Green Smoothies + Healthy Lifestyle Happy & Long Life - 10-DAY GREEN SMOOTHIE CLEANSE: Proven Recipes To Lose Up To 15 Pounds (2016)

10-DAY GREEN SMOOTHIE CLEANSE: Proven Recipes To Lose Up To 15 Pounds (2016)

Chapter 7. Green Smoothies + Healthy Lifestyle Happy & Long Life

Green smoothie cleanse is proven effective to help a person lose up to 15 pounds in 10 days. However, they are not magic formulas or genies that can make one slim forever and ever. To maintain the ideal body weight, there is a need to modify one’s lifestyle.

Unhealthy habits are usually the culprits for the unwanted excess pounds. Therefore, if there would be no actions that one would take to eradicate or reduce these habits, the lost pounds would quickly creep in again. That’s why the yoyo phenomenon is common among dieters. One month they are slim and the next month, they are gaining weight again. This cycle won’t stop. Something has to change.

Green smoothies can be the initiator of the permanent weight loss that one desires. However, there are other requirements needed. Take a look at the following:

· Cessation of excess alcoholic beverages consumption. Alcohol contains nothing but empty calories. It has zero nutrients. Plus, there is a tendency to eat unhealthy foods while drinking. That adds to more empty calories. Hence, alcoholics are not only malnourished they tend to be obese, too. On top of these, there is the danger of contacting liver disorders.

· Another one is eating too much sweets and processed foods. This will defeat the purpose of the green smoothies. The smoothies aim to make the person slimmer through reprogramming of the taste buds. However taking in these foods would just cause the cravings for sweet things to return (plus the pounds). Not everybody is aware that for every single drink of a commercially prepared frappe, the equivalent is 2-3 hours of exercise. Is it really worth it? Not to mention, the high sugar content makes one more prone to the dreaded Diabetes disease.

· Not taking enough rest and sleep can lead to obesity, too. In the morning, the person wakes up tired. The tendency is for him to eat more. Then he feels too tired to exercise also. So he would just lie in bed or do nothing. The time of rest and sleep is the time where the cells recuperate from the day’s stresses. It is the time they are being recharged and repaired. So if the person misses that time, the cells are worn out and damaged. They would not be able to function as designed. Plus, lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, making the person more prone to diseases.

· Absence of exercise. Lack of adequate physical activity is hazardous to health. Circulation is improved because of exercise. The“feel-good” brain chemicals are released when the person is exercising. There is a good exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen to active people.

· Cessation of smoking. One stick of cigarette carries around 400 toxins to the body. It is the leading cause of preventable diseases and deaths all over the world. All body systems are affected when the person smokes or ingests smoke from the environment. That makes him prone to various diseases, primarily in the respiratory and cardiovascular areas.

· Management of stress. The stress hormone known as cortisol is released when one is faced with challenges and difficulties. When the person knows how to manage the problem, he is also doing the following to his body:

o Smooth tissue perfusion. There is adequate supply of oxygenated blood to all vital organs and other parts of the body.

o Relaxed vascular system. The arteries and veins are not constricted, allowing the smooth flow of blood within the walls.

o Less body pains. Lactic acid is prevented from being formed hence there is less muscle pain to the body.

o Less muscle tension. When stress is controlled, the muscles become relaxed also.

Green smoothies can help one lose weight but in order to maintain the ideal weight, he must couple it with healthy lifestyle modification. A long and happy life becomes achievable then.

Cheers to green smoothies and health!


Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to help you to get a better insight on how you can use the smoothie cleanse to get the body and lifestyle that you’ve always wanted. With the right information and mindset, it’s never too late to regain your physical health and improve your quality of life. By understanding fully how a smoothie detox works and how it can improve your life, you’ll be back in shape in no time.

It may not be easy to give up on your old habits altogether, but know that it is possible. As long as you create an action plan that will help you start on the right track, anything is possible.

Make sure to apply what you have learned from this book immediately. You don’t have to make drastic change. You just need to do something to jumpstart the process, and doing a healthy smoothie detox should be enough to help you get that flat tummy you’ve always wanted.