Promises.js - Mastering JavaScript Promises (2015)

Mastering JavaScript Promises (2015)

Chapter 1. Promises.js

In today's world, computer programming languages are getting much more advanced and there is a shift in the approach of using technologies. This is due to the fact that technology has been emerging with the rapid change in businesses and their needs. The vast expansion of business on electronic devices has led universities, researchers, and industries to invest in generating the latest technologies and tools that result in the inception of many new computer languages.

However, this is not the case with JavaScript. It's relatively new. It has been used and dumped at least three times by the modern programming landscape and is now widely accepted as the tool to develop modern, scalable, and real-time web applications in today's cyberspace.

In the mid 90s, the era of dot-com was born and it was during this time when companies wanted to dominate the newly created market called cyberspace. Although this was a virtual place and had no physical existence, the war for dominance was at its peak. Netscape Communications Corporation wanted its own variant of a lightweight interpreted language that would complement Java by appealing to nonprofessional programmers. This task was given to Brendan Eich who developed the first version of JavaScript with the name "Mocha". Officially, it was called LiveScript when it was first released in September 1995 in Netscape's browser in beta version 2.0.

However, the name was changed to JavaScript when the version 2.0 B3 rolled out later. Since 1995, JavaScript has seen many ups and downs. There are stories of it being adopted, rejected, and adopted again. Soon after its launch, JavaScript gained a very popular response throughout the industry. Every major company contributed to its growth and used it after slight adjustment for their needs.

The fall and rise of JavaScript

The Netscape browser witnessed the fall of JavaScript in the late 90s and early 2000. The face of web development was maturing, but very few were still interested in investing in JavaScript.

It was the advent of the Mozilla foundation that released the first open source browser, Firefox, in early 2002-2003 since the base was the successor of the former Netscape browser. They employed JavaScript again within their product. In 2004, Google introducedAsynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). This led to the foundation of many techniques and made communication easy with a black and white frontend and server by minimizing the server calls.

Google's contributions to JavaScript

Google has made more contributions in evolving, developing, and utilizing of JavaScript than any other organization. It was Google that introduced the V8 engine in its flagship web browser, Chrome. V8 is the backbone engine of the browser, and due to the smart usage of JavaScript, the browser is faster, robust, and adaptable to web and Android devices.

In the year 2009, Node.js arrived based on the same V8 engine as in Chrome. This is the server side of JavaScript, but far more better and advanced than what Netscape had introduced in late 90s. The whole idea of Node.js is to develop nonblocking input/output(I/O) and with few lines of codes, the server can serve up to 20K clients at a given slot of time.

Soon after Node.js, an entire stack of development has been introduced by the name of MEAN stack, which is an acronym of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js; where MongoDB is document based, NoSQL is a JavaScript-based database, Express.js is for a presentation layer, Angular.js is for frontend development of an app, and Node.js as the server that runs the entire show.

Where Promises.js came in?

Those of you who are aware of how a server-side script executes in an I/O event know that reading or writing data to and from a drive is blocking in nature, that is, during its execution, no other operation can be performed by a server-side language, even by the client. Well, with Promises.js, this is no longer the case. Promises.js utilizes a nonblocking strategy to perform I/O operations, so a client using your web app is free to perform any other tasks they want to without having to wait for the data read/write operation to be completed.

What is a promise?

When an eventual value is returned from the completion of a single operation, it represents a promise. If we analyze promise as a pact from human, it will help us understand the concept of promises in computer programming especially from the JavaScript perspective. Every promise is a pact among two or more parties to deliver some value to the other. The value can either be tangible or intangible, but a promise must deliver something in return. Until the promise is fulfilled, it remains in an unfulfilled state. However, when the said commitment has been made, the promise is said to be fulfilled. If the promise is not delivered as anticipated, the promise is said to fail.

So, what is a promise? According to the official definition:

Promise is an object or a function with a then method whose behavior confirms to this specification and represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation.

The source of this definition is slide number 21 at

Why do we need promise in JS?

Promises.js is a JavaScript library that promises asynchronous I/O operations such as reading and writing on a file. Whenever there is a callback method that involves making all operations related to I/O, they are to be made asynchronous. This extra callback parameter confuses our idea of what is the input and what will be its return value. It never works with control flow primitives. It also doesn't handle errors thrown by a callback method.

So, we need to handle errors thrown by a callback method, but also need to be careful not to handle errors thrown by the callback method. By the time we are done with this, our code will be a mess of error handling.

Despite all this mess of error handling code, we are still left with the problem of the extra callback parameter hanging around. Promises help you naturally handle errors, and write cleaner code by not having callback parameters.

Software prerequisites

Before starting Chapter 2, The JavaScript Asynchronous Model, you must need a set of prerequisite concepts that will make you better understand where to use Promises.js, and how it can save your time and effort in your recent or upcoming projects. The following section will elaborate what these concepts are and how we will use these as a base for our understanding of promise.

The prerequisite of this book is that you have a good understanding of procedural programing and a compulsory knowledge of basic JavaScript. Since this book is designed to develop a deeper knowledge of a concept (promise) and its use in different technologies, it's also imperative that you have a very good understanding of HTML and how to embed the code for your need.

An understanding of basic programming will help you begin with experiments with the help of a sample code as soon as you are done with any chapter/section. In this book, I've tried to make every section self-explanatory and every sample of code as a standalone script/program up to maximum strength. However, where there was need, we've added a snippet of code or algorithm to present our point more clearly.

Environment you need before getting started

To use the code within this book, you don't need any extra piece of software/IDE to start. To sample the code provided in this book, you only need free software/IDE such as Notepad++ or any other preferred open source GPL or GNU product.

Also, to view the result of your code, you need a web browser such as Google's Chrome or Mozilla's Firefox. For some examples related to Microsoft technologies, you will need Internet Explorer 9 or higher.

Future, promise, and delay

Future, promise, and delay describe an object that acts as proxy to a result that is initially unknown due to computation of its value, which is yet to be completed. They are normally referred to as constructs used for synchronizing in some concurrent programming language.

Daniel P. Friedman and David Wise proposed the term "promise" in 1975. Peter Hibbard called it "eventual". The term promise was coined by Liskov and Shrira, although they referred to the pipelining mechanism by the name "call-stream". The term promise refers to the fact that in completion of any said operation, an eventual value will be obtained. In the same way, the value can also be taken as eventual because it will only yield out on the occurrence of any event. Thus, both terms refer to the same fact simultaneously.

The terms future, promise, and delay are often used interchangeably. There is some core difference in implementing these terms. Future is revered as the read-only placeholder view of the variable, while promise is a writeable single assignment container that sets the value of the future.

In many cases, future promise are created together. In simple words, future is a value and promise is a function that sets the value. The future reruns the value of an async function (promise); setting the value of future is also called resolving, fulfilling, or binding it.

Promise pipelining

Using future can dramatically reduce the latency in distributed systems; for example, promise enables promise pipelining in programming languages E and Joule, which were also called call-stream in the Argus language.

A note to remember here is that promise pipelining should be distinguished from a parallel asynchronous message passing to a system supporting parallel message passing but not pipelining. It should also not be confused with pipelined message processing in actor systems, where it is possible for an actor to specify and begin executing a behavior for the next message before having completed processing of the current message.

Read-only views

The read-only view allows reading its value when resolved, but doesn't permit you to resolve it, thus making it possible to obtain a read-only view of the future.

The support for read-only views is consistent with the principle of least authority.

The read-only view enables you to set the value to be restricted to the subject that needs to set it. The sender of an asynchronous message (with result) receives the read-only promise for the result, and the target of the message receives the resolver.

States of a promise

Promise is based on three states. Each state has a significance and can be used to drive a certain level of result as per the need. This can help a programmer choose as per his/her need. The three states of a promise are as follows:

· Pending: This is the initial state of a promise

· Fulfilled: This is the state of a promise representing a successful operation

· Rejected: This is the state of a promise representing a failed operation

Once a promise is fulfilled or rejected, it is immutable (that is, it can never change again).

With reference to the concepts discussed earlier, it's now clear what a promise is and how you can use it with all its potential.

How do we keep Promises.js in this book?

This book will cover the use of Promises.js with every major technology that has implemented the concept of promise. The book has been carefully divided into chapters to introduce, discuss, and explain the use of promise within that particular technology. Every chapter has its standalone set of examples of code to better understand the best use of Promises.js and its outcome.

The examples will be assuming that the selection of an operating system is purely your discretion. It may vary from reader to reader based on his/her licenses.

All the code is clearly printed with instructions and comments for a better understanding. Also, a soft copy is provided with this book enlisting every piece of code sorted in its respective chapter/section.

Browser compatibility

Promises support is extended to many modern browsers but not to all. A handy reference of what browser it supports is given in desktop and mobile screen resolutions:

· Desktop compatibility:




Internet Explorer



Basic support



Not supported till IE 11. Added in




· Mobile compatibility:



Firefox Mobile (Gecko)

IE Mobile

Opera Mobile

Safari Mobile

Chrome for Android

Basic support




Not supported

Not supported



In this chapter, we learned where JavaScript began and how it shaped into one of the leading technologies in modern application development. We discussed why there was a need for JavaScript in the early 90s and how this language has seen ups and downs throughout its existence.

We have also seen how investments from tech companies made their contributions in creating, developing, and evolving JavaScript as a major player in a dynamic and fast growing market of web, mobile, and real-time apps.

The adaptation of promises concept will make JavaScript much stronger and will help developers and engineers to write better code in an efficient manner.

In the next chapter, we will see what is an asynchronous model and how it's better fitted with JavaScript. This will help us understand to adopt and implement Promises.js in various languages.