Colors - A Smarter Way To Learn HTML & CSS (2015)

A Smarter Way To Learn HTML & CSS(2015)


Let’s say you want to display certain text in red. We’ll call the class standout.

.standout {
color: #cc0000;

You could, of course, tie the class to a text element. It could be p.standout or h2.standout, for instance. But we’ll make it an all-purpose class so we can use it for any type of text element. Here it is, applied to a single hyphenated word.

<p>This is going to be a <span class="standout">red-letter</span> day!</p>

Here it is, applied to a whole paragraph.

<p class="standout">Please read this chapter carefully. There <em>will</em> be a quiz.</p>

And here it is, applied to a heading.

<h1 class="standout">Robots that Care</h1>

In the CSS class as I defined it, the color is specified by a hex value, #cc0000. You can also use names from the CSS list of colors, like red, gold, and mediumslateblue. Get hex values for colors at Get a list of CSS color names at

In your CSS file create a class not tied to an element that colors text red. In your HTML file use a span to color some text red. Save the files and display your HTML file.

Sample CSS code is at:

Sample HTML code is at:

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