Paleo Diet…Or Should I Say Caveman Diet - Paleo Diet Challenge: Lose Weight Now With This Easy To Follow Plan And Recipes For Fat Loss (2016)

Paleo Diet Challenge: Lose Weight Now With This Easy To Follow Plan And Recipes For Fat Loss (2016)

Chapter 1. Paleo Diet…Or Should I Say Caveman Diet

People have been skeptical of diets like this for some time now, and that has to do with not understanding what it’s all about. The whole idea of the Paleo diet is to only eat what our body has been modified to eat. This means all natural foods that are not processed or genetically modified. Our bodies have clearly not yet adapted to eating grains, dairy and processed things. This is shown by so many people being lactose intolerant or unable to digest grains.

Since humans have been eating meat, vegetables, and fruit for so long, it is easy to say that our bodies are used to these. The opposite is true since humans have only been eating refined white flour, high fructose, and modified foods for a relatively short period of time.

Another example showing that our body is not yet adapt to some foods is with gluten. There are tones of people who are unable to digest gluten and other grains, so might this mean we are not yet adapt?

Give this diet a try, and I promise you will never go back.

Here are some other myths about the Paleo style of eating.

I Must Eliminate All Carbs!

The idea of eliminating carbs is a misunderstood fact about the Paleo diet. Though most people try to reduce the amount of carbs they eat, the more important idea is to reduce a certain type of carb. People on the Paleo diet do actually consume an adequate number of carbs. Paleo eaters get their carbohydrates from vegetables, nuts and seeds instead of nutrient deficient white grains like pasta.

It Will Be So Hard

Most people believe that life would be unbelievably hard without being able to eat grains This can be true at the start, but over time you will forget them. You must understand that grains, especially wheat, are nutrient deficient and will only lead to health issues down the road.

Some health issues that can result from eating too many grains are: obesity, diabetes, leaky gut, and even addiction. Does this sound like something you can give up grains for?

How Can Eating As Much Fat As I Want Be Good For Me?

This Again comes down to quality over quantity. High quality fats can be consumed in large amounts with no real health issues. This is not true for other fats like trans, or anything processed. Butter, high quality animal fats, avocado, coconut and olive oil and the fat found in eggs will provide you with great nutrients and health.

Avoid anything refined, processed and hydrogenated such as sunflower, cottonseed or canola oil. These are extremely toxic to the body as they are high in inflammation causing Omega 6 fatty acids.

First No CarbsNow No Dairy?

The idea of whether or not to eat dairy really comes down to your personal choice. If you are lactose then obviously avoid dairy but you can stick with hormone free, grass fed dairy. It is important to not eat a lot of dairy, so don’t make it part of your daily meal, especially if you’re goal is losing weight.