, R stores all numeric objects into either a 32-bit integer or double-precision floating point.

If an R object contains both numeric and logical elements, the mode of that object will be numeric and in that case the logical element automatically gets converted to numeric. The logical element TRUE converts to 1 and FALSE converts to 0. On the other hand, if any R object contains a character element along with both numeric and logical elements, it automatically converts to the character mode. Let's have a look at the following code:

# R object containing both numeric and logical element

xz <- c(1, 3, TRUE, 5, FALSE, 9)


[1] 1 3 1 5 0 9


[1] "numeric"

# R object containing character, numeric, and logical elements

xw <- c(1,2,TRUE,FALSE,"a")


[1] "1" "2" "TRUE" "FALSE" "a"


[1] "character"

The mode() function is not the only way to test R object modes; there are alternative ways too, which are is.numeric(), is.charater(), and is.logical(), as shown in the following code. The output of these functions is always logical.

num.obj <- seq(from=1,to=10,by=2)


character.obj <- c("a","b","c")


[1] TRUE





Other than these three modes (numeric, logical, and character) of objects, another frequently encountered mode is function; for example:


[1] "function"

# Also we can test whether "mean" is function or not as follows


[1] TRUE

The class() function provides the class information of an R object. The primary purpose of the class() function is to know how different functions, including generic functions, will work. For example, with the class information, the generic function print or plot knows what to do with a particular R object. To assess the class information of the object created earlier, we can use the class() function. Let's have a look at the following code:

num.obj <- seq(from=1,to=10,by=2)


character.obj <- c("a","b","c")


[1] "numeric"


[1] "logical"


[1] "character"

Although we can easily assess the mode and class of an R object through mode() and class(), there is another collection of R commands that are also used to assess whether a particular object belongs to a certain class. These functions start with is., for example;is.numeric(), is.logical(), is.character(), is.list(), is.factor(), and is.data.frame(). As R is an object-oriented programming language, there are many functions (collectively known as generic functions) that will behave differently depending on the class of that particular object.

The mode of an object tells us how it's stored. It could happen that two different objects are stored in the same mode with different classes. How those two objects are printed using the print command is determined by its class; for example:

# Output omitted due to space limitation

num.obj <- seq(from=1,to=10,by=2)

set.seed(1234) # To make the matrix reproducible

mat.obj <- matrix(runif(9),ncol=3,nrow=3)





# prints a numeric object


# prints a matrix object


Like character and numeric, there is another method you can use to store data when the data is categorical in nature. In categorical data, we usually have some unique values and their corresponding labels. To store this type of object in R, we use the class factor, which allows less storage location because it is required to store only unique levels once.

Interestingly, once we try to see the mode of a factor object, it always shows numeric even if it displays character data. For example:

character.obj <- c("a","b","c")


[1] "a" "b" "c"



# Converting character object into factor object using as.factor()

factor.obj <- as.factor(character.obj)


[1] a b c

Levels: a b c


[1] TRUE


[1] "numeric"


[1] "factor"

We have to be careful when dealing with the factor class data in R. The important thing to remember is that for vectors (we will discuss vectors in the Vector section in this chapter), the class and mode will always be numeric, logical, or character. On the other hand, for matrices and arrays (we will discuss matrices and arrays in the Factor and its type section in this chapter), a class is always a matrix or array, but its mode can be numeric, character, or logical.

R object structure and mode conversion

When we work with any statistical software, such as R, we rarely use single values for an object. We need to know how we can handle a collection of data values (for example, the age of 100 randomly selected diabetic patients) along with what type of objects need to store those data values. In R, the most convenient way to store more than one data value is vector (a collection of data values stored in a single object is known as a vector; for example, storing the ages of 100 diabetic patients in a single object). In fact, whenever we create an R object, it stores the values as a vector. It could be a single-element vector or multiple-element vector. The num.obj vector we have created in the previous section is a kind of vector comprising of numeric elements.

One of the simplest ways to create a vector in R is to use the c() function. For example:

# creating vector of numeric element with "c" function

num.vec <- c(1,3,5,7)


[1] 1 3 5 7


[1] "numeric"


[1] "numeric"


[1] TRUE

If we create a vector with mixed elements (character and numeric), the resulting vector will be a character vector. For example:

# Vector with mixed elements

num.char.vec <- c(1,3,"five",7)


[1] "1" "3" "five" "7"


[1] "character"


[1] "character"


[1] TRUE

We can create a big new vector by combining multiple vectors, and the resulting vector's mode will be character if any element of any vector contains a character. The vector could be named or without a name; in the previous example, vectors were without names. The following example shows how we can create a vector with the name of each element:

# combining multiple vectors

comb.vec <- c(num.vec,num.char.vec)


[1] "character"

# creating named vector

named.num.vec <- c(x1=1,x2=3,x3=5)


x1 x2 x3

1 3 5

The name of the elements in a vector can be assigned separately using the names() command. In R, any single constant is also stored as a vector of the single element. For example:

# vector of single element

unit.vec <- 9


[1] TRUE

R has six basic storage types of vectors and each type is known as an atomic vector. The following table shows the six basic vector types, their mode, and the storage mode:



Storage mode



















Other than vectors, there are different storage types available in R to handle data with multiple elements, which are matrix, dataframe, and list. We will discuss each of these types in the subsequent sections.

To convert the object mode, R has user friendly functions that can be depicted as follows: as.x. Here, x could be numeric, logical, character, list, data.frame, and so on. For example, if we need to perform a matrix operation that requires the numeric mode and the data is stored in some other mode, the operation cannot be performed. In that case, we need to convert that data into the numeric mode.

In the following example, we will see how we can convert an object's mode:

# creating a vector of numbers and then converting it to logical # and character

numbers.vec <- c(-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3)


[1] -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

num2char <- as.character(numbers.vec)


[1] "-3" "-2" "-1" "0" "1" "2" "3"

num2logical <- as.logical(numbers.vec)



# creating character vector and then convert it to numeric and logical

char.vec <- c("1","3","five","7")


[1] "1" "3" "five" "7"

char2num <- as.numeric(char.vec)

Warning message:

NAs introduced by coercion


[1] 1 3 NA 7

char2logical <- as.logical(char.vec)



# logical to character conversion

logical.vec <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)



logical2char <- as.character(logical.vec)



Note that when we convert the numeric mode to the logical mode, only 0 (zero) gets FALSE and all the other values get TRUE. Also, if we convert a character object to numeric, it produces numeric elements and NA (if any actual character is present), and a warning willbe issued. Importantly, R does not convert a character object into a logical object, but if we try to do this, all the resulting elements will be NA. However, logical objects get successfully converted to character objects. Finally, we can say that any object can be converted to a character without any warning, but if we want to convert character objects to any other type, we have to be careful.


The R vector can be contiguous cells containing data. In R, the basic data storage type is vector. The vector itself could be numeric, character, and logical based on the elements. In fact, there are six types of vectors used in R. We can easily access elements of a vector through indexing. The following example shows how we can create a vector and access its individual elements and group of elements:

# creating a vector and accessing elements

vector1 <- c(1,3,5,7,9)


[1] 1 3 5 7 9

# accessing second elements of "vector1"


[1] 3

# accessing three elements starting from second element


[1] 3 5 7

# another way of creating vector. Here "from" is the starting point

# of the vector and "to" is the end point of the vector and "by" is

# increment

vector2 <- seq(from=2, to=10, by=2)


[1] TRUE

Factor and its types

A factor is another important data type in R, especially when we deal with categorical variables. In an R vector, there is no limit on the number of distinct elements, but in factor variables, it takes only a limited number of distinct elements. This type of variable is usually referred to as a categorical variable during data analysis and statistical modeling. In statistical modeling, the behavior of a numeric variable and categorical variable is different, so it is important to store the data correctly to ensure valid statistical analysis.

In R, a factor variable stores distinct numeric values internally and uses another character set to display the contents of that variable. In other software, such as Stata, the internal numeric values are known as values and the character set is known as value labels. Previously, we saw that the mode of a factor variable is numeric; this is due to the internal values of the factor variable.

A factor variable can be created using the factor command; the only required input is a vector of values, which will return as a vector of factor values. The input can be numeric or character, but the levels of factor will always be a character. The following example shows how to create factor variables:

#creating factor variable with only one argument with factor()

factor1 <- factor(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9))


[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"


[1] "1"


[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"

#creating factor with user given levels to display

factor2 <- factor(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9),labels=letters[1:9])


[1] a b c d e f g h i

Levels: a b c d e f g h i


[1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i"


[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"

In a factor variable, the values themselves are stored as numeric vectors, whereas the labels store only unique characters, and it stores only once for each unique character. Factors can be ordered if the ordered=T command is specified, otherwise it inherits the order of the levels specified.

A factor could be numeric with numeric levels, but direct mathematical operations are not possible with this numeric factor. Special care should be taken if we want to use mathematical operations. The following example shows a numeric factor and its mathematical operation:

# creating numeric factor and trying to find out mean

num.factor <- factor(c(5,7,9,5,6,7,3,5,3,9,7))


[1] 5 7 9 5 6 7 3 5 3 9 7

Levels: 3 5 6 7 9


[1] NA

Warning message:

In mean.default(num.factor) :

argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA

From the preceding example, we see that we can create a numeric factor, but the mathematical operation is not possible. And when we tried to perform a mathematical operation, it showed us a warning and produced the result NA. To perform any mathematical operation, we need to convert the factor to its numeric counterpart. One can assume that we can easily convert the factor to numeric using the as.numeric() function, but if we use the as.numeric() function, it will only convert the internal values of the factors, not the desired values.

So the conversion must be done with levels of that factor variable; optionally, we can firstly convert the factor into a character using as.character() and then use as.numeric(). The following example describes the scenario:

num.factor <- factor(c(5,7,9,5,6,7,3,5,3,9,7))


[1] 5 7 9 5 6 7 3 5 3 9 7

Levels: 3 5 6 7 9

#as.numeric() function only returns internal values of the factor


[1] 2 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 1 5 4

# now see the levels of the factor


[1] "3" "5" "6" "7" "9"


[1] "5" "7" "9" "5" "6" "7" "3" "5" "3" "9" "7"

# now to convert the "num.factor" to numeric there are two method

# method-1:


[1] 6

# method-2:


[1] 6

Data frame

A data frame is a rectangular arrangement of rows and columns of vectors and/or factors, such as a spreadsheet in MS Excel. The columns represent variables in the data and the rows represent observations or records. In other software, such as a database package, each column represents a field and each row represents a record. Dealing with data does not mean dealing with only one vector or factor variable, rather it is the collection of variables. Each column represents only one type of data: numeric, character, or logical, and each row represents case information across all columns. One important thing to remember about R data frames is that all vectors should be of the same length. In an R data frame, we can store different types of variables, such as numeric, logical, factor, and character. To create a data frame, we can use the data.frame() command. The following example shows how to create a data frame using different vectors and factors:

#creating vector of different variables and then creating data frame

var1 <- c(101,102,103,104,105)

var2 <- c(25,22,29,34,33)

var3 <- c("Non-Diabetic", "Diabetic", "Non-Diabetic", "Non-Diabetic", "Diabetic")

var4 <- factor(c("male","male","female","female","male"))

# now we will create data frame using two numeric vectors one

# character vector and one factor

diab.dat <- data.frame(var1,var2,var3,var4)


var1 var2 var3 var4

1 101 25 Non-Diabetic male

2 102 22 Diabetic male

3 103 29 Non-Diabetic female

4 104 34 Non-Diabetic female

5 105 33 Diabetic male

Now if we see the class of individual columns of the newly created data frame, we will see that the first two columns' classes are numeric and the last two columns' classes are factor, though initially the class of var3 was character. One thing is obvious here—when we create data frames and any one of the column's classes is character, it automatically gets converted to factor, which is a default R operation. But there is one argument, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, that allows us to prevent the automatic conversion of character to factor during data frame creation. In the following example, we will see this:

#class of each column before creating data frame


[1] "numeric"


[1] "numeric"


[1] "character"


[1] "factor"

To access individual columns (variables) from a data frame, we can use a dollar ($) sign along with the data frame name; for example, diab.dat$var1. There are some other ways to access variables from a data frame, such as the following:

· Data frame name followed by double square brackets with variable names within quotation marks; for example, diab.dat[["var1"]]

· Data frame name followed by single square brackets with the column index; for example, diab.dat[,1]

Besides these, there is one other way that allows us to access each of the individual variables as separate objects. The R attach()function allows us to access individual variables as separate R objects. Once we use the attach() command, we need to use detach()to remove individual variables from the working environment. Let's have a look at the following code:

# class of each column after creating data frame


[1] "numeric"


[1] "numeric"


[1] "factor"


[1] "factor"

# now create the data frame specifying as.is=TRUE

diab.dat.2 <- data.frame(var1,var2,var3,var4,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


var1 var2 var3 var4

1 101 25 Non-Diabetic male

2 102 22 Diabetic male

3 103 29 Non-Diabetic female

4 104 34 Non-Diabetic female

5 105 33 Diabetic male


[1] "character"


A matrix is also a two-dimensional arrangement of data but it can take only one class. To perform any mathematical operations, all columns of a matrix should be numeric. However, in data frames we can store numeric, character, or factor columns. To perform any mathematical operation, especially a matrix operation, we can use matrix objects. However, in data frames, we are unable to perform certain types of mathematical operations, such as matrix multiplication. To create a matrix, we can use the matrix() command or convert a numeric data frame to a matrix using as.matrix(). We can convert the data frame that we created earlier as diab.dat to a matrix using as.matrix(), but this is not suitable to perform mathematical operations, as shown in the following example:

# data frame to matrix conversion

mat.diab <- as.matrix(diab.dat)


var1 var2 var3 var4

[1,] "101" "25" "Non-Diabetic" "male"

[2,] "102" "22" "Diabetic" "male"

[3,] "103" "29" "Non-Diabetic" "female"

[4,] "104" "34" "Non-Diabetic" "female"

[5,] "105" "33" "Diabetic" "male"


[1] "matrix"


[1] "character"

# matrix multiplication is not possible with this newly created matrix

t(mat.diab) %*% mat.diab

Error in t(mat.diab) %*% mat.diab :

requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments

# creating a matrix with numeric elements only

# To produce the same matrix over time we set a seed value


num.mat <- matrix(rnorm(9),nrow=3,ncol=3)


[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 0.5855288 -0.4534972 0.6300986

[2,] 0.7094660 0.6058875 -0.2761841

[3,] -0.1093033 -1.8179560 -0.2841597


[1] "matrix"


[1] "numeric"

# matrix multiplication

t(num.mat) %*% num.mat

[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 0.8581332 0.36302951 0.20405722

[2,] 0.3630295 3.87772320 0.06350551

[3,] 0.2040572 0.06350551 0.55404860


An array is a multiply-subscripted data entry that allows the storing of data frames, matrices, or vectors of different types. Data frames and matrices are of two dimensions only, but an array could be of any number of dimensions. Sometimes, we need to store multiple matrices or data frames into a single object; in this case, we can use arrays to store this data. The following is a simple example to store three matrices of order 2x2 in a single array object:


# To produce the same results over time we set a seed value






, , 1

[,1] [,2]

[1,] 0.5855288 -0.1093033

[2,] 0.7094660 -0.4534972

, , 2

[,1] [,2]

[1,] 0.6058875 0.6300986

[2,] -1.8179560 -0.2761841

, , 3

[,1] [,2]

[1,] -0.2841597 -0.1162478

[2,] -0.9193220 1.8173120


A list object is a generic R object that can store other objects of any type. In a list object, we can store single constants, vectors of numeric values, factors, data frames, matrices, and even arrays. Recalling the vectors var1, var2, var3, and var4; the data frame created using these vectors; and also recalling the array created in the Arrays section, we will create a list object in the following example:

var1 <- c(101,102,103,104,105)

var2 <- c(25,22,29,34,33)

var3 <- c("Non-Diabetic", "Diabetic", "Non-Diabetic", "Non-Diabetic", "Diabetic")

var4 <- factor(c("male","male","female","female","male"))

diab.dat <- data.frame(var1,var2,var3,var4)






# creating list

obj.list <- list(elem1=var1,elem2=var2,elem3=var3,elem4=var4,elem5=diab.dat,elem6=mat.array)



[1] 101 102 103 104 105


[1] 25 22 29 34 33


[1] "Non-Diabetic" "Diabetic" "Non-Diabetic" "Non-Diabetic" "Diabetic"


[1] male male female female male

Levels: female male


var1 var2 var3 var4

1 101 25 Non-Diabetic male

2 102 22 Diabetic male

3 103 29 Non-Diabetic female

4 104 34 Non-Diabetic female

5 105 33 Diabetic male


, , 1

[,1] [,2]

[1,] 0.5855288 -0.1093033

[2,] 0.7094660 -0.4534972

, , 2

[,1] [,2]

[1,] 0.6058875 0.6300986

[2,] -1.8179560 -0.2761841

, , 3

[,1] [,2]

[1,] -0.2841597 -0.1162478

[2,] -0.9193220 1.8173120

To access individual elements from a list object, we could use the name of that component or use double square brackets with the index of those elements. For example, obj.list[[1]] will give the first element of the newly created list object.

Missing values in R

Missing values are part of the data manipulation process and we will encounter some missing values in almost every dataset. So, it is important to know how R handles missing values and how they are represented. In R, a numeric missing value is represented byNA while character missing values are represented by <NA>. To test if there is any missing value present in a dataset (data frame), we can use is.na() for each column or we can use this function in combination with the any() function. The following example shows how we can see if there are any missing values present in a dataset:

missing_dat <- data.frame(v1=c(1,NA,0,1),v2=c("M","F",NA,"M"))


v1 v2

1 1 M

2 NA F

3 0 <NA>

4 1 M






[1] TRUE


In this chapter, we firstly talked very briefly about what R is. We did not cover where to get it and how to install it as we are assuming the reader will have some preliminary knowledge in those areas. Then we introduced what R objects are and their modes and classes. We also highlighted how we can convert modes of objects using R functions such as as.numeric and as.character. Finally, we discussed different R objects, such as vector, factor, data frame, matrix, and list. The chapter ended with an introduction to how missing values are represented and dealt with in R. In the next chapter, we will discuss data manipulation with different R objects in greater detail.