Cookies, Sessions, and Authentication - Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5 (2014)

Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5 (2014)

Chapter 13. Cookies, Sessions, and Authentication

As your web projects grow larger and more complicated, you will find an increasing need to keep track of your users. Even if you aren’t offering logins and passwords, you will still often need to store details about a user’s current session and possibly also recognize people when they return to your site.

Several technologies support this kind of interaction, ranging from simple browser cookies to session handling and HTTP authentication. Between them, they offer the opportunity for you to configure your site to your users’ preferences and ensure a smooth and enjoyable transition through it.

Using Cookies in PHP

A cookie is an item of data that a web server saves to your computer’s hard disk via a web browser. It can contain almost any alphanumeric information (as long as it’s under 4 KB) and can be retrieved from your computer and returned to the server. Common uses include session tracking, maintaining data across multiple visits, holding shopping cart contents, storing login details, and more.

Because of their privacy implications, cookies can be read only from the issuing domain. In other words, if a cookie is issued by, for example,, it can be retrieved only by a web server using that domain. This prevents other websites from gaining access to details for which they are not authorized.

Due to the way the Internet works, multiple elements on a web page can be embedded from multiple domains, each of which can issue its own cookies. When this happens, they are referred to as third-party cookies. Most commonly, these are created by advertising companies in order to track users across multiple websites.

Because of this, most browsers allow users to turn cookies off either for the current server’s domain, third-party servers, or both. Fortunately, most people who disable cookies do so only for third-party websites.

Cookies are exchanged during the transfer of headers, before the actual HTML of a web page is sent, and it is impossible to send a cookie once any HTML has been transferred. Therefore, careful planning of cookie usage is important. Figure 13-1 illustrates a typical request and response dialog between a web browser and web server passing cookies.

A browser/server request/response dialog with cookies

Figure 13-1. A browser/server request/response dialog with cookies

This exchange shows a browser receiving two pages:

1. The browser issues a request to retrieve the main page, index.html, at the website The first header specifies the file, and the second header specifies the server.

2. When the web server at receives this pair of headers, it returns some of its own. The second header defines the type of content to be sent (text/html), and the third one sends a cookie of the name name and with the value value. Only then are the contents of the web page transferred.

3. Once the browser has received the cookie, it will then return it with every future request made to the issuing server until the cookie expires or is deleted. So, when the browser requests the new page /news.html, it also returns the cookie name with the value value.

4. Because the cookie has already been set, when the server receives the request to send /news.html, it does not have to resend the cookie, but just returns the requested page.

Setting a Cookie

Setting a cookie in PHP is a simple matter. As long as no HTML has yet been transferred, you can call the setcookie function, which has the following syntax (see Table 13-1):

setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, secure, httponly);

Table 13-1. The setcookie parameters





The name of the cookie. This is the name that your server will use to access the cookie on subsequent browser requests.



The value of the cookie, or the cookie’s contents. This can contain up to 4 KB of alphanumeric text.



(Optional.) Unix timestamp of the expiration date. Generally, you will probably use time() plus a number of seconds. If not set, the cookie expires when the browser closes.

time() + 2592000


(Optional.) The path of the cookie on the server. If this is a / (forward slash), the cookie is available over the entire domain, such as If it is a subdirectory, the cookie is available only within that subdirectory. The default is the current directory that the cookie is being set in, and this is the setting you will normally use.



(Optional.) The Internet domain of the cookie. If this is, the cookie is available to all of and its subdomains, such as and If it is, the cookie is available only to and its subdomains such, but not, say, to


(Optional.) Whether the cookie must use a secure connection (https://). If this value is TRUE, the cookie can be transferred only across a secure connection. The default is FALSE.



(Optional; implemented since PHP version 5.2.0.) Whether the cookie must use the HTTP protocol. If this value is TRUE, scripting languages such as JavaScript cannot access the cookie. (Not supported in all browsers.) The default is FALSE.


So, to create a cookie with the name username and the value Hannah that is accessible across the entire web server on the current domain, and will be removed from the browser’s cache in seven days, use the following:

setcookie('username', 'Hannah', time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, '/');

Accessing a Cookie

Reading the value of a cookie is as simple as accessing the $_COOKIE system array. For example, if you wish to see whether the current browser has the cookie called username already stored and, if so, to read its value, use the following:

if (isset($_COOKIE['username'])) $username = $_COOKIE['username'];

Note that you can read a cookie back only after it has been sent to a web browser. This means that when you issue a cookie, you cannot read it in again until the browser reloads the page (or another with access to the cookie) from your website and passes the cookie back to the server in the process.

Destroying a Cookie

To delete a cookie, you must issue it again and set a date in the past. It is important for all parameters in your new setcookie call except the timestamp to be identical to the parameters when the cookie was first issued; otherwise, the deletion will fail. Therefore, to delete the cookie created earlier, you would use the following:

setcookie('username', 'Hannah', time() - 2592000, '/');

As long as the time given is in the past, the cookie should be deleted. However, I have used a time of 2592000 seconds (one month) in the past in case the client computer’s date and time are not correctly set.


You can try PHP cookies for yourself using the file php-cookies.php in this chapter’s matching folder of the accompanying examples archive (available for free at The folder also contains the file javascript-cookies.htm, which does the same thing using JavaScript.

HTTP Authentication

HTTP authentication uses the web server to manage users and passwords for the application. It’s adequate for most applications that ask users to log in, although some applications have specialized needs or more stringent security requirements that call for other techniques.

To use HTTP authentication, PHP sends a header request asking to start an authentication dialog with the browser. The server must have this feature turned on in order for it to work, but because it’s so common, your server is very likely to offer the feature.


Although it is usually installed with Apache, HTTP authentication may not necessarily be installed on the server you use. So attempting to run these examples may generate an error telling you that the feature is not enabled, in which case you must install the module, change the configuration file to load the module, or ask your system administrator to do these fixes.

After entering your URL into the browser or visiting via a link, the user will see an “Authentication Required” prompt pop up requesting two fields: User Name and Password (Figure 13-2 shows how this looks in Firefox).

An HTTP authentication login prompt

Figure 13-2. An HTTP authentication login prompt

Example 13-1 shows the code to make this happen.

Example 13-1. PHP authentication


if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) &&



echo "Welcome User: " . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] .

" Password: " . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];




header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted Section"');

header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

die("Please enter your username and password");




By default, the type of interface Zend Server uses is cgi-fcgi, which is incompatible with basic authentication. However, configuring Zend is beyond the scope of this book, so if you are using it for Examples 13-1 through 13-5, you may prefer to test them on a different server. To determine the interface of a server, you can call the php_sapi_name function, which will return a string such as 'cgi-fcgi', 'cli', and so on. Basic authentication is not recommended anyway on a production website, as it is very insecure, but you need to know how it works for maintaining legacy code. For further details, refer to

The first thing the program does is look for two particular values: $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']. If they both exist, they represent the username and password entered by a user into an authentication prompt.

If either of the values does not exist, the user has not yet been authenticated and you display the prompt in Figure 13-2 by issuing the following header, where Basic realm is the name of the section that is protected and appears as part of the pop-up prompt:

WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted Area"

If the user fills out the fields, the PHP program runs again from the top. But if the user clicks the Cancel button, the program proceeds to the following two lines, which send the following header and an error message:

HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized

The die statement causes the text “Please enter your username and password” to be displayed (see Figure 13-3).

The result of clicking the Cancel button

Figure 13-3. The result of clicking the Cancel button


Once a user has been authenticated, you will not be able to get the authentication dialog to pop up again unless the user closes and reopens all browser windows, as the web browser will keep returning the same username and password to PHP. You may need to close and reopen your browser a few times as you work through this section and try different things out.

Now let’s check for a valid username and password. The code in Example 13-1 doesn’t require you to change much to add this check, other than modifying the previous welcome message code to test for a correct username and password, and then issuing a welcome message. A failed authentication causes an error message to be sent (see Example 13-2).

Example 13-2. PHP authentication with input checking


$username = 'admin';

$password = 'letmein';

if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) &&



if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] == $username &&

$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] == $password)

echo "You are now logged in";

else die("Invalid username / password combination");




header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted Section"');

header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

die ("Please enter your username and password");



Incidentally, take a look at the wording of the error message: Invalid username / password combination. It doesn’t say whether the username or the password or both were wrong—the less information you can give to a potential hacker, the better.

A mechanism is now in place to authenticate users, but only for a single username and password. Also, the password appears in clear text within the PHP file, and if someone managed to hack into your server, he would instantly know it. So let’s look at a better way to handle usernames andpasswords.

Storing Usernames and Passwords

Obviously MySQL is the natural way to store usernames and passwords. But again, we don’t want to store the passwords as clear text, because our website could be compromised if the database were accessed by a hacker. Instead, we’ll use a neat trick called a one-way function.

This type of function is easy to use and converts a string of text into a seemingly random string. Due to their one-way nature, such functions are virtually impossible to reverse, so their output can be safely stored in a database—and anyone who steals it will be none the wiser as to the passwords used.

In previous editions of this book I recommended using the md5 hashing algorithm for your data security. Time marches on, however, and now md5 is considered easily hackable and therefore unsafe, while even its previously recommended replacement of sha1 can apparently be hacked (plus sha1 and sha2 were designed by the NSA and therefore considerable caution is recommended for their use in highly secure implementations).

So now I have moved on to using the PHP hash function, passing it a version of the ripemd algorithm, which was designed by the open academic community and which (like md5) returns a 32-character hexadecimal number—so it can easily replace md5 in most databases. Use it like this:

$token = hash('ripemd128', 'mypassword');

That example happens to give $token the value:


By using the hash function, you can keep up with future developments in security and simply pass the hashing algorithm to it that you wish to implement, resulting in less code maintenance (although you will probably have to accommodate larger hash lengths than 32 characters in your databases).


Unfortunately, hash on its own is not enough to protect a database of passwords, because it could still be susceptible to a brute force attack that uses another database of known 32-character hexadecimal tokens. Such databases do exist, as a quick Google search will verify, although probably only for md5 and sha1 or sha2 at the moment.

Thankfully, though, we can put a spanner in the works of any such attempts by salting all the passwords before they are sent to hash. Salting is simply a matter of adding some text that only we know about to each parameter to be encrypted, like this (with the salt highlighted in bold):

$token = hash('ripemd128', 'saltstringmypassword');

In this example, the text saltstring has been prepended to the password. Of course, the more obscure you can make the salt, the better. I like to use salts such as this:

$token = hash('ripemd128', 'hqb%$tmypasswordcg*l');

Here some random characters have been placed both before and after the password. Given just the database, and without access to your PHP code, it should now be next to impossible to work out the stored passwords.

All you have to do when verifying someone’s login password is to add these same random strings back in before and after it, and then check the resulting token from a hash call against the one stored in the database for that user.

Let’s create a MySQL table to hold some user details and add a couple of accounts. So type and save the program in Example 13-3 as setupusers.php, then open it in your browser.

Example 13-3. Creating a users table and adding two accounts

<?php // setupusers.php

require_once 'login.php';

$connection =

new mysqli($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);

if ($connection->connect_error) die($connection->connect_error);

$query = "CREATE TABLE users (

forename VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,

surname VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,


password VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL


$result = $connection->query($query);

if (!$result) die($connection->error);

$salt1 = "qm&h*";

$salt2 = "pg!@";

$forename = 'Bill';

$surname = 'Smith';

$username = 'bsmith';

$password = 'mysecret';

$token = hash('ripemd128', "$salt1$password$salt2");

add_user($connection, $forename, $surname, $username, $token);

$forename = 'Pauline';

$surname = 'Jones';

$username = 'pjones';

$password = 'acrobat';

$token = hash('ripemd128', "$salt1$password$salt2");

add_user($connection, $forename, $surname, $username, $token);

function add_user($connection, $fn, $sn, $un, $pw)


$query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES('$fn', '$sn', '$un', '$pw')";

$result = $connection->query($query);

if (!$result) die($connection->error);



This program will create the table users within your publications database (or whichever database you set up for the login.php file in Chapter 10). In this table, it will create two users: Bill Smith and Pauline Jones. They have the usernames and passwords of bsmith/mysecret andpjones/acrobat, respectively.

Using the data in this table, we can now modify Example 13-2 to properly authenticate users, and Example 13-4 shows the code needed to do this. Type it, save it as authenticate.php, and call it up in your browser.

Example 13-4. PHP authentication using MySQL

<?php // authenticate.php

require_once 'login.php';

$connection =

new mysqli($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);

if ($connection->connect_error) die($connection->connect_error);

if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) &&



$un_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);

$pw_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);

$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$un_temp'";

$result = $connection->query($query);

if (!$result) die($connection->error);

elseif ($result->num_rows)


$row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);


$salt1 = "qm&h*";

$salt2 = "pg!@";

$token = hash('ripemd128', "$salt1$pw_temp$salt2");

if ($token == $row[3]) echo "$row[0] $row[1] :

Hi $row[0], you are now logged in as '$row[2]'";

else die("Invalid username/password combination");


else die("Invalid username/password combination");




header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted Section"');

header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

die ("Please enter your username and password");



function mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $string)


return htmlentities(mysql_fix_string($connection, $string));


function mysql_fix_string($connection, $string)


if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $string = stripslashes($string);

return $connection->real_escape_string($string);



As you might expect at this point in the book, some of the examples such as this one are starting to get quite a bit longer. But don’t be put off. The final 10 lines are simply Example 10-22 from Chapter 10. They are there to sanitize the user input—very important.

The only lines to really concern yourself with at this point start with the assigning of two variables, $un_temp and $pw_temp, using the submitted username and password, highlighted in bold text. Next, a query is issued to MySQL to look up the user $un_temp and, if a result is returned, to assign the first row to $row. (Because usernames are unique, there will be only one row.) Then the two salts are created in $salt1 and $salt2, which are then added before and after the submitted password $pw_temp. This string is then passed to the hash function, which returns a 32-character hexadecimal value in $token.

Now all that’s necessary is to check $token against the value stored in the database, which happens to be in the fourth column—which is column 3 when starting from 0. So $row[3] contains the previous token calculated for the salted password. If the two match, a friendly welcome string is output, calling the user by his or her first name (see Figure 13-4). Otherwise, an error message is displayed. As mentioned before, the error message is the same regardless of whether such a username exists, as this provides minimal information to potential hackers or password guessers.

You can try this out for yourself by calling up the program in your browser and entering a username of bsmith and password of mysecret (or pjones and acrobat), the values that were saved in the database by Example 13-3.

Bill Smith has now been authenticated

Figure 13-4. Bill Smith has now been authenticated


By sanitizing input immediately after it is encountered, you will block any malicious HTML, JavaScript, or MySQL attacks before they can get any further, and will not have to sanitize this data again. Remember, however, that if a user has characters such as < or & in a password (for example), these will be expanded to < or & by the htmlemtities function. But as long as your code allows for strings that may end up larger than the provided input width, and as long as you always run passwords through this sanitization, you’ll be just fine.

Using Sessions

Because your program can’t tell what variables were set in other programs—or even what values the same program set the previous time it ran—you’ll sometimes want to track what your users are doing from one web page to another. You can do this by setting hidden fields in a form, as seen in Chapter 10, and checking the value of the fields after the form is submitted, but PHP provides a much more powerful and simpler solution in the form of sessions. These are groups of variables that are stored on the server but relate only to the current user. To ensure that the right variables are applied to the right users, PHP saves a cookie in the users’ web browsers to uniquely identify them.

This cookie has meaning only to the web server and cannot be used to ascertain any information about a user. You might ask about those users who have their cookies turned off. Well, that’s not a problem as of PHP 4.2.0, because it will identify when this is the case and place a cookie token in the GET portion of each URL request instead. Either way, sessions provide a solid way of keeping track of your users.

Starting a Session

Starting a session requires calling the PHP function session_start before any HTML has been output, similarly to how cookies are sent during header exchanges. Then, to begin saving session variables, you just assign them as part of the $_SESSION array, like this:

$_SESSION['variable'] = $value;

They can then be read back just as easily in later program runs, like this:

$variable = $_SESSION['variable'];

Now assume that you have an application that always needs access to the username, password, first name, and last name of each user, as stored in the table users, which you should have created a little earlier. So let’s further modify authenticate.php from Example 13-4 to set up a session once a user has been authenticated.

Example 13-5 shows the changes needed. The only difference is the content of the if ($token == $row[3]) section, which we now start by opening a session and saving these four variables into it. Enter this program (or modify Example 13-4) and save it as authenticate2.php. But don’t run it in your browser yet, as you will also need to create a second program in a moment.

Example 13-5. Setting a session after successful authentication

<?php //authenticate2.php

require_once 'login.php';

$connection =

new mysqli($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);

if ($connection->connect_error) die($connection->connect_error);

if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) &&



$un_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);

$pw_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);

$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$un_temp'";

$result = $connection->query($query);

if (!$result) die($connection->error);

elseif ($result->num_rows)


$row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);


$salt1 = "qm&h*";

$salt2 = "pg!@";

$token = hash('ripemd128', "$salt1$pw_temp$salt2");

if ($token == $row[3])



$_SESSION['username'] = $un_temp;

$_SESSION['password'] = $pw_temp;

$_SESSION['forename'] = $row[0];

$_SESSION['surname'] = $row[1];

echo "$row[0] $row[1] : Hi $row[0],

you are now logged in as '$row[2]'";

die ("<p><a href=continue.php>Click here to continue</a></p>");


else die("Invalid username/password combination");


else die("Invalid username/password combination");




header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Restricted Section"');

header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

die ("Please enter your username and password");



function mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $string)


return htmlentities(mysql_fix_string($connection, $string));


function mysql_fix_string($connection, $string)


if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $string = stripslashes($string);

return $connection->real_escape_string($string);



One other addition to the program is the “Click here to continue” link with a destination URL of continue.php. This will be used to illustrate how the session will transfer to another program or PHP web page. So create continue.php by entering the program in Example 13-6 and saving it.

Example 13-6. Retrieving session variables

<?php // continue.php


if (isset($_SESSION['username']))


$username = $_SESSION['username'];

$password = $_SESSION['password'];

$forename = $_SESSION['forename'];

$surname = $_SESSION['surname'];

echo "Welcome back $forename.<br>

Your full name is $forename $surname.<br>

Your username is '$username'

and your password is '$password'.";


else echo "Please <a href='authenticate2.php'>click here</a> to log in.";


Now you are ready to call up authenticate2.php into your browser. Enter a username of bsmith and password of mysecret (or pjones and acrobat) when prompted, and click the link to load in continue.php. When your browser calls it up, the result should be something like Figure 13-5.

Maintaining user data with sessions

Figure 13-5. Maintaining user data with sessions

Sessions neatly confine to a single program the extensive code required to authenticate and log in a user. Once a user has been authenticated and you have created a session, your program code becomes very simple indeed. You need only to call up session_start and look up any variables to which you need access from $_SESSION.

In Example 13-6, a quick test of whether $_SESSION['username'] has a value is enough to let you know that the current user is authenticated, because session variables are stored on the server (unlike cookies, which are stored on the web browser) and can therefore be trusted.

If $_SESSION['username'] has not been assigned a value, no session is active, so the last line of code in Example 13-6 directs users to the login page at authenticate2.php.


The continue.php program prints back the value of the user’s password to show you how session variables work. In practice, you already know that the user is logged in, so you shouldn’t need to keep track of (or display) any passwords, and in fact doing so would be a security risk.

Ending a Session

When the time comes to end a session, usually when a user requests to log out from your site, you can use the session_destroy function in association, as in Example 13-7. That example provides a useful function for totally destroying a session, logging a user out, and unsetting all session variables.

Example 13-7. A handy function to destroy a session and its data


function destroy_session_and_data()



$_SESSION = array();

setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 2592000, '/');




To see this in action, you could modify continue.php as in Example 13-8.

Example 13-8. Retrieving session variables and then destroying the session



if (isset($_SESSION['username']))


$username = $_SESSION['username'];

$password = $_SESSION['password'];

$forename = $_SESSION['forename'];

$surname = $_SESSION['surname'];


echo "Welcome back $forename.<br>

Your full name is $forename $surname.<br>

Your username is '$username'

and your password is '$password'.";


else echo "Please <a href='authenticate2.php'>click here</a> to log in.";

function destroy_session_and_data()


$_SESSION = array();

setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 2592000, '/');




The first time you navigate from authenticate2.php to continue.php, it will display all the session variables. But, because of the call to destroy_session_and_data, if you then click on your browser’s Reload button, the session will have been destroyed and you’ll be prompted to return to the login page.

Setting a Timeout

There are other times when you might wish to close a user’s session yourself, such as when the user has forgotten or neglected to log out, and you want the program to do so for his for her own security. You do this by setting the timeout after which a logout will automatically occur if there has been no activity.

To do this, use the ini_set function as follows. This example sets the timeout to exactly one day:

ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 60 * 60 * 24);

If you wish to know what the current timeout period is, you can display it using the following:

echo ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');

Session Security

Although I mentioned that once you had authenticated a user and set up a session you could safely assume that the session variables were trustworthy, this isn’t exactly the case. The reason is that it’s possible to use packet sniffing (sampling of data) to discover session IDs passing across a network. Additionally, if the session ID is passed in the GET part of a URL, it might appear in external site server logs. The only truly secure way of preventing these from being discovered is to implement a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and run HTTPS instead of HTTP web pages. That’s beyond the scope of this book, although you may like to take a look at for details on setting up a secure web server.

Preventing session hijacking

When SSL is not a possibility, you can further authenticate users by storing their IP address along with their other details by adding a line such as the following when you store their session:


Then, as an extra check, whenever any page loads and a session is available, perform the following check. It calls the function different_user if the stored IP address doesn’t match the current one:

if ($_SESSION['ip'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) different_user();

What code you place in your different_user function is up to you. I recommend that you simply delete the current session and ask the user to log in again due to a technical error. Don’t say any more than that, or you’re giving away potentially useful information.

Of course, you need to be aware that users on the same proxy server, or sharing the same IP address on a home or business network, will have the same IP address. Again, if this is a problem for you, use SSL. You can also store a copy of the browser user agent string (a string that developers put in their browsers to identify them by type and version), which might also distinguish users due to the wide variety of browser types, versions, and computer platforms. Use the following to store the user agent:


And use this to compare the current agent string with the saved one:

if ($_SESSION['ua'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) different_user();

Or, better still, combine the two checks like this and save the combination as a hash hexadecimal string:

$_SESSION['check'] = hash('ripemd128', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] .


And use this to compare the current and stored strings:

if ($_SESSION['check'] != hash('ripemd128', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] .

$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) different_user();

Preventing session fixation

Session fixation happens when a malicious user tries to present a session ID to the server rather than letting the server create one. It can happen when a user takes advantage of the ability to pass a session ID in the GET part of a URL, like this:

In this example, the made-up session ID of 123456789 is being passed to the server. Now, consider Example 13-9, which is susceptible to session fixation. To see how, save it as sessiontest.php.

Example 13-9. A session susceptible to session fixation

<?php // sessiontest.php


if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) $_SESSION['count'] = 0;

else ++$_SESSION['count'];

echo $_SESSION['count'];


Once it’s saved, call it up in your browser using the following URL (prefacing it with the correct pathname, such as http://localhost/):


Press Reload a few times, and you’ll see the counter increase. Now try browsing to:


Press Reload a few times here, and you should see it count up again from 0. Leave the counter on a different number than the first URL and then go back to the first URL and see how the number changes back. You have created two different sessions of your own choosing here, and you could easily create as many as you needed.

The reason this approach is so dangerous is that a malicious attacker could try to distribute these types of URLs to unsuspecting users, and if any of them followed these links, the attacker would be able to come back and take over any sessions that had not been deleted or expired!

In order to prevent this, add a simple check to change the session ID using session_regenerate_id. This function keeps all current session variable values, but replaces the session ID with a new one that an attacker cannot know.

To do this, check for a special session variable that you arbitrarily invent. If it doesn’t exist, you know that this is a new session, so you simply change the session ID and set the special session variable to note the change.

Example 13-10 shows how the code to do this might look, using the session variable initiated.

Example 13-10. Session regeneration



if (!isset($_SESSION['initiated']))



$_SESSION['initiated'] = 1;


if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) $_SESSION['count'] = 0;

else ++$_SESSION['count'];

echo $_SESSION['count'];


This way, an attacker can come back to your site using any of the session IDs that he or she generated, but none of them will call up another user’s session, as they will all have been replaced with regenerated IDs. If you want to be ultra-paranoid, you can even regenerate the session ID on each request.

Forcing cookie-only sessions

If you are prepared to require your users to enable cookies on your website, you can use the ini_set function like this:

ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);

With that setting, the ?PHPSESSID= trick will be completely ignored. If you use this security measure, I also recommend you inform your users that your site requires cookies, so they know what’s wrong if they don’t get the results they want.

Using a shared server

On a server shared with other accounts, you will not want to have all your session data saved into the same directory as theirs. Instead, you should choose a directory to which only your account has access (and that is not web-visible) to store your sessions, by placing an ini_set call near the start of a program, like this:

ini_set('session.save_path', '/home/user/myaccount/sessions');

The configuration option will keep this new value only during the program’s execution, and the original configuration will be restored at the program’s ending.

This sessions folder can fill up quickly; you may wish to periodically clear out older sessions according to how busy your server gets. The more it’s used, the less time you will want to keep a session stored.


Remember that your websites can and will be subject to hacking attempts. There are automated bots running riot around the Internet trying to find sites vulnerable to exploits. So whatever you do, whenever you are handling data that is not 100% generated within your own program, you should always treat it with the utmost caution.

At this point, you should now have a very good grasp of both PHP and MySQL, so in the next chapter it’s time to introduce the third major technology covered by this book, JavaScript.


1. Why must a cookie be transferred at the start of a program?

2. Which PHP function stores a cookie on a web browser?

3. How can you destroy a cookie?

4. Where are the username and password stored in a PHP program when you are using HTTP authentication?

5. Why is the hash function a powerful security measure?

6. What is meant by “salting” a string?

7. What is a PHP session?

8. How do you initiate a PHP session?

9. What is session hijacking?

10.What is session fixation?

See Chapter 13 Answers in Appendix A for the answers to these questions.