Promises in WinRT - Mastering JavaScript Promises (2015)

Mastering JavaScript Promises (2015)

Chapter 5. Promises in WinRT

In last four chapters, we spent time making our concept strong and our foundation of thoughts aligned to promise. From this chapter onwards, we will explore promise in different technologies. We will see how these technologies adopted the concept, the reasons why thy adopted it, and how long promise has been associated with these technologies. We will sample some of the code bases of related technologies in order to get firsthand knowledge on how to actually implement promise in real time.

An introduction to WinRT

Our first lookout for the technology is WinRT. What is WinRT? It is the short form for Windows Runtime. This is a platform provided by Microsoft to build applications for Windows 8+ operating system. It supports application development in C++/ICX, C# (C sharp), VB.NET, TypeScript, and JavaScript.

Microsoft adopted JavaScript as one of its prime and first-class tools to develop cross-browser apps and for the development on other related devices. We are now fully aware of what the pros and cons of using JavaScript are, which has brought us here to implement the use of promise.

You guessed it right! In this chapter, we will focus on how promise is implemented on WinRT, which was the need of implementation, and how it's implemented. We will also sample some code wherever needed to see how well promise is helping in this platform, and how one can actually use it.

The evolution of WinRT

With the announcement of Windows 8, Microsoft has released a complete new architecture of its famous and most used operating system, Windows. This architecture is for all the devices and platforms, including mobile phones, tablets, wearable, and so on. Due to this singleton approach, a unified approach for application development was very much needed, so Microsoft included a few more tools and languages in its platform, and from there JavaScript for Windows, or Win, came on to the scene.

You may ask why have they adopted JavaScript and why not some other language for their expanding arsenal of web programming? The answer lies in the architecture of JavaScript. In the previous chapters, we learned how JavaScript is considered to be the best tool for web-based programming and how it's useful in many scenarios. Microsoft has adopted this power and embedded it into its WinRT platform. By adding this, Microsoft has an edge over many of its competitors, as it now has access to a wider range of programmers who know that JavaScript can also program for Microsoft and show their work to a large number of users.

A little detail about WinJS

WinJS was released as an open source JavaScript library, which was released by Microsoft under the Apache License. It was initially aimed to be used for building the software for Windows app store, but later, it became widely accepted to port on all browsers. Now, it is used in combination with HTML5 to build apps for both brewers-based and for windows app store.

It was first announced on April 4, 2014, at the Microsoft Build conference 2014, and since then it has seen an evolution from version 1.0 to 3.0 with loads of functions and implementations within its SDK.

WinJS – its purpose and a distribution history

WinJS 1.0 was first released with Windows 8.0. Here are its notable distributions up until now. The distribution history is as follows:

The distribution name

Purpose/focused area

WinJS 1.0

This was released as the JavaScript library for Windows 8.0.

WinJS 2.0 for Windows 8.1

This is an updated version and released under Apache License at GitHub.

WinJS Xbox 1.0 for Windows

This was an exclusive release for Xbox one for Windows.

WinJS Phone 2.1 for Windows Phone 8.1

This was released for Windows phone development platform.

WinJS 3.0

This was released in September 2014 for improved cross-platform functionality, JavaScript modularization, and improvements in a universal control design.

WinJS on GitHub

Since WinJS is an open source software, it's hosted on GitHub as MSTF, Microsoft Open Technologies. I presume that you are aware of what GitHub is and what it's used for; if not, check out

The online repository of WinJS has three basic divisions:

· WinJS, which is written in TypeScript and can be found at

· WinJS modules that are written in JS and can be seen at

· The WinJS bower, which is also written in JS and be found at

Code in these repository is constantly updated and bug fixes are committed by programmers around the globe 24 x 7, which is the sole beauty of open source projects. The base repository is located at

With online emulators, you can try WinJS at

HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

HTML5, CSS3, and JS are a de facto model for web app development, for one strong reason. They all are more than technologies: they are standards. There were times when companies were in the habit of introducing their own platform, and with many bounties, they offered to programmers to use their platforms. Back in those days, keeping a standard for the application on all browsers was a nightmare for developers, and hence a lot of time was consumed on projects for their compatibility rather than their actual feature development. This frustration was addressed by W3C and other standard maintaining bodies and started to work on standardsthat would be acceptable for all the major game players of the industry. They will use these as their base, rather than developing their own standard for every tiny need. This caused the evolution of HTML5 and CSS3. Since JavaScript was around already and was considered to be the language of the browser, it was combined with the remaining two to become a default technology bundle for both proprietary and open source projects.

Now, with every platform, these can be used but with a very little difference in syntax. This came as a relief to the programmers and engineers as they could now focus on solving business problems rather than compatibility.

WT with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

JavaScript in WT allows programmers to build apps using HTML and CSS. A lot of WT apps using JavaScript are as same as writing markups for the website. In addition to this, JavaScript on WT provides some additional features and introduces some different ways that you can use it under this platform. Since the implementation of JavaScript varies from platform to platform in WT, it's more or less in the Microsoft style where, with default JS properties available, WT adds some extra features for JavaScript. This provides the enhanced support of touch, more control over the look and feel of the UI (user interface). This also provides controls such as DatePicker, TimePicker, and ListView, and an exclusive access to WinJS.

The need for integrating promise with WT

JS is one of the primary languages on the WT platform. Besides the benefits of JS, there are some drawbacks too. We all know from our discussion in the previous chapter that callback hell was the core reason why there was a need to add promise into it, and the same goes here. WT also faced the same problem, but was quick enough to solve it by implementing promise into it. Promise in JS for WT is the game changer when it comes to writing robust, scalable, and maintainable apps for the Windows platform. Although WT was not the first one that implemented promise, but it is one of the quicker adopters of the concept and implementer.

In fact, JavaScript programmers started using WT JS for Windows, and due to the fact that it's highly adoptable, many more professionals are joining that community.

Problems when using asynchronous programming

Just to refresh your memory, in Chapter 2, The JavaScript Asynchronous Model, we learned a great deal on asynchronous programming, what it is, and how JS implements it. We all know that the problem in using JS is the level of complexity it has developed, as it's heavily dependent on the callbacks for most of its operations. In the Handling callback hell section of Chapter 2, The JavaScript Asynchronous Model, we saw that it's nearly impossible to debug the code if callbacks were getting out of control. The promise paradigm was then called in to solve this problem. The same occurrences are with JS when applied at WT.

Jumpstarting promises

Asynchronous APIs in the Windows library for JS are represented as promises, as defined by common JS promises/proposals. One can make his/her code more robust by including an error handler, and this is considered to be the most important aspect of debugging, and because of this many more JavaScript developers are preferring to use promises.

There is a prerequisite for this jumpstart.

Writing a function that returns a promise

The following is a sample code using which you can develop a good understanding on how to implement the promises in WT effectively. Follow these steps:

1. Create a blank Windows Runtime app named IamPromise.

2. Add an input element.

3. Add a div element that displays the result for the URL.

4. Add styling instructions to default.css to add some presentation in the app.

5. Add a change handler for the input element.

6. In the change handler, call xhr.

7. Build and debug the app, and then enter a URL.

8. Create a WT app in JS in VS2013.

9. Add an input element.

10. Within HTML, create an input element using the following code:


12.<input id="inputUrl" />

13.<!—the input id above is called input URL -- >



16.Add a DIV element that displays the result for the URL.


18.<div id="ResultDiv">Result</div>

19.<!—the div id named here as ResultDiv -- >


21.Add the styling instructions to "default.css".


23.input {

24. // add your style statements here


Adding a change handler for input elements

Use the following code to understand the WinJS.Utilitties.Ready function, which is called immediately after the event of DOM content being loaded. This is initiated after the page has been parsed, but before all the resources are loaded:

WinJS.Utilities.ready(function () {

// get the element by id

var input = document.getElementById("inputUrl");

// add our event listener here

input.addEventListener("change", changeHandler);

}, false);

In the change handler, call xhr.

Call xhr in the change handler by passing it in the URL that the user entered. Afterwards, update the div element with the result. The xhr function is the function that returns a promise. We can also use the then or done function of the promise to update the UI (user interface), but there is a difference between the usage of then() and done() within WT specification. The then() function is executed as soon as the xhr function has either returned as a success or an error has been made by XmlHttpRequest. On the contrary, the done()function is the same except that it is guaranteed to throw any error that is not handled inside the function:

function changeHandler(e) {

var input =;

var resDiv = document.getElementById("ResultDiv");

WinJS.xhr({ url: }).then(function completed(result) {

if (result.status === 200) { = "lightGreen";

resDiv.innerText = "Success";




And finally, it is time to test your code. Build and debug the app and then enter a URL. If the URL is valid, the resultant div element, in our case ResultDiv, should turn green and display the Success message. The code won't do anything if a wrong URL is entered.


One thing to keep in mind here is that after you enter the URL, a click may be needed outside the input control for the change event to happen. This mostly is not the case, but just for a tip, it is a simpler way to get the future value of promise.

Now, the second best part comes in—handling errors.

Error handling

The best part of using promise is that the error handling and debugging becomes simpler. By simply adding a few functions, you can not only pin point the location of an error in your code, but also get the relevant error log either on the console or on the browser. You don't have to add alert() all the time to investigate the nature and location of the error.

The same goes for our previous code, in which we can add an error function inside then(). Remember in the previous code where when an error occurred, no error was shown? However, not this time. We will add an error handler, which will change the background color of success to red if any error was found:

function changeHandler(e) {

var input =;

var resDiv = document.getElementById("ResultDiv");


function fulfilled (result) {

if (result.status === 200) { = "lightGreen";

resDiv.innerText = "Successfully returned the Promise ";



// our error handler Function

function error(e) { = "red";

if (e.message != undefined) { // when the URL is incorrect or blank.

resDiv.innerText = e.message;


else if (e.statusText != undefined) { // If XmlHttpRequest was made.

resDiv.innerText = e.statusText;


else {

resDiv.innerText = "Error";




Build and debug the app and enter the URL. If the URL was correct, success will be displayed, otherwise the button will turn red and display an error message.


Note that in the preceding function, error(e), we concatenated the e parameter with a message. Use this practice to convert the error into a string, as it will show more understandable messages that will help you to debug and remove errors.

Chaining promises using the then() and done() functions

As with the specifications, you can not only use then and done functions to achieve a single task, but also for making a chain out of it. In such a way, you can also create your own conditions within the code that will make your code more powerful, optimized, and logical. There are certain limitations though and these are also logical. You can add multiple then() such as then().then().then(), but you cannot do something like then().done().then(). You may be wondering about the logic behind this. With every then(), it returns a promise, which you can input to the next then() function, but when you add done(), it returns undefined, which breaks the logic of a promise, yet you will get nothing out of such a chain.

So, in a nutshell, you can do this: then().then().done().

However, you cannot do this: then().done().then().

A generic example of doing such operations can look like this:


.then(function () { return SecondAsync(); })

.then(function () { return ThirdAsync(); })

.done(function () { finish(); });

Also, keep in mind that if you didn't add an error handler to done() and the operation has an error, it will throw an exception, which will cost the entire event loop. You won't be able to catch such an exception in a try catch block, even if it's written inside the block, and the only way to get it is via window.onerror().

However, this won't be the case when you don't add an error handler with then(). It won't throw an exception as it's not designed in this way, instead it will only return a promise in an error state, which can do more harm for the next inline chain or processed output. So add error handlers, whether it's then() or done().

Example 1A – downloading a web page to a file using two asynchronous functions

Using this example, we will be able to download a web page to a file. There are several ways to do this. The simplest one is to ask the browser to save the file for you, but that will be the browser's ability to act upon our instructions and not our code's ability to do so. Also, you can imagine how this simple operation can easily explain how to do it by using two asynchronous methods.

Now, have a look at the following code:

//WinJs code


// Allocate the URI where to get the download the file.

var AllocatedUri = new Windows.Foundation.UriExample("");

// Get the folder for temporary files.

var temporaryFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.temporaryFolder;

// Create the temp file asynchronously.

temporaryFolder.createFileAsync("temporary.text", Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting)

.then(function (tempFile) {

// lets start the download operation if the createFileAsync call succeeded

var Iamdownloader = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundDownloader();

var transfer = Iamdownloader.createDownload(uriExample, tempFile);

return transfer.startAsync();



//Define the function to use when the download completes successfully

function (result) {

WinJS.log && WinJS.log("File was download successfully ");


Again, we will now explain which line is doing what.

There are three main methods to emphasize on: createFileAsync, startAsync, and then.

The first then function gets the result. This then passes the result to the handler function. A BackgroundDownloader method creates the download operation and startAsync creates the routine to initiate the downloads. You can see here that startAsync is the one that returns a promise, and we chain it with the second then() by returning the value of startAsync() in the first completion. The second then() is responsible for a completion handler whose parameter contains the download operation.

Example 1B – downloading a web page to a file using startAsync

Another ability to chain the then() and done() functions is to track the progress of an asynchronous operation by writing a progress function. Due to this, we can not only track the progress but can also obtain a great deal about the error conditions by adding an error function.

In our next example, we will see how to download a web page asynchronously to a file, using the startAsync function and with the error handler. The output of this example will be the same as the previous one, but the mechanism will be a bit different:

// Allocate the URI where to get the download the file.

var AllocatedUri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri("");

// Get the folder for temporary files.

var temporaryFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.temporaryFolder;

// Create the temp file asynchronously.

temporaryFolder.createFileAsync("tempfile.txt", Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting)

.then(function (tempFile) {

// lets start the download operation if the createFileAsync call succeeded

var Iamdownloader = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundDownloader();

var transfer = Iamdownloader.createDownload(uriExample, tempFile);

return transfer.startAsync();



//Define the function to use when the download completes successfully

function (result) {

WinJS.log && WinJS.log("File was download successfully ");


// this is where we add the error handlers which displays

function (err) {

WinJS.log && WinJS.log("File download failed.");


// Define the progress handling function.

function (progress) {

WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Bytes retrieved: " + progress.progress.bytesReceived);


The only difference in this code is the proper error handler addition, which makes the error handling easy and readable.


In this chapter, we learned how promises can be implemented in WinRT. We saw how promises evolved in the Windows platform and how it's contributing to different Windows-based devices. We also saw how it helps Windows-based gaming consoles and in the creation of Windows-based apps for Windows Store.

It's the adaptability of promises that has led to it finding its place in all the major leading technologies. Even technology giants such as Microsoft couldn't neglect its existence and are able to give full attention and scope in its present and upcoming technologies.

In the next chapter, we will learn how promises are being implemented in one of the fastest growing server-side JavaScript, the Node.js.