DIY Green Smoothie Recipes - 10-DAY GREEN SMOOTHIE CLEANSE: Proven Recipes To Lose Up To 15 Pounds (2016)

10-DAY GREEN SMOOTHIE CLEANSE: Proven Recipes To Lose Up To 15 Pounds (2016)

Chapter 5. DIY Green Smoothie Recipes

Different people have different needs and preferences. The same is true when it comes to making green smoothies. The best thing about this 10-day cleansing program is that one can adjust the ingredients of the smoothies to suit his needs and taste. How? Do-it-yourself green smoothie is the answer.

How to do this? First, the dieter must assess the following:

· His physical needs. Does he do heavy workouts or not? Is he working or studying? Does he need more energy than the usual?

· His target. How much pounds would he like to shed?

· His taste preference. Does he like sweet or salty flavors? Or maybe, he prefers spicy meals?

· His budget. How much is allotted for this program?

Using these 4 factors, he can now proceed in planning his green smoothies. Here is the basic recipe. The ingredients include:

· 2 cups of vegetables

· 2 cups of liquid base (can be water, coconut milk, almond milk or coconut water)

· 3 cups of fruits

· add-ons

Mix and blend, following the steps in making smoothies. The ingredients can be anything. All a dieter needs to do is to experiment until he finds what is suitable for him. For the creative dieter, he could try hundreds (and even thousands) of combinations of fruits, vegetables, liquid base, and add-ons. There is no limit on what he can do with just these 4 basic ingredients.

Taste Test

The dominant taste of the smoothie will depend on the fruits and add-ons. If the dieter wants something sweeter, then he should use mangoes, grapes, bananas, dates, mangosteen, papaya, and persimmon. For the add-ons, he can put in stevia, maple syrup or honey.

If the dieter likes the sour flavor, he can choose from cranberry, grapefruit, lemon, lime, oranges, pomegranate, and tomato.

More energy, more fun!

Add-ons play a big role in providing the calories, protein and other nutrients needed by the dieter. For instance, if he would do a heavy workout for that day, he might want to add protein powder or high in protein fruits such as avocado and bananas. He can also blend lean meat, chicken meat, fish, soya, tofu, and other high protein foods. They can provide the extra energy required for the strenuous activities ahead.

There are literally thousands of recipes that can be made to make one healthy, lose weight and be more active!

What are the recommended ingredients for the DIY green smoothies?

Aside from their great fat-burning abilities, these ingredients are loaded with other health benefits. One’s DIY smoothie should have at least one or two of these ingredients.

1. Avocado– it has long been recognized as a super food for its high content of the following:

· Healthy fats– good for the heart

· Vitamin E

· Vitamin K

· Folate

· Vitamin B6

· Vitamin B5

· Potassium

· Plus, a little amount of Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron and Vitamins B1, B2 and B3.


As if these are not enough, avocados are rich in fiber, too. They are loaded with antioxidant nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are both important for eye health. They are believed to reduce incidences of cataracts and macular degeneration of the eyes.

2. Green tea. It is named as the healthiest drink on Earth. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and countless nutrients. Here are 10 benefits of green tea.

1. It is rich with polyphenols. These are substances that protect the cells and molecules from damage by reducing the formation of free radicals in the body.

2. It contains the antioxidant Epigallocatechin Gallate. This substance is the reason for the powerful medicinal property of green tea. It is known to have the ability to treat various diseases.

3. It has the right amount of caffeine that gives alertness to the person sans the“jitteriness” that comes with too much caffeine.

4. It has antianxiety effect. The L-theanine of green tea increases the Gamma Amino Butyric Acid or GABA’s activity, thereby producing a calming effect.

5. It improves physical performance by as much as 37% due to the mobilization of fatty acids from fat tissues.

6. It reduces the risk of the person for breast, colorectal and prostate cancers.

7. It can lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia to the elderly.

8. With green tea, there is 42% less chance of acquiring diabetes mellitus due to its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels.

9. Cardiovascular diseases can also be prevented due to better circulation of the system.

2. Spinach. This is Popeye’s secret in defeating Brutus in every battle. That’s not surprising as it contains so many nutrients that can fight off major diseases such as cancers, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, bone disorders, to name just a few. Plus, it is low in calories.

4. Pomegranate. The health benefits of pomegranate are numerous, too. The fruit is rich in fiber, protein, vitamins C and K, Folate, and potassium. Its unique substances called punicalagins and punicic acid have medicinal properties. They can reduce inflammation, thereby protecting the individual from more than 100 inflammatory diseases.

5. Strawberries. The health benefits of this super food include:

1. It has an anti-cancer property.

2. It can strengthen the immune system.

3. It promotes eye health.

4. It prevents cardiovascular diseases.

5. It has an anti-aging property.

6. Kale. It is considered as one of the healthiest food on this planet. It is rich in vitamins A, C, K, and B6. It abounds with Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Calcium and Potassium. It can fight off cancer because of its antioxidant substances such as quercetin and kaempferol. It helps lowers cholesterol thereby reducing cardiovascular disorders from taking place. Kale is king when it comes to being healthy.

7. Banana. This fruit causes endorphins to be released, making the person happier. Plus, it is rich in serotonin, which is another mood enhancer. The person feels light and positive. As a complex carbohydrate, it provides energy appropriate for those doing heavy workouts. Leg cramps are prevented during workouts because of its rich potassium content.

8. Mango. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is good for the gastrointestinal system as it is loaded with pre-biotic dietary fiber. It has popyphenolic antioxidant compounds, making it effective in fighting off breast, colon, prostrate and blood cancers.

9. Yogurt. With this ingredient, bone diseases such as osteoporosis can be prevented because of its high calcium content. Recent studies have also linked yogurt to reduction of blood pressure. In addition, it was discovered to be effective in making the gastrointestinal system healthier.

10. Collard greens. When it comes to lowering cholesterol, nothing beats collard greens. Therefore, one can be assured of a healthy heart. Not known to many, collard greens are great in fighting various cancers, too. They have 4 specific glucosinolates, namely: sinigrin, gluconasturtiian, glucoraphanin and glucotropaeolin. These substances reduce inflammation that may lead to cancerous formation.

With these nutrient-loaded, fat-burning ingredients, one is assured of good health, lesser body fats, lower weight, with a good mood to boot.