Starting The Paleo Diet Plan - The 14 Day Paleo Diet Plan: The Paleo Diet For Beginners Cookbook (2016)

The 14 Day Paleo Diet Plan: The Paleo Diet For Beginners Cookbook (2016)

Chapter 2. Starting The Paleo Diet Plan

If you are undertaking the Paleo diet plan for the very first time, you may appreciate some helpful tips. I know from my own experience that starting a new diet plan can be quite hard. This is why I've decided to include a few tips so that you find your journey a little bit easier.

Making mistakes

We occasionally make mistakes when we embark on a new diet, it happens to all of us. If you accidentally eat something that wouldn't ordinarily be part of the Paleo diet, don't worry, just go back to eating the foods you should eat, as soon as you can. There's nothing you can do about eating something you shouldn't have eaten, just do your best to make sure it doesn't happen again, and put it all down to experience.

Find out where you can source your ingredients

One of the best things you can do before you go ahead and start this diet plan, is to work out where you're going to source your ingredients. If your local stores don't sell much in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables, you will need to work out where you're going to get them from.

Take a trip to your local market, visit a greengrocers nearby, or travel a little further afield to a town that sells the food you're looking for. Some stores may be more than happy to deliver the products you need, right to your door, so why not ask and see if they can help?

Many of the ingredients you'll need in order to make some of the recipes I've included in this book can be made from day to day ingredients. There is nothing fancy that you shouldn't be able to get hold of. Take a look at the food you need, make a list of all the ingredients you want to buy, and get shopping!

Start the plan with a friend

You may be wondering why I have suggested that you start the plan with a friend. I'm suggesting that you do this because it will make the diet a much easier one. Sometimes it's less hassle having someone to compare notes with. What's more is you'll also find that you can motivate each other when things are getting tough. Plus, if you stick to the plan, you can both go out and enjoy rewarding yourself for being good, and that's never a bad thing.

Why not find a friend or even a family member who is willing to take part in the Paleo diet plan with you? If no-one wants to join you, then my suggestion is to look for an online Paleo forum. Forums like these can prove to be very useful as they're bound to be full of hints, tips, recipe ideas, motivation skills and anything else that has kept people going.

Don't do the plan alone, unless you're absolutely confident that you can motivate yourself every day, even when the going gets tough.

Key Foods/Ingredients

Fruits and vegetables

As fresh as possible, try to source them from your local market as they will be extra fresh, they're likely to be a lot cheaper, and you're supporting local businesses too.

If you must eat processed fruit and vegetables, look for those that have very little or no added sugar. Frozen fruit and vegetables is often just as good as fresh, but again, watch out for any added sugar.

Dairy Products

Dairy products should be avoided when you undertake the Paleo plan. This is because most dairy products have been processed, and they're not always very good for you.

Did you know the only milk that our bodies have been made to consume is breast milk? We're not supposed to drink cow's milk as we're unable to digest it properly.

If you would still like to add milk to your diet, I recommend that you consider drinking soy milk, or almond or coconut milk if needs be.

I know it's hard to stay away from dairy products all together, but there are some good and very tasty alternatives. I know these have been processed to a degree, but they ensure that you get the calcium you need, along with other very beneficial nutrients.


If you love nothing more than to eat an egg or two, then you will be pleased to know that you can carry on eating them. Eggs are perfectly natural, they haven't been processed, and they are incredibly good for you. Enjoy an egg with your breakfast, or at any other time of the day.